This is NOT getting the traction it needs to be getting; it's been posted before to only modest note and few upvotes. Mods, Please sticky!
It's a long article, on an NIH website, covering a lot of ground and every paragraph is damning; an example (bold added):
When this pandemic started, hospitals were ordered by the CDC to follow a treatment protocol that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients, most of whom would have recovered had proper treatments been allowed. [43,44] The majority of these deaths could have been prevented had doctors been allowed to use early treatment with such products as Ivermectin, hydroxy-chloroquine and a number of other safe drugs and natural compounds. It has been estimated, based on results by physicians treating the most covid patients successfully, that of the 800,000 people that we are told died from Covid, 640,000 could have not only been saved, but could have, in many cases, returned to their pre-infection health status had mandated early treatment with these proven methods been used. This neglect of early treatment constitutes mass murder. That means 160,000 would have actually died, far less than the number dying at the hands of bureaucracies, medical associations and medical boards that refused to stand up for their patients. According to studies of early treatment of thousands of patients by brave, caring doctors, seventy-five to eighty percent of the deaths could have been prevented.[43,44]
of the 800,000 people that we are told died from Covid, 640,000 could have not only been saved, but could have, in many cases, returned to their pre-infection health status had mandated early treatment with these proven methods been used. This neglect of early treatment constitutes mass murder.
those you trust the most | crimes against humanity
Original poster u/farpointpatriot. I wouldn't call 459 up-votes "a few", but this should have been left on the stickied list for days (if not longer). Let's hope for better exposure this time around.
This came out originally a week ago, but stickying again since it did not get the traction it should get, because its a long paper and feels dry even though if you start reading it, its not. The tons of sources included are all gold mines on their own.
Request to Anons - please take a moment to summarise various findings in easy to read format. Lets make disseminating this our goal. Maybe clever Anons will even condense some of the findings into memes.
I read it when it was posted last week, long but great read... My girl tried to share it on her Youtube and got instant 7 day ban. Medical misinformation ban. I have tried to link it in comments in a few places and it gets deleted. This is how you know it is TRUTH.
That’s Twitter and Facebook censorship (private companies are allowed to do as they see fit), if the government is admitting it then it’s on the people to see what is openly being broadcast on the government websites.
you clearly don't understand the reality plainly observed all around you that no one reads government websites. They only read social media and occasional mainstream news. Shit has been published on government websites forever but the only stuff we call HIDDEN is the stuff that they don't also promote in the media. Because they're clearly trying to suppress it, when that happens.
Nobody has time to read medical websites because were too busy working two jobs and trying to stay a float that’s why we have elected representatives that are supposed to be looking out for our best interest but unfortunately they are now part of the problem.
You should try reading Q sometime ffs. He explains the plan - keeping everyone busy with taxes, manufactured conflict and daily life so they can execute their plan right under everyone's nose. Only brainless numbnuts equate people who've fallen to the grand scheme to be "lazy".
I took a screen shot of the site with heading to the article and just told people to look it up for truth. Posted it on instagram so will see what happens
I don't understand why Dr. Blaylock is being called a whistleblower here. Yes, it is a bit strange the NIH posted his article but I don't see him as a "whistleblower"
We have been following Dr. Blaylock for years. He has a monthly newsletter that is usually about as long as this article and packed full of good and useful information.
Dr. Blaylock was the first doctor, to my knowledge, that explained why the masks are dangerous and only cause people to fear more and want to wear them more.
This is the best, most comprehensive article on covid that I have read.
Nothing new for me except a few stats, but a good read. It needs to be known by all. They want as many dead as possible and they want to make money while helping death along.
The article has over 60 references at the bottom. That's an extra value, especially if you want to share something with normies. The links refer to sources considered as "trusted" by them.
That's actually the first thing that occurred to me. I read "whistleblower" and felt a little twinge of confusion seeing the dot gov. I need some kind of message about the origins and motivation of this disclosure, over and above the insightful speculation in this thread. I'll read and share this, but I agree with you all that this is a major WOW.
The National Institute of Health is turning on the Center for Disease Control. Well if that doesn't make a few more start scratching their heads, I'll eat my hat or something...
Yep, after I read the piece, it's clear that 'whistleblower' doesn't quite fit. What's it called when one government organization chucks another one under the bus?
The title is misleading. Dr Blaylock is not a whistleblower but is a neurosurgeon that has been doing research for years on the toxic effects of vaxxines and other neuro-excitotoxins. His book, Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills, is excellent. I have been following the work of Dr Blaylock for several decades. He came on to my radar when he was still in clinical practice. The industry and media could not discredit his work - they just simply ignored it. Therefore, only those of us that were close to this topic knew about him or his research.
