Trump just criticized Netanyahu and Israel
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Israel is the keystone that takes it all down.
That's why "saving Israel for last"...
"Very specific reason not mentioned a single time"
And for a damn good reason. The brainwashing surrounding Israel is some of the deepest there is.
Yes! On the Christian front it started with the English preacher John Nelson Darby, followed soon there after by the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1830. It introduced American Christians to the dispensationalism. The main doctrine sees the church as distinct from national Israel. In fact it puts the nation of Israel as the focus of "end time" prophecy - in the "last days" God will deal with Israel and the Jews. The rebirth of the modern nation of Israel (1948) is seen as the work of God (instead of the work of the Rothschilds). And as a Christian is you don't support Israel (no matter the evil) you are against God.
While 1948 was, indeed, the work of the Rothschilds, it was still a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. You’ll do well to notice that when Christ returns he will judge Israel for their unbelief. Indeed, Israel was re-gathered under that unbelief in 1948. There will only be a remnant (1/3) saved during the great tribulation (the time of Jacob’s trouble), whereas the other 2/3 will be wiped out:
Vengeance, if the messiah had already came (Jesus) then the jews await the arrival of the antichrist
No. "Israel in Name Only" is not Israel.
It is just a facade.
The jews are NOT the Israelites.
Here, the word "Jews" was not the original word used. It is a mistranslation. One of many in the current Bible. "Jew" did not appear in the Bible until about 200-300 years ago. It was a made-up word for English translation, since the earlier languages needed to be translated and there was no equivalent in English.
The correct word was "Judean."
By the time of Christ, Judea was no longer exclusively populated by the tribe of Judah. There was a mix, just like America today.
There were genetic Judeans, who were descendents of Jacob/Israel and were Israelites, but there were also Edomites and others who lived in the Roman province of Judea.
In Rev 2:9, the reference is to those who say they are Judeans (the tribe) but are not (because they are merely residents in Judea), and are in fact of the synagogue of Satan (some modern day jews).
Here, Jesus is addressing these fake Judeans, stating that they are children of Satan (adversary). Who was the first murderer? It was Cain. These people are desended from Cain, the murderer. Who is the father of lies? The fake Judeans, or the Adversary ("Satan").
Modern Christians have been lied to about who is who in the Bible. It should not be surprising that it is these fake Judeans who created the lies by infiltrating Christianity (cryptojews). Their claim to understand Hebrew got them in the door, and then they manipulated their way into changing words/translations in the Bible.
Modern day Israel is not a fulfillment of prophecy. It is a manipulation by jews and it is false to say it is a re-gathering of Israel.
But then, this should be expected, since the land was stolen by the children of the Great Deceiver.
Benjamin Freedman disusses this mistranslation of Judean to Jew (starts at about 1:03:20):
You presented a complex interpretation of John 8:44 and various historical claims. Let's address these claims one by one:
In John 8:44, Jesus is speaking to a group of people (Pharisees) who were opposing Him. He accuses them of being of their father, the devil, based on their actions. This passage is not intended to be a commentary on the genealogy of the people but rather a condemnation of those who were opposing Him at that time. There is no direct connection to descendants of Cain in this context.
The claim that certain individuals, described as "fake Judeans," infiltrated Christianity and manipulated translations of the Bible is not supported by historical or scholarly research. The development of Christian doctrine and the compilation of the Bible involved many early Christian communities and scholars. The idea of a conspiracy by a particular group is not a widely accepted or substantiated historical claim.
The interpretation of modern Israel as not being a fulfillment of prophecy is, indeed, a matter of theological and political debate. Many Christians (myself included) and Jews view the re-establishment of Israel in 1948 as extremely significant in light of biblical prophecies about the regathering of the Jewish people. However, there are also differing views within the Christian and Jewish communities regarding the fulfillment of these prophecies.
