Everyone got to see the speed clickers that showed no attempt to verify anything.
I was most shocked to learn about "verification" from home, without oversight or supervision. Come on man. The court of public opinion must convict that nonsense.
Not a lawyer but I did just finish Better Call Saul. Since it is a State matter that only affected the State of Arizona, is the SCOTAZ the final showdown?
She might get five judges to actually look at the evidence if it can get to SCOTUS. The Brunson case seemed too good to be true so I expected scotus to keep swatting it down. A federal election or dispute among states seems reasonable to take up the case but I suspect the end is close and it will be in AZ.
Here we have a clear an convincing case of election fraud and a system that perpetuates that with corrupt judges that ping-pong cases between lower courts, appeals courts with the idea that this needs to happen in order to advance it to SCOTUS. Who really wins and who really loses in this situation? We the people lose because the rightful governor is not allowed to take office. Who wins? Lawyers who can bill for time spend pushing paper back and forth endlessly. The judge wins because he keeps his corrupt position. Hobbs and her band of thieves win. The cartels win because it shows who really holds power in AZ. Given the above, why are people moving from CA to AZ when the same corrupt issues plague both states? In reality it plagues many states.
Perhaps one of the things that needs to be shown is how utterly corrupt the justice system is, and why ultimately, America's problem cannot simply be solved via the existing institutional means.
It's like rinse and repeat until the majority get how corrupt the system is. The evidence that verification was impossible at the speed it occurred was very convincing to anyone that saw it.
Normies don't look at the news sources that report on this. Normies are normies because they watch and read MSM. They probably have no idea this trial took place.
That's a good point, but I also think it is worth noting that the number of 'normies' is continuously decreasing, and the number of awakened (appears) to be increasing.
As more and more folks in the normie world get red-pilled, they begin to look at things differently and seek out other information sources. That's a one-directional flow.
I'd be very confident that more people are aware of the election fraud now than there were 12 months ago, or 2 years ago, etc. It's that gradual burn that needs to keep lit. The tipping point is.... where?
Thus, to my original point, even if those still firmly in normie land don't know about this trial, those not in normie land are being constantly red-pilled more and more.
Yes. You mean organized it so that 90% of people got a placebo? Which is why the vaxxtards with multiple boosters are the ones dying, and not %50 of the population who had 1 or 2 shots.
Is that the same military that organized the clot shot? That one?
Yes and no, doomer shill. The military is not monolithic. Some parts are political and controlled by the DS. The rest (all the operational parts that really matter) are not. If you had ever been in the military, or had any knowledge of the military, you would know these things.
The same concept also applies to other organizations where the top leadership has been compromised and corrupted by the DS, but the rank and file are not. At the end of the day, it is the actions of the rank and file (and mid-level management) that matters the most.
Let's be real for a moment. We all wish the military would come into play but it ain't happening. The legislature on the other hand appears to be correcting future elections.
Correct. The corruption of our judicial system needs to be public before the military can take control of it publicly. Everything we're seeing is part of the plan. Prove all branches of government are totally corrupt and we the people don't have a functioning government and the only way will be a total take over by the military.
Taking the analogy one step further, we might say that hopium (like opium), numbs the pain, brings euphoria and escape from harsh realities for a period of time, but ultimately, does not heal, reinforce health, or rebuild the mental/emotional/spiritual immune system, and, over time, has a deleterious or destructive impact if ingested too much.
This anon coined the expression "Hopermectin", drawing on the currently relevant 'ivermectin' as a metaphor for informational content that, unlike 'hopium', actually does facilitate healing, reinforces the mental and emotional health, and aids recovery of the mental/emotional/spiritual immune system, because where 'hopium' (by analogy) delivers an informational narcotic, 'hopermectin' delivers (by analogy) informational nourishment, medicine. It helps, when taken in the right dosage.
In other words, hopium is fake, ungrounded or dodgy information that delivers a temporary euphoric release from the mental and emotional anguish that dark information delivers to our system, but hopermectin is truth-based, solid and grounded information that stimulates one to reflect, understand, and gain insight in a positive direction, thereby making one more resilient and better able to hold the line and keep up the fight.
I wouldn't remove expectations. Rather, detach from expectations. It's actually good to have certain expectations. It's called vision and hope. However, if one is too attached to those expectations, then when they don't come to pass, it will inevitably cause an emotional hit. So have expectations - but make them informed and rational - limit them with solid doses of reality - and pin your emotions to the things that you yourself can directly influence (how you live, act, etc).
