100%, take these clown influencers with a grain of salt.seems to me like they’re running a long con on patriots to stir up civil unrest and division between races and people
Could be to create a false unity & give traditional followers an offramp from truth when they decide to pull the trigger on enslaving their minds again on some partiality true ideas.
Hopefully this isn't what they are doing, though always be aware of where others come from & what their actions are really doing/resulting in.
While I agree with what you are saying to a certain extent, it is equally as important to look at the bigger picture. It is a decade's old post. Infiltration instead of invasion works both ways. There's a mix of agents Smith's and jealous accounts on X. It gets clearer by the day that X is being controlled by the good guys and some accounts are pissed that that it is not THEIR account getting the notoriety when we should all be happy this shit is finally reaching millions and millions across the world instead of only our echo chambers, who cares who gets the credit? To say this then means you think the same thing for people like Liz Crokin, Gen Flynn and gang as they are running in the same circles. I am not saying to not have doubts or research, quite the contrary I am just saying that things are not always black or white. There are still ops happening on both sides, point is we do not fully know his history, but could it be possible that he saw or witnessed or maybe even forced to do some fucked up shit and turned/flipped? I think many of us believe that in the end some we thought had our backs never did and vice versa. Time will tell, but in the meantime the reality is that his account gets millions and millions of normy eyes on some of the information we have all been wanting to get out to the public and that is what matters most.
Edit: hey agent Smiths downvoting this, take the red pill you fucking faggots 😆
I agree with a lot of what you’re saying but I can’t agree with X being controlled by the good guys. X is literally how it was before Elon but instead of it being an echo chamber for the left, it’s now one for the republican establishment. I follow purely pro Trump accounts and I’m getting blasted with anti Trump content.
While They aren’t banning pro Trump or Q accounts anymore, the ones I see boosted are ones that are suspect. A lot of them appeared after the new monetization and are capitalizing on it.
Something just seems really off and we are being lured into security.
To be fair this is from 8 years ago. Wayyyy before Dom's awakening. And it is known that rappers and masonry are hand in hand. I think this post is in bad taste
I believe many of our founding fathers were Freemasons and they were also God loving. I assume the Freemason agenda has changed over the years, power corrupts everything. I have to think many people who enlist into the Freemason society do so without the knowledge that evil lives within. I think they also have to take a pledge of secrecy with the threat of being killed if they break their pledge. They ease you into the process of selling your soul before you fully understand what you are signing up for.
The freemasons/"illuminate" were founded on lucifarianism. Which is enlightenment (illumination) through hidden/forbidden knowledge. Worship of yourself, or becoming your own savior or God.
Which was the original sin, eating from the tree of forbidden knowledge.
This is the occult, and teachings of the Kabbalah. Or cabal? =O
These are the hidden families attempting to steer humanity to their desired destination. The age of enlightenment.
Some of the lower members aren't aware of the complete teachings of their beliefs. And some probably assume they are working with God to destroy evil.
I think the founding fathers intentionally left the door open in the Constitution for the federal government to issue fiat currency. Why would the prohibition on fiat only apply to the states?
America was established for the sole purpose of being history’s largest human sacrifice at the dawn of the new age (i.e., right now). They never thought she would lose.
The Revolutionary war was fought against Great Britian to ascertain freedom from the Monarchy. The Constitution was written in an effort to prevent fiat currencies entering into the fold.
Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution says, "No State shall make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"
Securing the currency was crucial, you couldn't have a rouge state competing for control of the financial system.
I think every effort was made to prevent outside influences corrupting our newly founded nation but evil always persists for ill-gotten gains.
It was back in 1876 with the Organic Act when the Constitution was rewritten. Then, 33 years later, the very next amendment to the Constitution (in 1909, 16th Amendment) gave Congress to right levy income taxes against the people.
See how they do that? Slow and steady. Put the pieces in place and wait till things cool down, then pounce again.
Weak, greedy, stupid Presidents and representatives allowed the theft of our country and attacks on our liberties but that is being fixed now. Like you said, "They never thought she would lose."
Lincoln was printing greenbacks to pay for war before or during all of that.
