Actually, yes. If you are so anti-gun that it extends to trying to reshape the entirety of the world, because yes, the world follows our example, then we will laugh at you.
In fact, you should be laughed at so hard that you cower in the fucking corner
WAIT!! If AR stands for Assault rifle, what does AK stand for??? Assault... Krifle? Assault... kremlin... assault... ehhhh assault kerflufl, I got nothin. damn assault weapons, makin me look stoopid!
Some are overthinking this meme… while some of us at one point in time did think AR meant Assault Rifle, there is no reason a anti gun “expert” who, you would assume, is doing extensive research, would get this wrong. And, as the meme is portraying, if they get this wrong, they’re clearly NOT in any position to debate about anti gun laws
Tbh I thought the same for a long time, it just makes sense, you are assaulting the enemy, the rifle is smaller, handier and fires an intermediate, more controllable cartridge, great for a quick assault.
a military attack usually involving direct combat with enemy forces
Plus of course the concept pretty much originated with the German sturmgewehr, which would be literally translated to "Storm gun", the "storm" here being in the context of storming the enemy, which can have the same meaning as assaulting the enemy.
It was only recently I learned what AR really stood for, and I still prefer calling it an assault rifle, idgaf how much the media tried to twist that term.
The military doesn't use AR-15s, never has, never will. "Assault rifle" is just not an accurate term. Anything can be used to assault someone, including all rifles, other guns, sticks, and bare hands. So there is no such real classification as "assault rifle," except in the leftist media's minds.
...yeah they use M4s? which is basically the same thing?
My point is that the term "assault" has a very specific meaning in military terms, and so a weapon being called an "assault rifle" would make perfect sense, AR-15 or not, it's a rifle, that has a set of characteristics, to serve a specific purpose.
Should we bend over and stop using the term because leftist retards were programmed to think it's bad?
I've never used the term "assault" in front of anything, as anything can be used to assault someone. An AR-15 is for targets or hunting or anything else you want it for. It's not just for "assault."
The M4 is not "basically the same thing." Military weapons are fully automatic. The AR-15 is semi-automatic, way different. Look it up.
They are using the term to imply that the only purpose of that rifle is to shoot innocent people offensively, which isn't true. It's purpose is personal defense or hunting.
If you have ever fired a fully automatic weapon, I don't think you would be holding onto your somewhat silly argument that a select fire M4A1 and an AR-15 are remotely alike. Granted some versions of the M4 will only fire short three-round burst automatically, but these are used by admin types, cooks, etc., and not combat troops. The so-called M4s sold in the civilian market look like military M4s, but are really AR-15s, which are semiautomatic and quite difficult to convert to a fully automatic military rifle no matter what some say.
Disney is a viable term as well, but I'm still calling them Groomer(s). Or Q and Anons vs. QANON. I pick the term that is going to piss the left off more and stick with it.
...Yes I know it comes from STG 44... What I meant, and this would be obvious to anyone with a modicum of intellectual capacity, is that said rifle was, potentially, the inspiration to create the class of weapon.
Up until that point military forces of every nation were still using full length rifles firing powerful rounds that would be ballistically viable to distances of 800 yards+ for infantry
Germany sees the need to have a smaller, handier rifle, firing a less powerful, intermediate round, for closer combat ranges, so they create the sturmgewehr, which highly influences the creation of the AK, a smaller rifle, firing a intermediate round (7.62x39 instead of 7.62x54r), essentially creating the new class of weapon, they even look similar.
Did you really think I didn't know about the STG 44? I love how you believe you had a big "gotcha" moment there, only made you look like a retard.
I would suggest you do some studying yourself, but in your case what is needed is a higher IQ, and that, of course, is impossible.
That's funny, you didn't mention the Stg-44 in your rants
That's because I didn't feel it was necessary, since it's so fucking obvious, I mentioned the intermediate cartridge from the beginning, can you fit an intermediate cartridge in a name? no, is most cases (and I know this is difficult for you to understand), a cartridge would go in a firearm, hence anyone with the barest minimum of intellectual capacity would assume other people to understand this concept, and make the connection that the person was referring to the rifle that carries the name, and not just the name itself.
