The panda eyes always haunt me. There were photos of young children with panda eyes on Rachel Chandler’s instagram. The image of this one little boy haunts me to no end.
Extremely doubtful that is the intention of what's depicted here. Alice wore his eye make up just like that on stage. The baby is supposed to be a baby Alice.
Correction, the album was called Billion Dollar Babies, released in 1973. Alice had not yet begun to wear eye makeup like that until later.
Why was the album called this and why was a naked, crying baby there with black ugly makeup around its eyes?
Think about it. Add that to the stacks of bills, white rabbits, dead white dove in the bird cage with the live owl?
From an article titled: The scandalous story of Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Babies
Forget Marilyn Manson, forget the Sex Pistols; when it came to shocking the self-appointed guardians of international morality to the core, Alice Cooper pretty much wrote the handbook.
Flaunting a sketchy past swathed in urban legend and cunningly fabricated falsehoods concerning witches, ouija boards, dismembered chickens, blurred genders and necrophilia, Alice Cooper succeeded in outraging the forces of decency to an unprecedented degree over the course of his casual early-70s transition from cult notoriety to mainstream ubiquity.
Cooper’s infamy was such that in May 1973 Leo Abse, the incumbent Labour MP for Pontypool, spluttered in the House of Commons: “I regard his [Cooper’s] act as an incitement to infanticide for his sub-teenage audience. He is deliberately trying to involve these kids in sado-masochism. He is peddling the culture of the concentration camp. Pop is one thing, anthems of necrophilia are another.”
Alice Cooper is a professing believer in Jesus Christ. You should hear his testimony. Very cool really. This pic is from the 70's. Billion Dollar Babies iirc.
it's called theatrics. he built his entire career on shock, it's a skillset he fostered his entire life to use to market his music.. the guy still ends every one of his shows by fake killing himself on stage. it's meant to scare people & 50+ years later it's obviously still working.
Kinda like dressing up as a satanic champion of Satan, to shock people?
Yea, no. That’s no good. It’s still a msg of evil. Killing yourself as entertainment. Anything for the love of the world right? Naw, that’s no good. I used to listen to his music. Now I know why I don’t. It invites evil into oneself. It’s like giving Satan a key to a locked door. No thanks.
Adrenochrome white rabbit 🐇 symbolism. Crazy 😜 to see those old bill 💵 s with the small heads again, they look like Monopoly money 💰 only worth much less 😂
You need to find the Beatles "Butcher" album cover. It makes this one look innocent. Also, the record labels often set up photo shoots, so check into who runs those.
Honestly until recently it was hard for me to imagine people at work successfully pitching an idea like "hey let's have dismembered dead babies littered throughout the album cover" -- this will connect with our target audience (or insert whatever other justification).
I was a huge Beatles fan growing up, but that has long since faded. Now I see them as completely over-rated, over produced, and just not very talented. They were pushed to literally invade North American culture and to transform it. They probably didn't even know how they were being used at the time. They were just "four lads from Liverpool" who became the biggest band on the planet due to marketing. Marketing that had a lot of dark money behind it. The people pulling the strings knew what they were doing.
The baby has makeup on his eyes that are like the stage make up Alice wears. The baby is supposed to be a baby Alice. It's ok for things to just be the way they are. Really.
Alice has a strong Christian testimony. It's easy to find. Especially for the sleuths here ...
The pic was when he was younger. Now, he is a Christian and there's no info when he became one, but in many reports he believed after alcoholism, drugs and the break up of his fam.
It's also suggested he may have lost his way a little bit and he had some dark periods in his life so to me, he turned away for a bit.
Let me clarify that I know the actual baby did not have real Panda Eyes, but makeup on his or her eyes to represent having them. I believe that was the inside joke. White rabbits, cash and an abused baby, only understood by the few.
Now, do they match how Alice's eyes looked on stage years later? Yes. But he hadn't worn that makeup yet. I still have to contemplate why the baby was in the picture naked, crying and with black around its eyes, unless for this reason.
Ask yourself, what is the meaning of the album name Billion Dollar Babies?
"The Billion Dollar Babies album was re-released with new packaging as a DVD in 2000. It contains all the songs plus interviews and bonus tracks."
"As part of his stage show, Cooper would mutilate dolls when he performed this song. The tour for the album introduced the props Cooper became famous for, including the guillotine, the snake, and hundreds of cans of beer."