Except do you notice what happens in good times? People stray from God.
They only turn to God when they want to ask things. When they feel hopeless for anything else.
If the End Times are getting closer, the only way to save as many souls as possible is to make them seek out God. And the world has to get a lot worse to maximize the amount of His children that will seek Him out.
again though. just pray for them to turn back to God. hold no expectations as to how that happens. the "how" is not your job to decide, so there's no point adding your own parameters to how God will work. Just allow grace to do its thing.
You're expecting that God will provide a positive outcome.
Meaning expectations are OK as long as they're in line with expecting God to do the right thing for us, answer prayers, etc.
I'm not finding fault with any of that; merely pointing out that you replaced one set of expectations with another that's more in line with your spiritual makeup. OK by me! First Amendment rules.
At 19 when I was in the military I came up with "Presuppose nothing, and you will not be disappointed." Sort of close to the same idea, without invoking God or assuming I know how he functions.
knowing prayers will be answered isn't an expectation! that's just how things work. for every one that asketh receiveth!
when you learn that, it might be tempting to ask for very specific things. but most often, your specific desires represent deeper unconscious desires, and those true desires are the prayers that will be answered.
when you get lost in your own specifics, you actually restrict the ways in which your prayers can be answered.
so yeah, dropping expectations doesn't mean losing faith. quite the opposite.
This! It should be vindication that this “dooming” (which it isn’t, it’s just being realistic) is more helpful and accurate than hopium could ever be, which rarely if ever comes to fruition.
Must exhaust all legal routes first; once all legal routes have been exhausted, then it would be insanity to try the same things. So far, these are not the same things. And we do need to force every judge and every prosecutor to openly declare sides- no more sleepers, out then all. Because once the cleaning begins we cannot afford to miss any.
Not sure what’s happened / happening there in AZ but have heard some of the Thaler court allegations on Hobbs, cartels, and state / county /city govt especially Maricopa. Still the wild Wild West if true!
They went in alleging that there was literally "zero" signature verification, the judge told them to prove it and Lake's first witness sat there and talked about how much effort went into making sure the signatures were good and how much time was spent on it.
Yes, the judge set that bar. Not her attorneys. She/They were very clear that this was a pre-req from the Judge. It's the antithesis of the Constitution and all election laws.
The benchmark for fraud is now 100% fraudulent ballots? Or else it's completely free & fair?
12 Democrats actually* vote for Hobbs and it's fine if 950,000 are fake.
Can someone explain to me why we don't just create our own ballot printing company and stuff the boxes? Because literally nobody gives a fuck if you cheat. There is not a judge in the country that cares.
That being said, I'm guessing these are "delays on purpose" - its too early for a remedy.
Because they will arrest and jail you. You don’t have billions of dollars to pay off the perps to keep your charade up. You will be found out and fucked to all infinity. You will use Gmail or “hot mail” to coordinate your efforts and the owners of those spy networks will off you to the feds before your second email has swooshed. You are a little person and this is a big guy game. Don’t think you can out-fuck the fuckers. The are in the business of fucking and you will get fucked for 20 years of your short life. Thats the short version.
You cannot defeat evil by becoming evil yourself. You cannot defeat dishonesty by becoming dishonest. You simply become the monster you started out fighting in the first place.
this now goes up to the state supreme court. its all process even if the judge had ruled in karri lakes favor it still would go to the state supreme court..
I am not defending this judge, however, you ever stop to think, has the deep state threatened him or his family? Whistle blowers go missing. Whistle blowers die the day before they are expected in court. People get added to the Clinton body count all the time.
If this judge single handedly exposed the election fraud, he or members of his family would have a laser target on their heads before the Sun set that day.
The judge could have video tape of Joe Biden himself dragging a bag full of ballots into a polling center and feeding them into the tabulator and the judge would say the evidence is not clear and convincing.
Should anyone be expected to put their own lives in jeopardy to expose the deepstate election fraud? Is it not clear enough already, election fraud exists?
I don't think the Q team would expect anyone to put their own lives at risk to expose the deep state. Like has been said many times, the military is the only way.
There are things worse then death. Being a traitor is one of them. I would die with my integrity intact and let God judge those who chose the other path. That is the problem these days, no one has any honor or integrity in government.
