GAW Poll: What 1 issue do you all think is the singular most important issue to expose the world to?
I'll start: The Uniparty
Once this is exposed not only will issues that candidates represent become the primary reasons to vote for someone but it will also make the exposure of treason, crimes against hunanity, etc be easier to swallow, since we know both "sides" are guilty of it.
Crimes against children will unite humanity.
This includes abortion. The crimes done against those blessed babies in the womb are horrendous. It is a satanic sacrifice.
The world needs to see a person like Obama, Bill Gates or Oprah doing something evil and horrible to a child.
Blast it on every electric billboard in the world AT ONCE.
Time Square. Wall St. Piccadilly Circus. Las Vegas. Tokyo.
Then let's see them try and walk down the street.
Op[ra]h would have the biggest impact on normies of those 3.
Need a V for Vendetta guy to make it so...
100%, Its ALL about the children!!...But I'd like to add...STOP Believing the MSM and fucking Politicians because there is a Huge portion of the population Worldwide who Do unequivocally...Once they do that they are on their way to the real truth....My 2 cents.😉
WEF’s depopulation agenda - the understanding that these people who run everything are trying to KILL US ALL really hits home with potentially any person.
I know. This one is hard to explain without coming off as a crazed loon.
Point to #1 of the Georgia Guidestones. They have to tell us what they are going to do to us before they do it.
yes that does seem to be part of the spell.
have you seen Dark Clouds over Elberton? made me question what I thought I knew about the message on the guidestones, especially after reading Common Sense Renewed. It’s by RC Christian, explains more about the purpose of GG. free to read on
LOL. I guess the FIB never got to the bottom of that one either. Memoryholed.
To complicated for most of the normies. The great replacement theory is still consideret racist among most of the western population.
yes it’s impossible to tell them, so if I have to do it again, I’ll show them the immigration ‘gumball’ video. the guy explains it so even toddlers can understand🤡
Thanks. I saved that video. It really spells it out. Notice the gasp in the audience when he says it's of no help to these people but it overburdens our resources. You can be that somehow the politicians skim some off the top from all the non governmental agencies. It's just another grift.
This is the toughest pill to swallow but is obvious after researching the abundant proofs.
Most of the world already know that all sides of politics is corrupted. Americans waking up to this very late because of the theatre maintained over decades to create the illusion of passionate division.
I would say Satanism. Once that clicks, everything clicks.
Yup, satanic ritual abuse and the human and especially child trafficking that are associated with it and how the greater bulk of the worlds political, business, academic and religious 'leaders' are complicit or coerced to support and defend it.
Yes, that's what people need to understand--for these NWO/KM people, it's their religion. That's why they have plans that span not just single lifetimes, but generations. That's how they can do that. Most people (myself included once upon a time) discount the BIG conspiracy because they can't see how or why these people would make plans to take over the world that require generations to carry out. Once you know it's their religion, it makes more sense.
I don't know, I have fam in California who think "satanists are good people that make the world a better place and shouldn't be judged for their religion".
"Satanism does not exist" -> We were here when Q started
"Satanism exists, but are good people" -> We are here now
"Satanism exists and are the root cause of all evil" -> We are slowly headed hre
What a shame. Why California? I lived there for 16 years. It’s so beautiful but such shitty people and energy. Now I live in Florida. Good people. Peaceful vibes.
Yep. The problem isn't so much that people are ignorant but if they only knew the truth things would be different.
The problem is that many DO know, but they are depraved in their thinking and can't reason.
I have family members who excused and supported the BLM riots as being justified. You can't even reason with such depravity. They have a madness.
The recent article in MSM about Satanic ritual abortion etc, really makes it easy to grab the normie's attention. While a lot of people can sense there is something wrong, they dont make the connection until we explain it to them.
I can tell you that bringing up Satanism was almost impossible 3 years ago, but much more easier now!
The bible. If our society was even remotely trying to follow those simple rules we would not have allowed evil to get such a foothold.
The Kalergi plan
Von Coudenhoven
I feel it is the amount of election rigging worldwide. And it isn’t just for Presidential elections. If elections were legit and tamper-proof I feel half of these losers would be out and citizens would put better representatives in office that will expose a lot of the other corruption and evil.
This. While people will be appalled by child trafficking networks, there is something about realizing the entire world is fake that really hits people in the gut.
The fact that everything boils down to a true battle of good vs evil. This has to be understood for anything else to have the proper weight when it is presented.
Rigging of elections at all levels, and across the globe!
It's been going on much longer than most people realize.
The central banking system that funds all the corruption on the planet
Election Fraud and bribed/controlled politicians Once that is fixed everything else will slowly get corrected
Absolutely clear (IMO): the one key issue is for the world to understand that the MEDIA organs in their country are a propaganda machine and the purpose of the multimedia (TV, Broadcast radio, Net Media, newspapers, etc) is by and large not one of telling the truth, but of lying to, deceiving and manipulating the public.
