I think it's the human desire to contact God, having communion with our Creator. We don't necessarily have to contact God in a church, through a priest, or a Pope or Pastor... we have that innate ability encoded into our DNA. And the Left and DS would do ANYTHING to separate us from God.
I believe this is inverted. To transcend, you need the low vibrations. Discipline, love, joy, and so forth slow your actions - make you think. Nervousness, lust, hate, fear, etc all impart energy and energy is what is needed to feed those that draw on spiritual energy.
This is why the world is trying to get you to be afraid and nervous. It feeds 'them'.
Negative. The higher the vibration the more love and light. This is confirmed with brain scans of the brain when people are happy or sad. Same with how light waves move. The brighter the light the faster the wave. The slower wave the lower the light intensity.
Can you point me to brain scans showing "the light"? For thousands of years, monks have shown deep meditation to bring them closer to God. Now "brain scans" in the last 30 years claim the opposite is true, which is suspicious.
They tried and succeeded for centuries using religion to make people believe that they couldn't communicate with God unless thru a priest or in church. It's not working anymore and they are getting desperate.
In Comms, one's DNA is their nutrition + education + drugs. Reconcile what it means when Clown scientists publish that they've found a new way to "alter DNA".
Falling into New Age bottomless pits is one of our vulnerabilities as anons. I get it, it's sexy. Decoding Comms is a slog.
I think it's the human desire to contact God, having communion with our Creator.”
I think you’re on the right track.
People can argue about macro evolution and the origin of species, but we mostly all agree on the effects of genetics and breeding, which in a sense are micro evolution. The genetic ability to adapt to changing environments seems like it’s own type of intelligence, as if the gift of DNA was the spark of intelligence.
We can look at the skeletons of monkeys, apes, and humans, and see many similarities. When the Bible says that we were created in the image of God, does that mean that God also has a skeleton similar to that of an ape? That would seem like a silly three or four dimensional speculation on an extra dimensional consciousness like God. I suspect that it’s our DNA that is somehow in the image of God. God put the spark of intelligence into our DNA so that we’d adapt to higher levels of communion with God
David Wilcock just dropped a series of books related to this topic. Been following him since he dropped on the scene in mid-90's. Still not sure what to think- I suffer info-overload sometimes but can't deny David's offerings are as unique as can be found. Dasting to say the least?
I like David and no denying he is extremely insightful and gifted. I want to read his Archangel Michael books. There is something very significant that happens where AM is concerned. We need Warrior Angels. And we've got them, too. Hallelujah!
yes he’s a goofball & quite a few jokes about him in the forums over the years. but there’s definitely a reason for his character in this movie, so good to be familiar with his work; little bits of truth mixed in with distractions
btw, I was using ‘three dimensional’ in the conventional terms of our physical perception: height, length, and width,, with the possible fourth dimension of time. I was not referring to “the Law of One’s” usage of numbered dimensions that refer to degrees of spiritual evolution.
Agreed. Apes’ physical appearance has some similarities to man’s, so the image of God must be something different than physical appearance. Maybe it’s divine intelligence in our DNA?
This drop has always bugged me. A recent post on the vaccines made me ponder if Q is warning about what they are trying to develop.
The fact that they created Covid, and a poison vaccine has always left one conundrum. Unless they had a cure the disease had the potential to eliminate them just as well as the people they want dead.
The only way that isn't true is if the disease and/or the vaccine is targeted to specific groups based on their genetic make up.
So how do you guard your DNA? Does the science exist to target specific groups?
Absolutely. It's terrifying and I stopped examining what we can do with it years ago because of how terrifying it is. What we can do now probably pales in comparison to what I saw at that point.
Last time the bloodline was messed with (fallen angels mating with human women and animals) and all flesh was corrupted God flooded the World to kill it all.
I'm sure all the vaccines we were all forced to take as children repress all sorts of spiritual, emotional and intellectual abilities. I think going forward it will be voluntary and almost frowned upon and generations will be born to perform and live their highest potential.
I had ingrained trauma from my birth (cesarean). For the longest time I always felt like I was going to “get ripped from my bed” and had to sleep with a nightlight and looking towards the door. Even into adulthood I had this feeling even though it had never happened. I read a book called Feelings Buried Alive Never Die and the author described how things from early childhood and even our births can affect us as we get older. As I looked back at my own birth, I realized my feelings were actually valid because I had truly been “ripped” from my first bed. Once I understood that, I instantly had the feeling lifted from my spirit. It was 5-6 years ago that I read that book and I now sleep in total darkness and can have my back to the door. It still trips me out to this day and as I approach my due date with my first child, I’m going to do everything in my power to give her a peaceful birth into this world.
I don't understand why anyone would downvote your comment!!! It is so true. My heart still breaks for my son (he's 25 now), the night I brought him home he cried and cried from the pain. I wish I'd known more then.
I took a biology class in high school that was focused on “”health care”. It involved monthly field trips to the hospital. The first procedure the hospital staff brought me to see was multiple circulations of babies.
Safe to say I dropped that class a week later. Horrific.
I once experimented with binural beats listening while sleeping
from youtube, something simple, put there to open a "3rd eye"
After 3 days to a week.
I succeeded, it is a different world out there, more light, more bright more sense, better. Like I had more senses into me and around me. I cant explain it with words.
Nothing else but music and beats. No opiates nothing.
It lasted for couple of days and I never was able to repeat it. I tried occasionally .
