Man I need to hear this..that’s huge! Love me some Space Force. I mean I tell people, the man created a entire military branch, that focuses on satellites, which is tech, computers, systems, etc. And he did it for a reason. They have to come into play to finish this the way it needs to be finished. Military IS the only way.
There's a reason they paid Steve Carell big bucks to make an anti-SF propaganda piece for Netflix that quickly. South Park nails it with the "Netlifx, you're greenlight." bit but very few things have gone from page to screen faster than that.
Thanks for the clarification on timing—didn’t realize the military branch was announced first.
Normally I find things related to entertainment—especially when their releases coincide with major Trump/military news—as an “under the radar” communication with other black hats. They usually parody things they are afraid of/that are threats, like the Space Force.
By making fun of it normal people don’t take it as seriously as well.
Parks and Rec comes to mind as being promotional propaganda for Hilary Clinton.
Trump is responding to some comment from the crowd
Thats a good question...we can do a lot...and you know what, we have cards. we had all the cards. we still have cards. if they knew how to play them, they still have cards...the only thing they're good at is fixing elections, thats the only thing they do.
it was an hour and 45 minutes before Trump came on stage, I just happened to be watching it and not recording it. just saying what I heard. also you don't have to be such an ass fren
You still didn't say where you were watching it.... Fren.
So If you can't provide the link, Maybe grace of with the answer as to where you were watching it, and that very least, we'll have a starting point to look for the shit you made a post about, fren.
RSBN, one hour and 45 minutes before Trump was scheduled to speak they had this preacher gave a sermon, military guy said some things and the Pledge of Allegiance, singer sing the Star-Spangled Banner, and I turned it off at that time to wait for Trump
Anyone else think Elon flipped and is posing as an internet provider while being funded behind the scenes? I know the guy is rich but starlink came about so fast and they're putting satellites up so rapidly it makes me question it. Maybe the good guys will use starlink to communicate once the DS takes down the internet. Just a hunch.
I saw a video where world population control would be in the hands of those that control low orbit satellites.... sorry I don't have the link - I'll spend some time later trying to find it again.
I don't trust the guy, but when other elites are talking about how we need less people, he's out there saying we need more people and telling people to have more babies. So I'll give him a star for that at least.
Yeah yeah, I understand all that. In the case of him potentially being a flipper, imo, belief is the enemy of knowing. I'm highly sceptical of the bloke. On one side he's backed by a mountain of fraud, deception and occult connections, on the other he's posted some uplifting "freedom" tweets. Regardless, I guess we'll have to wait and see how his character in the movie plays out.
Ok lol. I respect your opinion. My opinion: Those "reusable rockets" are about as real as his Tesla Roadster floating in space. Interesting quote of his regarding the "Don't Panic" car: "You know it's real cos it looks so fake". CGI goes a long way these days. Then there's the rat running around the outside of that reusable rocket as it's hurtling through the stratosphere... It goes on and on... It's kinda funny.
Your opinion is ill-informed. The rockets are real and they are being re-used. The Air Force is purchasing deliveries to orbit with them. He is delivering astronauts to the International Space Station with them. Nobody else has anything close.
I don't think Elon is totally on either side, he seems to do what he wants, no matter who tries to tell him what to do. As long as he does not break their laws, they can't control him, and the deep state just hates that. I think he does some things just to piss off whoever tries.
My Mom was, she was a very strong conservative that had to do an abortion with a coat hanger in the tub. She almost bled out before she was found and under the circumstances she said she would do it again. She had been told due to her last birth she could not survive another pregnancy. My step father did not care and wanted her so have his child anyway. He actually said she is not what is important its his wants she must follow. He was actually a clown, and back then my Mom could not get any help to stop him from moving in because she was considered loose because she was divorced. Every thing is not cut and dried in any issue so people have different reasons for their views. Musk has 7 kids, I applauded that as actions speak louder than words.
My Mom when she left was also my boss and paid me to follow Q and report every morning to the family.
You have to be wrong on that one. My nominee would be Lockheed Martin for the perpetual F-35 program. Any Naval submarine program would be another candidate.
I don't think he belonged to the cabal to begin with, so he couldn't have flipped. He's always been targeted by the cabal. I don't think he is White Hat either. I put him down as a wild card.
Most people here aren’t ready for this one yet. I have a hunch the Space Force we are being shown publicly which was wrestled out from the grip of the Air Force is a distraction & not the real space force. Revelations to be made.
In context was about pollution and that we care about what goes up in the air but China and India don't, and their pollution goes up and floats somewhere else....
He could've chosen any number of ways to make his point, but he didn't 😎.
Hilarious. So that means that everyone born after the creation of NASA are fakes? Coincidence in time (and you already admit there was a year separation) means only that you know how to read a calendar. Cut with the pronouncements and start providing sauce.
There are some really sharp people that pop in here but I'll be honest I guess we all have our "specialties". I appreciate your insight in this and you reaching out and dropping some info here.
You hit the nail on the head. Everyone here has their niche where they truly are an asset to the American people.
I dont know how to hack a computer, i can't tell you the IP address of a website; but if darkness ever comes to America, ill be out there helping my neighbors keeping the diesel generators going.
Yup and I have my degree in engineering but instead of working for some big company I have spent the last 35 years as a residential contractor. I can build anything. I am also a skilled outdoorsman trained since birth by my father and grandfather.
Can you build me a wooden box to keep my weed in? Lol jk. But I've always wanted a sweet hand carved wooden box like the one Jesse Pinkman made in Breaking Bad.
That incident in Breaking Bad, where his creation was dismissed (I think that's what happened, right?), rings so true for so many people! One little bad experience like that REALLY can be the thing that turns someone onto a completely destructive path.
