I can’t believe I am the only person that noticed this. When Biden finished the band started to play GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Last time I checked THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not part of the British Monarchy, why would they play a salute to the mo arch of Britain?
But in all seriousness u/Zromrlhzrd, you got a point. Our official national anthem is The Star Spangled Banner. We didn't really have an anthem until Congress made The Star Spangled Banner our anthem in 1931.
What if we first copied Britain and it pissed them off, but when the crown took over USA Inc, they decided to use it in instances as a nod to laugh in our faces?
There's no lyrics to the orchestrated version of the song...so it literally COULD be either or... 😬
But most older real Americans are. We've seen countless movies with either "God Save the King" or "God Save the Queen," but we grew up singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee."
We used to sing "My Country 'Tis of Thee" every week in music class. We began the school day with The Pledge of Allegiance and an Our Father too. This was in public school, 1964. The worst offense a student could perform was to chew gum. Even in high school there were no big problems. I believe it was because honoring God and the USA set students on a righteous path.
That was the first thing I saw. I also noticed that he was NPC until he went out of view behind some bricks and appeared smiling. It's almost like he didn't think anyone could see him until he came around the bricks.
It goes a little something like this:
My country, Tis of Thee
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my Fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrim's pride,
From every mountain side
Let Freedom ring!
I'm really surprised that this community is having trouble seeing the two sides of this tune, and how it can be played right under our American ignorance.
This is the first time I've ever listened to God save the queen, in my defense. Stooped response, but, why would I? I'm American? I did however go listen, and within 2 seconds heard it was same tune. Trying and learning Fren.
"America (My Country, 'Tis of Thee)" is an American patriotic song, the lyrics of which were written by Samuel Francis Smith.[2] The song served as one of the de facto national anthems of the United States (along with songs like "Hail, Columbia") before the adoption of "The Star-Spangled Banner" as the official U.S. national anthem in 1931.[3] The melody used is the same as that of one of the de facto national anthems of the United Kingdom, "God Save the Queen
Haha. I learned this song in 5th grade about 55 years ago. The teacher said the songwriter chose the melody to troll the Brits. I think Americans were still irked about the War of 1812 or something like that.
You're supposed to assume that in the US, unless you're watching a British movie or TV show, that what you're hearing is "My Country 'Tis of Thee." That should always be in your mind when you hear the tune.
Again, we see the two sides to all the Cabal symbolism on this site, but somehow, this American tradition (which originated in Britain) is causing people to short circuit.
Why not just play "Hail to the Chief"? Why do something that plays into speculation?
When I was in school, we sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee,"
So did I. Why are you so attached to a song, that you could be potentially subverted with? How come you cant fathom, that a tune can lose meaning when it's lyrics are omitted?
Both the British, and awakened Americans are noticing this:
I'm not attached to the song especially, but that's what I grew up learning. It's American, just as I say truck instead of lorry. Because I know the American words, it won't ever lose its meaning to me. I also know we may last longer as a country than the British royalty. I think when Elizabeth dies, it all may go to crap.
I wouldn't say wrong think? Imo? But, lol what is my opinion? Ya'll are way ahead of me. Like I'm a freshman and ya'll are seniors. But, music I love. I close my eyes to feel it. Not just hear it. Or the words. Idk. I'm weirdo.
It's conspicuous, even if there was an "Americanised" version of the song. Honor Guard appears to find every opportunity to point out the illegitimate condition of the feckless puppet.
Because DC IS part of the british monarchy (also the Vatican) in an indirect but also direct way. The reason they played it, no clue. But they are in Philly.. so really not sure.
Definitely weird
IMO, FJB used a green screen at his rally.
Hard to believe they'd let the man with zero brain cells who cannot read from a teleprompter appear at either rallies or this speech.
Derek Johnson a military vet is screaming this is fake military. He comes from long line of family in the military. His grandfather was at Normandy and he talked of JFK and the 20 generals
I know this may sound silly but the one thing that bothers me is, Why is it that the Marine on the right his gloves are super bright white (almost a phosphorus white) as compared to the other marine? Why aren't his pants not nearly as bright, where is that light coming from? As a photographer this makes no logical sense?