Because once this is understood, a person can then begin to rethink their view of the world, and start to learn and accept and understand ALL the other issues,whether it is human trafficking, the abuse of children, organ harvesting, money control, Marxist social engineering, the twisting of science and 'health', the destructiveness of the international NWO agenda that has the UN etc as its cover, the drug running, the Intel-community & crime collusion, the military industrial complex, the pharma complex, and so on.
The shadow game, the illusion that has been crafted and maintained by the cabal controlled multi-media complex is the facade that hides all the terrible realities of the world from the people.
It may not be the WORST crime, the WORST issue, but it IS the one that keeps everything else hidden. Once people realize that they have been lied to and played as suckers, then there is no real going back. It's the point of exiting the matrix, and the one that will ultimately allow the train of justice to unfold.
And THIS is the reason why the Q operation has been the MOST important publicly-organized (even if it has been clandestine) patriotic operation in the last 400 years.
Other issues may have more shock factor. more emotional swing, and may eventually mobilize more people more powerfully, but it's only once that fake, false, and deceiving facade collapses that the mind begins to become free and the heart and conscience can truly awake.
💯% u/FractalizingIron 👈🏻
I was going to say the media too. All of these other things are extremely important, but they have been in the open for a long time. The media suppresses them, hides them, manipulates them. The Media/BigTech industrial complex is a multi-trillion dollar industry worldwide. It's whole purpose is to hide the truth and create false realities. The matrix is such a great analogy. We don't think we live in pods powering machines, but the way people suck down their spoon fed propaganda, we may as well live in pods.
All of covid was propaganda. All of the vaxxines were propaganda. All of the election fraud denial was propaganda. ALL OF IT.
We are in all out information warfare worldwide and millions have died due to the lies. That is not hyperbole. It is the truth. And, the media and big tech are most responsible because they are the ones who have convinced doctors to kill their patients and have turned families and friends into enemies.
Until the MSM/BigTech Cabal is dismantled, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
A reminder that Trump is coming for them all.
And a reminder that they are scared.
hahah! Yes! I was going to quote Kash in response to your comment, and then I saw you already did it.
That's a biggie, imo. Going after the enablers, the shamans, the pimps - cos that what the media has been.
💯 %
Great points. I think this is important, but will happen as a consequence of another exposure of crime, like the crimes against children coming to light.
Yes, I agree, although i do not think it will simply be one or another issue or crime. Rather, the accumulation of more and more information getting out there, and people being exposed more and more, and thus beginning to question or doubt the Propaganda more and more, I expect this to continue until the proverbial dam wall breaks.
And I think we're getting close to it, too!
Id probably go ahead and agree with this.
kek? kek.
Ah, I was aiming at this... the issue that would most easily gateway into all the others. I think you hit the nail on the head. At this point in the game it feels like if we had just one or two major media stories be exposed as outright lies (covid-related and election-related perhaps? dunno) the people would cast those liars off fairly easily. It would need to be an issue the media has lied about in unison, a catch-all
PS. FYI, for me, what really got the ball rolling was a little video made by Stephan Molyneux called "the untruth about Donald Trump" in early 2016. He did an analysis and commentary on what the Media were saying Trump said, and what Trump actually said.
I bumped in to the question: Why on earth would they do that?
i had listened a little bit to Trump's speeches - before this I thought DJT running for president was a joke! That Reality TV guy? (I'm not American, so only had a passing interest in the US presidential run.) But when I listened to his speeches, it was crystal clear to me that this guy was speaking in a way that NONE of the (other) politicians did. Clear, direct, honest. Just a real solid vibe.
But when I came up with the question, why on earth would the media report about him like 'this' when in fact the reality is 'that'? That was where everything started to change for me, as regards my engagement with the systems of the world. (Prior to this, I was focused almost entirely on the internal mechanisms of the world, aka truth, faith, reformation of the human heart, etc)
And the people will be asking the same...
"Why would they lie to us about the covid numbers? The vaccine dangers? The election fraud? 9/11? JFK assassination and JFK Jr plane crash??" and on and on and on and on and on! Domino!
Thanks for the response, winn. I'm glad to get that feedback. Fortunately or not, due to time zone differences, I was able to comment only after a good majority of the board had seen the post, so my comment is miles down the feed. But for that reason, all the more glad to get your response.
exposed as outright lies?
I think its going to be the stollen election. All of Trump's cases - the fake phoney and fraudulent cases - are a truly wonderful thing, because a) they are keeping eyes on the issues (Election Fraud 2020, Jan 6 insurrection against the presidency of DJT), b) they only enhance Trump's image to the American people, and increase the power of his victory, c) in certain places, they are laying precedents that can and will (I expect) be used against the real criminals in the current and former federal govts.
