GARLAND JUST DELIVERED THE BIDEN ADMIN TO THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE! The SC will be Robert Hur, nominated to be US attny. in MD by then-President Donald Trump in 2017! Any questions? This only proves Devolution in play and that we have sufficient leverage over Garland's actions to say that he is /OurGuy/!
💥 B O O O O O M 💥

Sorry, not gonna believe this until it's proven by RESULTS. No possible way.
Garland Assigned a Special Council to deny Congress Access to classified material & BLOCK their investigation to shut it down
OK thanks anon. And my thing is at "17 points 17 hours ago" so woo hoo :)
Also purely by coincidence, yesterday I negotiated a home improvement contract that saved me exactly
Kinda a weird pic choice since Isaac was substituted for a ram.
Edit: by a ram
by a ram
Anyway, odd pic.
True, very important distinction lol
Important to Isaac at least. :)
(From another thread) Quick take on the special counsel:
The attorney assigned, Robert Hur, sounds promising from what I just read. He was appointed by Trump as United States Attorney in 2018 for Maryland. He tendered his resignation in February 2021, right after Biden took office. His list of accomplishments is worth the read, especially the emphasis on rooting out corruption in his district.
Doesn't mean anything concrete, but the fact he was initially appointed by Trump is a good sign.
All of Trump's appointments were from Mitch McConnell's approved judiciary list ... so don't expect much.
Trump joked about this absurdity while in office.
Good call. We'll have to see how things develop.
You are right, but there are layers to Trump's decisions we do not know anything about.
For a time it looked as though there were waves of terrible staff choices by Trump, but those were more often calculated decisions than mistakes.
I think he is either rolling various factions of DS against each other, or white hat sleepers are also infiltrating as much as we are infiltrated.
In any event, when I see an obvious, visible pillar to put our hopes on, I expect it to crumble. The important movements are not broadcast on mass media (although Twitter does now).
I agree with all of this.
The one area I have concern is he used to be Christopher Wray's counsel.
The drops say, "Trust Wray." #s1122, 787, and 433.
To be honest I've learned more about the FBI and their various misdeeds since "trust wray" got the job.
I don't think it's happenstance.
I’ll say this, if he’s with us, he’s one hell of an actor!
Trust can mean multiple things. Most people take it to imply that someone will do the right thing. More generally, you can trust someone to act as they always have regardless of it being good or bad.
I trust Wray will continue acting on behalf of the swamp.
I love the comms that can be read one way, or exactly the opposite of that way. Very useful.
Interesting take. I like ideas outside the box!
Agreed...or grade A misinformation to think Wray is a sleeper...
Counsels are an odd bunch. Remember - Dershowitz was Trump's counsel in his first impeachment trial. He also defended Epstein.
Not sure on this. He's buds with Wray and Rosenstein.
Who picked Barr? Wouldn't Barr have been paid more attention than Hurr? No idea why people are excited about this.
No way. Obama tried to get Garland on the Supreme Court.
This is all a false flag to take Biden out of the running in 24. Or it’s to pin it all on Hunter...
Watch them move Gavin Newsom in position for 24. Didn’t we all say it was going to Biden until the midterms...then Kamala...is Hilary going to move in? Michelle O? Susan Rice or Valerie Jarrett?
Three doc tranches found...bs. This is coming too quickly to be anything but a planned takedown. The storm is upon us.
Check out Kash Patel’s truth social posts re Hur. This guy is swamp first degree.
Kash says Hur is just another swamp rat. I don’t know what to believe anymore.
Did you forget about all the Trump-appointed judges that backstabbed him and kicked him to the curb? What makes you think this guy is any different.
I don't think guys like Garland are useful for shoveling snow for Trump - quite the opposite. They're useful for hiding the potholes!
And the car on the road at the moment is Biden's, not Trump's. Broken axles and flat tires! It's how to SHUT THEM DOWN.
It seems to be a positive development, but if you don’t mind, I’m going to sit on the sidelines and watch this one for a good while before declaring victory. Garland? Really? He’s one of theirs. I wouldn’t trust him with anything based on his inaction on everything to date. I wanna believe, but geez..Garland? IMO, he’d only benefit our side if forced to under extreme circumstances.
Read Hur's Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_K._Hur Counsel for Wray?
Also read his firm's Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_%26_Spalding People like Sally Yates?
Harvard and Stanford educated. Yes, appointed by Trump and Trump used his firm.
Let's see what he does.
Remember, DC runs on leverage, not loyalty. These old dogs got to be old by reading the wind, correctly.
