THIS!!! This exactly what I wrote in my exemption letter to my employer.
Here it is, redacted of course:
Hello, my name is xxxxx. I am a registered nurse in the PACU at xxxxx.
Thank you for taking time to read my attestation for declining the Sars Co-V 2 (covid 19) gene therapy inoculation as a condition of my employment. I am respectfully asking for a religious exemption.
I was raised in a very strict Southern Baptist home. This included church on Sundays (twice) and on Wednesday evenings as I was growing up. Also many youth group activities and tent revivals during the summer. I have been a member of these Baptist churches during my life: Second Baptist Church, xxxxxxx; First Baptist Church of xxxxxxx, and the very small country Baptist Church my parents helped found and build - xxxxxxxxxxx.
I call on the full Armour of God as I write this, to protect me from the spiritual warfare I believe is currently happening in our world. (Ephesians 6:11): "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes”.
I also believe that the Lord God, through his son Jesus Christ is leading my decision to decline this inoculation. (Proverbs 3:5-6): “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
I am a sinner, but God has provided a path for salvation. (John 3:16): “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal light". I believe in Jesus Christ as my salvation, and have been baptized in his name.
I have several reasons for declining the experimental gene therapy offered, I will list them here.
* 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
* “you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies”. (6:20)
* “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Sprit, who is in you, whom you have received from God: You are not your own.” (6:19)
* 1 Thesoalonians 5
* 1”Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write you, 2for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”
* 13 Revelations 5-10
* 5The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two moths.
* 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.
* 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.
* 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast - all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
*9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.
*10 If anyone is to go into captivity into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.
*14 Because of the sigs it was give power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image In honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived
*15 The seed beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
*17 so that they could not buyer sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
*18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
Question here - what is the patent number on the “vaccine” ?
I have a sincerely held belief that the cover-19 experimental gene therapy is the mark of the beast. It would go against my deeply held religious beliefs to take this inoculation. I truly believe we are in the end times and that this requirement for me to get this specific inoculation is the Mark of the Beast, because with vaccine “passports” being implemented all around the world, without it I won’t be able to buy or sell, let alone move freely around the world; country; local area.
I have faith in my convictions. I trust and pray that Jesus Christ returns soon to take his believers with him to be in the everlasting glory of our most precious Lord God, creator of the earth and heavens, whose presence I want to be in in all eternity. If I subject my body, against my conscious being directed by my Savior Jesus Christ in heaven, I will not be called on high nor taken back with him when he returns.
NANO TECH IN VAX CONFIRMED BY MODERNA PATENTS Anonymous (ID: F1dtbCru) 05/31/23(Wed)15:04:32 No.428984328 Archived
Authors of 'Died suddenly' documentary have a new documentary released TODAY-PREMIERE:
I truly was led by our Lord to write this. I perhaps should have shared for others to use, but it wouldn’t have been as personal.
I did write some copy paste n a note pad while searching one day. The composed verses in a different dark -what ever you call weird scripting - where from those thoughts copied and then pasted into my attestation.
Luckily, my copy paste from
my original format worked for the “system”?! 👍
While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly.
This is one of those verses I wouldn’t have understood 5 years ago. After all, aren’t peace and safety virtues? Yes… but they can also be the hollow words and tools of oppression by people seeking to enslave and control others under the guise of peace and safety. Whether we’re in the times prophesied in the Bible or not, I am relatively confident that this is the kind of horseshit that will be punished harshly when that day comes.
Peace and safety - that is where we are wanting in our world. I don’t like the thought of war, and land taking…but here we are, in the 21st century, taking land yet again. By globalists who want peace and all…in the name of “climate change”.
Similar to the Monsanto bullshit where their genetic plant materials are on your property from the wind and all your base (pairs) are belong to them now...So you cucked and got the jabby jab, now your God given DNA got chucked in the trash, while Satan's scaly pecker genes transcribed his name all over your base pairs. (through transcription of all that sweet luciferase jizz) Oh, and you've got cancer, heart problems and AIDS now. I think that sums it up.
And why, imo, this worldwide “vax” was pushed (in addition to all the other effects to harm us). Why wouldn’t the DS satanists put this in the “vax.” They want to take as many of us to hell as they can.
God didn’t say how exactly “the love of many will go cold” or how many will fall away from their faith or how apostasy happens. Just that it does.
I have read theory DNA is like an antenna of sorts or parts of that can be activated or interact with EM waves.
If they were able to disable part of DNA that tunes to God frequency then …
This makes total sense to me... When I was a teenager and on the "vaccine schedule" prescribed by "healthcare professionals", I was an arrogant atheist. I derived pleasure from being blasphemous. Haven't been vaccinated since 2014 and I had become gradually more spiritual until a few years ago, and now I'm a full blown God Fearing Christian. Crazy!
God gene my ass. Everyone has free will to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It was not predetermined on a level we can understand. God knows all who would come to Him because He is outside of time. Advantaging some over others by giving them a specific gene goes against His attributes. He is just. As with all of His attributes He is 100% just. He could not preselect those who He gave free will to make the choice of salvation. This God gene theory is BS. 100% BS. The falling away, debased minds that choose not truth but propaganda, is made up of those who have chosen not to accept Jesus as their King. They are lost and don’t have the protection of the Holy Spirit therefor cannot discern truth from deception.
The vaxx, while possibly changing your DNA, cannot limit one from God’s presence. At least not yet. I believe this vaxx was just the first step in a long line of modification that will eventually separate one from God but the separation will manifest as a clear choice of loyalty. An exercise in your free will to choose an imposter, anti-Christ, over Jesus Christ.
Just as free will plays an essential part of your sin and salvation so does your DNA. Just as in the times of Noah, not only men’s hearts but there DNA will also be corrupted. Just as the corrupt angels tainted the gene pool by “knowing” human women and creating the Nephilim (not human) so will the end of the road vaccine. There will come a time when acceptance of a vaccine comes with a pledge of loyalty to a god. I believe that will be the end of the road at which point your decision to accept that vaccine will separate you from the one and only living God. It will coincide with your acceptance of the mark of the beast. It will amount to you choosing the world over Jesus Christ.
