I was actually surprised that I tested negative for COVID and positive for the flu at the beginning of this year. I had a really bad case and I really thought they would just say "ok yeah you have COVID lol" but they didn't.
Went to court yesterday and the judge still enforcing mask mandate (for everybody but himself). I asked bailiff if ' anyone here' was aware that CDC reversed their position on masks and stated that masks show no benefit against contracting covid, and it seemed that this was completely new news to him.
You did know that anytime you go to the Dr you give them your DNA. Anytime your relatives go to the Dr they give up your DNA. You can't hide from it. If they want your DNA they can get it.
Yes, but I try to keep it at a minimum. The biggest reason I have for not getting tested is because the test is bullshit. Find and watch the Kary Mullis video where Kary states that you can not use PCR to determine if someone is sick.
Agreed. I just gave up on retaining my DNA after consideration of the above. I am a pure blood but got covid pneumonia in late October of '21. Spent 17 days in ICU. My experience is that if I had gone to the Dr before I got bad I may have prevented that hospitalization. I didn't because I didn't trust the medical establishment. I had in fact argued with my PC in the months before my hospitalization regarding my not getting the shot. I am still very against it and worry about my sons live in GF having been forced by her work to take the J&J. My daughter's live in BF is suffering from Covid right now and she continues to test negative promoting my concerns that she may have conceeded as well. My BF came out and asked her (via text) last night as my birthday is tomorrow and he was planning the outing. She avoided the question. All if this raises my fears if the impact on future generations. If someone was stupid enough to believe in the bad that us their problem but to change the DNA going forward is a crime so egregious that I can't fathom a punishment to promote justice.
Those nasal swab tests had some weird nano technology in them. Saw some magnified imagery of the tip of one of those things early on in the pandemic and decided I would die before jamming whatever the hell that was into my blood brain barrier.
Right?! I thought the whole nasal swab thing—sticking it way up in your nose while you wait in a long line of cars was just peak clown show. It was a long two years—first with the Covid fear, then with the vax. I am still pissed off with some people about it. They were such jerks. Yeah, I know they were brainwashed, but it just showed me who I could trust and who to avoid when the SHTF.
Sad but true. I walked away from a 25 year relationship with my karate club, as literally the one unvaxxed, hiding my “dirty little secret “ so the rest of the crew doesn’t have to go back to training in masks for several months before I had enough. Had enough of them talking crap about the unvaxxed dummies in front of me. Just said “I’m out” a few months ago and finally about a week ago told my 2 best friends there. Inspired by the newest awaken with JP video. They actually understand and want to get a beer with me.
So yeah it opened my eyes too. But make sure the government isn’t ruining your good relationships too! That’s how we lose
They used the same method on slaves in egypt to destroy the immune system and keep the slaves more dossile, it also crosses the blood brain barier and wrecks the pineal glad imo. Desecrating Gods connection Is always at heart.
The PCR tests and swabs were made by a company called Illumina. They had nothing to do with China. Granted China does also seems to be taking full advantage of the fake plandemic to purge dissidents and clamp down control on their people, but this isn't because of muh China. Everything you post reads like glowie disinfo shit, including your hellofellowpatriots user name.
With a pitance of research, it's clear that Illumina aren't the only ones making tests, and were never the first to make them. Crossreference this list, and this list, and it's clear that PCR is made by a variety of differing companies, some of whom were faster than Illumina by a couple months. And, according to the horse's mouth, Illumina does not make PCR tests, they make sequencing tests. These sequencing steps use PCR as an processing step, but differ from the normal PCR tests by way of using a genetic sequencing machine to come up with a result, versus the primers and dye approach of normal PCR.
FYI, screaming "Glowie!11!" while pushing bad info isn't a good look.
They admitted the tests were full of shite. It's a complete pysops. Understand people are gfetting sick, but the finacial incentives across the board have equated in establishing the killing fields in the hospitals. Does anyone trust medicine in the US anymore? I know I have less than zero faith.
We need global and local trials, people need to swing from ropes before any faith will be re-established. The same for the alphabet agencies.
Interestingly, I did this in 2002 when it dawned on me that my family was cursed. It changed everything. 20 years later the difference in our lives is like night and day. My siblings’ families are in total disarray and everyone looks at me and wonders why none of their afflictions are on me and my children. They just can’t understand it. Baffled. It’s because I repented, took authority, and got rid of the curses.
When you get tested all you are doing is providing your genetic information to go into a database where it can be used to create a bioweapon specific to YOU!
I actually do wish this board would soften to those who have vaxx regret. As people wake up, they need compassion and guidance, not judgment and guilt.
A distinction needs to be made between those who simply got the jab vs those who also continuously spat intense vitriol against the unjabbed.
The former category is a lot easier to be sympathetic towards, they just expected their experts to know what’s best and we’re deceived.
As for the latter, they may be regretful too, but their vicious true selves have been revealed, and that can’t be unseen or taken back. Everyone will know that these are the types of people who would have sold out political dissidents to the Nazis, and that reputation will never escape them.
People are so violently against people who have gotten vaxxed, it's dumb. It's like they have three people in their lives who tried so hard to push it on them that they can't comprehend that not everyone who took it tried to make them take it.
It's outright evil to treat the misled as lesser humans.
The ones who tried to force it down our throats? We can laugh at them.
The people, like everyone in my family that took it either under duress or because of being misled and never once tried to force anyone else into it? Those are still good people who can or have woken up.
Fodtunately and unfortunately, most people suffering these awful effects seem to be in targeted areas or boosted. I have not seen problems occur with non boosted at any notable rate in my region.
I am quite happy to grant them their wish to pursue their own happiness. And part of that happiness is a moment of realization to stand before the immeasurable, where no wife crosses our path, and no mother is there to comfort us, where only the reality reigns: tremendous and grand.