The founding fathers failed to prohibit the federal government from issuing fuddy duddy fiat as money. As a result, the civil war bankrupted the USA, which led to the end of bimetallism, which led to the “golden cross,” which led to the creation of the Fed, which led to one score and a century of war!
Money printing is the ultimate enabler. And the ((founding fathers)) somehow failed to make it impossible, even after the contemporaneous experience of Cantillon and the Livre. There was no excuse! We are left to conclude they intended the natural consequences of their omission.
Regular Freemasonry (which is just the main 3 degrees) doesn't discuss any politics or religion. 99% of the meetings are to initiate new members into the society. The remaining 1% are typically 'talks' - explaining some of the background of the imagery and rituals etc.
When people talk about 33rd degree etc. - this is not Freemasonry. All the other orders are called 'side degrees' - and you only get to know about them when you join, and there are pre-requisites to joining them in the first place (one of which is being a Freemason, some orders you have to be Christian to join etc.).
At worst, Freemasonry itself could be considered a front for more nefarious goings on in these side-degrees - but the majority of Freemasons are just MM's (i.e. 3rd degree).
I have yet to discover anything actually nefarious even hinted at regarding Freemasonry.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying it's not obvious - and even if you were to go out and become a Freemason yourself - you aren't going to find anything incriminating - because it just isn't there.
Caveat: I'm speaking from the UK, how FM is run in the US is unknown to me.
it's a stretch lol and you are the one who made the accusations so it's not up to fucking me to locate YOUR half assed evidence. As with everyone else we shall keep tabs on his movements, but to discourage his current MOTION based on such foolishness is suspect.
I do have a bias regarding Dom because he is an important link between our movement and mainstream types on social media. I apologize for my rudeness but still do feel these photos are hardly evidence of him being a problem and the first one is 8 years old, and we know how it is to be asleep, especially at that age
Yeah like I can't find these on any search engine. In fact its hard to find any examples of Dom Lucre doing any masonic or Satanic poses. So if he was "into" that stuff he obviously wasn't deeply invested (or we would see them frequently like every other rapper and celebrity) and when he found Jesus he turned his life around.
Here an explanation but youre not going to like it. Theres nothing bad about being a freemason. I and other close friends of mine are Christians who love Jesus and America and belong to a local lodge. Due to unfortunate hoaxes from the turn of the century that echo into today, heresay, and absolute lunatics freemasonry has gotten a bad rap. But at the end of the day its not a sinister organization that controls wealth and power. Hell most of the lodges around here can barely pay the bills. I know ill be attacked and bombarded with “what about this thing i read over here” but i dont care. As someone on the inside i want to tell the truth about it and some of the stuff i see on here about it is misconstrued, misunderstood, someones opinion or complete nonsense. It gets old but i realize im not going to convince anyone who is determined to believe a certain way about it and they arent going to convince me because i have first hand knowledge. Anyway thats your answer.
GodzillaTrump, sorry, you are incorrect. My dad was a 32 degree and thought he was in a "good" thing. They are trained to be model citizens. But then when they go up one degree to the 33rd is when the evil comes in. The first degrees are used to run cover for the 33rd degree. The problem is that the POWER that comes from the top down into the lower degrees, brings the same curse and judgment as the upper one, but the guys just don't know it. If you are a Believer and follower of Jesus, you can just pray and He will lead you into all truth. IF ANYONE COMES SAYING THEY ARE IN ANY TYPE OF SECRET SOCIETY OR CLUB, RUN AWAY AS FA AS YOU CAN.........this is one of the reasons Pres. Kennedy was killed. He planned to expose the CIA and dispose of it and said there was no place for any kind of SECRET SOCIETIES IN THE USA. Please just pray and allow Holy Spirit to speak to you. One of the oaths that the 32nd degree takes is that if they are ever on a jury and a brother Mason is on trial, that they will NOT vote to convict the Brother, no matter what the charge is. They are to lie under oath if necessary to free "said brother". All liars have their end in the lake of fire, so the Bible declares. To lie is not a little thing to God. It shows a person's character.......what they really are on the inside. When I was growing up, there was a saying that goes....."IF THEY WOULD LIE, THEY WOULD STEAL". In other words if you can not trust them to tell the truth, they could not be trusted with any thing else. A person exposes their character faults when they lie.