Or, one of the lights on the "runway" turned towards him and just so happened to shine on his gloves. At 12:27 the lights start moving from straight up to left/right and then RIGHT BEFORE the camera zooms in on the resident you see the marines glove(s) start to light up.
What trips me out is that his gloves do not "light up" until exactly at 12:32, it appears that it's a very focused light source (when the marine moves his hands at the end of the video its like he's slipping his hand out of the light), but weirdly There doesn't seem to be an introduction of a new light source at this time either. The gloves no longer light up when the marine moves his hands at the end of the video, but no light source appears on his body where his hands were at.
That’s one thing I really noticed when watching it. I said out loud how I thought the marines gloves were weird. Speaking of 12:32, here’s q post 1232.
I hadn't noticed the 'start' of the glow at 12:32 (just before his hands go out of frame). That eliminates the 'retro-reflective gloves' theory. They couldn't light up 'starting with a small spot' like that - it would be 'all or nothing'. So, it looks like someone is focusing a light on them. Very strange.
Derek Johnson a military vet is screaming this is fake military. He comes from long line of family in the military. His grandfather was at Normandy and he talked of JFK and the 20 generals
This stuck out to me three.
It’s one of those things I’m shocked that I didn’t mention after noticing.
It did something to me too.. I just thought maybe they were fake Marines, and one of theme gloves was a different color ..
But it’s definitely something that’s more likely a stage light thing .
Yeah it is constant, wild theories that don't matter if they are true or not. Especially ones like these which discredited in seconds. You can guess who is behind many of them and for what reasons.
Telegram has been the most effective psyop in misleading and scattering the Q community.
Tbh a lot of the blame falls on Q and team for not staying in contact at the most basic level. I understand going silent during active ops, but it's not like 90 percent of the posts in 2020 were ground breaking intel anyways. The last 9 months of Q felt more like a recap and rally for newcomers. Could have kept that up to some degree even if it was one post every few months.
I kinda think that a lot of people are revved up and trying to find shit that's wrong or fake... makes them feel validated about their own waking up. Doesn't make it right, but I think that's happening a lot.
I'm wondering the same here, I know there's a video that was posted on here where one of the people in the crowd, had their phone up and was trying to take a picture of the whole thing. No one is showing up on the phone while we see the people in the background, which implied this whole thing was done with a green screen.
I watched the first 15 mins of this video and I'm not seeing what I should be seeing?
I think OP meant to start the video at 11:57 mark, not 10:57. It's when POTATUS and whats-her-name start walking in.
There's bulletproof glass in front of and to the left and right of the speaking area, if you pause the video around the 11:15-11:18 mark you can see it. The one side is catching the reflection of Independence Hall so you can't see them as they walk behind it. Maybe that's the green screen being referred to?
A podcast I was watching this morning also pointed out their salutes were out of sync, had they been real Marines their actions would have been precisely in sync.
Marines always salute with the back of their hands tilted forward. Their arms are at a 45 and their hands are at another 45. Middle fingertip to the temple.
Okay, not what I'm referencing though. When I say in out of sync, one started saluting before the other, thus out of sync. Even coming down the stairs they are slightly out of sync.
From what I heard on a podcast this morning from a former Naval officer and Marine is their ceremony procedures are precise, and extremely precise involving Presidential procedures. Not the case here, maybe they spent too much time studying arm & hand angles lol
The Marine on the right of the screen was moving around ever so slightly. Look at the red light shining through beneath his right arm pit. You can use that as gauge to see how much he's wavering. The Marine on the left barely moved at all.
I was NAVY for 6 years. We never held our hands in front like that. It was either full attention, or parade rest with our hands locked behind our back.
I watched the video before I read the comments and the thing that stood out for me wasn't the surroundings but Bidens face. Look at his face when he comes out the door. He walks a bit, disappears behind some flag and then look at his face as he comes in the picture again. I had to go back and watch that twice. To me, that was like it was two different men. Can someone really look that different in just a few meters of walking? Or am I insane?
Another thing that I notice was how he had to look down to make the step down and coming up the podium. He had to stop and coordinate his movements to make it. I worked with elderly for 25 years and that is defently a sign of something not working in your brain correctly.
