If I'm in a business and Fox News is playing, I ask if they can change the channel. I don't care what they change it to. History channel, animal planet, the Food Network... anything but Fox News.
Normally, they will change the channel. I've only had a few refuse to change it, so I leave those places usually. If not, I turn my back to the TV while I wait.
I had a recall thing done at a dealership I don't usually use. The waiting area had a big ass tv, loudly on some news channel with no way to turn it off or change the channel. I asked the other people there, all with heads buried in cell phones or books, if they cared if I turned the tv off. No one cared, so I unplugged it.
The owner of the dealership appeared and had a hissy, told me off and plugged it back in.
Bla bla bla my dealership bla bla bla. He was wearing a pink polo shirt tucked into khakis that were belted with quite a colorful thing. Unaddressed wounding from a childhood where he had no control? Just guessing...
There's a diner by my house that always has cnn on, no sound, just closed captions. I'll actually read some it for entertainment value. That's about the only time I consume any mainstream media. If it were fox news, I'd probably ask them to change it too. CNN is funny in a way. Fox News is just plain repulsive.
The first day, I knew Ukraine was the new narrative because Fox News was bleating this story out all day, 100% of the time. If they had a cooking show, it would have been about how Russians stole all the chicken kiev, or I should say "keeve."
I asked my Russian connection what happened to "Kiev" and he said to forget about the new pronunciation and keep saying KEE -EV, for-EV. The Great Gate of Kiev!!!
I already knew that. I had a Ukrainian friend years ago who spoke Ukrainian, both parents and all four grandparents from Ukraine. He always said Kee-ev.
The only ones pushing this "new pronunciation" are the sleazeballs in the sleaze media.
I would not say it is backed by nothing like paper fiat is literally nothing. it is backed by 'energy' as takes lots of energy to produce crypto, that energy that could have been used for some other economic good. Whereas gold is mass which also take effort to pull out of ground and store and move. Likely crypto and gold and silver are complementary for anti-fiat system uses.
The blockchain has many use cases, and NFT's will eventually be used to manage ownership certificates digitally. Right now though NFT's are absolutely useless - but every new technology is at first.
It’s a matter of shifting your perspective to how you value your energy.
At this day and age, ENERGY = CURRENCY.
US Dollars (USD) is the reserve currency of the WORLD. It is backed by Petroleum … aka the PetroDollar (after Nixon got us off the Gold Standard).
What we are witnessing today is a paradigm shift. The BRICS nations are about to unleash a monetary attack on the US Dollar which we’ve NEVER seen in our lifetimes.
Consider how much energy we burn today to power our current modern world … think the global financial systems, etc. That is just for access to the system, but what exactly secures this network? War aka Military Industrial Complex.
The Energy used in Bitcoin (BTC) is specifically to secure the network, it is decentralized, anyone can participate and anyone can validate.
And I’d distinguish between Bitcoin (BTC) and every other crypto out there.
This energy FUD has been perpetuated by the DS and Central Banks for YEARS, you are playing into their narrative.
Crypto is not going anywhere. Anyone who thinks shutting down the internet or crashing the economy is enough to stop crypto hasn't done their research.
Sure, it won't work if the power grid is down, but that's only a localized issue. There's no way to shut down the whole network without killing the internet worldwide and that would be a black hat move that could only last for so long. As long as someone somewhere in the world has a node running, everything works again as soon as power and connectivity are restored.
I'm fucking tired of all of it. I just went to work to make money they tax the hell out off, used gasoline to get there that I was taxed to purchase, and went home to my property which is also taxed. I'm supposed to be happy about the government cutting me a break and not taxing the ground beef I bought on the way home.
I think China is thoroughly over bioweapons labs as well. People know.
Neither do Asians appreciate foreign advisors coming in and telling them what to do. So, even though communism was an import, they are coming to their senses, in terms of say: one-child policy, which is a disaster.
Not saying they are angels, but then no-one is exempt from evil, especially in a place where millions can be oppressed, or flooded out by weather-bombs and dam-busting. It's not just one village in China.
My point is: It's not just the West taking the head off this snake.
This above posting is a good example of guessing, theorizing, and hopium presented as real intel.
To steal a line from the movie 'Hail Caesar' - "Would that it were so simple".
It is all well-and-good to banter about what we 'think' is happening. But we should be careful to not act as though we 'know', when we continue to receive completely contradictory reports at every turn.
Wow, doom much? Do you just throw up your hands and give up so easily with everything? Have you ever actually studied encryption or do you just pessimistically think you are too stupid to understand it so you just don't even try and assume you're already beat at every step?
Crypto is the new digital gold and silver. You're on the wrong boat friend. Not saying that boat is the Titanic, but your boat is stuck floating on water.... the ship that is crypto, is rocketing to the moon. All of your ignorant dooming isn't going to stop it.
Crypto doomers fall from the same family tree of retards who doomed on paper banknotes on checks, on debit and credit cards, on direct deposits, on mobile pay etc. They can't see beyond the past and present. Their brains are stuck inside of a box and they are rendered incapable of contemplating anything different. They really don't grasp the conceptual nature of "money", of what "currency" is from a psychological perspective. They're terrified of a change to something they just don't understand. And alas, they will be behind the eight ball. Their loss...
When was the last year you could get an uncorrupted CPU, 2005, 2006? And if you try to use an earlier computer now it barely handles a basic webpage. IMO the solution is to make every single online discussion something that must looked at. An AI can sort them out but it will still take actual eyes on to determine if there is something there. Let's give them that opportunity.
I doubt CPUs were ever un-compromised. They’ve just been adding ever more backdoor and spying capabilities to them since the beginning.
The tech came from DARPA who, in turn, seem to have obtained it from a crashed UFO or a military expedition to Antarctica (pre flood tech?). It was licensed to certain companies on unknown terms. None of the beginning of this story suggests it ends with “and that’s why you can trust your computer.”