Im afraid you are incorrect. The 4-32 degrees are a part of the Scottish rite appendant body and dont make you any “higher up”. They are horizontal or supplemental degrees. Just like the degrees in Shriners or York Rite. And you dont just “go up” to 33. In fact the 33rd degree is an honorary one usually to recognize someone lifelong contributions. You are either misinformed or disinformed.
my grandma's stepfather was a 33rd degree freemason. from the vast amount of information about him (him being at one point the "Grand Plenipotentiary of North American Lodges") he appears to have been quite "normal," even by early 20th century writings that don't censor those things. The papers were quick to point out that his predecessor molested children (that is why he was excommunicated).
Is Freemasonry evil? Ask the same question of the jews, blacks, etc. Sure, some may be, but by and large the demographic is not. And the fact that GAW is this insanely hostile to logic and fact is just appalling. Critical thinking seems to have been taken over by blind hatred.
It is absolutely not Satanism and Satanist are specifically rejected from joining. Masonry explicitly states that it shall not conflict with your duty to your faith, your family, or your self. You know very little and what you do know is wrong.
Alesteir Crowley and Albert Pike have entered the chat…
The level of low IQ douchebaggery it must take to join a “lodge” just to be in a fraternity club that believes in ridiculous esoterica with weird initiation rites etc to feel special and supreme and empowered, and not to be profane? Who are these tinpot totalitarian dipshits? Seriously? No wonder it attracts the worst of the politicians, police, actors, soccer players, rap stars etc… some of the most vacuous, vapid vessels and husks simulating sentience the world has ever seen.
The freemasons controlling the US are the Free Masons of Scottish Rites and includes 32 degrees with a secret 33rd degree which is now not a secret anymore.
The initiates start in the Blue Lodges, where they are told that there are only 3 levels, the last level being "Master Mason". Only a chosen few are initiated into higher degrees.
Only the degrees 30 and above are disclosed that the diety they worship is Lucifer.
The "Great Work" they claim to perform is the depopulation agenda we all are familiar with, but depopulation is not the primary goal. The primary goal is to build a "socialist utopia" on earth, ruled by the "illuminated people" with the entire world worshipping Lucifer under a one world religion. At this point, they believe, Lucifer will dethrone God and take his place, and along with him all the illuminated people will also become Gods.
The fundamental difference between Satanic religions and Benign religions is whether they believe Man can become God through his works and deeds.
It gets old but i realize im not going to convince anyone who is determined to believe a certain way about it and they arent going to convince me because i have first hand knowledge
I have enough trouble getting my head around side-degrees myself, so I don't suppose it's something that can be explained easily.
Considering how much good is done by the charitable organizations we give to it's ludicrous to associate FM with Satan.
In December of 2022 there was a shift in his profile. Before this date he had ZERO political comments. After this day we went full pro Trump. Out of no where all of the sudden this negro is an international politics expert? Yeah right...
It's not "trashing" someone. It's pointing out an obvious fact. This guy created his profile in 2015. Then all of the sudden Dec 2022 he is activated.
FYI: I don't really give a shit who is awake and for how long. Doesn't affect my life in anyway. What I care about is when someone comes out of no where and all of the sudden he becomes a Political influencer.
I'd hope everyone would be naturally skeptical to abrupt pattern changes.
I find we are far too skeptical of minutia when actions are what matter. Never trumpers are like this, they pick at all the tiny infractions that Trumps makes that don’t align with their thinking while overall actions show he is fighting for the people.
The question now should only be - is Dom helping win the fight with his current actions? I don’t know the hearts of anyone, but I can see their actions.
I don't know how it is today, but a while back the Masons did not accept Catholics, blacks, or Jews. Has that changed? So maybe this dude found a Masonic ring in a pawn shop or estate sale and bought it, unaware or not caring what it represents?