You can repeat it with Buddhist meditation. Mindfulness of breathing meditation. Its called satori. I've done it twice. Most amazing experience of my life. The light of God.
hard to talk about without sounding nuts. alpha brainwaves facilitate synchronicity. alpha brain state is calm, aware, resolved, peaceful, focused.
being 'in the zone' is allowing the grace of God to flow into your reality. or, more accurately speaking, its practicing keeping your awareness 'tuned' to the frequency of your preferred reality.
fine control of that tuning is a prerequisite for a comfortable experience in timelessness. and not just in the afterlife.... timelessness is coming to this lifetime. synchronicity is an indicator of this. time doesn't matter, only timing matters. everything in perfect timing.
as timelessness approaches, everything speeds up. both negative and positive 'spirals' of synchronicity move faster. chin up. not everyone sees the end of the kali yuga. RIP doomers.
gave up sounding sane. now everyone tell me how i'm wrong
Alpha waves are the key to so much. Trying to get Jess Stearn's The Power of Alpha Thinking book, lost my old copy. It changed my life! What an eye opener!
(((they))) are satanic. satan tried to ruin the human blood line with the Nephilim, that would have stopped the birth of Christ if God wouldn't have put an end to that. all blood lines would have been damaged goods. so i don't see them rushing, it's be going on for thousands of years that they never wanted us to exist. but God has other plans.
23 and me... They also would lie 1% unknown DNA if you were white they said 1% black DNA.
The first round of shots was to get everyone in 'lockstep' Rockefeller style. I am certain they needed a few deaths but also needed everyone onboard to get more vaccines. FDA says no further testing is needed, they can now auto target populations as needed.
I think that is a high possibility, but anyone that thinks it doesn't matter because the soul returned where it belongs likely also believes Sandy Hook was real, and probably believes Hitler killed six million. kek
God Gene. If you allow these people to access your DNA and manipulate it, they can dilute your DNA enough and manipulate your whole being to not ever have a chance to be with God in spirit. That permanent separation of God is where they control you with their they/them demon spirits.
The more chemicals, radiation, artificial plastics, and bullshit, etc, you consume and are exposed to, the more your DNA is tainted and the shorter your life is. Cancer has been recently looked at as not necessarily a cluster of mutated DNA growing as much as it is a parasite. The more parasites your DNA allows immunity to, the better off you are.
Whatever happens to you will also be given to your child. Male or female, you have a responsibility as a human being to keep yourself as healthy as you can. When you pass on that bullshit to your child, with the knowledge at your fingertips, you're just as bad as the people sneaking shit in to foods and materials you already know about.
Most importantly, the elements of both life and death are in your DNA. When Adam and Eve ate that fruit, they condemned the human race to death because knowledge without faith guarantees a twisted mind.
So appreciate what you have and the best way to stick it to the man, so to speak, is to unite and raise our frequencies so the demons can't steal our energy for their nefarious uses. Appreciate the life you have, love and cherish others around you, and God's creations. Appreciate yourself and your family, and work to create a better world than you had. Stop letting these demonic entities control your life. And LIVE.
This is the stuff that ties it for me with Q's lines about "you have no idea what's at stake/how big this is" [paraphrasing]
Aluminum, flouride, constant food poisons, entertainment distractions, drugs and alcohol, constant fear, all used to dumb down and dull the spirit and pineal gland. Humans ability to heal themselves, astral travel, deep intuition, psychic abilities.
I'm amazed at how many people seem to believe that some DNA fuckery by a bunch of satanist losers is more powerful than God and His desire for us to have a relationship with Him.
As if He would put in a single thing that Satan can turn off to prevent us from knowing Him.
Worse. Ai programs can communicate via non-local coms to atoms and thus dna. Once they have your unique signature... you can't hide. They can program from anywhere to anywhere.
It is exactly how it works. Repeatable experiments have proven the "comm channel" has been demonstrated and proven. All Atoms exist in an energy field (an atom isn't solid, it is 99.99% energy). That energy is part of a field of energy. That field communicates constantly. The term used in physics is NON-Local communications. Granted we haven't yet seen it. We haven't defined it completely. But we have proven it is there because we can easily measure the results. But the same can be said about "gravity" or even the emotion of "love".
I saw operational code being developed under DARPA programs back in the 1980s that were already communicating directly with the human brain. At the time it was called "The Voice of God" tech. It could implant voices and thoughts directly into the brain remotely.
In the late 1990s we discovered that human emotions communicated directly with any human's DNA. In the 2000s we proved it was "non-local" and proximity of the human feeling the emotions and the location of their DNA didn't matter. Proximity had no effect on the communications occuring. The communications channel was demonstrated to exist.
That tech is now matured. Once a human being's DNA is mapped it provides a unique signature that can be accessed "non-locally" and communicated with. This is understood in the scientific community and is not disputed. It is akin to a spectrometer that identifies all the elements of a sample. Each element has a unique frequency signature the spectrometer identifies. DNA produces a similare signature... only without the need for a close proximity.
The MRNA vaccine introduced graphine oxide into humans which only enhances these technologies. In other words, they can use available frequencies to communicate directly to these "receivers" and graphine oxide, just like DNA, just like the chair you are sitting in is made solely of atoms. All atoms communicate with all other atoms in the entire universe. Sir, we are indeed programmable and AI can indeed find you through your DNA signature and download.
Obviously you are unaware of this. No problem. Most people are unaware. Yet, within the scientific community this is widely understood.
Repeatable experiments have proven the "comm channel" has been demonstrated and proven.
I have studied undergraduate physics for years. "Comm channel" is not a thing. Same with your "non-local communications", that term has nothing to do with physics and is used exclusively by New Age charlatans.
