Whats delaying Great Awakening is Patriots' obsession with minimizing loss of innocent life worldwide. Karen's not "holding anything back". Not at this stage of the game.
Imagine third world countries, in which the leader has blackmail strings, and would employ desperate measures to maintain power and prevent exposure. If Great Awakening happens, you could very well have a Civil War/Mass Genocide on your hands.
This is why you see certain cleaning out of countries like the Philippines, Mexico not too long ago (ex-President charged for corruption), China's removal of their ex-Leader Hu Jintao, Shinzo Abe's party in Japan securing electoral victory. Kazakhstan and their Globalist would-be Capitol deserves mention. Afghanistan.
EDIT: Identifying and cutting these strings, using sealed indictments, securing Flips to the Patriot side. Unravelling the ticking time bomb that is a century of Clown World. All of this is the most delicate operation in human history.
I am glad for Dave. He has been a beacon of hope for many awakening patriots stumbling along the path. Rather than focus on his misses, because he does try to qualify things with "I think", i prefer to look at him as a waystation for those who are not yet u/#pepecozy
Kash and Flynn have multiple interviews with Dave and the surgeon general for Florida was just on. Dave does a good job keeping up with current news and breaking it down in respect to Q drops.
X22 did an interview with Kash Patel not long ago. Right at the start, during introductions, Kash made a comment to the effect of being excited to go on X22's show specifically.
Ya know, I like Clandestine's take on things. He makes a lot of sense - not that I believe everything he writes, just as I don't believe everything I read on GAW, but he has a concise and logical way of stating his opinion which I appreciate.
X22 is one I do listen to, for the latest info. Rather I agree with his opinion or connections he makes with the info, I reserve my right to keep gathering info on same subject in other places as well. I sometimes think Dave is an AI of sorts but, that is because he drums on and on without seeming to pause or give any emotion on any one subject, even when he is in an interview with a living person. haha
I'm slightly being sarcastic myself lol. Yes, his style is VERY repetitive, and it takes a long time for him to set up his point. I think x spends more effort on being open minded and allowing the listener to form their own opinion, rather than clandestines sort of "expected" style of trust me bro. Sorry idk how else to say it lol
All I know is that the deep state, the puppet masters and corrupt politicians are panicking like never before… People might not agree with him, or take issue with him being wrong sometimes but he gives you a lot of news about everything that’s going on presently. Nobody is correct 100% of the time. I think he was put in place by the patriots and possibly the Trump team. It seems to me that he sometimes has more information than a guy doing a podcast could obtain without having someone on the inside feeding it to him. News that the good guys want out at a certain time.
I equate Dave and his show to the radio show that the wizards would listen to at the end of the Harry Potter series. They would hear who was resisting, hear who was still alive and on the run, (unfortunately also hear who died), but they had something to look forward to every day, in a world of darkness and evil.
The moment General Flynn and Kash Patel were featured guests on the program it was safe to say that Dave was at least going in the right direction. Now if Trump starts retruthing Patel Patriot (Jon Herold), Burning Bright, Prussia Gate, etc, I'm going to go buy a case of good vino and a shit ton of popcorn.
Perhaps Trump is recognizing all those who were invited to The Pit with Gregg Phillips and True-The-Vote. When X22 was on Youtube, he had over 1 million subscribers!
Maybe he’s part of Q though?
The only thing I have a little trouble with is when he says that the deep state is panicking, at the same time he is saying that they think they’re safe.
I still can’t go long without listening to him!
In the last few months Trump has retruthed dozens of open Q accounts, and now has moved up to the most high-profile Q podcasters. It's entirely possible some of them visit this site.
I lived for many years in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The state is so liberal. Las Cruces won't give any tax incentives to businesses who want to build in NM and hire citizens, consequently, they go somewhere else. The reason the city gives for this? "We want Las Cruces to keep it's small town appeal and charm." Many wealthy snowbirds have moved to Las Cruces because the cost of living is soooo low and their money goes 3X further. Las Cruces "leadership" caters to businesses that are patronized by this group of people: salons, trendy grocery stores, boutiques, spas, high-end restaurants. What they will NOT do, is allow big corporations in, who will hire hundreds of people and pay them very good wages....a chance to move up from poverty. Disallowed.