Oh I was talking about the scene where Jesse was at rehab and the group was discussing different activities they enjoyed in the past and Jesse talks about how he was in a Woodworking class that he took as an easy A, but ended up being surprised with a really unique teacher who consistently challenged him to apply himself and put his best effort into his wood carvings.
And how he ended up remaking his box several times before finally landing the most perfect version of a little wooden chest that he put genuine love and care into--even giving it a tremendous lacquer and finish so that is glistened in the sunlight.
Jesse smiles while he reminisces on this, and when asked what he did with it, he first claims he gave it to his mom. But after a few moments, retracts the statement, and admits that he traded it for an ounce of weed.
That one scene always stuck with me. It speaks of how everyone has at least some talent in something. But how easy it is for us to squander those talents in the pursuit of a quick short term pleasure.
We have terrestrial officers and non-terrestrial officers, Mc Kinnon(sp), hacked into the pentagon back when there was just dial up. The deep state has let this go down the memory hole.
Thank you. They can never explain why round is the most efficient shape, or how no celestial flat planets show anything but the fully round side. Retarded is too kind.
They can never explain why would God make the Earth flat but everything else in the heavens round. They'll even try to claim "fish eye effect" to explain round objects in space when not every lens produces that effect not does a reflecting telescope and you can build your own telescope, don't tell me they're all rigged in some way to show you illusions.
So we can't trust our government but we can wholeheartedly trust NASA? NASA is a bunch of Free Masons aka Jewish bastard's.
President Trump said the earth was flat.
NASA says the spinning globe with us on it, is spinning at 1,000 miles an hour. How is it mathematically or scientifically possible and not feel the motion, or deal with it when flying and landing?
Back to the most basic common denominator is "it's the sea level stupid".
Outer space existed well before NASA. How can you possibly "feel the motion" of Earth's rotation? Do the physics and you will find that it is a force that is so small, it is on a level that we automatically adjust for. I mean, do the damned numbers yourself and come back with them---none of this arm-waving bullshit. The linked photo means nothing except an example of the fata morgana effect of low-incidence-angle atmospheric refraction. What is more fatal to your case is the 1972 Apollo photo from the Moon, before computer image processing was invented.
That and the fact that mankind has been circumnavigating the world since Magellan.
Have you ever been in a moving vehicle? Do you notice that you only feel changes in speed due to acceleration and braking? The Earth's spin is the same damn thing, especially since you were born on it while it was already spinning. Even a 5th grader can understand this.
That's a good description of the attitude flat-Earthers often have. One sign that they aren't being intellectually honest is that they are always so combative. They behave just like a CNN-watching normie when you ask them to prove what they dogmatically believe.
If they spent as much time learning about the natural world as they do arguing on the internet, they would quickly see why flat-Earth is a retarded concept.
" but it's a bit much when it comes to challenging an entire body of knowledge/accumulated science etc."
Hmmmmm..... sounds familiar doesn't it? Almost like when a totalitarian government tries to assume control over a populace. One of the levers is to gaslight and make people question the totally obvious.
My telescope shows the libration of the moon. At any full moon we can see exactly 50% of the moons surface. But through libration, the wobble of the moons trajectory through space, at times we can see over the horizon bringing 9% more of the moons surface into focus. Amateur astronomers look forward to this with great anticipation. Some of the pictures you can take are awesome. This to me proves without a shadow of a doubt the spherical shape of astronomical objects.
Flat earth theories are a CIA psyop to discredit the truth of everything else we say in the minds of normies. It allows for the "conspiracy theorist" label to be placed on all of us.
Proven by what? Arm-waving? We have photos of phenomena on the Moon that could only have been on the Moon (low gravity and absence of air). We had the bad accident on Apollo 13. You are like the guy who insists there are no zebras.
I’m always curious why the insults start flying with discussions like this? Why be rude to someone over non material matters? You seem to be taking this personal
Nothing you said is relevant to my question. I don’t care about the CIA, or the term conspiracy theorist, or the shape and parallax of the moon. I also don’t care what the shape of objects in the sky are. You believe that the earth is a ball with 25k mile circumference. That means there will be curvature of 8” per mile squared. I ask again, are you able to demonstrate this curvature to me without using NASA as a source?
That’s a retarded argument. “Something else is a sphere, so this must be a sphere too.” Why do you need to use lights in the sky as evidence that you’re on a sphere? Wouldn’t there be some better evidence like the physical curve? I’m not a flat earther. You’re a ball earther, even though you have no physical proof. A belief taught to you by free masons.
Easily. Earth's features can be contiguously mapped only onto a sphere. Trying to do it as a flat surface results in discrepancies over long distances. There is also the fact that we have been circumnavigating a sphere since Magellan. No NASA required.
Can you map Antarctica? Can you go to Antarctica? Can you map a place you’re not allowed to go to? Have you ever personally mapped anything? Do you trust the maps you’ve been given? Can you navigate using a flat map? Is circumnavigation only possible on a globe or is there another possible model? How are maps and circumnavigation “proof” of spherical earth? Isn’t there some sort of physical evidence you can provide? Why not?
The math is still correct for distances up to a limit. The formula begins to lose accuracy after very long distances. For the purposes of demonstrating the curve, or for figuring out whether an object should be behind the horizon, this formula is adequate.
A strange "psyop" when it is possible to map the surface of the Earth ONLY on a sphere. You would think that a flat earth would map onto a flat surface. YOU are the one inhabiting a "psyop." It's called paranoid delusion.
It's also easy to fake the opposite which is the problem.
However I'm of the opinion that because the first moon landing was almost entirely staged to allow Americans to win the Space Race, people conflate that to mean that the entire heliocentric model of the earth is also fake.