That has never been true as to Christians or Jews or even Muslims at least not in blue lodge. It was true as to blacks for a time for a certain reason. There are a few requirements to become a mason: You have to believe in a benevolent higher power (Satanists are rejected) and you have to believe in the resurrection of the soul, but further you must be born a free man and able to choose to join of your own free will. In slavery times it was said that a slave could not join because he had a master and therefore could not make his choices freely. And a person born into slavery was not free born. After the end of slavery many still were prohibited for this reason. Even black men who were free born began to be rejected because of the continued tradition and sometimes just plain racism in some lodges. This is how Prince Hall lodges got started and provided many black men with an avenue for petitioning to join. And while most regular lodges dont have a prohibition of any race any longer, some black men still prefer Prince Hall lodges due to the tradition and the human nature to flock to those like yourself.
Why is this guy well-known? He seems like an attention whore that wants to be in a position of power, but has little to offer. Not so different than Liz Cheney or No Name's daughter.
Theres an account on Instagram that followed me it was proudly saying they belonged to the illuminati. Some black dude. I blocked him but they do troll. Mot the first one of those I have seen Facebook had a page few years ago recruiting....wish this thing would go BOOM already.
Jesus had 12 and of which he knew one was going to betray him and another would deny him. Yet he picked all 12 and all 12 chose to follow Jesus.
Could Judas of defeated his role? Did he have free will? Peter was even told he would do what he did.
Does free will exist? Gods will is always going to be fulfilled. Was God giving Judas an opportunity to repent?
These rappers all love gold and silver just as in the days of Jesus. Many of them are very spiritual, but I believe many are satanists without accepting the truth—the love of money is a very tough thing.
You cannot fully trust someone in the music business. Especially rappers. Rappers are linked to the Drugs, Gangs and Illegal gun black market culture.
Dom's circle of rappers would uncover some interesting connections I bet.
100%, take these clown influencers with a grain of salt.seems to me like they’re running a long con on patriots to stir up civil unrest and division between races and people
Could be to create a false unity & give traditional followers an offramp from truth when they decide to pull the trigger on enslaving their minds again on some partiality true ideas.
Hopefully this isn't what they are doing, though always be aware of where others come from & what their actions are really doing/resulting in.
Katt said it best. Those who sold their souls, the number 1 thing they do is act like it didn’t happen.
Most of the Gangsta rappers are fake.
fake... and ghey
Literally if you read their "soul selling" stories.
Like the photo shoot of tupac in a bubble bath was supposedly done for some particular gay execs tastes
Well Tupac was a gay so it's not surprising. Went to Juliard for ballet even. Look it up.
A lot of rappers are down low types
I couldn't agree more!
It's all a scam!
Is it ironic that all the rings have esoteric significance? Is it a parody or a not-so-subtle insinuation? I’m tired of the mysteries
Right, I see Mason, pyramid, deaths head, Pharoah
Don’t miss the pedo swirls on the scarf
Ame for sports, especially soccer. It’s a fairly open secret in the UK that a lot of professional footballers are freemasons.
While I agree with what you are saying to a certain extent, it is equally as important to look at the bigger picture. It is a decade's old post. Infiltration instead of invasion works both ways. There's a mix of agents Smith's and jealous accounts on X. It gets clearer by the day that X is being controlled by the good guys and some accounts are pissed that that it is not THEIR account getting the notoriety when we should all be happy this shit is finally reaching millions and millions across the world instead of only our echo chambers, who cares who gets the credit? To say this then means you think the same thing for people like Liz Crokin, Gen Flynn and gang as they are running in the same circles. I am not saying to not have doubts or research, quite the contrary I am just saying that things are not always black or white. There are still ops happening on both sides, point is we do not fully know his history, but could it be possible that he saw or witnessed or maybe even forced to do some fucked up shit and turned/flipped? I think many of us believe that in the end some we thought had our backs never did and vice versa. Time will tell, but in the meantime the reality is that his account gets millions and millions of normy eyes on some of the information we have all been wanting to get out to the public and that is what matters most.
