I do feel the pain with you, though it needs to be bad enough that only 4-6% would still be in denial.
If preventing a civil war, where I need to physically defend my family against liberal neighbors, requires waking them up to corruption in a way that only a special kind of stupid can understand. I would prefer to wait for them to come around with exposed corruption none can deny, so my children never see me kill the socially awkward guy who brought quinoa to the BBQ.
It will be much more entertaining to hear them go on and on about how they can't believe they were so wrong & that they should have learned about this type of stuff in college once all the facts are laid out. What is happening with these Twitter dumps seem like they have a very good potential to wake people up.
Why did Hobbs need to be certified so quickly? Did she know this was coming because she instructed her staff to have a digital town square silence her opposition?
That said, at this point, to myself it is just as likely that all big tech social platforms are brought down by Musk releasing all the corruption data & showing evidence that every other platform does it too.
Well, guys, it looks like we're on our own. Maybe what's needed now isn't one huge move, which is what everyone wants -
but millions of small ones instead. We have one thing left that all of us can do:
Everyone can start by practicing non-compliance. Civil disobedience. Whatever outrageous crap they try to force on us now - now that our nation has no president and states like AZ have no governor - every single individual can just refuse.
A lot of us did that with the lockdowns and other Covid lunacy. A lot of us refused to wear masks, refused to be "vaccinated," refused to be tested.
We stayed away from any businesses that required it. We didn't travel if it meant being vaxxed and tested. Some of us quit jobs that went too far.
That actually worked. A lot of places got worn down and started backing off. All it took was somebody standing up to them and saying NO - and then a few more, and a few more.
It takes at least some backbone to do this. People will yell at you in public because you're threatening the herd if you don't do what everyone else does. In private, your own close friends and family may cut you off and say things you never dreamed you'd hear from their mouths.
But those who went to war for our republic endured far worse.
Everything helps. Be Ungovernable. Say NO. As someone once said, even the smallest person can make a difference.
It doesn't require violence or coordination to stand up to them. It starts with each one of us as an individual. We can always go from there if and when we get the chance.
No offense, but get real. No one at that level is getting arrested. Yes, a few local elections officials have been indicted around the country, but no SoS in and state has been arrested for the even more blatant 2020 steal, so this one is a non-starter.
this fiasco in AZ feels different....they went way over the top stealing this one and are getting caught...Keri Lake is not going to let this go...and as more comes out from the twat drops the normies are starting to go hey wait what....this is not going away.....
The plan does not belong to the White Hats. The plan belongs to Satan. Every policy and rigged election is for the implementation of the great reset which is the catalyst for Satan’s political and religious system the world will be enslaved to.
Every single thing the Democrats do and every policy passed is essential to God’s judgment upon the entire world and nothing will stop it. There is no salvation coming for humanity until the 2nd coming of Christ. No amount of Twitter disclosures, Julian Assange accounts, Kash Patel children’s books, or slogans is going to stop God from judging the entire world for rejecting Him. The purpose for the Democrats’, the swamp’s success and victory is for the accomplishing of what God has promised to the world.
I mean, how hard is it to take out Soros and Rothschilds? Do they have the level of protection Trump has? Maybe they do. But man, the damage those two families has done to the world is a direct result of Satan.
The last SGT report had a guy who said Satan spent a lot of time on the Rothschild's estate. One of the Rothschilds also bragged that he met with Satan. Shortly after, he was dead...
What you call hope I call public pressure. Nobody's sitting around hoping for anything only doomers. Doomers paint the situation as irretrievable and demand that Trump and Q step in and fix it.
It is becoming clear to me that the plan has a variable. That variable is the people. We simply aren't doing enough. The longer we wait, the more we lose this country.
Dependent on the great awakening, which is happening, but isn't close to complete. Q was right. We need a precipice of destruction and pain for this to work.
I fully expect us to go through an absolute terrible time. The people need not only to wake up, but to actually do something about it. What the something is, I don't know. But I assume it is civil justice because we've tried everything.
Only this Supreme Court case is giving some hopium. That would be the cleanest way to get a lot of this rot out of washington.
If they were arrested, God’s judgment on the world would not be complete. They are supposed to be free and powerful so they can continue doing what they’ve been created and ordained for: the end times judgment coming to the world.
The link is from a now-suspended account. If memory serves, Q was talking about the first arrest. Doesn't seem likely it would be Katie Hobgoblin but could be.
I really don't think she will be the first arrest. If I recall correctly, the first arrest is supposed to shock the world. The only ones who could do that in my opinion would be Trump, Obama, or Biden & Kamala. I think they will most likely use her impending treason conviction to flip her by taking execution off the table if she gives them something they already don't have.
Well she could never be charged til she followed thru and stole it for real...and so here we are...she is now officially...a Traitor...forever toast and dead woman walking going forward with no statue of limitation upon her crime.