But we already suspected that right?
Edit; typo
Exactly, the left is clearly suffering from several delusions around sex and other topics but we need to look on our side too. Thinking that we are literally watching a movie with green screened events and biden being an actor really doesn't make sense. And people attack those that point it out in a VERY similar way that the left does when you say there are only two genders. Despite the lack of evidence, and despite reality, they adhere to their delusions vehemently.
What strikes me is the marine on the right who's face looks like a bad deepfake and the eyes with Jill Biden turning to look at him(almost as if to deliberately draw attention to it)
God save the Queen is the national anthem of England. Unless Biden is a vassal of the queen of England it should never be played to salute the American President, unless they have rejoined the British Empire.
if the people they are saluting move a good distance away, they can end the salute. it is major disrespect for a senior officer or high ranking official to not acknowledge a salute though, except in rare ceremonial situations. also the "parade rest" posture by the presidential detail I believe is hands held in front rather than to the rear. someone with more knowledge might wish to correct me on that though.
Thanks for the salute clarification. I remember a time when Obama stepped off Marine 1 (?) and did not return the Marines salute. I remember the flak he got for that.
Are people saying the speech wasn’t real? I’ve been out of the news the last two days so I’m not sure what “crap talk” people are saying. Is it the red background they are saying was added? From the video, the beginning, I didn’t really see the red glow. I may need a clue in what we’re looking at here.
Yea I went to the 10:57 mark but didn’t watch long enough, just don’t care to listen to him honestly. But yea them choosing a red ambience was foolish. It looks evil straight through.
How do you know they're real marines......could be more actors .
No green screen..ok...but a uniform isnt enough to make them real marines.....remember..you're watching a movie........
Ok so for me yes the gloves are strange but the bell tolling right before he walks out….this is all i could think of ….,
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Make his fight on the hill in the early day
Constant chill deep inside
Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey
On they fight for the right, yes, but who's to say?
For a hill men would kill. Why, they do not know
Stiffened wounds test their pride
Men on five, still alive through the raging glow
Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls
Take a look to the sky just before you die
It's the last time you will
Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky
Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery
He hears the silence so loud
Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be
Now they see what will be, blinded eyes to see
For whom the bell tolls
Time marches on
For whom the bell tolls
I can’t believe I am the only person that noticed this. When Biden finished the band started to play GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Last time I checked THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not part of the British Monarchy, why would they play a salute to the mo arch of Britain?
For what it is worth, there is an Americanized version of that tune.
And here I thought it was a butchered version of The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen Anthem.
But in all seriousness u/Zromrlhzrd, you got a point. Our official national anthem is The Star Spangled Banner. We didn't really have an anthem until Congress made The Star Spangled Banner our anthem in 1931.
What if we first copied Britain and it pissed them off, but when the crown took over USA Inc, they decided to use it in instances as a nod to laugh in our faces?
There's no lyrics to the orchestrated version of the song...so it literally COULD be either or... 😬
Edit: Looks like The Guardian had to clarify it for the UK readers too.
And not the first time someone was blindly mocked when pointing it out.
I think you are really on to something here...
I doubt most Americans are aware that "My Country 'Tis of Thee" is the tune of "God Save the Queen", the British anthem.
But most older real Americans are. We've seen countless movies with either "God Save the King" or "God Save the Queen," but we grew up singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee."
We used to sing "My Country 'Tis of Thee" every week in music class. We began the school day with The Pledge of Allegiance and an Our Father too. This was in public school, 1964. The worst offense a student could perform was to chew gum. Even in high school there were no big problems. I believe it was because honoring God and the USA set students on a righteous path.
That's how my childhood went back in that same time period.
They are the same. Whoa!
That was the first thing I saw. I also noticed that he was NPC until he went out of view behind some bricks and appeared smiling. It's almost like he didn't think anyone could see him until he came around the bricks.
I heard my country til of thee also. Was about to look up tune to God save the lizard, umm I mean queen.