What you're probably thinking of is quantum entanglement, a phenomenon caused by a widespread misunderstanding of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. A misunderstanding that is cleared up by Stochastic Electro Dynamics (SED). See this article:
This is correct, it is called the "Zero Point Energy" (ZPE), and the interaction of particles (electrons, protons, neutrons) with this field is what gives those particles mass.
an atom isn't solid, it is 99.99% energy
An atom taken in isolation isn't in any state of matter at all, solid or otherwise. States of matter specifically describe the energy state of a collection of atoms or molecules. Also, mass and energy are interchangeable, something being described as "99.9% energy" is a functionally meaningless statement.
I saw operational code being developed under DARPA programs back in the 1980s that were already communicating directly with the human brain.
These are called Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI). They require a target to either wear a headset full of electrodes in contact with the scalp, or require the target to have electrodes implanted in the brain via surgery. This is not new, and you can explore this facet of neuroscience yourself with DIY kits. You will rapidly discover that voices and thoughts are impossible to detect or implant in the brain even with electrodes, much less remotely without any equipment. The human brain is far too complex, and thoughts far too non-localized within the brain, to interact with, detect, or influence except by normal verbal communication.
You are right that emotions, especially high amounts of stress, can provoke a response in DNA expression. This is no different than any other physiological response, and has nothing to do with "non-local" communication. Given that your brain is talking to your cell's DNA, it is very much local communication transmitted by molecules and chemical reactions.
Human DNA cannot be accessed "non-locally", your definition of non-local communication has no basis in reality. The only way to modify DNA is to blast it with ionizing radiation, use mRNA tech, or use CRISPR. Useful for inducing diseases and deformities, and not much else. Likewise, you cannot track someone by their DNA unless they leave some of it behind at a given location. DNA is not a homing signal.
Graphene oxide is in the death jabs, but its function has not been demonstrated at all. Back when the graphene oxide hysteria was first picking up steam, I could only find one proof-of-concept patent for how graphene oxide might be used to create a transistor. To say that a communication device can be built from a transistor is like saying you can build an F-150 because you created a single bolt for its engine block when you haven't even built the engine block yet.
To be clear, graphene oxide is dangerous to have in your body. The fact that it is present in the death jabs in unacceptable, but that does not mean it can communicate with things outside of your body. That claim has not been proven in the slightest.
All atoms communicate with all other atoms in the entire universe.
Uh, no. Not even close. Atoms cannot communicate because they are not intelligent. Communication requires an intelligent sender, an intelligent receiver, and an intelligible code or signal.
we are indeed programmable and AI can indeed find you through your DNA signature and download.
Humans are not programmable. We are more than the physical matter that makes up our bodies. We are not just biological machines.
Unless you leave traces of your DNA everywhere you go, you cannot be tracked by your DNA. And the Deep State doesn't need your DNA to track you anyway, you already carry a tracking device with you that actually exists and works.
Download? An AI program can "download" your DNA from your person without a tissue sample? Please, do explain how that works.
Obviously you are unaware of this. No problem. Most people are unaware.
Ah, condescension, the tool of people who knowingly spout nonsense and don't have the evidence to back it up.
Yet, within the scientific community this is widely understood.
The scientific community widely understands that "non-local communication" is a joke.
History of your past lives and all lived experiences from those many lives is stored in your DNA, that "junk DNA" isnt junk, we just don't have access to all of our DNA until we learn how to access it. Drink only water and lots of it, meditate, get close to God, eat only veggi because its grown with light. Access Astral travel, telepathy, remote viewing, healing powers. We are far more powerful than we know or think. You may think this is all nonsense now, but once you start down this path you will have help and will see its 100% real. We are in a very special time where its easier to access this journey. Believe.
Tbh you have to become extremely invested in time and effort and consistent to achieve these states. There is a reason monks dedicate their lives to these practices. Of course there will always be those few that are just gifted and can do it with ease but there are people like that in every aspect of life. When I was more consistent in trying astral projection the nearest I got was a very pronounced involuntary shaking of my whole body and I could feel fluid pulsing up my spine and a tingling all over my body, I was never able to get there fully and got a bit discouraged with the journey.
Yes. I’ve been trying to rid my body of all toxins in order to have a better (or any) connection with the supernatural. Currently working on decalcifying my pineal gland. I’ll keep your journey in mind. Thanks.
There were a lot of takeaways. One that still holds water is protecting your DNA from the harvesting schemes a la Ancestry.
Imagine the creation of a bioweapon that only targets specific markers.
I'd imagine something like that would be a race against time for the white hats to stop / counter before the corn pops (who are bad dudes) complete it.
There is also the talk about removal / deactivation of the "God gene", which is always an interesting topic.
It’s been speculated for years among some circles. That there are latent abilities, traits, and talents present in our DNA that for unknown reasons was shut off in the past. Jury is out on the who precisely. I’ve heard several different ideas. Ancient Humans, Aliens, and the almighty himself being the most prominent ideas.
And various people who for one reason or another have become famous for various things. Like Intelligence. Or Immense size/strength etc. Have had one or more of those latent traits switched back on.
When I first read that Q post I thought it meant not letting them have a sample, but now I know it means no further injections. They can easily get your DNA from throwing away trash, off of cups, etc...
I read here somewhere a post regarding the fact that 50% of us have no inner voice and I wonder if this is connected? Have they decreased the inner voice in humanity? That inner dialog in sane people causes you to step back when angry about something and let time go by so that you calm down and don't do stupid things. Satan has less control of most people's inner voice as God has you reason with yourself.
Read up on the GINA act.
This is why it is so important: the Vax alters your DNA. They are going to be able to tell from a single drop of blood all kinds of things about you - what vaccines you have had, illnesses, diet, etc. It will be used as a method of control. BE AWARE of your rights. READ THINGS.
A Christian is seen by God as Jesus when we accept Jesus.
