Look at the photos in this link. In the first photo, the hood on the car on the left is half melted. The car on the right, the engine cockpit is completely disintegrated, the rubber is still on the rim of the tire.
In the second photo, the car of the left has melted metal pooled below the vehicle.
I had an engine fire on my 77 Cutlass, 40 years ago, flames coming out the wheel wells. It happened in a parking lot at the mall. Cars parked on both sides and in front, no damage to the other vehicles. Fire truck showed up and put the fire out.
I replaced the wiring, hoses, tires, painted the hood and fenders and put it back on the road. Engine fires do not cause the metal to melt.
If you think about what is going on, we see a back-and-forth action / reaction between the white and black hats.
Let's start with Trump, creates the Space Force. What kind of weapons do you think they would have developed? My first guess would be DEW.
There has been talk for years about direct energy weapons (DEW). Rumors are Israel had a DEW weapon floating above our heads.
It was rumored that DEW was used to start the fires in California to obtain federal money by declaring a national emergency. Trump had previously ended most of the federal funding to California, pulling a $1 billion grant for their highspeed rail system. California was desperate for money. They created a disaster to cash in.
Here is a video about the California fires, many cars burned up from spreading fires, the metal is not melted. Police scanners were used, police were told to get out of their police cars and run.
If you look at the fires in California, they covered a path that would be used to put the high speed rail system on. Ending eminent domain, burning homes of people and the people, who refused to sell to the state.
Anyway, I'm getting off subject. If we now look at the Georgia Guidestones, watch this video, you see a light behind the stones. As the stones explode, you see the light behind the stones get really bright. Typical explosive devices would not have caused that light to brighten up like that. A DEW coming down on the Guidestones would have heated the granite and caused it to explode. The energy radiating from the DEW through the air (electrons) could have cause the light in the background to get bright for a split second.
So back in November, Trump announced his election bid, he ramped up the announcement, everyone thought he was going to release evidence on the election fraud or evidence against deep state.
The deep state response was to fire a couple of missiles into Poland, get NATO involved, start WW3. Once it was realized it was just an election announcement, the deep state reversed the story, it was an accident.
Trump intentionally ramped up this meeting to see where the cabal would leap.
Action / reaction: Space Force sends a direct message to the deep state. Burns Biden's 5 cars sitting in a parking lot. I am sure whoever investigated this car fire knows something abnormal happened. Melted metal?
The message: We are watching you, we can take you out when we please, fuck around and find out.
Have a good day my frens!!!
Engineer here. Those aren’t car fires from petrol. Far too much energy.
How do you know someone's an engineer? Don't worry they'll tell you.
Updoot for your screen name. Just the way I like it. :)
True. Also:
How do you know someone's a lawyer? Don't worry they'll tell you.
How do you know someone's a teacher? Don't worry they'll tell you.
How do you know someone's a parent or grandparent? Don't worry they'll tell you.
This works on a number of levels
CrossFit enthusiasts do this, too.
it's hooray....
Lol.... you win, you always do. Begans Reeeee the loudest.
Arch users
And marathon runners.
And my personal favorite:
How do you know someone's vaccinated? Don't worry they'll tell you.
Yeah that's no shit Magpi, how'd I miss that one :p
How do you know they do crossfit?
I’m a god in 3D. I will everyone and no one believes me.
[see: jet fuel, Twin Towers] ;)
Engineer here. This post is accurate.
The thermite theory hangs together and explains a lot. It is consistent with a planned event and the use of rented sacrificial automobiles. Molten iron will certainly destroy tires. The fact that it was put out (presumably) relatively quickly also fits. A small intense fire can do significant immediately local damage, but leave the rest of the vehicle uninvolved.
It looks more like the cars were intentionally parked, incendiary devices were put under one or more hoods, and they were remotely activated. This could have been a trial run for something else.
Biden isn't playing ball with anyone. He's damaging our country and other countries, and killing people, so if he is "playing ball" with the "white hats," the white hats should be imprisoned for the rest of their lives. NO trust. Which is why the idea is absurd, if there are "white hats" at all.
Good points about thermite, truthawakening, but I have to disagree because adjacent vehicles were touched in a similar way. It's not like you can throw a little iron oxide & aluminum powder over them. To have that reach it would have to be a LOT of Thermite (which I don't see evidence of) or it would have had to be fused the right way & all (and I don't see how someone could have had the time to set that up on such high profile vehicles without being seen.)