I’d say we’re well past “mathematically impossible”
We are at the point where if you can’t see the obvious then you are lost forever.
The plan is pruning dead weight. They are the ones holding humanity back from a golden age.
Whats delaying Great Awakening is Patriots' obsession with minimizing loss of innocent life worldwide. Karen's not "holding anything back". Not at this stage of the game.
The controlled demolition makes sense because one wrong move and everyone goes.
The chaos could potentially destroy everyone. Massive populations propped up by fragile systems and subsystems.
My comment is more that the dead weight are potentially voluntarily removing them selves.
Imagine third world countries, in which the leader has blackmail strings, and would employ desperate measures to maintain power and prevent exposure. If Great Awakening happens, you could very well have a Civil War/Mass Genocide on your hands.
This is why you see certain cleaning out of countries like the Philippines, Mexico not too long ago (ex-President charged for corruption), China's removal of their ex-Leader Hu Jintao, Shinzo Abe's party in Japan securing electoral victory. Kazakhstan and their Globalist would-be Capitol deserves mention. Afghanistan.
EDIT: Identifying and cutting these strings, using sealed indictments, securing Flips to the Patriot side. Unravelling the ticking time bomb that is a century of Clown World. All of this is the most delicate operation in human history.
We have reached "Absolute Certainty"
Popcorn restock time
Now that is VERY interesting.
From X22 post
This is not fake, phoney, or false!
I am glad for Dave. He has been a beacon of hope for many awakening patriots stumbling along the path. Rather than focus on his misses, because he does try to qualify things with "I think", i prefer to look at him as a waystation for those who are not yet u/#pepecozy
True that. I take back my comment.
Yet X22 still has a better record than MSM.
Didn't know he was supposed to have inside information.
Loser shill thinks he isn't about to be deported.
The CCP and the Democrats operate the same way.
I think he's saying X22 is a Democrat CCP operative.
No, but piggybacking off my other comment about waking up to the echo chamber on both sides. You'll find similarities like this and many more.
I agree. I quit watching him a while back. And we Know is a much better person.
you're welcome
Kash and Flynn have multiple interviews with Dave and the surgeon general for Florida was just on. Dave does a good job keeping up with current news and breaking it down in respect to Q drops.
Oh yes, I excitedly made posts on most of those occasions as well.
Trump & the patriots are gradually turning up the dial.
X22 did an interview with Kash Patel not long ago. Right at the start, during introductions, Kash made a comment to the effect of being excited to go on X22's show specifically.
When X22 was on Youtube, he had over 1 million subscribers!
I bet GEOTUS bought some multi collagen and a fight or flare flashlight.
I would imagine he bought some "liquid gold" Dave is advertising.
or even a lifetime subscription to Virtual Shield.
I have a subscription on X22 website for a minimal cost per year. NO ADS OR ANNOYING COMMERCIALS!
I have Adblock for free.
I prefer the litebug.
Can we stop the x22 bashing now? Lol. Now if he retruths clandestine, I'll gladly apologize
I love x22, but let's talk about your health.
Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared!
Ya know, I like Clandestine's take on things. He makes a lot of sense - not that I believe everything he writes, just as I don't believe everything I read on GAW, but he has a concise and logical way of stating his opinion which I appreciate.
X22 is one I do listen to, for the latest info. Rather I agree with his opinion or connections he makes with the info, I reserve my right to keep gathering info on same subject in other places as well. I sometimes think Dave is an AI of sorts but, that is because he drums on and on without seeming to pause or give any emotion on any one subject, even when he is in an interview with a living person. haha
I'm slightly being sarcastic myself lol. Yes, his style is VERY repetitive, and it takes a long time for him to set up his point. I think x spends more effort on being open minded and allowing the listener to form their own opinion, rather than clandestines sort of "expected" style of trust me bro. Sorry idk how else to say it lol
That tells me everything I need to know.
