It seems like a new banking system backed by something tangible again like how it was in the 1800's and prior would be a good move but would those of us in debt still be in debt to the banks? If not, how would our debts magically be absolved?
Example, say you owe money on your car and you have a ton of outstanding debt to a bank or credit lender. How exactly does implementing a new system of banking nullify this? Can't the bank still say "Since the USD is defunct, now you owe us the "New US Treasury Certificate" equivalent of that amount"?
I just can't quite put 2 and 2 together how the new currency would be debt free without older debts being absolved first.
The money we borrow doesn't exist until we borrow it.
Who exactly do we owe it too.
accounting 101 should be taught in kindergarten thru 12th grade.
we do not have "money" per se.
we have a system of debits and credits.
and on top of that system of debits and credits,
we have a system of USURY.
USURY is the root of all evil.
if we can get rid of USURY, we could liberate ourselves, and our future generations.
USURY is the mechanism by which the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
USURY is the mechanism by which the wealth is taken from those who create it, which are the laborers, and transferred to the USURY CLASS.
the USURY CLASS then uses their massive wealthy to buy everything from newspaper companies to factories to single family homes.
USURY is the tool of enslavement.
USURY is the beast system.
USURY is their primary tool of acquiring unlimited wealth and power.
USURY is insatiable.
USURY is unsustainable.
and USURY is completely unnecessary.
you can Vote for Donald Trump, but Trump is just one man, with limited power.
and you leave this system of usury in place, Donald Trumps attempt to drain the swamp will be a footnote of history.
for real, lasting change, we must dismantle the usury based "money" supply.
but first, we must educate ourselves,
and then we must educate others.
once we have made our case, for what the problem is,
then we can make the case for what to do about it.
i have run the numbers, and i can tell you that any compounding interest rate above 0.00% will always be unsustainable in the long run.
it always "goes asymptote", and shoots for the moon.
as Jefferson allegedly said, paraphrased,
"first by inflation, then by deflation"
the is why there are cyclical BOOM and BUST cycles regularly throughout history.
they inflate the money supply, then they deflate the money supply.
and theres a certain group of people who always seem to get blamed,
every time the economy crashes, and people start to educate themselves about how the economy really works.
and this group of people has been kicked out of well over 100 different countries,
allegedly because of "hate"
because in the minds of the usury class, its "hateful" for you to deny them the right to enslave you with their usury, because thats just their religion, where they are the master, and you are the slave. and to deny the master his rightful ownership of you, is hateful.
It's not just the interest. They create money out of thin air. It's not like they had some gold and we borrowed it.
They had nothing to start with.
They can have back exactly what they started with.
This is the answer; all the above is venting.
Edit, they can have back the currency they collectively decanted to nothing. Whether it's replaced by actual value currency (which debtors repay at the ORIGINAL VALUE of the currency at the time they initially took out the loan) or with worthless currency (that we print out at will JUST LIKE THEY DID), something gets paid back and cancels the debt.
Personally I'd think it's fair to pay back what we originally promised, but valued properly.
Paying back the debt with worthless currency seems like the best option.
I’m hoping that’s what happens.
Home printers go brrrrrr.... Kek
Turn this entire thing into post fren
Tell me, do they charge usury to one another in this group?
Excellent comment! I would add one small distinction:
USURY is the Harlot system
Sounds commie.
I mean.. You can see on your billing statement who you owe it to.
You owe it to the entity you took out the loan from.
So if a new banking system and current was implemented, I don't see how that would suddenly make the bank say "Oh ok. You don't owe us anymore. We're happy to have given you free money earlier. Thanks"
Wash it away maybe? Fractional reserve lending means only 10% of money exists in deposits. The other 90% is made up
Makes sense, but then that leaves the question of ownership. Say in this example you owed $5K on your car.. If the debt is "washed away" does the bank have the right to repo the car if you don't give them the $5K equivalent of whatever the new currency is?