So I would guess space force OR maybe some strong acid
Yes it could be multiple thermite but think of the time it take for someone to set that on each one of these high security vehicles. I just think it's more likely to be space force laser
Could also be a ground/vehicle based microwave/EMP weapon, but yeah, it looks a lot like Laser.....
Well, there's multiple videos about them on YT, and as always, they only give a little piece of real info and then sidetrack with a bunch of technical details...
But yes, they do have them, and yes, mounted on Aircraft like the Hercules....
Keep in mind the Expedition has an entirely aluminum body.
An engine compartment fire that hot would have consumed the entire car(s). The hood on the one is 1/2 melted where it would NOT have been hot enough to melt without help. Look at this actual engine compartment fire and compare it to these cars burn patterns. No way.
Would termite do something similar?
They mainly go for wood, I think
Oh you meant thermite. Could be. Any engineers out there?
ROFL damnyouautocorrect
LOL Go back and take out the edit but leave 'ROFL damnyouautocorrect,' it'll look funnier :)
Makes sense. My grammar hound has been put to bed... for now LOL
Yeh, auto-correct is a crap shoot at best, honest
Thermite is commonly used to cut through steel or produce pure iron for on-the spot welding or casting. It is burning aluminum, the main fuel ingredient in large solid rocket motors. Plenty of thermal energy to do this damage.
5 cars dont catch on fire at the same time/same place. never
The funniest thing is/will be the howlingly ridiculous cover-up stories the press will invent, thinking people are stupid enough to buy them (they are, by the billions)
Already saw the "Ford has a recall for the battery" one - that fucking vehicle is MELTED. A car battery only has so much juice, idiots
Makes me wonder if they "aren't allowed to leave".
DEW are indeed a weapon that have been in use for a while now.
Anyone remember the earthquake guy, Dutchsinse and his YT video showing what appears to be a space based weapon? Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeyDVtixmuQ
No, did not see this!
Only tactical weapons on field trials, and only a few. No airborne weapons since YAL-1A.
Pointing down at the ground is a stupid way to use a laser weapon. Greatest probability of the beam being blocked by clouds or smoke. The damage would look more like a large cutting torch had been in action.
I respectfully disagree, https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/the-us-navy-and-the-future-of-directed-energy-weapons
What I said: tactical weapons on field trials. The ocean environment is not very good, because it has water aerosols that will interfere with the beam. But at short range, it will be useful for fast missile threats.
Fascinating write up. This is exactly what brought me over from P_W. No looking back. Nice work!
That's a real good analysis. I remember the photos of the California "fires" Cars still had plastic/metal on the exterior, but the wheels had melted into a pool of silvery metal, and the foundations of the houses were dust, but the plastic trash cans just 10 feet away were not even showing signs of heat, and the pine trees still had green needles on the branches. I had tried to pull up the photos later to show someone but they had been scrubbed.
Do you still own the 77 Cutlass?
LOL, I sold it about 10 years ago. I had it for 35 years. It sat in my backyard for 20 years, became a eyesore. I sold it to a kid who wanted to run it in a figure 8 crash up derby.
At least it had a last hurrah. There still might be hope for my love life then.
I almost spit out my water, random dude on the internet.
Thanks. Remaining optimistic is half the battle.
Good car for a derby. Big car with the core support and radiator set back. Quickest way to loose a derby is to overheat and blow the motor. That's why you see a lot of them crashing into other cars in reverse.
Also, I have sometimes seen those cars put the radiator on the inside, in the back seat area. Those demo derby races are fun to watch on a summer evening...
Yes they are.
Here is a video showing the battery replacement on a Tahoe hybrid. It's under rear seat. Not in the engine compartment.
Considering most vehicle today are made of aluminum, it isn't that far fetched that newer vehicles would melt down like that. It like driving the beer can you drank last week. Simple fuel leak on my old Ranger burn a hole straight through the aluminum hood before I could get an extinguisher on it.
In my junior high school metal shop, we had a propane-fired pit in which we could melt aluminum for casting. It is common for the aluminum fuselages of crashed airplanes to be melted away by a resulting fuel fire.