Friendly reminder for the community that the creator of Ren & Stimpy is pedo scum
Have you seen the very original Ren & Stimpy stuff? Ren had a saw strapped to his waist and Stimpy held a log with his butt. It was pretty crass.
That's just bizarre ... would love to hear some sort of sensible explanation for playing this song - and in front of Independence Hall!
It goes a little something like this: My country, Tis of Thee Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing. Land where my Fathers died, Land of the Pilgrim's pride, From every mountain side Let Freedom ring!
You're right! I had "God Save the Queen" in my brain
well, it is a fascist regime. no future, no future, for you and me.
wrong God save the queen?
johnny rotten does support Trump now, just saying.
God save the queen
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
Potential H-bomb
God save the queen
She ain't no human being
There is no future
In England's dreaming
Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's no future, no future,
No future for you
God save the queen
We mean it man
We love our queen
God saves
God save the queen
'Cause tourists are money
And our figurehead
Is not what she seems
Oh God save history
God save your mad parade
Oh Lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid
When there's no future
How can there be sin
We're the flowers in the dustbin
We're the poison in your human machine
We're the future, your future
God save the queen
We mean it man
We love our queen
God saves
God save the queen
We mean it man
And there is no future
In England's dreaming
No future, no future,
No future for you
No future, no future,
No future for me
No future, no future,
No future for you
No future, no future
For you
I'm really surprised that this community is having trouble seeing the two sides of this tune, and how it can be played right under our American ignorance.
This is the first time I've ever listened to God save the queen, in my defense. Stooped response, but, why would I? I'm American? I did however go listen, and within 2 seconds heard it was same tune. Trying and learning Fren.
Just trying to awaken and enlighten, my friend. I actually learned about God Save the King from Paganini:
To me, worh eyes closed. Sound like, My Country 'tis of thee. Sorry took so long to reply.
Thank you as always. Going to watch now. God bless.
Wikipedia -
Without lyrics, how do you tell the difference?
Haha. I learned this song in 5th grade about 55 years ago. The teacher said the songwriter chose the melody to troll the Brits. I think Americans were still irked about the War of 1812 or something like that.
What if it started out that way, but once the Crown infiltrated with USA Inc, they used it to troll us?
And still are! 😧
I actually closed my eyes, so I could hear the music. And not see the words. Since was my first time hearing it. You can feel music.
You're supposed to assume that in the US, unless you're watching a British movie or TV show, that what you're hearing is "My Country 'Tis of Thee." That should always be in your mind when you hear the tune.
Thank you for accusing me of American wrongthink.
This was not the first time someone was blindly mocked when pointing this out.
Again, we see the two sides to all the Cabal symbolism on this site, but somehow, this American tradition (which originated in Britain) is causing people to short circuit.
Why not just play "Hail to the Chief"? Why do something that plays into speculation?
They did play "Hail to the Chief." In a ceremony of any great length, any number of patriotic tunes might be played.
When I was in school, we sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee," "Battle Hymn of the Republic," and "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Of course we also sang "Uncle Ned" and "Old Black Joe." :)
So did I. Why are you so attached to a song, that you could be potentially subverted with? How come you cant fathom, that a tune can lose meaning when it's lyrics are omitted?
Both the British, and awakened Americans are noticing this:
The Guardian had to clarify it for the UK readers too.
Wouldn't you rather accept that there are two ways to view this song, and remain alert? Rather than continue to be gaslit, and wake up to a corpse?
I'm not attached to the song especially, but that's what I grew up learning. It's American, just as I say truck instead of lorry. Because I know the American words, it won't ever lose its meaning to me. I also know we may last longer as a country than the British royalty. I think when Elizabeth dies, it all may go to crap.
I wouldn't say wrong think? Imo? But, lol what is my opinion? Ya'll are way ahead of me. Like I'm a freshman and ya'll are seniors. But, music I love. I close my eyes to feel it. Not just hear it. Or the words. Idk. I'm weirdo.
Aint nothing wrong with feeling patriotic.
Just feel it with something where the rug can't be pulled from under you, and recognize that with Biden, that rug is always there.
Always! I'm always trying to learn and be more informed. You help me do that. Thank you very much. I'm kinda odd, I feel music in my soul. Lol.