The assertion that the land of modern Israel was "stolen" is a complex and highly debated issue (as seen on this Forum). The establishment of Israel in 1948 is rooted in historical, political, and religious factors, including the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust. It has generated various perspectives and debates on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
I realize that the Catholics and the jews, over several centuries, have pushed that idea, but I disagree.
Their father is the Devil because of their genealogy, not their lack of belief.
Jesus says in another verse that they CANNOT believe him BECAUSE they are not His people. It is not that they are not his people because they don't believe him, but that they don't (and cannot) believe him (or even understand him) BECAUSE they are not his people -- genealogy.
I did not invent this idea myself. I read it from scholarly research -- going back to original words and definitions, as well as non-biblical records and history of the time.
The passage has to do with people who were (a) living in the Roman province of Judea, and (b) were NOT direct descendants of Jacob/Israel.
But they claimed to be. They said they were children of Abraham (again, genealogy). Jesus agreed that they WERE children of Abraham, but NOT of God.
Why would he say that? Abraham was God's favorite.
It is because of ... genealogy.
Those people were, in fact, descendants of Abraham, but NOT of the Jacob/Israel line, which means they were NOT Israelites.
One of the many things we have all been lied to about is that (a) the jews were the Israelites, and (b) at the same time it somehow "doesn't matter" about genealogy.
That is a contradiction, which means it cannot be true.
The Bible is largely about genealogy and the Law and promises given to THAT particular family tree. Early Christians understood this, and it has been bastardized over the centuries.
The Bible is full of "this man begat that son" who "begat that son," ad infinitum.
Why bother describing the family tree if it was of no significance?
Why would jews claim to be Israelites and claim that this is significant today if genealogy did not matter?
Why was Noah, of all people, chosen by God Himself to build the ark? Because Noah was "perfect in his generations."
Why does the Bible not mention black people, Asian people, Indians, etc?
There are Israelites and Edomites and Kenites, and many others, but none of what we see today. The Isrealites were given the ultimate covenant, and it was passed on to their descendants.
It is not entirely about genealogy, but genealogy plays a vital and central role throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Again, the "jew" was NOT in the original text. It was Judeans, and the word "Jew" was a shortened version of Judean, since there was no equivalent word in English for the translation.
Therefore, the "regathering of the Jews in Israel" is, in fact, an impossibility.
It is a fantasy made up by Jews and the Catholics many centuries ago.
I realize that many (most) Christians today have bought into this myth, but it is a myth. Jews continue to promote it because it benefits them.
Even the jews themselves, in their own texts, say they are Edomites, not Israelites. Their Talmud also shows how much they hate Mosaic law, since it is all about how to "get around" the Law, how much they hate Jesus, how much they hate Christianity, and how much they hate Christians.
Clearly, there is no way they could possibly be Gods' Chosen People.
Yes, the land has been stolen from the people who lived there.
It is understandable that some people would hate others who broke their own agreement to stay within a certain area, but continue to encroach (i.e. steal) land.
True. The Balfour Declaration was the start.
Aftermath of WW1 was the beginning of the manipulation to get Palestine, which never belonged to jews.
There was no Holocaust. It, too, is a lie perpetuated by jews.
It has been proven that there were NO GAS CHAMBERS, and the jews have never been able to debate otherwise.
In addition, the World Almanac showed that there were more jews living in the world after WW2 than before.
The math does not add up, and all supposed "evidence" has been fabricated.
Interesting research, if you are interested.
I think I will leave our discussion here, since I don't have time, and we are getting off topic of Q -- plus, it is a volatile subject.
MAG768720, thank you for such a thoughtful reply. I appreciate the scholarly, respectful, exchange you're providing. Some things you say I agree with. Lets discuss them a little further:
You asserts that Jews are not the Israelites. While there are different opinions on this matter, it's important to note that Jewish identity has been maintained through religious, cultural, and historical traditions. The Bible uses the term "Jew" to refer to the people of the Kingdom of Judah and, more broadly, to the descendants of Jacob, who was also known as Israel. The distinction between the tribes can be traced back to the division of the Israelite kingdom into the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (Judah). This division occurred after the reign of Solomon (1 Kings 12). While the terms "Israelite" and "Jew" have been used differently, they both have biblical significance.
