There are soooo many things that are inappropriate in this movie too. I know most of us parents on here are probably very careful with what we let our kids watch, if we let them watch anything at all, but if anyone wants the rundown, here’s the list of things(it’s long) that prompted us to tell our 6 year old that she isn’t allowed to watch this movie at our home or anyone else’s home.
Just a few things that stood out:
-The little girl talks about at age 13 you’re your own person. An adult. You can do what you want, say what you want etc.
-Her and her 3 friends talk so poorly about their parents and come up with a plan to sneak out and go to a boy band concert (which they end up doing).
-The girls sneak out to a co-ed party as well to “give boys rides” as a Panda to raise money for the concert.
-One girl says her parents won’t let her go bc the band “sounds like stripper music”
-The girls talk about going to the concert as girls but leaving as true women after.
-The word “crap” is used.
-So much emphasis is put on her friends encouraging her to be this new rebel she has become and embracing it. That she no longer has to be this straight edge, over achiever girl under her parents wings.
-Soooooo much rebellion encouraged.
-The ritual is suuuuper freaky where she is levitated by her chest into the air while surrounded by adults chanting and spirits are called out of her.
-She tells her tamagotchi its about to meet its daddy and uncles (referring to the band members being her tamagotchis daddy)
-There is a big scene about the girl getting her period and her mom bringing pads to her school and embarrassing her.
-The little girl draws “sexy” (her words not mine) pictures of her crush who works at the gas station. Her mom finds the drawings of her shirtless crush and brings them to the store and accuses the boy of being 30 and a pedophile. He says he’s 17 and she says “well that’s what happens when you do drugs all day and don’t wear sunscreen”
-At the end the girl stands up to her mom and says she likes boys, music and gyrating. Says she’s 13 so deal with it!
-The little girl then starts twerking at her mom and smacking her butt saying “take this mom! take this”
-Final quote when the little girl decides to turn into a panda in public and her mom asks her not to she says “my panda, my choice”. Read into that what you’d like.
IMO the menstrual cycle part isn’t that bad for teens. That’s the one thing I agreed about in terms of the movie—that women getting/having periods doesn’t have to be so taboo.
The sexualisation of minors needs to go, but getting the stigma around that time of the month being something unnatural/to be ashamed of to go away would be good…
I don’t know, it’s still weird to make a kid’s cartoon about periods. A kid’s cartoon about wet dreams would be weird too. I also think this narrative about “period shaming” is a media creation. Nobody cares that women get periods, men don’t care and we don’t think about it as much as liberals seem to think. This all started because of a stupid running joke in the ‘80s about men not wanting to buy tampons for their wives, which is itself another media-created fake sitcom scenario that practically never happens either, since women buy that shit for themselves and leave men out of it. To me all of these narratives reek of the liberal mental disorder of making up fake problems to avoid obvious reality.
Yeah, the period thing wouldn’t be as big of a deal if Disney truly meant this to be for teenagers and up and they didn’t, it’s supposed to be for children. And, while I don’t have a problem talking to my daughter about anything she might ask me about, I would prefer her to not know about periods at age six and certainly not b/c she heard about them on a cartoon that’s supposed to be for kids.🤷🏼♀️ Also, whether it’s for kids or teenagers, I don’t understand why it’s necessary to put scenes like that in movies. Did that part really make or break the plot line? Nope, it didn’t.
I’m glad to hear you don’t have a problem with it, as my brother and father still avoid discussing the matter at all costs, lol.
I haven’t seen the movie and don’t plan on seeing it due to the obvious political agenda behind the film, but it seemed like it was marketed more for middle schoolers than young kids to me. And while my current experience working in child care is a little limited, the youngsters don’t seem to care about this movie one bit. But older teens appear to have watched it.
You know, my Dad was always very mature about it (as a grown man should be, lol) and my Mom would call him occasionally to have him pick up feminine things for me and my sister on his way home from work. It’s weird b/c my parents are very old school when it comes to “propriety”. You don’t talk or joke about sex, make fart jokes, etc., and while my parents were discreet about me and my sister’s period, like we weren’t discussing it with my brother at the dinner table 😂, they both acted like it was the most normal and ok thing in the world whenever Dad would have to stop at the store for feminine products. In fact, I feel like I remember Mom reassuring me the first time it happened that Dad was a big boy and he wasn’t embarrassed by it so I shouldn’t be embarrassed either. Probably the only subject they’ve been progressive about in my life. 🤷🏼♀️😂
My husband has also picked things up at the store for me and while he teases me that he’s only going to do it one time, I know he’s only joking and it’s not a big deal at all.
Disney had a film about menstruation back in the fifties/sixties. Joyce Maynard describes it in her memoir "Looking Back."
Richard Roeper in his review had a good point. Parents will take little kids to see this because it looks cute and harmless and then have to explain about getting periods perhaps a little earlier than intended.
This! ☝🏻 But the period part was the least of my concerns out of that long list. The encouragement to rebel against your parents w/ no reconciliation to that and the girl telling her mom in the end to “deal with it” as she slaps her butt. I have a problem with that whether my daughter is 6 or 13. Now if she was 13 I would maybe use it as a teaching opportunity but no matter what there’s just some things that children don’t need to fill their minds with or have normalized and rebellion is one of them. They learn that well enough on their own, I’m living proof of that. 😬😂
This needs to be stickied❗️ Word needs to get out to NOT let our kids watch this movie. I could see parents or grandparents innocently letting their children watch something like this!
I don’t think you can sticky a comment, probably just posts. 🤷🏼♀️ But I agree, I always want to know other conservative parents reviews about kids movies if I haven’t watched the movie myself.
There are websites for that. Just look up “parents guide” and the movie title. There are a few different places I use and they are fairly comprehensive, although sometimes their descriptions make things sound worse than they actually are in the movie (“kiss my butt” might be referred to as “sexual innuendo”, which I guess it is, but most parents aren’t going to be super worried about a line of dialogue like that, and when you hear “sexual innuendo” you usually picture something more graphic).
Yeah, um, sheltering your kids is a sure fire way to ensure they resent you when they're older. Six years old is somewhat understandable, however I wouldn't keep them there past 9 or 10.
As for the adult 13... Holy fuckin hypocritical hilarity, Batman. So many espouse traditional values and yet here you are insisting on the status quo when in reality God designed us so adulthood began at 13. And really it should though I'm more of the belief of making it a transition period not so much full fledged meaning overhauls on education and labor and general cultural changes so that by the time 18 rolls around they know how to hold a job, they know their rights, they know how to be responsible and so forth.
In fact, if you want your children to respect you, you'll begin to empower them and take those five years to set them up for success.
But here's the deal: you cannot protect them forever. They will see that movie and if they feel you were over protective they will resent you for it. Source: have sibling who resents father for being to overly protective.