By the way mp-43/44 were just early designations for the STG-44, I guess you didn't look it up hard enough.
Because if you had you would know that the AR-15 could never be used as an assault weapon. It is a very small caliber, hardly larger than a kids first .22 semiautomatic. It looks menacing but it isnt. Consumer grade body armor is effective against it and military grade armor isnt dented by it. It is a small light weapon with no kick. It is a fun platform to shoot and is easily handled by women and children. It isnt a gun you would use to hunt a deer and definitely wouldnt be my first choice, or even 10th choice, as a defensive or offensive platform. As far as weapons go, it is hardly more than a toy.
Have you ever watched a biathalon? Where the athlete cross country skis and then shoots at targets from a standing, kneeling or prone position? You see them hit the target and it is like a plink? That is similar to your basic .556 or .223 round for an AR-15. Accurate, with a fairly high rate of fire, but with no stopping power. Shoot a large man with it and if it isnt in the head he will keep on coming.
As far as weapons go, it is hardly more than a toy
So let me get this straight, a 556 round, has the same kinetic energy than a 22 lr? is that what you're saying?
There's one guy saying "assault" can be used for anything, so it shouldn't be used, but your logic takes the cake, it shouldn't be used because it's just a toy, therefore it doesn't even qualify as "assault", boy the US military sure is brave by sending all their forces with a toy gun to conflicts all this time.
You guys getting all your panties on fire by the use of the term "assault" is very funny, it's just a word, the meaning could be very fitting, you're being played by propaganda just as leftist sheep do, only in reverse, you just don't realize it.
In a lot of states it is illegal to hunt deer with the 5.56 because it lacks the knock down power to cleanly kill.
When the military was transitioning from the 7.62 to the 5.56 extensive studies concluded, in rounds per killed the 7.62 was far superior.
The 5.56 was chosen in part because of its ability to wound not kill. Requiring manpower to remove the wounded from the field, care for the wounded, the economic cost to provide for the wounded and the moral lost of the society while looking at the wounded.
You've been a member for a while, and have points on the board, I'll assume you are just ignorant on the subject, I suggest you study some more.
That a 5.56 is less powerful than a 308 is obvious friend...
I was arguing the notion the previous user stated, that a 5.56 rifle has the same injury capacity as a 22lr weapon... And that its nothing more than a toy (his own words)
He also said you can shoot a man in the head with a 5.56 and he just will keep coming, you agree with that too?
U/PolishBaldEagle quick! Help! How do I tell which one is which?? Someone may have infiltrated and deceived you completely but there’s no way to know who because their names are similar! Lololo
Z—where’s your mojo buddy? Usually you get anons banned right off the block and you don’t have to go begging cap in hand for a pity-ban. Is it possible even the mods are tired of you violating rules of conduct? Keep at it boy! Don’t let that German destroy the America you worked so hard to build!
Oh hey bud! Don’t worry, I won’t ban for just anything nor will I ban you for expressing your opinion here. That user was banned for impersonating a different user, and based on comment history, it was with Mal intent. As for how I know it was the right person? Well I partially answered that above, along with some other basic and more advanced tools we have at our disposition.
Though, rest assured, I’m sure they’ll join with a different username
I don't debate anti-gun people anymore unless you consider the sentence: "Fuck you, stop trying to violate my rights" an attempt at debate.
These people aren't interested in facts. I do not waste my time in trying to make logical, reasoned arguments with them because they're not interested in logic and reasoning.
AR is ArmaLite. FFS can we stop using the term assault rifle/weapon? Also magazines are not the same as clips. I guess Smith-Mundt Modernization Act allowed the propaganda to perpetuate this BS.
