If the President’s son is indicted, and child porn is found on his laptop, which was originally in possession of Chinese officials - this means the President is severely compromised and has been acting in the interest of a foreign entity...
That’s treason...
That’s a reason to grab your Constitution...
As you were, frens. 🐸🐸🐸...
Does treason still have a death sentence?
We know Trump reinstated the firing squad though.
South Carolina recently reinstated firing squads also
Paging Lindsey Graham. Will Lindsey Graham please report to the courtesy desk?
Comment of the day!!
Rotflmao! Definitely had me coughing and spitting for a second
Keklarious! 🐸
But what if Joe really ISN'T the President - stolen election and all.
What then? Then it is just a crime.
Think that through: are you thinking that by definition only government officials can commit treason? Even if he technically did not have the legal authority to commit the acts to promote China/whoever’s interests to the detriment of the US, those orders were still carried out. E.g., we did pull out disastrously from Afghanistan, the talks with Iran are still progressing.
It suppose to be the most egregious crime ever to commit. Greater than murder.
Right. Murder only kills one person.
What about mass murder?
Yes, minimum penalty outlined by Constitution is 5 years and a $10k fine.
Interesting blurb found while searching for 1789 dollar value:
$10,000 in 1787 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $302,310 today.
People also live almost three times as long now as they did back then.
$300k should be the minimum fine for treason, on top of a 15-year minimum prison term, with no possibility of pardon or parole. There are varying levels of treasonous behavior. Do worse shit, pay more money and more time in prison...or the grave.
Yes. Found with 5 ballots? Bad.
Found with 5,000 ballots? Worse
Found orchestrating ballot stuffing across multiple states? Hangin
👆 I like where you are going with this. 👍
I’m surprised I didn’t get downvotes from people who think we need to hang the 5 ballot guy. Probably because this is great awakening and not TD. People here are generally a lot nicer!
Key word; minimum
Mos def
yea but it's death OR 20 years (or something like that) which I have always thought was very strange
Probably to leave wiggle room in the case of "light" treason
Light treason sounds a lot like a little pregnant.
It was more presented as a joke, but there are certainly varying degrees of treason. For instance someone could be criminally negligent in the specifics of a business deal that in some way aids a foreign enemy versus actively facilitating the maiming of your countrymen with a poison shot
Thank makes sense.
That. And there is a difference between someone who did something because their family was threatened or they sought out to do it for personal profit.
or a small invasion?
"treason lite"
just a lil treason nbd
There's always money in the Banana Stand
My man
The 20 years is probably for those that talk and give up information on other traitors.
What people also seem to "miss" is that this is not happening in a timeframe that suits you or me.....
Military is the only way.
Still wondering why Q said "trust Wray."
Great point 👍🏽
The more I think about it, the more I think JB was telegraphing that message recently when he was blathering about naked pictures of friends.
You BET he was.
John Durham is a federal prosecutor. He's been busy, or so we've been told. I think he'd be up to the task. The evidence in these cases is so overwhelming, they're a slam dunk. The only question is, will the system let it happen, and does somebody with the authority to act have the nuts to step up to the plate?
In "slam dunk" cases, the goal is to get as many conspirators punished with the maximum penalty.
Listen to us talking about who has the balls to prosecute child porn and treason. Are there any Real Americans still out there?!
Durham seems to be working on three roots supporting the corruption, the DOJ-IC that controls what gets prosecuted, Clinton Murder Inc., and Perkins Cooie who provides crooked lawyers. In addition, Mueller's investigation exposed or hobbled other legal representatives. I think Durham's work will leave the conspirators in a poor position to defend themselves.
Wouldn't it be wild if Durham were actually Wray's alter ego?
Okay, so I have an active imagination.
But that would be a crazy plot twist.
At this point, nothing would surprise me. So many double and triple agents, misinformation, and psyops, anything is possible.
Agree with your comment. But it's more than "or so we hear". His tiny indictments were hundreds of pages. 😂
Because biden is president he would definitely fo through a military court martial. Simply put he is head of all military forces. Be even then high treason would also land you in military court regardless of your military status
Well, yes, ESPECIALLY considering he committed led a coup to oust the legitimately elected president.
And did so partly to disguise his actions in Ukraine, among others.