Some here think we're returning to the garden and that knowledge is satan. Here's the truth: the fruit has been eaten. That's not going away. If anything we have to learn to live with the knowledge for eternity. Plus the prevention of study of other cultures is so painfully authoritarian and manipulative, I find it laughable how quick this group is to point out the cabal's manipulations yet give a pass to those same tactics if someone does them and slaps the name of Jesus in front of them.
So, I don’t know what other cultures have to do with a children’s movie, but then again, a lot of your observations are way off base to me. Obviously, we have very different view points about the world we’re living in and how we got here. Just because the fruit has already been eaten doesn’t mean we just say “to hell with it, it only goes to hell in a hand basket from here”. God tells us that as Christian we are not to be of this world. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.1 John 2:15-17
As far as what kind of a parent I am, all I can say is that I was VERY sheltered growing up and my parents made plenty of mistakes, as all parents do and as I’m sure I will. However, I’d say me and my siblings each survived our strict upbringing and are better adults, spouses, parents, employees, citizens, and people in general because of it. None of us rebelled to the point of no return and while we might do things a little differently than our parents, we’re still raising our kids with the core principles we were raised with, knowing our children will be better and happier for it. And hey, maybe if more people raised their kids like my parents did instead of how all the free spirit hippies did, America wouldn’t be in the position it’s in right now. But hey, what do I know, I’m just a prudish, conservative mom. 🤷🏼♀️
Hey it's your relationship with your kids to risk. I'm just speaking from experience. I also know kids who were not as strictly raised who arguably turned out better than me and others who attend church every Sunday. Point is, it's not as absolute as you tell yourself.
Also, God does not say any of what you just quoted. That comes from Paul, a man who's awakening story is told three different times with the same consistency as Joseph Smith, the father of Mormonism. He also never met Jesus in person yet his letters are taken as absolute law. Though it is not my place to determine if Paul was right, his writings have been accepted as law and that has caused a lot more damage and division in the long run. Instead of keeping perspective, people will quote him as though his word trumps that of Jesus Himself and that is a lot of my issue with Christianity as a whole: it's not so much based on Jesus as it is Paul. In fact the religion should be recognized as Paulism. Now if you choose to accept Paul's INTERPRETATION for your self, that is perfectly fine. However I do not submit to the authority of a man who conveniently shaped the religion to fit into Roman culture and I certainly do not place him above or even close to Jesus.
A lot of people seem very confident that they are right and have happened to, out of 7,000,000,000 people and over 6,000 religions, scored the correct and true religion. Of course, you know who else was sure Jesus was on their side? The Pharisees, members of the most prominent and established religion at the time Christ walked the Earth. Just some things to think about.
Ultimately the best thing you can teach your children is to respect all Americans and even all people of the world and remember to acknowledge that we are a rich and diverse species and that Jesus taught to love... I certainly fail at this regularly. Most importantly though... regardless of what your kids choose, always love and accept them as Christ loves and accepts us even when we're deep in the gutter.
Truth! I got several comments like that as well to my “parents review” of the movie.🙄🤦🏼♀️ In fact, Camaro was one of them. I wasn’t as collected and to the point in my responses though, as you were. I should take notes and remember that naysayers, shills, and trolls aren’t worth the time. 🤷🏼♀️😂
You hardly asked any "hard questions", dude. Remember, you're a dude, you have to think about these things through the lens of a mother.
Either you aren't very good at situational empathy, or you're more immature than I am (and I'm pretty immature). Everything circlebackGinger said was entirely valid and on point as very legitimate concerns.
The movie is basically a metaphor for a girl receiving her first period
Or you could explain yourself. I really don't know what you were trying to say about this movie aside from you didn't like it because of the natural process girls go through to become women.
Ultimately YOU are responsible for how you come across. If you don't want to explain yourself that is your decision. Just know others will see this and while some might agree with you, others will see that you could probably learn some articulation.
You seem to be missing the point that this is a kid’s cartoon for five-year-olds that is about a little girl’s vagina. What part of these people being pedophiles haven’t you figured out? Would you also dig a kid’s cartoon about a boy’s first wet dream, and how his cum comes to life and starts talking to him with the voice of Seth Rogan? It’s weird man. This isn’t about being “threatened” by periods, it’s about the insistence of these pedophiles to introduce sexuality and genitalia into kid’s cartoons. They aren’t doing it out of some noble desire to guide children through puberty or whatever they claim. They are doing it to sexualize and groom children and to laugh/spit in the face of parents and show them that the pedophiles are still in control of your child’s entertainment.
I mean, I hate disney as much as the next guy, and they truly are "Turning Red" in the communist sense, but really? We all talk about Red Waves and how great that is. Red isn't just inherently evil. I get it, though. Disney.
You're right, it isn't. Red pills are a part of our comms as well.
However, it's not a coincidence that while Disney pushes the communist agenda through their movies, they're also using a Red Panda (which originates from China), all during a year when Communism has been taking over the world.
Agreed. I'm not liking what we're becoming. So once the DS is gone and the world is freed, what will be next? What are people going to do next with this information, they're going to start attacking innocent YouTubers and claiming they're devil worshippers just because they've got red lighting in their YouTube videos? Or if someone mentions ordering pizza then they're automatically pedophiles from now until the end of time? Every single person in the entertainment industry is evil (including Trump and JFK Jr. who was in the entertainment industry)? Let's not go crazy here and turn into the very thing that we hate.
That’s what they said about McCarthy and McCarthy was proven right. If anything, they weren’t being vigilant enough back in the 1950s. McCarthy apparently was too soft.
Wrong. McCarthy was dead fuckin wrong and McCarthyism is also wrong. You fuckin people will screech "muh Religious persecution" just because Seth McFarlane makes a joke about Jesus yet don't hesitate to grab pitch forks for a difference of ideology. Discrimination is wrong. Period. I don't care who's doing it and for what reasons. If McCarthy had defeated communism with better ideology and nothing more, we probably wouldn't be in this mess. Instead he empowered the Communist resolve and motivated them to rally and fight back.
History has proven time and again that war does not solve anything. It just kicks the can down the road while causing needless death and destruction. The Constitution does not allow for persecution of anyone for any reason. And if you think it's okay, then you are un-American and a threat to my liberty.
It’s illegal to be conspire against the U.S. government as part of a communist coup so no, no rights were violated by McCarthy and he actually didn’t go far enough. Hollywood has lied to you bud. The communist threat was real. After the Soviet Union fell, the documents came out proving this. All those movies you watched about how terrible the blacklist was, and what a paranoid freak McCarthy was, were made before the Soviet Union fell and those documents came out, so consider all those Hollywood movies debunked. Those filmmakers were commies. Have you watched their movies? The communist subversion is obvious.