Prism, Echelon, & Carnivore came before the hardware changes IIRC. Communications captured first because it was easier than trying to develop hardware solutions (Intel/AMD/Mac) compatible with software. Not a Mac guy but would bet WinXP ended because of above. Cannot recall any updates once it was installed. Endless updates with any WinOS now trying to manage the changes made at hardware level. I could be wrong.
Used to enjoy ML, a lot. Referred to as "The Great One" by Rush for a reason, his grasp of US law & policy issues. He's likely still fine on those but should leave geopolitics out. Many times in the past recall him going off on something EU or China related and having a bizarre take. Not listened in a long time, likely not going to.
The same West that has locked us down and jabbed our families? The same west that is buying up all the real estate? Creating riots to topple our statues and our history?
That West?
You can’t convince me they’re doing anything moral or just. I guess I’m just confused.
It would be much better for them to sell Oil using a stable currency as a transaction medium .. USD or Euros… then just turning around and buying real Gold and storing it within their borders.
Isn't silver more manipulated than gold via ETFs though? Interesting stats over the last 5 years showing mine output declining vs use going up that don't square with spot price. Peak production around 2015. Doesn't mean silver is running out but that getting it takes more effort. If production cost goes up... That aside from the possibility of ETFs being bogus.
Both Gold and Silvers are manipulated via the derivative markets - the core of the issue is assay/verification.
There is just no way for us to truly verify holdings within the vaults. The best we get are “Trust us, it’s all there” — history has shown us many times, you can’t trust centralized institutions with this.
There is far more ‘paper silver and gold’ in circulation than there is actual Silver or Gold. They literally made Silver out of thin air.
IMO Silver should be way, way higher than it is now, even higher in comparison to Gold by % growth.
"Oh those gold reserves in Ft. Knox? It's all still there. Was always there. Trust us."
Can we see it?
And you'll be as likely to ever find it as the Civil War gold hunters... even if it did or does exist, the powers that be sure as shit don't want you to see anything.
One of the main reasons Satoshi decided to make Bitcoin completely transparent was so that anyone could verify that the blockchain was accurate and no one could cheat the system by claiming they had more than they really did. That means no dirty banker tricks like fractional reserve and unlimited money printing.
The DS hates Bitcoin because they can't debase it. They did capture the developers and cripple the protocol though, which prevents Bitcoin from scaling like it should have. If blocks had been allowed to scale organically the central banks would already be dead and buried.
DS can’t capture the developers as it’s developed open source. You can’t capture something that is Open Source, and the Developers themselves have no power.
The power is in the Nodes… the people who RUN the software, that validates. We saw how they told the rich/Wall Street type folks many years back to eat dirt…
There was a point in history when a bunch of centralized exchanges, companies and rich oligarchs wanted to change the protocol (basically change the code) to increase the block size — the ‘New York Agreement’
On face value, we would agree that a large block size would mean more Transactions per Block, but why would this be a bad thing?
Because then the Blockchain would be much larger by magnitudes, and the cost to run a full node would increase by a large margin.
When the cost to run a full node increases, then you will ‘price out’ everyone… which will eventually centralize the operations of Full Nodes to those who can afford it, OR, you offload it to some centralized cloud service like an Infura (runs Ethereum nodes).
At the end of this story is how you capture Bitcoin (BTC).
The Bitcoin Miners were on board with this proposed upgrade. Why? = More BTC per block = more Money
The Companies were on board, why? = They can control more of BTC
The Nodes said “Eat sand” …
The upgrade did not catch.
Bitcoin scales via a Layer 2 solution (like the Lightning Network, which we see now operating in El Salvador at a country scale level). The settlement happens on the Layer 1 protocol.
Censorship on the crypto subreddits was off the charts. Still is, although I don't know how many people are still trying to post truth there.
Basically, Satoshi always intended to increase the block size. The 1MB limit was a safeguard in order to protect the network from spam/DDoS attacks in the early days. Satoshi knew that hardware technology improves according to Moore's Law and we could expect hardware to keep up with demands for the foreseeable future. He knew eventually mining nodes would become specialized and fewer people overall will be running nodes if the cost is high.
But here's the thing: NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO RUN A NODE
The way Bitcoin is designed, anyone with just a small piece of software called a lite wallet, can easily verify the blockchain data using the Merkle roots without having to download a full copy of the blockchain. As a normal user, there is no need to verify EVERY transaction on the blockchain when you are only interested in your own.
The BTC propagandists were able to convince people that the point of Bitcoin was to run a node so you don't have to trust anyone to verify YOUR transactions, and to be a "true bitcoiner" you MUST run your own node, therefore blocks must remain small forever so that everyone can run a full node on a raspberry pi.
This is just stupid, since running a full node is a highly technical skill that most people just aren't going to do. Now you also have an even steeper learning curve to teach someone about bitcoin. Then they want to push everything onto layer 2 where Nakamoto consensus is no longer observed. This, IMO, defeats the foundational purpose of Bitcoin since it allows third parties to set themselves up as liquidity providers (aka banks) and provide custodial services to the ignorant masses.
Since 2015 or so, all development on the base protocol has been geared toward making it more compatible and welcoming for the legacy financial institutions while pushing user activity onto layer 2 where third parties have more control.
So that is why I say BTC is compromised and crippled.
Edit to add another point. You said:
The Bitcoin Miners were on board with this proposed upgrade.
The Nodes said “Eat sand” …
So here you are differentiating between "Miners" and "Nodes". The only difference between these groups is that one (miners) has write access to the blockchain, while the other (nodes, or non-miners) can only verify and relay information to each other. You seem to think that non-mining nodes have some sort of veto power on the bitcoin network. They do not. The miners are the only true stakeholders, and so all decisions are theirs.
The New York Agreement was a proposal to increase the block size to 2MB along with a host of other changes, and it turned out to be a bait and switch to placate the big block crowd until after SegWit was released, since that change fundamentally altered the signature architecture and big blockers didn't want it. Thankfully Bitcoin Cash forked before that happened so it preserved the original chain.