Edit: hey agent Smiths downvoting this, take the red pill you fucking faggots 😆
Agreed and well put VFD...
Upvote for the edit!
I agree with a lot of what you’re saying but I can’t agree with X being controlled by the good guys. X is literally how it was before Elon but instead of it being an echo chamber for the left, it’s now one for the republican establishment. I follow purely pro Trump accounts and I’m getting blasted with anti Trump content.
While They aren’t banning pro Trump or Q accounts anymore, the ones I see boosted are ones that are suspect. A lot of them appeared after the new monetization and are capitalizing on it.
Something just seems really off and we are being lured into security.
'flipped' has a new meaning now. That G Flip guy on tv, it means gender flip. It's cool to have breasts and balls.
Sorry I don’t watch MTV bro. Never heard anyone say flipped their balls or whatever you’re talking about. It meant flipped on someone
To be fair this is from 8 years ago. Wayyyy before Dom's awakening. And it is known that rappers and masonry are hand in hand. I think this post is in bad taste
I believe many of our founding fathers were Freemasons and they were also God loving. I assume the Freemason agenda has changed over the years, power corrupts everything. I have to think many people who enlist into the Freemason society do so without the knowledge that evil lives within. I think they also have to take a pledge of secrecy with the threat of being killed if they break their pledge. They ease you into the process of selling your soul before you fully understand what you are signing up for.
The freemasons/"illuminate" were founded on lucifarianism. Which is enlightenment (illumination) through hidden/forbidden knowledge. Worship of yourself, or becoming your own savior or God.
Which was the original sin, eating from the tree of forbidden knowledge.
This is the occult, and teachings of the Kabbalah. Or cabal? =O
These are the hidden families attempting to steer humanity to their desired destination. The age of enlightenment.
Some of the lower members aren't aware of the complete teachings of their beliefs. And some probably assume they are working with God to destroy evil.
Here's an amazing video explaining lots of this. https://youtu.be/ja6Ht7RV66w?si=-4dyIj4sXWKEakGX
I think the founding fathers intentionally left the door open in the Constitution for the federal government to issue fiat currency. Why would the prohibition on fiat only apply to the states?
America was established for the sole purpose of being history’s largest human sacrifice at the dawn of the new age (i.e., right now). They never thought she would lose.
The Revolutionary war was fought against Great Britian to ascertain freedom from the Monarchy. The Constitution was written in an effort to prevent fiat currencies entering into the fold.
Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution says, "No State shall make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts"
Securing the currency was crucial, you couldn't have a rouge state competing for control of the financial system.
I think every effort was made to prevent outside influences corrupting our newly founded nation but evil always persists for ill-gotten gains.
It was back in 1876 with the Organic Act when the Constitution was rewritten. Then, 33 years later, the very next amendment to the Constitution (in 1909, 16th Amendment) gave Congress to right levy income taxes against the people.
See how they do that? Slow and steady. Put the pieces in place and wait till things cool down, then pounce again.
Weak, greedy, stupid Presidents and representatives allowed the theft of our country and attacks on our liberties but that is being fixed now. Like you said, "They never thought she would lose."
Lincoln was printing greenbacks to pay for war before or during all of that.
The founding fathers failed to prohibit the federal government from issuing fuddy duddy fiat as money. As a result, the civil war bankrupted the USA, which led to the end of bimetallism, which led to the “golden cross,” which led to the creation of the Fed, which led to one score and a century of war!
Money printing is the ultimate enabler. And the ((founding fathers)) somehow failed to make it impossible, even after the contemporaneous experience of Cantillon and the Livre. There was no excuse! We are left to conclude they intended the natural consequences of their omission.
Regular Freemasonry (which is just the main 3 degrees) doesn't discuss any politics or religion. 99% of the meetings are to initiate new members into the society. The remaining 1% are typically 'talks' - explaining some of the background of the imagery and rituals etc.
When people talk about 33rd degree etc. - this is not Freemasonry. All the other orders are called 'side degrees' - and you only get to know about them when you join, and there are pre-requisites to joining them in the first place (one of which is being a Freemason, some orders you have to be Christian to join etc.).