We absolutely can and should be vigilant, but we need to tread carefully and not try and destroy people's lives on assumptions if we don't have all of the facts. We have enough information on someone like Dan Crenshaw to determine that he's most likely a corrupt commie scumbag and probably a devil worshipper as well with all the symbolism that he pushes. We should always be vigilant about the very people who are meant to represent us, that I agree with. I just don't want us to turn into a lynch mob and going after fellow citizens for small and dumb reasons. If someone listens to heavy metal for example, it doesn't automatically make them a devil worshipper. There are even people in this movement who are so ridiculous that they stopped eating pizza altogether all because of its coded symbolism. Don't let ((them)) ruin simple things like pizza. ((They)) don't create anything, they can only corrupt things. I don't want there to be division and fighting in the future all over paranoid reasons. "This person likes the movie Saving Private Ryan! That's DS propaganda! He's a DS sympathizer!" "This person just said they're ordering pizza!!!! Investigate him, see what he REALLY means!!!" As long as we DON'T become some fucked up lynch mob who throws labels around and always assumes the worst of everybody, then we'll be fine.
OK yeah but I don’t think that is close to happening. People are I think more inclined to dismiss the symbolism until it becomes so blatant and obvious that it is hard to deny. It’s not just ordering a pizza for your Super Bowl Party. It’s when the weird celebrity keeps making pizza references where they don’t fit, and wears a shirt with a pizza fucking another pizza, and was on the flight logs to Epstein Island, and is currently voicing an animated movie about a little girl’s first period, and used to be roommates with John Podesta, and eventually it’s like, “Yeah, you would be crazy to let this dude babysit your kids.”
Yeah I'm becoming quite disgusted with the authoritarian mentality that is manifesting in this group, but also going unchallenged. If you want to establish a theocracy in your own home, that's fine. But the Constitution says "no".
"Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion"
Obviously nobody actually watched the movie or they surely would have mentioned the satanic ritual circle with 5 people standing around the outside. It absolutely promoted strong empowered lasbian wamens, transgenders, cuck beta males, occult magic, and pedo themes; everything you would expect from a Disney movie. An assault on your children that is too cleverly designed for stupid parents to identify.
I did! The movie was completely inappropriate as pretty much every Disney movie is these days. The ritual thing was creepy and I love how they made the “crush” JUST BARELY legal at 17. Umm, hellllloooo, 13 and 17 is NOT ok. So many things wrong w/ this movie besides the “color red”.
All the more reason to have your kids watch it and teach them your perspectives. But you also need to let them watch and decide for themselves.
Unless of course this all powerful and loving god people speak of is too weak to actually protect them. I know mine is, but I also apply that to Him literally and don't fret over the attempts of mortal men to corrupt children so easily. Empower your children with knowledge, don't be afraid to have the hard conversations. They will respect you for it in the long run.
This is the same argument that groomers use. The idea that trying to insulate kids from the harsh realities of the world, or to create a little bubble of childhood innocence, is somehow “weak” and a “disservice” to kids. That somehow we aren’t “equipping” them for the future, or that we are “threatened” by “truth” and that we are refusing to “empower” children by shielding them from adult content. It all comes down to the same thing: the insistence that we treat children like little, autonomous adults, and the purpose of that is all about age of consent, and getting it as low as possible.
We reject all of this nonsense from its very foundation. We think childhood is supposed to be a time of protected innocence and carefree separation from adult problems like bills, jobs, wars, geopolitics, sexuality and sexual fetishes, pharmaceutical malpractice, propaganda, corruption, etc. Kids have their entire teenage years and adulthood to realize all of this but when they are young, it is completely normal and natural for parents to not want to dump all of this on their little minds when they should instead be focused on things like sharing, making friends, navigating their emotions, learning how to read, playing sports, brushing their teeth, dressing themselves, etc. You don’t grab a five-year-old and start pounding their head with trans gender pronouns and Holocaust atrocities just like you don’t pound them with 9/11 was an inside job and the history of the Khazarian Mafia. It’s all too much for them at that age. Just let them be kids!
And the water. Birth control hormones in waste water is literally turning male fish into females. It’s a problem commonly discussed in water treatment and fishing research circles.
I actually interpreted it differently. Notice how the movie actually had a fake period scare first, and then when the panda problem happens, the mom tells the dad "it's not the period problem, it's a different problem!"
It seems to me that they are concerned that people will think the panda is a metaphor for periods, and so made sure to include periods first, and then introduce the panda, so they can be "look, it's a different problem! it's not a metaphor for periods!"
But there was also a heavy emphasis on emotions and hormones running raw. I think it went too far in the sexual aspect. A lot of focus was on the girl being an "adult" and shit but she's like 13. Wtf.
I am aware of how it works. I am also not that interested in watching this movie. While posting a picture of the poster and the Wiki is a decent start, I am asking you to provide more. What other context can you shed light on? As is, this comes off as reaching.
I guess I am trying to suggest that you and I and everyone be more articulate in sharing ideas instead of assuming everything is satan. Sure, there's probably some themes, but we represent ourselves better when we can explain our ideas. It also makes it easier to teach our children instead of banning them from content altogether.
I didn't assume Satan? Where in my picture or my comments do I assume Satan?
If you took the time to read my other comments, you'd see this isn't related to the plot of the movie at all.
I guess I am trying to suggest that you and I and everyone be more articulate in sharing ideas
There is nothing articulate about fighting with everyone on everything, and taking your anger out on the community here. You've been doing this a lot and your history shows a pattern of this behavior.
I am also not that interested in watching this movie.
This is my point exactly. Why emotionally invest yourself in something that doesn't mean anything to you? Don't cry "oh but the community", when clearly if you wanted to help everyone, you would stop being so divisive and picking fights over nothing substantial.
If you hate us and our ways, we don't want to keep you here.
It was by far the worst Pixar did.. and I really didn't hate it - even though it was blatant propaganda "Embrace your inner Chinese communism.." It just wasn't up to their normal quality.. like if Apple spit out an 8lb laptop or something
My husband's sister and her family are Disney obsessed! They go the Disney World several times a year etc. They have Disney shirts, bags, crap. I want to gag every time they bring up their latest "Disney trip".
As I recall the original color for the Republican Party was Blue. I believe It was flipped by someone in the MSM to make the norms think badly of the Republican Party candidates.
My son just made me watch this. We finished it about 30 minutes ago. While there might be a communist double meaning to the title, the movie is about a 13 year old girl who just realized she likes boys and wakes up the next morning as a big red panda.
It's clearly a play on her getting her period. The whole movie draws that double meaning. The panda is likely representative of owning your sexuality and not burying it deep within you (not really an appropriate message for 13 year old girls but I doubt they'll grasp the hidden meaning there) This is represented by her deciding to ignore her mother's orders and attend a boy band concert with their friends (the movie takes place in 2002 in Toronto for some reason).
There was something interesting THERE though. The boy band is called 4 town, but there are 5 singers in the band (45). In fact, one of her friends has a drawing on her cheek at the concert with a number 4 and a 5 sided star right next to it. Unless someone has more examples than "red" in the title I think you might be reaching here. If anything I feel like maybe there's a nod to Trump in there.