A good point of view, but there is a conflation here between participation requirement and control -- Yes, no one needs to run a full node. There will be those who decide to for a variety of purposes... however there is no monetary incentive to run a full node. Why even bring in the maximalist point-of-view into the fundamental debate? It really serves no purpose other than color opinion.
However, you DO bring up good debate points which frankly will lead us to nowhere as I can equally counter your narrative/points and you the same with me, and we end up creating a duality to this debate. I much rather we focus on facts, both observable and prove-able.
There are 2 points which I disagree with you -- compromised and crippled.
With regards to compromised -- there is no evidence for this other than conjecture. I believe you are actually referring to Control vs. Compromised. From what I understand, your assertion is BTC is controlled, but how so? what data and proof do you have that a group of people can at any time change Bitcoin?
For example -- Satoshi is MIA, what he intended may be to increase the blocksize (debatable, but let's run with it), BUT what he also intended was for this protocol to be decentralized and governed by the ecosystem, the People if you may.
Do you see the irony?
At inception, even Satoshi could not control Bitcoin; since then many attempts were made to fork the code to create easily controlled forms of 'Bitcoin-like' Crypto (e.g. BSV, BCH, DOGE, etc.).
So his creation is exactly what was intended... however he can only control the inception, from there is is up the network to decide where it goes.
The point of Bitcoin was to remove the power of money from the central bank and give it to The People of the World (not just America). At the core is the monetary policy or supply -- from there we must discuss what IS 'Money?' (a different time perhaps).
Unfortunately, an open system, is exactly that -- Open, anyone can participate, good or bad. But neither can control -- we can game theory it out for sure. Central Banks are welcomed to participate, but for some reason, they absolutely hate Bitcoin (BTC), I wonder why.
When Sathoshi's invention was released, with the start of the Genesis block, he relinquished all forms of control he had... now it's in the hands of the ecosystem. WHERE does it go from there? we shall see... but after over a decade, and after countless attempts to ban Bitcoin at the nation state level, it's still strong and thriving.
How is that crippled ?
Edit to your Edit!
Yes, the miners can write, but the Nodes need to validate IF they run the software. All the nodes could disappear tomorrow and BTC (and all other crypto really) would cease to exist as an unbroken blockchain.
Again, I would say we are debating the merits and operation of the tech -- all good debates and discussion. But I would assert that Bitcoin (BTC), or any crypto, needs to be looked at from multiple perspectives ... e.g. tech, decentralization, concentration of power (who holds the most), time scale, market size (adoption), mine concentration, hash rate, etc. etc.
First of all thank you for bringing civil debate points. This may be the first encounter I've had where someone didn't immediately call me a shill.
The reason I say compromised is simply because of the direction that network is headed. I think the original design by Satoshi is still alive in both BCH and BSV and I wish that BCH had won the hash war. But I think the reason it went the way it did was because keeping the blocks small created a fee market and the miners end up making more money (in USD terms) in the short run that way even though it limits the growth of the network.
All I can see coming from the BTC camp is layer 2 BS which is only necessary because of the moratorium on increasing the block size. It's never going to scale as intended and that's pretty much guaranteed because of what they've done.
To your point of being an open system, yes, you're right, and I don't mean to imply that the cabal has absolute control of BTC, but they do have it on a short leash. It's possible that BTC will end up taking the dollar's place as a global reserve currency, and I don't think that would be a bad thing, necessarily. But it would not be the real thing, either.
It would be a system set up for normies to use to pay their taxes and do the same things everyone does using credit/fiat, with third party service providers who do all the heavy lifting including securing their users' private keys. If that's how it ends up, then so be it, but I don't think that's what bitcoin was meant to be.
Sometimes, more like most of the time, "leaders" are idiots. Hood was right. Longstreet knew it. He tried to tell Lee. But Lee was an arrogant fool. Like Armistead, and Pickett, Hood followed the orders of his superior, who followed orders of his [delusional] superior.
This link should get you access to https://qagg.news loaded so you can retrieve the link above. Right now you have to have qagg news open in your browser and as MAGA states, the right box checked to be able to retrieve a link.
Select the TRUTH pull down menu and note that each box has been checked, TRUMP, TRUMP, DELETED, and OTHERS.
Note that the menu box Q drops in this menu configuration is not "grey" so you are only accessing drops that are filtered from the TRUTH SOCIAL platform. This is helpful if you want to view only the TRUTH drops in chronological order, if the Q drops button is selected (turns dark grey) then you will get all of the old 8 kun Q drops in addition to all TRUTH drops... which is a lot of stuff. Best to open a separate tab with a dedicated qagg.news site just for the old 8kun Q drops and not mix Q drop seletion with TRUTH selections.
Here are the TRUTH SOCIAL users / posts this configuration allows you to view (in order the qagg site added the users to the filter, not necessarily the chronological order of when their posts appeared... once added to the selection filter in qagg, library of posts was backfilled (changing all relevant post series numbers).
Back to who's who... gotta get and fill out that score card... you know, that second thing you do...
Whoever it is flew with the President from Walter Reed hospital in Marine 1, remained on the helicopter as the President ascended the staircase to the the South Lawn Balcony, where the President waited for the helicopter to begin its take off and departure to render and hold a salute as the helicopter departed.
The most important thing you need to know about Dan Scavino is that he fingered Sean Spicer ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Spicer ) for the covfefe debacle but so far Spicer has remained tight-lipped about the whole affair.
Trump posts are prefixed with a "T", and numbered chronologically. he has only posted once so far (between posts 41 and 42) and looks like this TT1, that is read Truth Trump 1. All other posts (so far) are prefixed TO, read Truth Others - and are all mixed together.
You can view posts either chronologically or in reverse chronological order using the sort order button in the upper left.
For a hoot, go to the Tweets tab and check the IL DONALDO ... what can be said about the Don....
Interesting how throughout history, one of the attributes most commonly promoted by all cultures is the heroic act of self sacrafice for the greater good, agape love... I'd suggest that there's something biblical about this phenomenon...