And the truth is: they were stupid, ignorant (ignoring the facts), deceived by their post hoc justifications, lack of insight, and frankly, unwillingness to consider other options, because they:
wanted to eat at McDonalds
wanted to travel
wanted to celebrate holidays
wanted to feel holy for making this sacrifice to protect the vulnerable.
reveled in their us vs them glory
weaklings who rather avoid confrontation than stand as a man or woman in their rights
willing to sacrifice their rights (Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) for temporary safety.
Afraid to get into trouble.
The fact remains: they traded their rights to Life and Liberty for what? Trinckets in a hoax ....
So, yes, a lot of guidance to give, but in essence, to accept the consequence of what they themselves have put into motion = the man in the mirror.
When you buy into the mass psychosis with no discernment, and let your desire to be accepted overrule your thinking, this is what you get. And you have no one to blame but yourselves.
The only way vaccinated people will be able to be healed/cured....is if medbeds are a real thing. But the hard lessons need to be learned first, before the "get out of jail" free card is revealed.
Every Med bed image I’ve come across is either stolen artwork or footage from sci fi franchises. Sure there are “testimonials” on YouTube and rumble, but testimonies can be bought.
The whole concept doesn’t even make sense. “Frequencies” and “positive ions” don’t cure any disease, much less all of them at once + regrow lost limbs. The human body is far too complex for a single machine to heal.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
I'm not a firm believer in them like some people attached to TGA are, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if they are real. If anything can reverse the Vax damage, it has to be something we haven't seen.
I firmly believe hidden technology has been kept from humanity, for the benefit of the Cabal. They can't milk the cattle if we have a solution for free and/or unlimited energy. They have the Father of Lies on their side, after all.
Also keep in mind the symbolism the Cabal uses and how Pedowood is a part of that operation. They like to reveal much truth within cinema - things/abilities/technology.
I don't think keeping an open mind about these things is a bad thing. "Hope for the best, plan for the worst"
We have the most powerful healing available in our immune responses.
The problem really isn't that damage is done, it's that immune systems are being over tuned or turned against other parts of the system and attacking it, and the body is never given a chance to heal.
Resolve the vaccination effects and the body will likely heal given enough time and correct conditions.
The booster scheme may give the solution away, as it wears off. (Or so they say)
Maybe .... for those who only got vaxxed once, there is a real chance of them curing by natural means of cell death and renewal. However, the older one gets, the slower the renewal process ....
Frequencies don’t exist on their own in a vacuum. It’s a property that wave/cyclic phenomena have. Light has frequency. Heartbeats have frequency. Frequency doesn’t exist on its own.
For example, exceptionally high frequencies of light (X-rays) are used to kill cancer cells because using such high frequency light is like shooting a computer with bullets. The bullets disrupt the hardware on the computer that allow it to function so it dies. In the same way X-rays tear apart cancer cells so that they die, at least in principle.
Not yelling at you specifically, but taking the opportunity to point out how Med bed advocates use deliberately vague wording and prey upon the public’s lack of familiarity with scientific principles to push their narrative. As a major science enthusiast, I want to set the record straight and help others discern when people are using pseudoscience or no science to deceive them.
Yes, the x-ray thingy is correct, whatever else of harm it causes. Basically it is light therapy, but in this case, of a frequency that is quite course. Your illustration with a bullet is nice, as the bullet object is what? At least incapacitate a combination. If it is a body, it can either leave a clean hole, or an impact wound extending quite deep into the body, or even rip body parts off.
And yes, by using certain techniques the X-ray light therapy can be more focused and regional. But not every cancer cell has that frequency causing it to go to smithereens. And we know cancer is a thing that is fostered by the right environment. X-raying does only so much.
Just like a crystal can be shattered by soundwaves, other combinations can be destroyed by the same thing, soundwaves or other forms of waves. It is possible to tweak devices to such frequency that they only destroy a certain combination and leave other combinations at peace. We might think in this case of kidney stones and the like.
As you probably know, neutron bombs were of that kind, but would destroy the the living and leave dead equipment as the spoils.
If I were to go with what Dan Winter seems to convey .... there may be much more we can do with the application of sound/light/electric/magnetism frequencies than what we superficially may think.
I have no answers as to medbeds stuff and the like. I have not seen contemporary systems in operation. I do have seen other systems in operation. On the one hand in terms of diagnostic and in terms of therapy. And maybe it especially is a matter of the frequency of your own body.
I do see quite a nice application to target the spike protein ..... It may over time help to renew the cells and a patient could be declared spike free.
And God gave us free will for a reason. They made a choice and will have to find out the hard way what the consequences are. We're also fighting in WW3, as much spiritually, as we are fighting against psychological warfare. Q did said "not everything will be clean" and "the end won't be for everyone".
I don't believe this is the end for those who took the vax, like many on GAW believe. Some will perish, as we've been seeing, but not a great killshot (like how the Cabal wanted things to play out). America can't be great again if we lose 40% of the people, much less the rest of the world.
The Great Awakening is aptly named for a reason. Should be called The Greatest Awakening, to delineate from the other "awakenings" throughout history.
I was programmed by reddit atheism for years to be skeptical of coincidences.
It's hard to put my finger on why, but that verse is SO encrypted with meaning that it can specifically mention multiple prophet futures simultaneously.
Something about being able to see God anywhere if you look for it. Time gets all wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
I was just going to say, civilization survived the plague and the catastrophic 14th century. We finally regroup. The kids have no horrible memories of events before they were born.
All roads lead to a short period of time where most of society across the globe will be unstable, just keep fighting so the road we do not end up on is the Satanists Global one where, those who are left, will be enslaved by tech and people will continue to fall by their hand as they will find it easier to "cull the herd" during.
That's my point, the WEF was right about humanity being automatons. Useless eaters/ NPC's ; these terms are interchangeable and both true ATM.
The WEG spent billions of dollars and decades getting humanity here and the WEF all need to hang but they seem right about this prognosis at this point.