It's conspicuous, even if there was an "Americanised" version of the song. Honor Guard appears to find every opportunity to point out the illegitimate condition of the feckless puppet.
Because DC IS part of the british monarchy (also the Vatican) in an indirect but also direct way. The reason they played it, no clue. But they are in Philly.. so really not sure.
Tune in at 10:57
Stickying this again because people are still posting about "fake marines" on the forum.
how fitting, those bells sound like the intro to Hell's Bells
Definitely weird IMO, FJB used a green screen at his rally. Hard to believe they'd let the man with zero brain cells who cannot read from a teleprompter appear at either rallies or this speech.
Thank you
Derek Johnson a military vet is screaming this is fake military. He comes from long line of family in the military. His grandfather was at Normandy and he talked of JFK and the 20 generals
Marines can still be "fake" (actors, not real Marines), right?
I do not know one way or the other but i have seen a lot of people push back on the stance utilized by said Marines.
Absolutely, and they very well could be actors.
Even if they are, they are on location. People were trying to say they weren't.
I know this may sound silly but the one thing that bothers me is, Why is it that the Marine on the right his gloves are super bright white (almost a phosphorus white) as compared to the other marine? Why aren't his pants not nearly as bright, where is that light coming from? As a photographer this makes no logical sense?
To me, there are only two possibilities...
There was a highly focused light shining (intentionally?) on his hands, or
He was wearing gloves made of retro-reflective material.
Or his gloves literally had lights in them
Or, one of the lights on the "runway" turned towards him and just so happened to shine on his gloves. At 12:27 the lights start moving from straight up to left/right and then RIGHT BEFORE the camera zooms in on the resident you see the marines glove(s) start to light up.
What trips me out is that his gloves do not "light up" until exactly at 12:32, it appears that it's a very focused light source (when the marine moves his hands at the end of the video its like he's slipping his hand out of the light), but weirdly There doesn't seem to be an introduction of a new light source at this time either. The gloves no longer light up when the marine moves his hands at the end of the video, but no light source appears on his body where his hands were at.
I'm very confused
One marine’s gloves are in the dark and the other is in the light...Q’s dark to light, maybe?
I like it!
This is what I am thinking.
This is far too specific to be unintentionally done or just pure happenstance.
That’s one thing I really noticed when watching it. I said out loud how I thought the marines gloves were weird. Speaking of 12:32, here’s q post 1232.
Does anyone know how to search q posts by time stamp?
I hadn't noticed the 'start' of the glow at 12:32 (just before his hands go out of frame). That eliminates the 'retro-reflective gloves' theory. They couldn't light up 'starting with a small spot' like that - it would be 'all or nothing'. So, it looks like someone is focusing a light on them. Very strange.
Derek Johnson a military vet is screaming this is fake military. He comes from long line of family in the military. His grandfather was at Normandy and he talked of JFK and the 20 generals
How is my comment 'wrong'? I made no claim as to whether they were 'authentic' or 'fake' military. I made a comment about light.
Not saying your wrong. I was adding more content. Watch the video they are fake. The vet explains why.
Derek is full of shit, even if he is right about some stuff, he is personally full of shit.
Yeah because you're a veteran and you know.
Full of s*** like you?
Michael Jackson? ;o)
This stuck out to me too. It made me think he was doing the pyramid symbol and lining up with something. Lol.
What stuck out to me is that Joe was introduced as "the president of the United States"...which states, because United States of America was not said.
This stuck out to me three. It’s one of those things I’m shocked that I didn’t mention after noticing. It did something to me too.. I just thought maybe they were fake Marines, and one of theme gloves was a different color .. But it’s definitely something that’s more likely a stage light thing .
the one on the right seemed odd for sure
I wondered this myself and wondered if this was some type of coms or mku signaling.
Coms.....dark to light. Hands on left Marine are dark. Hands on right Marine are light.
Nice catch!
Not my catch, saw it mentioned earlier today. Thanks anyway.
It does if you watch the spotlights as they turn down each side of the red carpet. The first one on that side is pointing directly at his hands.
Yeah it is constant, wild theories that don't matter if they are true or not. Especially ones like these which discredited in seconds. You can guess who is behind many of them and for what reasons.