Humans love our heroes, even if those heros die in no-win last stands e.g. Thermopylae, the Alamo (big domino of the slavery extension conspiracy), Custer (ugh the arrogance) etc. But is "martyrdom" always the best long term strategy? Why waste such brave leaders? Delaying tactics > committing to unavoidable defeat. So I look at somebody like Buford as a true hero. He did as much as he could for as long as he could, without committing all of his forces to certain death. Can't say the same for his enemy on Day 2 and even more so on Day 3 of Gettysburg... order your men into certain defeat and death... that's insanity, monstrous... and yet still today, masses of Americans truly believe that charge was heroic, and that their commander was a brave, noble heroic leader. Truly amazing.
"To every man upon this earth
... Death cometh soon or late,
And how can man die better
... Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
... And the temples of his gods."
p. 30, XXVII, lines 220-225.
by Thomas Babington MaCaulay
ISBN 978-1449574116
... are the people who have "died" but are alive and "kicking", some literally. Deaths have been faked by accident, drug overdose, sudden illness, etc.... Incredible deniability and protects families. Best movie ever.
You have to toggle the right filter settings within the site... yeah, it's a pain in the ass. Would be nice if the site could be fixed to have direct links with the need for toggled filters.
War is over? No, it isn't. It's an information war, on what is truth, and it is far from over. Especially when so many are STILL suppressing it, to include MANY of those who claim to be fighting FOR us rather than against us.
I've noticed there's a lot of anti-Q shills on 4chan, they pop up magically whenever the subject is mentioned; so a lot of the newfags really don't know much about Q at all. One thing I have noticed though is people, ( like the guy in the OP I suspect), independently come to the conclusion that some Q shit is going down without even mentioning, or perhaps even knowing about Q.
I find it interesting as well how taking down khazarians is supposedly the endgame, yet I've been here for 2 years and have not heard the term once until the Russia invasion
I was at a restaurant today and they had Fox News on.
They may as well just rename their network to be the Russians killing Innocent Civilians channel. That's all they are doing right now.
If I'm in a business and Fox News is playing, I ask if they can change the channel. I don't care what they change it to. History channel, animal planet, the Food Network... anything but Fox News.
Normally, they will change the channel. I've only had a few refuse to change it, so I leave those places usually. If not, I turn my back to the TV while I wait.
They probably think you're a raging leftist.
They are selling tulsi gabbard everyday.
I heard Tulsi, Crenshaw, and Klaus Schwab are going to be Fox News Hosts soon lol.
I had a recall thing done at a dealership I don't usually use. The waiting area had a big ass tv, loudly on some news channel with no way to turn it off or change the channel. I asked the other people there, all with heads buried in cell phones or books, if they cared if I turned the tv off. No one cared, so I unplugged it.
The owner of the dealership appeared and had a hissy, told me off and plugged it back in.
Gotta laugh.
That's when I would've got some wire cutters and cut the plug off the end of the cord.
Left 'em in my spaceship...
Like you pulled the ventilator plug that Granny was counting on,
He WAS kind of rabid about it.
Bla bla bla my dealership bla bla bla. He was wearing a pink polo shirt tucked into khakis that were belted with quite a colorful thing. Unaddressed wounding from a childhood where he had no control? Just guessing...
Please, no History Channel…. The irony of it all, hardly any History on it! Hah!
You can never go wrong with “This Old House”.
You are right very little history unless it's the history of hunting alligators, or picking antiques.
Curse of Oak Island has quite a bit of history, dvr it...skip the commercials.
American Heroes Channel has a lot of history. Mostly war history, but history none the less.
Oak island lol we found a nail some wood and some round rocks
...And only spent a gorillion history channel bucks to play clam digger!
With thier expert metal detector dude lol
Maybe I can interest you in some... National Geographic then?
Yeah the same national geographic that made the documentary about fauci saving the world
There's a diner by my house that always has cnn on, no sound, just closed captions. I'll actually read some it for entertainment value. That's about the only time I consume any mainstream media. If it were fox news, I'd probably ask them to change it too. CNN is funny in a way. Fox News is just plain repulsive.
In HS my frens all made fun of me for watching the preview channel. (90's)
I was at the man camp watching that channel and texted someone a pic of it. They laughed hard.
same with their stupid weather app.
The first day, I knew Ukraine was the new narrative because Fox News was bleating this story out all day, 100% of the time. If they had a cooking show, it would have been about how Russians stole all the chicken kiev, or I should say "keeve."
You know, it kinda sucks to know how things work and can see these things a mile away. But then again, it’s better to be awake.
Food poisoning fucking sucks.
Chicken Skeev.
Keeve sounds like a newly generated name for Keane Reeves and himself. You know, like J-lo, or Brangelina.
Keeve. He's from the Matrix.
Yes, you must say “keeeeeve” and hold the e for an obnoxious length of time. 😂
No, just say Kee-ev. If they correct you, say: That's just made up. Phony.
I asked my Russian connection what happened to "Kiev" and he said to forget about the new pronunciation and keep saying KEE -EV, for-EV. The Great Gate of Kiev!!! ""
I already knew that. I had a Ukrainian friend years ago who spoke Ukrainian, both parents and all four grandparents from Ukraine. He always said Kee-ev.
The only ones pushing this "new pronunciation" are the sleazeballs in the sleaze media.
Exactly. That's why I'm stacking silver. Biden is trying to control crypto too.
Matt Damon is starring in that Crypto commercial
That's Crypto[dot]com, which is just one company set up to provide crypto financial services like a bank. That is not what crypto fundamentally is.
And Brady and he rarely does endorsements.
I would not say it is backed by nothing like paper fiat is literally nothing. it is backed by 'energy' as takes lots of energy to produce crypto, that energy that could have been used for some other economic good. Whereas gold is mass which also take effort to pull out of ground and store and move. Likely crypto and gold and silver are complementary for anti-fiat system uses.
The blockchain has many use cases, and NFT's will eventually be used to manage ownership certificates digitally. Right now though NFT's are absolutely useless - but every new technology is at first.