When you take an oath it is binding. If not, it is worthless. You also have no control over what the bad guys do. If they take out your family for honoring your oath and duty then their blood is on their hands.
This used to be obvious to everyone in our founders day. Time didn't change the principles, just the sense of honor and duty.
It’s the family that stops them . It’s one thing to take me out standing for the flag , it’s another to be standing by the coffin of my child knowing why im there . .. no one is going to do it or very few !
She's bringing evidence to the public's eye. This makes it much harder for normies to deny. (Drip-drip-drip is an excellent strategy to overcome programming.)
She's proving to the public that our judicial system is corrupt and unsustainable. 'The military is the only way' is a big leap for normies. This situation right here will help them get it.
Kari's attorneys have been terrible these 2 trials. They are unprepared and have to be led around how to do basics by the judge. They look like crack heads running around court while the city/state attorneys look the part and prepared.
In sports game when they go to video replay if they don't have clear evidence they go with the original call. This decision and the Supreme Court in 2020 did their job correctly for this reason. The 2020 election was stolen but ultimately the evidence wasn't quite strong enough and it would have set a bad precedent if they overturned it likely leading to the Democrats using it in the future. The best evidence for 2020 election being stolen is the simple arguments that is looked like a duck and quacked like a duck, and that just isn't going to work in court compared to harder paper evidence. As for Lake everything about the 2022 election looked less stolen than 2020. Hobbs was getting 75/25 type vote dumps not the unreasonable 90-95% for Biden, they didn't freeze the count and then start counting at 3 AM, Kari's lead was only with like half the vote in and more reasonable that Hobbs would come back than Trump's, the Republicans were underperforming from the start in every state, and their motive to steal from Lake was simply not as high as Trump's, they had more motive to steal races like Ron Johnson to try to get enough votes to break filibuster than to care about controlling Arizona governor.
274000 mismatched signatures at minimum. Entire repub districts locked out of voting until the final hours with no extension. Trucks showing up at runbeck full of ballots.
I guess that judge lives in terror then of being exposed. Perhaps also ~ every iteration of Kari's attempt to set things right makes it that much more clear to people that the courts have been compromised.
Hard to rule against election fraud when the cartels will murder you and everyone you love if you do so. There is no proof that is ever going to get a judge to overturn a Democrat - the first time it happens - the whole stinking edifice will come tumbling down.
The stakes are so high that the Left will both pay and threaten the judge. That is how American Justice is working right now. Things need to get to the Supreme Court to have a chance. But the military is the only real way.
Anyone caught off guard by this is not paying attention. We've known from the start that there will be no relief from the courts on any issue that really matters.
We were told this in the beginning.
Anyone getting all amped up because something seems to be going our way for a time is a fool.
You know something, if AZ is gonna be exposed or somehow settled in a courtroom, then it kinda has to be the Supreme Court. It just has to be that big to breakthrough public conscious.
No, she provided evidence that Hobbs can’t prove otherwise or innocent. That’s the justice system. This is NOT our justice system. This one needs to go back from where it came from and is tolerated. Because it’s obviously not here.
The military is the only way. But first, all legal options must be pursued.
Kari knew the judge was a corrupt fuck, but there were multiple benefits to her case.
Kari's case showed to the public that the signatures weren't being verified.
The case also set the precedent that candidates can bring signature verification challenges after the election.
https://rumble.com/v2p326k-ep.-161-durham-report-rfk-jr.-kari-lake-trial-tiktok-ban-and-more-viva-and-.html. (Starts at 1:15:30)
Everyone got to see the speed clickers that showed no attempt to verify anything.
I was most shocked to learn about "verification" from home, without oversight or supervision. Come on man. The court of public opinion must convict that nonsense.
Just like the video of Ruby in GA bringing out the suitcases full of ballots to be scanned over & over...'nothing to see here...'
And the fact they were connected to the internet when they were not supposed to be...amongst other things
It was quite clear and convincing to me. Maybe the judge wasn’t selected for their intelligence
Not dooming by any means. Why the third appeal? It’s obvious this isn’t going to be fixed in court. Evidently corrupt judges are a dime a dozen.
The appeals are not the same
The hoops need to be jumped before it can go to SCOTUS
Not a lawyer but I did just finish Better Call Saul. Since it is a State matter that only affected the State of Arizona, is the SCOTAZ the final showdown?