God became man to redeem man. Just as Boaz redeemed Ruth through his family connection. The allegory of a kinship redeemer. Jesus redeems us through our human kinship to Him. This is my point. Jesus died to redeem humans. If you are not human you will not be redeemed. How many vaccines until you cross into the Transhumanism category will I believe, be known when it is accompanied by a choice of participating in the world’s beast system or choosing to trust Jesus. We have not seen a fully developed and functional beast system as of yet. The mandates were not absolute and could be escaped. That will not be so in the future. In the future it won’t be your job or a vaccine. It will be an all knowing system that will not allow you even one economical transaction without pledging loyalty to the beast over Jesus.
Personally, I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture so I don’t even plan on being around for that decision as I am already saved and abiding until Jesus calls me up. You think you’re watching a movie right now? The real movie starts when I’m in the clouds with Jesus watching the world truly fall apart without the Holy Spirit. The following Him back down to earth for victory. Following for sure because all in front of Him in His sight will be reduced to ash. Hallelujah! All glory to God!
Rapture is but one of the many mysteries that were revealed to Paul directly from Jesus Christ. I’m not here to debate about it. Believe what you want.
Each word represents an idea, so people with large vocabularies can be thought of as having more ideas. Someone without an inner monologue doesn’t think in words, and makes decisions based on emotional impressions.
Ascension is a term that means the rising of the collective consciousness of humanity to a new level. Many terms are used for this that you may see. The Shift, The Event, The Reveal, New Earth, 5D Earth. Religious people may call it The Rapture. We can't quite understand the ramifications of it now, but it would include healing of our bodies, longer lifespans, complete disclosure of all hidden knowledge, new energy sources, contact with off world groups, humanity becoming a galactic civilization. Humanity abandons the current 3D Earth program of duality (good vs evil, separation and division) and understands that we are all souls from the same one Source (God) and connected as one (This is Where We Go One Where We Go All comes from).
This activation stems in large part from dormant strands of our DNA coming online, so to speak. The ways our DNA has been messed with by the powers that be is up for speculation I guess, but I'd imagine vaccines and toxins in our food and air are only two of the many ways it's done. Keep your DNA private. Don't do 23 and me or any of that crap. Who knows what they can (and have) done with it.
Yes I’m familiar. But isn’t the great harvest to take place 3 times before this shift fully happens? Old earth is no more. Only the shifting from old to new remains.
Agree with everything you present LW15. The awareness of something happening in my physical body, guided by my etheric or spiritual body has been present for over a decade.
A great regret of mine was doing 23&Me - there were unknowns with both of my birthparents and that need to connect got the better of me. I did it before the links were made between China, Susan and Anne Wojcicki. Unfortunately, I had forgotten what I knew - connections don't come from genetics necessarily, they are made and fostered through everyday connections and effort.
I’ll have to look into this. One of the biggest questions I have had nag my faith in Jesus Christ was the development of what seems completely different cultures with different religious texts. Although accordingly In Christianity, God scattered the people to the four corners of the earth (can’t find the specific verse right now) after the fall of Babylon. If so, then how did they learn to recreate their understanding of God and his teachings if they had a new language? And if John 3:16 is true, how come this concept wasn’t continued in a different language, and how do you account for them not doing so?
Seriously it’s fascinating! We have multiple faiths and mythologies dating back thousands of years and from wildly different cultures that all talk about this particular time, about a dark age, a coming golden age for humanity, and how this all comes and goes in cycles that span many thousands of years. Once you connect the dots and see the patterns, it’s hard NOT to see a greater cosmic plan in motion. Far greater than our current understandings of religions and faith.
Hmm. Makes me wonder if this is why they pushed for people to “shelter in place” and limit outside exposure to direct sunlight. In ancient occult practice it is accepted that the sun light exposure modifies DNA and for the purpose of soul evolution towards the path of light. I know when I had the coof I went outside and made sure to get sunlight on my skin, shirtless with just shorts to get it all on me. For 10-15 minutes a day.
I've noticed if I lay out in the sun when I'm sick (even if just for 15 minutes but I aim for 30) that I tend to recover significantly faster than if I just stay inside all day.
This^, even our blood type was manipulated… antigen = virus
The number and shape of antigens give you blood type…
The life is in the blood has new meaning when you understand this parasitic invasion of even our blood cells.
If you are bound by lock and chains, what good is the key to unlock the chains if you do not know how to use The Key.
John 14:12 Jesus said " Truly, truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me, will also do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father "
We are being told that we are more powerful than we realize.
Current research seemingly indicates DNA can store vast amounts of data. So There’s the idea, first popularized in mainstream thought by the Assassins creed Franchise, that the memories of past genetic ancestors are encoded in your DNA.
There’s the idea that the so called “Junk DNA” isn’t actually Junk. But various dormant traits, abilities, and skills that was locked at some point in the distant past for unknown reasons. There’s several ideas on who did it. Ranging from God, Aliens to ancient human ancestors. Exact beliefs vary.
Another Sci-Fi esc theory is that human DNA is unique in the fact that it’s still fairly stable. And most of the Alien species in our immediate corner of the Galaxy. Have, for an assortment of usually self-inflicted reasons, degrading DNA Patterns. And they hope to use our DNA to stabilize and rebuild their own.
3B. From there it’s the rather classic story for these sorts of theories. The Aliens divided into factions. Group A. Ultimately wants a mutually beneficial positive relationship and wants to minimize the risks and impact on human lives, Development etc. Group B. Essentially is the stereotypical Evil Scientists. And works with various Elite Puppet groups to achieve their goals regardless of the costs in human life.
There’s actually so many theories and ideas about DNA. Quite a few interesting topics and theories to explore.
The idea of DNA as a durable data storage device is interesting. You can encode digital data as 0/1 purine/pyrimidine (or other schemes). And it's tiny, easily compacted, and can store unbelievably large quantities of data in a small space. The major drawbacks are the fragility of the molecule itself, and the difficulty with read/write functions. I've seen people talk about deep freezing huge archives of data on DNA, but practically, I think the closest we've seen is the Seed Bank which stores genetic samples of species from all over the world in an effort to protect against extinction.