GME shall make NFTs great again
GME will make many people rich.
GME needs to get a move on so we can quit our jobs and go all Atlas Shrugged on these people.
Hopefully my man.
When exactly is that? Been tanking daily
Sometime soon I hope.
It’s a matter of shifting your perspective to how you value your energy.
At this day and age, ENERGY = CURRENCY.
US Dollars (USD) is the reserve currency of the WORLD. It is backed by Petroleum … aka the PetroDollar (after Nixon got us off the Gold Standard).
What we are witnessing today is a paradigm shift. The BRICS nations are about to unleash a monetary attack on the US Dollar which we’ve NEVER seen in our lifetimes.
Bitcoin is a way to capture and harness Energy.
BitCoin and every other crypto are ENERGY SINKs. Crypto is literally a negative sum game.
This is a very ignorant statement fren.
Consider how much energy we burn today to power our current modern world … think the global financial systems, etc. That is just for access to the system, but what exactly secures this network? War aka Military Industrial Complex.
The Energy used in Bitcoin (BTC) is specifically to secure the network, it is decentralized, anyone can participate and anyone can validate.
And I’d distinguish between Bitcoin (BTC) and every other crypto out there.
This energy FUD has been perpetuated by the DS and Central Banks for YEARS, you are playing into their narrative.
Crypto is not going anywhere. Anyone who thinks shutting down the internet or crashing the economy is enough to stop crypto hasn't done their research.
Sure, it won't work if the power grid is down, but that's only a localized issue. There's no way to shut down the whole network without killing the internet worldwide and that would be a black hat move that could only last for so long. As long as someone somewhere in the world has a node running, everything works again as soon as power and connectivity are restored.
Who is the zealot here?!?!?!?
i don't really like it either
Melania Trump seems to support it pretty well.
Melania Trump announces NFT in bid to help foster children
What just fucking pisses me off is that our own tax dollars were used to fund our own possibilities of death...
The fucking theft under the guise of "it's for the good of everybody" taxation needs to stop right now....
I'm fucking tired of all of it. I just went to work to make money they tax the hell out off, used gasoline to get there that I was taxed to purchase, and went home to my property which is also taxed. I'm supposed to be happy about the government cutting me a break and not taxing the ground beef I bought on the way home.
Taxes are another way they try to keep us from getting too rich (money = power) . They want us as slaves.
It's worked to this point and most people have no idea
Hopefully after the cabal is destroyed we will never have to think about that again.
They harvest your labor
And then there's those of us who after all that DID pay tax on our beef and other groceries... that is if you bought it at the store anyway.
Find ranchers and farmers and figure out how to get in their circle of people and make yourself indispensable.
Taxation is theft. But that's an entirely different conversation.
The so-called "Nazis" never committed these crimes. On the contrary, they fought the real evil, these lying Ashkenazis.
That's right.
I just watched this the other day. It was very good and informative. Evil group.
I think China is thoroughly over bioweapons labs as well. People know.
Neither do Asians appreciate foreign advisors coming in and telling them what to do. So, even though communism was an import, they are coming to their senses, in terms of say: one-child policy, which is a disaster.
Not saying they are angels, but then no-one is exempt from evil, especially in a place where millions can be oppressed, or flooded out by weather-bombs and dam-busting. It's not just one village in China.
My point is: It's not just the West taking the head off this snake.
This above posting is a good example of guessing, theorizing, and hopium presented as real intel.
To steal a line from the movie 'Hail Caesar' - "Would that it were so simple".
It is all well-and-good to banter about what we 'think' is happening. But we should be careful to not act as though we 'know', when we continue to receive completely contradictory reports at every turn.
Had me until the crypto bullshit.
You can't use cabal-made software on cabal-made OSes on cabal-made hardware to beat the cabal.
Since when can you not use the enemy's tools and equipment against them? That's warfare 101.
Encryption is military-made software. Are we not allowed to use it because it's "cabal-made"?
But for the record, Bitcoin was not created by the cabal, it was captured by them.
They don’t provide you with anything that can hurt them.
You’re allowed to use encryption. You’re delusional if you don’t think there is a backdoor.
Any sauce for your last allegation? Either way, it’s cabal now, so you can’t use it to beat them.
Wow, doom much? Do you just throw up your hands and give up so easily with everything? Have you ever actually studied encryption or do you just pessimistically think you are too stupid to understand it so you just don't even try and assume you're already beat at every step?
As for crypto, I have been closely following for years and I saw the takeover happen myself as shady "influencers" came in and commercialized the whole industry. But, here is an article that discusses how it all happened behind the scenes: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@adambalm/the-truth-about-who-is-behind-blockstream-and-segwit-as-the-saying-goes-follow-the-money
Why would they give us the ability to encrypt data beyond their reach?
The “do you even study crypto, bro?” routine is meaningless. Do you personally audit the entire codebase of the software and personally audit the hardware you use? If you do, do you have the ability to detect bugs like this one, where so many other auditors didn’t? https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/03/linux-has-been-bitten-by-its-most-high-severity-vulnerability-in-years/
If not, you’re unduly putting trust in others when you should be putting that trust in God and buying metal.
Crypto is a dead end ponzi scheme designed to suck up money fleeing a broken financial system that would otherwise have bought metals.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Have a good night, fren!
You as well, hope you get on the silver life boat. God bless.
Crypto is the new digital gold and silver. You're on the wrong boat friend. Not saying that boat is the Titanic, but your boat is stuck floating on water.... the ship that is crypto, is rocketing to the moon. All of your ignorant dooming isn't going to stop it.
Crypto doomers fall from the same family tree of retards who doomed on paper banknotes on checks, on debit and credit cards, on direct deposits, on mobile pay etc. They can't see beyond the past and present. Their brains are stuck inside of a box and they are rendered incapable of contemplating anything different. They really don't grasp the conceptual nature of "money", of what "currency" is from a psychological perspective. They're terrified of a change to something they just don't understand. And alas, they will be behind the eight ball. Their loss...