Yeah that's where I get lost in this too
Would perhaps we take the full asset range shown in the debt clock photo from the other day, compare relative values of different debt obligations against their prices in the fake system, and value adjust the debt loan into a proportional hard backing?
Wild guess. Probably some other adjustments in the middle of that as well.
Gotta figure that most of the institutions that hold our 'debt' will be washed away at the same time as the fiat. The entire financial landscape will be unrecognizable at the end of this, the holders of debt gone, either bankrupt or found to be predatory and dismantled.
So in your example, you owe 5k on your car but to who exactly? You dont owe it to Ford or GM because they sold that debt the minute it was acquired. So you owe it to a bank that no longer exists? Or some third party collector that has been feeding off the spoils of our misery and is now classified as predatory?
I think we are focusing on one single aspect when there is a huge web of deceit that needs to be considered in its entirety before we can make any assertions.
Its my opinion that the entire criminally fraudulent credit system is abolished and with it all debt. You cant reset global currencies without resetting global credits and debits. Otherwise you are trying to put a square peg in a round hole.
fractional reserve went out the window a couple years ago
In March 2020, the Fed lowered the reserve requirement ratio — the minimum percentage of deposits kept as reserves — to 0%, meaning there’s no reserve requirement for banks. The Fed says it doesn’t have plans to change it, but the ratio can be adjusted. Banks still hold reserves despite not having a Fed requirement [1].
Primary source
Eyes on this! Huge news that all frogs should know!
Is this why they get so mad when you actually take out a relatively large sum of cash? Because that whole attitude is just BIZARRE. "Can I ask what you need this money for?" Say WHAT?
They didn't have the money first to lend it.
The act of borrowing created the money.
The act of declaring the money void, means you can't pay it back. I borrowed fake fed dollers, if they no longer exist I can't pay them back.
Can't they just say, okay, then you owe us that $ equivalent of the new currency?
Or on another note. Say you had something like a mortgage or a car loan, now the USD is void, what's stopping the bank from repo'ing your car or taking over your house?
They can say whatever they want.
But they have no law to back them up.
Well typically the contract signed with the lender is pretty crystal clear and can be used in a court of law, but I don't know how detailed it is or if there's a "Customer only agreed to pay back loan in USD, but we didn't account for the USD going defunct" type of loophole that lets the customer off the hook. But then that would screw over the bank.
OK the old money would be practically worthless so with one doller of new money you could buy 10k of the old money, or something like that.
Problem solved.
If they come out with a new currency, you can bet your ass, they have a plan.
Ahh okay, that clears things up. Hopefully this happens but I won't get my hopes up.
But if the source of the money was fraudulent then fraud vitiates a contract?
This is one of those areas where lawyers like to come in and muddy the waters. Here is the basic principle. Someone was buying a house. They had to take out a loan from a bank to afford it. The seller agrees to the amount of money. The bank gives them the money, you agree to pay the bank. It doesn't matter what was exchanged, dollars, seashells, glass marbles. You and the seller agreed to an exchange. The medium of exchange was provided by the bank. There is no fraud. If anything, the seller is the one victimized, not the buyer. You have a house. What does the seller have? They have what the bank gave them (which the seller agreed to). There is no fraud, not effectively. If you sign a contract, you have to fulfill the contract. If the dollar goes to crap in value, you can pay off the debt on the bank loan in the worthless dollars. That satisfies the contract. If we need wheelbarrows of USD to buy a loaf of bread, then you can take that same wheelbarrow down to the bank and pay off your loan. This has actually happened in other countries. I think it has happened to Mexico, three times in my own lifetime.
Nothing. Secured debt. They can recover their security if you don't pay for it.
But if the central banks that are the source of the magic imaginary money were found to have been committing wholesale fraud for generations then doesn’t fraud vitiate everything? Thus the banks that borrowed the nebulous idea of a currency from those would not owe it to them and thus like fruit of the poisoned tree it would wend its way through? What doesn’t exist cannot be loaned or borrowed?
