Twitter's all hands meeting to discuss the Elon Musk hostile takeover just wrapped up! Whaddya think they talked about, guise? (see too comment)

Brian Cates:
The staff is going to insist the board turn Musk’s offer down.
They see themselves as the tip of the spear in the culture war.
They actually want to expand all the censorship they’ve been doing, exert more control over the flow information and dialogue on the platform.
They’ll threaten a mass walkout if the board takes the offer. Many of them will refuse to work for Elon Musk as he changes the censorship regime they’ve put a lot of effort into building.
But if the board doesn’t take the offer?
Elon dumps his stock and destroys Twitter.
So it’s a hostile takeover or obliteration.
I like these choices.
[starts popping 🍿]
Cognitive Carbon:
I saw this coming. When the tussle happened over Elon joining the board as the largest minority shareholder, the pushback from Parag was something along the lines of "well, we'd welcome you the board, surely! Hehe. But, see...there's this fiduciary responsibility thing, don't you know, where as a board member you can't Tweet things that 'harm' the company and reduce shareholder value. So...you're welcome to join the board! On our terms! "
The rest was a foregone conclusion. If he tenders an offer above market (which he did) and they turn it down, it is their breech of fiduciary responsibility that now comes into play. They cannot turn it down. They must accept, or find a better offer (which they won't get.) So he buys the whole thing, and then fires the board and all the officers.
As the CEO and majority shareholder of a then-privately held Twitter, do you know what stops Elon from merging it with DWAC? If you said "nothing"...you'd be close to right.
Board has a fiduciary duty to do whats best for INVESTORS not the crybaby faggots that work there. If an offer at 30% over value is not in the investors best interest I don't know what is.
You had me at crybaby faggots
Hehe, can't help myself <evil grin>
Some times you need to spoon feed people lol.
Kek. Never heard of that website. Man will people hate me even more now 😂🤣😂
Damn you've been missing out, it's a classic lol
Totally. Where have I been.
I've never seen that site before, but I'm gonna get some use out of that for sure.
There’s a DuckDuckGo version but honestly, they’re not any better.
Classic 😹🤣👌🏻
I believe if the board block a reasonable offer, ie, working AGAINST those who invested much in the company, then there are severe consequences.
2 weeks grounded at least
Crybaby faggots ,,brahaaahaha Please let's make shirts !
But what happens if the board breaks their fiduciary obligation? Are there some penalties? Suppose they refuse Musk bid and Musk drops all his shares, destroying Twitter, does the SEC prosecute the Twitter board or something?
They can be personally sued. The board D&O can cover, but ultimately there is a cap - it is why board members are encouraged to buy personal umbrella coverage.
Good summary:
Yep. Unbelievable.
The board must extend their Musk mandate for another few weeks.
I'll see myself out.
Good one!
“I’m here all week” lol
Yes. Sound like a bunch of spoiled teenagers.
Make em put on a pair of work boots and earn a living for a year or two, that may help.
Maybe they'll have to work at the same coffee shops they've frequented, but under the same people they've treated like shit for years...
The TL;DR could be "Twatter bigwigs aren't good at chess" :P
Pretty hard to do either when you keep trying to get rid of all the white squares
And hiding the rulebooks
Well played, pedes, I king you.
Is that the game where you compete to see how many cocks you can get into your ass at once? Cuz I think they’re pretty good at that one.
Obama, where art thou?
Hungry Hungry Hippos came to mind
A 6 year old would beat them at connect four.
I was thinking Tic-Tac-Toe.
Elon just did a Ted talk and said his highest priorities are making the algorithms publicly available like on Github, and purging all bot accounts.
If you get rid of bot traffic, I will bet traffic drops by 60%.
And a TON of Chinese suddenly get out of of work
I mean public any and all mod actions - not that hard
Even Big Ben Clock Tower?
I think if Musk succeeds. The first thing he should do is hand out pink slips to everyone who works there and then bring in his own people!