It is crystal clear they are coming to destroy 2A and they are going (excuse my language) but absolutely balls to the wall to disarm us. They know they are at a tipping point, laundering as much money as possible through Ukraine. Purposely destroying America. Traitors? Yes.
Border wide open, funding Ukraine, the Afghanistan disaster, Biden can’t even talk coherently, gas prices are a trickle down effect to destroy any American wealth.
Probably not :-) But this type of gun is not really a hunting rifle, is it? You can definitely hunt with it, but it serves a different purpose, and is generally categorized as an assault rifle.
short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges.
The selective fire isn’t available. It’s as fast as you can pull the trigger. Like any other gun. There is no fully automatic outside of a selective permit guns that’s literally impossible to get. I know people going on 5 yrs to get the permit/license for a fully automatic machine gun.
There are guns that have the 3 fire vs fully auto switch. But those aren’t available to anyone without a specific permit/licensed individuals. Those are military editions. Attainable, just not average, at all.
The US Army doesn't use the AR-15 and never has. Hunters actually do use AR-15 rifles, partly because of customizing and partly because it's semi-automatic, which makes it better than a bolt action in case your first shot doesn't kill the deer.
The "Army definition" mentions power between submachine and rifle, but the AR-15 is a rifle and can use a number of calibers.
Amazing how many otherwise-intelligent people actually believe this.
It stands for AMERICAS RIFLE!!
I thought it stood for ArmaLite Rifle? The company that developed it in the 1950s?
Yep. But AMERICAS RIFLE sounds better
Everyone has new things to learn in life. Let’s be sure to laugh at them if they haven’t learned the actual meaning of a term yet
The beef isn't with them not understanding what something is, it's with them wanting to legislate something they don't understand.
Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than open it and remove all doubt.
Actually, yes. If you are so anti-gun that it extends to trying to reshape the entirety of the world, because yes, the world follows our example, then we will laugh at you.
In fact, you should be laughed at so hard that you cower in the fucking corner
This is the way.
You should be laughed at for your statement.
AR = Assault Rifle
15 = kills per second
Clip = holds thousands of bullets
Silencer = lets you kill hundreds before anyone even knows
Sling = you can strangle people while shooting others
Shorter barrels and collapsible stocks = conceal carry nobody would see it
80%ers = ghost guns without markings on bullets/cases so the shooter will never get caught
Is that you Beto?? I thought I banned you last week
Big Kek @sling= 😂😂😂
Yeah he just reminded me I need at least 2 slingamajiggs for my…fishing rod.
I thought a sling means it’s permanently attach to you?
WAIT!! If AR stands for Assault rifle, what does AK stand for??? Assault... Krifle? Assault... kremlin... assault... ehhhh assault kerflufl, I got nothin. damn assault weapons, makin me look stoopid!
Ah, the old Ass-Kicker 47, now that's a true classic.
Not as tough as corn pop tho.
Top kek right there!
Assault Kek
Kek! Kek! Kek!
3 round burst
HonestBobbin WINS!
KEK 😂😂😂
You'll appreciate this one:
Assault Kapusta
Sorta like Keilbasa nunchucks
😂😂 making me hungry
Avtomat Kalashnikova - Named after the guy that developed it, Mikhail Kalashnikov. Cheers, now you can act smart
Assault Krispy Kremes
You mean it's NOT Anal Rape?!?!
Or Armed Robbery!?
Or Augmented Reality?
Not mutually exclusive.
With my blessings.
So the Armalite AR-15 is redundant, like an ATM Machine?
Armalite is the brand that created the AR-15 and the term has become ubiquitous for that weapon platform like Kleenex is for facial tissue.
That’s….not right.
It’s Armalite Rifle.
The AR-19 is a light weight, compact 9mm pistol -
The AR-9 was a prototype semi-automatic 12 gauge shotgun -
The AR-17 -
Yea, there’s also an ar18 and an ar7 ar5 and a bunch more…still doesn’t change what AR stands for. AR Is just the platform/style.