These stupid dumb azzes down voting you because you're popping their imaginary balloon regarding Star Trek not being real.
Guess what God is real and in his Word he states there is a firmament above us which means a dome and he states the foundation of the earth is immovable
"Firmament" was not a word in the original language. It was one that came into use from the days in which that was still a pre-astronomical idea. The best that can be said is that God created the heavens, which is still correct. And, insofar as we as human beings are concerned, the Earth is immovable.
All the discoverers of astronomic science were Christians, so get with the program. This is what God meant us to understand.
Everything is rotating above us. Two months ago I'm driving back from a rural area about two hours before sunset and looked to my left and saw the sun with such enormity it blew me away. I told a friend and he mentioned his wife had noticed the same thing. The sun is clearly not far away.
The stars are there and I'm not sure exactly how they are formed. Polaris is always in the same spot.
There's also the sun's hotspot that you can see in high elevation footage. Looks almost like a spotlight shining on earth, showing the sun is very close.
I wish you could have seen that sun I saw a couple months ago. It kind of reminded me when me and a friend went fishing on the Oceanside Pier. A total picture perfect day with Santa Anna conditions and perfect clarity. I was fishing the north side then I cast out the line with my bait then proceeded to look down the shore at the people then out of the left corner of my eye something huge was there. Almost like the movie Independence Day when Will Smith went out to get the paper and saw the space ship.
But this was Catalina Island on full display and huge. Not one time had I ever seen even a glimpse of the island in all the years I have gazed at the ocean there.
That sun was so huge not once in my life have I seen it that big.
Relax. The sun is visibly the same size as the moon. That's how we get solar eclipses. When there is nothing to compare it to (high overhead), it looks small. When there is some terrestrial feature to compare it to (mountain profile, island) it looks large. The moon has the same effect.
Extra terrestrial space beyond the outer ice wall? I took space to be cyber-space. So what bout the servers,30,000 emails,and what bout 2020 election night and the servers that the clowns were protecting? We saw video of the helicopters fly in.... Like 40 heli or something. I had hopes we had the election fraud evidence, for sure military was gonna secure evidence and we wouldn't have many of these fools in office. The USA has been Nazi 2.0 since renegade got in office
Look up the definition of the von Karman line, which is used as the demarcation. Basically, it is the boundary above which velocity lift is provided by orbital effects, and below which it is provided by aerodynamic effects. Not arbitrary, but functional.
Also interesting. Go to 2:29:00 and listen carefully. He’s says something to the effect of ……. They’ve lost all credibility, we’ve seen what they can do, and they won’t be able to stop us when we are “really saving this country “.
Don't exist? Hmmm... Quite the expert you seem to be DRD! Username checks out in this instance I suppose though lol! Surely, one could open their mind to the possibility that the Rod of God tech could be highly classified stuff that little pedes like you or I aren't privy to? There is much in this world that is not as it seems, C'mon man!
It doesn't have anything to do with classification. It is ultimately an unworkable idea. I worked in space-based weapons and know the problems. For one thing, the terminal effects are entirely a matter of conjecture. The assumption is that all the kinetic energy converts to heat immediately. Except when this happens on a terrestrial level (tank penetrator round) that is not what happens. The rod simply penetrates as far as it can. No subnuclear explosion, and a God-awful mass to haul into space, with associated de-orbiting propulsion system. There are other ways to do any job worth doing.
Oh. I had a critical nuclear weapon design information (CNWDI) clearance and almost got read into a Q clearance. But the bright idea I would have been working on was found to be a dud, so the clearance was dropped. Not a "Rod from God," but no doubt something that someone else will bring up as a hush-hush secret weapon.
There is such a thing as scalar wave/condensed matter weaponry, have a look at the work of Tom Bearden on and the research of Bob Greenyer on
Kinetic energy weapons such as Rods of God are obsolete compared to what is possible these days.
Ah very interesting. Thanks fren, I’ll check that out. I think of what potentially happened with the Paradise fires and then DEW weaponry and wonder what else is there? There’s no doubt, a lot being hidden from us.
A lot of it is in very technical language and is way above my pointy little head, but anything you can learn in a week or so isn't worth the effort IMHO.
Bob Greenyer is researching into ball lightning and other effects of nature, a "reasonably easy" video to understand is "How was Nan Madol built" Mind melting stuff.
See also "Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project" on you tube and
Oh now you've got me fren! So bizarre and obscure that you mention this!
I actually went to Micronesia and visited Nan Madol four years ago. A few friends and I and my son were the only ones there at the extraordinary megalithic site. Mind blowing, eery and so fascinating. Set up and was able to meet with Rufino Mauricio, the nation's leading Archaeologist a few days later. Literally the adventure of a lifetime.
Why would I need to "look at sites" when I have worked in the space & advanced weapon business for 40 years and kept current with developments? I see you are not arguing against it being vaporware. (I took a glance. Bearden doesn't have a clue about wave-particle duality.)
I'm sure. I worked in space weaponry for a big part of my career. Space-based lasers are more impressive in artwork. Setting fires is kitchen match technology. Any cloud cover would foil a laser.
Only if they existed. Which they don't. Because they are no good for much...except maybe starting a fire that could as easily be started by a kitchen match. And why would you be so sure it would even start a fire?
I was referring to Rods from God. What is the evidence that they could cause a fire? They could just slam into the earth and penetrate down a kilometer.
And many of those forest fires got tracked down to Antifa who got arrested for them. Why use fancy space lasers when you can just send a minimum wage brownshirt with some matches who will probably do it for the lulz anyway?