Although we all want to believe Alice was innocent in all of this, why did he agree to participate in this kind of creepy debauchery?
Just a refresher for those who don’t listen to rock music —
Alice “in wonderland” Cooper is now a born-again Christian and he’s in the band Hollywood Vampires with Aerosmith’s Joe Perry and Johnny Depp (who starred in Alice in Wonderland). From what I understand, both Alice and Joe are Republicans, which always surprised me.
He wasnt a Christian back then....if people cant be redeemed after participating in depraved behavior then I guess we wont be seeing David or Paul in heaven either
I hear what you're saying - it's hard to think about forgiving things like that.
The Bible says everyone can be saved, no matter the sin. That's the enormity of coverage Jesus' sacrifice offers us if we accept it.
When we accept Jesus' sacrifice - we are covered by his perfection and are seen as such when we Stand before God.
If a person decides to not accept that sacrifice, you are everything you are - which is short of the required perfection. The Bible says that even thinking hateful thoughts is equal to murder - or lustful thoughts are equal to adultery.
With those sorts of standards, EVERY SINGLE ONE of us are in need to be covered by Jesus' sacrifice.
At the end of the day, sin is sin, no little sin or big sin, all sins are classed as sin. The only thing different is the effect of sin, some have little effect or consequences, other sins have life altering/damaging consequences.
I hear what you're saying. I've been tested with my own really difficult thing to forgive, just over a year ago now - and I'm still dealing with that.
It's a walk - understanding my own emotions and the difference between righteous anger, which we can definitely have (according to the Bible) - and a desire for Vengeance.
Understanding that according to the Bible "Vengeance is the Lord's" - I have to walk towards the goal of - literally giving my desire for Vengeance - over to the Lord.
And this is also a huge test of what Forgiveness is - in this huge test of Forgiveness, I was able to understand better - the monumental amount of Grace God has given us - for killing Jesus, His perfect son.
Imagine having your perfect son, killed the way Jesus was. Can you imagine how angry you would be?
Now can you also imagine how much you would have to love someone to allow that to happen to your son - because your son was the only way those people (you and me) - could be with God in Heaven when we die?
It's a wild story! These are huge big things.
You illustrate very well the difficulty in these things for us to be able to do ourselves - which is why we bow to God and recognize why we Needed Jesus' sacrifice.
Well now you've done one thing that the left does.
If you're one thing they hate, they assume you're all of it. Nazi, Holocaust denier, the entire gamut.
Alice Cooper found Christ later on, and despite how bad the marketing and some of his songs are, it doesn't mean he was a satanic pedophile. It means they used him to promote it. And I say this as a lukewarm Cooper fan
You guys need to catch up. Promotion of it is the key to everything. They use music and movies to promote their isms.
Those doing their bidding in large part are useful idiots. Some are true believers, however I'd say 75% are doing as they're instructed.
They used to tell us that in 1st grade, but never defined it so we wouldn't accidentally do it. There's always been something wrong with the Catholic Church.
Vengeance - I think you're maybe coming to the wrong conclusion here.
I don't think anyone will claim to be able to NOT want some version of revenge/justice/vengeance, etc. if the things you described happened to someone we loved...
Or heck - look at the giant world event that is probably in front of us - mega pedo rings are going to be revealed - and the Jab/Lockdowns that were intentionally made to create harm and death to us all.
You are completely right - speaking for myself - if I claimed that I wouldn't want to unleash wrath on the heads of those people... I would absolutely be a hypocrite. Absolutely!
But that's not what we're telling you - we're saying the BIBLE says there is no irredeemable sin - except blapheming the Holy Spirit (which I have to learn more about, honestly).
I can't call other people liars - but I certainly think it would be completely normal and expected to have the reactions that you're saying we would.
Just don't mix US up with what the Bible says. It doesn't even matter what we say - only what the Bible says.
To believe in the need for Jesus, we are literally saying we are F'd without Him. We are completely screwed without Him - we are in NEED of help.
I hear what you're saying - that some of this talk can feel Pious. I get it.
But really - the message of the Bible is one that calls people who are broken (all of us) to someone who loves us and wants to save us from a really bad fate without Him.
Speaking for myself - I take the time to share this with you because, even though I never met you and likely never will - I care about you as a fellow human. I get nothing for stopping here and trading messages with you.