When was the last year you could get an uncorrupted CPU, 2005, 2006? And if you try to use an earlier computer now it barely handles a basic webpage. IMO the solution is to make every single online discussion something that must looked at. An AI can sort them out but it will still take actual eyes on to determine if there is something there. Let's give them that opportunity.
/cloward-piven, hit the gas...
I doubt CPUs were ever un-compromised. They’ve just been adding ever more backdoor and spying capabilities to them since the beginning.
The tech came from DARPA who, in turn, seem to have obtained it from a crashed UFO or a military expedition to Antarctica (pre flood tech?). It was licensed to certain companies on unknown terms. None of the beginning of this story suggests it ends with “and that’s why you can trust your computer.”
Prism, Echelon, & Carnivore came before the hardware changes IIRC. Communications captured first because it was easier than trying to develop hardware solutions (Intel/AMD/Mac) compatible with software. Not a Mac guy but would bet WinXP ended because of above. Cannot recall any updates once it was installed. Endless updates with any WinOS now trying to manage the changes made at hardware level. I could be wrong.
Certainly they never gave us a surveillance free internet either. Surveillance is baked into the network too.
Is this why Mark Levin was calling for someone to take out Putin? He was enraged today. A little carried away in my opinion.
He did? Welp, he's cabal controlled opposition.
Used to enjoy ML, a lot. Referred to as "The Great One" by Rush for a reason, his grasp of US law & policy issues. He's likely still fine on those but should leave geopolitics out. Many times in the past recall him going off on something EU or China related and having a bizarre take. Not listened in a long time, likely not going to.
Israel matters much more to him than America. If you’ve listened to him for a while you’d notice this was always the case.
Wait, what? “The West?”
The same West that has locked us down and jabbed our families? The same west that is buying up all the real estate? Creating riots to topple our statues and our history?
That West?
You can’t convince me they’re doing anything moral or just. I guess I’m just confused.
Bitcoin, and only Bitcoin is able to defeat the private western central banking system.
Gold has a place for sure, BUT, it’s far too easy to obfuscate … we have historical data, and the markets are so damn manipulated it’s insanity.
What if Russia decides to sell their oil for either Gold or Bitcoin? OH MY!
The DS is pissing their pants atm.
Doesn’t Saudi Arabia already sell oil for gold, in part?
I don’t know about this.
It would be much better for them to sell Oil using a stable currency as a transaction medium .. USD or Euros… then just turning around and buying real Gold and storing it within their borders.
You know, like Russia :)
Isn't silver more manipulated than gold via ETFs though? Interesting stats over the last 5 years showing mine output declining vs use going up that don't square with spot price. Peak production around 2015. Doesn't mean silver is running out but that getting it takes more effort. If production cost goes up... That aside from the possibility of ETFs being bogus.
/see also, the producers (film, 1967)
Both Gold and Silvers are manipulated via the derivative markets - the core of the issue is assay/verification.
There is just no way for us to truly verify holdings within the vaults. The best we get are “Trust us, it’s all there” — history has shown us many times, you can’t trust centralized institutions with this.
There is far more ‘paper silver and gold’ in circulation than there is actual Silver or Gold. They literally made Silver out of thin air.
IMO Silver should be way, way higher than it is now, even higher in comparison to Gold by % growth.
"Oh those gold reserves in Ft. Knox? It's all still there. Was always there. Trust us."
Can we see it?
And you'll be as likely to ever find it as the Civil War gold hunters... even if it did or does exist, the powers that be sure as shit don't want you to see anything.
I'm calling it now, one day ... the powers that be will denounce gold as racist and a direct violation to equity.
Better save this comment fren, for when it happens, you can pat me on the back for this one :)
Gold peddlers right now
One of the main reasons Satoshi decided to make Bitcoin completely transparent was so that anyone could verify that the blockchain was accurate and no one could cheat the system by claiming they had more than they really did. That means no dirty banker tricks like fractional reserve and unlimited money printing.
The DS hates Bitcoin because they can't debase it. They did capture the developers and cripple the protocol though, which prevents Bitcoin from scaling like it should have. If blocks had been allowed to scale organically the central banks would already be dead and buried.
Why do you say the protocol is crippled?
DS can’t capture the developers as it’s developed open source. You can’t capture something that is Open Source, and the Developers themselves have no power.
The power is in the Nodes… the people who RUN the software, that validates. We saw how they told the rich/Wall Street type folks many years back to eat dirt…
There was a point in history when a bunch of centralized exchanges, companies and rich oligarchs wanted to change the protocol (basically change the code) to increase the block size — the ‘New York Agreement’
On face value, we would agree that a large block size would mean more Transactions per Block, but why would this be a bad thing?
Because then the Blockchain would be much larger by magnitudes, and the cost to run a full node would increase by a large margin.
When the cost to run a full node increases, then you will ‘price out’ everyone… which will eventually centralize the operations of Full Nodes to those who can afford it, OR, you offload it to some centralized cloud service like an Infura (runs Ethereum nodes).
At the end of this story is how you capture Bitcoin (BTC).
The Bitcoin Miners were on board with this proposed upgrade. Why? = More BTC per block = more Money
The Companies were on board, why? = They can control more of BTC
The Nodes said “Eat sand” …
The upgrade did not catch.
Bitcoin scales via a Layer 2 solution (like the Lightning Network, which we see now operating in El Salvador at a country scale level). The settlement happens on the Layer 1 protocol.
Ok, so I am sorry to inform you that you have fallen for the BTC maximalist propaganda.
You can check out this article for a decent summary of how it was taken over at the highest levels: https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@adambalm/the-truth-about-who-is-behind-blockstream-and-segwit-as-the-saying-goes-follow-the-money
There is also this account of the block size debate which shows how early on there was collusion to keep the blocks small and ostracize anyone who spoke out about it. https://medium.com/hackernoon/the-great-bitcoin-scaling-debate-a-timeline-6108081dbada
Censorship on the crypto subreddits was off the charts. Still is, although I don't know how many people are still trying to post truth there.