But there is so much out there. So many different stories and narratives all collapsing like Building 7 in slow motion. Pharma, Vaccines, CIA, Covid, Fiat Currency system, climate hoax, Ukraine/War machine complex, etc, etc. Even for folks not particularly interested in the election issue, there are plenty of other collapsing narratives that may be close to their hearts.
We're watching the entire narrative facade crumble more and more. At some point "the whole diseased temple" will come crashing down, I expect. Well, i hope and I pray.
check it the fact that it ended up being 1.7mb was a pure coincidence 👀
"So many different stories and narratives all collapsing like Building 7 in slow motion. Pharma, Vaccines, CIA, Covid, Fiat Currency system, climate hoax, Ukraine/War machine complex, etc, etc. Even for folks not particularly interested in the election issue, there are plenty of other collapsing narratives that may be close to their hearts. We're watching the entire narrative facade crumble more and more. At some point "the whole diseased temple" will come crashing down, I expect. Well, i hope and I pray."
I'm gonna make a meme of this. So well said!
America is no longer a free country, or a democracy, or a republic. It’s people are enslaved and so is the whole world.
The Root. Secret societies. Racine.
TrustTheTruth is that you?
No. I worry everytime i think of them. Haven't heard from them in a long time.
of course it is.
Without question, there needs to be a gradient sequence (long if it must be) to bring a person up from total ignorance to realizing that MOST of our evils in this world come from a SINGLE common source (relatively small group of individuals that have remained hidden for at least the last 1600 years if not more). That this group is known by how they control people (with deception, coercion (blackmail and threats), instead of using communication and rationale towards the greatest good). Further: that the individuals in this group DO NOT and CANNOT recognize this evil in themselves: the claim, and actually BELIEVE that they are doing good, regardless of what they say. They can also be recognized by the condition of the people in their wake: cowed, fearful. I know it took me YEARS of research to finally realize how vast their control/influence network has become. I became aware of this group in 1981, but it has taken me 2 whole years of research after 6-Jan-2021 to realize how COMPLETE their control became over world media, big pharma, means of communication, food supply chain, contamination of our air and water, on and on and on and on.... I can only speak for myself, but it took seeing the DETAILS to actually connect all the dots, and I suspect they still have much more that I don't know about yet.
In my opinion, this needs to be the HIGHEST priority for all countries to remove this group (and their minions guilty of committing crimes for them) in a way that they can never come back again. That means EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION of how to recognize them and a system for reporting them and getting them handled -- a system that is MUCH MUCH more reliable (fair and unbiased) than our current justice system.
Further: it needs to be set up so that the person does not have to study through things they already know, but rather, can be driven by their own curiosity -- what their mind is asking questions about -- and can learn about THOSE QUESTIONS immediately. Reason: a truism: "the mind is ready to learn what it is asking questions about".
I made my whole career (required INTENSE, DEEP learning) based on that truism, so I know it works extremely well.
If you could make a separate post touching on this more at some point? I'm intrigued at this, that's a long time worth of research!
Human trafficking.
child trafficking, everything else will unravel from there....
The amount of high profile pedophiles there are & how they involve these children in satanic rituals.
Election fraud by the Uniparty.
Can't fix anything until the election system is fair, free, and transparent
Agenda 2030
WEF swab
They feed on our negative energy.
agree, think the parasites will keep bothering us until we ‘ascend’ & rise above. why it’s important to have the armor of God.
The actual harm Marxism causes our Western civilisation.
Reptilians aliens puppeteering the satanists in order to create a giant prison planet.
Here come the in denial religious people who can't accept we aren't alone in the universe.
I can't speak for anyone else, but my faith does not preclude the existence of non-human sentient life.
Pedophilia, child trafficking, adrenochrome is the one thing that may unite us. All groups love their children.
False history, pretty much all other topics fall under this category.
The agenda to wipe out white people via the slow-kill mRNA injections that damage the body and reproductive abilities, mRNA in the food supply, constant promotion of race mixing in the media and entertainment, and open borders.
ALL of the bad things that we see every day stem from this in one way or another...
One person or group imposing their will on another.
By manipulation, force, fraud or coercion.
Every agenda, every time.
Trusting what people say, trusting people’s motives, trusting that people have your best interest etc
Can't discuss it here
Show the world that Jesus is not a myth by learning how to worship God in Spirit and Truth so the Body of Christ can usher in the 2nd coming of Christ
Frazzled dot rip torture and murders
I agree. At first I was going to say it’s the origin of all the issues we have today and start at the root of the problem which, if you’re here we know it’s the cabal dating back as far as history goes. That will just turn them off and make them mock us. So starting at the uniparty lays the seeds and then they can connect the dots. And THEN…..refer them to Fall of The Cabal. RIP Janet