I haven't listened to Dave since The Military didn't do shit on Jan 20. Every one of these guys who repeatedly claimed something would happen imminently to prevent Bidan from taking office lost all credibility.
You didn’t watch the inauguration? The military showed us everything we needed to know by how they treated that assholes body double. Something very significant happened at that point for sure. What exactly it was we don’t fuckin know, but it happened, no doubt. Does it really look like the democrat party is winning to you?
So much was unpacked from the inauguration videos, from wrinkled flags right up to congressman led away in cuffs...
Many many links, just poke around Rumble or Bitchute. There are military guys who break down the numerous violations of protocol (that would normally get servicemen court martialed). There are live observers who show from outside the WH that nothing matched the "live" tv videos. There are clips of Pelosi being started and ordered not to speak, and some of a congressman with his hands behind him and an overcoat covering it, being firmly led by the elbow while his wife follows, both flanked by very serious looking people...
I did. I noticed many strange things. There was a change once he was sworn in, saw a vid where the military people changed part way through and they had no medals, I saw how their uniforms looked like props. I saw the cheesy beater suburbans and the rent-a-wreck AF1. I also saw the no-salutes and so on.
I think it's entirely possible Trump is still CinC and somehow Bidan is being allowed to play at being the executive. Maybe, maybe not. It COULD be.
People like Dave led everyone to believe tanks were going to roll and Bidan would never be allowed to take office.
Now the deep state the corrupt politicians the Puppet Masters
Where’s Jack Dorsey? Haven’t seen, heard from him lately.
QDrop 3111
You were warned, @JACK.
The Strike Will Be Fast.
Let's Keep Playing
Jack: "It was a trap."
OH MY GOD!!!! Not FREE speech!! FREE speech will destroy Democracy! .......says every leftist.
I can’t believe some people actually believe that …………the irony
my first theory....military precision at it's finest, timing is everything
TS is a platform where truth will be shared. many patriots. lotta important info coming out soon (Durham for 1) i doubt many normies will use/read it.
so Elon steps up w a revived twit platform where most normies will stay. TS ppl will then share info to twit.
BTW Elon's starlink will give worldwide FREE access to internet- https://t.me/PepeMatter/9129
I like your plan. I too am hanging on to a 3G flipphone until Verizon turns out the lights at the end of the year like they keep threatening, unless enough pushback happens where they have to keep the 3G lights on. And yeah I have an unused 4G phone just in case, but not going to go with any data plan either way.
I had to decline joining the starlink beta, partly because of high cost $$$ but mainly because I live with tall trees which would not allow enough view of the sky.
I'm in England so maybe starlink works differently here but the deal for me would have been that it is NOT a replacement for my Internet Service Provider,unless I wanted it to be. It is a replacement for the company which provides copper wire to my house and connects me with my ISP. It's not the same thing here.
Although starlink would be fine providing both Internet access and Internet connectivity if I did not already have a provider.
Truth Social is having issues. Turns on the lead developer was a Lincoln Project guy and sabotaged a lot of the code.
Yeah I'd like to hear more about this.
And the biggest problem with truth social is no Android app.
Android users far outnumber iphone users and it's not even close.
sauce plz
If this is true, send me a link to their job openings and I'll send in my resume. I have the exact experience necessary to make TS scale to infinity. I am semi retired but I would happily do something like this. Maybe for free.
anon has no sauce, anon is faggot
Ummm, this meeting hasn't happened yet. It's happening at 2pm Pacific time
Says 5pm ET. So in 2+ hours
Yep, hasn’t quite happened yet but will in about 2 hours.
I saw over 300 empty salt trucks heading for San Francisco an hour ago.
Calling it now. Elon will not own Twitter. They won't sell.
The globalists propaganda arm is worth more than anything Elon can offer.
He'll just buy up more on the open market and do shit to drive the price down and when he gets over 50% control he'll do what he wants.