Junk DNA is a terrible term. Worse is the sci-fi around what it actually is. DNA is a chemical, first and foremost, and it is governed by the rules of biochemistry. It gets copied, cut/pasted, inserted, swapped (cross-over) all fairly routinely. Sexual reproduction is based on this. Viruses frequently insert themselves as well. So, we get copies of genes, sometimes copies of whole chromosomes. We get genes that exist, but mutation renders them non-function. We get viral "fossils." We get mutations from all sorts of stuff in the environment. And if it doesn't kill the critter and the cells makes copies, all of that information gets copied and forwarded to the next generation, on and on, even as new species evolve.
Humans carry several prominent genetic fossils. One is the remnant of a virus that occurred for something like 15 million years and infected just about every mammal species on the planet. We all have that one. We also have a non-functional pathway to make Vitamin C. Over 10 million years ago, our monkey ancestors could make it, but because they were eating fruit, a mutation that broke that enzyme didn't kill off the ancestor. They lived, reproduced, and passed on that mutation as they evolved down to us. Our ancestors used to be able to break down uric acid too. We lost the ability and now get gout if we eat too much, but we still have the fossil of the non-functional pathway. I haven't even touched on the epigentic stuff, but this isn't "junk."
But as you say, there's a ton of potential with this stuff and it is fun to think about and explore some ideas, even if it's just through good sci-fi.
Wow I didn’t know the eating fruit vitamin C parallel to Eve eating the apple, thanks for this post. We were fine making our own vitamin c perhaps not getting sick at all, then introduce sugary fruit and we get a whole shit ton of other problems
When scientists and labs create new organisms, they sign their name on them chemically.The name of God is on your DNA. But not for much longer. All the devil ever wanted to do was destroy God's creation and people are lining up for it.
It may not mean anything. The New-Q posts could be fake. Q indicated that 8 kun was compromised before he stopped posting, and new-Q never established his identity.
For a while i believed they were fake, and the trip code is still invalid. 8kun changed the salt, therefore if the same password was used, the trip code should be different. Someone on the inside that knows 8kuns salt can bruteforce to combine the salt with a random password that creates Q's identical tripcode. But i changed my mind because:
New Q posted "Endless lies, Endless etc...." then a while later (maybe a couple weeks, don't know) Trump retruthed an "Endless" meme.
New Q did Covfefe comms which were only recently discovered by the Q community, published in 2023. New Q posted about the federal reserve on 11/11 which perfectly matches the Covfefe decode. If this is an 8kun admin trolling, they wouldn't've known this.
Q wouldn't allow someone to screw around like this with some of the most important messages in history. They can arrest top puppet masters in Saudi Arabia but they can't stop an internet troll hijacking the Q board? There was that B-Anon post a while back that logged into the Q board, but didn't have Q's tripcode and was deleted within the day. New Q's messages have been there for a year now. No way the Q team would allow that to happen.
My opinion, it's a backchannel on top of a backchannel. The truth is so disturbing, even Q is giving us anons plausible deniability to not believe the new Q posts if we don't want to. The DNA stuff sounds cool until we realize the cabal has been playing God and been manipulating us into livestock for millennia or even millions of years. Remember in the Trump deposition video where he said "If you look at the last million years, celebrities have been behaving like that that...."
This DNA stuff at first sounds unbelievable to most people. Combine that with Q confirming Aliens are real, and the cabal has done successful depopulation events in the past, and we're getting close to the tip of the iceberg that is "The truth would put 99% in the hospital."
My personal take is that they did the jabs to try and keep humans from evolving spiritually by controlling their bodies using DNA modification. But it could also mean the opposite, but that is less likely.
apparently Ascension is the largest private hospital network in thr USA and they had a secret program with Google to give them the DNA of the people who went to an Ascension hospital, or that was a theory proposed
We are of GOD
Adam took the Apple
JESUS died for Our Sin
The WORD is with GOD
Do not change Your DNA
(rest as written)
Anything Q posts is up to subjective interpretation. Since the content is cryptic and Q utilizes words and symbols with multiple meanings, you will always have multiple interpretations. None may be correct. One, or several may be correct. The author isn't clarifying.
DNA is identity. It's your biological identity that's half your mom and half your dad plus whatever mutations you picked up when the DNA was copied and chromosomes crossed over. We think about this in terms of trans people and their desire to change their identity, but who are not able to because their DNA precludes that.
There are things that can change your DNA. Biochemists recognize that the molecule is ultimately rather fragile. Anyone who's ever studied paleontology knows that natural forces rapidly break it down so we lose the genetic identity of dead creatures unless we get really lucky and find some preserved, protected in things like hard bone or teeth, or preserved by extraordinary circumstance like rapid burial in ice (like the ice man and the ice mammoth specimens). Many chemicals cause DNA change (carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, etc). Sunlight and similar EM radiation causes it, etc. Your body's cells have robust DNA repair mechanisms that counteract these forces at normal levels of exposure. Some species are more resilient than we are.
When DNA does mutate and the DNA can't be repaired, sometimes it's meaningless. But, hit the right cellular pathways that control growth: your stop signals and your grow signals, we call that cancer.
DNA sequences can be patented. Nearly every DNA sequence on the planet is patented by the researchers who sequenced it. It took money to make that information product, so the law protects it as intellectual property, and "creative" biomedical companies' lawyers have tried to lay claim to all sorts of things, including their customers' genetic sequences. Given that DNA is your identity, AND we can fully sequence a human being (all ~3 billion bp) in an afternoon for under $1,000, and we can get a "fingerprint" of key markers a lot faster than that, there is discussion about using DNA as a unique biometric ID to support any number of security concerns, most notably a police state.
Ascension hints at transhumanism. Anyone who's ever seen Gattaca knows this debate. We can customize DNA. Currently, we have only a crude understanding of how that DNA leads to us. That's a good thing, because there are people who want to make designer humans. Who want to "play God" in the sense of creating their own life in their own desired image. It's an inherently risky thing to do, but people do wish to change themselves from what they are into something else that they wish they could be. DNA is seen as the pathway to do that.