You quote Revelation 2:9, which discusses the blasphemy of those who claim to be Jews but are not. In this passage, it's important to understand the context of the letter to the church in Smyrna. The term "Jews" in this context refers to those who claim to be followers of God but engage in actions opposed to God's will. It's not meant to deny the Jewish identity but to address the spiritual state of certain individuals. This passage should not be interpreted as a blanket statement about all Jews or their identity.
You also mention that the term "Jew" is a relatively recent addition to English translations, and that "Judean" was the original word used. It's true that languages evolve, and translation choices can vary over time. However, the use of "Jew" in English translations is a common and accepted term. The term "Judean" could be a more precise translation in some contexts, but it's important to recognize that translations aim to convey meaning accurately.
You correctly state that by the time of Christ, Judea was no longer exclusively populated by the tribe of Judah. This is accurate; Judea, like many regions, had a diverse population. However, the use of "Jew" or "Judean" in the New Testament often refers to those living in the region of Judea, and not solely to the tribe of Judah. It's a geographical reference.
The term "Jew" is widely recognized in English as a reference to a Jewish person, while the term "Israelite" can have broader historical and biblical connotations.
While classical dispensationalism as formulated by theologians like C.I. Scofield and John Nelson Darby had its distinctive features, some of its elements can be traced to earlier theological traditions and interpretations of the Bible. Here are a few examples:
1.Distinction Between Israel and the Church: • Early Church Fathers like Justin Martyr (2nd century) and Irenaeus (2nd century) acknowledged distinctions between God’s dealings with Israel and the Church in their writings. They recognized that God had specific plans for both groups.
2.Futurist Interpretation of Prophecy: •The belief in future prophetic events can be traced to various interpretations of the Book of Revelation in early Christian writings. Some early Church theologians, like Hippolytus (3rd century), held views that anticipated future fulfillment of certain prophecies.
3.Premillennialism: • The concept of a future literal thousand-year reign of Christ has been present in different forms throughout Christian history. Papias (1st century) is often cited as an early proponent of premillennialism, and it has appeared in the writings of various Church Fathers.
4.Rapture: • While the term “rapture” was not used in the same way as in classical dispensationalism, early Christian writers such as Ephraem the Syrian (4th century) and Jerome (4th-5th century) discussed the idea of believers being caught up to meet Christ in connection with 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
While classical dispensationalism combined these elements into a systematic theological framework and popularized them in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it’s important to recognize that many of these ideas had antecedents in Christian thought and theology prior to the Scofield Study Bible. Dispensationalism itself has evolved over time, with variations and modifications to its original form.
You have a specific slant against the Scofield reference Bible and Darby that appears unfounded, for the same distinctions made in Modern Dispensationalism were drawn by very early believers in Christendom.
They also added the rapture in the Bible a around that time, imo its a psyop. To trick the masses into thinking there is a plan by God so christains shouldn't do anything but wait
No. The early church fathers wrote about and believed in the harpazo (rapture). Contrary to the current “no rapture/Darby” thing which has been proven fake news. The devil is very clever.
Those who believe in the rapture are not complacent. But try harder to wake people up to the ultimate red pill that God is real. Jesus is real. And eternity in hell is a very long time. The tribulation is going to be hell on earth and if one doesn’t accept the free gift of salvation now (when times are good), do you think a person will when times are horrific?
During that time, a person’s choices will be (assuming you live thru God’s anger, natural and man-made catastrophes) to accept the mark/worship the beast or accept Jesus.
If you accept the mark to get your food, water and to survive you’ve just signed up for eternity in hell. If you find Jesus instead, then you’ll be denied food, water, hunted down and beheaded.
So, no…God in his mercy has given us a way to avoid this horrible period of time. Rapture believers are not complacent but trying to take as many with us as we can.
Yes the secret rapture. I'm ashamed to say I used to teach that false doctrine.