Some people just believe everything they see on telegram
Telegram has been the most effective psyop in misleading and scattering the Q community.
Tbh a lot of the blame falls on Q and team for not staying in contact at the most basic level. I understand going silent during active ops, but it's not like 90 percent of the posts in 2020 were ground breaking intel anyways. The last 9 months of Q felt more like a recap and rally for newcomers. Could have kept that up to some degree even if it was one post every few months.
I kinda think that a lot of people are revved up and trying to find shit that's wrong or fake... makes them feel validated about their own waking up. Doesn't make it right, but I think that's happening a lot.
I don't believe Biden has ever been in the real White House.
My thoughts exactly.
What are we supposed to be looking at here?
I'm wondering the same here, I know there's a video that was posted on here where one of the people in the crowd, had their phone up and was trying to take a picture of the whole thing. No one is showing up on the phone while we see the people in the background, which implied this whole thing was done with a green screen.
I watched the first 15 mins of this video and I'm not seeing what I should be seeing?
I think OP meant to start the video at 11:57 mark, not 10:57. It's when POTATUS and whats-her-name start walking in.
There's bulletproof glass in front of and to the left and right of the speaking area, if you pause the video around the 11:15-11:18 mark you can see it. The one side is catching the reflection of Independence Hall so you can't see them as they walk behind it. Maybe that's the green screen being referred to?
Yeah I noticed that as well. But I think they are angled in a way where the people won't show up? I dunno?
I think OP is simply stating that nothing was faked.
Edit: I mean... no green screen.
At 11:50 the lights go from white, to blood red. The exact moment the douche and his dumb wife step out of the building.
Rig for red!
I noticed this as well.
They are not Marines. Their pose with hands in front is not a military stationary pose.
A podcast I was watching this morning also pointed out their salutes were out of sync, had they been real Marines their actions would have been precisely in sync.
Marines always salute with the back of their hands tilted forward. Their arms are at a 45 and their hands are at another 45. Middle fingertip to the temple.
Okay, not what I'm referencing though. When I say in out of sync, one started saluting before the other, thus out of sync. Even coming down the stairs they are slightly out of sync.
From what I heard on a podcast this morning from a former Naval officer and Marine is their ceremony procedures are precise, and extremely precise involving Presidential procedures. Not the case here, maybe they spent too much time studying arm & hand angles lol
The Marine on the right of the screen was moving around ever so slightly. Look at the red light shining through beneath his right arm pit. You can use that as gauge to see how much he's wavering. The Marine on the left barely moved at all.
More likely they're Hen Night entertainers on a down-day, cash deal.
My son is a marine, that is actually a pose.
Marines don’t pose.
I was NAVY for 6 years. We never held our hands in front like that. It was either full attention, or parade rest with our hands locked behind our back.
Looks like a variation of Parade Rest used for ceremonial events. Others that are far more knowledgeable will be along soon with more info.
I watched the video before I read the comments and the thing that stood out for me wasn't the surroundings but Bidens face. Look at his face when he comes out the door. He walks a bit, disappears behind some flag and then look at his face as he comes in the picture again. I had to go back and watch that twice. To me, that was like it was two different men. Can someone really look that different in just a few meters of walking? Or am I insane? Another thing that I notice was how he had to look down to make the step down and coming up the podium. He had to stop and coordinate his movements to make it. I worked with elderly for 25 years and that is defently a sign of something not working in your brain correctly.
But we already suspected that right? Edit; typo
They disappear behind flags as walking out also.
Rather small audience, don't ha think?
sounds like fuck joe biden chants subtlety in the background at 27m24s
Exactly, the left is clearly suffering from several delusions around sex and other topics but we need to look on our side too. Thinking that we are literally watching a movie with green screened events and biden being an actor really doesn't make sense. And people attack those that point it out in a VERY similar way that the left does when you say there are only two genders. Despite the lack of evidence, and despite reality, they adhere to their delusions vehemently.
Wow you have almost as many downvotes as upvotes.
People proving your point. Probably a lot of leftist lurkers don’t like you bringing logic into the conversation.