How many banks will carry over into a new system or will they all fold and new ones have to be established? I don’t mind paying my debt I borrowed the money but the interest that is outrageous is killing me. Inflation isn’t helping cause what was really good money to our parents doesn’t go anywhere nowadays
You didn't know about interest when you borrowed it? That's the only reason a lender will offer anyone a loan.
Yes I know there is interest but like I have discussed with my mom, she buys a car no for the same price she bought her house in the late 70s. One she has 6 yrs to pay off and the other she had 30. She is like how to we pay one debt off so much quicker but they want to drag the other out
If they were the same price it would be in her "interest" to pay off the house first.
You do realize I said she bought her house in the 70s and it’s been paid off but compared to car prices now for $75-80,000
I agree. People keep acting as if they've been forced against their will to take out credit with high-interest rates.
Credit is a privilege. Not a right. I think people have really forgotten that, and think they're being treated unfairly by being charged interest.
What happens if you are retired and senior citizen, no debt, but have money in bank, pension? Does all that evaporate?
Common sense suggests that Trump and the White Hats would not tear down and destroy the financial system of the most powerful nation on earth, and not have already replaced it with something better; and that these are not the type of people who would leave millions of American seniors destitute, their life savings wiped out by the new currency.
Bingo....That's how you can tell people here don't have savings, only debt. Kinda like college students gone wild when they entered the real world.
No, all rightful ownership remains, but it’s carried in the treasury instead of the fed.
We are actually the creditor, not the debtor. The paper with your signature is what holds the value. Our signature is what brings non-existent reserve notes into existence. According to the Fed Reserve Act Section 2 Application for notes by Fed Reserve banks. Those banks are me and you using our signatures. The Fed guarantees Fed Reserve Notes will be issued in exchange for all promissory notes. KEK! Er’ybody just runnin around trading paper. No real money. Where is our remedy?
Here’s the kicker, all real money, coined silver and gold, was taken away from us. All this paper is entirely unconstitutional. The 13th amendment may have freed the slaves but the 14th amendment made slaves of us all. Becoming a citizen, literally means, becoming an employee of the government corporation and all licenses, certificates, any other contracts with the government, yes they are all contracts that are designed to keep you in a commercial status instead of private. Corporations, public entities motivated by nothing but profit and power, have taken the place of trusts, private entities motivated by taking care of someone else’s assets for the benefit of the named beneficiary.
All your God given rights become privileges the state grants you through these issued contracts. For instance, the constitution says we all have the right to travel freely. We are tricked into getting a driver’s license that now takes us out of private travel and puts us in commerce and subject to corporate public traffic laws instead of remaining private travelers self governed under common law. Unless you are transporting goods or passengers for hire you are NOT operating commercially. Check your state laws. Here in CA it clearly states that only commercial for hire drivers have to have a driver’s license. Same goes for registering your car. You don’t have to. You can get the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin number from the maker and apply for a DOT vehicle ID# in place of your state license plate. You can land patent your property and own the land that your house is on. Guess what? When you own the land you no longer have to pay rent aka property taxes. Shut up about public services. They contract with privately still as an individual instead of you being lumped in with everyone else’s standard contracts.
I could go on for days about this shit. Learn how to manufacture promissory notes and send them to the Fed for exchange to FRN’s and pay off all your contracts that you were duped into paying for when the bank already took your contract to the Fed and got FRN’s in exchange. And we are paying them again after they already got paid from your signature.
If none of this gets addressed by Trump he isn’t helping nobody do nothing. He is but another perpetrator of these Babylonian money magic crimes.
Every anon should watch and be familiar with what is being presented. It is the basic understanding. No debts exist because you have been bought and sold daily via birth certificates, your birth certificate is directly linked to straw man accounts. Any usury debt owed will be paid off with that account. It’s the same thing when you file bankruptcy, the bankruptcy judge requests from the fed to access your accounts to repay debts he will deem he can write off, now the judge knows these are illegal debts but the system protects itself. Watch and learn
Sovereign Citizen?