At worst, Freemasonry itself could be considered a front for more nefarious goings on in these side-degrees - but the majority of Freemasons are just MM's (i.e. 3rd degree).
I have yet to discover anything actually nefarious even hinted at regarding Freemasonry.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying it's not obvious - and even if you were to go out and become a Freemason yourself - you aren't going to find anything incriminating - because it just isn't there.
Caveat: I'm speaking from the UK, how FM is run in the US is unknown to me.
Where are these pics?
https://ibb.co/CtzHLdj - holding his tie in a stylized pose? this is hardly overt hidden hand symbolism
https://ibb.co/3YKSz19 - eye of Ra, very popular with the black youth community and not implicit masonry
https://ibb.co/jVHv253 - eye of Ra
it's a stretch lol and you are the one who made the accusations so it's not up to fucking me to locate YOUR half assed evidence. As with everyone else we shall keep tabs on his movements, but to discourage his current MOTION based on such foolishness is suspect.
I do have a bias regarding Dom because he is an important link between our movement and mainstream types on social media. I apologize for my rudeness but still do feel these photos are hardly evidence of him being a problem and the first one is 8 years old, and we know how it is to be asleep, especially at that age
The picture literally has him wearing a pyramid ring, a mason ring, and a skull ring. It can’t be anymore in your face.
it's 8 years old
I’m not sure that matters. Let’s be real, the he’s one swirly triangle ring away from having the full set.
Yeah like I can't find these on any search engine. In fact its hard to find any examples of Dom Lucre doing any masonic or Satanic poses. So if he was "into" that stuff he obviously wasn't deeply invested (or we would see them frequently like every other rapper and celebrity) and when he found Jesus he turned his life around.
Here an explanation but youre not going to like it. Theres nothing bad about being a freemason. I and other close friends of mine are Christians who love Jesus and America and belong to a local lodge. Due to unfortunate hoaxes from the turn of the century that echo into today, heresay, and absolute lunatics freemasonry has gotten a bad rap. But at the end of the day its not a sinister organization that controls wealth and power. Hell most of the lodges around here can barely pay the bills. I know ill be attacked and bombarded with “what about this thing i read over here” but i dont care. As someone on the inside i want to tell the truth about it and some of the stuff i see on here about it is misconstrued, misunderstood, someones opinion or complete nonsense. It gets old but i realize im not going to convince anyone who is determined to believe a certain way about it and they arent going to convince me because i have first hand knowledge. Anyway thats your answer.
GodzillaTrump, sorry, you are incorrect. My dad was a 32 degree and thought he was in a "good" thing. They are trained to be model citizens. But then when they go up one degree to the 33rd is when the evil comes in. The first degrees are used to run cover for the 33rd degree. The problem is that the POWER that comes from the top down into the lower degrees, brings the same curse and judgment as the upper one, but the guys just don't know it. If you are a Believer and follower of Jesus, you can just pray and He will lead you into all truth. IF ANYONE COMES SAYING THEY ARE IN ANY TYPE OF SECRET SOCIETY OR CLUB, RUN AWAY AS FA AS YOU CAN.........this is one of the reasons Pres. Kennedy was killed. He planned to expose the CIA and dispose of it and said there was no place for any kind of SECRET SOCIETIES IN THE USA. Please just pray and allow Holy Spirit to speak to you. One of the oaths that the 32nd degree takes is that if they are ever on a jury and a brother Mason is on trial, that they will NOT vote to convict the Brother, no matter what the charge is. They are to lie under oath if necessary to free "said brother". All liars have their end in the lake of fire, so the Bible declares. To lie is not a little thing to God. It shows a person's character.......what they really are on the inside. When I was growing up, there was a saying that goes....."IF THEY WOULD LIE, THEY WOULD STEAL". In other words if you can not trust them to tell the truth, they could not be trusted with any thing else. A person exposes their character faults when they lie.