Is this really treason, though? I'm not saying that it's not illegal. But it seems as though we're starting to shout "TREASON" at anything and everything these days.
It starts losing a bit of it's importance if everything is labeled as treason.
And of course, "treason" isn't a punishment, it's an offense.
I would love to see an arrest, a military trial and a hanging. Until the first arrest and sentence occurs, both Republicans and Democrats, as well as government officials will continue as always.
There was no way the desperate AZ mobsters and cabal members could let Karie Lake win. So they had to brazenly steal this election. So brazenly and obviously that more people are now aware of what these creatures are up to. And now look what's happening at the same time. Twitter exposure and DJT making very strong statements about the stolen 2020 elections. All this is part of the storm. The white hats knew what the Az mobsters were going to do. We need the majority of the people awake to what's going on so when shit hits the fan (military or however this goes down) it doesn't tear our nation apart. Stay the course folks! The best is yet to come!
Q said first arrest will shock the world. The world does not know Katy Hobbs. If the SC case from the Brunsons goes through the first arrest will be the President of the United States, the Vice President and 388 congress and senate members including Mike Pence. NOW THAT WILL SHOCK THE WORLD.
absolutely and if it is Hobbs it will def verify action and confirm the direction that they are all going to get nailed......yes she will fight but down you go beotch.....
I read on this board that it wouldn't actually be 388 people removed. As many of those people "won" reelection in 2022 via "legitimate" means, only those who were sworn into office in 2020 and were not up for a midterm would be impacted. I don't know if that's true or not but they indicated that the only way it would apply to the whole 388 would be if the decision came down before Jan 3. Like I said, I don't know if that's true but it gave me pause when the conference was scheduled for Jan 6.
I think it trickles down from 2020. If they were removed from office for the 2020 refusal to investigate, then they were not able to hold public office again, so the win in 2022 would be null.
People can say just about anything. Interesting take but I would say for certain, no one has any idea what is going to happen or if this happens that will happen, so on and so on. Nothing like this has happened in history. We will end up deciding how this gos down. The people. Thats what will be seen after generations look back at this place in time.
This author made an important mistake claiming two of the brothers are attorneys. In truth, NONE of the brothers are attorneys, and the case on the docket at the Supreme Court was filed pro se (meaning representing themselves, or without an attorney). That makes it even more intriguing and, in my opinion, an important sign that We The People need to learn more about our own legal system and start representing ourselves as these brothers did.
The 13th Amendment to the Constitution was dropped after the Civil War after questions about whether it had been fully ratified arose. What did that amendment say? It said that no one with foreign honors or answering to a foreign agent could serve in Congress. If that amendment was in place today (as it should be), NO ATTORNEY COULD SERVE IN CONGRESS, as the "Bar" as we know it, is a British institution. We the People would truly be representing themselves. We need to take this under serious consideration as we rebuild our republic.
She is the absolute definition of "Fucking Cunt"
Makes you wonder just how tarded the love child of those two would be. Probably the future governor of California
How in the world does she beat Cankles?
Katpiss Hobbs.
The 2020 election has been certified and 2 years later we're still waiting for them to be held accountable.
And, if you remember, at the time 'our side' was also saying similar things i.e. Potato has to be sworn in before he can be arrested.
Yet here we are.
This is no different than saying "He has to commit the murder first before he can be arrested."
We're all getting tired of this nonsense.
Actually it's getting close to "he had to commit the MILLIONTH murder before he can be arrested". Because optics. Or timing. Or something.
Or something along the lines of "muh sting operation".
Does that ring a bell?
actually you do have to commit the crime before getting arrested otherwise its policed thoughts
Yeah it's "policed thoughts" when you have a paper trail, a motive, and a closet full of dead bodies.
dead bodies are evidence
thoughts kinda slip thru fingers
There's a literal mountain of evidence about 2020 being stolen and nothing was done
Satan does not destroy or undo his own work.
Bitch was built for prison.
Right now I would be perfectly happy if they would ARREST SOMEONE.
Yes, fucking ANYONE. Goodness gracious.
Does Michael Aventti count? LOL
I do feel the pain with you, though it needs to be bad enough that only 4-6% would still be in denial.
If preventing a civil war, where I need to physically defend my family against liberal neighbors, requires waking them up to corruption in a way that only a special kind of stupid can understand. I would prefer to wait for them to come around with exposed corruption none can deny, so my children never see me kill the socially awkward guy who brought quinoa to the BBQ.
It will be much more entertaining to hear them go on and on about how they can't believe they were so wrong & that they should have learned about this type of stuff in college once all the facts are laid out. What is happening with these Twitter dumps seem like they have a very good potential to wake people up.
Why did Hobbs need to be certified so quickly? Did she know this was coming because she instructed her staff to have a digital town square silence her opposition?