Thats racist you anti semiter!!!!
Watching Viva and Barnes, X22, and Trump explain Israel situation since Saturday is life changing. I have never learned more about Israel and current day middle east so factually while firmly keeping a proper Christian/America 1st bias.
Thanks to sauce and the peers here, I am always helped to digest and apply the plan. Thank you greatawakeningdw !
N¡ck fu3nt3s has a great breakdown on that same basis
That tells me Israel was the keystone that brings it all down.
I think you may be right in that assessment.
No fucking shit mate.
Ukraine: ancient Khazarian homeland
Israel: the neighbors were very very strong Russians NOT okay with a death cult next door told them to cease death cult operations or they would flatten their entire country, so they made the appearance of converting to Judaism and started the whole "save the poor jews" movement we know today, indeed the same movement which RECREATED Israel in the gullible times of 1948. They maintained their homeland Ukraine, and also moved in to their new America-funded playground Israel.
If we pulled the 23&Me on them I can practically guarantee there is shitloads more Khazarian "jew" DNA in Israel than defeated-but-still-kicking Jewish sheepherder DNA.
It appears more that way each passing day.
If Israel was saved for last then Israel would be a keystone that brings it all down.
This is what I think, as well.
Long live the real Israel - which for me is the lost Israelite tribes, who dispersed and founded what we know today as the various European tribes, and by extension and later migration, the Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders.
There are clues. The lost tribes were descended from Isaac, and that became "Isaac's sons" or SAXONS. (also Celts/Goths/Vikings and on it goes...)
Never lose sight that in Israel they are divided also. Everybody has a DS BS problem. The real people do not agree with this either but the MSM will not tell you this.
This is where I think clues point as well. Which would also be interesting, in that, "true Israel" have always been those who had faith in Messiah. They knew Him when He came and accepted Him. They are the Christians of today. IF, true Israel is also genetic Israel, via the dispersed tribes throughout Western Europe, then they have also been the ones to take the gospel to the nations just as God had planned from the beginning. Totally cool!! The Khazarians/fake jews have always rejected Christ, as did many ethnic jews during Christ's day and for which the nation was destroyed and Jerusalem leveled in AD70. The level of depravity and death during the seige of Jerusalem is sickening to read (see Josephus) and would totally fulfill most of John's prophetic words in Revelation and the parallel passages in the OT. That being said as a postmil/amil proponent (raised dispensationalist, pretrial, premil) I do firmly believe the end of Revelations has yet to be fulfilled. Christ did return in judgment in AD70--He alone caused that absolute annihilation for their sin of rejecting their Messiah. (For other works to read,consider, When the Man Comes Around by Wilson, and Endtimes Madness by DeMar)
Trump took out one of their spies Soleimani! Read between the lines!
Here's some 'food for thought', [Did Catholicism Create Islam?] ... And one more small bite on that subject; it is only mentioned in the [[Holy Bible]] of Jesus Christ being "kissed" @4 times, and each time it is NOT good, but guess who "kisses" a baby Jesus Christ every Christmas, , [Jesuit] traitor!? And finally, as I was researching "Jewish Capital Punishment" during [[Jesus Christ]] time, and there were 4 ways the [Jews] executed the condemned(?), (A) stoning (B) burning by ingesting molten lead (C) strangling (D) beheading. So why is it that Jesus Christ was "crucified" with two others that were 'convicted(?)' in [Roman] courts, and Christ was wrongfully "convicted(??)' in Jewish court? And the story of the two others (brothers) was that one a repeated criminal, but his brother always bailed him out, so the [Romans] "crucified" the innocent brother also, hmm? Jesus Christ warned US in (Matthew 24:4+) not to be 'deceived', and we all know that [Satan] twist everything around as in (Isaiah 5:20). Nothing is what it seems.
Excellent sauce provided in this article. Ty
i think you will find this interesting. The Lost Years of Jesus Christ: Evidence in Japan, Britain, and India.......