Im afraid you are incorrect. The 4-32 degrees are a part of the Scottish rite appendant body and dont make you any “higher up”. They are horizontal or supplemental degrees. Just like the degrees in Shriners or York Rite. And you dont just “go up” to 33. In fact the 33rd degree is an honorary one usually to recognize someone lifelong contributions. You are either misinformed or disinformed.
my grandma's stepfather was a 33rd degree freemason. from the vast amount of information about him (him being at one point the "Grand Plenipotentiary of North American Lodges") he appears to have been quite "normal," even by early 20th century writings that don't censor those things. The papers were quick to point out that his predecessor molested children (that is why he was excommunicated).
Is Freemasonry evil? Ask the same question of the jews, blacks, etc. Sure, some may be, but by and large the demographic is not. And the fact that GAW is this insanely hostile to logic and fact is just appalling. Critical thinking seems to have been taken over by blind hatred.
It is absolutely not Satanism and Satanist are specifically rejected from joining. Masonry explicitly states that it shall not conflict with your duty to your faith, your family, or your self. You know very little and what you do know is wrong.
Alesteir Crowley and Albert Pike have entered the chat…
The level of low IQ douchebaggery it must take to join a “lodge” just to be in a fraternity club that believes in ridiculous esoterica with weird initiation rites etc to feel special and supreme and empowered, and not to be profane? Who are these tinpot totalitarian dipshits? Seriously? No wonder it attracts the worst of the politicians, police, actors, soccer players, rap stars etc… some of the most vacuous, vapid vessels and husks simulating sentience the world has ever seen.
Bill Coopers interview with a 32 degree free mason who became a spy: part 1 https://rumble.com/v3m6dcz-william-cooper-hott-mystery-babylon-hour-21-william-morgan-interview-part-i.html
part 2 https://rumble.com/v3m6xjd-william-cooper-hott-mystery-babylon-hour-22-william-morgan-interview-part-i.html
part 3 https://rumble.com/v3m7nv9-william-cooper-hott-mystery-babylon-hour-23-william-morgan-interview-part-i.html
And interview with Jordan Maxwell an infiltrator. https://rumble.com/v3m7nv9-william-cooper-hott-mystery-babylon-hour-23-william-morgan-interview-part-i.html
The freemasons controlling the US are the Free Masons of Scottish Rites and includes 32 degrees with a secret 33rd degree which is now not a secret anymore. The initiates start in the Blue Lodges, where they are told that there are only 3 levels, the last level being "Master Mason". Only a chosen few are initiated into higher degrees. Only the degrees 30 and above are disclosed that the diety they worship is Lucifer. The "Great Work" they claim to perform is the depopulation agenda we all are familiar with, but depopulation is not the primary goal. The primary goal is to build a "socialist utopia" on earth, ruled by the "illuminated people" with the entire world worshipping Lucifer under a one world religion. At this point, they believe, Lucifer will dethrone God and take his place, and along with him all the illuminated people will also become Gods. The fundamental difference between Satanic religions and Benign religions is whether they believe Man can become God through his works and deeds.
You make it sound like the Illuminati have infiltrated Freemasonry.
Actually, when someone is initiated the very first thing they are told is that the FM oath in no way encroaches upon their duty to God.
Therefore, if there is anything in that oath that you consider to be against God it is automatically null and void.
Technically this is in violation of that oath, but here it is:
I have enough trouble getting my head around side-degrees myself, so I don't suppose it's something that can be explained easily.
Considering how much good is done by the charitable organizations we give to it's ludicrous to associate FM with Satan.
I saw a post he made responding to the picture and explaining. I think it was in response to Posobiec but I might be wrong.
It would be nice to see him publicly renounce it.
Keep him on probation for now. Let’s see how his future body of work pans out in the meantime.
He's an admitted Mason
i dont know but this guy has been dishing red pills left and right lately
Agent Smiths and jealous accounts are not too happy about it...
bUt I pOsTeD tHiS iN 2020 aNd GoT bAnNeD, wHeRe'S mY cReD
I'll drink to that!
In December of 2022 there was a shift in his profile. Before this date he had ZERO political comments. After this day we went full pro Trump. Out of no where all of the sudden this negro is an international politics expert? Yeah right...