Meanwhile Trump hinting that Jack Smith is a criminal. https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109676548292409151
Robert Hur. Son of Ben. This gonna be Biblical!
Not so sure about that. That would also mean that Susan Rice is our gal.
Yeah and kash patel had some truths recently saying Hur is more of the same, that Susan rice/Obamas are running the White House (poorly I’ll add), that garland and Wray are not good, but I don’t know how much of the full picture he has. Probably a lot more than I do, but still i’m here for Q and they did say trust Wray. I feel like he’s a sleeper white hat
Sounds like they are just paving the way for Kamala. They always hinted that Biden wouldn't last the full term. Garland is not our guy. The commies also have complicated plans and are pretty good at it. People are so desperate for a savior that now Garland is a white hat. Nope
The wacko democrats that I know do not like Kamala. Believe me, that is saying something.
I know. But it doesn't really matter what the people want. Maybe they'll add Hillary as vp and take out kamala? Don't know if they could do that. Or who knows. What a mess.
Correct, Dems don't like her. She was poling behind Tulsi but they still let her debate & not Tulsi. Remember that?
Kamala can't be their long-term pick. If she ran for reelection I don't think the dems have enough money to pay for another cheat if Kamala is the candidate.
Yeah but they just print money, they also control voting machines.
Yeah, keep dreaming.
Can someone remind me how many convictions the last special counsel got for us? Why do you expect the Deep State will be brought to any measure of justice through a system they control?
Do you even know how large RICO cases work?
What, the libtards are gonna say, "WEW, LAD, you really got us there with that Sussmann conviction, oh boy! And that Danchenko guy, WOW!"
Give your head a shake. Convictions aren't what's happening. The prize here is the total re-architecture of the System. Durham isn't tasked with going after individuals, he's going after the FBI.*
Maybe if you spent your time lifting instead of doomfagging, you'd actually be able to understand and enjoy this movie.
Yes, I do actually, which is why I know a RICO violation requires a person to have been engaged in two predicate crimes over a 10 year period. Seeing the problem now? Durham hasn't even managed to get two convictions in total, let alone against one person. And you're not meaningfully doing anything to the FBI on a admission by Clinesmith that he falsified an email.
I don’t believe it whatsoever.
Hur is a rino he won’t find anything..,I thought we quit using boooooooom unless there was an actual boom.
I don' want to get my hopes up to much but it looks like things are getting really freakin interesting.
Or they found an angle on Hur and it is they who own this current moment.
No…. But maybe more like they want to 25th, or impeach, 46…. And what better way to get the backing of your sheep than making it looking legit to do so. Garland is a faggot. The reason he picked hur, is because hur will find it all and suggest prosecution… which is what the deep state wants. Playbook known!
Don't get your hopes up.
soon we'll find some more classified documents from the potato's sloppy handling of them at goodwills and at pawn shops nationwide.... not just in CHY-na.....
He got his orders. That doesn't mean he got his orders from us. Not our guy, even if he happens to serve our purpose for the time being.
How many other people has Trump appointed that turned out to be duds.
IMO this whole govt has to be shown to be compromised. I think that's the entire goal before justice can occur.
Trump didn't appoint Garland to anything.
Garland is a limp-wristed, fey Obamaphile.
The Dems have decided to remove Biden in time to build fake enthusiasm for whoever they chose to replace him with, in time for 2024. Garland appears to be executing his Master's instructions.
It couldn't be more obvious. The media is actually reporting on Biden's problems. That's the "tell".
So if this picture is an indication who is the ram?
Best Comment On Thread. I was thinking the same thing.
Glad others understand.
Kash Patel just ripped Hur on War Room. A top government gangster of the highest. Just another swamp creature.
DC runs on leverage, not loyalty. Look what Trump did with Rosenstein. Got him to dance like a prisoner.
True, That...
"Trust Barr"
DO not trust this POS DOJ with anything. Obama is running things. Incl. DOJ/FBI/CIA - he's doing this with WEF/CCP clout.
Want to end this DS thing. You know what to do.
BREAKING: Investigators discover classified documents that Biden hid in an Exxon gas station bathroom.
Now checking for a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls' porch. Stay tuned.
Wow!! Garland a mole for the white hats! who'da thunk it? I bet there will be more closet white hats in key positions coming out of the woodwork for the kill
That really is a ((((B-O-O-M.))))
JustHuman is going to be fucking lit tomorrow morning. Kyle has been predicting an SC against Biden for months.
Special Counsel
It’s a Hail Mary though as Trump did have declassification authority, they were in a location behind security, fencing, and guarded by federal agents 24/7 and they were not TS/SCI. Under DCID 6/9 and it’s successive document, that might meet the requirements for storage of classified.