I like the interesting ways you think fren.
Man, the amount of cope over on is unbelievable. They're totally shilling for Israel.
He is going to take a hit from the braindead 'muh chosens', and he knows it.
That is the reason he has layed low and played it cool to this point. The whitehats understand the depth of the deception, and they have to have a slow and measured response to get past that indoctrination.
I'm thinking right about now might be a great time to reveal who Epstein and Ghislaine's real masters were, and maybe start with a full client list.
Maybe that's why we haven't seen the Epstein list. Once that hits, and people realize who he worked for, eyes will open.
These thoughts right here are why I frequent this board. Excellent outside the box analysis, frens!
They are tearing him apart in those comments. Guess they need to be awakened.
They have shills everywhere. It has been their modus-operandi to control the internet. What they couldn't do with shills, trolls, and gatekeepers they did with bots.
The water is rising drip, drip, drip, flood, and they will not be able to turn the tide. Watch the water.
they got confused and hate the most when you engage them, pin them properly and then ask "how's the weather in Tel a'viv"
Elon confirmed there's still tons of bots on Twatter. He rolled out a feature, if enabled, only verified users can respond to posts. He said it was to filter out the bots.
🔥 Better just to ignore them. They're in-effect psychic vampires who flaunt their ignorance thereby literally sucking you in. Just think about what you wrote here, and ask yourself seriously WHY would you want to waste your time in effort to "awaken" the Walking Dead a.k.a. NPCs.
... just my opinion, YMMV. 👍❤️
Anyone who follows MeidasTouch unironically is gonna be in the 4-6% lol.
Sorry to ask this, but I don't have twitter. Do we have an archive of the comments section? I'm sure it's hilarious.
manually replace the in the url, with
Comments become viewable And Profiles display latest tweets
I miss both of these things we used to have. Hope u enjoy ur nitter browsing as much as I do!
Perfect, thanks fren! Shadilay!
Everyone has Twitter, you don't need an app, open up any Web Browser or just click on the link.
My president. Not prone to swaying with the popular emotions. May God bless and protect him.
President Trump understands that the racket requires players on both sides to sow the conflict.
u/#polish u/#trumpnato
What a Guy!! Could we love him any more!?!
For sure! If he continues to walk the walk, then definitely!!!
Funny, I was thinking of that when I typed it lol.
Great minds fren...😺
For some reason I'm relieved Trump came out with a smackdown on Israel. The DS is going crazy and this will stir the pot. Moves and counter moves. The timing of Trump's comment is interesting.
THEY have to strengthen THEMSELVES up. Enough bleeding our nation dry!!!!
Oh come on goy, give us your money while we mock Jesus
Uh oh Trump is forcing the Israeli 1st zionist shills to start revealing themselves for who they really are now.
I DID NOT KNOW THIS ~ Trump may have been set up by Bibi Netanyahu?!
Gleaned from a compilation of comments on twitter/X:
Trump's speech refers to Israel's absence or non-involvement in the military operation that led to the killing of Qasem Soleimani.
Soleimani was an Iranian Major General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and was killed in a U.S. drone strike in January 2020.
This operation was a significant and controversial event that escalated tensions between the United States and Iran.
The absence of Israel's participation might be seen as ‘noteworthy’ given that Israel is a key U.S. ally in the Middle East and has its own set of complex relationships and tensions with Iran.
And also, because it was Israel who told Trump that Soleimani was going to launch attacks on US bases in the region – later revealed to be a BIG LIE – leading to the death of Soleimani, and the realization that Israel had purposely misled Trump and left him holding the bag.
Your 1st 4 bullet points are spot on. The fifth one is off. Solemani was an Iranian Republican Guards asset who was personally responsible for developing IEDs deployed against American troops during Desert Storm and was a known regional terroist for decades. The planned attack against a US base was not a lie - he was blown up outside that base he was intending to attack.
If you listened Trump you'd know that Bibi tried to take credit for snuff when he had nothing to do with the operation. There was not any of this Trump "holding the bag" bullshit.