So, when Q says "protect your DNA", he could be referring to your biological identity, you biological blueprint that makes you who you are, to protecting your health from cancer, or to protecting your biometrics from the encroaching surveillance state, or simply to embrace who you are as God/Nature made you. Those are my multiple interpretations.
As with all things Q, do your own thinking, and support it with your own research, evidence, and logical reasoning.
In the last great epoch of mankind, before the great flood of Noah, a period during the Ice Age, known as the Antediluvian World, we were a very enlightened species with a global society, one who build the pyramids across the globe, which channeled and used free energy from the electromagnetic fields generated by the Earth that protects us from cosmic radiation. They weren’t technologically advanced like us, but their spiritual presence was unlike anything we have today, so they had no need for mass produced consumer junk like we have today.
A meteorite struck the northern ice shelf, and rapidly flooded the earth to its current levels and washed it all away, and along with it our knowledge of that deep spiritual powers within our DNA. Something that the elites know and want the rest of us kept from ever rediscovering.
If mankind will be destroyed by fire next time, that could be 5G or something similar, where they flip a switch and the graphene starts a combustible reaction.
There have been anecdotes regarding spontaneous combustion of human beings. No one knows how it happens.
Were those tests of some kind of device?
Graphene can withstand high temperatures. Could the villains spontaneously combust people, turn them to ash, by sending instructions to those with some form of graphene implant or circuitry?
If so, I could see how humanity could be destroyed and people would see it as the Rapture. One school of thought holds that people who are no longer there could refer to the bad guys.
Then again, it could be that our vibrations rise to the point that we no longer see or interact with the bad guys.
Or both.
A lot of things exist outside our sensory receptors.
Stories of spontaneous combustion have all come from the pre digital age. In all cases the subject was alone when it happened, and most if not all victims where smokers. One notable case for me was a woman alone in her home who had seemingly was passed out in her chair when lit cigarette caught her on fire and was quickly engulfed.
If spontaneous combustion was a real freak phenomenon, somebody would’ve caught it on camera in the modern day, yet that still hasn’t happened.
We are born with the light of Christ, to know good from evil. We are hard-wired to seek justice, to crave honesty, to live in freedom. It is all a part of the free agency (liberty) that God gives to all, the freedom to choose good or evil. He doesn't prevent people from doing evil because he does not interfere with free choice, however we are not free from consequences that arise in this life and in the next.
Tissue Plasminogen Activator. It's helps break down clots, so perhaps a cure for the vax or to fix our DNA or something. I had health problems after the vax so i tried to see if you can buy some but it's like $20,000 and you have to be a Doctor :(
God’s Temple
the phrase comes from the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, as he asks, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies”
Remember we had reports about how the bio-labs in Ukraine were scientifically engineering viruses & the supposedly protective vaccines? That these methods were targeting certain ethnic groups in/along the Ukraine/Russian border? Yeah, it could happen anywhere in the world. These bio-labs funded by tax-payer dollars for what was once a noble purpose for the betterment of mankind are now nefarious in their agenda(s). Protect your DNA
I always wondered if the "born again" experience can be demonstrably shown in our dna upon regeneration...and if so, does evil in high places seeks to destroy it.
We have no real idea what this truly means. However the implications are clear. Someone has messed with our DNA in such a way to repress mankind. How do you protect your DNA? This is vague as well. Avoid vaccines? Have children? Dont do genetic testing? Probably all of these are good ideas.
My take on this was to get the millennials and boomers to stop sending their DNA to China via 23&me and other similar scams.
Why make it easy to catalog all of us by sending them an envelope saying HERE IS MY DNA? At least make them work for it.
There are efforts underway to make bioweapons that can be tailored to a race/gender/specific person/any other marker that can effect the targets but theoretically noone else. Think China poisoning a reservoir with something that only effects whites or blacks. Or for a more restricted version a dictator could know someone they want to kill is in a city but can't locate them so they could use a poison tailored to that specific person, add it to the water (or worse yet, air), and wait for that person to die.
I think protecting your DNA simply meant don't be stupid and ship it off to China so you can see what percentage Irish you are.
Protect it as in don’t discard your trash anywhere. A straw you use to sip a drink has your DNA. A cigarette butt has your DNA. Your sweat in a tissue has your DNA. The can of beer has your DNA. Your nail clippings your hair cuts all of that has your DNA. We need to discard it properly. I believe that’s the meaning behind the message.
Yes this is likely. I remember the DOD presentation about vaccines to kill the God gene that makes humans spiritual.
THIS!!! This exactly what I wrote in my exemption letter to my employer.
Here it is, redacted of course:
Hello, my name is xxxxx. I am a registered nurse in the PACU at xxxxx.
Thank you for taking time to read my attestation for declining the Sars Co-V 2 (covid 19) gene therapy inoculation as a condition of my employment. I am respectfully asking for a religious exemption.
I was raised in a very strict Southern Baptist home. This included church on Sundays (twice) and on Wednesday evenings as I was growing up. Also many youth group activities and tent revivals during the summer. I have been a member of these Baptist churches during my life: Second Baptist Church, xxxxxxx; First Baptist Church of xxxxxxx, and the very small country Baptist Church my parents helped found and build - xxxxxxxxxxx.
I call on the full Armour of God as I write this, to protect me from the spiritual warfare I believe is currently happening in our world. (Ephesians 6:11): "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes”.
I also believe that the Lord God, through his son Jesus Christ is leading my decision to decline this inoculation. (Proverbs 3:5-6): “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
I am a sinner, but God has provided a path for salvation. (John 3:16): “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal light". I believe in Jesus Christ as my salvation, and have been baptized in his name.
I have several reasons for declining the experimental gene therapy offered, I will list them here.
Question here - what is the patent number on the “vaccine” ?