It's not about being pious - it's about sharing the Good News that we know with You.
I used to be like this. And then I read what scripture says. Do not expect to be forgiven by God of you yourself cannot forgive others. Trust me it’s difficult, but learn to hate the enemy, hate the sin, not the sinner. God loves us all. It’s just that some of us continue to want to live in sin, and that’s a problem. It takes time friend. It’s something you and Jesus can talk about. I still do myself.
That's a good point. God, Jesus is my father in heaven. If I picture my mom or dad being mad at us cos we were troubled kids, they'd be angry, punish us, but they'd never hate us, ever. Because we'll always be their children. I think that's how God sees and tries to tell us.
I agree with you to a point: no matter the sin, the blood of Jesus can cover it and forgive the sinner. However, even before we are saved God restrains us (by our conscience, circumstances, etc.) in the degree of evil that we perpetrate. I believe that people whom God allows to go so far into evil (raping children, mass murderers, etc.) are those "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction" but I cannot say with authority that there will be no former cannibals et al among the redeemed at the end.
Romans 9:22-24 "What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?"
Claiming to be a Follower of Jesus and actually following Him are two different things. Many in that day will say, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name and cast out demons by your name, and Jesus will say to them the four most horrible words you will ever hear. I Never Knew You!
I saw Alice Cooper perform live some years ago. I noticed almost instantly that his stage backdrop contained a pyramid with the cap stone missing and other freemasonic symbology. Kind of makes sense when you really look at his content. Good riffs in his music though if you like classic rock.
Alice Cooper's father was a pastor. So was his father-in-law. The panda eyes are actually Alice Cooper eyes. It's the same makeup he wears on stage. Granted, this album liner from "Billion Dollar Babies" pushed the envelope a bit... but my gut still says he's not one of them.
I went to his DEAD BABIES concert back in the day … he had a doll that looked like a baby that had been Impaled with a Sword he was swinging over his head while singing the song…. Sorry but he lost me Then… A Christian by name only !!
What about the souls that have been possessed by demons and were forced to do their bidding? I've been listening to Father Chad Rippberger and Father Vincent Lambert, and it seems to happen more than people think.
I loved listening to Fr Ripperger!! I've learned so much! I wish the whole world understood the power of demonic influence and how to withstand the assault by relying on Jesus!
There is far more to repentance and redemption than simply saying that you believe in the Savior. You must be truly sorry for what you have done and must also stop the sinful behavior(s) (often the hardest for many of us), and you must make restitution to anyone you may have harmed if it is possible to do so, or make restitution in some way to society as a whole. You must also strive to never commit the sin again for which you are seeking forgiveness. Claiming a belief in Christ as our savior and accepting him into your life is only the first step, not the entire process. The process lasts a lifetime.
Some sins are unforgivable, but which ones and under which circumstances is ultimately not for us to decide. The right to pass final judgment belongs only to God and his Son who suffered for us so that we would have the possibility of redemption. That doesn't mean we can't use a little common sense to figure out which sins will likely put us on the wrong side of that unforgivable line.
You are setting yourself up to be measured by a harsh standard my friend. What do you think God may say to those who diminish His mercy? What was the answer to the jailer when he asked "what must he do to be saved?" It is very, very easy to be saved. If it were not, YOU could never be saved.
The stage design, cd design posters, etc, those are set up by the record label, marketing group, or 3rd party being hired.. say when they do a shoot for Vogue, Rolling Stones, etc. The artists just show up and be dressed and pose.
Do you think the band understood the symbolism? Was the album cover orchestrated by the record company? Or does the band also partake in andrenochrome and SRA? If the latter isn’t true, Alice Cooper should publicly condemn this revolting album cover.
Wow.. when we looked at this when we were young, we didn't see the connection or symbolism. It was just Poison being a bad ass band.
So that means the photographers or the marketing people or the record labels? are already put in placed for massive mk ultra/brainwashing agenda way back then.
I don't think these guys knew anything about this setup. They were told to hold this, give this look, etc. I don't think Cooper is involved in any of that shit.
My Sister has told me about The Chosen. Her and her husband say it's really good. You're the third person that has mentioned it recently. I'll check it out.
I found this verse "I have called you by name and you are mine." -Isaiah 43:1
Alice turned to Christ because his spirit called upon him. Why or how people become Christians when we all came from different backgrounds and different journeys but all end up in the same place. We're chosen.