Seems that both white hats and black hats want to take out Biden
Jewish space lasers for the reeeeeeeeeee !
All I can say is that the WH is not discussing this situation with responsible agencies at all. No information about this event is being disseminated at all. There is radio silence on what happened.
Kind of like the Georgia Guidestones.
Were any EV’s…….. because battery fires will do this sort of damage…
You can see the engine on the car with the most damage, I say no. I thought about that though.
No. They were a variety of SUV's. Just ordinary cars.
It was either thermite or a DEW, targeting the front of each vehicle. It did not burn the whole SUV, or spread to other nearby cars.
Lovely ideas. Don't exactly know the weaponary the US mil has out in space but it's sure a fun thing to speculate.
Well, slabs of stone don't just explode on their own. What are the odds lightning hits the George Floyd mural right between the eyes? Now this? Something is up.
But you forgot what Space Force did Christmas morning 2020 in Nashville: cut off ATT spyware on ALL communications over SE USA with DEW/Missile into the main hub switching station
Pretty sure the guidestones were destroyed by some kind of cannon from the side, not an energy weapon from above.
Plus, the JCB's did more actual damage ;)
In the video I saw, you could clearly see someone running away from it right before the explosion.
And they found somebody coming up to it before the explosion. It was a bomb.
Great energy and effort from OP. I personally find the DEW theory a bit fantastic. Occams razor....
When I first saw the story about the USSS car rental fires, I thought it was just one car. Ya know; A CAR malfunctioned and revealed that they are not protecting a legit Prez.... But when I actually clicked and read the articles I soon realized that it was (what appears to me to be) the entire close protection details convoy that was burned. 5 cars??. Looking at the picture of these fires aftermath, I immediately thought that they were torched intentionally with incendiary devices. The engine and the controls are precisely what one would destroy, if ditching a vehicle in the battlefield. I wonder if there are other vehicles, in the region, that experienced similar fates that day. An investigator might be interested in the forensic data that can be pulled from today's vehicles.
thanks for the post OP
California fires DEW deployment was caught on film. Dutchsinse came out with it. It is pretty awesome to watch.
FYI—this link discusses the New Madrid seismic zone hot spots plus potential DEWs/hot spots in Iowa, Indiana, and New York.
Ten minutes into it, the amateur image analyst gets excited about some image artifacts. These images are digital and there can be systematic failures within the image. So, he simply does not know what he is seeing. "It's bright purple on the screen!" Yeah, that's what happens when there is an absence of image.
And there are no directed energy weapons in space. Also, shooting at the Earth is beyond stupid. It would be like shooting machine guns at mountains.
Yes, it is something to look through.
With regards to the images .... what is potentially possible is often used to discredit things. See Jim Bakers email response on the Hunter Biden Laptop. Though logical in and of itself, as a certain amount of healthy skepticism demands it, for those who live in clown world their version of can is often geared to the imagination.
It either something is or is not. The question then is: do you have proof positive that the images are either tampered with or constitute glitches?
I have personally reviewed the official source material, and given the fact that it concerns several source devices and official websites the question becomes to explain the coherence between them being a glitch at the same time-interval.
It is a classic example of a digital drop out. We hear them all the time on cell phones as springy noises. This guy doesn't have proof positive of anything. He didn't even know what purple meant, which is consistent with it being a glitch rather than a coded representation.
Your last sentence should start: "With my current understanding of technology, . . . "
There aren't any space-based lasers. It involves understanding of physics and operations (stupid to shoot at the ground), not current technology (which also doesn't support a space-based application). As I said, I did this for a living, and if you have better credentials or information to offer, be my guest, but don't talk down to me about intellectual caution.
Aluminum body parts. Regular fire does damage like that all the time. However it is rare that a new suburban just spontaneously combusts.
I don't think a suburban has a aluminum hood nor a jeep.
GM Authority https://gmauthority.com › 2019/12 2021 Chevrolet Suburban And Tahoe Use Aluminum Panels To Reduce Weight Dec 17, 2019 — The Chevrolet Suburban and Tahoe's swing panels, which includes the hood, the doors and the liftgate, are made from aluminum in an effort to ...
Google page 1. Those trucks are about as tough as your mothers kitchen foil. Still no legit reason to blow up. Sounds like a msg being sent.