There's a couple of other so-called MAGA contributors floated around here with the same "instant political expert" trait. I see your point.
It strange to be on a board that champions awakening to truth and trashes people for not having been awake longer.
It's not "trashing" someone. It's pointing out an obvious fact. This guy created his profile in 2015. Then all of the sudden Dec 2022 he is activated.
FYI: I don't really give a shit who is awake and for how long. Doesn't affect my life in anyway. What I care about is when someone comes out of no where and all of the sudden he becomes a Political influencer.
I'd hope everyone would be naturally skeptical to abrupt pattern changes.
I find we are far too skeptical of minutia when actions are what matter. Never trumpers are like this, they pick at all the tiny infractions that Trumps makes that don’t align with their thinking while overall actions show he is fighting for the people.
The question now should only be - is Dom helping win the fight with his current actions? I don’t know the hearts of anyone, but I can see their actions.
And I once demanded the repeal of the Second Amendment.
When I was a teenager.
You'd never know now, unless I told you.
I don't know how it is today, but a while back the Masons did not accept Catholics, blacks, or Jews. Has that changed? So maybe this dude found a Masonic ring in a pawn shop or estate sale and bought it, unaware or not caring what it represents?
That has never been true as to Christians or Jews or even Muslims at least not in blue lodge. It was true as to blacks for a time for a certain reason. There are a few requirements to become a mason: You have to believe in a benevolent higher power (Satanists are rejected) and you have to believe in the resurrection of the soul, but further you must be born a free man and able to choose to join of your own free will. In slavery times it was said that a slave could not join because he had a master and therefore could not make his choices freely. And a person born into slavery was not free born. After the end of slavery many still were prohibited for this reason. Even black men who were free born began to be rejected because of the continued tradition and sometimes just plain racism in some lodges. This is how Prince Hall lodges got started and provided many black men with an avenue for petitioning to join. And while most regular lodges dont have a prohibition of any race any longer, some black men still prefer Prince Hall lodges due to the tradition and the human nature to flock to those like yourself.
Ah... inter-dasting... did not know all that.
Who's the guy in the picture?
Well, he fooled me too. Thanks for the heads up on this guy.
How were you “fooled”? Because he has rings on suddenly all his actions that you saw as correct are worth nothing?
We wuz MAGA
I don't follow anyone as leaving that trace is just making the job easier for them....
I do however have a 'socials' bookmark folder................
Why does Dom have any credibility? I've followed him for a while and half his content is recycled conspiracies that I saw on reddit 10 years ago.
“I will expose X,Y, Z if A, B and C.”
Fake, Ghey.
Run away.
Not all Masons are in on the Mason plans, most are dupes.
You can buy Masonic Jewelry in pawnshops.
There are separate Black Masons running around.
Yea and who is this idol that weak people worship?
Why is this guy well-known? He seems like an attention whore that wants to be in a position of power, but has little to offer. Not so different than Liz Cheney or No Name's daughter.
Controlled misinformation
Are those designs same as Epstein temple?
Fuck that guy. If he had anything on anyone, he should post it. He's just being a faggot for attention. He has nothing.
You seen the new teeth Ya West?
He ought to take a giant step back and a hard look at that question and then do some soul searching bc I think he'd find the answer
Dom Lucre is on TimcastIRL right now. https://greatawakening.win/p/17s5p0zQO5/for-those-who-love-dom-lucre-hes/
Theres an account on Instagram that followed me it was proudly saying they belonged to the illuminati. Some black dude. I blocked him but they do troll. Mot the first one of those I have seen Facebook had a page few years ago recruiting....wish this thing would go BOOM already.
Jesus had 12 and of which he knew one was going to betray him and another would deny him. Yet he picked all 12 and all 12 chose to follow Jesus.
Could Judas of defeated his role? Did he have free will? Peter was even told he would do what he did.
Does free will exist? Gods will is always going to be fulfilled. Was God giving Judas an opportunity to repent?
These rappers all love gold and silver just as in the days of Jesus. Many of them are very spiritual, but I believe many are satanists without accepting the truth—the love of money is a very tough thing.
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