She might get five judges to actually look at the evidence if it can get to SCOTUS. The Brunson case seemed too good to be true so I expected scotus to keep swatting it down. A federal election or dispute among states seems reasonable to take up the case but I suspect the end is close and it will be in AZ.
Here we have a clear an convincing case of election fraud and a system that perpetuates that with corrupt judges that ping-pong cases between lower courts, appeals courts with the idea that this needs to happen in order to advance it to SCOTUS. Who really wins and who really loses in this situation? We the people lose because the rightful governor is not allowed to take office. Who wins? Lawyers who can bill for time spend pushing paper back and forth endlessly. The judge wins because he keeps his corrupt position. Hobbs and her band of thieves win. The cartels win because it shows who really holds power in AZ. Given the above, why are people moving from CA to AZ when the same corrupt issues plague both states? In reality it plagues many states.
Where they can say “whoops, no standing, lol, amirite”
Perhaps one of the things that needs to be shown is how utterly corrupt the justice system is, and why ultimately, America's problem cannot simply be solved via the existing institutional means.
It's like rinse and repeat until the majority get how corrupt the system is. The evidence that verification was impossible at the speed it occurred was very convincing to anyone that saw it.
Normies don't look at the news sources that report on this. Normies are normies because they watch and read MSM. They probably have no idea this trial took place.
That's a good point, but I also think it is worth noting that the number of 'normies' is continuously decreasing, and the number of awakened (appears) to be increasing.
As more and more folks in the normie world get red-pilled, they begin to look at things differently and seek out other information sources. That's a one-directional flow.
I'd be very confident that more people are aware of the election fraud now than there were 12 months ago, or 2 years ago, etc. It's that gradual burn that needs to keep lit. The tipping point is.... where?
Thus, to my original point, even if those still firmly in normie land don't know about this trial, those not in normie land are being constantly red-pilled more and more.
Is that the same military that organized the clot shot? That one?
Yes. You mean organized it so that 90% of people got a placebo? Which is why the vaxxtards with multiple boosters are the ones dying, and not %50 of the population who had 1 or 2 shots.
Yes and no, doomer shill. The military is not monolithic. Some parts are political and controlled by the DS. The rest (all the operational parts that really matter) are not. If you had ever been in the military, or had any knowledge of the military, you would know these things.
The same concept also applies to other organizations where the top leadership has been compromised and corrupted by the DS, but the rank and file are not. At the end of the day, it is the actions of the rank and file (and mid-level management) that matters the most.
Let's be real for a moment. We all wish the military would come into play but it ain't happening. The legislature on the other hand appears to be correcting future elections.
Correct. The corruption of our judicial system needs to be public before the military can take control of it publicly. Everything we're seeing is part of the plan. Prove all branches of government are totally corrupt and we the people don't have a functioning government and the only way will be a total take over by the military.
please, could you just convict yourselves with the evidence that I have presented.
thanks again in advance !
No? But but but WHY
odor in the court
Expected outcome.
I’ve been off hopium for months now. Totally sober.
Great as a first step. But what you need to do now is start taking Hopermectin.
expecting negative outcomes is not sobriety. remove expectations entirely.
I like this point, although I would add a caveat.
I wouldn't remove expectations. Rather, detach from expectations. It's actually good to have certain expectations. It's called vision and hope. However, if one is too attached to those expectations, then when they don't come to pass, it will inevitably cause an emotional hit. So have expectations - but make them informed and rational - limit them with solid doses of reality - and pin your emotions to the things that you yourself can directly influence (how you live, act, etc).
nah. no expectations. whatever God provides will be more appropriate than whatever you had in mind.
every. single. time.
Except do you notice what happens in good times? People stray from God.
They only turn to God when they want to ask things. When they feel hopeless for anything else.
If the End Times are getting closer, the only way to save as many souls as possible is to make them seek out God. And the world has to get a lot worse to maximize the amount of His children that will seek Him out.
So as an old Army saying goes: Embrace the Suck.
again though. just pray for them to turn back to God. hold no expectations as to how that happens. the "how" is not your job to decide, so there's no point adding your own parameters to how God will work. Just allow grace to do its thing.
I guess whatever works best for you.
it does work best! nobody plans better than God
You're expecting that God will provide a positive outcome.
Meaning expectations are OK as long as they're in line with expecting God to do the right thing for us, answer prayers, etc.
I'm not finding fault with any of that; merely pointing out that you replaced one set of expectations with another that's more in line with your spiritual makeup. OK by me! First Amendment rules.