Some, no matter how good or smart, stay atheist. Explain that as well.
Im 100% sure that was the point. Then again, ive spoken to Alice, he hosts the radio near here.
Alot of musicians / artists tried to say it in a poetic shape to go around censorship. But normies are normies if the tune bangs, they dont read into lyrics.
To my , admittedly limited knowledge, Alice was one of those guys stuck in a system he despises, but his dreams were hostage to the corruption. Between doing what you dream of and just not. Like most folks he picked the fun option. No hero, no villain.
You know how recently everyone was saying the Balenciaga shoots were set up to include all the symbolism?
Well it's always been that way. It is almost impossible to know if the musicians / stars are in on the promotion or just going through the motions. I do remember one of the Kiss band members saying he had been invited to parties where they killed people, but he declined. So who knows other than the folks in the picture?
Every one of those sick ducks needs to be tied up and tortured and harvested for their adrenaline alive! 😊yep I said it? Who want to tell me I’m wrong or inciting? Fuck you if you disagree!
If Alice Cooper is a cabal puppet, then he's managed to hide it from his family and close friends for at least 40 years.
This photo/album cover is meant to shock and nothing more. Vinny would lay down his life to protect a child and he'd be damned tempted to take the life of someone hurting a child.
White Rabbits are used in SRA
Panda eyes tell the sick story.
The panda eyes always haunt me. There were photos of young children with panda eyes on Rachel Chandler’s instagram. The image of this one little boy haunts me to no end.
Me to, and then these fuks mock the children they raped and killed.......
Exactly — just like the tshirt of frazzledrip that Ellen “Allen” degenerate wore.
Than and her set had the blue and white of the satanic temple.
Yes — that’s right, like Epstein Island.
Is there a pic of that somewhere?
Ellen’s Frazzledrip Shirt
Epstein Island and Ellen’s set
Yep, in the 80’s Satan had his minions in Hollywood force these faggots to start wearing makeup.
Satan loves to blur the lines between man and woman.
These people are an abomination.
The panda eyes on a child is a reference to the double black eyes babies/toddlers get while being raped. These people are sick.
Extremely doubtful that is the intention of what's depicted here. Alice wore his eye make up just like that on stage. The baby is supposed to be a baby Alice.
Correction, the album was called Billion Dollar Babies, released in 1973. Alice had not yet begun to wear eye makeup like that until later.
Why was the album called this and why was a naked, crying baby there with black ugly makeup around its eyes?
Think about it. Add that to the stacks of bills, white rabbits, dead white dove in the bird cage with the live owl?
From an article titled: The scandalous story of Alice Cooper's Billion Dollar Babies
Forget Marilyn Manson, forget the Sex Pistols; when it came to shocking the self-appointed guardians of international morality to the core, Alice Cooper pretty much wrote the handbook.
Flaunting a sketchy past swathed in urban legend and cunningly fabricated falsehoods concerning witches, ouija boards, dismembered chickens, blurred genders and necrophilia, Alice Cooper succeeded in outraging the forces of decency to an unprecedented degree over the course of his casual early-70s transition from cult notoriety to mainstream ubiquity.
Cooper’s infamy was such that in May 1973 Leo Abse, the incumbent Labour MP for Pontypool, spluttered in the House of Commons: “I regard his [Cooper’s] act as an incitement to infanticide for his sub-teenage audience. He is deliberately trying to involve these kids in sado-masochism. He is peddling the culture of the concentration camp. Pop is one thing, anthems of necrophilia are another.”
Yep. Why people are still bringing this up is stupid. Alice is Christian and best buds with Trump. So many retards on this thread downvoting.
Pretty sure this is from the 70's ... and it's apparent you know very little about Alice Cooper.
70’s/80’s whatever. Don’t get butthurt.
And I’m not saying he isn’t saved or anything like that. Just pointing out it was an obvious agenda.
Not too different than when all the rappers started wearing gay shit and dresses.
Their agents (satanic Jews) say jump, and these pussies ask “how high?”
Yep. I posted on this thread last year when another dummy posted this. Everyone downvoting is wrong on Alice.
alice cooper fucking rocks, i don't care
You should care. Something to think about.