God sees the DNA of Jesus so naturally man is jealous. We already know satan is there to support man in this endeavor.
How can this be denied? Sure others will say this better than me. When the mob tried to and thought they succeeded to stone Paul those with Paul stood around him and got up.
The mob has always been there throughout history. It is a sad sight to see all those people so entrenched in this mindset. In the future if nonexistence time they will be reminded—this is profoundly sad.
Yet the mob failed with Paul as they will fail with this.
I have always pondered that God is waiting on man to usher in His wrath by creating what has never been done. Cycles of humanity until the end.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Unfortunately any blood draw, any lab can sell your DNA without your knowledge. Is it legal? Since when do businesses, government agencies, hospitals/doctors are if it is legal? If Congress wasn’t so corrupt, they could pass a law declaring it illegal for businesses and the military to demand any shots or medical interventions as a requirement to keep your job.
Wild guess which I can't really support: The human soul is quantum entangled particles and the other entangled particles are God. Suddenly the half dozen times the Bible says "Christ in you" (Colossians 1:27) is very literal.
Could DNA be tied in with memory? I had an intresting conversation with a friend one time and i was telling her about a reocurring dream i have every once in a while. She said its possible that dream is a past memory from an ancestor. Because here its also saying knowledge is power and maybe its possible someone knows the knowledge of a memory they dont realize they always know and a way to protect the knowledge is to keep living and passing on the knowledge quietly considering instinct kicks in when its time to do whats gotta be done and we seem to know exactly what to do even if its a first time encounter. Kinda like when you have those moments when you remember something and you have no idea why you know that since there is zero recolection of where you could have even possibly learned that. RNA can get phased out or become dominant. Intrestingly 5 fingered hands is a recessive gene verses 6 fingered hands are a dominant gene. If you look at your hand there is a spot for a second thumb to fit just right.
Your DNA is important because any attempt to alter it can easily result in unintended consequences to your health.
We don’t understand how all the information encoded in DNA works at all. We’re like monkeys throwing a wrench in a quantum computer to see what happens.
Mankind has something no other creature has, and that is the yearning and knowledge for the unseen, the awareness of the force that drives all life. Before there was monotheism, mankind made this yearning apparent by the creation of idols, by assigning to nature god like qualities, they prayed to the sea, to the sun, to the moon, to the forest. When God made himself apparent to mankind, the recognition of HIM was already woven into our DNA, it was refined to those who sought it out, and monotheism came into our evolution. It was placed their from birth by our Father, we inherited it through him. Now the question is, why do some not seem to have it? I am not talking about people who intellectually reject monotheism, but those who are born without it, Psychopaths, Sociopaths. Cain slew Abel, Cain had offspring, his was the first recorded murder, and a horrible murder it was, it was his brother. Did Adams sin result in this? Was part of humanity born into this original sin? God in his endless mercy provided for the forgivenes of that through Jesus Christ so that all men can come to him,can claim God Almighty as Father. It may be true that some men are just born evil, there is evidence that psychopathy tends to run in families, that one or two parents may carry genetic variants which would lead to their child to develop psychopathy. We should be careful of whom we have children with, the world is awash with the spawn of Cain. The only thing that would make an animal act in a psychopathic way towards its kind, would be a brain injury of some kind, either through trauma or disease, they are coded just as we are, yet man is the one who increasingly exhibits traits that go against creation. Perhaps a person can come to Christ even with this damage within them, but I have a feeling that as God has his own, so does Satan. Women, guard your womb, Men, do not sow your seed carelessly.
"What is encoded in your DNA?"
I think it's the human desire to contact God, having communion with our Creator. We don't necessarily have to contact God in a church, through a priest, or a Pope or Pastor... we have that innate ability encoded into our DNA. And the Left and DS would do ANYTHING to separate us from God.
Ding ding ding!
Repeating pattern of sulfide double bonds between the (2) helixes at 10-5-6-5. Hebrew alphabet says Y-H-W-H. The name of God is coded into your DNA..!
They messed with DNA/RNA in the anti-diluvian World. Thus the great flood.
I’m fascinated with the pre flood world, I’m curious if WH’s will eventually disclose on it with the public at some later point
Yup, I've always thought it had to do with our connection to God. Not sure who "they" connect to, but it's not the Almighty, Creator, Loving God.
yes, it’s encoded in our DNA/the Vmat2 gene is known as the God gene and ‘scientists’ wanted to eliminate it.
They vibrate much lower. Love is a high vibration while hate is of the lowest.
Fear is the lowest frequency. Makes sense after what we’ve witnessed over the past 3 years.
Fear, hate, self service, greed, all low frequency
the Bible tells us over and over to fear NOT.
Is there any good resource online to learn more about vibrational frequencies and its relation to literally life, the universe, and God?
I have always liked the phrase used in a song by my favorite band “God is in the rhythm” because it is so surprisingly true!
What frequency is hate?
What frequency is love?
Love is 528 Hz
Hate is 150 Hz
How were these numbers derived? What tests were performed?
What exactly is oscillating at these frequencies?
I believe this is inverted. To transcend, you need the low vibrations. Discipline, love, joy, and so forth slow your actions - make you think. Nervousness, lust, hate, fear, etc all impart energy and energy is what is needed to feed those that draw on spiritual energy. This is why the world is trying to get you to be afraid and nervous. It feeds 'them'.
Negative. The higher the vibration the more love and light. This is confirmed with brain scans of the brain when people are happy or sad. Same with how light waves move. The brighter the light the faster the wave. The slower wave the lower the light intensity.
Can you point me to brain scans showing "the light"? For thousands of years, monks have shown deep meditation to bring them closer to God. Now "brain scans" in the last 30 years claim the opposite is true, which is suspicious.