Basically, Satoshi always intended to increase the block size. The 1MB limit was a safeguard in order to protect the network from spam/DDoS attacks in the early days. Satoshi knew that hardware technology improves according to Moore's Law and we could expect hardware to keep up with demands for the foreseeable future. He knew eventually mining nodes would become specialized and fewer people overall will be running nodes if the cost is high.
But here's the thing: NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO RUN A NODE
The way Bitcoin is designed, anyone with just a small piece of software called a lite wallet, can easily verify the blockchain data using the Merkle roots without having to download a full copy of the blockchain. As a normal user, there is no need to verify EVERY transaction on the blockchain when you are only interested in your own.
The BTC propagandists were able to convince people that the point of Bitcoin was to run a node so you don't have to trust anyone to verify YOUR transactions, and to be a "true bitcoiner" you MUST run your own node, therefore blocks must remain small forever so that everyone can run a full node on a raspberry pi.
This is just stupid, since running a full node is a highly technical skill that most people just aren't going to do. Now you also have an even steeper learning curve to teach someone about bitcoin. Then they want to push everything onto layer 2 where Nakamoto consensus is no longer observed. This, IMO, defeats the foundational purpose of Bitcoin since it allows third parties to set themselves up as liquidity providers (aka banks) and provide custodial services to the ignorant masses.
Since 2015 or so, all development on the base protocol has been geared toward making it more compatible and welcoming for the legacy financial institutions while pushing user activity onto layer 2 where third parties have more control.
So that is why I say BTC is compromised and crippled.
Edit to add another point. You said:
So here you are differentiating between "Miners" and "Nodes". The only difference between these groups is that one (miners) has write access to the blockchain, while the other (nodes, or non-miners) can only verify and relay information to each other. You seem to think that non-mining nodes have some sort of veto power on the bitcoin network. They do not. The miners are the only true stakeholders, and so all decisions are theirs.
The New York Agreement was a proposal to increase the block size to 2MB along with a host of other changes, and it turned out to be a bait and switch to placate the big block crowd until after SegWit was released, since that change fundamentally altered the signature architecture and big blockers didn't want it. Thankfully Bitcoin Cash forked before that happened so it preserved the original chain.
A good point of view, but there is a conflation here between participation requirement and control -- Yes, no one needs to run a full node. There will be those who decide to for a variety of purposes... however there is no monetary incentive to run a full node. Why even bring in the maximalist point-of-view into the fundamental debate? It really serves no purpose other than color opinion.
However, you DO bring up good debate points which frankly will lead us to nowhere as I can equally counter your narrative/points and you the same with me, and we end up creating a duality to this debate. I much rather we focus on facts, both observable and prove-able.
There are 2 points which I disagree with you -- compromised and crippled.
With regards to compromised -- there is no evidence for this other than conjecture. I believe you are actually referring to Control vs. Compromised. From what I understand, your assertion is BTC is controlled, but how so? what data and proof do you have that a group of people can at any time change Bitcoin?
For example -- Satoshi is MIA, what he intended may be to increase the blocksize (debatable, but let's run with it), BUT what he also intended was for this protocol to be decentralized and governed by the ecosystem, the People if you may.
Do you see the irony?
At inception, even Satoshi could not control Bitcoin; since then many attempts were made to fork the code to create easily controlled forms of 'Bitcoin-like' Crypto (e.g. BSV, BCH, DOGE, etc.).
So his creation is exactly what was intended... however he can only control the inception, from there is is up the network to decide where it goes.
The point of Bitcoin was to remove the power of money from the central bank and give it to The People of the World (not just America). At the core is the monetary policy or supply -- from there we must discuss what IS 'Money?' (a different time perhaps).
Unfortunately, an open system, is exactly that -- Open, anyone can participate, good or bad. But neither can control -- we can game theory it out for sure. Central Banks are welcomed to participate, but for some reason, they absolutely hate Bitcoin (BTC), I wonder why.
When Sathoshi's invention was released, with the start of the Genesis block, he relinquished all forms of control he had... now it's in the hands of the ecosystem. WHERE does it go from there? we shall see... but after over a decade, and after countless attempts to ban Bitcoin at the nation state level, it's still strong and thriving.
How is that crippled ?
Edit to your Edit!
Yes, the miners can write, but the Nodes need to validate IF they run the software. All the nodes could disappear tomorrow and BTC (and all other crypto really) would cease to exist as an unbroken blockchain.
Again, I would say we are debating the merits and operation of the tech -- all good debates and discussion. But I would assert that Bitcoin (BTC), or any crypto, needs to be looked at from multiple perspectives ... e.g. tech, decentralization, concentration of power (who holds the most), time scale, market size (adoption), mine concentration, hash rate, etc. etc.
First of all thank you for bringing civil debate points. This may be the first encounter I've had where someone didn't immediately call me a shill.
The reason I say compromised is simply because of the direction that network is headed. I think the original design by Satoshi is still alive in both BCH and BSV and I wish that BCH had won the hash war. But I think the reason it went the way it did was because keeping the blocks small created a fee market and the miners end up making more money (in USD terms) in the short run that way even though it limits the growth of the network.
All I can see coming from the BTC camp is layer 2 BS which is only necessary because of the moratorium on increasing the block size. It's never going to scale as intended and that's pretty much guaranteed because of what they've done.
To your point of being an open system, yes, you're right, and I don't mean to imply that the cabal has absolute control of BTC, but they do have it on a short leash. It's possible that BTC will end up taking the dollar's place as a global reserve currency, and I don't think that would be a bad thing, necessarily. But it would not be the real thing, either.
It would be a system set up for normies to use to pay their taxes and do the same things everyone does using credit/fiat, with third party service providers who do all the heavy lifting including securing their users' private keys. If that's how it ends up, then so be it, but I don't think that's what bitcoin was meant to be.
Oy vey goyim!
Exactly what I've been trying to say for some time, but not near as concisely or well thought out.