“I had a hate on for people who didn't take it… I'm legitimately ashamed I was like that”
He was behaving like the government was. and now he’s ashamed of his behavior, so I deduce that he now thinks the government’s behavior was also shameful.
“having a doctor not treat me because I didn't have the vaccines. They were like that then. It was a horrendous time.”
So this guy thinks the doctors were behaving horrendously.
The unvaxxed person, Sarah Jones, said saying ‘no’ was a gut feeling. It might feel like that in conclusion, but I bet her mind had already considered several key facts, such as the high covid survival rate and therefore the lack of necessity for the vaxx, big pharma’s waiver of legal liability, and reports of people having immediate adverse effects. Her brain and her gut were probably on the same page.
It could even boil down to one thing, and that was how hard every institution was pushing it.
That is one of the biggest red flags and if you were patient instead of rushing, you would definitely have observed that within a few months of proximity to the introduction to the public.
The next step for these people is to fucking apologize to every unjabbed person they know for contributing to the hell they put the unjabbed through. Because I sure as hell aint over it.
Especially the lost jobs, the inability to find a job that doesn't require the vax, and possible loss of home and family as a result. I hope the people guilty of knowingly committing crimes against humanity have enough assets to seize and compensate for the victims' loss.
I thank God everyday I followed this board at the time. The reason my parents are alive today is because of the knowledge and advice I got from this board. I inspired them not to get the vax, even after having a very bad experience with the coof this time last year. Just know that if you shared some info on the vax on here, you probably saved a life.
If I was raised in a different house… different parents.. different input.. I’d like to think I’m Naturally smarter, but…… have friends that might soon be saying the same thing this fella is… breaks my heart but ultimately they’re responsible and not much the rest of us can do.. NO WAY TO GIVE THEM A PROPER REFUND AT THIS POINT ..
Sometimes I hypothesize about alternate paths in life and how things could go differently, like movies Butterfly Effect or Sliding Doors. But when it came to the vaxx, there wasn’t just one small event or piece of information that helped nudge me off the fence towards the right decision, and if I didn’t happen to experience the event or hear that one piece of information then I would’ve made the wrong decision. No, it wasn’t a close call like that. There were about a dozen redundancies that would’ve never let me take the vaxx, starting with the basic logic of choosing the reversible path rather than the irreversible one.
People who got vaxx-duped did so because of personality defects such as snobbery, hypochondria, conformity, innumeracy, illogic, or lack of confidence. Even if you had different parents, different education, etc, but you still didn’t have these personality defects, then you would’ve still made the good, obvious choice.
Interesting. Parents unjabbed, have 3 children. 2 of the 3 are unjabbed, but the one child who is jabbed is a raging liberal and certifiable narcissist. Personality definitely has more to do with it!
My brothers and I were raised in the same Household. We have had the same parents.
Yet, when it comes to the vaxx issue, we could not have made a more different decision. They are vaxxed, I am not.
It has nothing to do with family. It has to do with grit. Even if you do know nothing about the jabb, or the hoax itself, it should be obvious that making your own decisions is of paramount importance. A lot of people missed that part.
The questions and answers come from there.
They wanted us to buy their shit. Why should I?
**A simple risk analysis would reveal the truth of the matter. **
**I am amazed at the fact that not one risk-manager has come out to calculate the RPN on the whole covid-scam. RPN is a Risk Priority Number. My risk assessment is this:
The PRN number: 20 out of 1000, where a 1000 is something like Armageddon, the Noah' s flood, Ragnarok and the funeral service of Queen Elisabeth happening at the same time, and 20 is like, well, an area of concern but low impact. **
WTF do you need a vaxx for? And especially, an experimental vaxx?
Grit, based on a valuation of essential rights is what is missing.
Most of the ones I know are still completely oblivious to any problems. Thankfully. I pray they stay fine. But just went to a funeral today of a sweet lady who had to go to the hospital last summer (2021), they gave her a vaccine since everyone was required to have it, and she had cancer. Well her cancer got treated, but came back quickly.
I Knew the mRNA Vaccine was a bad thing from the start.
Reading Scientific American, Discover Magazine and various other science journal's 12 or so years ago when mRNA was invented for creating genetically altered organisms, like corn, soybeans, mesquites, etc. GMOs. I was NOT going to be a guinea pig for this experiment in creating GMO humans...
Yes plus farmers often spray roundup on mature oat crops to dry them out faster so they can harvest sooner.
Organic oats are easy enough to find but if I lived in the USA I would move near Amish country and buy their food.The food supply in the US is so tainted.
luckily i didn't took it, but i am worried about my aunt, my mother and my cousin,
so much so i started researching, what causes that is poisoning, there are ways to mitigate that,
one the poison due to graphene.
it requires glutathione,
the second poison, is wifi 5g
that you shut the wifi
and look for other ways to mitigate that effect
none of that is a cure though
it's a treatment, Vaxx free i don't know if anyone can get.
But one thing has to be remembered
they were spreading that stuff, even if you didn't took it it could still be in you
besides the government has other ways to infect you.
In reality I don't think anyone is truly free of that.
minus one threat
the replication thing, though
i read here and watched a video
explainiing the spike protein or whatever it is , is biotech, as in join together to create some kind of nanomachine, they acquire and download programs via 5 g
and that gives them commands to join and become something like a parasite or a antena, or kill someone again via signal, by releasing graphene as a free radical
the enemy is the vacines, the 5g, and the new world order
unless i am forgetting something.
the real cover up was the 5 g that is poisonous as well and dificult to deal with, because we also need the internet to get information and comunicate
i am dealing with it by shutting off everthing eletronic at night to sleep
and keeping celphones either shutted down or away from were i and my mother sleep, that's all i can do.
looking to find electromagnetic shielding too for the electric stuff in my house.
dunno if there is anything else i can do.
Yup. Virtue signalling is the mass psychosis trained behavior. They can just select the "virtues" their robots will signal later. That guy is an automaton. Probably has other comments about standing with Ukraine or eating bugmeat burgers.