I’ll do you one better. Look up therapy where people are healed using past life regression. Heals mental and physical problems.
Do you want proof? Look up CIA remote viewing programs.
Thats not "better", thats something completely different. Remote viewing also doesnt hinge on "love" being a high energy state.
They tried and succeeded for centuries using religion to make people believe that they couldn't communicate with God unless thru a priest or in church. It's not working anymore and they are getting desperate.
This also reminds me of that one Bill Gates video
You guys forget already?
In Comms, one's DNA is their nutrition + education + drugs. Reconcile what it means when Clown scientists publish that they've found a new way to "alter DNA".
Falling into New Age bottomless pits is one of our vulnerabilities as anons. I get it, it's sexy. Decoding Comms is a slog.
I think you’re on the right track.
People can argue about macro evolution and the origin of species, but we mostly all agree on the effects of genetics and breeding, which in a sense are micro evolution. The genetic ability to adapt to changing environments seems like it’s own type of intelligence, as if the gift of DNA was the spark of intelligence.
We can look at the skeletons of monkeys, apes, and humans, and see many similarities. When the Bible says that we were created in the image of God, does that mean that God also has a skeleton similar to that of an ape? That would seem like a silly three or four dimensional speculation on an extra dimensional consciousness like God. I suspect that it’s our DNA that is somehow in the image of God. God put the spark of intelligence into our DNA so that we’d adapt to higher levels of communion with God
David Wilcock just dropped a series of books related to this topic. Been following him since he dropped on the scene in mid-90's. Still not sure what to think- I suffer info-overload sometimes but can't deny David's offerings are as unique as can be found. Dasting to say the least?
I like David and no denying he is extremely insightful and gifted. I want to read his Archangel Michael books. There is something very significant that happens where AM is concerned. We need Warrior Angels. And we've got them, too. Hallelujah!
yes he’s a goofball & quite a few jokes about him in the forums over the years. but there’s definitely a reason for his character in this movie, so good to be familiar with his work; little bits of truth mixed in with distractions
I’ll check him out, thanks
btw, I was using ‘three dimensional’ in the conventional terms of our physical perception: height, length, and width,, with the possible fourth dimension of time. I was not referring to “the Law of One’s” usage of numbered dimensions that refer to degrees of spiritual evolution.
Wilcock is an interesting character and I bought at least two of his books. But I dumped him when he got together with scam artist Corey Goode.
God created Man in His image, not monkey.
Agreed. Apes’ physical appearance has some similarities to man’s, so the image of God must be something different than physical appearance. Maybe it’s divine intelligence in our DNA?
This drop has always bugged me. A recent post on the vaccines made me ponder if Q is warning about what they are trying to develop.
The fact that they created Covid, and a poison vaccine has always left one conundrum. Unless they had a cure the disease had the potential to eliminate them just as well as the people they want dead.
The only way that isn't true is if the disease and/or the vaccine is targeted to specific groups based on their genetic make up.
So how do you guard your DNA? Does the science exist to target specific groups?
Absolutely. It's terrifying and I stopped examining what we can do with it years ago because of how terrifying it is. What we can do now probably pales in comparison to what I saw at that point.
It's a planned genocide of God fearing people
Last time the bloodline was messed with (fallen angels mating with human women and animals) and all flesh was corrupted God flooded the World to kill it all.
The latest drops were never 100% verified so take with a grain of salt.
I'm sure all the vaccines we were all forced to take as children repress all sorts of spiritual, emotional and intellectual abilities. I think going forward it will be voluntary and almost frowned upon and generations will be born to perform and live their highest potential.
Look up psychological trauma from circumcision. They start us young.
💯 this.
I had ingrained trauma from my birth (cesarean). For the longest time I always felt like I was going to “get ripped from my bed” and had to sleep with a nightlight and looking towards the door. Even into adulthood I had this feeling even though it had never happened. I read a book called Feelings Buried Alive Never Die and the author described how things from early childhood and even our births can affect us as we get older. As I looked back at my own birth, I realized my feelings were actually valid because I had truly been “ripped” from my first bed. Once I understood that, I instantly had the feeling lifted from my spirit. It was 5-6 years ago that I read that book and I now sleep in total darkness and can have my back to the door. It still trips me out to this day and as I approach my due date with my first child, I’m going to do everything in my power to give her a peaceful birth into this world.
Thank you for the reminder about the Feelings Buried Alive Never Die! I have the app but have never read the book, and I've ordered it now.
I don't understand why anyone would downvote your comment!!! It is so true. My heart still breaks for my son (he's 25 now), the night I brought him home he cried and cried from the pain. I wish I'd known more then.
I took a biology class in high school that was focused on “”health care”. It involved monthly field trips to the hospital. The first procedure the hospital staff brought me to see was multiple circulations of babies.
Safe to say I dropped that class a week later. Horrific.
God started the Jews young.
This. I think that this could explain autism…
why are the elites rushed and panicking and trying to mutate us?
evolution of consciousness comes in cycles.. the next one is here
I once experimented with binural beats listening while sleeping from youtube, something simple, put there to open a "3rd eye" After 3 days to a week.
I succeeded, it is a different world out there, more light, more bright more sense, better. Like I had more senses into me and around me. I cant explain it with words. Nothing else but music and beats. No opiates nothing.
It lasted for couple of days and I never was able to repeat it. I tried occasionally .
You can repeat it with Buddhist meditation. Mindfulness of breathing meditation. Its called satori. I've done it twice. Most amazing experience of my life. The light of God.