Not many. But some. ANTIFA wouldn’t know how to burn a house and leave the neighbours and the trees still alive. Then burn the house across the road and leave the cars in the driveway? This was repeated over and over. But it wasn’t used in Cal. first. It was used in Canberra in Australia. A testing ground no doubt.
I went to the Space Force website yesterday. Although the open screen is pretty cool (when you scroll down, it changes the magnification of the image), the website seems to be devoted to nothing other than recruitment.
I thought there would be a mission statement, maybe some press releases on some projects, or something similar to other armed forces websites (but since they aren't an armed force, I guess they are different :) )
Man I need to hear this..that’s huge! Love me some Space Force. I mean I tell people, the man created a entire military branch, that focuses on satellites, which is tech, computers, systems, etc. And he did it for a reason. They have to come into play to finish this the way it needs to be finished. Military IS the only way.
He also said
"We need to get to the bottom of what happened in the 2020 election, and we pretty much know."
Can someone tell me where he said what's in the OP title?
Start at 23:20
Don't hear anything about "we know when to play them" . Plus he mentions spaceforce a little later, which makes it out of context.
It's 100% out of context and at the top of the site ... weeeeee!
I’m noticing a trend of this out of context bullshit getting everyone hopes up more and more.
Where are the mods?
Helping facilitate this presumably
They’re part of the problem, either that or compromised.
Finally unstickied.
There's a reason they paid Steve Carell big bucks to make an anti-SF propaganda piece for Netflix that quickly. South Park nails it with the "Netlifx, you're greenlight." bit but very few things have gone from page to screen faster than that.
What carrell show was it?
It’s called Space Force
Thanks....I cancelled Netflix after Cuties so wasn't aware of this one
its actually a good show, they dont (on the surface) get political. just steve carrell being steve carrell
The American Office of the military. It is pretty funny, and does make fun of ridiculous military spending and terrible leadership.
It's good to be black on the moon
I/we cancelled Netflix after Cuties as well.
No prob.
If memory serves, the show premiered before space force was announced/launched. But I could have the timing wrong.
Found that to be particularly comm-y at the time.
The show came out after US Space Force was officially founded. It also went into development after US Space Force was announced.
It was conceived as a show poking fun at a Space Force branch of the military after Trump made his announcement, and still came out late.
How did you find that particularly comm-y at the time?
Thanks for the clarification on timing—didn’t realize the military branch was announced first.
Normally I find things related to entertainment—especially when their releases coincide with major Trump/military news—as an “under the radar” communication with other black hats. They usually parody things they are afraid of/that are threats, like the Space Force.
By making fun of it normal people don’t take it as seriously as well.
Parks and Rec comes to mind as being promotional propaganda for Hilary Clinton.
I started watching it.... until they dick rode vaccines in one of the early episodes. That was pre-coof
And the media almost never mentions space force.
Ok this even got me hopiumed
Start at time stamp 23:15
Trump is responding to some comment from the crowd
Thank you from all of us mobile users for whom time-scrubbing is very difficult. o7
I'll just leave this here..
Link & timestamp, please? (Anyone)
I'm 52 minutes in and I don't think I reached it yet.
It was about 23 minutes into the speech. Not sure of the timing on the link, but that should help. I texted about it at 7:51.
Nah brah. You don't believe it happened as the random person who made this post said it happened? Then FInd it yourself.....
That Seems to be the mindset and motto of this forum -_-
This post has almost 600 upvotes, and your the first comment asking the most basic question. Fucking Pathetic.
Trap card played. “We caught them all”.
Many believe “No Such Agency” to be Space Force.
B 05/29/21 (Sat) 15:24:40 No. 111
Fact Vs. Fiction
We will not tell you which is which, the choice is yours.
Who gave you the Playbooks?
Who helps you answer Questions?
i got a stiffy
Space Force... we salute you
An hour and 45 minutes before Trump took the stage there was a prayer, and the prayer included a reference to space force
... And a dozen nuns were backstage too before Trump started his speech.
I saw them come out. Nuns for Trump!
Is it recorded somewhere?
I don't think so but I found it interesting that he just mentioned space force and none of the other military branches
Then where the fuck did you see it. You were there live? So you saw it in person?
He asked if it was recorded somewhere... Your answer was "I don't think so...."
So at least explain how you "Saw it." .... Or did you see nothing at all? And you're just saying what someone else saw?
I'm not the bad guy. Be smarter.
it was an hour and 45 minutes before Trump came on stage, I just happened to be watching it and not recording it. just saying what I heard. also you don't have to be such an ass fren
You still didn't say where you were watching it.... Fren.
So If you can't provide the link, Maybe grace of with the answer as to where you were watching it, and that very least, we'll have a starting point to look for the shit you made a post about, fren.
RSBN, one hour and 45 minutes before Trump was scheduled to speak they had this preacher gave a sermon, military guy said some things and the Pledge of Allegiance, singer sing the Star-Spangled Banner, and I turned it off at that time to wait for Trump
Thanks, fren.
Anyone else think Elon flipped and is posing as an internet provider while being funded behind the scenes? I know the guy is rich but starlink came about so fast and they're putting satellites up so rapidly it makes me question it. Maybe the good guys will use starlink to communicate once the DS takes down the internet. Just a hunch.
Fair disclosure, I'm a starlink subscriber
Starlink + Neuralink = Skynet = entrapment. Trust Musk at your peril frens.
The greatest weapon is also the greatest tool ;)
Could mean anything fren. There's another quote someone said, something along the lines of "Keep your friends close..."
Keep enemies close ...
I saw a video where world population control would be in the hands of those that control low orbit satellites.... sorry I don't have the link - I'll spend some time later trying to find it again.
I don't trust the guy, but when other elites are talking about how we need less people, he's out there saying we need more people and telling people to have more babies. So I'll give him a star for that at least.