God has given us authority through Christ Jesus. People were decieved. Therefore repent wash yourself in Jesus's blood.Forgive those that deceived you, forgive yourself, forgive God ( not that God did anything , but peoples anger can give the enemy( his side effects) a place) Take Authority over all side effects from a wrong choice call them null and void by the blood of Christ. Cast out any spirits of infirmary in Jesus name and claim your inheritance in Christ. We walk in victory seated with Christ in heavenly places we walk on scorpions and snakes and no poisonous thing shall hurt us. You need to be who you are in Christ. This is a spiritual battle. Put your armor on and stop believing the devil!!!
I don’t watch the fake news instead getting my news here mostly. What happened to have people change their minds abruptly and believe the danger? If I recall the CDC has been back tracking for some time. And if they don’t say what the msm wants to hear, they are silenced anyway.
Taking the experimental shot/s would put a person in a terrifying place where every single ache and pain bump or discoloration would be like a splinter in your mind, 'I wonder if it could be the jab?'. Only NPC's can live like that because the only way to go on is to not think about it.
I have to get my baby a religious exemption because he is true pure blood. He was a preemie and has not been sick once in almost a year. No ear infections, nothing.
Well I got to say, i have a lot of respect for the folks that were nasty suckers, but who are now ashamed of how they were. That takes balls and intelligence - I mean, it's a bit late - but it does give a glimmer of hope for the sheeple waking up.
I just didn't wanna lose my disability support. It's the only way I can pay for my meds.
But after praying about it for a while, I became convicted that Jesus' blood is what makes me clean and that there could be nothing in my own blood that makes me unsaveable.
Thank God He knows what to do when we mess up. He can still heal.
What continues to give me concern is shedding from the vaccinated. I fear we are now more at risk from those that took it and continue to do so. Latest pfizer drop shows they were aware of it and it is a possibility that it can happen.
Not that i live my life in fear or anything but i think this is what also helps to account for those of us smart enough not to have been vaxxed but end up getting illness similar to the vaxxed.
Wait until they find out that covid is a psyop and doesn't even exist in a manner they told us and the vax was the real WEAPON. Wait, I'm sure we told them.
Note what the reason was these people stood in line for their version of the the shot...
Some normalcy back.
I reminds me of what Ben Franklin warned about: Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
What NPR is neglecting to contend is the fact that these proprietary estates were gaining a lot from socializing the costs of defense while being exempt from supporting the same. Basically, they were gaming the system to enrich themselves while pushing the costs of defense on the lower classes to pay in blood and treasure.
The temporary security purchased was the security of being exempt from making a reasonable contribution to the effort of changing the a status of war into peace. A sunset provision was already in the bill, and even a recompense.
Yet, the principle holds on both accounts. Especially, with this vaxx-shit.
Unvaxxed. Untested. Horse paste in the closet just in case.
I have two arms with two middle fingers to give.
People think I’m extreme for refusing any tests, but idgaf
False positive bullshit. Adding to the numbers to increase the propaganda. Fuck that! I’m not giving you my DNA either.
Even those rapid take home ones I dont trust , at the most I would spit on it if i had to.
You could also use your own qtip
yeah I like the idea of spitting in defiance/disgust haha.
I was actually surprised that I tested negative for COVID and positive for the flu at the beginning of this year. I had a really bad case and I really thought they would just say "ok yeah you have COVID lol" but they didn't.
Went to court yesterday and the judge still enforcing mask mandate (for everybody but himself). I asked bailiff if ' anyone here' was aware that CDC reversed their position on masks and stated that masks show no benefit against contracting covid, and it seemed that this was completely new news to him.
You did know that anytime you go to the Dr you give them your DNA. Anytime your relatives go to the Dr they give up your DNA. You can't hide from it. If they want your DNA they can get it.
Yes, but I try to keep it at a minimum. The biggest reason I have for not getting tested is because the test is bullshit. Find and watch the Kary Mullis video where Kary states that you can not use PCR to determine if someone is sick.
Agreed. I just gave up on retaining my DNA after consideration of the above. I am a pure blood but got covid pneumonia in late October of '21. Spent 17 days in ICU. My experience is that if I had gone to the Dr before I got bad I may have prevented that hospitalization. I didn't because I didn't trust the medical establishment. I had in fact argued with my PC in the months before my hospitalization regarding my not getting the shot. I am still very against it and worry about my sons live in GF having been forced by her work to take the J&J. My daughter's live in BF is suffering from Covid right now and she continues to test negative promoting my concerns that she may have conceeded as well. My BF came out and asked her (via text) last night as my birthday is tomorrow and he was planning the outing. She avoided the question. All if this raises my fears if the impact on future generations. If someone was stupid enough to believe in the bad that us their problem but to change the DNA going forward is a crime so egregious that I can't fathom a punishment to promote justice.
Those nasal swab tests had some weird nano technology in them. Saw some magnified imagery of the tip of one of those things early on in the pandemic and decided I would die before jamming whatever the hell that was into my blood brain barrier.
Right?! I thought the whole nasal swab thing—sticking it way up in your nose while you wait in a long line of cars was just peak clown show. It was a long two years—first with the Covid fear, then with the vax. I am still pissed off with some people about it. They were such jerks. Yeah, I know they were brainwashed, but it just showed me who I could trust and who to avoid when the SHTF.
Sad but true. I walked away from a 25 year relationship with my karate club, as literally the one unvaxxed, hiding my “dirty little secret “ so the rest of the crew doesn’t have to go back to training in masks for several months before I had enough. Had enough of them talking crap about the unvaxxed dummies in front of me. Just said “I’m out” a few months ago and finally about a week ago told my 2 best friends there. Inspired by the newest awaken with JP video. They actually understand and want to get a beer with me.
So yeah it opened my eyes too. But make sure the government isn’t ruining your good relationships too! That’s how we lose
A relationship that can't survive this was a bad one
Jp video?
Awaken with JP on YouTube.