This NIH paper is not a study but a well written analysis with conclusions that are supported by other documentation.
Excellent article, although in a medical journal it is not difficult to comprehend. Takeaways include hospital administrators, many of whom are not doctors, dictating physician care for hospital profit, why some people (based on Covid shot lot numbers) are more sick or succumb to death at a higher rate than others receiving the shot, and the inability to trust doctors, hospitals and medical journals anymore.
Now all we need is an article explaining the reasons why covid happened as he explained. I want the perpetrator(s) and motive explained in a credible article. Namesand specifics. "Cabal" and "Deep State" and "Gates" are not enough. We need someone from that inside circle to miraculously grow a conscience and flip to our side and explain everything.
I’m glad this is re-stickied. Maybe needs to stay there a week to make sure everyone coming by is able to see it.
This was one of the only few articles I’ve made sure to screen record & save + save archive link in a while
I’m at a loss for words from people I’ve loved and respected my whole life that are just “too busy” or “too uncomfortable” to discuss all of this while they simultaneously inject themselves (multiple times) and their KIDS to do something as frivolous as take a cruise.
I’m sickened by the above behavior, tormented even, thinking I have so much valuable information that could save lives, only to be met with opposition and awkwardness.. I just don’t know what to do anymore, but this article I believe is another inroad that could possibly break through. I’ve basically given up trying to help anyone see this anymore because it torments me vs being received with love and appreciation
However — I am just as tormented not saying anything. It’s a literal lose/lose
yes, it's been really tough. I'm used to friends and family not listening to me about mundane things, but when I've been telling them about Q since '17, and they Still aren't interested?! WTF? where is their curiosity?
why don't they want to investigate? so strange, like they're wired differently/are missing something.
It’s truly a defense mechanism where unfortunately/fortunately the matrix was so prophetic to where we are today. People will literally fight to keep the norm, even if that means the noose around their neck is ever so tightening
Or the boiling frog example… I’m just saying the waters getting hot, might want to at least get out and put your feet in with an easy exit if need be? Even that’s too much for some to process :( the ones with kids destroy me internally as they can’t even wake up for their kids sake—sigh. (Edit: But in reality The Water IS already boiling — even I try to meet in the middle to tone it down, and it’s still too much)
I know so many of us are in the same boat, I’m sorry you’re experiencing it too. Thanks for sharing fren
This sounds like a right wing conspiracy theory anti-vax narrative!!! They are just publishing this to distract from pride month.
P.S. Slava Ukrani
I've skimmed it for now, but the biggest take away atm is this:
We are now witnessing a growing number of excellent scientific papers, written by top experts in the field, being retracted from major medical and scientific journals weeks, months and even years after publication. A careful review indicates that in far too many instances the authors dared question accepted dogma by the controllers of scientific publications—especially concerning the safety, alternative treatments or efficacy of vaccines.[12,63] These journals rely on extensive adverting by pharmaceutical companies for their revenue. Several instances have occurred where powerful pharmaceutical companies exerted their influence on owners of these journals to remove articles that in any way question these companies’ products.[13,34,35]
Peer-reviewed journals / accepted publications are tail-spinning in regards to credibility. This has been going on for years, but we're truly seeing what the machine has become. When the studies we're presented with are full of bogus science manipulated to come to an approved conclusion, we lose the ability to discover the truth for ourselves. This also discredits good, well researched publications. This is massively disgusting and concerning, especially for those of us who value self-discovery and critical thinking.
I've been telling this to normies and I might as well be yelling at a heard of cows. Early treatment, and the prohibition on it is the key. Early treatment, using effective therapeutics prevents blood clots and inhibits the inflammatory process meaning no or greatly reduced tissue damage and no cytokine storm, so your own immune system doesn't kill you. There has never been, and there still is not, any reasonable explanation for not treating people at the very first sign of disease. Early treatment has always been the way to go with any disease. Every single one of these unnecessary deaths was a deliberate act.
to be fair, this is just some guy and his opinion. Yes its interesting that it's on a government website but it's not an endorsement, it's a an opinion piece.
This was posted a week ago and stickied. Then it was posted AGAIN the other day and stickied.
Are we running out if things to sticky? I agree this is important but what would be better for all is to post what NORMIES and others are saying about it vs the same article over and over.