I have a sincerely held belief that the cover-19 experimental gene therapy is the mark of the beast. It would go against my deeply held religious beliefs to take this inoculation. I truly believe we are in the end times and that this requirement for me to get this specific inoculation is the Mark of the Beast, because with vaccine “passports” being implemented all around the world, without it I won’t be able to buy or sell, let alone move freely around the world; country; local area.
I have faith in my convictions. I trust and pray that Jesus Christ returns soon to take his believers with him to be in the everlasting glory of our most precious Lord God, creator of the earth and heavens, whose presence I want to be in in all eternity. If I subject my body, against my conscious being directed by my Savior Jesus Christ in heaven, I will not be called on high nor taken back with him when he returns.
This has some good info -- mixed in with the junk.
NANO TECH IN VAX CONFIRMED BY MODERNA PATENTS Anonymous (ID: F1dtbCru) 05/31/23(Wed)15:04:32 No.428984328 Archived Authors of 'Died suddenly' documentary have a new documentary released TODAY-PREMIERE:
Sorry, the patent number isn't in there -- but I think it's 60606 -- something like that.
But there is other good stuff.
Yes, I remember that is it. Enough for me to know this is all going down as planned!
I remember it was something like 60666
060606 if iirc
❤️ Nicely done.
I truly was led by our Lord to write this. I perhaps should have shared for others to use, but it wouldn’t have been as personal.
I did write some copy paste n a note pad while searching one day. The composed verses in a different dark -what ever you call weird scripting - where from those thoughts copied and then pasted into my attestation.
Luckily, my copy paste from my original format worked for the “system”?! 👍
This is one of those verses I wouldn’t have understood 5 years ago. After all, aren’t peace and safety virtues? Yes… but they can also be the hollow words and tools of oppression by people seeking to enslave and control others under the guise of peace and safety. Whether we’re in the times prophesied in the Bible or not, I am relatively confident that this is the kind of horseshit that will be punished harshly when that day comes.
Peace and safety - that is where we are wanting in our world. I don’t like the thought of war, and land taking…but here we are, in the 21st century, taking land yet again. By globalists who want peace and all…in the name of “climate change”.
Here is a thought provoking vid posted by Stew Peters about how tech is demonic.
Similar to the Monsanto bullshit where their genetic plant materials are on your property from the wind and all your base (pairs) are belong to them now...So you cucked and got the jabby jab, now your God given DNA got chucked in the trash, while Satan's scaly pecker genes transcribed his name all over your base pairs. (through transcription of all that sweet luciferase jizz) Oh, and you've got cancer, heart problems and AIDS now. I think that sums it up.
Someone set us up the bomb.
And why, imo, this worldwide “vax” was pushed (in addition to all the other effects to harm us). Why wouldn’t the DS satanists put this in the “vax.” They want to take as many of us to hell as they can.
God didn’t say how exactly “the love of many will go cold” or how many will fall away from their faith or how apostasy happens. Just that it does. (Pentagon God gene vax video)
Found this video archived and title says that was Bill Gates briefing those people.
AstraZeneca cvd-19 trials halted after 2nd volunteer in the trial says -
start at 4:40 mark (video has the same video as you posted but the guy added the news about the volunteer "Develops Neurological Problems".
So far I haven't found the actual article for this, but there are a few videos out there talking about this.
Saving to look at later.
This is not Bill Gates. It's Dean Hamer.
James Corbett, of Corbett Report, did a video on this.
Here's a high quality version of the DOD video and you can see that it is not Bill Gates.
There will be great "sifting" events.
I have read theory DNA is like an antenna of sorts or parts of that can be activated or interact with EM waves. If they were able to disable part of DNA that tunes to God frequency then …
This makes total sense to me... When I was a teenager and on the "vaccine schedule" prescribed by "healthcare professionals", I was an arrogant atheist. I derived pleasure from being blasphemous. Haven't been vaccinated since 2014 and I had become gradually more spiritual until a few years ago, and now I'm a full blown God Fearing Christian. Crazy!
God gene my ass. Everyone has free will to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It was not predetermined on a level we can understand. God knows all who would come to Him because He is outside of time. Advantaging some over others by giving them a specific gene goes against His attributes. He is just. As with all of His attributes He is 100% just. He could not preselect those who He gave free will to make the choice of salvation. This God gene theory is BS. 100% BS. The falling away, debased minds that choose not truth but propaganda, is made up of those who have chosen not to accept Jesus as their King. They are lost and don’t have the protection of the Holy Spirit therefor cannot discern truth from deception.
The vaxx, while possibly changing your DNA, cannot limit one from God’s presence. At least not yet. I believe this vaxx was just the first step in a long line of modification that will eventually separate one from God but the separation will manifest as a clear choice of loyalty. An exercise in your free will to choose an imposter, anti-Christ, over Jesus Christ.
Just as free will plays an essential part of your sin and salvation so does your DNA. Just as in the times of Noah, not only men’s hearts but there DNA will also be corrupted. Just as the corrupt angels tainted the gene pool by “knowing” human women and creating the Nephilim (not human) so will the end of the road vaccine. There will come a time when acceptance of a vaccine comes with a pledge of loyalty to a god. I believe that will be the end of the road at which point your decision to accept that vaccine will separate you from the one and only living God. It will coincide with your acceptance of the mark of the beast. It will amount to you choosing the world over Jesus Christ.
God became man to redeem man. Just as Boaz redeemed Ruth through his family connection. The allegory of a kinship redeemer. Jesus redeems us through our human kinship to Him. This is my point. Jesus died to redeem humans. If you are not human you will not be redeemed. How many vaccines until you cross into the Transhumanism category will I believe, be known when it is accompanied by a choice of participating in the world’s beast system or choosing to trust Jesus. We have not seen a fully developed and functional beast system as of yet. The mandates were not absolute and could be escaped. That will not be so in the future. In the future it won’t be your job or a vaccine. It will be an all knowing system that will not allow you even one economical transaction without pledging loyalty to the beast over Jesus.
Personally, I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture so I don’t even plan on being around for that decision as I am already saved and abiding until Jesus calls me up. You think you’re watching a movie right now? The real movie starts when I’m in the clouds with Jesus watching the world truly fall apart without the Holy Spirit. The following Him back down to earth for victory. Following for sure because all in front of Him in His sight will be reduced to ash. Hallelujah! All glory to God!