That said, at this point, to myself it is just as likely that all big tech social platforms are brought down by Musk releasing all the corruption data & showing evidence that every other platform does it too.
Anyone that matters. Aventti is a stooge and unimportant. We need someone that shocks everyone, a big name, like Obama
It's sad, I want to see this woman be executed. Conflicting thoughts. Almost fantasies of it.
God bless the people in Arizona.
Well, guys, it looks like we're on our own. Maybe what's needed now isn't one huge move, which is what everyone wants -
but millions of small ones instead. We have one thing left that all of us can do:
Everyone can start by practicing non-compliance. Civil disobedience. Whatever outrageous crap they try to force on us now - now that our nation has no president and states like AZ have no governor - every single individual can just refuse.
A lot of us did that with the lockdowns and other Covid lunacy. A lot of us refused to wear masks, refused to be "vaccinated," refused to be tested.
We stayed away from any businesses that required it. We didn't travel if it meant being vaxxed and tested. Some of us quit jobs that went too far.
That actually worked. A lot of places got worn down and started backing off. All it took was somebody standing up to them and saying NO - and then a few more, and a few more.
It takes at least some backbone to do this. People will yell at you in public because you're threatening the herd if you don't do what everyone else does. In private, your own close friends and family may cut you off and say things you never dreamed you'd hear from their mouths.
But those who went to war for our republic endured far worse.
Everything helps. Be Ungovernable. Say NO. As someone once said, even the smallest person can make a difference.
It doesn't require violence or coordination to stand up to them. It starts with each one of us as an individual. We can always go from there if and when we get the chance.
No offense, but get real. No one at that level is getting arrested. Yes, a few local elections officials have been indicted around the country, but no SoS in and state has been arrested for the even more blatant 2020 steal, so this one is a non-starter.
this fiasco in AZ feels different....they went way over the top stealing this one and are getting caught...Keri Lake is not going to let this go...and as more comes out from the twat drops the normies are starting to go hey wait what....this is not going away.....
Not just Kari Lake no letting go - we the people here in Arizona are not letting go, we won't shut up, we won't back down, and we will stand strong!
good for you fern we are all with the good people of Arizona.....wish we could do something here in mich
The plan does not belong to the White Hats. The plan belongs to Satan. Every policy and rigged election is for the implementation of the great reset which is the catalyst for Satan’s political and religious system the world will be enslaved to.
Every single thing the Democrats do and every policy passed is essential to God’s judgment upon the entire world and nothing will stop it. There is no salvation coming for humanity until the 2nd coming of Christ. No amount of Twitter disclosures, Julian Assange accounts, Kash Patel children’s books, or slogans is going to stop God from judging the entire world for rejecting Him. The purpose for the Democrats’, the swamp’s success and victory is for the accomplishing of what God has promised to the world.
I mean, how hard is it to take out Soros and Rothschilds? Do they have the level of protection Trump has? Maybe they do. But man, the damage those two families has done to the world is a direct result of Satan.
The last SGT report had a guy who said Satan spent a lot of time on the Rothschild's estate. One of the Rothschilds also bragged that he met with Satan. Shortly after, he was dead...
This isn't helpful.
False hope is less helpful.
What you call hope I call public pressure. Nobody's sitting around hoping for anything only doomers. Doomers paint the situation as irretrievable and demand that Trump and Q step in and fix it.
It is becoming clear to me that the plan has a variable. That variable is the people. We simply aren't doing enough. The longer we wait, the more we lose this country.
Dependent on the great awakening, which is happening, but isn't close to complete. Q was right. We need a precipice of destruction and pain for this to work.
I fully expect us to go through an absolute terrible time. The people need not only to wake up, but to actually do something about it. What the something is, I don't know. But I assume it is civil justice because we've tried everything.
Only this Supreme Court case is giving some hopium. That would be the cleanest way to get a lot of this rot out of washington.
Exactly. Only small fries and insignificant pawns have been arrested and sentenced.
Everyone that actually matters is getting off scot-free.
If they were arrested, God’s judgment on the world would not be complete. They are supposed to be free and powerful so they can continue doing what they’ve been created and ordained for: the end times judgment coming to the world.
I just rest at ease knowing that EVERYTHING is happening according to God’s sovereign plan from eternity.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/08/2020 21:17:53 ID: 9fc5e4
8kun/qresearch: 8079763
The bottom half was instructed (99% good).
The first will send a shock wave.
The link is from a now-suspended account. If memory serves, Q was talking about the first arrest. Doesn't seem likely it would be Katie Hobgoblin but could be.
its most certainly NOT katie hobbs. This debate was settled ages ago.. by Q themselves.. First arrest was Epstein/Maxwell.
Treason is not a punishment
Entitled cunt karen should be thrown into the ocean from a helicopter and left to sink.