Then he will sell, and stocks will plummet.
hot take.
He threatens to sell, people holding twitter will see a potential crash and crash it themselves. Elon then buys the "dip" / crash and now can squeeze even harder after he owns... let's call it 30% for kicks and giggles. Just my $0.02.
Then we arrive where we are now, but with higher stakes (more for the cabal to lose), and if Elon sells before the crash happens, he makes a killing in the sales.
This is the play. Is that you, DFV?
Haha, no 😔
Stock will be fine.
This is just Elon putting himself and his interest first. I'm sure he will try to cause the stock to go up and then sell. Im willing to bet that there will be news articles in the near future about how Elon sold all his shares.
You're completely misreading this situation. Elon is a billionaire who lives in a trailer and eats peanut butter sandwiches everyday. This isn't a "make a quick buck" scheme. The dude was happy playing with his space/car toys until twitter banned one of his favorite satire accounts. This is personal for Elon. He doesn't care at all about the money.
I could just picture him laughing with his mouth full of PB&J and then he sees, "This account has been suspended."
Throws his sandwich, calls up his broker, and the rest is history.
Is that why he constantly does Doge coin pump and dumps?
Who is his favorite satire account?
Babylon Bee 🐝
They banned Babylon Bee???!!!!???!!!
Yes after running an article about the “Woman of the Year” as man of the year. They said it was hate speech.
Could Biden and the Dems claim it as a public utility and take it over?
Taking it over as a public utility likely means there cannot be censorship going forward.
A good example would be a telephone company. They cannot cut your lines because you say scandalous things over them. Public utilities are considered "indispensable" - and everyone has a right to access it.
So, checkmate on that front as well.
Correctly stated, this is why the left is pushing so hard. They know NCSWIC, so they want to make people as miserable as they can, trying to tie the people's hope with gov't helping them (I'm from the government and I'm here to help). If they succeed, they could win, it's one hell of a hail mary shot. White hats are assumingly trying to fight that. This isn't a guaranteed victory, I think that is what we have to remember. The fight we have is "ours to lose." Meaning, if we do nothing, we let them win, if we stand up and fight, we are guaranteed victory!
Oh yeah. I forgot about that.
But they seem to have little respect for the Constitution or the Bill of Rights....
Didn't Biden just enact something that effects our 2nd Amendment, completely going around Congress?
Which is one of the reasons why constitutional sheriffs are important. Have you been pushing for paper ballots, vetting local candidates for city and county seats, for sheriff, for courts and appeals, for Congress (state and Fed)? Get out there and work it!
I never understood why they could do JACK to us as far as censorship is concerned since we all subsidize people's free internet.
The same could also probably have been said back when dial up was heavily used too.
That would basically destroy their little libertarian masked culture weapon tactic wouldn't it?
Yes it would
"If they don't like Twitter they can go make their own!"
How do you like them apples
If they do that, does it not open them up to lawsuits for silencing the right to free speech..?
That was their whole argument for previous lawsuits, "it's a private business, they can do whatever they want"
I don't think at this point they care. They'll make new rules & mandates as they scratch and claw to have control.
Is Twitter too big to fail, like the airlines and banks they covered?
Musk is already saying there's a "plan b" -- https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/14/elon-musk-not-sure-hell-be-able-to-buy-twitter.html
who knows with him but maybe he tweeted at facebook to make sure everybody sees he has been trying before he goes elsewhere into one of the actual free speech plays... truthsocial, gab, rumble etc...
I can hear the crying from here.
Employee walkout would be great. Get rid of all the idiots, restaff with competent people. It may take a year to recover, but it might actually turn into a functioning platform.
Let's all go and cheer as they walk out the door 🎉
A ticker tape parade for faggots!
Throw salt.
Yeah but if we do we gotta be in full maga gear. We don't want any of those self absorbed jerks thinking we're encouraging their childlike behavior.