Some time Putin just happened to find Hunter's biolabs in Ukraine
Makes me think of how Q would say Hunters become hunted, lol, like Q always multi meaning
Correct but that is not all. I believe the laptop blows the lid off the whole "Ukraine is a child trafficking hub" and Finger Lakes evidence and Hunter profiting from it, plus connecting the dots for every other cabal corruption --Bribery, blackmail, Big Pharma and labs and pandemic profiteering by our own country/Gates, Fauci. HB made money off of every angle there is. The Bidens and others sold us out to China. Finger gonna point to Kerry, Brennan, U1 and Hillary. Tied in will be Haiti iridium mines and Haitian trafficking. Glory be.... And the Pelosi fam is in deep shit as well. This is my wish list.
I'm not missing anything. It was released in October 2020 and it irrefutably contains corruption evidence at the VERY least. It also sadly contains the unmentionable stuff. Expert subsequent cabal exercise in disinformation.
drop 3063
Maybe this referred to the laptop and Joe's efforts to protect/deflect?
Except that there's a high probability that Joe tried to have his whole family (including Hunter and Beau) knocked off when he had his wife and toddler daughter knocked off. He has no concept of love.
and I'm thinking just the opposite on the accident story. I wonder if someone killed JBs wife as a warning; he wasn't expected to win & he beat a career politician. they say his wife was the brains behind his campaign, maybe she knew too much🤔
I don't think there was a double meaning here. Q only meant Trump. Biden used Hunter as a bag man.
Does a father love his child when he uses him to commit traitorous acts and engage in a lifetime of serious crimes just to feed his father’s greed and thirst for power? In my world this type of father loves no one but himself but then again I cannot relate to these depraved people, otherwise known as our government.
Agreed, but I can envision this being how the media spins it.
Hunter served with Pelosi's son, Kerry' son and others in Ukraine. He probably has evidence on that laptop from 8ell that will bring down a whole lotta people for pedo and corruption!
Paul Pelosi for the win!
I can't stand that slimy creature.
What do you call it when you knowingly install someone who is not loyal to the US as president?
There is a reason why we do not elect the president. We need to know who voted and how in such a disaster. And congress has to sign that death warrant for themselves.
Because if, somehow, the traitors install a president, we need receipts.
One of the people I believe OP is talking about is Jack Maxey, who has been working on the laptop from H€11. You can find him on Gab. He used to be with Bandon on his War Room, but took off to work on this project. You can find Maxey on Gab here: https://gab.com/JackMaxey1 He specifically says to keep your Constitution close by.
People will need to understand the gravity of the crimes.
A good understanding is necessary, too.
Dan Scavino on Truth Social recommending Hillsdale College's free "Constitution 101" course at bit.ly/3vR1cfO
The Constitution of the United States https://www.amazon.com/dp/0880801441
Get many & pass them out frens. Did this year's ago when discussing it with fam & friends who had not read it.
I don't know about supporting Amazon, though.
u/MaidInAmerica gave better links.
Thank you fren! I had them handy because I just sent them to share. Great minds think alike!
I do this too. Here’s a couple more links for bulk pocket constitution orders, and they’ll send one free too
I bought a box of Patrick Wood’s Technocracy Rising and gave as gifts for Christmas one year too.
Much better links, thank you!
Excellent. And yes to above commentator, SCREW Amazon. Always a little disappointed when I see pedes linking to products there when they are available elsewhere.
A good understanding is necessary, too.
Dan Scavino on Truth Social recommending Hillsdale College's free "Constitution 101" course at bit.ly/3vR1cfO
What I want published along with the obvious is the letter from Trump to Biden that Biden described as "generous,"
You and your family aren’t exterminated and you get to live out your natural lives in white collar prison if you cooperate.
He kept saying "He's shot, he's shot" too.
Obviously the wobbleheaded fuck that's acting like Biden now is not the real Senator Biden. Different ears and teeth.
Impossible to believe that millions (or billions) of people cannot look at past photos and realize this obvious fact.
"Joe Biden as president" is the biggest gaslight in history, and nothing else even comes close.
That Getty picture of Brandon with the perfectly square skin flap by his ear was pretty damning. Almost intentional looking.
I keep wondering why did Hunter leave the laptop at the repair shop. The repair shop owner stated that he attempted to contact Hunter and never got a response so it was forfeit. It seems like Hunter wanted this evidence to fall into our hands. Why? Was he already under our control?
Cocaine is a helluva drug
He's has never faced consequences in his life. That would make anyone careless. Then x1000 for a mega rich drug addict.
Recall; Senator Graham questions Justice nominee Kavanaugh on Treason, https://youtu.be/p6CHjZS00O0?t=117
Would it be un-Christian to enjoy reading the comments on the crimes, penalties and options for Treason in anticipation of ___________?
If so, Lord, I am guilty, please forgive...
Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 78 S. Ct. 1401 (1958)
Note: Any judge who does not comply with his oath to the Constitution of the United States wars against that Constitution and engages in acts in violation of the supreme law of the land. The judge is engaged in acts of treason. The U.S. Supreme Court has stated that "no state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it".
See also In Re Sawyer, 124 U.S. 200 (188); U.S. v. Will, 449 U.S. 200, 216, 101 S. Ct. 471, 66 L. Ed. 2d 392, 406 (1980); Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat) 264, 404, 5 L. Ed 257 (1821)
A lot of people are missing the bigger picture on everything, the laptop being only one.
Is this treason more treasonous than the treason of conducting a blatant coup d'etat on live TV to steal the presidency of the US?
did we all forget the 10% for the big guy? Joe is directly implicated, not just by relation to his son, he's part of the business.
We should make Saudi Arabia's 81 Executions look like rookie numbers.
We have the best, the most, the greatest number of executions of Commie Politicians.
Ask anyone.
The best.
What kind of child porn was found on the laptop? Was it actual images of Hunter himself having sex with children, or was it generic porn of other people having sex with children? Because if it's the latter, it won't go very far for a conviction in today's courts.
They're actual pics of Hunter. There's a Chinese billionaire named Miles Guo that was posting stuff on a website called G News. Found out about him from Bannon's War Room when story on the laptop first dropped.
It's scans of old Polaroids of Joe raping Young Hunter!
That’s treason... That’s a reason to grab your Constitution
I don’t understand the link why treason is the reason?
IMO we get rid of them because the reason is treason, and military is the only way. Streamed live by RSBN and RebelNews preferably.
Fraud vitiates everything.
If there is treason by someone who has some position of authority, then not only is he removed from that position, but his acts are questioned.
If a whole lot of traitors are in congress, laws will be revoked. Budgets revoked. Entire sessions of congress will be nullified.
I misinterpreted, I thought the OP was saying the black hats were going dismantle our constitution. I’ll shut up now and finish my coffee.
That's what would happen in a sane country/ world.
Child porn won't be enough. They will have an easy excuse - "How many foreign spies would like to put this crap on the presidencial son's laptop?"
Child porn won't be enough, unless the Hunter is starring, a first-plan role.
Translation: although Hunter has cp on his computer and info from Chinese spies where money changed hands and joe got his cut and they used the same bank account —he didn’t mean to do it we can’t prove that he meant it so therefore we don’t recommend any jail time although we aren’t the prosecutors they referred it to us anyway.
TLDR; He's a Democrat therefore not guilty.
Inb4 they normalize pedophilia and start calling us pedophobes
Treason is the Reason...Haha! (I hope the military shows no mercy and sentences Biden and his crime family accordingly!)
The Biden crime family has stolen from the American Tax Payers for over 30 yrs! Justice must be served!
Joe Biden will be the first arrest, the first indictment unsealed
Next up in the Batter's Box
Clinton Crime Family
Pelosi Crime Family
Kerry Crime Family
Romney Crime Family.
Soros Crime Family
Rockefellor Crime Family
Bill Gates Crime Family
Zuckerberg Crime Family
"Bigger slam dunk charges"
"Mid terms are safe"
Is the remark “grab your constitution” a Bidenism?
there is so much shit on that laptop it outta be good for a few executions.......
Half of our government spent treasonous, and not one thing has happened to them. And you actually think somethings going to happen to Biden. I doubt it. Just wait two more weeks right?
The first arrest will shock the world. What if Joe is the first arrest?
It would have to be the military. Cannot arrest a sitting President.
He cannot be president and be arrested.
If he is arrested, then he is not president.
What if he isn’t really the president because he didn’t win the election and he is acting as a proxy for an enemy? Can he be arrested then?
The military would have to remove him. This is above civilian law enforcement.
For the love of God Military, remove him! (Understanding its removal isn’t so simple. I trust the military) 🙏🏼
I know. I've been ready too. It's quite the burden knowing what is coming amongst a sea of retards. That's why I am thankful for this site. It keeps me sane.
Not if one of the states finally move to decertify the election, JoePedo would lose electoral votes shorting him of 270 to win election.
Just a theory, no idea how this plays out.
What if, just what if, the walls around the White House are for containment?
I got my wordage wrong. I got first arrest https://qagg.news/?q=%23%233716 and first indictment mixed up.
So what? WHO is going to call him on it? THIS Congress?? THIS DOJ??
Nobody needs kiddie porn on a laptop to know that Mr. Potato Head is severely compromised. He openly brags about it.
Again, I say, so what???
That laptop will go the way of the Weiner laptop, the Clinton emails, the Epstein video cameras, yadda, yadda, yadda, ad infinitum.