Alice Cooper is a professing believer in Jesus Christ. You should hear his testimony. Very cool really. This pic is from the 70's. Billion Dollar Babies iirc.
Yep and Alice and Trump are best buddies.
it's called theatrics. he built his entire career on shock, it's a skillset he fostered his entire life to use to market his music.. the guy still ends every one of his shows by fake killing himself on stage. it's meant to scare people & 50+ years later it's obviously still working.
Kinda like dressing up as a satanic champion of Satan, to shock people?
Yea, no. That’s no good. It’s still a msg of evil. Killing yourself as entertainment. Anything for the love of the world right? Naw, that’s no good. I used to listen to his music. Now I know why I don’t. It invites evil into oneself. It’s like giving Satan a key to a locked door. No thanks.
More to the point, I believe Alice cooper found Christ nearly 40 years ago.
It’s purposeful. There’s a reason ALL the hair bands suddenly started looking like ladies.
“Dude looks like a lady”- Lyrics, Steve Tyler, Aerosmith.
Do you believe in coincidences?
I saw Alice Cooper back in 1973. He definitely rocked!
Alice sucked!
"He's sick,he's obscene
Lucifer played music in Heaven until he was cast out.
the owl in the birdcage with the dead (what I am assuming is a) white dove.
symbolism will be their downfall.
thoughts on the pocket watch time on the belt being 1:30 (1330 military time)? i'm sure it's not a coincidence.
Adrenochrome white rabbit 🐇 symbolism. Crazy 😜 to see those old bill 💵 s with the small heads again, they look like Monopoly money 💰 only worth much less 😂
Have you noticed the modern bills?
Wow! That is crazy, I guess it caters to the subconscious mind as accepting and spend it freely
Follow the white rabbit..... goes back years and years...
You need to find the Beatles "Butcher" album cover. It makes this one look innocent. Also, the record labels often set up photo shoots, so check into who runs those.
I've seen it...disgusting.
Honestly until recently it was hard for me to imagine people at work successfully pitching an idea like "hey let's have dismembered dead babies littered throughout the album cover" -- this will connect with our target audience (or insert whatever other justification).
Just wtf is wrong with people.
I was a huge Beatles fan growing up, but that has long since faded. Now I see them as completely over-rated, over produced, and just not very talented. They were pushed to literally invade North American culture and to transform it. They probably didn't even know how they were being used at the time. They were just "four lads from Liverpool" who became the biggest band on the planet due to marketing. Marketing that had a lot of dark money behind it. The people pulling the strings knew what they were doing.
Had to go look it up:
The LP was called "Billion Dollar Babies" and the babies face is painted like Alice Cooper's famous makeup. Just wanted to throw in some context
The baby has Panda Eyes, which is a condition that happens when a baby has been sodomized. Here is an image:
Here is an article:
The baby has makeup on his eyes that are like the stage make up Alice wears. The baby is supposed to be a baby Alice. It's ok for things to just be the way they are. Really.
Alice has a strong Christian testimony. It's easy to find. Especially for the sleuths here ...
The pic was when he was younger. Now, he is a Christian and there's no info when he became one, but in many reports he believed after alcoholism, drugs and the break up of his fam.
It's also suggested he may have lost his way a little bit and he had some dark periods in his life so to me, he turned away for a bit.
Let me clarify that I know the actual baby did not have real Panda Eyes, but makeup on his or her eyes to represent having them. I believe that was the inside joke. White rabbits, cash and an abused baby, only understood by the few.
Now, do they match how Alice's eyes looked on stage years later? Yes. But he hadn't worn that makeup yet. I still have to contemplate why the baby was in the picture naked, crying and with black around its eyes, unless for this reason.
Ask yourself, what is the meaning of the album name Billion Dollar Babies?
"The Billion Dollar Babies album was re-released with new packaging as a DVD in 2000. It contains all the songs plus interviews and bonus tracks."
"As part of his stage show, Cooper would mutilate dolls when he performed this song. The tour for the album introduced the props Cooper became famous for, including the guillotine, the snake, and hundreds of cans of beer."
Although we all want to believe Alice was innocent in all of this, why did he agree to participate in this kind of creepy debauchery?
Thanks for sharing. Lots of folks on here not familiar with Alice at all. And it shows.
I prefer to call him Vincent.
Follow the white rabbit it will lead you to them all.
It's amazing how "old" or "far back" you can follow the white rabbit.