Awaken with JP, like 2 weeks ago a video about how “baffled” drs are
They used the same method on slaves in egypt to destroy the immune system and keep the slaves more dossile, it also crosses the blood brain barier and wrecks the pineal glad imo. Desecrating Gods connection Is always at heart.
All this to find a highly infectious virus that is EVERYWHERE, right?
A UK anon posted pics here of the testing kit he was given. Lots of sharp little spikes.
Same here. I didnt want anything from ching chong china in my nose.
The PCR tests and swabs were made by a company called Illumina. They had nothing to do with China. Granted China does also seems to be taking full advantage of the fake plandemic to purge dissidents and clamp down control on their people, but this isn't because of muh China. Everything you post reads like glowie disinfo shit, including your hellofellowpatriots user name.
With a pitance of research, it's clear that Illumina aren't the only ones making tests, and were never the first to make them. Crossreference this list, and this list, and it's clear that PCR is made by a variety of differing companies, some of whom were faster than Illumina by a couple months. And, according to the horse's mouth, Illumina does not make PCR tests, they make sequencing tests. These sequencing steps use PCR as an processing step, but differ from the normal PCR tests by way of using a genetic sequencing machine to come up with a result, versus the primers and dye approach of normal PCR.
FYI, screaming "Glowie!11!" while pushing bad info isn't a good look.
Post of the day, and you got the attention of the mouth breathers, congrats!
Lol. Ya exactly.
They admitted the tests were full of shite. It's a complete pysops. Understand people are gfetting sick, but the finacial incentives across the board have equated in establishing the killing fields in the hospitals. Does anyone trust medicine in the US anymore? I know I have less than zero faith.
We need global and local trials, people need to swing from ropes before any faith will be re-established. The same for the alphabet agencies.
The cdc discontinued using the pcr tests in December 2021 saying they were shit.
And companies and government agencies are still using them for job go/no go and other approvals.
Never forget.
Interestingly, I did this in 2002 when it dawned on me that my family was cursed. It changed everything. 20 years later the difference in our lives is like night and day. My siblings’ families are in total disarray and everyone looks at me and wonders why none of their afflictions are on me and my children. They just can’t understand it. Baffled. It’s because I repented, took authority, and got rid of the curses.
When you get tested all you are doing is providing your genetic information to go into a database where it can be used to create a bioweapon specific to YOU!
Same! Never had a Qtip shoved in my brain via the nasal cavity.
Same. But I feel bad for people like those in the post. I hope there is an antidote, like NAC or something.
I actually do wish this board would soften to those who have vaxx regret. As people wake up, they need compassion and guidance, not judgment and guilt.
A distinction needs to be made between those who simply got the jab vs those who also continuously spat intense vitriol against the unjabbed.
The former category is a lot easier to be sympathetic towards, they just expected their experts to know what’s best and we’re deceived.
As for the latter, they may be regretful too, but their vicious true selves have been revealed, and that can’t be unseen or taken back. Everyone will know that these are the types of people who would have sold out political dissidents to the Nazis, and that reputation will never escape them.
Exactly, COVID Karens deserve no mercy.
I found it very interesting that tik tok compilations of "Covid Karens' were always people who refused to wear a mask.
The sheep really controlled the internet culture for a while.
In order for our own sins to be forgiven. We must forgive others.
Yup!! I have an uncle who said people not submitting to the clot shot should die.
As my pure blood wife and I sat across the room from him not knowing we knew better.
Fuck that.
This is why twitter is beta testing a delete button
Whoever wholeheartedly recognizes a mistake, and is truly and sincerely sorry about it, will get nothing but kindness from me.
And don't forget there are protocols created by "America's Frontline Doctors to treat the vaccinated or other places like this article that maybe helpful - https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/
Have you seen that fb group that was mentioned here the other day? Just search for Facebook.
Stories are horrendous if true.
People are so violently against people who have gotten vaxxed, it's dumb. It's like they have three people in their lives who tried so hard to push it on them that they can't comprehend that not everyone who took it tried to make them take it.
It's outright evil to treat the misled as lesser humans.
The ones who tried to force it down our throats? We can laugh at them.
The people, like everyone in my family that took it either under duress or because of being misled and never once tried to force anyone else into it? Those are still good people who can or have woken up.
Fodtunately and unfortunately, most people suffering these awful effects seem to be in targeted areas or boosted. I have not seen problems occur with non boosted at any notable rate in my region.
Interesting view.
I am quite happy to grant them their wish to pursue their own happiness. And part of that happiness is a moment of realization to stand before the immeasurable, where no wife crosses our path, and no mother is there to comfort us, where only the reality reigns: tremendous and grand.
And the truth is: they were stupid, ignorant (ignoring the facts), deceived by their post hoc justifications, lack of insight, and frankly, unwillingness to consider other options, because they:
The fact remains: they traded their rights to Life and Liberty for what? Trinckets in a hoax ....
So, yes, a lot of guidance to give, but in essence, to accept the consequence of what they themselves have put into motion = the man in the mirror.
Never took any of it. Unfortunately, wife and adult kids did. I am deeply worried for them.
Prayers for all!!
No refunds.
When you buy into the mass psychosis with no discernment, and let your desire to be accepted overrule your thinking, this is what you get. And you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Vaxxies, no take backsies!
The only way vaccinated people will be able to be healed/cured....is if medbeds are a real thing. But the hard lessons need to be learned first, before the "get out of jail" free card is revealed.
I highly doubt Med beds are a thing.
Every Med bed image I’ve come across is either stolen artwork or footage from sci fi franchises. Sure there are “testimonials” on YouTube and rumble, but testimonies can be bought.
The whole concept doesn’t even make sense. “Frequencies” and “positive ions” don’t cure any disease, much less all of them at once + regrow lost limbs. The human body is far too complex for a single machine to heal.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
I'm not a firm believer in them like some people attached to TGA are, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me if they are real. If anything can reverse the Vax damage, it has to be something we haven't seen.