Really getting annoyed with the promotion of the "Fox News is Gods News" "Rock n Roll is the music of the devil" and "knowledge is satan" boomer bullshit crowd getting promoted and all the attention lately. One second we're awake and the next we're clocked back to sleep with authoritarian Christian blue pills and gross fantasies of a theocracy.
Here's the deal: until Jesus Himself comes back, we are commanded to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. The Constitution is VERY clear that we are an anti-theocratic nation and rightly so. Just because the leftist morons don't respect the Constitution does not mean we do the opposite and embrace religious extremism. This last week feels more like The Great Asleepening.
I don’t know what forum you’ve been on but it certainly hasn’t been on GAW. No one is embracing religious extremism and no one is saying that “Fox news is God’s news”. That you even think that is laughable and makes you sound delusional. Please, for your own mental health, seek help!!
Also, the downvotes with no proper rebuttals to my comments and posts speak the loudest about the resurgence of the Great Asleepening. Way too many are comfortable with the idea of establishing a theocracy, reviving McCarthyism and essentially trading one tyranny for another all in the name of... well, Paul's interpretation of Jesus.
Nobody is calling for a theocracy but it honestly doesn’t sound that bad anymore. Even living under Sharia Law or CCP communism is starting to look preferable to our current globohomo tyranny. They’re all tyrannical dictatorships anyway so which one do you want: CCP communism, where you are a social credit slave but sissy men are banned, Islamic Sharia Law where you pay tax as Christians and punishments are strict, but there’s no Draq Queen Story Hour, or Globohomo, where it’s gender pronouns, forced injections, Satanic media, and third world diversity.
You think stopping your children from being exposed to propaganda is a thing to mock? Do you honestly think nothing sinister can hide in innocent forms? It's the exact opposite! Those you trust most, remember?
Children's cartoons (particularly from Disney) are rife with sexual and political messaging, both blatant and coded.
What is the association with pandas and the cultists?
Why is there also an association with children?
If panda eyes represents internal bleeding from massive trauma (beaten severely, like being in an auto accident) or savage rape, could they be announcing or glorifying shipments of child slaves from China?
Could this be a commercial? Sounds crazy, but remember Hunter and the (allegedly) underage Chinese girls.
I remember someone talking about the first-gen night vision photomultipliers displaying more of the red/infrared spectrum, and ppl were seeing all kinds of UFO's and entities swarming through warzones, they started going mad from exposure and interaction with "something" just around the dimensional corner. then they switched to the modern green displays and it "fixed the glitch": no more UFO's/entities on the viewfinder.
A quick DDG search (I know, but DDG produces the best results from any alternative search) pulled up a guide that said even $400 hardware will have you seeing so much activity that you won't go 10 minutes without seeing a UFO. much more activity do you see in the night sky when using night vision? Almost all footage I've seen of ufo's has been equivalent of the Bigfoot video. If it's that prevalent and night vision is that accessible, how come there has been no footage breaking through even in alternative communities? I've been willing to give flat earth a fair shake because of things I have seen. But no UFO footage while flat earth stuff is easily found?
I have a camera that is super sensitive to low light. When I look up at the night sky and turn up the ISO all I see is light from my urban environment. I need to get out to the country more. Although I have seen some anomalous moving lights, its rare.
Your garden variety DSLR camera sensor is sensitive down to the IR spectrum. Proof? Point your TV remote at the lens and hit a button on the remote. See the flashing light on the camera screen? Don't see it with your eyes? That's because the remote emits in the IR spectrum. Neither I or my friend who is deep into digital photography have seen any "entities" in our viewfinders or photos. Security systems and game cameras are sensitive into the IR spectrum and the better "stealth" ones emit IR energy. Seen any "entities" there? No? Neither have I or the billions of hours of IR-based surveillance data.
Back in the chemical photography days, I found myself using and processing a good deal of Kodak Aero Infrared Ektachrome, mainly for crop and forestry studies. Guess where AIE is sensitive? Any "entities? Nope.
Don't bring urban legends here and expect them to be believed or taken as fact.
If you think this is bad, take a look at the James Webb telescope that was just launched in space. Ten billion dollars for a "telescope" that can only see infrared (red) light...
This is typical Deep State behavior. Build some major scientific instrument with lots of hype. Then they will start releasing "evidence" that supports their agenda, like global warming, fluoride water, and evolution. The Hubble Space Telescope tacked on billions of years to the age of the earth, further denying Christianity and driving America towards Atheistic Communism.
Ok let's revisit the smarties comment. I thought I was the only one that did that. Smarties, bottlecaps, Runts, Skittles, M&Ms, gummy bears....I've always separated the colors, and depending on the candy will determine my color order of consumption. (Pineapple is last for gummies, cola flavors for Bottlecaps, etc and orange of anything gets tossed) I thought it was a weird OCD thing that started at monthly Bunko games, lol
There are soooo many things that are inappropriate in this movie too. I know most of us parents on here are probably very careful with what we let our kids watch, if we let them watch anything at all, but if anyone wants the rundown, here’s the list of things(it’s long) that prompted us to tell our 6 year old that she isn’t allowed to watch this movie at our home or anyone else’s home.
Just a few things that stood out:
-The little girl talks about at age 13 you’re your own person. An adult. You can do what you want, say what you want etc.
-Her and her 3 friends talk so poorly about their parents and come up with a plan to sneak out and go to a boy band concert (which they end up doing).
-The girls sneak out to a co-ed party as well to “give boys rides” as a Panda to raise money for the concert.
-One girl says her parents won’t let her go bc the band “sounds like stripper music”
-The girls talk about going to the concert as girls but leaving as true women after.
-The word “crap” is used.
-So much emphasis is put on her friends encouraging her to be this new rebel she has become and embracing it. That she no longer has to be this straight edge, over achiever girl under her parents wings.
-Soooooo much rebellion encouraged.
-The ritual is suuuuper freaky where she is levitated by her chest into the air while surrounded by adults chanting and spirits are called out of her.
-She tells her tamagotchi its about to meet its daddy and uncles (referring to the band members being her tamagotchis daddy)
-There is a big scene about the girl getting her period and her mom bringing pads to her school and embarrassing her.
-The little girl draws “sexy” (her words not mine) pictures of her crush who works at the gas station. Her mom finds the drawings of her shirtless crush and brings them to the store and accuses the boy of being 30 and a pedophile. He says he’s 17 and she says “well that’s what happens when you do drugs all day and don’t wear sunscreen”
-At the end the girl stands up to her mom and says she likes boys, music and gyrating. Says she’s 13 so deal with it!
-The little girl then starts twerking at her mom and smacking her butt saying “take this mom! take this”
-Final quote when the little girl decides to turn into a panda in public and her mom asks her not to she says “my panda, my choice”. Read into that what you’d like.
Thank you for your service. Will definitely be staying away from this one.
Panda eyes come to mind.