If one is a citizen, how can they be sovereign?
If one is sovereign, what are they a citizen of?
Your term is retarded
I'm not the one who came up with it. You know that, right?
What do you prefer, Freemen?
And money isn’t created to pay the interest so technically the debt can never be repaid.
That's why the like the pyramid I guess.
We’re not supposed to notice or ask that question are we?
This is what I would like to know. Do I bother paying more than the bare minimum on my paper debt? I got $18,000 in Student loan debt. Do I pay more and try to clear it asap or do I just pay the minimum and keep stacking silver?
Always work towards your financial freedom. You’ll be a stronger person. There is no guarantee of how things will go down.
Depends on the interest rate I would think.
Yeah - I won't ever try to pay my house off early. My interest rate is 2.25%. I won't move either - the current 30 yr fixed housing loans are right at 7%, supposedly down 2 points in a week (that is suspicious...). My mortgage would be over $700 more a month with that change in interest rates. Paying off loans and credit cards is a much better deal for lucky people like me that bought under Trump.
If you, like me, believe that precious metals like silver will massively increase in value during the collapse, then the answer seems simple.
Make the necessary minimum payments towards the debt, trim your expenses as much as possible, and direct every possible penny towards silver while it's almost free.
When the demand for silver shoots to the moon, sell just enough silver to retire the student loan debt.
When the monetary system collapses into rubble, and PMs explode in value, it could be easy work to retire your debt for 'pennies on the dollar' and become debt free.
I say pay the bare minimum and stack with your extra and wait to see how things play out unless you have the cash to pay off your house or car. Student loans I wouldn’t worry about paying off early
I think everything would be exchanged, old dollar for new dollar. Your question is about “what about debt?” Well, what about assets? If you have $5000 in the bank, would you want that to disappear? Would millionaires want their nest egg gone? It’s impossible to erase debt and not assets. The elderly couple that scrimped and saved their whole life might have to go live on the street.
The problem with this line of reasoning is re-hypothecation. One asset that has been unknowingly sold to many different parties. Derivatives currently represent a sizeable fraction of a quadrillion dollars, and they are leveraged hundreds of times vs. real assets. In theory, derivatives are balanced, but counterparty risk means even a slight imbalance collapses the entire structure, because there aren't enough real assets to make good on all the promises.
Introducing a new currency necessarily requires eliminating this structure, and that is going to be financial chaos. The only clean way to do it is to inflate away the old currency, which is asymptotically equivalent to cancelling all debts. Those who are financial creditors in this case lose out, but everyone benefits from the physical assets the own.
It's a complete reset. All financial assets are worth zero. If you're a renter with large bond holdings...well, you'll be left holding the bag. But nobody would lose their home, so nobody would be pushed onto the street. Rents would also be reduced as the mortgages would be zeroed.
But some will clearly be hurt, and assistance programs would need to be offered to those who were seriously and adversely affected in the reset.
Yes, this is key. Re-hypothecation has multiplied the fraud. It’s impossible to determine the rightful owner of many assets.
That’s why everyone should consider having assets in one’s own posession.
btw. I believe that blockchain’s (could also be other form of shared ledger) real use case will be to eliminate re-hypothecation.
I’m not sure this is entirely true as every US citizen with a birth certificate has been and is currently being bought and sold daily on the markets. This is the elusive strawman accounts they found when they found the Panama papers… so in essence you yourself could be worth millions or billions depending on your “worth” to traders. For understanding everyone has to become familiar with actual legal terms set forth by our founders, and how the entire fiasco of usury debt facilitated against us is in actual terms fraud and makes the contracts null and void, in fact they are illegal…
This. I will rescue a tarp and some blankets.
the book that changed my life.....The Creature From Jekyll Island
So what happens to the sucker who sacrificed luxury and a new car to pay their debt? As usual, we are screwed?