I love gaw but this is a lot in a very short span of time. - let’s now look for the results of this publication! Is the dude who wrote it still cedentialed or has the cabal gotten to him? Has anyone used this article to win over a normie?
Personally I used this article when it was posted last week to help my son’s school understand when they tell my 17 year old pharmacy student he can’t have an internship without the clot shot what they are really saying. This was folllowed up with the stats on young adult males and myocarditis and pericarditis as well as the Ohio state pending legislation on the vaccine fairness act.
All of the articles were compelling, but this publication from NIH caused the internship director to have another conversation with organizations who take interns and now my son can be in the program next year and only needs to sign a covid waiver and prove he has the normal “titters”(goofy word but I think it means antibodies). I was inches from calling that Ohio attorney and sue if the schools and all the facilities as my son is a straight a student and has no behavioural problems on record.
At the end of the day this report IS important - but let’s discuss how we can use it instead of giving the appearance that we aren’t reading our own forum and just posting the same thing over and over. With other posts I’ve ive seen mods with different takes on the same thing or impacts - but this is just copy paste. Tia for listening.
Many people need to be severely prosecuted with extreme prejudice. With a 99.9% survival rate, these evil people committed KNOWINGLY murder and physical and mental harm.
Meanwhile....I continue to meet people like me, who's sibs have died because of hospital protocols. They agree it is murder. Yet SO. MANY. WOMEN. are nurses. They are our neighbors, church members, family members. This couldn't happen without them carrying out the orders. When will THEY wake up to what they've done?
I've been completely absorbed in all the information provided in the article from the start, so I didn't learn much, but it's an extremely thorough document for getting anyone up-to-speed with all the bullshit.
This is NOT getting the traction it needs to be getting; it's been posted before to only modest note and few upvotes. Mods, Please sticky!
It's a long article, on an NIH website, covering a lot of ground and every paragraph is damning; an example (bold added):
those you trust the most | crimes against humanity
This just encourages me to work ever harder at my hobby: recreating medieval torture devices.
Nice! I imagine a series on television similar to forged in fire. It will Torture.
This is the way.
Judas cradle ftw
You are invited to my next cookout.
What do I bring to the party?
I AM the party.
Anyone care for some entrails wrapped in bacon?
Jeez, I was thinking ice.
Original poster u/farpointpatriot. I wouldn't call 459 up-votes "a few", but this should have been left on the stickied list for days (if not longer). Let's hope for better exposure this time around.
Agreed. Its about exposure. Who care who gets the updoots!
I included your link as there's some good conversation in there PLUS links to the archived versions.
Reminder: There is no statute of limitations on murder.
No statute of limits on any felony here in NC
This came out originally a week ago, but stickying again since it did not get the traction it should get, because its a long paper and feels dry even though if you start reading it, its not. The tons of sources included are all gold mines on their own.
Request to Anons - please take a moment to summarise various findings in easy to read format. Lets make disseminating this our goal. Maybe clever Anons will even condense some of the findings into memes.
Bravo Mod! 👏🏻
I read it when it was posted last week, long but great read... My girl tried to share it on her Youtube and got instant 7 day ban. Medical misinformation ban. I have tried to link it in comments in a few places and it gets deleted. This is how you know it is TRUTH.
They’re clearly not hiding it, I mean it’s on the nih website lol
Social media sites have literally banned users for posting links to the CDC's own website, or to Pfizer's own documents - the censorship is that bad.
That’s Twitter and Facebook censorship (private companies are allowed to do as they see fit), if the government is admitting it then it’s on the people to see what is openly being broadcast on the government websites.
Section 230...?
do you even know what site you are on? lmao
you clearly don't understand the reality plainly observed all around you that no one reads government websites. They only read social media and occasional mainstream news. Shit has been published on government websites forever but the only stuff we call HIDDEN is the stuff that they don't also promote in the media. Because they're clearly trying to suppress it, when that happens.
Nobody has time to read medical websites because were too busy working two jobs and trying to stay a float that’s why we have elected representatives that are supposed to be looking out for our best interest but unfortunately they are now part of the problem.
Representation Is a Re-Presentation of All the Oligarchic Cliques of the Past
It was a noble idea in the interim
Noble, As in the Nobility With No Ability
Sounds like a bunch of lazy ass bitches to me
You should try reading Q sometime ffs. He explains the plan - keeping everyone busy with taxes, manufactured conflict and daily life so they can execute their plan right under everyone's nose. Only brainless numbnuts equate people who've fallen to the grand scheme to be "lazy".