IMO the menstrual cycle part isn’t that bad for teens. That’s the one thing I agreed about in terms of the movie—that women getting/having periods doesn’t have to be so taboo.
The sexualisation of minors needs to go, but getting the stigma around that time of the month being something unnatural/to be ashamed of to go away would be good…
I don’t know, it’s still weird to make a kid’s cartoon about periods. A kid’s cartoon about wet dreams would be weird too. I also think this narrative about “period shaming” is a media creation. Nobody cares that women get periods, men don’t care and we don’t think about it as much as liberals seem to think. This all started because of a stupid running joke in the ‘80s about men not wanting to buy tampons for their wives, which is itself another media-created fake sitcom scenario that practically never happens either, since women buy that shit for themselves and leave men out of it. To me all of these narratives reek of the liberal mental disorder of making up fake problems to avoid obvious reality.
Yeah, the period thing wouldn’t be as big of a deal if Disney truly meant this to be for teenagers and up and they didn’t, it’s supposed to be for children. And, while I don’t have a problem talking to my daughter about anything she might ask me about, I would prefer her to not know about periods at age six and certainly not b/c she heard about them on a cartoon that’s supposed to be for kids.🤷🏼♀️ Also, whether it’s for kids or teenagers, I don’t understand why it’s necessary to put scenes like that in movies. Did that part really make or break the plot line? Nope, it didn’t.
I’m glad to hear you don’t have a problem with it, as my brother and father still avoid discussing the matter at all costs, lol.
I haven’t seen the movie and don’t plan on seeing it due to the obvious political agenda behind the film, but it seemed like it was marketed more for middle schoolers than young kids to me. And while my current experience working in child care is a little limited, the youngsters don’t seem to care about this movie one bit. But older teens appear to have watched it.
You know, my Dad was always very mature about it (as a grown man should be, lol) and my Mom would call him occasionally to have him pick up feminine things for me and my sister on his way home from work. It’s weird b/c my parents are very old school when it comes to “propriety”. You don’t talk or joke about sex, make fart jokes, etc., and while my parents were discreet about me and my sister’s period, like we weren’t discussing it with my brother at the dinner table 😂, they both acted like it was the most normal and ok thing in the world whenever Dad would have to stop at the store for feminine products. In fact, I feel like I remember Mom reassuring me the first time it happened that Dad was a big boy and he wasn’t embarrassed by it so I shouldn’t be embarrassed either. Probably the only subject they’ve been progressive about in my life. 🤷🏼♀️😂
My husband has also picked things up at the store for me and while he teases me that he’s only going to do it one time, I know he’s only joking and it’s not a big deal at all.
I’m glad to hear this. It gives me hope for a future husband/family that is better adjusted, lol
Disney had a film about menstruation back in the fifties/sixties. Joyce Maynard describes it in her memoir "Looking Back."
Richard Roeper in his review had a good point. Parents will take little kids to see this because it looks cute and harmless and then have to explain about getting periods perhaps a little earlier than intended.
This! ☝🏻 But the period part was the least of my concerns out of that long list. The encouragement to rebel against your parents w/ no reconciliation to that and the girl telling her mom in the end to “deal with it” as she slaps her butt. I have a problem with that whether my daughter is 6 or 13. Now if she was 13 I would maybe use it as a teaching opportunity but no matter what there’s just some things that children don’t need to fill their minds with or have normalized and rebellion is one of them. They learn that well enough on their own, I’m living proof of that. 😬😂
This needs to be stickied❗️ Word needs to get out to NOT let our kids watch this movie. I could see parents or grandparents innocently letting their children watch something like this!
They’re stealing our children’s innocence.
I don’t think you can sticky a comment, probably just posts. 🤷🏼♀️ But I agree, I always want to know other conservative parents reviews about kids movies if I haven’t watched the movie myself.
There are websites for that. Just look up “parents guide” and the movie title. There are a few different places I use and they are fairly comprehensive, although sometimes their descriptions make things sound worse than they actually are in the movie (“kiss my butt” might be referred to as “sexual innuendo”, which I guess it is, but most parents aren’t going to be super worried about a line of dialogue like that, and when you hear “sexual innuendo” you usually picture something more graphic).
Unfortunately, comments can't be stickied, but at least the original comment is close to the top.
Thanks for posting this…I wish Disney could be wiped-off the face of planet Earth!!
how terrible!
Yeah, um, sheltering your kids is a sure fire way to ensure they resent you when they're older. Six years old is somewhat understandable, however I wouldn't keep them there past 9 or 10.
As for the adult 13... Holy fuckin hypocritical hilarity, Batman. So many espouse traditional values and yet here you are insisting on the status quo when in reality God designed us so adulthood began at 13. And really it should though I'm more of the belief of making it a transition period not so much full fledged meaning overhauls on education and labor and general cultural changes so that by the time 18 rolls around they know how to hold a job, they know their rights, they know how to be responsible and so forth.
In fact, if you want your children to respect you, you'll begin to empower them and take those five years to set them up for success.
But here's the deal: you cannot protect them forever. They will see that movie and if they feel you were over protective they will resent you for it. Source: have sibling who resents father for being to overly protective.
Some here think we're returning to the garden and that knowledge is satan. Here's the truth: the fruit has been eaten. That's not going away. If anything we have to learn to live with the knowledge for eternity. Plus the prevention of study of other cultures is so painfully authoritarian and manipulative, I find it laughable how quick this group is to point out the cabal's manipulations yet give a pass to those same tactics if someone does them and slaps the name of Jesus in front of them.
So, I don’t know what other cultures have to do with a children’s movie, but then again, a lot of your observations are way off base to me. Obviously, we have very different view points about the world we’re living in and how we got here. Just because the fruit has already been eaten doesn’t mean we just say “to hell with it, it only goes to hell in a hand basket from here”. God tells us that as Christian we are not to be of this world. “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.1 John 2:15-17
As far as what kind of a parent I am, all I can say is that I was VERY sheltered growing up and my parents made plenty of mistakes, as all parents do and as I’m sure I will. However, I’d say me and my siblings each survived our strict upbringing and are better adults, spouses, parents, employees, citizens, and people in general because of it. None of us rebelled to the point of no return and while we might do things a little differently than our parents, we’re still raising our kids with the core principles we were raised with, knowing our children will be better and happier for it. And hey, maybe if more people raised their kids like my parents did instead of how all the free spirit hippies did, America wouldn’t be in the position it’s in right now. But hey, what do I know, I’m just a prudish, conservative mom. 🤷🏼♀️
Hey it's your relationship with your kids to risk. I'm just speaking from experience. I also know kids who were not as strictly raised who arguably turned out better than me and others who attend church every Sunday. Point is, it's not as absolute as you tell yourself.