Just a refresher for those who don’t listen to rock music — Alice “in wonderland” Cooper is now a born-again Christian and he’s in the band Hollywood Vampires with Aerosmith’s Joe Perry and Johnny Depp (who starred in Alice in Wonderland). From what I understand, both Alice and Joe are Republicans, which always surprised me.
And he claims to be a Christian.
He wasnt a Christian back then....if people cant be redeemed after participating in depraved behavior then I guess we wont be seeing David or Paul in heaven either
They have to confess and turn away.
I hear what you're saying - it's hard to think about forgiving things like that.
The Bible says everyone can be saved, no matter the sin. That's the enormity of coverage Jesus' sacrifice offers us if we accept it.
When we accept Jesus' sacrifice - we are covered by his perfection and are seen as such when we Stand before God.
If a person decides to not accept that sacrifice, you are everything you are - which is short of the required perfection. The Bible says that even thinking hateful thoughts is equal to murder - or lustful thoughts are equal to adultery.
With those sorts of standards, EVERY SINGLE ONE of us are in need to be covered by Jesus' sacrifice.
At the end of the day, sin is sin, no little sin or big sin, all sins are classed as sin. The only thing different is the effect of sin, some have little effect or consequences, other sins have life altering/damaging consequences.
This 👆
IDK man, something something millstones + ocean.......
I hear what you're saying. I've been tested with my own really difficult thing to forgive, just over a year ago now - and I'm still dealing with that.
It's a walk - understanding my own emotions and the difference between righteous anger, which we can definitely have (according to the Bible) - and a desire for Vengeance.
Understanding that according to the Bible "Vengeance is the Lord's" - I have to walk towards the goal of - literally giving my desire for Vengeance - over to the Lord.
And this is also a huge test of what Forgiveness is - in this huge test of Forgiveness, I was able to understand better - the monumental amount of Grace God has given us - for killing Jesus, His perfect son.
Imagine having your perfect son, killed the way Jesus was. Can you imagine how angry you would be?
Now can you also imagine how much you would have to love someone to allow that to happen to your son - because your son was the only way those people (you and me) - could be with God in Heaven when we die?
It's a wild story! These are huge big things.
You illustrate very well the difficulty in these things for us to be able to do ourselves - which is why we bow to God and recognize why we Needed Jesus' sacrifice.
Well now you've done one thing that the left does.
If you're one thing they hate, they assume you're all of it. Nazi, Holocaust denier, the entire gamut.
Alice Cooper found Christ later on, and despite how bad the marketing and some of his songs are, it doesn't mean he was a satanic pedophile. It means they used him to promote it. And I say this as a lukewarm Cooper fan
You guys need to catch up. Promotion of it is the key to everything. They use music and movies to promote their isms.
Those doing their bidding in large part are useful idiots. Some are true believers, however I'd say 75% are doing as they're instructed.
The one irredeemable sin mentioned in the Bible is blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
They used to tell us that in 1st grade, but never defined it so we wouldn't accidentally do it. There's always been something wrong with the Catholic Church.
Vengeance - I think you're maybe coming to the wrong conclusion here.
I don't think anyone will claim to be able to NOT want some version of revenge/justice/vengeance, etc. if the things you described happened to someone we loved...
Or heck - look at the giant world event that is probably in front of us - mega pedo rings are going to be revealed - and the Jab/Lockdowns that were intentionally made to create harm and death to us all.
You are completely right - speaking for myself - if I claimed that I wouldn't want to unleash wrath on the heads of those people... I would absolutely be a hypocrite. Absolutely!
But that's not what we're telling you - we're saying the BIBLE says there is no irredeemable sin - except blapheming the Holy Spirit (which I have to learn more about, honestly).
I can't call other people liars - but I certainly think it would be completely normal and expected to have the reactions that you're saying we would.
Just don't mix US up with what the Bible says. It doesn't even matter what we say - only what the Bible says.
To believe in the need for Jesus, we are literally saying we are F'd without Him. We are completely screwed without Him - we are in NEED of help.
I hear what you're saying - that some of this talk can feel Pious. I get it.
But really - the message of the Bible is one that calls people who are broken (all of us) to someone who loves us and wants to save us from a really bad fate without Him.
Speaking for myself - I take the time to share this with you because, even though I never met you and likely never will - I care about you as a fellow human. I get nothing for stopping here and trading messages with you.