At 19 when I was in the military I came up with "Presuppose nothing, and you will not be disappointed." Sort of close to the same idea, without invoking God or assuming I know how he functions.
knowing prayers will be answered isn't an expectation! that's just how things work. for every one that asketh receiveth!
when you learn that, it might be tempting to ask for very specific things. but most often, your specific desires represent deeper unconscious desires, and those true desires are the prayers that will be answered.
when you get lost in your own specifics, you actually restrict the ways in which your prayers can be answered.
so yeah, dropping expectations doesn't mean losing faith. quite the opposite.
not assuming, either... try it and see.
i know you didnt ask, but there it is
Yes...But I don't like that it was considered dooming to say that this would happen.
This! It should be vindication that this “dooming” (which it isn’t, it’s just being realistic) is more helpful and accurate than hopium could ever be, which rarely if ever comes to fruition.
When does the definition of insanity come into play?
Must exhaust all legal routes first; once all legal routes have been exhausted, then it would be insanity to try the same things. So far, these are not the same things. And we do need to force every judge and every prosecutor to openly declare sides- no more sleepers, out then all. Because once the cleaning begins we cannot afford to miss any.
Corrupt judge. Needs to be taken down with the cleaning of the judiciary.
Not sure what’s happened / happening there in AZ but have heard some of the Thaler court allegations on Hobbs, cartels, and state / county /city govt especially Maricopa. Still the wild Wild West if true!
I told you so. I live in Arizona, I know nothings ever going to be done.
Wrong answer format. You're looking for: IF something is to be done, what must first happen?
SO MUCH has already been done Remember the audit? Remember ALL the law suites All of the legislation And ALL of Kari’s legal attempts
Yeah! Nothing has happened.
My vote has been stolen AT LEAST 2 times!
YES I am frustrated!
Just shows that the judiciary will never change an election …they are too afraid BLM will protest at their home.
Lake's attorney's screwed her on this one.
They went in alleging that there was literally "zero" signature verification, the judge told them to prove it and Lake's first witness sat there and talked about how much effort went into making sure the signatures were good and how much time was spent on it.
Isn't that the bar that the judge set for them before the hearing? That they had to prove there was literally no signature verification?
Yes, the judge set that bar. Not her attorneys. She/They were very clear that this was a pre-req from the Judge. It's the antithesis of the Constitution and all election laws.
The benchmark for fraud is now 100% fraudulent ballots? Or else it's completely free & fair?
12 Democrats actually* vote for Hobbs and it's fine if 950,000 are fake.
He sat that bar because it is literally what Lake's attorney's were claiming.
They put themselves in an impossible position.
They should have went in and compared the signatures in the courtroom.
Can someone explain to me why we don't just create our own ballot printing company and stuff the boxes? Because literally nobody gives a fuck if you cheat. There is not a judge in the country that cares.
That being said, I'm guessing these are "delays on purpose" - its too early for a remedy.
Because they will arrest and jail you. You don’t have billions of dollars to pay off the perps to keep your charade up. You will be found out and fucked to all infinity. You will use Gmail or “hot mail” to coordinate your efforts and the owners of those spy networks will off you to the feds before your second email has swooshed. You are a little person and this is a big guy game. Don’t think you can out-fuck the fuckers. The are in the business of fucking and you will get fucked for 20 years of your short life. Thats the short version.
Yes exactly, these are the people benefiting from Biden, and breaking us down, there is no way they are going to replace Biden,
You cannot defeat evil by becoming evil yourself. You cannot defeat dishonesty by becoming dishonest. You simply become the monster you started out fighting in the first place.
Bro they certainly will care if you start doing it for the other side lol
Same Judge. Same decision. Different day.
this now goes up to the state supreme court. its all process even if the judge had ruled in karri lakes favor it still would go to the state supreme court..
The swamp is not just deep, its very wide…
I am not defending this judge, however, you ever stop to think, has the deep state threatened him or his family? Whistle blowers go missing. Whistle blowers die the day before they are expected in court. People get added to the Clinton body count all the time.
If this judge single handedly exposed the election fraud, he or members of his family would have a laser target on their heads before the Sun set that day.
The judge could have video tape of Joe Biden himself dragging a bag full of ballots into a polling center and feeding them into the tabulator and the judge would say the evidence is not clear and convincing.