Also, God does not say any of what you just quoted. That comes from Paul, a man who's awakening story is told three different times with the same consistency as Joseph Smith, the father of Mormonism. He also never met Jesus in person yet his letters are taken as absolute law. Though it is not my place to determine if Paul was right, his writings have been accepted as law and that has caused a lot more damage and division in the long run. Instead of keeping perspective, people will quote him as though his word trumps that of Jesus Himself and that is a lot of my issue with Christianity as a whole: it's not so much based on Jesus as it is Paul. In fact the religion should be recognized as Paulism. Now if you choose to accept Paul's INTERPRETATION for your self, that is perfectly fine. However I do not submit to the authority of a man who conveniently shaped the religion to fit into Roman culture and I certainly do not place him above or even close to Jesus.
A lot of people seem very confident that they are right and have happened to, out of 7,000,000,000 people and over 6,000 religions, scored the correct and true religion. Of course, you know who else was sure Jesus was on their side? The Pharisees, members of the most prominent and established religion at the time Christ walked the Earth. Just some things to think about.
Ultimately the best thing you can teach your children is to respect all Americans and even all people of the world and remember to acknowledge that we are a rich and diverse species and that Jesus taught to love... I certainly fail at this regularly. Most importantly though... regardless of what your kids choose, always love and accept them as Christ loves and accepts us even when we're deep in the gutter.
How to tie feminists, puberty, communists, and furries in one movie title.
LMFAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment of the day! 🏆
Worse. The movie is basically a metaphor for a girl receiving her first period
Yeah cause women should be ashamed of their natural bodily process.
if thats what you took from my comment then this place isnt for you. Reddit is only a click away
Truth! I got several comments like that as well to my “parents review” of the movie.🙄🤦🏼♀️ In fact, Camaro was one of them. I wasn’t as collected and to the point in my responses though, as you were. I should take notes and remember that naysayers, shills, and trolls aren’t worth the time. 🤷🏼♀️😂
Indeed they aren't. But I am neither of those things. I'm just not afraid to ask the hard questions and shine a bright light on everyone's insecurity.
You hardly asked any "hard questions", dude. Remember, you're a dude, you have to think about these things through the lens of a mother.
Either you aren't very good at situational empathy, or you're more immature than I am (and I'm pretty immature). Everything circlebackGinger said was entirely valid and on point as very legitimate concerns.
Or you could explain yourself. I really don't know what you were trying to say about this movie aside from you didn't like it because of the natural process girls go through to become women.
Ultimately YOU are responsible for how you come across. If you don't want to explain yourself that is your decision. Just know others will see this and while some might agree with you, others will see that you could probably learn some articulation.
You seem to be missing the point that this is a kid’s cartoon for five-year-olds that is about a little girl’s vagina. What part of these people being pedophiles haven’t you figured out? Would you also dig a kid’s cartoon about a boy’s first wet dream, and how his cum comes to life and starts talking to him with the voice of Seth Rogan? It’s weird man. This isn’t about being “threatened” by periods, it’s about the insistence of these pedophiles to introduce sexuality and genitalia into kid’s cartoons. They aren’t doing it out of some noble desire to guide children through puberty or whatever they claim. They are doing it to sexualize and groom children and to laugh/spit in the face of parents and show them that the pedophiles are still in control of your child’s entertainment.
You need to stop being so defensive over something so trivial.
I mean, I hate disney as much as the next guy, and they truly are "Turning Red" in the communist sense, but really? We all talk about Red Waves and how great that is. Red isn't just inherently evil. I get it, though. Disney.
You're right, it isn't. Red pills are a part of our comms as well.
However, it's not a coincidence that while Disney pushes the communist agenda through their movies, they're also using a Red Panda (which originates from China), all during a year when Communism has been taking over the world.
Certainly you can see the double meanings here.
Agreed. I'm not liking what we're becoming. So once the DS is gone and the world is freed, what will be next? What are people going to do next with this information, they're going to start attacking innocent YouTubers and claiming they're devil worshippers just because they've got red lighting in their YouTube videos? Or if someone mentions ordering pizza then they're automatically pedophiles from now until the end of time? Every single person in the entertainment industry is evil (including Trump and JFK Jr. who was in the entertainment industry)? Let's not go crazy here and turn into the very thing that we hate.
That’s what they said about McCarthy and McCarthy was proven right. If anything, they weren’t being vigilant enough back in the 1950s. McCarthy apparently was too soft.
And too late.
Wrong. McCarthy was dead fuckin wrong and McCarthyism is also wrong. You fuckin people will screech "muh Religious persecution" just because Seth McFarlane makes a joke about Jesus yet don't hesitate to grab pitch forks for a difference of ideology. Discrimination is wrong. Period. I don't care who's doing it and for what reasons. If McCarthy had defeated communism with better ideology and nothing more, we probably wouldn't be in this mess. Instead he empowered the Communist resolve and motivated them to rally and fight back.
History has proven time and again that war does not solve anything. It just kicks the can down the road while causing needless death and destruction. The Constitution does not allow for persecution of anyone for any reason. And if you think it's okay, then you are un-American and a threat to my liberty.
It’s illegal to be conspire against the U.S. government as part of a communist coup so no, no rights were violated by McCarthy and he actually didn’t go far enough. Hollywood has lied to you bud. The communist threat was real. After the Soviet Union fell, the documents came out proving this. All those movies you watched about how terrible the blacklist was, and what a paranoid freak McCarthy was, were made before the Soviet Union fell and those documents came out, so consider all those Hollywood movies debunked. Those filmmakers were commies. Have you watched their movies? The communist subversion is obvious.
We absolutely can and should be vigilant, but we need to tread carefully and not try and destroy people's lives on assumptions if we don't have all of the facts. We have enough information on someone like Dan Crenshaw to determine that he's most likely a corrupt commie scumbag and probably a devil worshipper as well with all the symbolism that he pushes. We should always be vigilant about the very people who are meant to represent us, that I agree with. I just don't want us to turn into a lynch mob and going after fellow citizens for small and dumb reasons. If someone listens to heavy metal for example, it doesn't automatically make them a devil worshipper. There are even people in this movement who are so ridiculous that they stopped eating pizza altogether all because of its coded symbolism. Don't let ((them)) ruin simple things like pizza. ((They)) don't create anything, they can only corrupt things. I don't want there to be division and fighting in the future all over paranoid reasons. "This person likes the movie Saving Private Ryan! That's DS propaganda! He's a DS sympathizer!" "This person just said they're ordering pizza!!!! Investigate him, see what he REALLY means!!!" As long as we DON'T become some fucked up lynch mob who throws labels around and always assumes the worst of everybody, then we'll be fine.
OK yeah but I don’t think that is close to happening. People are I think more inclined to dismiss the symbolism until it becomes so blatant and obvious that it is hard to deny. It’s not just ordering a pizza for your Super Bowl Party. It’s when the weird celebrity keeps making pizza references where they don’t fit, and wears a shirt with a pizza fucking another pizza, and was on the flight logs to Epstein Island, and is currently voicing an animated movie about a little girl’s first period, and used to be roommates with John Podesta, and eventually it’s like, “Yeah, you would be crazy to let this dude babysit your kids.”