The embassy had just been attacked immediately prior to Soleimani being targeted. I don’t recall anything about bases being targeted in the area.
I didn’t know that either. Very interesting
Netanyahu narrowly lost to fox News in the backstabbing trump and congratulate biden race. It's obvious the power brokers prefer instability over peace and that where the trump hatred stems from.
Yes! Bibi turned on a dime to backstab POTUS after 2020 election.... remember how quickly he called by den to congratulate him?
Maybe the MOST important statement by POTUS...
And one of the harder things for him to reveal, I think.
We've all believed at some point they were our allies & friends. On top of it we've all been trained that absolutely you cannot speak against ANYTHING Jewish. He has to go slow as there's a lot of emotions triggered by this type of brainwashing.
They need to shape up
Saving Israel for last.
How do you make it so that the untouchable becomes fair to criticize? You show them with the gloves and mask off. This regime is not seeking justice here. They're seeking revenge. They're getting absolutely roasted on social media right now too. Every bomb that drops, every kid they dig out of the rubble is fueling anti-Israel sentiment. It's extreme enough that people are feeling comfortable questioning them. Not everyone, but it starts small, then grows. Just wait til that "intelligence failure" gets the 24/7 investigative coverage and people start demanding answers other than "gee, we must've just been stupid b/c of the holiday." It's BS and they won't be able to play stupid.
Bibi's got a warmongering streak a bit like John Bolton or Lindsey Graham. His response here is so vicious it's going to cause people to dig (like with Fauci).
I hope. All I see is lock step with "israel" in my fundamental Christian friends. They have zero idea. Of course most of them also think Pence is such a great godly man.
To see the sides in this conflict, see who the known black hats support and condemn and see who the known white hats support and condemn, and why.
I can already hear the weeping of Shapiro, Praeger, etc.
I thought everyone knew he was saving Israel for last.
Just enough to hint to us, there is a bigger game. Trump can now just keep the optics neutral or "as would be expected" and we can have some faith he sees the truth, probably better than anyone, and it by that careful stance that NCSWIC
Helps to understand how the extremists are dictating the destructive policies in Israel and Ukraine.
It is a power play with Muslims and Israelis both victims! Stand down of intelligence - Hamas is a tool! The division between Gaza and Israel only benefits the power brokers who rule Gaza and Israel! Remember what 9/11 did to US: increase power of intelligence agencies which has been turned on us, made Billions for military/industrial complex, etc. This is Israel’s 9/11. It is intended increase the power and money of the few at the expense of the many. Jews are clearly victims but of whom? In Gaza the average person is a victim but of whom. Elections are controlled and representatives do not represent the people!
Remember how close the last couple of elections have been in Israel?
I was wondering just how much of the aid being sent to Israel actually went to defenses, etc and how much just ended up getting laundered to the right people. Imagine the Israelis thinking that their country is well-defended and then finding out that someone(s) walked away with all the money.
and of course DeShitstain jumps right on him attacking him over it.
Thank you for your time and comment
I thought Christians are the new Israelis, no?
Jesus was Jewish but he broke all the rules and destroyed the temple, so we are the new tribe of Jesus. And Talmud, the book, was written 400 years after Christ and so is the Quaran, so these are new religions.. Jesus' teaching is older. And Jesus already turned Jewish to Christians so are the Israelites now a religion or a race? I'm so confused. They're still waiting for Messiah but Jesus came already. There is an old and new testament and those are the books recognised by God. No? I'm just writing what I was told. I don't know anything myself and I don't have an opinion on anything since Idk.
anti-Trumpers in shambles!!!
Boy, that is WAY inneresting. Thanks for posting.
Israel created many of these terrorists , its in their best interests for them to create chaos so Israel has a good reason to expand (the greater Israel project)
It was on this day, israel declared total war on america and built concentration camps to put themselves in.
but Trump was at the wailing wall, Trump is handled by the Jews, oy vey!
Oy vey