It's not about being pious - it's about sharing the Good News that we know with You.
We are broken and need rescued!
What I think is just as irrelevant as what you think when it comes to the Word of God.
You sound like you have other issues as well. Good luck!
Like I said... other issues. :-)
As a mere mortal, I cannot forgive someone for that. God may, but I cannot.
I used to be like this. And then I read what scripture says. Do not expect to be forgiven by God of you yourself cannot forgive others. Trust me it’s difficult, but learn to hate the enemy, hate the sin, not the sinner. God loves us all. It’s just that some of us continue to want to live in sin, and that’s a problem. It takes time friend. It’s something you and Jesus can talk about. I still do myself.
That's a good point. God, Jesus is my father in heaven. If I picture my mom or dad being mad at us cos we were troubled kids, they'd be angry, punish us, but they'd never hate us, ever. Because we'll always be their children. I think that's how God sees and tries to tell us.
Absolutely my friend. ❤️👍
I agree with you to a point: no matter the sin, the blood of Jesus can cover it and forgive the sinner. However, even before we are saved God restrains us (by our conscience, circumstances, etc.) in the degree of evil that we perpetrate. I believe that people whom God allows to go so far into evil (raping children, mass murderers, etc.) are those "vessels of wrath prepared for destruction" but I cannot say with authority that there will be no former cannibals et al among the redeemed at the end.
Romans 9:22-24 "What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he has prepared beforehand for glory— even us whom he has called, not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles?"
Claiming to be a Follower of Jesus and actually following Him are two different things. Many in that day will say, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name and cast out demons by your name, and Jesus will say to them the four most horrible words you will ever hear. I Never Knew You!
Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Pretty terrifying!
Better for him to tie a millstone around his neck and go swim
If true then he must regret this photo.
He probably does.
Alice Cooper found Jesus for the record
Cooper was raised in a Christian home. His dad was a preacher. I don't know when he first believed, but he's known truth most his life.
He's a great guy to listen to talk about Jesus.
I saw Alice Cooper perform live some years ago. I noticed almost instantly that his stage backdrop contained a pyramid with the cap stone missing and other freemasonic symbology. Kind of makes sense when you really look at his content. Good riffs in his music though if you like classic rock.
This is the first time I have seen this image.
Alice Cooper's father was a pastor. So was his father-in-law. The panda eyes are actually Alice Cooper eyes. It's the same makeup he wears on stage. Granted, this album liner from "Billion Dollar Babies" pushed the envelope a bit... but my gut still says he's not one of them.
I went to his DEAD BABIES concert back in the day … he had a doll that looked like a baby that had been Impaled with a Sword he was swinging over his head while singing the song…. Sorry but he lost me Then… A Christian by name only !!
He wasn't a Christian back in the day.
Thank you! A few sane replies and yours is one of them!
By the way, that is a live baby in that photo!
Alice and his Ilk are in for a big surprise on the other side. They have picked the wrong Master.
He accepted Christ later in life
What about the souls that have been possessed by demons and were forced to do their bidding? I've been listening to Father Chad Rippberger and Father Vincent Lambert, and it seems to happen more than people think.
This is why it's so important to avoid the things that invite demonic oppression and possession and to keep the Holy Spirit alive within you.
WAAAY more than people think.
Probably every adult pervert was once a frightened child being raped by an adult pervert.
Trauma invites the demons, especially after the child dissociates.
The souls aren't possessed; the bodies are.
It's like having parasites that affect your behavior.
Eliminate child abuse and we eliminate most adult mental illness.
I loved listening to Fr Ripperger!! I've learned so much! I wish the whole world understood the power of demonic influence and how to withstand the assault by relying on Jesus!
There is far more to repentance and redemption than simply saying that you believe in the Savior. You must be truly sorry for what you have done and must also stop the sinful behavior(s) (often the hardest for many of us), and you must make restitution to anyone you may have harmed if it is possible to do so, or make restitution in some way to society as a whole. You must also strive to never commit the sin again for which you are seeking forgiveness. Claiming a belief in Christ as our savior and accepting him into your life is only the first step, not the entire process. The process lasts a lifetime.