Should anyone be expected to put their own lives in jeopardy to expose the deepstate election fraud? Is it not clear enough already, election fraud exists?
I don't think the Q team would expect anyone to put their own lives at risk to expose the deep state. Like has been said many times, the military is the only way.
There are things worse then death. Being a traitor is one of them. I would die with my integrity intact and let God judge those who chose the other path. That is the problem these days, no one has any honor or integrity in government.
And you would sacrifice your family as well? Very noble of you.
"Allow us to carry this heavy burden."
When you take an oath it is binding. If not, it is worthless. You also have no control over what the bad guys do. If they take out your family for honoring your oath and duty then their blood is on their hands.
This used to be obvious to everyone in our founders day. Time didn't change the principles, just the sense of honor and duty.
It’s the family that stops them . It’s one thing to take me out standing for the flag , it’s another to be standing by the coffin of my child knowing why im there . .. no one is going to do it or very few !
Kari Lake is doing two important things:
She's bringing evidence to the public's eye. This makes it much harder for normies to deny. (Drip-drip-drip is an excellent strategy to overcome programming.)
She's proving to the public that our judicial system is corrupt and unsustainable. 'The military is the only way' is a big leap for normies. This situation right here will help them get it.
They need to show the signatures they “confirmed”
The verifications were missing but that is not proof??
Kari's attorneys have been terrible these 2 trials. They are unprepared and have to be led around how to do basics by the judge. They look like crack heads running around court while the city/state attorneys look the part and prepared.
Almost like it was meant to be.
People cannot accept criticism, even if it is intended to point out truth.
About 45 days till the recall.
With someone who ran her own election set up the rules for it we shouldn't even have to wait 45 days, the election should never have happened that way
I wouldn’t count on the SC either. They are either compromised or part of the movie.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
That blood isn't coming from a judge or the military.
In sports game when they go to video replay if they don't have clear evidence they go with the original call. This decision and the Supreme Court in 2020 did their job correctly for this reason. The 2020 election was stolen but ultimately the evidence wasn't quite strong enough and it would have set a bad precedent if they overturned it likely leading to the Democrats using it in the future. The best evidence for 2020 election being stolen is the simple arguments that is looked like a duck and quacked like a duck, and that just isn't going to work in court compared to harder paper evidence. As for Lake everything about the 2022 election looked less stolen than 2020. Hobbs was getting 75/25 type vote dumps not the unreasonable 90-95% for Biden, they didn't freeze the count and then start counting at 3 AM, Kari's lead was only with like half the vote in and more reasonable that Hobbs would come back than Trump's, the Republicans were underperforming from the start in every state, and their motive to steal from Lake was simply not as high as Trump's, they had more motive to steal races like Ron Johnson to try to get enough votes to break filibuster than to care about controlling Arizona governor.
274000 mismatched signatures at minimum. Entire repub districts locked out of voting until the final hours with no extension. Trucks showing up at runbeck full of ballots.
I guess that judge lives in terror then of being exposed. Perhaps also ~ every iteration of Kari's attempt to set things right makes it that much more clear to people that the courts have been compromised.
Hard to rule against election fraud when the cartels will murder you and everyone you love if you do so. There is no proof that is ever going to get a judge to overturn a Democrat - the first time it happens - the whole stinking edifice will come tumbling down.
The stakes are so high that the Left will both pay and threaten the judge. That is how American Justice is working right now. Things need to get to the Supreme Court to have a chance. But the military is the only real way.
The military, as it is now, will absolutely NOT save us.
Anyone caught off guard by this is not paying attention. We've known from the start that there will be no relief from the courts on any issue that really matters.
We were told this in the beginning.
Anyone getting all amped up because something seems to be going our way for a time is a fool.
At some point military generals will act w/ the will of the people simply because their soldiers ARE THOSE SAME PEOPLE and have no choice.
Twitter replies are an intellectual wasteland.
You know something, if AZ is gonna be exposed or somehow settled in a courtroom, then it kinda has to be the Supreme Court. It just has to be that big to breakthrough public conscious.
BS! Lake's attys DID provide the evidence! Judge is definitely compromised! Kari Lake will appeal to higher AZ court!
How long is this going to continue?
No, she provided evidence that Hobbs can’t prove otherwise or innocent. That’s the justice system. This is NOT our justice system. This one needs to go back from where it came from and is tolerated. Because it’s obviously not here.
I hate to say it, but again, this is exactly what I said would happen.