Xiden, OTOH, had SCI, in unsecured locations with no access control and not guarded. Never mind the fact that he had no ability to declassify nor were the documents authorized for release.
It’ll be very tough for them to prosecute PDJT. Xiden though….
I smell a diversion. This story about classified docs being found like this does not happen organically. 3 locations in a week - wall to wall coverage by legacy media - really? Why are they trying to get us to chase squirrels?
The timing to me is suspect. What is it that they don't want us looking at? What other story has been trying to break that will be buried by sucking all the air out of the room with this clown show? Are they finally going to move on Soggy Bottoms while at the same time diverting attention? All while appointing a Rosenstein clone SC to deep six more Russia Gate and beyond evidence. Why the diversion? Besides the complete shit show taking place in Project Ukraine, the information coming out about the entire Rona plandemic being run from the DoD is a story the DS definitely wants to do damage control over.
Anyway, just a different perspective. Been following these bastards too long to not have some idea as to how they operate.
Would a sitting President know about the fizer contracts with D0D? Anyone remember seeing Exec-Order-13887-Modernizing-Influenza-Vaccines-in-the-United-States-to-Promote-National-Security-and-Public-Health-by-Donald-Trump-Pres-Vol-84-No-185-Fed-Reg-Sep-19-2019.
here's a few bits... "(C) develop a plan to expand domestic capacity for whole genome characterization of influenza viruses; (D) increase influenza vaccine use through enhanced communication and by removing barriers to vaccination; and (E) enhance communication to healthcare providers about the performance of influenza vaccines, in order to assist them in promoting the most effective vaccines for their patient populations; and (v) through the Administrator of CMS, examine the current legal, regulatory, and policy framework surrounding payment for influenza vaccines and assess adoption of domestically manufactured vaccines that have positive attributes for pandemic response (such as scalability and speed of manufacturing). (b) The Secretary of Defense shall: (i) provide OMB with a cost estimate for transitioning DOD's annual procurement of influenza vaccines to vaccines manufactured both domestically and through faster, more scalable, and innovative technologies; (ii) direct, in coordination with the VA, CDC, and other components of HHS, the conduct of epidemiological studies of vaccine effectiveness to improve knowledge of the clinical effect of the currently licensed influenza vaccines; (iii) use DOD's network of clinical research sites to evaluate the effectiveness of licensed influenza vaccines, including methods of boosting their effectiveness; (iv) identify opportunities to use DOD's vaccine research and development enterprise, in collaboration with HHS, to include both early discovery and design of influenza vaccines as well as later-stage evaluation of candidate influenza vaccines; (v) investigate, in collaboration with HHS, alternative correlates of immune protection that could facilitate development of next-generation influenza vaccines; (vi) direct the conduct of a study to assess the feasibility of using DOD's advanced manufacturing facility for manufacturing cell-based or recombinant influenza vaccines during a pandemic; and
Thanks for pulling this up. This DoD connection is a very deep dark hole that is going to show things that the majority of Americans will not be prepared for, nor will they probably believe. Pure evil. This EO essentially streamlined the process for what they had already been doing for decades - all with no oversight or accountability.
I enjoy the rabbit hole researches, but not discovering the ugly truths. Thanks to a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request from D0D and their Pfizer’s contracts have been released. Contracts for the shot between this drug maker and the D0D go back to 2013. Yep D0D, not medical emergency, clever to make it a war against a virus all under the D0D cover. Contracts say the shot are the be classified as countermeasures NOT vaccines. Owned by the D0D until it's in your arm. That little trick (per in the contracts) protects everyone. from the manufacturer, delivery drivers, pharmacist, Drs, Hospitals, everyone who touched it gets a free pass. Per contract these countermeasures (Shots) SHALL not be investigated or tested.
Video surfaced few days ago by Sasha (she's from Ukraine) calling the FDA clinical trials and Pfizer’s FDA approval a psyop? The testing & trails were not allowed.(per released contracts) So it didn’t ‘really happen’ and Pfizer is still protected. 🙄
Funny thing is I don't think you can legally contract to commit a crime!!! Any lawyers out there tonight?
Best way to verify those contracts are no longer binding, is for those harmed to sue for damages, starting with the drug makers then onto low hanging fruit. Unfortunately that would be shot givers, hospitals, Docs and RNs. Seems most Docs and RNs were deceived, but many hospitals got paid big to play along.