Yeah I'm becoming quite disgusted with the authoritarian mentality that is manifesting in this group, but also going unchallenged. If you want to establish a theocracy in your own home, that's fine. But the Constitution says "no".
"Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion"
Better DED than RED. Fuck commies.
P.S. I think I'll wear my "Kill a Commie for Mommie" shirt today. ;)
What about being red(pilled)?
Tolerance and love strike again.
You must disavow Bernie and communism if you want a coat fren.
Misplaced compassion as well.
I just saw a trailer for the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie and there is a giant owl statue in a cave... looks like a huge part of the story..... Molach
Obviously nobody actually watched the movie or they surely would have mentioned the satanic ritual circle with 5 people standing around the outside. It absolutely promoted strong empowered lasbian wamens, transgenders, cuck beta males, occult magic, and pedo themes; everything you would expect from a Disney movie. An assault on your children that is too cleverly designed for stupid parents to identify.
I did! The movie was completely inappropriate as pretty much every Disney movie is these days. The ritual thing was creepy and I love how they made the “crush” JUST BARELY legal at 17. Umm, hellllloooo, 13 and 17 is NOT ok. So many things wrong w/ this movie besides the “color red”.
All the more reason to have your kids watch it and teach them your perspectives. But you also need to let them watch and decide for themselves.
Unless of course this all powerful and loving god people speak of is too weak to actually protect them. I know mine is, but I also apply that to Him literally and don't fret over the attempts of mortal men to corrupt children so easily. Empower your children with knowledge, don't be afraid to have the hard conversations. They will respect you for it in the long run.
This is the same argument that groomers use. The idea that trying to insulate kids from the harsh realities of the world, or to create a little bubble of childhood innocence, is somehow “weak” and a “disservice” to kids. That somehow we aren’t “equipping” them for the future, or that we are “threatened” by “truth” and that we are refusing to “empower” children by shielding them from adult content. It all comes down to the same thing: the insistence that we treat children like little, autonomous adults, and the purpose of that is all about age of consent, and getting it as low as possible.
We reject all of this nonsense from its very foundation. We think childhood is supposed to be a time of protected innocence and carefree separation from adult problems like bills, jobs, wars, geopolitics, sexuality and sexual fetishes, pharmaceutical malpractice, propaganda, corruption, etc. Kids have their entire teenage years and adulthood to realize all of this but when they are young, it is completely normal and natural for parents to not want to dump all of this on their little minds when they should instead be focused on things like sharing, making friends, navigating their emotions, learning how to read, playing sports, brushing their teeth, dressing themselves, etc. You don’t grab a five-year-old and start pounding their head with trans gender pronouns and Holocaust atrocities just like you don’t pound them with 9/11 was an inside job and the history of the Khazarian Mafia. It’s all too much for them at that age. Just let them be kids!
Actually it's about a young girls getting their periods. Watch it. You'll see.
Now the question is what did they do to our children that they need a movie to normalize getting your period for kids 5 to 10 years old?
Also hormones added to milk products.
And the water. Birth control hormones in waste water is literally turning male fish into females. It’s a problem commonly discussed in water treatment and fishing research circles.
I actually interpreted it differently. Notice how the movie actually had a fake period scare first, and then when the panda problem happens, the mom tells the dad "it's not the period problem, it's a different problem!"
It seems to me that they are concerned that people will think the panda is a metaphor for periods, and so made sure to include periods first, and then introduce the panda, so they can be "look, it's a different problem! it's not a metaphor for periods!"
At least that's how I saw it.
But there was also a heavy emphasis on emotions and hormones running raw. I think it went too far in the sexual aspect. A lot of focus was on the girl being an "adult" and shit but she's like 13. Wtf.
While that is the plot of the movie, there's a double meaning outside of the context of the movie and that is our world is Turning Red (communist).
Prove it with facts and logic. Not assumption.
🤨 How do you, of all people, not know how comms works?
I am aware of how it works. I am also not that interested in watching this movie. While posting a picture of the poster and the Wiki is a decent start, I am asking you to provide more. What other context can you shed light on? As is, this comes off as reaching.
I guess I am trying to suggest that you and I and everyone be more articulate in sharing ideas instead of assuming everything is satan. Sure, there's probably some themes, but we represent ourselves better when we can explain our ideas. It also makes it easier to teach our children instead of banning them from content altogether.
I didn't assume Satan? Where in my picture or my comments do I assume Satan?
If you took the time to read my other comments, you'd see this isn't related to the plot of the movie at all.
There is nothing articulate about fighting with everyone on everything, and taking your anger out on the community here. You've been doing this a lot and your history shows a pattern of this behavior.
This is my point exactly. Why emotionally invest yourself in something that doesn't mean anything to you? Don't cry "oh but the community", when clearly if you wanted to help everyone, you would stop being so divisive and picking fights over nothing substantial.
If you hate us and our ways, we don't want to keep you here.
Aweful movie too. Just shit
It was by far the worst Pixar did.. and I really didn't hate it - even though it was blatant propaganda "Embrace your inner Chinese communism.." It just wasn't up to their normal quality.. like if Apple spit out an 8lb laptop or something
I thought it was awful. My whole family did.
And the kids were awful role models, had bad attitudes. But i suppose that's too be expected now days.
Funny, until the 1984 election, Republican color was blue. CBS decided to change it.
They should TOTALLY switch back, reclaim the true blue and give the commies the red
I had heard this before.. our colors are now red ,white, and blue.
Disney don't have evil symbolism challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
I've seen 3x now and it takes place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and it's not appropriate for children
Red has multiple meanings.
"Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the Red Dawn!" Théoden in December 2002
Operation Red Dawn captures Saddam in December 2003.
Coincidence? Might be, I dunno anything.
Neither do most people in this group.
Red can have many many is it also stands for the Republican party this could be a com that they are flipping our way.
I thought that at first, but consider they did it on a kids movie that discusses periods to tell us they're turning Republican...
I find that comm highly unlikely.
And that looks like panda bear ears, like Chyna…..
Better dead than red
A person who has protanopia can't see red, but they can still detect communism. 🤔
All green tomatoes turn red
Don't let them turn red. Fried green tomatoes, the American way.
My husband's sister and her family are Disney obsessed! They go the Disney World several times a year etc. They have Disney shirts, bags, crap. I want to gag every time they bring up their latest "Disney trip".
As I recall the original color for the Republican Party was Blue. I believe It was flipped by someone in the MSM to make the norms think badly of the Republican Party candidates.
My son just made me watch this. We finished it about 30 minutes ago. While there might be a communist double meaning to the title, the movie is about a 13 year old girl who just realized she likes boys and wakes up the next morning as a big red panda.