The patriots are in control
Trump's just of fan of the Ageless Multi Collagen.
That would explain why he doesn't look any older than when he first ran for POTUS
My husband loves it
Cool, did he notice a difference after taking it?
He looks better. Doesn’t have any wrinkles
I’m digging this. He spits out a lot of information very quickly. It warms my heart.
All I know is that the deep state, the puppet masters and corrupt politicians are panicking like never before… People might not agree with him, or take issue with him being wrong sometimes but he gives you a lot of news about everything that’s going on presently. Nobody is correct 100% of the time. I think he was put in place by the patriots and possibly the Trump team. It seems to me that he sometimes has more information than a guy doing a podcast could obtain without having someone on the inside feeding it to him. News that the good guys want out at a certain time.
I equate Dave and his show to the radio show that the wizards would listen to at the end of the Harry Potter series. They would hear who was resisting, hear who was still alive and on the run, (unfortunately also hear who died), but they had something to look forward to every day, in a world of darkness and evil.
Yeah, too many to list them all…
Why is anyone surprised at this. Because if ya didn’t know, we’ll now ya know! :) :)
Yourelisteningtothex22reportthisisdave aaand…
in the beginning I allways understood: My name is Dave IN this episode Kek!
Love your user name
Don’t YOU mean hiiiiiiiiigh
In Trump's voice: "Let's talk about your health folks."
"Collagen is tremendous stuff. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it really."
"Don't you wanna live long and prosper like the fine people over in Gy-nuh?"
I like Dave at X22! I watch/listen every night. My hopium so I can sleep soundly!
The moment General Flynn and Kash Patel were featured guests on the program it was safe to say that Dave was at least going in the right direction. Now if Trump starts retruthing Patel Patriot (Jon Herold), Burning Bright, Prussia Gate, etc, I'm going to go buy a case of good vino and a shit ton of popcorn.
Perhaps Trump is recognizing all those who were invited to The Pit with Gregg Phillips and True-The-Vote. When X22 was on Youtube, he had over 1 million subscribers!
Hiiii and welome to the X22 report mynameisfaveandithisepisode TWO THOUSAND one hundred and 62 in this episode Dave has creamed his pants
This is complete and utter awesomeness!
"Let's talk about your president..."
I'd have a harder time believing that Trump and Dave aren't in the same room together.
LOL Many are trying to run with "2020 never happened" and Trump is bringing them right back to it.
Hannity's a hack too and he sits down with him. I think Trump knows some things we don't.
That's better than getting your name in the new phone book. ~Navin
Brenden is big confusion this morning I bet
Oh shit. Nice
Almonds activated they are
I think the election needs to be delayed in order to get paper ballots ready, and use ONLY on Election Day with proper ID!
I listen to x22. He is intelligent and his podcast excellent.
Does anyone know Dave’s true identity?
My friend thinks it’s James O’keefe.
I doubt it.
Maybe he’s part of Q though? The only thing I have a little trouble with is when he says that the deep state is panicking, at the same time he is saying that they think they’re safe. I still can’t go long without listening to him!
In the last few months Trump has retruthed dozens of open Q accounts, and now has moved up to the most high-profile Q podcasters. It's entirely possible some of them visit this site.
Now he didn't retruth an episode, he retruthed something shallow-level-waters true that he posted. It's in an interesting direction, though.
get it on tape
I lived for many years in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The state is so liberal. Las Cruces won't give any tax incentives to businesses who want to build in NM and hire citizens, consequently, they go somewhere else. The reason the city gives for this? "We want Las Cruces to keep it's small town appeal and charm." Many wealthy snowbirds have moved to Las Cruces because the cost of living is soooo low and their money goes 3X further. Las Cruces "leadership" caters to businesses that are patronized by this group of people: salons, trendy grocery stores, boutiques, spas, high-end restaurants. What they will NOT do, is allow big corporations in, who will hire hundreds of people and pay them very good wages....a chance to move up from poverty. Disallowed.