"False Claims of U.S. Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine Grip QAnon: The conspiracy theory has been boosted by Russian and Chinese media and diplomats."
See the flag? Q🚩

They're really scared now. No matter how many lies they spew, truth will still prevail
Scared of what? Has anything happened to the folks funding the gain of function research in Wuhan that likely resulted in a global pandemic? No, so why would some labs in a Country most Americans can't locate on a map scare anybody involved?
They're scared because we keep being right. And you don't address stuff that can be easily proven wrong. They're scared because of who they work for, and what they know is going on behind the scenes. I'm just as eager as you are to see arrests, fren. But you have to admit that shit is getting really, really real right now.
Oh, it's real interesting, but not in a good way. Is Putin clearing Ukraine of the cabal? Or is he just trying to protect Russia from having more NATO weapons parked on his doorstep? If you recall years ago when we put interceptor missiles in Poland he warned us Russia would act to maintain deterrence and hypersonic missiles arose from that. This might be nothing more than securing Russia. I have no idea what cabal players reside in Ukraine, so I won't be able to look back at this and check off bad guys that have been killed or disappeared.
Maybe the real research wasn't happening in Wuhan at all and they just act scared about Wuhan to take away from the actual bioweapon labs in Ukraine.
starting to believe that its possible that military tribunals will happen sometime in the future, The dirt coming out is getting more real by the day.
Victoria Nuland says otherwise:
The labs don't. Exist. Furthermore they were not making weapons. Fauci assures the bioweapon labs that don't exist are safe and only used for defensive purposes. There are no bats near the virus factories and certainly nobody eats bat soup. In unrelated news, the USA is helping Ukraine prevent these bioweapon factories from falling into Putin's hands due to the extremely dangerous nature of the weapons created and stored in the factories. If Russia did control the bioweapon factories the entire world be in grave danger and would need to pay a climate change tax.
I found evidence of DTRA intentionally recruiting former Soviet bioweapons developers in old government contracting paperwork: https://greatawakening.win/p/142B11unlU/us-official-russian-invasion-of-/
Their Statement of Objectives (end goal) is:
Now look at that as well as the Georgia biolab documentary where the journalist describes people transporting those viruses and pathogens using State Department diplomatic pouches...
Documents leaked by anonymous "insiders" that aren't named. Can't really trust that, can we?
Well - there's also this: https://washingtontechnology.com/2018/06/dtra-taps-six-for-970m-threat-reduction-program-support-contract/348784/
DTRA taps six for $970M threat reduction program support contract
Also more info on BTRIC / CTRIC II
which comes from a US government website... https://sam.gov/api/prod/opps/v3/opportunities/resources/files/950a405ee92f0a91b22e64b05b52af59/download?&status=archived&token=
Sounds like you are 🦇💩 crazy.
I don't think you understood the thinly veiled sarcasm, fren.
It certainly helps using an /s or using the actual word "sarcasm" wouldn't it?
Helps people who aren't able to detect sarcasm without it, sure.
Well we do claim to be a community filled with autists ;)
Tell me how to spot the difference between a shill and someone being sarcastic, and once you answered that, how do you know for certain they were being sarcastic?
Occam’s razor would be a sock puppet account as much as you are defending their words which I pray isnt true.
Look at their post history and comment history if you're unsure on the motives, if you even give a crap. I really don't have time for that, and I'll assume somebody's being sarcastic unless they're forum sliding repeatedly.
Which is why we should add - /s when we are being sarcastic.
That's Reddit rules. Sarcasm tags are for NPCs. Kek.
Fucking right man
100% friend
yeah exactly, just harmless research but if Russians get it it would be dangerous because Russians somehow have the knowhow to turn harmless research into dangerous weapons but somehow cant manage to do that somewhere in Russian soil, none the less. After all Russia is only like 20 times as big as Ukraine so where could they possibly find a place to do that?
Why must they keep ruining perfectly good conspiracy theories?
She doesn't say bio warfare labs tho
She is a skilled liar and isnt going to offer the term “warfare” to the investigative committee...
Besides, we got confirmation its true here:
and here:
I remember the first meme war, some of my best friends were Russian bots.
Yep. Whatever the news says, believe the opposite.
If they bother to "fact check it", it usually means its something worth paying attention to.
Them: this fact checker says X!
Me: has your fact checker ever debunked an official lie?
Actually, China has spoken up and gave a number of US funded bio labs in Ukraine. We have them in Tiwan and Australia as well I guess? Mind you, I am 100% sure Russia and China both have their own spread across the world, not just US but, shame our own government feels the need to lie to us. I am serious, when they say anything to do with "climate change" and immigration, they are doing that half truth BS and are taking about their Political Climate Change they ae creating around the world. People are fleeing and being Sent from country to country to achieve PCC goals.
If that's the case you're just being as reactionary still having the MSM guide your thinking completely. They will sometimes report true things, so if you automatically believe the opposite of everything, you won't always be following truth, and as I said, your beliefs are still more or less guided by MSM since you just automatically believe the opposite on whether subject.
From Foreign Policy wiki:
They cannot stop losing! 🐸
Hillary Clinton is a walking disaster. Shes utterly worthless at anything she tries to do. Shes on the wrong side of every issue. Shes still clinging to the 1960’s womens lib mentality. The only reason she has any swing at all, is because of the position she’s in, surrounded by yes-men. She is an alcoholic. She verbally abuses her staff, talks to them as if they are less worthy than her.
Oh, and shes probably going to run for President in 2024, because of her own unjustifiably over-inflated opinion of herself
And dieing of kuru
I still wish I could un-see that shit stain on her pant suit.
Getty images are sketchy af
I say you she ded
She's 1960's feminist mixed with 1990's mafioso.