It's clearly a play on her getting her period. The whole movie draws that double meaning. The panda is likely representative of owning your sexuality and not burying it deep within you (not really an appropriate message for 13 year old girls but I doubt they'll grasp the hidden meaning there) This is represented by her deciding to ignore her mother's orders and attend a boy band concert with their friends (the movie takes place in 2002 in Toronto for some reason).
There was something interesting THERE though. The boy band is called 4 town, but there are 5 singers in the band (45). In fact, one of her friends has a drawing on her cheek at the concert with a number 4 and a 5 sided star right next to it. Unless someone has more examples than "red" in the title I think you might be reaching here. If anything I feel like maybe there's a nod to Trump in there.
we're turning red alright.
My first thought when I saw the ad for this movie: “Are they trying to normalize furries now?”
Or it’s because red pandas are red.
whY Don’T NorMieS beLieVe uS!!!!!??????!!!b
By the way, have any of you ever had a chance to pet a red panda at a zoo? It’s astonishing. They are the cutest fucking animals on the planet.
Really getting annoyed with the promotion of the "Fox News is Gods News" "Rock n Roll is the music of the devil" and "knowledge is satan" boomer bullshit crowd getting promoted and all the attention lately. One second we're awake and the next we're clocked back to sleep with authoritarian Christian blue pills and gross fantasies of a theocracy.
Here's the deal: until Jesus Himself comes back, we are commanded to love our enemies and turn the other cheek. The Constitution is VERY clear that we are an anti-theocratic nation and rightly so. Just because the leftist morons don't respect the Constitution does not mean we do the opposite and embrace religious extremism. This last week feels more like The Great Asleepening.
I don’t know what forum you’ve been on but it certainly hasn’t been on GAW. No one is embracing religious extremism and no one is saying that “Fox news is God’s news”. That you even think that is laughable and makes you sound delusional. Please, for your own mental health, seek help!!
Also, the downvotes with no proper rebuttals to my comments and posts speak the loudest about the resurgence of the Great Asleepening. Way too many are comfortable with the idea of establishing a theocracy, reviving McCarthyism and essentially trading one tyranny for another all in the name of... well, Paul's interpretation of Jesus.
Nobody is calling for a theocracy but it honestly doesn’t sound that bad anymore. Even living under Sharia Law or CCP communism is starting to look preferable to our current globohomo tyranny. They’re all tyrannical dictatorships anyway so which one do you want: CCP communism, where you are a social credit slave but sissy men are banned, Islamic Sharia Law where you pay tax as Christians and punishments are strict, but there’s no Draq Queen Story Hour, or Globohomo, where it’s gender pronouns, forced injections, Satanic media, and third world diversity.
You're literally preventing your kids from watching a cartoon...
You think stopping your children from being exposed to propaganda is a thing to mock? Do you honestly think nothing sinister can hide in innocent forms? It's the exact opposite! Those you trust most, remember?
Children's cartoons (particularly from Disney) are rife with sexual and political messaging, both blatant and coded.
-What country does a Red Panda come from?
-What country does Biden ignore genocide from?
-Who benefits from a weak United States?
-Is it the the same country with the second highest GDP?
-What country has a prodiminately red flag and is also communist? (Hint: See other answers)
This isn't about a red-flight on an airline. Learn to read comms.
How about this:
Great food for thought!
I remember someone talking about the first-gen night vision photomultipliers displaying more of the red/infrared spectrum, and ppl were seeing all kinds of UFO's and entities swarming through warzones, they started going mad from exposure and interaction with "something" just around the dimensional corner. then they switched to the modern green displays and it "fixed the glitch": no more UFO's/entities on the viewfinder.
I would love to learn more about that.
Yeah, right?
1st Generation of nightvision goggles being used in Vietnam created mass reports of seeing demonic entities:
Same here please share it if you find info.
A quick DDG search (I know, but DDG produces the best results from any alternative search) pulled up a guide that said even $400 hardware will have you seeing so much activity that you won't go 10 minutes without seeing a UFO.
That was the first thing I clicked.
Hey. Got some Info? much more activity do you see in the night sky when using night vision? Almost all footage I've seen of ufo's has been equivalent of the Bigfoot video. If it's that prevalent and night vision is that accessible, how come there has been no footage breaking through even in alternative communities? I've been willing to give flat earth a fair shake because of things I have seen. But no UFO footage while flat earth stuff is easily found?
I have a camera that is super sensitive to low light. When I look up at the night sky and turn up the ISO all I see is light from my urban environment. I need to get out to the country more. Although I have seen some anomalous moving lights, its rare.
So, like, did you see any entities?
Your garden variety DSLR camera sensor is sensitive down to the IR spectrum. Proof? Point your TV remote at the lens and hit a button on the remote. See the flashing light on the camera screen? Don't see it with your eyes? That's because the remote emits in the IR spectrum. Neither I or my friend who is deep into digital photography have seen any "entities" in our viewfinders or photos. Security systems and game cameras are sensitive into the IR spectrum and the better "stealth" ones emit IR energy. Seen any "entities" there? No? Neither have I or the billions of hours of IR-based surveillance data.
Back in the chemical photography days, I found myself using and processing a good deal of Kodak Aero Infrared Ektachrome, mainly for crop and forestry studies. Guess where AIE is sensitive? Any "entities? Nope.
Don't bring urban legends here and expect them to be believed or taken as fact.
I have heard this too been awhile
I had to be 7 or 8 before I knew M&Ms came in colors other than brown. I was the youngest of 3 kids!
Great use of this gif!
Gheez, he STILL has those kekups?!
He sure does. He just can't stop!
If you think this is bad, take a look at the James Webb telescope that was just launched in space. Ten billion dollars for a "telescope" that can only see infrared (red) light...
Some fun facts about why the James Webb uses infrared.
Original budget was $1.6 billion if I recall correctly. So about 5 times over budget.
What's your point? What does JWST have to do with any of this?
This is typical Deep State behavior. Build some major scientific instrument with lots of hype. Then they will start releasing "evidence" that supports their agenda, like global warming, fluoride water, and evolution. The Hubble Space Telescope tacked on billions of years to the age of the earth, further denying Christianity and driving America towards Atheistic Communism.
Ok let's revisit the smarties comment. I thought I was the only one that did that. Smarties, bottlecaps, Runts, Skittles, M&Ms, gummy bears....I've always separated the colors, and depending on the candy will determine my color order of consumption. (Pineapple is last for gummies, cola flavors for Bottlecaps, etc and orange of anything gets tossed) I thought it was a weird OCD thing that started at monthly Bunko games, lol
That's how they train MKUltra. Look up sorting M&Ms.
LOL uh, that's probably labeled as OCD when it gets THAT detailed!
Get out of here commie! Orange is the best! ReeEeeeeEee sorry I had to.
My brother and I would fight over the orange bottle caps. We would have been scrambling for yours. LOL.
Red ones last because Red #40 is worse for you
OK ok. Here they are those little chalk dust looking pills made by NECCO and others
I thought that movie was hilarious! Unfortunately, the sequel pretty much sucked.