Do you want to win or not?
Yes, but winning includes survival.
We're making the mother of all omelettes, Jack.
Can't fret over every egg.
Says the man who has nothing to lose.
Negative. You’ll be a stronger, freer person.
With a roof over my head and food on the table? I have never in my life taken anything from anybody. I don't take medicare even though I have paid into it from inception. I have never used any kind of welfare. I won't ask my neighbors to take care of me ever. I am too old to start over. Not guaranteeing I will starve quietly, but I will never beg or take hand outs.
Perhaps this is your new life's challenge then. One last lesson to learn. Accepting help from others is an important life skill, and it sounds like you might need some practice.
There's no harm in being independent. And there is no harm in accepting assistance from those freely offering it. As with all things, balance is the key. If you are starving but too stubborn to accept assistance because you think of it as a "handout", that sounds like something you could work on.
I came from a generation where being on the dole was akin to total disgrace. I will work. I will not take handouts. I am too old to become what I am not.
Everyone needs a helping hand on occasion.
Just use help to get you back on uour feet again, then be on your merry way. No shame in that.
That's a personal choice, of course. And here is a lot of good in that perspective. You should be proud of it and never discard it. But there are other perspectives too. Ultimately you can be whatever you want to be. You are not locked into anything unless you actively choose it.
No matter your age, the one constant in this life is change. None of us are ever too old to learn or grow.
Well, I am going to learn how to snake a drain today. Cross your fingers that I can learn a new trick today.
Remember blessed are the meek....and having a shitty car gives us something to talk about....besides I doubt everything works out the way people think it will.
I am not meek. I am blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren and friends, and I will not be a dependant on any of them.
When the wind blows, does the reed that bends break, or the one that doesn't?
I don't know. Ask the reeds who didn't take the vax.
They didn't break because they were many and borrowed strength from their neighbouring reeds.
I would think it would depend on the re-evaluation. If there is a bail in and they take your savings & retirement there should be an adjustment on the other end. Actually, there may be a huge redistribution of wealth from all the assets confiscated from the cabal. They have been bleeding us dry for more than a Century. If people were ever owned reparations, it is us.
I'm $20,000 in debt. I was way over confident in my ability to pay the money back.
Those are rookie numbers.
In the semi-pro league, even.
What happens to American greenbacks that are stashed underneath the mattress? Will they become mull and void, could they be traded in for new American currency at the current exchange rate? Looks like the best solution is to purchase precious metals and hold until the new currency is established and then trade the metals for new greenbacks.
The concept of debt is fairly simple. You wanted or needed something that you did not have the resources to acquire with your own wealth, regardless of what that monetary instrument is. Imagine you traded labor hours between yourself and a builder. You promised to pay 100 hours of labor (of whatever your skill is) for them to build you a garage. You put in a clause that says that the term of the contract is for one month. Additionally, you have a clause that all the work from both parties must be completed within one month. A penalty for any time over one month is put in place and is agreed to, by both parties. They sign a contract and the work begins. This is a direct labor exchange and is a form of barter. Any monetary instrument is a substitute for a direct barter system. It doesn't matter what instrument is. It is a form of barter. People don't want to hear that they still owe a debt because many people have accumulated a very large debt. This type of contract is a promissary note. You have bound yourself to a contract. Debts and contracts do not magically disappear because the monetary instrument changes. It isn't popular, but if you signed a promissary note, it is honorable for you to fulfill that note. If you do not, we have put in place a system to exact penance on behalf of the other party. This is how it is required to be done because of dishonorable people that do not honor their promises. Even if the new monetary system changes, it would be anarchy and chaos if all debts were wiped. People like to think that not paying for something isn't hurting someone else, they think stealing from a business or a bank (which is simply a consolidation of other peoples money). You are basically a communist. Take from everyone else to pay for stuff for you. Are the banks corrupt, YES. Are corporations corrupt, YES, is the basic foundation of the system invalid, NO. Throwing out the whole system because some people have cheated the system is juvenile and ignorant. Throwing out the system because you have promised more than you can pay back is even more idiotic. Pay off all your debts and learn to live within your means. If you can't afford to pay to live, you have to look at alternatives to either making more money or finding a new place to live that is cheaper, where the income from your skill will allow you to make enough money to survive and possibly even thrive.