Not big enough to wake up the normies. Needs to be Zuckerberg, etc
I really don't think she will be the first arrest. If I recall correctly, the first arrest is supposed to shock the world. The only ones who could do that in my opinion would be Trump, Obama, or Biden & Kamala. I think they will most likely use her impending treason conviction to flip her by taking execution off the table if she gives them something they already don't have.
No, she won’t be the first arrest.
No, she isn’t the first marker.
Well she could never be charged til she followed thru and stole it for real...and so here we are...she is now officially...a Traitor...forever toast and dead woman walking going forward with no statue of limitation upon her crime.
she's the living embodiment of the Karen meme. it would be satisfying to see it go down.
if they would she would squeal like a pig and give them all up
Is this really treason, though? I'm not saying that it's not illegal. But it seems as though we're starting to shout "TREASON" at anything and everything these days.
It starts losing a bit of it's importance if everything is labeled as treason.
And of course, "treason" isn't a punishment, it's an offense.
I would say it is treason to subvert our elections.
For it to fly in court....it would have to be much more specific
Maybe sedition.. though even that has a very clear legal definition
Why was she allowed to preside over her own election??? In what world is that kosher?
I would love to see an arrest, a military trial and a hanging. Until the first arrest and sentence occurs, both Republicans and Democrats, as well as government officials will continue as always.
Will it shock the world though? My bet is the pope.
Haha love it!
She could still be unseated after this
There was no way the desperate AZ mobsters and cabal members could let Karie Lake win. So they had to brazenly steal this election. So brazenly and obviously that more people are now aware of what these creatures are up to. And now look what's happening at the same time. Twitter exposure and DJT making very strong statements about the stolen 2020 elections. All this is part of the storm. The white hats knew what the Az mobsters were going to do. We need the majority of the people awake to what's going on so when shit hits the fan (military or however this goes down) it doesn't tear our nation apart. Stay the course folks! The best is yet to come!
No. 11.3 confirms first marker.
One can only HOPE but the question is WHO is going to make the arrest?
Don’t hold your breath. You’ll die if you hood it too long!
Let Dear Katie share the Fauci sand flea treatment.
If she isn’t brought to justice, there is no justice.
Q said first arrest will shock the world. The world does not know Katy Hobbs. If the SC case from the Brunsons goes through the first arrest will be the President of the United States, the Vice President and 388 congress and senate members including Mike Pence. NOW THAT WILL SHOCK THE WORLD.
absolutely and if it is Hobbs it will def verify action and confirm the direction that they are all going to get nailed......yes she will fight but down you go beotch.....
Correct. It is an urban myth that somehow keeps getting repeated.
The Brunson case would remove the 388 from office, but would not arrest or imprison them. https://welovetrump.com/2022/12/04/trumpet-brothers-supreme-court-case-update-simplified-and-next-steps-explained/
I read on this board that it wouldn't actually be 388 people removed. As many of those people "won" reelection in 2022 via "legitimate" means, only those who were sworn into office in 2020 and were not up for a midterm would be impacted. I don't know if that's true or not but they indicated that the only way it would apply to the whole 388 would be if the decision came down before Jan 3. Like I said, I don't know if that's true but it gave me pause when the conference was scheduled for Jan 6.
I think it trickles down from 2020. If they were removed from office for the 2020 refusal to investigate, then they were not able to hold public office again, so the win in 2022 would be null.
People can say just about anything. Interesting take but I would say for certain, no one has any idea what is going to happen or if this happens that will happen, so on and so on. Nothing like this has happened in history. We will end up deciding how this gos down. The people. Thats what will be seen after generations look back at this place in time.
This author made an important mistake claiming two of the brothers are attorneys. In truth, NONE of the brothers are attorneys, and the case on the docket at the Supreme Court was filed pro se (meaning representing themselves, or without an attorney). That makes it even more intriguing and, in my opinion, an important sign that We The People need to learn more about our own legal system and start representing ourselves as these brothers did.
The 13th Amendment to the Constitution was dropped after the Civil War after questions about whether it had been fully ratified arose. What did that amendment say? It said that no one with foreign honors or answering to a foreign agent could serve in Congress. If that amendment was in place today (as it should be), NO ATTORNEY COULD SERVE IN CONGRESS, as the "Bar" as we know it, is a British institution. We the People would truly be representing themselves. We need to take this under serious consideration as we rebuild our republic.
fishing poles and lures
Frankly any elected US Governor would be very shocking.
I’ll take it.
got my vote
I am on board with that!
Nope. The only thing gonna happen to her is she'll be the governor of AZ. You know I'm right.
Arrest? doubtful but possible. World shocking? absolutely not. this is not the arrest that Q predicted
I’ve tried pointing this out a dozen times on here. So frustrating that people can’t read a short, simple post.
I know how you feel. It's so incredibly frustrating. 🤦♀️
Q does NOT predict. Everything is PLANNED.