We can’t mock the left for something and then unironically do that same exact thing.
Some people take the “you are watching a movie” a little too far. It’s not a literal movie where everything is fake. A lot of this is real.
There is a reason Q said to “pray”.
I always appreciate your thoughts. Thank you!
What strikes me is the marine on the right who's face looks like a bad deepfake and the eyes with Jill Biden turning to look at him(almost as if to deliberately draw attention to it)
God save the Queen is the national anthem of England. Unless Biden is a vassal of the queen of England it should never be played to salute the American President, unless they have rejoined the British Empire.
How d'you feel about the band playing "My Country 'Tis of Thee?"
Biden was given a cannon salute for a visiting foreign dignitary.
Dude, you are so right on this. Read my other comment in the thread.
You too, u/Paul_Revere
most voted for president EVER what a joke. Super mega crowd there too
Those two marines did not march out like marines
Wow, really? How should they have marched out?
lol only morons still believe they are green screens and masked presidents..
these are the real people, they are controlled.
There’s no way that this is the original Joe Biden, unless he had heavy amounts of botched plastic surgeries.
They was one post on here showing the different earlobe structures. The ears give it away.
NPC at 11:57.
The whole thing reminded me of an end-time movie I saw when the antichrist comes out onto a balcony and declares himself a god.
When Bite Me first comes into view (11:57), he actually had the NPC face. He could have been the model. :)
If we could get a screen shot of Biden making the NPC face, that would be amazing for memes.
I'm not a graphical kind of guy, but here's a simple attempt:
Question from a Canuck.....aren't the Marines supposed to hold their salute until it is returned? Or was that just Trump that returned salutes?
if the people they are saluting move a good distance away, they can end the salute. it is major disrespect for a senior officer or high ranking official to not acknowledge a salute though, except in rare ceremonial situations. also the "parade rest" posture by the presidential detail I believe is hands held in front rather than to the rear. someone with more knowledge might wish to correct me on that though.
Thanks for the salute clarification. I remember a time when Obama stepped off Marine 1 (?) and did not return the Marines salute. I remember the flak he got for that.
I'm not sure who is more detestable, Joe Biden, or his wife for going along with such a ridiculous Presidency.
Are people saying the speech wasn’t real? I’ve been out of the news the last two days so I’m not sure what “crap talk” people are saying. Is it the red background they are saying was added? From the video, the beginning, I didn’t really see the red glow. I may need a clue in what we’re looking at here.
If you are curious where the red lights came from, watch more of the video
Yea I went to the 10:57 mark but didn’t watch long enough, just don’t care to listen to him honestly. But yea them choosing a red ambience was foolish. It looks evil straight through.
He also has one connected earlobe and one disconnected earlobe. But this oddity is not new info, I know.
Isn't this kind of discussion the epitome of distraction? Who needs a false flag if a marine's "shiny glove" will keep us occupied for days?
Good find, thanks for the clarification. I went through a bunch of videos but not the Reuters one.
How do you know they're real marines......could be more actors . No green screen..ok...but a uniform isnt enough to make them real marines.....remember..you're watching a movie........
I dont, and you could be right.
Not many people there.
Ok so for me yes the gloves are strange but the bell tolling right before he walks out….this is all i could think of …., For Whom the Bell Tolls Metallica Make his fight on the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey On they fight for the right, yes, but who's to say?
For a hill men would kill. Why, they do not know Stiffened wounds test their pride Men on five, still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
Take a look to the sky just before you die It's the last time you will Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry
Stranger now are his eyes to this mystery He hears the silence so loud Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be Now they see what will be, blinded eyes to see
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
Omg. I thought of that too.
Ok I was hoping I wasnt reading to much into that. It just seemed really odd and out of place
Wow, that video is creepy as shit, with or without the posted guards.
TL:DR it for me. No time.
Time stamp is in the top comment.
My son is a marine, that isn't a sign of disrespect, it's just a casual pose.
There is no such thing as a casual pose when you are ceremoniously standing behind the ‘Commander in Chief’.
Lol thank you. I give up.
They could be projected
Jill biden looks like rick flair
But ridden hard and put away wet.
Gross. Kek