9mm stands for 9million murders a year
Haha very KEK
AR AK. Americans Really Are Kickass.
Some are overthinking this meme… while some of us at one point in time did think AR meant Assault Rifle, there is no reason a anti gun “expert” who, you would assume, is doing extensive research, would get this wrong. And, as the meme is portraying, if they get this wrong, they’re clearly NOT in any position to debate about anti gun laws
AR = ArmaLite rifle
Tbh I thought the same for a long time, it just makes sense, you are assaulting the enemy, the rifle is smaller, handier and fires an intermediate, more controllable cartridge, great for a quick assault.
Plus of course the concept pretty much originated with the German sturmgewehr, which would be literally translated to "Storm gun", the "storm" here being in the context of storming the enemy, which can have the same meaning as assaulting the enemy.
It was only recently I learned what AR really stood for, and I still prefer calling it an assault rifle, idgaf how much the media tried to twist that term.
The military doesn't use AR-15s, never has, never will. "Assault rifle" is just not an accurate term. Anything can be used to assault someone, including all rifles, other guns, sticks, and bare hands. So there is no such real classification as "assault rifle," except in the leftist media's minds.
...yeah they use M4s? which is basically the same thing?
My point is that the term "assault" has a very specific meaning in military terms, and so a weapon being called an "assault rifle" would make perfect sense, AR-15 or not, it's a rifle, that has a set of characteristics, to serve a specific purpose.
Should we bend over and stop using the term because leftist retards were programmed to think it's bad?
I've never used the term "assault" in front of anything, as anything can be used to assault someone. An AR-15 is for targets or hunting or anything else you want it for. It's not just for "assault."
The M4 is not "basically the same thing." Military weapons are fully automatic. The AR-15 is semi-automatic, way different. Look it up.
...Yeah they are made to be semi-auto only, but the platform is the exact same, look it up.
Hey listen, you can keep obeying the media's commands and stop using the term, I really dgaf
It's a senseless term. I have assault fists. I have an assault ball bat. I have an assault car. I have an assault slingshot.
I don't care what the "media" says. I don't even have a TV.
BTW, the M4 is a gas-operated carbine and has nothing in common with the AR-15 but a similarity in looks, which doesn't count.
Yeah but it's a viable term, that's all I'm saying, any weapon can be an assault weapon, like you say yourself, so why not a rifle?
They are using the term to imply that the only purpose of that rifle is to shoot innocent people offensively, which isn't true. It's purpose is personal defense or hunting.
If you have ever fired a fully automatic weapon, I don't think you would be holding onto your somewhat silly argument that a select fire M4A1 and an AR-15 are remotely alike. Granted some versions of the M4 will only fire short three-round burst automatically, but these are used by admin types, cooks, etc., and not combat troops. The so-called M4s sold in the civilian market look like military M4s, but are really AR-15s, which are semiautomatic and quite difficult to convert to a fully automatic military rifle no matter what some say.
Disney is a viable term as well, but I'm still calling them Groomer(s). Or Q and Anons vs. QANON. I pick the term that is going to piss the left off more and stick with it.
The term "sturmgewehr" referred to the Stg 44 a particular rifle not a class of rifles.
But words matter.
What if you drove a GMC...and everyone referred to it as a GayMansCar. I mean like everybody. I’d be correcting people real quick!
Youve never seen or fired an AR have you?
No I haven't, I'm not american, I literally can't(would love to though), never implied I had, what I learned was from videos watched and research.
What about any of what I said is wrong? what is your point?
Your argument is as ridiculous as saying lets call every car a camero because a camero is a car.
Stg-44 The term sturmgewehr referred to the Stg-44 a particular rifle not a class of rifles.
Should make you wonder what the "Stg" stands for, hmmmmm...
S T urm G ewehr
...Yes I know it comes from STG 44... What I meant, and this would be obvious to anyone with a modicum of intellectual capacity, is that said rifle was, potentially, the inspiration to create the class of weapon.