I barf out nuggets of this stuff.
Q Truth posted this on the on 13 Feb (time is UTC, -5 for ET)
Digital soldiers in a digital war
"Devil's Den is the name for it [...] we should have gone to the right"
Sometimes, more like most of the time, "leaders" are idiots. Hood was right. Longstreet knew it. He tried to tell Lee. But Lee was an arrogant fool. Like Armistead, and Pickett, Hood followed the orders of his superior, who followed orders of his [delusional] superior.
Link didn't work
This link should get you access to https://qagg.news loaded so you can retrieve the link above. Right now you have to have qagg news open in your browser and as MAGA states, the right box checked to be able to retrieve a link.
Select the TRUTH pull down menu and note that each box has been checked, TRUMP, TRUMP, DELETED, and OTHERS.
Note that the menu box Q drops in this menu configuration is not "grey" so you are only accessing drops that are filtered from the TRUTH SOCIAL platform. This is helpful if you want to view only the TRUTH drops in chronological order, if the Q drops button is selected (turns dark grey) then you will get all of the old 8 kun Q drops in addition to all TRUTH drops... which is a lot of stuff. Best to open a separate tab with a dedicated qagg.news site just for the old 8kun Q drops and not mix Q drop seletion with TRUTH selections.
Here are the TRUTH SOCIAL users / posts this configuration allows you to view (in order the qagg site added the users to the filter, not necessarily the chronological order of when their posts appeared... once added to the selection filter in qagg, library of posts was backfilled (changing all relevant post series numbers).
Back to who's who... gotta get and fill out that score card... you know, that second thing you do...
Devin Nunes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devin_Nunes
Q is Q
President Donald Trump is President Trump
Though some say this is Donald Trump...
Others say...
but if that were true, then who is President Trump saluting in the helicopter departing the White House on 6 October 2020.
Whoever it is flew with the President from Walter Reed hospital in Marine 1, remained on the helicopter as the President ascended the staircase to the the South Lawn Balcony, where the President waited for the helicopter to begin its take off and departure to render and hold a salute as the helicopter departed.
Dan Scavino https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Scavino
The most important thing you need to know about Dan Scavino is that he fingered Sean Spicer ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Spicer ) for the covfefe debacle but so far Spicer has remained tight-lipped about the whole affair.
Rick Grenell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Grenell ... let's just say that Rick is a wartime consigliere, the rare right man at the right time.
Kash Patel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kash_Patel ... the kind of guy that walks into Rick's Cafe and drinks on the house.
General Michael Flynn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Flynn ... our very own Horatius.
Melania Trump https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melania_Trump
Some say this is the real Q...
Donald Trump Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_Jr.
Note the following:
Trump posts are prefixed with a "T", and numbered chronologically. he has only posted once so far (between posts 41 and 42) and looks like this TT1, that is read Truth Trump 1. All other posts (so far) are prefixed TO, read Truth Others - and are all mixed together.
You can view posts either chronologically or in reverse chronological order using the sort order button in the upper left.
For a hoot, go to the Tweets tab and check the IL DONALDO ... what can be said about the Don....
Horatius you say? I like John Buford... hold the high ground at all costs... delay the enemy until reinforcements arrive
Interesting how throughout history, one of the attributes most commonly promoted by all cultures is the heroic act of self sacrafice for the greater good, agape love... I'd suggest that there's something biblical about this phenomenon...
Humans love our heroes, even if those heros die in no-win last stands e.g. Thermopylae, the Alamo (big domino of the slavery extension conspiracy), Custer (ugh the arrogance) etc. But is "martyrdom" always the best long term strategy? Why waste such brave leaders? Delaying tactics > committing to unavoidable defeat. So I look at somebody like Buford as a true hero. He did as much as he could for as long as he could, without committing all of his forces to certain death. Can't say the same for his enemy on Day 2 and even more so on Day 3 of Gettysburg... order your men into certain defeat and death... that's insanity, monstrous... and yet still today, masses of Americans truly believe that charge was heroic, and that their commander was a brave, noble heroic leader. Truly amazing.
"To every man upon this earth
... Death cometh soon or late,
And how can man die better
... Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
... And the temples of his gods."
p. 30, XXVII, lines 220-225.
by Thomas Babington MaCaulay
ISBN 978-1449574116
i'm in heaven...
qagg just added 5 Calendar Select options
Damn... filling out baseball scorebooks brings back some memories!!
Can't wait for the entire cast to be revealed... CURTAIN CALLS!
https://youtu.be/EUN1ClT9i9w?t=30 first 3 to 5 seconds...
... are the people who have "died" but are alive and "kicking", some literally. Deaths have been faked by accident, drug overdose, sudden illness, etc.... Incredible deniability and protects families. Best movie ever.
Thanks for the 🍪🍪🍪
You have to toggle the right filter settings within the site... yeah, it's a pain in the ass. Would be nice if the site could be fixed to have direct links with the need for toggled filters.
Idiots were cheering on children making Molotov cocktails on Facebook.
Fuck ya!
Sounds like what Clif High recently said. Never saw Clif high so animated.
War is over? No, it isn't. It's an information war, on what is truth, and it is far from over. Especially when so many are STILL suppressing it, to include MANY of those who claim to be fighting FOR us rather than against us.
I've noticed there's a lot of anti-Q shills on 4chan, they pop up magically whenever the subject is mentioned; so a lot of the newfags really don't know much about Q at all. One thing I have noticed though is people, ( like the guy in the OP I suspect), independently come to the conclusion that some Q shit is going down without even mentioning, or perhaps even knowing about Q.
Kazarian Mafia = Satan
I don’t think you have a firm grasp on what Satan is. I’m not sure why you’re excluding free masons either as they a huge part of this entire thing.
I find it interesting as well how taking down khazarians is supposedly the endgame, yet I've been here for 2 years and have not heard the term once until the Russia invasion
Nonsense. You must have been intentionally skipping threads.
You still gotta fight the Orcs..