I never made the connection... Buddhist Satori... Tnx.
hard to talk about without sounding nuts. alpha brainwaves facilitate synchronicity. alpha brain state is calm, aware, resolved, peaceful, focused.
being 'in the zone' is allowing the grace of God to flow into your reality. or, more accurately speaking, its practicing keeping your awareness 'tuned' to the frequency of your preferred reality.
fine control of that tuning is a prerequisite for a comfortable experience in timelessness. and not just in the afterlife.... timelessness is coming to this lifetime. synchronicity is an indicator of this. time doesn't matter, only timing matters. everything in perfect timing.
as timelessness approaches, everything speeds up. both negative and positive 'spirals' of synchronicity move faster. chin up. not everyone sees the end of the kali yuga. RIP doomers.
gave up sounding sane. now everyone tell me how i'm wrong
Alpha waves are the key to so much. Trying to get Jess Stearn's The Power of Alpha Thinking book, lost my old copy. It changed my life! What an eye opener!
I believe this!
Evolution is bullshit. The reality is we used to be much much smarter.
We are Devolving from all the poisoning.
We are intentionally being devolved so that one day they seem like Gods to our feeble slave minds.
4th to 5th density
(((they))) are satanic. satan tried to ruin the human blood line with the Nephilim, that would have stopped the birth of Christ if God wouldn't have put an end to that. all blood lines would have been damaged goods. so i don't see them rushing, it's be going on for thousands of years that they never wanted us to exist. but God has other plans.
If you have the Caucasian gene beware
literally terrorisms
Totally racist.
What possible reason? How about FORCE gene therapy like an mRNA shot!
Or how about kill you with a disease or vaccine targeted to your / your group's specific genetic code?
23 and me... They also would lie 1% unknown DNA if you were white they said 1% black DNA.
The first round of shots was to get everyone in 'lockstep' Rockefeller style. I am certain they needed a few deaths but also needed everyone onboard to get more vaccines. FDA says no further testing is needed, they can now auto target populations as needed.
Why would it be an issue, if the soul returns to where it needs to? Have they figured out how to block this traffic?
What do you mean by a soul returning where it means to?
There are only two destinies for your soul after you die. Where you go is contingent on one decision that you make in this life.
Oh so, so long as the Jews went to where their souls belonged Hitler was good to knock them all off?
So long as all the Sandy Hook kids souls got to where they belonged it didn't matter?
Murder is murder whether it is a gun, a club, or a vaccine.
Sandy Hook was FF...no deaths...
I think that is a high possibility, but anyone that thinks it doesn't matter because the soul returned where it belongs likely also believes Sandy Hook was real, and probably believes Hitler killed six million. kek
Why Your DNA is So Important:
God Gene. If you allow these people to access your DNA and manipulate it, they can dilute your DNA enough and manipulate your whole being to not ever have a chance to be with God in spirit. That permanent separation of God is where they control you with their they/them demon spirits.
The more chemicals, radiation, artificial plastics, and bullshit, etc, you consume and are exposed to, the more your DNA is tainted and the shorter your life is. Cancer has been recently looked at as not necessarily a cluster of mutated DNA growing as much as it is a parasite. The more parasites your DNA allows immunity to, the better off you are.
Whatever happens to you will also be given to your child. Male or female, you have a responsibility as a human being to keep yourself as healthy as you can. When you pass on that bullshit to your child, with the knowledge at your fingertips, you're just as bad as the people sneaking shit in to foods and materials you already know about.
Most importantly, the elements of both life and death are in your DNA. When Adam and Eve ate that fruit, they condemned the human race to death because knowledge without faith guarantees a twisted mind.
So appreciate what you have and the best way to stick it to the man, so to speak, is to unite and raise our frequencies so the demons can't steal our energy for their nefarious uses. Appreciate the life you have, love and cherish others around you, and God's creations. Appreciate yourself and your family, and work to create a better world than you had. Stop letting these demonic entities control your life. And LIVE.
🎯 👏
This is the stuff that ties it for me with Q's lines about "you have no idea what's at stake/how big this is" [paraphrasing] Aluminum, flouride, constant food poisons, entertainment distractions, drugs and alcohol, constant fear, all used to dumb down and dull the spirit and pineal gland. Humans ability to heal themselves, astral travel, deep intuition, psychic abilities.
fluoride. It begins with flu.
I'm amazed at how many people seem to believe that some DNA fuckery by a bunch of satanist losers is more powerful than God and His desire for us to have a relationship with Him.
As if He would put in a single thing that Satan can turn off to prevent us from knowing Him.
Good point!
Worse. Ai programs can communicate via non-local coms to atoms and thus dna. Once they have your unique signature... you can't hide. They can program from anywhere to anywhere.
That’s not how AI, programs, atoms, or DNA work. At all.
It is exactly how it works. Repeatable experiments have proven the "comm channel" has been demonstrated and proven. All Atoms exist in an energy field (an atom isn't solid, it is 99.99% energy). That energy is part of a field of energy. That field communicates constantly. The term used in physics is NON-Local communications. Granted we haven't yet seen it. We haven't defined it completely. But we have proven it is there because we can easily measure the results. But the same can be said about "gravity" or even the emotion of "love".
I saw operational code being developed under DARPA programs back in the 1980s that were already communicating directly with the human brain. At the time it was called "The Voice of God" tech. It could implant voices and thoughts directly into the brain remotely.
In the late 1990s we discovered that human emotions communicated directly with any human's DNA. In the 2000s we proved it was "non-local" and proximity of the human feeling the emotions and the location of their DNA didn't matter. Proximity had no effect on the communications occuring. The communications channel was demonstrated to exist.