Up until that point military forces of every nation were still using full length rifles firing powerful rounds that would be ballistically viable to distances of 800 yards+ for infantry
Germany sees the need to have a smaller, handier rifle, firing a less powerful, intermediate round, for closer combat ranges, so they create the sturmgewehr, which highly influences the creation of the AK, a smaller rifle, firing a intermediate round (7.62x39 instead of 7.62x54r), essentially creating the new class of weapon, they even look similar.
Did you really think I didn't know about the STG 44? I love how you believe you had a big "gotcha" moment there, only made you look like a retard.
I would suggest you do some studying yourself, but in your case what is needed is a higher IQ, and that, of course, is impossible.
That's funny, you didn't mention the Stg-44 in your rants, only that the sturmgewehr was a new class of rifles.
Evidently what you meant and what you posted were evidently two separate things.
Evidently I guess..
I'm curious to know where does the Mp-43 and Mp-44 fit into this little fable tale of yours since they were the predecessors to the Stg-44.
You might want to look up what Mp stands for...
Do you even know the legal definition of the so called dreaded "assault weapon"?
I was content to write off your statements as inexperience and honest ignorance, now I just question your honesty.
That's because I didn't feel it was necessary, since it's so fucking obvious, I mentioned the intermediate cartridge from the beginning, can you fit an intermediate cartridge in a name? no, is most cases (and I know this is difficult for you to understand), a cartridge would go in a firearm, hence anyone with the barest minimum of intellectual capacity would assume other people to understand this concept, and make the connection that the person was referring to the rifle that carries the name, and not just the name itself.
By the way mp-43/44 were just early designations for the STG-44, I guess you didn't look it up hard enough.
Doesn't look like..
Because if you had you would know that the AR-15 could never be used as an assault weapon. It is a very small caliber, hardly larger than a kids first .22 semiautomatic. It looks menacing but it isnt. Consumer grade body armor is effective against it and military grade armor isnt dented by it. It is a small light weapon with no kick. It is a fun platform to shoot and is easily handled by women and children. It isnt a gun you would use to hunt a deer and definitely wouldnt be my first choice, or even 10th choice, as a defensive or offensive platform. As far as weapons go, it is hardly more than a toy.
Have you ever watched a biathalon? Where the athlete cross country skis and then shoots at targets from a standing, kneeling or prone position? You see them hit the target and it is like a plink? That is similar to your basic .556 or .223 round for an AR-15. Accurate, with a fairly high rate of fire, but with no stopping power. Shoot a large man with it and if it isnt in the head he will keep on coming.
So let me get this straight, a 556 round, has the same kinetic energy than a 22 lr? is that what you're saying?
There's one guy saying "assault" can be used for anything, so it shouldn't be used, but your logic takes the cake, it shouldn't be used because it's just a toy, therefore it doesn't even qualify as "assault", boy the US military sure is brave by sending all their forces with a toy gun to conflicts all this time.
You guys getting all your panties on fire by the use of the term "assault" is very funny, it's just a word, the meaning could be very fitting, you're being played by propaganda just as leftist sheep do, only in reverse, you just don't realize it.
In a lot of states it is illegal to hunt deer with the 5.56 because it lacks the knock down power to cleanly kill.
When the military was transitioning from the 7.62 to the 5.56 extensive studies concluded, in rounds per killed the 7.62 was far superior.
The 5.56 was chosen in part because of its ability to wound not kill. Requiring manpower to remove the wounded from the field, care for the wounded, the economic cost to provide for the wounded and the moral lost of the society while looking at the wounded.
You've been a member for a while, and have points on the board, I'll assume you are just ignorant on the subject, I suggest you study some more.
That a 5.56 is less powerful than a 308 is obvious friend...
I was arguing the notion the previous user stated, that a 5.56 rifle has the same injury capacity as a 22lr weapon... And that its nothing more than a toy (his own words)
He also said you can shoot a man in the head with a 5.56 and he just will keep coming, you agree with that too?