I took a screen shot of the site with heading to the article and just told people to look it up for truth. Posted it on instagram so will see what happens
I don't understand why Dr. Blaylock is being called a whistleblower here. Yes, it is a bit strange the NIH posted his article but I don't see him as a "whistleblower"
We have been following Dr. Blaylock for years. He has a monthly newsletter that is usually about as long as this article and packed full of good and useful information.
Dr. Blaylock was the first doctor, to my knowledge, that explained why the masks are dangerous and only cause people to fear more and want to wear them more.
This is the best, most comprehensive article on covid that I have read.
Nothing new for me except a few stats, but a good read. It needs to be known by all. They want as many dead as possible and they want to make money while helping death along.
The article has over 60 references at the bottom. That's an extra value, especially if you want to share something with normies. The links refer to sources considered as "trusted" by them.
The stupid Google ads obscure the text on this link.
I don't know how much a whistleblower he is being on a dot gov website. If anything it should be triggering Spidey senses for wtf are they doing now!?
That's actually the first thing that occurred to me. I read "whistleblower" and felt a little twinge of confusion seeing the dot gov. I need some kind of message about the origins and motivation of this disclosure, over and above the insightful speculation in this thread. I'll read and share this, but I agree with you all that this is a major WOW. The National Institute of Health is turning on the Center for Disease Control. Well if that doesn't make a few more start scratching their heads, I'll eat my hat or something...
There is nothing to be confused about. He is not a whistleblower. Just another mis-titled link.
It's a good read though. Maybe mis-titled articles are our version of misspellings?
Yep, after I read the piece, it's clear that 'whistleblower' doesn't quite fit. What's it called when one government organization chucks another one under the bus?
Government cannibalism?
The title is misleading. Dr Blaylock is not a whistleblower but is a neurosurgeon that has been doing research for years on the toxic effects of vaxxines and other neuro-excitotoxins. His book, Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills, is excellent. I have been following the work of Dr Blaylock for several decades. He came on to my radar when he was still in clinical practice. The industry and media could not discredit his work - they just simply ignored it. Therefore, only those of us that were close to this topic knew about him or his research.
This NIH paper is not a study but a well written analysis with conclusions that are supported by other documentation.
He is one of the very few MDs that I greatly respect.
For sure.
Many questions people below are asking were probably answered on last week’s post 👉🏼
Excellent article, although in a medical journal it is not difficult to comprehend. Takeaways include hospital administrators, many of whom are not doctors, dictating physician care for hospital profit, why some people (based on Covid shot lot numbers) are more sick or succumb to death at a higher rate than others receiving the shot, and the inability to trust doctors, hospitals and medical journals anymore.
Now all we need is an article explaining the reasons why covid happened as he explained. I want the perpetrator(s) and motive explained in a credible article. Namesand specifics. "Cabal" and "Deep State" and "Gates" are not enough. We need someone from that inside circle to miraculously grow a conscience and flip to our side and explain everything.
That's my wish upon a star, anyway.
I’m glad this is re-stickied. Maybe needs to stay there a week to make sure everyone coming by is able to see it.
This was one of the only few articles I’ve made sure to screen record & save + save archive link in a while
I’m at a loss for words from people I’ve loved and respected my whole life that are just “too busy” or “too uncomfortable” to discuss all of this while they simultaneously inject themselves (multiple times) and their KIDS to do something as frivolous as take a cruise.
I’m sickened by the above behavior, tormented even, thinking I have so much valuable information that could save lives, only to be met with opposition and awkwardness.. I just don’t know what to do anymore, but this article I believe is another inroad that could possibly break through. I’ve basically given up trying to help anyone see this anymore because it torments me vs being received with love and appreciation
However — I am just as tormented not saying anything. It’s a literal lose/lose
yes, it's been really tough. I'm used to friends and family not listening to me about mundane things, but when I've been telling them about Q since '17, and they Still aren't interested?! WTF? where is their curiosity?
why don't they want to investigate? so strange, like they're wired differently/are missing something.
It’s truly a defense mechanism where unfortunately/fortunately the matrix was so prophetic to where we are today. People will literally fight to keep the norm, even if that means the noose around their neck is ever so tightening
Or the boiling frog example… I’m just saying the waters getting hot, might want to at least get out and put your feet in with an easy exit if need be? Even that’s too much for some to process :( the ones with kids destroy me internally as they can’t even wake up for their kids sake—sigh. (Edit: But in reality The Water IS already boiling — even I try to meet in the middle to tone it down, and it’s still too much)
I know so many of us are in the same boat, I’m sorry you’re experiencing it too. Thanks for sharing fren
Somehow I missed this one too, thank you for reposting. This is great info to share.