Rapture is but one of the many mysteries that were revealed to Paul directly from Jesus Christ. I’m not here to debate about it. Believe what you want.
Yes, in I think 2004 or 2006 this was presented.
^^^ THIS ^^^
☝️ Yep 👆💥💥
Big pharma pills try to cover over the "inner voice"...
Doesn't that mean they are present and "in the now" ? Which people who meditate try to achieve.
Each word represents an idea, so people with large vocabularies can be thought of as having more ideas. Someone without an inner monologue doesn’t think in words, and makes decisions based on emotional impressions.
Ascension is a term that means the rising of the collective consciousness of humanity to a new level. Many terms are used for this that you may see. The Shift, The Event, The Reveal, New Earth, 5D Earth. Religious people may call it The Rapture. We can't quite understand the ramifications of it now, but it would include healing of our bodies, longer lifespans, complete disclosure of all hidden knowledge, new energy sources, contact with off world groups, humanity becoming a galactic civilization. Humanity abandons the current 3D Earth program of duality (good vs evil, separation and division) and understands that we are all souls from the same one Source (God) and connected as one (This is Where We Go One Where We Go All comes from).
This activation stems in large part from dormant strands of our DNA coming online, so to speak. The ways our DNA has been messed with by the powers that be is up for speculation I guess, but I'd imagine vaccines and toxins in our food and air are only two of the many ways it's done. Keep your DNA private. Don't do 23 and me or any of that crap. Who knows what they can (and have) done with it.
Extremely succinct and on-point. Well done Lightworker.
There is a reason so many of us are here on this planet at this specific time in history.
Yes I’m familiar. But isn’t the great harvest to take place 3 times before this shift fully happens? Old earth is no more. Only the shifting from old to new remains.
Agree with everything you present LW15. The awareness of something happening in my physical body, guided by my etheric or spiritual body has been present for over a decade. A great regret of mine was doing 23&Me - there were unknowns with both of my birthparents and that need to connect got the better of me. I did it before the links were made between China, Susan and Anne Wojcicki. Unfortunately, I had forgotten what I knew - connections don't come from genetics necessarily, they are made and fostered through everyday connections and effort.
This all ties in nicely to the new Age of Aquarius, the Great Awakening, and the end of the Kali Yuga in Hindu mythology.
We live in exciting times!
I’ll have to look into this. One of the biggest questions I have had nag my faith in Jesus Christ was the development of what seems completely different cultures with different religious texts. Although accordingly In Christianity, God scattered the people to the four corners of the earth (can’t find the specific verse right now) after the fall of Babylon. If so, then how did they learn to recreate their understanding of God and his teachings if they had a new language? And if John 3:16 is true, how come this concept wasn’t continued in a different language, and how do you account for them not doing so?
Seriously it’s fascinating! We have multiple faiths and mythologies dating back thousands of years and from wildly different cultures that all talk about this particular time, about a dark age, a coming golden age for humanity, and how this all comes and goes in cycles that span many thousands of years. Once you connect the dots and see the patterns, it’s hard NOT to see a greater cosmic plan in motion. Far greater than our current understandings of religions and faith.
Some say christ also visited the americas during those times he disappeared and no one knew where he was.
They have your DNA if you have been to any medical practice...
The rabbit hole is deep.
Someone could have intentionally gene edited the global population via any virus, not just covid. It doesn't even take a vacccine...Scary stuff.
Hmm. Makes me wonder if this is why they pushed for people to “shelter in place” and limit outside exposure to direct sunlight. In ancient occult practice it is accepted that the sun light exposure modifies DNA and for the purpose of soul evolution towards the path of light. I know when I had the coof I went outside and made sure to get sunlight on my skin, shirtless with just shorts to get it all on me. For 10-15 minutes a day.
I've noticed if I lay out in the sun when I'm sick (even if just for 15 minutes but I aim for 30) that I tend to recover significantly faster than if I just stay inside all day.
This^, even our blood type was manipulated… antigen = virus The number and shape of antigens give you blood type… The life is in the blood has new meaning when you understand this parasitic invasion of even our blood cells.
If you are bound by lock and chains, what good is the key to unlock the chains if you do not know how to use The Key.
John 14:12 Jesus said " Truly, truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me, will also do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father "
We are being told that we are more powerful than we realize.
Indeed. The master key unlocks all doors, and all great wisdom is recognized by he who holds the master key.
There’s quite a few theories surrounding DNA.
Here’s some I can think off just off hand.
Current research seemingly indicates DNA can store vast amounts of data. So There’s the idea, first popularized in mainstream thought by the Assassins creed Franchise, that the memories of past genetic ancestors are encoded in your DNA.
There’s the idea that the so called “Junk DNA” isn’t actually Junk. But various dormant traits, abilities, and skills that was locked at some point in the distant past for unknown reasons. There’s several ideas on who did it. Ranging from God, Aliens to ancient human ancestors. Exact beliefs vary.
Another Sci-Fi esc theory is that human DNA is unique in the fact that it’s still fairly stable. And most of the Alien species in our immediate corner of the Galaxy. Have, for an assortment of usually self-inflicted reasons, degrading DNA Patterns. And they hope to use our DNA to stabilize and rebuild their own.
3B. From there it’s the rather classic story for these sorts of theories. The Aliens divided into factions. Group A. Ultimately wants a mutually beneficial positive relationship and wants to minimize the risks and impact on human lives, Development etc. Group B. Essentially is the stereotypical Evil Scientists. And works with various Elite Puppet groups to achieve their goals regardless of the costs in human life.
There’s actually so many theories and ideas about DNA. Quite a few interesting topics and theories to explore.
The idea of DNA as a durable data storage device is interesting. You can encode digital data as 0/1 purine/pyrimidine (or other schemes). And it's tiny, easily compacted, and can store unbelievably large quantities of data in a small space. The major drawbacks are the fragility of the molecule itself, and the difficulty with read/write functions. I've seen people talk about deep freezing huge archives of data on DNA, but practically, I think the closest we've seen is the Seed Bank which stores genetic samples of species from all over the world in an effort to protect against extinction.