I have to go back and look at the particulars, but in the Pfizer whistleblower case, the defense I believe brought a motion to dismiss on the grounds of something to the effect that it was a DoD gig and that they did not have to do testing, or quality control, or some other stuff normally part of drug manufacturing. When I first heard it, I was scratching my head like everyone else at what was being said. Now in hindsight, given the revelations by Sasha, it all makes sense. The lawyers would know even if other employees at Pfizer did not. This is pure evil.
You are right. This is really ugly and it has been in the works for years - long before RONA.
One of the things I can see here is that most of the legal battles to date have been focusing on entities as the targets of responsibility within the context of "vaxxines." I kept saying from the very beginning that legally approaching the issue from the angle of vaxxines was a non starter. It seems that my instincts were correct. This language tactic was done deliberately to get people focused on the shinny object and waste resources of time and money - all while the real bastards behind this are yucking it up at our expense. They have fooled very sincere and honest people into pursuing legal action that was designed to send them on a wild goose chase. Their protection is the layers of scam language cleverly buried in contracts and other governmental instruments, like EOs, designed to obscure the reality of what is going on. The fact that this has been built step by step for years is chilling - and by our own government. When Trump said the swamp was deeper and bigger than he first thought, I don't think most of us knew at that time the extent to which he meant.
Hey Mac - yeah I've been thinking about this scenario all day. It's too convenient. Now consider that Brian Cates has been saying since day 01 that RR is a white hat. It certainly doesn't appear like that. But why would PDJT have appointed a black hat to the position?
There is definitely some slight of hand going on. The problem is the MSM can't spin this like they normally do. They may try to say Xiden is DQ'd so PDJT is DQ'd, but they are very different scenarios.
I'm going to introduce a new term here: Grey Hat. There is some 5D chess going on and I think we will get the answer, just not right now.
So many spinning plates to keep an eye on.
You are so right. Too many moving pieces to this puzzle. Project Ukraine is blowing up bigly. They have been keeping their finger in the dike till the midterms were over. Now they may throw Puddin Pops under the bus and run over him a few times. They will blame the entire debacle, including Afghanistan on his mental status, etc. I wonder if they may also be trying to get ahead of whatever the Russians are going to find in those salt mines at Soledar. Since they believe their own hype and propaganda, the fall of Soledar has taken them by surprise. Ukraine threw an enormous amount of resources trying to defend Bakhmut knowing it was going to fall anyway - why? None of this makes any rational sense.
Don't trust RR or any of those slime balls. As far as Trump hiring these guys, it is not like he had a great employment pool to fish in. It is the swamp after all. He got some really bad advice and unfortunately he listened. He learned some really hard lessons in his first term.
I think you are right. Those that are not outright black hats are definitely a shade or two of grey. They are the worst because they can't be trusted and will go whichever way the wind is blowing and can be purchased by the highest bidder. Grey is exactly where most of those swamp creatures live. At least with the die hard socialists and neocons, you know what to expect.
ITS A TRAP!!!!!!!!
Great way to get emotionally charged rioters to start a civil war, they have been fed the idea that Trum shouldn't have had the docs.
Now if only Biden is charged, they may feel that Trump was favored & in an emotional rage begin a kenetic problem on the homeland.
Just speculation of possibilities.
Still see Military as the only way to course correct this all & everyone should be ready to defend their own homes.
😉 I think it's too cold for a riot. Rioting is seasonal, like boating.
Excellent! So Garland is controlled now by Patriots. What about the media? They are reporting on this and some frens on another site are shocked. I thought I read here that the legacy media is now controlled as well. True?
Does getting Biden out of the Oval before full declass occurs protect him and the enemy from anything?
I’m genuinely asking.
If and when 'the habbening' occurs, I have a feeling whatever bullshit would protect him that applies right now, will become null and void.
Getsthenogginjoggin, No. POTUS has the final authority to declass. #FJB was VP Zero authority to declass. He was illegally holding in every aspect classified material. That's serious jail time at a minimum. If found guilty of treason, that's punishable up to and including death.
I was more wondering if they’d pull some kind of shenanigans about standing, or lesser charges, or something else, if he was already removed from the Oval before Biden’s crimes truly came to light in the public sphere.
I know it’s treason. Wasn’t sure if there is legal maneuvering that can occur. Especially with the whole “not charging a sitting President” precedent.
Would we expect anything less than them trying too? They are caught in their own spin cycle and cannot get out: Desperation breeds panic. Panic breeds mistakes. Mistakes breed desperation. Each cycle repeated sees the results intensified.
Expect shenanigans of some sort to be attempted. So far to date all have failed.
What a show! Stay safe fren!!
Yup - biden was signing out anyway so you might as well leverage that against trump.