Google the conspiracy theories that he was arrested a few years ago and flipped
Yeah yeah, I understand all that. In the case of him potentially being a flipper, imo, belief is the enemy of knowing. I'm highly sceptical of the bloke. On one side he's backed by a mountain of fraud, deception and occult connections, on the other he's posted some uplifting "freedom" tweets. Regardless, I guess we'll have to wait and see how his character in the movie plays out.
No fraud about reusable rockets. He earns a big note in the history books for that innovation. And his approach to fast development.
Ok lol. I respect your opinion. My opinion: Those "reusable rockets" are about as real as his Tesla Roadster floating in space. Interesting quote of his regarding the "Don't Panic" car: "You know it's real cos it looks so fake". CGI goes a long way these days. Then there's the rat running around the outside of that reusable rocket as it's hurtling through the stratosphere... It goes on and on... It's kinda funny.
Your opinion is ill-informed. The rockets are real and they are being re-used. The Air Force is purchasing deliveries to orbit with them. He is delivering astronauts to the International Space Station with them. Nobody else has anything close.
No. Everything runs through fake NASA for the swindle.
Ok, if you say so lol. :D
Yep you are correct.
I don't think Elon is totally on either side, he seems to do what he wants, no matter who tries to tell him what to do. As long as he does not break their laws, they can't control him, and the deep state just hates that. I think he does some things just to piss off whoever tries.
I don't think that's possible, to be on both sides.
Everyone has a side, Good or evil. They are too far apart for there to be any gray area.
He's probably just on his own side and can get away with it because he can be totally self funded. Dude wants to be emperor of mars one day.
My Mom was, she was a very strong conservative that had to do an abortion with a coat hanger in the tub. She almost bled out before she was found and under the circumstances she said she would do it again. She had been told due to her last birth she could not survive another pregnancy. My step father did not care and wanted her so have his child anyway. He actually said she is not what is important its his wants she must follow. He was actually a clown, and back then my Mom could not get any help to stop him from moving in because she was considered loose because she was divorced. Every thing is not cut and dried in any issue so people have different reasons for their views. Musk has 7 kids, I applauded that as actions speak louder than words. My Mom when she left was also my boss and paid me to follow Q and report every morning to the family.
During Trump's first term, SpaceX was the largest private contractor to the DoD.
Why would Trump allow that if it helped the DS?
Exactly. He was flipped at some point
You have to be wrong on that one. My nominee would be Lockheed Martin for the perpetual F-35 program. Any Naval submarine program would be another candidate.
No, it was SpaceX. Look it up.
And the budget was...? You tell me and then I will look it up.
Burden is on ourselves to be informed, fren. You could have found proof by now.
Proof of what? I've been in the business for 40 years. I am informed. Where there ain't something, there ain't no proof.
So you've said.
I don't think he belonged to the cabal to begin with, so he couldn't have flipped. He's always been targeted by the cabal. I don't think he is White Hat either. I put him down as a wild card.
I signed up for Starlink, too. I can't wait. It just feels... right.
I've lived rural since like 2010, and was stuck with hughesnet satellite internet. Starlink is an amazing thing, you'll love it.
Google Loon.
Lol. Most excellent.
NASA uses more Helium than any one on earth. Here you go a little info on sats.
Space Force does not mean "outer space" which is not possible but cyber space.
Most people here aren’t ready for this one yet. I have a hunch the Space Force we are being shown publicly which was wrestled out from the grip of the Air Force is a distraction & not the real space force. Revelations to be made.
Revelations that include Antarctica info would be nice lol.
He mentioned Antartica too - Saying the ice was black from all the pollution & filth
Really? 🤔
In context was about pollution and that we care about what goes up in the air but China and India don't, and their pollution goes up and floats somewhere else....
He could've chosen any number of ways to make his point, but he didn't 😎.
Antarctica treaty was signed in 1959 one year after the creation of fake NASA. Then the swindle proceeded
Hilarious. So that means that everyone born after the creation of NASA are fakes? Coincidence in time (and you already admit there was a year separation) means only that you know how to read a calendar. Cut with the pronouncements and start providing sauce.
Dude NASA is lying pieces of excrement.
No sauce. All you have is hot air.
There are some really sharp people that pop in here but I'll be honest I guess we all have our "specialties". I appreciate your insight in this and you reaching out and dropping some info here.
You hit the nail on the head. Everyone here has their niche where they truly are an asset to the American people.
I dont know how to hack a computer, i can't tell you the IP address of a website; but if darkness ever comes to America, ill be out there helping my neighbors keeping the diesel generators going.
Yup and I have my degree in engineering but instead of working for some big company I have spent the last 35 years as a residential contractor. I can build anything. I am also a skilled outdoorsman trained since birth by my father and grandfather.
Can you build me a wooden box to keep my weed in? Lol jk. But I've always wanted a sweet hand carved wooden box like the one Jesse Pinkman made in Breaking Bad.
That incident in Breaking Bad, where his creation was dismissed (I think that's what happened, right?), rings so true for so many people! One little bad experience like that REALLY can be the thing that turns someone onto a completely destructive path.
Oh I was talking about the scene where Jesse was at rehab and the group was discussing different activities they enjoyed in the past and Jesse talks about how he was in a Woodworking class that he took as an easy A, but ended up being surprised with a really unique teacher who consistently challenged him to apply himself and put his best effort into his wood carvings.
And how he ended up remaking his box several times before finally landing the most perfect version of a little wooden chest that he put genuine love and care into--even giving it a tremendous lacquer and finish so that is glistened in the sunlight.