That tech is now matured. Once a human being's DNA is mapped it provides a unique signature that can be accessed "non-locally" and communicated with. This is understood in the scientific community and is not disputed. It is akin to a spectrometer that identifies all the elements of a sample. Each element has a unique frequency signature the spectrometer identifies. DNA produces a similare signature... only without the need for a close proximity.
The MRNA vaccine introduced graphine oxide into humans which only enhances these technologies. In other words, they can use available frequencies to communicate directly to these "receivers" and graphine oxide, just like DNA, just like the chair you are sitting in is made solely of atoms. All atoms communicate with all other atoms in the entire universe. Sir, we are indeed programmable and AI can indeed find you through your DNA signature and download.
Obviously you are unaware of this. No problem. Most people are unaware. Yet, within the scientific community this is widely understood.
I have studied undergraduate physics for years. "Comm channel" is not a thing. Same with your "non-local communications", that term has nothing to do with physics and is used exclusively by New Age charlatans.
What you're probably thinking of is quantum entanglement, a phenomenon caused by a widespread misunderstanding of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. A misunderstanding that is cleared up by Stochastic Electro Dynamics (SED). See this article:
This is correct, it is called the "Zero Point Energy" (ZPE), and the interaction of particles (electrons, protons, neutrons) with this field is what gives those particles mass.
An atom taken in isolation isn't in any state of matter at all, solid or otherwise. States of matter specifically describe the energy state of a collection of atoms or molecules. Also, mass and energy are interchangeable, something being described as "99.9% energy" is a functionally meaningless statement.
These are called Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI). They require a target to either wear a headset full of electrodes in contact with the scalp, or require the target to have electrodes implanted in the brain via surgery. This is not new, and you can explore this facet of neuroscience yourself with DIY kits. You will rapidly discover that voices and thoughts are impossible to detect or implant in the brain even with electrodes, much less remotely without any equipment. The human brain is far too complex, and thoughts far too non-localized within the brain, to interact with, detect, or influence except by normal verbal communication.
You are right that emotions, especially high amounts of stress, can provoke a response in DNA expression. This is no different than any other physiological response, and has nothing to do with "non-local" communication. Given that your brain is talking to your cell's DNA, it is very much local communication transmitted by molecules and chemical reactions.
Human DNA cannot be accessed "non-locally", your definition of non-local communication has no basis in reality. The only way to modify DNA is to blast it with ionizing radiation, use mRNA tech, or use CRISPR. Useful for inducing diseases and deformities, and not much else. Likewise, you cannot track someone by their DNA unless they leave some of it behind at a given location. DNA is not a homing signal.
Graphene oxide is in the death jabs, but its function has not been demonstrated at all. Back when the graphene oxide hysteria was first picking up steam, I could only find one proof-of-concept patent for how graphene oxide might be used to create a transistor. To say that a communication device can be built from a transistor is like saying you can build an F-150 because you created a single bolt for its engine block when you haven't even built the engine block yet.
To be clear, graphene oxide is dangerous to have in your body. The fact that it is present in the death jabs in unacceptable, but that does not mean it can communicate with things outside of your body. That claim has not been proven in the slightest.
Uh, no. Not even close. Atoms cannot communicate because they are not intelligent. Communication requires an intelligent sender, an intelligent receiver, and an intelligible code or signal.
Ah, condescension, the tool of people who knowingly spout nonsense and don't have the evidence to back it up.
The scientific community widely understands that "non-local communication" is a joke.
Great response, thanks for the dialog. Busy right now but will respond when I get back to my laptop.
History of your past lives and all lived experiences from those many lives is stored in your DNA, that "junk DNA" isnt junk, we just don't have access to all of our DNA until we learn how to access it. Drink only water and lots of it, meditate, get close to God, eat only veggi because its grown with light. Access Astral travel, telepathy, remote viewing, healing powers. We are far more powerful than we know or think. You may think this is all nonsense now, but once you start down this path you will have help and will see its 100% real. We are in a very special time where its easier to access this journey. Believe.
We truly are. our world discourages the exploration and development of our abilities. The skeptics serve the purpose of shouting science over spirit.
Those who know, know. And sometime those gifts feel like burdens.
Yes doesn't it just figure that the scientists label as "junk DNA" the parts of being a human made in God's image that they just cannot fathom.
Have you actually experienced Astral travel, telepathy, remote…?
The CIA has already proven that these things are very real and they use them.
I believe they’re real but you sound like you experienced them.
Tbh you have to become extremely invested in time and effort and consistent to achieve these states. There is a reason monks dedicate their lives to these practices. Of course there will always be those few that are just gifted and can do it with ease but there are people like that in every aspect of life. When I was more consistent in trying astral projection the nearest I got was a very pronounced involuntary shaking of my whole body and I could feel fluid pulsing up my spine and a tingling all over my body, I was never able to get there fully and got a bit discouraged with the journey.
Yes. I’ve been trying to rid my body of all toxins in order to have a better (or any) connection with the supernatural. Currently working on decalcifying my pineal gland. I’ll keep your journey in mind. Thanks.
Assassin’s Creed is a documentary.
There were a lot of takeaways. One that still holds water is protecting your DNA from the harvesting schemes a la Ancestry.
Imagine the creation of a bioweapon that only targets specific markers.
I'd imagine something like that would be a race against time for the white hats to stop / counter before the corn pops (who are bad dudes) complete it.
There is also the talk about removal / deactivation of the "God gene", which is always an interesting topic.
Updoot for the "....corn pops (who are bad dudes)". Kek
Multiple meanings exist.
Go watch Gregg Braden's The God Code on utube. God put words in our dna!