Junk DNA is a terrible term. Worse is the sci-fi around what it actually is. DNA is a chemical, first and foremost, and it is governed by the rules of biochemistry. It gets copied, cut/pasted, inserted, swapped (cross-over) all fairly routinely. Sexual reproduction is based on this. Viruses frequently insert themselves as well. So, we get copies of genes, sometimes copies of whole chromosomes. We get genes that exist, but mutation renders them non-function. We get viral "fossils." We get mutations from all sorts of stuff in the environment. And if it doesn't kill the critter and the cells makes copies, all of that information gets copied and forwarded to the next generation, on and on, even as new species evolve.
Humans carry several prominent genetic fossils. One is the remnant of a virus that occurred for something like 15 million years and infected just about every mammal species on the planet. We all have that one. We also have a non-functional pathway to make Vitamin C. Over 10 million years ago, our monkey ancestors could make it, but because they were eating fruit, a mutation that broke that enzyme didn't kill off the ancestor. They lived, reproduced, and passed on that mutation as they evolved down to us. Our ancestors used to be able to break down uric acid too. We lost the ability and now get gout if we eat too much, but we still have the fossil of the non-functional pathway. I haven't even touched on the epigentic stuff, but this isn't "junk."
But as you say, there's a ton of potential with this stuff and it is fun to think about and explore some ideas, even if it's just through good sci-fi.
Wow I didn’t know the eating fruit vitamin C parallel to Eve eating the apple, thanks for this post. We were fine making our own vitamin c perhaps not getting sick at all, then introduce sugary fruit and we get a whole shit ton of other problems
When scientists and labs create new organisms, they sign their name on them chemically.The name of God is on your DNA. But not for much longer. All the devil ever wanted to do was destroy God's creation and people are lining up for it.
I agree Nana45
It may not mean anything. The New-Q posts could be fake. Q indicated that 8 kun was compromised before he stopped posting, and new-Q never established his identity.
For a while i believed they were fake, and the trip code is still invalid. 8kun changed the salt, therefore if the same password was used, the trip code should be different. Someone on the inside that knows 8kuns salt can bruteforce to combine the salt with a random password that creates Q's identical tripcode. But i changed my mind because:
New Q posted "Endless lies, Endless etc...." then a while later (maybe a couple weeks, don't know) Trump retruthed an "Endless" meme.
New Q did Covfefe comms which were only recently discovered by the Q community, published in 2023. New Q posted about the federal reserve on 11/11 which perfectly matches the Covfefe decode. If this is an 8kun admin trolling, they wouldn't've known this.
Q wouldn't allow someone to screw around like this with some of the most important messages in history. They can arrest top puppet masters in Saudi Arabia but they can't stop an internet troll hijacking the Q board? There was that B-Anon post a while back that logged into the Q board, but didn't have Q's tripcode and was deleted within the day. New Q's messages have been there for a year now. No way the Q team would allow that to happen.
My opinion, it's a backchannel on top of a backchannel. The truth is so disturbing, even Q is giving us anons plausible deniability to not believe the new Q posts if we don't want to. The DNA stuff sounds cool until we realize the cabal has been playing God and been manipulating us into livestock for millennia or even millions of years. Remember in the Trump deposition video where he said "If you look at the last million years, celebrities have been behaving like that that...."
This DNA stuff at first sounds unbelievable to most people. Combine that with Q confirming Aliens are real, and the cabal has done successful depopulation events in the past, and we're getting close to the tip of the iceberg that is "The truth would put 99% in the hospital."
My personal take is that they did the jabs to try and keep humans from evolving spiritually by controlling their bodies using DNA modification. But it could also mean the opposite, but that is less likely.
apparently Ascension is the largest private hospital network in thr USA and they had a secret program with Google to give them the DNA of the people who went to an Ascension hospital, or that was a theory proposed
It's also an island off of Africa with a really weird history...
Ascension may be Ascension Island. There is a good post about it here.
Was going to say this. Seems to be a lot there.
23&me is a psyop
Yeah just changed it 😄
Can't help but think of the "enemy sowing tares" that's in the bible.
We are of GOD GOD for ENLIGHTENMENT Adam took the Apple JESUS died for Our Sin JESUS is the WORD The WORD is with GOD THE WORD IS GOD Do not change Your DNA (rest as written) GOD BLESS AMEN
Its symbolism. “Symbolism” is mentioned like 30 times in the Q posts.
I don't even believe this was the real Q.
Anything Q posts is up to subjective interpretation. Since the content is cryptic and Q utilizes words and symbols with multiple meanings, you will always have multiple interpretations. None may be correct. One, or several may be correct. The author isn't clarifying.
DNA is identity. It's your biological identity that's half your mom and half your dad plus whatever mutations you picked up when the DNA was copied and chromosomes crossed over. We think about this in terms of trans people and their desire to change their identity, but who are not able to because their DNA precludes that.
There are things that can change your DNA. Biochemists recognize that the molecule is ultimately rather fragile. Anyone who's ever studied paleontology knows that natural forces rapidly break it down so we lose the genetic identity of dead creatures unless we get really lucky and find some preserved, protected in things like hard bone or teeth, or preserved by extraordinary circumstance like rapid burial in ice (like the ice man and the ice mammoth specimens). Many chemicals cause DNA change (carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, etc). Sunlight and similar EM radiation causes it, etc. Your body's cells have robust DNA repair mechanisms that counteract these forces at normal levels of exposure. Some species are more resilient than we are.
When DNA does mutate and the DNA can't be repaired, sometimes it's meaningless. But, hit the right cellular pathways that control growth: your stop signals and your grow signals, we call that cancer.
DNA sequences can be patented. Nearly every DNA sequence on the planet is patented by the researchers who sequenced it. It took money to make that information product, so the law protects it as intellectual property, and "creative" biomedical companies' lawyers have tried to lay claim to all sorts of things, including their customers' genetic sequences. Given that DNA is your identity, AND we can fully sequence a human being (all ~3 billion bp) in an afternoon for under $1,000, and we can get a "fingerprint" of key markers a lot faster than that, there is discussion about using DNA as a unique biometric ID to support any number of security concerns, most notably a police state.