I firmly believe hidden technology has been kept from humanity, for the benefit of the Cabal. They can't milk the cattle if we have a solution for free and/or unlimited energy. They have the Father of Lies on their side, after all.
Also keep in mind the symbolism the Cabal uses and how Pedowood is a part of that operation. They like to reveal much truth within cinema - things/abilities/technology.
I don't think keeping an open mind about these things is a bad thing. "Hope for the best, plan for the worst"
We have the most powerful healing available in our immune responses.
The problem really isn't that damage is done, it's that immune systems are being over tuned or turned against other parts of the system and attacking it, and the body is never given a chance to heal.
Resolve the vaccination effects and the body will likely heal given enough time and correct conditions.
Even if medbeds were a thing, 4 billion have been jabbed so you would need at least 10 million of the things to be ready to go ASAP.
And then who decides who gets first use? A lottery? The riots would be insane.
Frequency can destroy certain combinations.
The booster scheme may give the solution away, as it wears off. (Or so they say)
Maybe .... for those who only got vaxxed once, there is a real chance of them curing by natural means of cell death and renewal. However, the older one gets, the slower the renewal process ....
Frequencies… of what?
Frequencies don’t exist on their own in a vacuum. It’s a property that wave/cyclic phenomena have. Light has frequency. Heartbeats have frequency. Frequency doesn’t exist on its own.
For example, exceptionally high frequencies of light (X-rays) are used to kill cancer cells because using such high frequency light is like shooting a computer with bullets. The bullets disrupt the hardware on the computer that allow it to function so it dies. In the same way X-rays tear apart cancer cells so that they die, at least in principle.
Not yelling at you specifically, but taking the opportunity to point out how Med bed advocates use deliberately vague wording and prey upon the public’s lack of familiarity with scientific principles to push their narrative. As a major science enthusiast, I want to set the record straight and help others discern when people are using pseudoscience or no science to deceive them.
Did you yell? I think you are right.
Yes, the x-ray thingy is correct, whatever else of harm it causes. Basically it is light therapy, but in this case, of a frequency that is quite course. Your illustration with a bullet is nice, as the bullet object is what? At least incapacitate a combination. If it is a body, it can either leave a clean hole, or an impact wound extending quite deep into the body, or even rip body parts off.
And yes, by using certain techniques the X-ray light therapy can be more focused and regional. But not every cancer cell has that frequency causing it to go to smithereens. And we know cancer is a thing that is fostered by the right environment. X-raying does only so much.
Just like a crystal can be shattered by soundwaves, other combinations can be destroyed by the same thing, soundwaves or other forms of waves. It is possible to tweak devices to such frequency that they only destroy a certain combination and leave other combinations at peace. We might think in this case of kidney stones and the like.
As you probably know, neutron bombs were of that kind, but would destroy the the living and leave dead equipment as the spoils.
If I were to go with what Dan Winter seems to convey .... there may be much more we can do with the application of sound/light/electric/magnetism frequencies than what we superficially may think.
I have no answers as to medbeds stuff and the like. I have not seen contemporary systems in operation. I do have seen other systems in operation. On the one hand in terms of diagnostic and in terms of therapy. And maybe it especially is a matter of the frequency of your own body.
I do see quite a nice application to target the spike protein ..... It may over time help to renew the cells and a patient could be declared spike free.
People are dying. If there’s a “get out of jail free” card in the Community Chest, it must be near the bottom of the stack.
And God gave us free will for a reason. They made a choice and will have to find out the hard way what the consequences are. We're also fighting in WW3, as much spiritually, as we are fighting against psychological warfare. Q did said "not everything will be clean" and "the end won't be for everyone".
I don't believe this is the end for those who took the vax, like many on GAW believe. Some will perish, as we've been seeing, but not a great killshot (like how the Cabal wanted things to play out). America can't be great again if we lose 40% of the people, much less the rest of the world.
The Great Awakening is aptly named for a reason. Should be called The Greatest Awakening, to delineate from the other "awakenings" throughout history.
So many fakes and placebos it’s difficult to predict
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear”
Everything is connected.
I was programmed by reddit atheism for years to be skeptical of coincidences.
It's hard to put my finger on why, but that verse is SO encrypted with meaning that it can specifically mention multiple prophet futures simultaneously.
Something about being able to see God anywhere if you look for it. Time gets all wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
I think about that a lot. Can society still function if we lose millions of people relatively quickly?
Depends on how many of the people we lose are effectively Telephone Sanitizers who belonged on the B Ark anyway.
Check out JonLevi channel. He brings up many great points in many of his videos about how the history we "know" is very likely not truth.
I was just going to say, civilization survived the plague and the catastrophic 14th century. We finally regroup. The kids have no horrible memories of events before they were born.
All roads lead to a short period of time where most of society across the globe will be unstable, just keep fighting so the road we do not end up on is the Satanists Global one where, those who are left, will be enslaved by tech and people will continue to fall by their hand as they will find it easier to "cull the herd" during.
100% I've been saying this for a while, so many people are irreparably broken at this point, and there's no coming back for them.
I get angry everytime I see a retard still wearing a mask while out walking, and especially ALONE in the car.
Thankfully, it does only seem to be about 4-6% of people, but still frustrating.
"CANNOT participate or contribute to their local communities and the greater society / civilization"
Sounds like it should be.
These people are the "useless eaters" the WEF motherfuckers were talking about.
That would indeed not be an inference far beside the WEF-view.
That's my point, the WEF was right about humanity being automatons. Useless eaters/ NPC's ; these terms are interchangeable and both true ATM.
The WEG spent billions of dollars and decades getting humanity here and the WEF all need to hang but they seem right about this prognosis at this point.
I wonder if any of these people are awake now, or just think "there was no way to know, our government overlords did their best"
A couple of them seem to be waking up:
“I had a hate on for people who didn't take it… I'm legitimately ashamed I was like that”
He was behaving like the government was. and now he’s ashamed of his behavior, so I deduce that he now thinks the government’s behavior was also shameful.