When I heard they were going to walk out….is that even a threat? Please don’t think about it. Just do it. Save the world from their moronic propaganda
What is Vanguard gonna do?
Twitter's stock is currently sitting at $45.18/share. Let's see where we stand tomorrow. Pass the popcorn please!!
Closed $45.08.
I just looked up 4508. 😳
Barack Hussein Obama.
18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious Conspiracy
18 U.S. Code § 2387 - Treason
Add Biden?
Memes are important.
coolest damn post I've seen all day. thank you!
It says 5pm ET. It's not even 4PM yet. Are you from the future?
Haha, thought I was the only one that saw that.
My taint hurts!
Don't miss this article. Sundance, over at The Conservative Treehouse, sheds some bright light on this takeover bid. He goes deep into the weeds and lets us know and understand what is really going on behind the E. Musk attempted takeover and why Twitter and the left will do everything, and perhaps anything, to stop this or any takeover. This is an informative and eye-opening article to say the least. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/14/elon-musk-make-a-massive-proposal-offers-to-purchase-twitter-for-41-billion-with-plan-to-take-company-private/
See the thing is. I want to like Elon. But who knows what he’s really doing or thinking. Since the realization came out that Blackrock and Vanguard own 99.999999% of everything in our world and they’re owned by the top NWO leaders…. I’m pretty bummed to find out that as of last reports Vanguard owns 6.22% of Tesla shares. And Blackrock 5.3% - so what does this mean? I’m not sure but it doesn’t feel good to me.
We should not put our faith in men, but in God. If Elon Musk follows God's law and does not support the enslavement of humanity, yay. If he doesn't, well, sucks to be him.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and see what happens. Atleast that's my plan and most days it keeps me going.
God Bless.
It means they like money too. Not everything has hidden meaning
What I’d like to see happen … Elon calls Trump “Boy have I got a deal for you”.
If they don’t sell, I think he’ll actually do a hostile takeover.
Don’t forget Dan Scavino retweeting Mark Cuban’s tweet about Thiel and Musk teaming up.
Twitter should offer amnesty to all suspended accounts.
all smoke and mirrors to make us think twitter is getting reformed. they are scared of truth
That could be true maybe and then 2 or 3 days before the 2022 Midterm elections Twitter pulls the rug out from under us!
If he Elon takes over, will there be a lot of job openings at Twitter? I hope so.
You would need a total cleansing. Like Melania did when they went to live at the WH. She bought in a team and they prayed over the place.
You’ve got to wonder what those people thought, or even what they were told. I would have been shocked that someone moving in thought the White House needed to be cleaned spiritually.
I imagine it'll go something like this masterpiece:
But at 54.20, he could dump his stock, tank twitter, short the stock and pick up more shares for less, then remake the company?
That might be insider trading
I am thinking not if his short bid occurred before the majority owner purchase was made and before his takeover offer tendered. He has said if they said no, he would sell. I would think he would leave himself a win even if loose option to aquire more. Somebody privy to his dump tank buy timetable who also shorted would have engaged in insider trading.
But it's only illegal if you are not a democrat
Being told that the African is your new boss and insurance will no longer cover hormone blockers and Kombucha enemas.
A satellite internet company engages in a hostile takeover of a major social media platform?. Hmmmm. What could possibly go wrong?
I dunno, he makes good on his word to reform it as he promised and then uses his satellite internet company to unite the world while simultaneously destroying CONcast.
Plans within plans within plans.
Since when does management discuss such corporate business with employees unless they're trying to poison the company?
They talked about the fact that Elon valued the company at 41.39 billion dollars.
4+1+3+9 = 17
How many days they need to take off...;)
The need for more secure cry closets.
They will reject the offer and after much ado Musk or Trump will win anyway. Owners will suffer loss.
What if Twitter just blows it self up rather than get bought out. Wonder what juicy secrets lay inside twitter.
This is the start of the storm I can feel it! NCSWIC!!