Jesse smiles while he reminisces on this, and when asked what he did with it, he first claims he gave it to his mom. But after a few moments, retracts the statement, and admits that he traded it for an ounce of weed.
That one scene always stuck with me. It speaks of how everyone has at least some talent in something. But how easy it is for us to squander those talents in the pursuit of a quick short term pleasure.
Jesse was artistic with a different colored door on his 4x4 Toyota sedan.
Yup, maybe I was awakened to help feed people.... that'd would make more sense to me than me tasked with trying to explain all this to them.
I hope the internet is available so I can just direct them to places like this.
We all have our skills and knowledge. I've always been a "cross trainer".
We have terrestrial officers and non-terrestrial officers, Mc Kinnon(sp), hacked into the pentagon back when there was just dial up. The deep state has let this go down the memory hole.
I don't think most people here are ready for that.
not ready for kek sorry
Thank you. They can never explain why round is the most efficient shape, or how no celestial flat planets show anything but the fully round side. Retarded is too kind.
They can never explain why would God make the Earth flat but everything else in the heavens round. They'll even try to claim "fish eye effect" to explain round objects in space when not every lens produces that effect not does a reflecting telescope and you can build your own telescope, don't tell me they're all rigged in some way to show you illusions.
So we can't trust our government but we can wholeheartedly trust NASA? NASA is a bunch of Free Masons aka Jewish bastard's. President Trump said the earth was flat. NASA says the spinning globe with us on it, is spinning at 1,000 miles an hour. How is it mathematically or scientifically possible and not feel the motion, or deal with it when flying and landing? Back to the most basic common denominator is "it's the sea level stupid".
Below link shows a 275 mile shot and no curve.
Outer space existed well before NASA. How can you possibly "feel the motion" of Earth's rotation? Do the physics and you will find that it is a force that is so small, it is on a level that we automatically adjust for. I mean, do the damned numbers yourself and come back with them---none of this arm-waving bullshit. The linked photo means nothing except an example of the fata morgana effect of low-incidence-angle atmospheric refraction. What is more fatal to your case is the 1972 Apollo photo from the Moon, before computer image processing was invented.
That and the fact that mankind has been circumnavigating the world since Magellan.
Never A Straight Answer
Have you ever been in a moving vehicle? Do you notice that you only feel changes in speed due to acceleration and braking? The Earth's spin is the same damn thing, especially since you were born on it while it was already spinning. Even a 5th grader can understand this.
Good luck landing a plane with the earth spinning that fast. The whole thing is a joke.
Indeed, flat earthers are the ultimate in goal post moving.
In this age of lies revealed almost everything is being questioned. That's a good thing, for the most part.
Unfortunately, in their search for truth the more gullible and those with lower IQ's will latch on to unsubstantiated fantasy.
That's a good description of the attitude flat-Earthers often have. One sign that they aren't being intellectually honest is that they are always so combative. They behave just like a CNN-watching normie when you ask them to prove what they dogmatically believe.
If they spent as much time learning about the natural world as they do arguing on the internet, they would quickly see why flat-Earth is a retarded concept.
My thing about flat earth is what the fuck does it matter? Seems so pointless. We need to clean the trash up on this planet whether it’s flat or not.
" but it's a bit much when it comes to challenging an entire body of knowledge/accumulated science etc."
Hmmmmm..... sounds familiar doesn't it? Almost like when a totalitarian government tries to assume control over a populace. One of the levers is to gaslight and make people question the totally obvious.
But what do I know?
edit: (im agreeing with you and expounding)
You, sir, sound like someone who would be interested in what Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers has to say.
I am ready for a transporter for my next mode of travel. KEK
My telescope shows the libration of the moon. At any full moon we can see exactly 50% of the moons surface. But through libration, the wobble of the moons trajectory through space, at times we can see over the horizon bringing 9% more of the moons surface into focus. Amateur astronomers look forward to this with great anticipation. Some of the pictures you can take are awesome. This to me proves without a shadow of a doubt the spherical shape of astronomical objects.
Flat earth theories are a CIA psyop to discredit the truth of everything else we say in the minds of normies. It allows for the "conspiracy theorist" label to be placed on all of us.
It's a proven fact we've never landed on the moon.
Proven by what? Arm-waving? We have photos of phenomena on the Moon that could only have been on the Moon (low gravity and absence of air). We had the bad accident on Apollo 13. You are like the guy who insists there are no zebras.
Not a flat earther but this argument of all other celestial bodies are round therefore the earth must be is a just a false equivalency
Not round. Libration proves a sphere.
So how are the laws of physics different just for the Earth itself? This is where is especially gets stupid.
I’m always curious why the insults start flying with discussions like this? Why be rude to someone over non material matters? You seem to be taking this personal
Nothing you said is relevant to my question. I don’t care about the CIA, or the term conspiracy theorist, or the shape and parallax of the moon. I also don’t care what the shape of objects in the sky are. You believe that the earth is a ball with 25k mile circumference. That means there will be curvature of 8” per mile squared. I ask again, are you able to demonstrate this curvature to me without using NASA as a source?
I didnt use NASA as a source. I used my own eyes, my own telescope. And it is relevant. If the moon is a sphere why wouldnt the earth be?
You flat earthers are delusional or feds.
That’s a retarded argument. “Something else is a sphere, so this must be a sphere too.” Why do you need to use lights in the sky as evidence that you’re on a sphere? Wouldn’t there be some better evidence like the physical curve? I’m not a flat earther. You’re a ball earther, even though you have no physical proof. A belief taught to you by free masons.
I think he means "show us the curve ball" down here which means at the "SEA LEVEL". OMG SMH.
Easily. Earth's features can be contiguously mapped only onto a sphere. Trying to do it as a flat surface results in discrepancies over long distances. There is also the fact that we have been circumnavigating a sphere since Magellan. No NASA required.