Some sins are unforgivable, but which ones and under which circumstances is ultimately not for us to decide. The right to pass final judgment belongs only to God and his Son who suffered for us so that we would have the possibility of redemption. That doesn't mean we can't use a little common sense to figure out which sins will likely put us on the wrong side of that unforgivable line.
You are setting yourself up to be measured by a harsh standard my friend. What do you think God may say to those who diminish His mercy? What was the answer to the jailer when he asked "what must he do to be saved?" It is very, very easy to be saved. If it were not, YOU could never be saved.
So i guess Jesus lied to the thief on the cross next to him?
The stage design, cd design posters, etc, those are set up by the record label, marketing group, or 3rd party being hired.. say when they do a shoot for Vogue, Rolling Stones, etc. The artists just show up and be dressed and pose.
Do you think the band understood the symbolism? Was the album cover orchestrated by the record company? Or does the band also partake in andrenochrome and SRA? If the latter isn’t true, Alice Cooper should publicly condemn this revolting album cover.
It's not a current album. It's from the past, so saying anything would bring more attention to it and more approbation from the leftists.
True, but if I was famous, I’d still speak out to get ahead of what is coming. He’s always been vocal about his Christian faith though.
He may have said something already. I don't happen to have recordings of every single word he's ever uttered.
Well, he might not be in it.
Wow.. when we looked at this when we were young, we didn't see the connection or symbolism. It was just Poison being a bad ass band.
So that means the photographers or the marketing people or the record labels? are already put in placed for massive mk ultra/brainwashing agenda way back then.
FYI. Nothing more.
I just thought of something easy way to identify they are always mask Karens
I don't think these guys knew anything about this setup. They were told to hold this, give this look, etc. I don't think Cooper is involved in any of that shit.
Just watching The Chosen - If anyone is interested, it is great to bring the humanity side to Jesus and why people loved him. As long as people don't get all up tight at the 'interpretation side' as it is meant to make people see Jesus not only as floating on air and unreachable. Well I am enjoying it anyway, so thought I would share - The 3rd season starts in December. u/DesertBrat u/Joys1Daughter
My Sister has told me about The Chosen. Her and her husband say it's really good. You're the third person that has mentioned it recently. I'll check it out.
Thank you for the link fren and God bless 🐸
i am sharing all the time, I loved it.
Anyone here see the movie "Us"? It blew me away, tunnels, children, rabbits. Check it out.
my eyes!
Billion dollar babies
Alice turned to Christ though
Wonder why?
I found this verse "I have called you by name and you are mine." -Isaiah 43:1
Alice turned to Christ because his spirit called upon him. Why or how people become Christians when we all came from different backgrounds and different journeys but all end up in the same place. We're chosen.
Some, no matter how good or smart, stay atheist. Explain that as well.
Im 100% sure that was the point. Then again, ive spoken to Alice, he hosts the radio near here.
Alot of musicians / artists tried to say it in a poetic shape to go around censorship. But normies are normies if the tune bangs, they dont read into lyrics.
To my , admittedly limited knowledge, Alice was one of those guys stuck in a system he despises, but his dreams were hostage to the corruption. Between doing what you dream of and just not. Like most folks he picked the fun option. No hero, no villain.
You know how recently everyone was saying the Balenciaga shoots were set up to include all the symbolism?
Well it's always been that way. It is almost impossible to know if the musicians / stars are in on the promotion or just going through the motions. I do remember one of the Kiss band members saying he had been invited to parties where they killed people, but he declined. So who knows other than the folks in the picture?
We have it all?
Every one of those sick ducks needs to be tied up and tortured and harvested for their adrenaline alive! 😊yep I said it? Who want to tell me I’m wrong or inciting? Fuck you if you disagree!
The guy behind Alice literally holding up rabbit ears behind his head rather than the normal two fingers
If Alice Cooper is a cabal puppet, then he's managed to hide it from his family and close friends for at least 40 years.
This photo/album cover is meant to shock and nothing more. Vinny would lay down his life to protect a child and he'd be damned tempted to take the life of someone hurting a child.
There's a dove caged with an owl, white rabbits, panda eyes, and cash.
How is this a shitpost? If you cant see the symbolism here, you're hard pressed to find it anywhere else.
Very true. People need to trust their eyes, use the power of deduction and common sense.
People could say they believe in God and Jesus just to avoid suspicion.
Even if they convert, they must answer to the law for misdeeds done while worshiping Satan.
Alice is that you??