It has been her dream since she was little.
Well sniff my butt and shave mah pubes, them QAnons was right agin
SNOPES - Ukraine, US Biolabs, and an Ongoing Russian Disinformation Campaign
In an attempt to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine, propagandists claimed the attack was focused on secret U.S. biolabs there.
In other news, The United States is pressuring Ukraine is to protect its biolabs Russia is attacking.
Here they are.
Also notice the Wayback Machine URLs as the U.S. Department of State quickly yanked the evidence off their website when it became known that there were US DoD funded biolabs in Ukraine.
Here is one example: https://web.archive.org/web/20170211022339/https://photos.state.gov/libraries/ukraine/895/pdf/kiev-ivm-fact-sheet-eng.pdf
FP is owned by Soros and the CIA.
It's really sad that criminal Soros has to be on the same side as our own American intelligence agency
They're a bunch of clowns, nothing intelligent about their operations at all. Just very despicably evil.
Just saying.....
I learn so much more about things when they try to debunk it. I probably wouldn't notice half of the scandals if they weren't trying so hard to deny it.
One way at looking at a “debunking” is that its their best effort, and if their best effort is weak, then...
Still toting that QAnon name, TOTAL WITCH HUNT. Chasing ghosts and looking fucking retarded, they must be from Kyiv. I'll tell you the real reason why they don't refer to it as Q; that will lead not only people here, but will also lead them to discovering the existence of the intelligence apparatus in the military, which would validate that PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL. Even googling "q in military intelligence" causes the search algo to shriek and misdirect. NCSWIC my dudes and dudettes.
Should have done that myself, thank you G
Are you actually serious right now..
Yes 100%, explain what your problem is?
Your statement makes little sense to me.
Being on the chans, it's implied that you are an "anon". Actually, the name is "Anonymous", unless you decide to be a namefag purely out of egotistical reasons. After the initial Ron Paul movement and the events surrounding that time in what I would consider the first internet "awakening", it became the term hijacked by feds and twisted in the media as the boogeyman guy fawkes face that you see as "we do not forgive, we do not forget", inferring more of a central figure or collective group of certain "fringe" internet users that were behind seeking the truth and holding politicians accountable (sometimes used interchangeably, but most of the time as a defined figure or group rather than a worldwide phenomenon). Not one time did anyone intentionally identify themselves as "Anonymous". Also, there is no "we" attribute to any of this. In fact, "Anonymous" as a single person, or a collective body, doesn't exist, and neither does "QAnon". It's the same tactic being applied to dismay people and have them believe that, yet again, "QAnon" is a central figure or group of people that attracts a certain set of people on the internet that are basically "conspiracy theorists", which of course is a dirty term to most. Technically, "Q" in the sense that we use it to refer to the intelligence drops posted honestly doesn't infer it's one single person, even if it's an actual person at all. It's actually a pseudonym if anything. And I'm reality, it may not be a central figure or group, just like "Anonymous" wasn't, no one knows. That was a little too much to have to spoon-feed you, but that's okay. You could not assume and be open to learn.. but anyway, the identity of Q is not important honestly, but to the media its driving them fucking insane, and rightly so. Let them keep chasing ghosts and making up a pop subculture to market off of, either way, NCSWIC.
I don't really agree with what you said, just regurgitating the same misconception with more words, but that's ok we don't have to agree
Well then it's your turn. What do you believe?
I don't believe that referring to 'Q' as 'QAnon' is any kind of 'tactic' The terms are interchangable, Q is just shorter to type Plenty of times on the chans we referred to Q as Q anon I don't believe the idea that QAnon was any kind of tactic, or given to him by media, nor that QAnon is an incorrect title for Q
We're arguing over something pretty irrelevant tho, it really doesn't matter
Errrrr FP have you seen this? https://greatawakening.win/p/142B11tQWM/well-that-went-from-conspiracy-t/c/
Is this the same Qanon hacker, also know as 4chan that had the Nazi swastika flag in the Canada convoy?
I guess they didn't see Nuland's testimony
The NPCs have started saying that they can't be making biological weapons because they are called Biological Research facilities not Biological Weapons facilities
We are the news now
This is how you know it's true.
Gobnieks bot online. Bleepski bloopski
Please deposit one vodka and clear sunflower seed cache to run Abibas.exe
Interesting how MSM dismissed the whole idea of bio-labs early on, with state dept. removing reference to it, and now MSM is admitting there are labs, but I guess are trying to say the labs were only for the benefit of mankind. I wonder what spin they'll put on when there is documentation of actual, biological weapon development at the labs?
Well, the headline may be closer to the truth than we know. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Victoria Nuland turns out to be a Russian and/or Chinese controlled asset. The problem the MSM has is she is the current Under-Secretary of State for Joe.
(((Victoria Nuland)))
Was this before or after the presser where the government said they were concerned about their Ukraine labs?
This is what I want to know too, any l7ck finding out? I'm confused lol
have a hard time believing that ALL these countries don't have the INTEL to tell the Presidents, etc, the truth about what is going on. The heads of countries know and that is the truth.
if you listen quietly you can hear our countries leadership shitting themselves
Are they going to "shock and awe" us with "weapons of mass destruction"?
Well, since they are "afraid Russia will take over their biological research labs" and "use them" , cant say they do not have biologicals there that can be used for war.
So comfy when you're proven right.
oooooh, i just knew it had to be that qanon!
Tucker had a lot to say about it as well now, good on em. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AugzqXPYaOc&t=974s
Over the target ... in 3, 2, 1 ... BOOM
This is how scared they are, the fact that major, currently at war nation states are saying it isn't as important as 'Qanon'.
Lmao, only good if we bury every last participant in those labs.
Except the Snoopys! Beagle Lives Matter.