Can you map Antarctica? Can you go to Antarctica? Can you map a place you’re not allowed to go to? Have you ever personally mapped anything? Do you trust the maps you’ve been given? Can you navigate using a flat map? Is circumnavigation only possible on a globe or is there another possible model? How are maps and circumnavigation “proof” of spherical earth? Isn’t there some sort of physical evidence you can provide? Why not?
The 8” per mile squared assumes that the Earth is a parabola, not a sphere.
The math is still correct for distances up to a limit. The formula begins to lose accuracy after very long distances. For the purposes of demonstrating the curve, or for figuring out whether an object should be behind the horizon, this formula is adequate.
A strange "psyop" when it is possible to map the surface of the Earth ONLY on a sphere. You would think that a flat earth would map onto a flat surface. YOU are the one inhabiting a "psyop." It's called paranoid delusion.
Typical libtard slinging insults. You keep believing that nonsense. Did you get your covid shot? Sure you did.
Ever heard of a nautical mile?
That doesn't prove the earth to be any shape. Simply a unit conceived from assuming the earth is a ball of a certain size.
Great circle routes and rhumb lines.
Ask any round-the-world yachtsman. You can track them live.
Or, get in something which can reach 45-48,000 ft and look out the front window.
Your own eyes will confirm the curvature.
There's plenty of balloon footage available from 100,000+ feet with no visible curve.
Easy to fake, just get the camera level with the top of the curvature and tilt it either up or down to get a flat horizon. Simples.
It's also easy to fake the opposite which is the problem.
However I'm of the opinion that because the first moon landing was almost entirely staged to allow Americans to win the Space Race, people conflate that to mean that the entire heliocentric model of the earth is also fake.
Why trust footage when you can try it with your own eyes?
These stupid dumb azzes down voting you because you're popping their imaginary balloon regarding Star Trek not being real. Guess what God is real and in his Word he states there is a firmament above us which means a dome and he states the foundation of the earth is immovable
"Firmament" was not a word in the original language. It was one that came into use from the days in which that was still a pre-astronomical idea. The best that can be said is that God created the heavens, which is still correct. And, insofar as we as human beings are concerned, the Earth is immovable.
All the discoverers of astronomic science were Christians, so get with the program. This is what God meant us to understand.
Why would God make one planet flat and all the others round?
Shallow judgement from one that claims to know the whole enchilada
But big at the same time. Both the center of the universe AND revolving around the creator simultaneously.
...What's the difference between the sun and stars to you then?
Everything is rotating above us. Two months ago I'm driving back from a rural area about two hours before sunset and looked to my left and saw the sun with such enormity it blew me away. I told a friend and he mentioned his wife had noticed the same thing. The sun is clearly not far away. The stars are there and I'm not sure exactly how they are formed. Polaris is always in the same spot.
There's also the sun's hotspot that you can see in high elevation footage. Looks almost like a spotlight shining on earth, showing the sun is very close.
I wish you could have seen that sun I saw a couple months ago. It kind of reminded me when me and a friend went fishing on the Oceanside Pier. A total picture perfect day with Santa Anna conditions and perfect clarity. I was fishing the north side then I cast out the line with my bait then proceeded to look down the shore at the people then out of the left corner of my eye something huge was there. Almost like the movie Independence Day when Will Smith went out to get the paper and saw the space ship. But this was Catalina Island on full display and huge. Not one time had I ever seen even a glimpse of the island in all the years I have gazed at the ocean there. That sun was so huge not once in my life have I seen it that big.
Relax. The sun is visibly the same size as the moon. That's how we get solar eclipses. When there is nothing to compare it to (high overhead), it looks small. When there is some terrestrial feature to compare it to (mountain profile, island) it looks large. The moon has the same effect.
At least we have one thing in common that the sun and moon are the same size.
No. They have the same angular diameter from the viewer, but are vastly different in size.
Extra terrestrial space beyond the outer ice wall? I took space to be cyber-space. So what bout the servers,30,000 emails,and what bout 2020 election night and the servers that the clowns were protecting? We saw video of the helicopters fly in.... Like 40 heli or something. I had hopes we had the election fraud evidence, for sure military was gonna secure evidence and we wouldn't have many of these fools in office. The USA has been Nazi 2.0 since renegade got in office
Outer space is an arbitrary term anyway...
Pretty sure it's agreed upon to mean the space beyond our atmosphere.
Doesn't make it any less arbitrary though.
Look up the definition of the von Karman line, which is used as the demarcation. Basically, it is the boundary above which velocity lift is provided by orbital effects, and below which it is provided by aerodynamic effects. Not arbitrary, but functional.
That's cool i get it. But i still disagree.
But now you can't say it is arbitrary.
Yeah thats fine.
Exactly. There is no "Outer" space
I like the sound of that
Whaaat? He said that whole thing.....giggity , gotta find it
The trump card...
It's always darkest before the DON!! LET'S GOOOOOOO
Let's go Space Force! Drop the hammer on these sickos. Enough with the movie.
And I’ve often wondered about this.
Q 2615
Question to Q from an Anon.
Q - Should we be prepping for some kind of shutdown?
Reports of 'power grid' attacks (6 mo prep) should be disregarded.
While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a 'BLACK EYE'.
That is the only post about 'Black Eye'.
Any information on what that is?
Perhaps a member of the black eye club who is working for them.
Ooooo... I completely misunderstood the post, I'm sorry.
I saw '6 mo prep' and thought it was about storing enough food for 6 months....
This was an intriguing post. "Safeguarded by a 'BLACK EYE""... And all caps? Scratching head. Thoughts frens?