You can put a beer can in a fire pit and it takes 15-20 minutes for it to disintegrate. The metal for a hood should be much thicker, how long did Bidens car burn before they responded? It was at a airport, you would think the smoke would be seen pretty quick, firemen would be there fairly quick.
If it was one car burning, could it emit enough heat to melt the hood on the car in front of it? The cars sitting left and right of the car with the most damage have damage to front fenders, bumper melted on one on the right. The car to the left looks like it is 10-15 feet away.
Making aluminum hoods is crazy, I want some metal in front of me if I decide to smash something. :)
Let alone 5 all at the same time.
Are you saying rods of God maybe?
I think those would leave craters. Kek
That would have made a crater. This is more like a laser
No. They don't exist, and they are very old news (from an idea by Jerry Pournelle). There is no evidence that they would work as advertised. (Instead of converting all their kinetic energy into heat, they could just penetrate several kilometers into the crust of the Earth.) There are other problems related to the fact that most of the time they would be on the wrong side of the Earth.
Your Cutlass didn’t have an aluminum hood and fenders, but that Tahoe does. There is a lot of Magnesium used in vehicles today. While it’s a fishy situation for a lot of reasons, the damage appears consistent with normal fire intentionally set. I used to be an auto damage adjuster and saw this a LOT.
I brought this up right away. Don't forget the George Floyd mural.
There was a guy I went to college with years ago that was a Pyro. He ended up going into a career in demolition. Anyway, he told me how he made this nitrate compound (It's been decades, can't remember exactly what was in it) that he poured on the hood of an old broken down car that was on his parent's property. It melted through the hood and the engine. It takes a lot of energy to melt that much metal and a typical car fire won't do that.
Another possible angle, someone went back to destroy the vehicles because they were worried that evidence was left behind. Who knows what they may be wanting to coverup.
I'm not sure I buy into energy weapons (first picture literally looks like the Hammer of Dawn straight out of Gears of War) but the damage looks way deeper than just the plastic / aluminum used on cars nowadays.
The nerd in me kind of hopes for energy weapons though. That'd be cool. Terrifying also, but cool.
What do you think "Rods from God" are, as referenced by President Trump?
My parents Ford explorer engine caught fire in their car port and burnt down the garage, the engine was a melted puddle by the time it was out.
OP: yes.
So the SS parked the cars. Then just left them in the fenced lot like they were safe? No one left behind to guard the resident's ride? Weird.
And I am sure the 'security cameras' at an airport where POTUS lands on a 'regular' basis were not working for an unknown reason.
Thanks for posting the GA guidestones video OP
That is beyond compelling hopium. What else but a military weapon could make stone explode like that?
…and those are 250,000 pound granite stones, too.
A bomb (as in Mad Bomber).
#God's Rods
(1) Just because someone reorganized the Air Force into two branches does not mean that the new branch has created anything new. (2) There are no space-based lasers, and there probably will not be any for a long time to come. Difficult problems of providing a power source. (3) The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed by a bomb. They caught the bomber on video planting the device. Yes, explosions can produce light. (4) Weapon lasers are infrared lasers, which are not visible to human eyes and ordinary cameras. (5) Laser light does not become visible by exciting "atmospheric electrons."
I think you're on to something. I had this same thought when I saw two of the cars. I work in the used part business, I've seen a lot of car fires. There is something weird with these for sure. That it's just those specific cars is telling. Didn't touch any of the other cars.
we have our own expert member in this forum, I would welcome his/her opinion on this topic u/deathraydesigner
Saw your note. I've tried to weigh in on some of the comments. The thermite hypothesis is the most viable, in my view, as it explains not only the physical events but also the surrounding circumstances. The ability of aluminum to melt is another consideration (no longer the days when cars were made from steel).
No evidence of a directed energy weapon, and certainly nothing in space. We looked into that in the 1980s and it was a bridge too, too far. Huge, needing all new launch vehicles, and huge tanks full of liquid hydrogen and liquid fluorine. Not a keeper. Now, with Space X's impending developments, it might be possible to launch them into space, but all the other problems would still exist and they are show stoppers.
WTAF is going on here
Was one vehicle more damaged than the rest...Like a focal point.