Thank you sir, I missed this one. I will read.
This sounds like a right wing conspiracy theory anti-vax narrative!!! They are just publishing this to distract from pride month. . P.S. Slava Ukrani .
@mods: Please tidy this post!
Awwww this (see user names) is very rare!! The cats are in the house!!!
this needs to be a gif!
Yes, bhtu, again seems warranted
I missed this, so thanks for the re-sticky!
I've skimmed it for now, but the biggest take away atm is this:
Peer-reviewed journals / accepted publications are tail-spinning in regards to credibility. This has been going on for years, but we're truly seeing what the machine has become. When the studies we're presented with are full of bogus science manipulated to come to an approved conclusion, we lose the ability to discover the truth for ourselves. This also discredits good, well researched publications. This is massively disgusting and concerning, especially for those of us who value self-discovery and critical thinking.
I've been telling this to normies and I might as well be yelling at a heard of cows. Early treatment, and the prohibition on it is the key. Early treatment, using effective therapeutics prevents blood clots and inhibits the inflammatory process meaning no or greatly reduced tissue damage and no cytokine storm, so your own immune system doesn't kill you. There has never been, and there still is not, any reasonable explanation for not treating people at the very first sign of disease. Early treatment has always been the way to go with any disease. Every single one of these unnecessary deaths was a deliberate act.
"No one escapes this."
Here is the archived version:
Thank you for re-posting this.
I see the author is a retired neurosurgeon. Does he have any affiliation with the NIH? Why would the NIH host this article?
Edit: I’m just trying to get info for when my normie friends start questioning sources and all that.
Ain’t got no time ta reads that. I needs get me a reader
A lot of information is packed in this one article. I bookmarked it.
This article was also posted here:
They are all off the menu. If I want to commit suicide or cripple myself I can choose pther ways to do so.
to be fair, this is just some guy and his opinion. Yes its interesting that it's on a government website but it's not an endorsement, it's a an opinion piece.
Did you see/read/research the sources at the end of the article handshake?
Makes your statement pretty... um.... useless IMHO. just sayin'
It doesn't fit Fauci's narrative. Why would they allow it on the NIH site? It's been there almost 6weeks.
Why is this being downvoted? It is an opinion piece. A very informative one at that with good sources but was still posted to NIH site as an op-ed.
This was posted a week ago and stickied. Then it was posted AGAIN the other day and stickied.
Are we running out if things to sticky? I agree this is important but what would be better for all is to post what NORMIES and others are saying about it vs the same article over and over.
I love gaw but this is a lot in a very short span of time. - let’s now look for the results of this publication! Is the dude who wrote it still cedentialed or has the cabal gotten to him? Has anyone used this article to win over a normie?
Personally I used this article when it was posted last week to help my son’s school understand when they tell my 17 year old pharmacy student he can’t have an internship without the clot shot what they are really saying. This was folllowed up with the stats on young adult males and myocarditis and pericarditis as well as the Ohio state pending legislation on the vaccine fairness act.
All of the articles were compelling, but this publication from NIH caused the internship director to have another conversation with organizations who take interns and now my son can be in the program next year and only needs to sign a covid waiver and prove he has the normal “titters”(goofy word but I think it means antibodies). I was inches from calling that Ohio attorney and sue if the schools and all the facilities as my son is a straight a student and has no behavioural problems on record.
At the end of the day this report IS important - but let’s discuss how we can use it instead of giving the appearance that we aren’t reading our own forum and just posting the same thing over and over. With other posts I’ve ive seen mods with different takes on the same thing or impacts - but this is just copy paste. Tia for listening.
This is huge information. It needs to stay up for all to see, so that it may be spread all over like a virus (hue hue hue).
I’m glad this helped your Son’s future, and good for you sticking it to those edu-faggs.
Ha ha, titters is a verb. The word is "titers," one t.
Many people need to be severely prosecuted with extreme prejudice. With a 99.9% survival rate, these evil people committed KNOWINGLY murder and physical and mental harm.
Meanwhile....I continue to meet people like me, who's sibs have died because of hospital protocols. They agree it is murder. Yet SO. MANY. WOMEN. are nurses. They are our neighbors, church members, family members. This couldn't happen without them carrying out the orders. When will THEY wake up to what they've done?
I used to feel this way about teachers. (still do!)
I've been completely absorbed in all the information provided in the article from the start, so I didn't learn much, but it's an extremely thorough document for getting anyone up-to-speed with all the bullshit.