The US military doesnt use AR-15s lol.
... what round do M4s shoot? what round do AR-15s shoot?
Thanks for pointing that out. Some quick research to ensure I banned the right user and ban hammer it was
U/PolishBaldEagle quick! Help! How do I tell which one is which?? Someone may have infiltrated and deceived you completely but there’s no way to know who because their names are similar! Lololo
Z—where’s your mojo buddy? Usually you get anons banned right off the block and you don’t have to go begging cap in hand for a pity-ban. Is it possible even the mods are tired of you violating rules of conduct? Keep at it boy! Don’t let that German destroy the America you worked so hard to build!
Oh hey bud! Don’t worry, I won’t ban for just anything nor will I ban you for expressing your opinion here. That user was banned for impersonating a different user, and based on comment history, it was with Mal intent. As for how I know it was the right person? Well I partially answered that above, along with some other basic and more advanced tools we have at our disposition.
Though, rest assured, I’m sure they’ll join with a different username
AK-47's = Automatically Kill 47 people
AR-15's = Assault Rifle 15 times a month
AntiKhrist AngryRepublican
Ah yes assault kifles are way better
Armalite Rifle
Follow up that question with, "And the 15?"
Hillarity will continue. LOL
The proper answer is Fuck You, No!
has it escaped any of us that Repuglicans are leading this totalitarian wet dream call for legislation?
No, turtle needs to go !!
I don't debate anti-gun people anymore unless you consider the sentence: "Fuck you, stop trying to violate my rights" an attempt at debate.
These people aren't interested in facts. I do not waste my time in trying to make logical, reasoned arguments with them because they're not interested in logic and reasoning.
I don't know the tools used for abortion, but I want to ban it anyways. It might show ignorance but it changes nothing.
I thought that for a while, but thanks to that guy who said it was ArmaLite.
AR is ArmaLite. FFS can we stop using the term assault rifle/weapon? Also magazines are not the same as clips. I guess Smith-Mundt Modernization Act allowed the propaganda to perpetuate this BS.
It is crystal clear they are coming to destroy 2A and they are going (excuse my language) but absolutely balls to the wall to disarm us. They know they are at a tipping point, laundering as much money as possible through Ukraine. Purposely destroying America. Traitors? Yes.
Border wide open, funding Ukraine, the Afghanistan disaster, Biden can’t even talk coherently, gas prices are a trickle down effect to destroy any American wealth.
Clever persuasion.
But it is an assault rifle, right?
Is a automatic pistol an assault pistol?
Probably not :-) But this type of gun is not really a hunting rifle, is it? You can definitely hunt with it, but it serves a different purpose, and is generally categorized as an assault rifle.
That is how the US army defines an assault rifle.
The selective fire isn’t available. It’s as fast as you can pull the trigger. Like any other gun. There is no fully automatic outside of a selective permit guns that’s literally impossible to get. I know people going on 5 yrs to get the permit/license for a fully automatic machine gun. There are guns that have the 3 fire vs fully auto switch. But those aren’t available to anyone without a specific permit/licensed individuals. Those are military editions. Attainable, just not average, at all.
Very true! Learned something today, not a lot of knowledge on guns I’m afraid..
The US Army doesn't use the AR-15 and never has. Hunters actually do use AR-15 rifles, partly because of customizing and partly because it's semi-automatic, which makes it better than a bolt action in case your first shot doesn't kill the deer.
The "Army definition" mentions power between submachine and rifle, but the AR-15 is a rifle and can use a number of calibers.
Indeed, I just saw another post that also explains this. My bad!
I'm no expert. I just read a lot. My personal knowledge is limited to 22LR and slingshot ammo.
Literally happened with me and a friend today
AR = Armalite. The manufacturer.
Classic Star Wars! BOOM!
I was kinda getting worried no one was gonna say this. And worried for our fellow brethren‘s mental health. LoL.