Ascension hints at transhumanism. Anyone who's ever seen Gattaca knows this debate. We can customize DNA. Currently, we have only a crude understanding of how that DNA leads to us. That's a good thing, because there are people who want to make designer humans. Who want to "play God" in the sense of creating their own life in their own desired image. It's an inherently risky thing to do, but people do wish to change themselves from what they are into something else that they wish they could be. DNA is seen as the pathway to do that.
So, when Q says "protect your DNA", he could be referring to your biological identity, you biological blueprint that makes you who you are, to protecting your health from cancer, or to protecting your biometrics from the encroaching surveillance state, or simply to embrace who you are as God/Nature made you. Those are my multiple interpretations.
As with all things Q, do your own thinking, and support it with your own research, evidence, and logical reasoning.
In the last great epoch of mankind, before the great flood of Noah, a period during the Ice Age, known as the Antediluvian World, we were a very enlightened species with a global society, one who build the pyramids across the globe, which channeled and used free energy from the electromagnetic fields generated by the Earth that protects us from cosmic radiation. They weren’t technologically advanced like us, but their spiritual presence was unlike anything we have today, so they had no need for mass produced consumer junk like we have today.
A meteorite struck the northern ice shelf, and rapidly flooded the earth to its current levels and washed it all away, and along with it our knowledge of that deep spiritual powers within our DNA. Something that the elites know and want the rest of us kept from ever rediscovering.
If mankind will be destroyed by fire next time, that could be 5G or something similar, where they flip a switch and the graphene starts a combustible reaction.
There have been anecdotes regarding spontaneous combustion of human beings. No one knows how it happens.
Were those tests of some kind of device?
Graphene can withstand high temperatures. Could the villains spontaneously combust people, turn them to ash, by sending instructions to those with some form of graphene implant or circuitry?
If so, I could see how humanity could be destroyed and people would see it as the Rapture. One school of thought holds that people who are no longer there could refer to the bad guys.
Then again, it could be that our vibrations rise to the point that we no longer see or interact with the bad guys.
Or both.
A lot of things exist outside our sensory receptors.
Stories of spontaneous combustion have all come from the pre digital age. In all cases the subject was alone when it happened, and most if not all victims where smokers. One notable case for me was a woman alone in her home who had seemingly was passed out in her chair when lit cigarette caught her on fire and was quickly engulfed.
If spontaneous combustion was a real freak phenomenon, somebody would’ve caught it on camera in the modern day, yet that still hasn’t happened.
We are born with the light of Christ, to know good from evil. We are hard-wired to seek justice, to crave honesty, to live in freedom. It is all a part of the free agency (liberty) that God gives to all, the freedom to choose good or evil. He doesn't prevent people from doing evil because he does not interfere with free choice, however we are not free from consequences that arise in this life and in the next.
Just one of the gifts/blessings from the Atonement of the Christ...
The first letter of each line = WWW WIKI TPA = It was posted on GAW but i can't find it.
Tissue Plasminogen Activator. It's helps break down clots, so perhaps a cure for the vax or to fix our DNA or something. I had health problems after the vax so i tried to see if you can buy some but it's like $20,000 and you have to be a Doctor :(
💥B💥Q💥Q💥. Qs LAST DROP 4966 BLOOD CLOTS References WIKI TPA a protein involved in breaking down if CLOTS.⚡Major Arse Bread 🍞 Crumbs ⚡
the book of enoch, leading into the book called the keys of enoch makes me wonder about this.
Are we sure this was really posted by Q? It doesn't seem to read like an average Q post
God’s Temple the phrase comes from the apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, as he asks, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies”
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NIV) and more…
Here's my intuitive take:
DNA is a set of antennae, set up to receive certain vibrations and transform them into physicality.
There is an Ascension Island out in the middle of fucking nowhere between Africa and S America with a Space Force base on it.
Another possible clue.
Is this talking about the DNA added to the vax?
Remember we had reports about how the bio-labs in Ukraine were scientifically engineering viruses & the supposedly protective vaccines? That these methods were targeting certain ethnic groups in/along the Ukraine/Russian border? Yeah, it could happen anywhere in the world. These bio-labs funded by tax-payer dollars for what was once a noble purpose for the betterment of mankind are now nefarious in their agenda(s). Protect your DNA
Is this talking about the DNA added to the vax?
I always wondered if the "born again" experience can be demonstrably shown in our dna upon regeneration...and if so, does evil in high places seeks to destroy it.
We have no real idea what this truly means. However the implications are clear. Someone has messed with our DNA in such a way to repress mankind. How do you protect your DNA? This is vague as well. Avoid vaccines? Have children? Dont do genetic testing? Probably all of these are good ideas.
My take on this was to get the millennials and boomers to stop sending their DNA to China via 23&me and other similar scams.
Why make it easy to catalog all of us by sending them an envelope saying HERE IS MY DNA? At least make them work for it.
There are efforts underway to make bioweapons that can be tailored to a race/gender/specific person/any other marker that can effect the targets but theoretically noone else. Think China poisoning a reservoir with something that only effects whites or blacks. Or for a more restricted version a dictator could know someone they want to kill is in a city but can't locate them so they could use a poison tailored to that specific person, add it to the water (or worse yet, air), and wait for that person to die.
I think protecting your DNA simply meant don't be stupid and ship it off to China so you can see what percentage Irish you are.
Protect it as in don’t discard your trash anywhere. A straw you use to sip a drink has your DNA. A cigarette butt has your DNA. Your sweat in a tissue has your DNA. The can of beer has your DNA. Your nail clippings your hair cuts all of that has your DNA. We need to discard it properly. I believe that’s the meaning behind the message.
That is Q's warning about the COVID-19 vaccine!
It's probably the easiest Q post to understand.
I think Nattokinase activates tPA .
Look up Dr laura sanger