Giant Voice.
Sorry...... That's NOT what he said.
wat he say
“I wish them luck. A very important word.”
Take down every last one of them. Any we kiss can go hide for their lives.
I have a United States Flag and a Space Force flag which I fly at my business to see if anyone gets it. No takers yet.
Also interesting. Go to 2:29:00 and listen carefully. He’s says something to the effect of ……. They’ve lost all credibility, we’ve seen what they can do, and they won’t be able to stop us when we are “really saving this country “.
I tell the truth on this post and my comment was removed? I call bullshit on this censorship
Don't exist. And they would be the wrong approach, anyway.
Don't exist? Hmmm... Quite the expert you seem to be DRD! Username checks out in this instance I suppose though lol! Surely, one could open their mind to the possibility that the Rod of God tech could be highly classified stuff that little pedes like you or I aren't privy to? There is much in this world that is not as it seems, C'mon man!
It doesn't have anything to do with classification. It is ultimately an unworkable idea. I worked in space-based weapons and know the problems. For one thing, the terminal effects are entirely a matter of conjecture. The assumption is that all the kinetic energy converts to heat immediately. Except when this happens on a terrestrial level (tank penetrator round) that is not what happens. The rod simply penetrates as far as it can. No subnuclear explosion, and a God-awful mass to haul into space, with associated de-orbiting propulsion system. There are other ways to do any job worth doing.
Oh. I had a critical nuclear weapon design information (CNWDI) clearance and almost got read into a Q clearance. But the bright idea I would have been working on was found to be a dud, so the clearance was dropped. Not a "Rod from God," but no doubt something that someone else will bring up as a hush-hush secret weapon.
Very interesting. Username definitely does check out. Thank you for your info!
There is such a thing as scalar wave/condensed matter weaponry, have a look at the work of Tom Bearden on and the research of Bob Greenyer on
Kinetic energy weapons such as Rods of God are obsolete compared to what is possible these days.
And the Lockheed TR3B Astra star ship (allegedly)
Ah very interesting. Thanks fren, I’ll check that out. I think of what potentially happened with the Paradise fires and then DEW weaponry and wonder what else is there? There’s no doubt, a lot being hidden from us.
A lot of it is in very technical language and is way above my pointy little head, but anything you can learn in a week or so isn't worth the effort IMHO.
Bob Greenyer is researching into ball lightning and other effects of nature, a "reasonably easy" video to understand is "How was Nan Madol built" Mind melting stuff.
See also "Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project" on you tube and
Oh now you've got me fren! So bizarre and obscure that you mention this!
I actually went to Micronesia and visited Nan Madol four years ago. A few friends and I and my son were the only ones there at the extraordinary megalithic site. Mind blowing, eery and so fascinating. Set up and was able to meet with Rufino Mauricio, the nation's leading Archaeologist a few days later. Literally the adventure of a lifetime.
Thank you for the leads to check out!
Allegedly, there was a TR3B caught on video flying above a plaza parking lot during the Paradise Camp fire.
Not sure if it was real footage or not, but it acted/looked like the one seen in Afghanistan.
Wouldn't be surprised. One would have to be naive to dismiss such possibilities.
And all of that is vaporware. You should learn the difference between conjecture and what is currently in production.
You haven't looked at these sites have you? Maybe a cursory glance but that's it.
Why would I need to "look at sites" when I have worked in the space & advanced weapon business for 40 years and kept current with developments? I see you are not arguing against it being vaporware. (I took a glance. Bearden doesn't have a clue about wave-particle duality.)
So what?
Are you sure. Think Cal. fires.
I'm sure. I worked in space weaponry for a big part of my career. Space-based lasers are more impressive in artwork. Setting fires is kitchen match technology. Any cloud cover would foil a laser.
While you are correct that lasers lose their effectiveness through clouds, Rods of God are a physical object where clouds would be no issue.
Only if they existed. Which they don't. Because they are no good for much...except maybe starting a fire that could as easily be started by a kitchen match. And why would you be so sure it would even start a fire?
I never said they cause a fire, just agreeing with you that they lose effectiveness through clouds.
I was referring to Rods from God. What is the evidence that they could cause a fire? They could just slam into the earth and penetrate down a kilometer.
And many of those forest fires got tracked down to Antifa who got arrested for them. Why use fancy space lasers when you can just send a minimum wage brownshirt with some matches who will probably do it for the lulz anyway?
Not many. But some. ANTIFA wouldn’t know how to burn a house and leave the neighbours and the trees still alive. Then burn the house across the road and leave the cars in the driveway? This was repeated over and over. But it wasn’t used in Cal. first. It was used in Canberra in Australia. A testing ground no doubt.
My ultra lib brother just stationed at a SF base. I hope this breaks his brain, so it may be repaired properly
Well, maybe you should watch the video, Trump doesn't say anything like what is in the title.
Look asshole !!! I'm a huge Trump supporter ok. But that's NOT what he said. You are dishonest
Flat Earthers! Read up on Larry Niven's Ring World, After that read up on Dyson's Sphere... LOL
Seriously, spherical seems to be the natural inclination of liquids when in low gravity.
Q post 1201 and 2936
Would be great to crash this bitch on tax day wouldnt it?
everything we've been alluding to this entire time is proving to have substance
I went to the Space Force website yesterday. Although the open screen is pretty cool (when you scroll down, it changes the magnification of the image), the website seems to be devoted to nothing other than recruitment.
You gotta go to based pillow man's site for that.
I thought there would be a mission statement, maybe some press releases on some projects, or something similar to other armed forces websites (but since they aren't an armed force, I guess they are different :) )
Is there enough popcorn in the world for this?
Disclosure-bring it