“having a doctor not treat me because I didn't have the vaccines. They were like that then. It was a horrendous time.”
So this guy thinks the doctors were behaving horrendously.
"So this guy thinks the doctors were behaving horrendously. "
But not himself.
He was horrendously fearful, and he might admit that now, but at least he wasn’t horrendously denying medical service to other people.
When everyone you trust is trying to kill you, you have to learn. He was terrified, and terrified that he'd be denied life saving treatments.
He was terrified in the face of billions of dollars worth of propaganda, and guess what handshake?
He was right. They were and in some cases still are denying people based on their vaccination status.
As was said: Losers always whine about their best ....
The unvaxxed person, Sarah Jones, said saying ‘no’ was a gut feeling. It might feel like that in conclusion, but I bet her mind had already considered several key facts, such as the high covid survival rate and therefore the lack of necessity for the vaxx, big pharma’s waiver of legal liability, and reports of people having immediate adverse effects. Her brain and her gut were probably on the same page.
It's difficult to keep track of all the bullet points of why you believe something.
It could even boil down to one thing, and that was how hard every institution was pushing it.
That is one of the biggest red flags and if you were patient instead of rushing, you would definitely have observed that within a few months of proximity to the introduction to the public.
The next step for these people is to fucking apologize to every unjabbed person they know for contributing to the hell they put the unjabbed through. Because I sure as hell aint over it.
I ain't over it either. Every unvaxxed person has felt the persecution. This isn't over by a longshot.
Especially the lost jobs, the inability to find a job that doesn't require the vax, and possible loss of home and family as a result. I hope the people guilty of knowingly committing crimes against humanity have enough assets to seize and compensate for the victims' loss.
Until they going to get the same "fuck you" that everyone calling for "unity and healing" was getting back in November 2020.
I thank God everyday I followed this board at the time. The reason my parents are alive today is because of the knowledge and advice I got from this board. I inspired them not to get the vax, even after having a very bad experience with the coof this time last year. Just know that if you shared some info on the vax on here, you probably saved a life.
Pureblood and still unscathed! Might get Covid but so far Zinc, Vitamin D and C and Magnesium have been enough.
If I was raised in a different house… different parents.. different input.. I’d like to think I’m Naturally smarter, but…… have friends that might soon be saying the same thing this fella is… breaks my heart but ultimately they’re responsible and not much the rest of us can do.. NO WAY TO GIVE THEM A PROPER REFUND AT THIS POINT ..
Sometimes I hypothesize about alternate paths in life and how things could go differently, like movies Butterfly Effect or Sliding Doors. But when it came to the vaxx, there wasn’t just one small event or piece of information that helped nudge me off the fence towards the right decision, and if I didn’t happen to experience the event or hear that one piece of information then I would’ve made the wrong decision. No, it wasn’t a close call like that. There were about a dozen redundancies that would’ve never let me take the vaxx, starting with the basic logic of choosing the reversible path rather than the irreversible one.
People who got vaxx-duped did so because of personality defects such as snobbery, hypochondria, conformity, innumeracy, illogic, or lack of confidence. Even if you had different parents, different education, etc, but you still didn’t have these personality defects, then you would’ve still made the good, obvious choice.
The difference between jabbed and unjabbed is not intelligence, at least not entirely. Personality factors played and continue to play a huge role.
They also all watch TV and believe all the propaganda.
Gullibility is a defect
Interesting. Parents unjabbed, have 3 children. 2 of the 3 are unjabbed, but the one child who is jabbed is a raging liberal and certifiable narcissist. Personality definitely has more to do with it!
Yeah, a pharmaceutical shortcut to social status is appealing to a certain type!
just a proper burial.
My brothers and I were raised in the same Household. We have had the same parents.
Yet, when it comes to the vaxx issue, we could not have made a more different decision. They are vaxxed, I am not.
It has nothing to do with family. It has to do with grit. Even if you do know nothing about the jabb, or the hoax itself, it should be obvious that making your own decisions is of paramount importance. A lot of people missed that part.
The questions and answers come from there.
They wanted us to buy their shit. Why should I?
**A simple risk analysis would reveal the truth of the matter. **
**I am amazed at the fact that not one risk-manager has come out to calculate the RPN on the whole covid-scam. RPN is a Risk Priority Number. My risk assessment is this:
The PRN number: 20 out of 1000, where a 1000 is something like Armageddon, the Noah' s flood, Ragnarok and the funeral service of Queen Elisabeth happening at the same time, and 20 is like, well, an area of concern but low impact. **
WTF do you need a vaxx for? And especially, an experimental vaxx?
Grit, based on a valuation of essential rights is what is missing.
Most of the ones I know are still completely oblivious to any problems. Thankfully. I pray they stay fine. But just went to a funeral today of a sweet lady who had to go to the hospital last summer (2021), they gave her a vaccine since everyone was required to have it, and she had cancer. Well her cancer got treated, but came back quickly.
I Knew the mRNA Vaccine was a bad thing from the start. Reading Scientific American, Discover Magazine and various other science journal's 12 or so years ago when mRNA was invented for creating genetically altered organisms, like corn, soybeans, mesquites, etc. GMOs. I was NOT going to be a guinea pig for this experiment in creating GMO humans...
Yes plus farmers often spray roundup on mature oat crops to dry them out faster so they can harvest sooner.
Organic oats are easy enough to find but if I lived in the USA I would move near Amish country and buy their food.The food supply in the US is so tainted.