It’s been speculated for years among some circles. That there are latent abilities, traits, and talents present in our DNA that for unknown reasons was shut off in the past. Jury is out on the who precisely. I’ve heard several different ideas. Ancient Humans, Aliens, and the almighty himself being the most prominent ideas.
And various people who for one reason or another have become famous for various things. Like Intelligence. Or Immense size/strength etc. Have had one or more of those latent traits switched back on.
Or they are superhuman because they’re not human, but rather, nephalim.
When I first read that Q post I thought it meant not letting them have a sample, but now I know it means no further injections. They can easily get your DNA from throwing away trash, off of cups, etc...
I read here somewhere a post regarding the fact that 50% of us have no inner voice and I wonder if this is connected? Have they decreased the inner voice in humanity? That inner dialog in sane people causes you to step back when angry about something and let time go by so that you calm down and don't do stupid things. Satan has less control of most people's inner voice as God has you reason with yourself.
Read up on the GINA act. https://www.eeoc.gov/statutes/genetic-information-nondiscrimination-act-2008 This is why it is so important: the Vax alters your DNA. They are going to be able to tell from a single drop of blood all kinds of things about you - what vaccines you have had, illnesses, diet, etc. It will be used as a method of control. BE AWARE of your rights. READ THINGS.
Respectfully, I am of the opinion that the post-2020 Q drops are not legit. Can anyone sway my opinion? They just don’t feel like Q.
God is in your DNA.
Because he is the creator.
Synthetic DNA is basically what all this will be about. Superhumans but with no connection to their creator.
You could live to be 130 as a cyborg but will have no meaning.
A Christian is seen by God as Jesus when we accept Jesus.
God sees the DNA of Jesus so naturally man is jealous. We already know satan is there to support man in this endeavor.
How can this be denied? Sure others will say this better than me. When the mob tried to and thought they succeeded to stone Paul those with Paul stood around him and got up.
The mob has always been there throughout history. It is a sad sight to see all those people so entrenched in this mindset. In the future if nonexistence time they will be reminded—this is profoundly sad.
Yet the mob failed with Paul as they will fail with this.
I have always pondered that God is waiting on man to usher in His wrath by creating what has never been done. Cycles of humanity until the end.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
I remember this drop had this too, I think... :
Mobile WIKI of HTPA
He is the father of lights....we are the children of light.
The Law of One
Unfortunately any blood draw, any lab can sell your DNA without your knowledge. Is it legal? Since when do businesses, government agencies, hospitals/doctors are if it is legal? If Congress wasn’t so corrupt, they could pass a law declaring it illegal for businesses and the military to demand any shots or medical interventions as a requirement to keep your job.
I read somewhere once, ‘just as an artist signs creations, God put his name in all of us’.
What do you fkn think anon? Gene therapy vax
Ascension??? Does this mean the corporate entity that took over tons of hospital's??
lmao, are we all going to ascend like the ancients from stargate sg-1? lol.
Wild guess which I can't really support: The human soul is quantum entangled particles and the other entangled particles are God. Suddenly the half dozen times the Bible says "Christ in you" (Colossians 1:27) is very literal.
Could DNA be tied in with memory? I had an intresting conversation with a friend one time and i was telling her about a reocurring dream i have every once in a while. She said its possible that dream is a past memory from an ancestor. Because here its also saying knowledge is power and maybe its possible someone knows the knowledge of a memory they dont realize they always know and a way to protect the knowledge is to keep living and passing on the knowledge quietly considering instinct kicks in when its time to do whats gotta be done and we seem to know exactly what to do even if its a first time encounter. Kinda like when you have those moments when you remember something and you have no idea why you know that since there is zero recolection of where you could have even possibly learned that. RNA can get phased out or become dominant. Intrestingly 5 fingered hands is a recessive gene verses 6 fingered hands are a dominant gene. If you look at your hand there is a spot for a second thumb to fit just right.
Q gave you the reason in the last line. You just may not be ready to receive that reason yet.
DNA is your body's instruction manual. Lose some pages and it won't be able to heal itself.
You could also call it an operating system if you want to use a computer analogy.
Your DNA is important because any attempt to alter it can easily result in unintended consequences to your health.
We don’t understand how all the information encoded in DNA works at all. We’re like monkeys throwing a wrench in a quantum computer to see what happens.
Mankind has something no other creature has, and that is the yearning and knowledge for the unseen, the awareness of the force that drives all life. Before there was monotheism, mankind made this yearning apparent by the creation of idols, by assigning to nature god like qualities, they prayed to the sea, to the sun, to the moon, to the forest. When God made himself apparent to mankind, the recognition of HIM was already woven into our DNA, it was refined to those who sought it out, and monotheism came into our evolution. It was placed their from birth by our Father, we inherited it through him. Now the question is, why do some not seem to have it? I am not talking about people who intellectually reject monotheism, but those who are born without it, Psychopaths, Sociopaths. Cain slew Abel, Cain had offspring, his was the first recorded murder, and a horrible murder it was, it was his brother. Did Adams sin result in this? Was part of humanity born into this original sin? God in his endless mercy provided for the forgivenes of that through Jesus Christ so that all men can come to him,can claim God Almighty as Father. It may be true that some men are just born evil, there is evidence that psychopathy tends to run in families, that one or two parents may carry genetic variants which would lead to their child to develop psychopathy. We should be careful of whom we have children with, the world is awash with the spawn of Cain. The only thing that would make an animal act in a psychopathic way towards its kind, would be a brain injury of some kind, either through trauma or disease, they are coded just as we are, yet man is the one who increasingly exhibits traits that go against creation. Perhaps a person can come to Christ even with this damage within them, but I have a feeling that as God has his own, so does Satan. Women, guard your womb, Men, do not sow your seed carelessly.