Seriously sad stuff
im so glad i stuck it out and didnt take it. and im fortunate that doing so didnt threaten my livelihood
luckily i didn't took it, but i am worried about my aunt, my mother and my cousin, so much so i started researching, what causes that is poisoning, there are ways to mitigate that, one the poison due to graphene. it requires glutathione, the second poison, is wifi 5g that you shut the wifi and look for other ways to mitigate that effect none of that is a cure though it's a treatment, Vaxx free i don't know if anyone can get. But one thing has to be remembered they were spreading that stuff, even if you didn't took it it could still be in you besides the government has other ways to infect you. In reality I don't think anyone is truly free of that. yet.
my condolences
reading those stories helped me quite a bit, dunno if will have any help on you but, all indication is that there is an afterlife. give it a try .
you are welcome.
At least the graphene won't replicate like your DNA, so if it can be eliminated with glutathione, that eliminates the graphene/5G threat.
minus one threat the replication thing, though i read here and watched a video explainiing the spike protein or whatever it is , is biotech, as in join together to create some kind of nanomachine, they acquire and download programs via 5 g and that gives them commands to join and become something like a parasite or a antena, or kill someone again via signal, by releasing graphene as a free radical the enemy is the vacines, the 5g, and the new world order unless i am forgetting something. the real cover up was the 5 g that is poisonous as well and dificult to deal with, because we also need the internet to get information and comunicate i am dealing with it by shutting off everthing eletronic at night to sleep and keeping celphones either shutted down or away from were i and my mother sleep, that's all i can do. looking to find electromagnetic shielding too for the electric stuff in my house. dunno if there is anything else i can do.
OK they know that they were duped and may be injured from the vax.
My question is are they still just sitting there waiting for someone else to educate them?
There are some suggested vax recovery approaches....Are they looking into them or just waiting to die?
It amazes me time and again, how little skill is needed to dig a little deeper and come up with a reasonable approach ....
Like Proverbs says: a lazy person looks at the table in front of him, laden with food, but cannot be bothered to stretch out his arm and take it.
I guess the brain-cells were already damaged by extensive social media use and the exposure to group think.
Is this type of thing happening in America? If so I don't see it publicized in the MSM, but maybe they are keeping low key?
So glad I stuck to my guns. Purebloods pat yourselves on the back
Guns as in your own immune - system. Never surrender, indeed!
Yup. Virtue signalling is the mass psychosis trained behavior. They can just select the "virtues" their robots will signal later. That guy is an automaton. Probably has other comments about standing with Ukraine or eating bugmeat burgers.
I don't believe in evolution, but natural selection has a couple of compelling points.
Yeah ... hunger, death, disease, these are all natural phenomenon that determine the size and continuance of a subset within the gene-pool.
Now this is brought about on purpose by artificial means .....
Eugenics in optima forma.
I never got jabbed and never caught COVID. I knew ahead of time God would protect me.
God has given us authority through Christ Jesus. People were decieved. Therefore repent wash yourself in Jesus's blood.Forgive those that deceived you, forgive yourself, forgive God ( not that God did anything , but peoples anger can give the enemy( his side effects) a place) Take Authority over all side effects from a wrong choice call them null and void by the blood of Christ. Cast out any spirits of infirmary in Jesus name and claim your inheritance in Christ. We walk in victory seated with Christ in heavenly places we walk on scorpions and snakes and no poisonous thing shall hurt us. You need to be who you are in Christ. This is a spiritual battle. Put your armor on and stop believing the devil!!!
I don’t watch the fake news instead getting my news here mostly. What happened to have people change their minds abruptly and believe the danger? If I recall the CDC has been back tracking for some time. And if they don’t say what the msm wants to hear, they are silenced anyway.
Taking the experimental shot/s would put a person in a terrifying place where every single ache and pain bump or discoloration would be like a splinter in your mind, 'I wonder if it could be the jab?'. Only NPC's can live like that because the only way to go on is to not think about it.
I have to get my baby a religious exemption because he is true pure blood. He was a preemie and has not been sick once in almost a year. No ear infections, nothing.
Sarah Jones, NEVER ignore a gut feeling. EVER!!!
Well I got to say, i have a lot of respect for the folks that were nasty suckers, but who are now ashamed of how they were. That takes balls and intelligence - I mean, it's a bit late - but it does give a glimmer of hope for the sheeple waking up.
I just didn't wanna lose my disability support. It's the only way I can pay for my meds.
But after praying about it for a while, I became convicted that Jesus' blood is what makes me clean and that there could be nothing in my own blood that makes me unsaveable.
Thank God He knows what to do when we mess up. He can still heal.
Now that’s a red pill you’d choke on
What continues to give me concern is shedding from the vaccinated. I fear we are now more at risk from those that took it and continue to do so. Latest pfizer drop shows they were aware of it and it is a possibility that it can happen.
Not that i live my life in fear or anything but i think this is what also helps to account for those of us smart enough not to have been vaxxed but end up getting illness similar to the vaxxed.
Wait until they find out that covid is a psyop and doesn't even exist in a manner they told us and the vax was the real WEAPON. Wait, I'm sure we told them.
Prik-Spijt! ....
Note what the reason was these people stood in line for their version of the the shot...
Some normalcy back.
I reminds me of what Ben Franklin warned about: Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
That is where they are ....
How the NPR looks at the quotation: https://www.npr.org/2015/03/02/390245038/ben-franklins-famous-liberty-safety-quote-lost-its-context-in-21st-century
The quotation in context @ reference no 9.
What NPR is neglecting to contend is the fact that these proprietary estates were gaining a lot from socializing the costs of defense while being exempt from supporting the same. Basically, they were gaming the system to enrich themselves while pushing the costs of defense on the lower classes to pay in blood and treasure. The temporary security purchased was the security of being exempt from making a reasonable contribution to the effort of changing the a status of war into peace. A sunset provision was already in the bill, and even a recompense.
Yet, the principle holds on both accounts. Especially, with this vaxx-shit.
My aunt proudly shared that she is getting her 3rd booster soon…after just having a mild case of Covid 🤦🏼♀️
Sauce: https://nitter.net/thetruthsucks12/status/1565658974988505093#m
These testimonials are from people that uterally trust the government. A person that questions the authoritarian system would never bend the knee