Thanks for articulating how I feel and our reality such as it is.
Can't afford it? Don't buy it. Wow no debt with that evil interest applied.
Need a loan? Understand up front the contract you are agreeing to.
The one thing we should be teaching to all children is home micro economics. Macro is great, if only for edification reasons, but learning micro economics helps to avoid debt slavery. Things are so expensive because we can get loans everywhere. College used to be far cheaper until the Federal government got involved in student loans. Taking out any loan without financial analysis is like playing Russian roulette.
A Jubilee!
Mega inflation
Even with inflation we all remain in relatively the same station.
You would own everything and be happy.
You’re welcome.
Integrity, I agreed to pay x amount. I get to pick the value of my word.
If the bank/lender has had their assets seized. Technically you’d owe the money to the Treasury.
What I’m going to guess would happen. Is a mix of seizures. And Strong arm tactics on any companies/banks/lenders that survive. Probably a renegotiation of interest rates and partial forgiveness on particularly large debts.
The only people likely to receive full forgiveness would be those deep in the hole due to medical costs or some other similar reason.
If your in the hole because you went out and bought a shitload of high dollar stuff with cash you didn’t have. Under the assumption said debt would be forgiven. Your probably shut outta luck as far as full forgiveness. You might see partial forgiveness and interest dropped to something low and manageable. But full forgiveness? Unlikely
And undeserved.
JUBILEE!!! I'm debt free except a mortgage, but I'll take it.
The defunct currency is converted to the new during a grace period. In the same way, debts on the books in old currency has to be converted. People who owe banks will not get a "get out of debt free" card. Personally, I think peope who can pay off/down their debt before the conversion occurs will be far ahead of the game.
Source unless otherwise specified Majestic Messages of Disclosure
Q: Will there be a global currency reset?
A: Yes
Money reset implies that we plan on keeping money. Remember, you don't want to have selfish evil people still in positions of power once the planetary transformation takes place with global consciousness rising to the next level.
Will there be a debt jubilee after the reset?
The budget/economy/taxes/debt will go through a correction at difference paces. Imagine each component a vertical line of growth progressing to jubilee... each segment moves independently and will all correct once the Storm passes.
Will the debt be erased?
The debt will be payed off.
We needed to do this legally. Erasing debt to other nations for legitimate investments is wrong. Who has robbed the US of trillions of dollars of wealth? What happens when you don't even realize that you are all slaves?
The FED and the IRS
FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.
I seen one photo of Jacob Rothschild he head is a little bit elongated he's probably a descendent,
The Rothchilds are interdimensions HUMAN beings, not of the species with elongated skulls.
This group of parasitical bloodline families were worshiping an Ancient Babylonian [God] IS-BE of Child Sacrifice, Moloch.
We knew from prior intelligence that those who started the IRS and Federal Reserves were directly involved in ritualistic child sacrifice including drinking the blood of a child. Research Moloch🦉
Changes are soon to be implemented pertaining to the Federal Reserve that should have everyone on high alert over. Knowing what you know regarding the assassination of JFK and the role the Majestic 12 had in this history, reflect why the Federal Reserve was the "real reason" they had JFK assassinated. [They] being the Babylonian Priesthood of Moloch.
The Federal Reserve will be audited and federalized. The IRS has been a political weapon used by the Babylonian Priesthood in order to enforce compliance from all fronts financially essentially allowing the unchecked behavior of entities like the Clinton Foundation or the Gates?
Do the Zionists have a hold on the Federal Reserve currency currently?
Quote CNBC. Com
Bernie Sanders: America is 'owned and controlled by a small number of multi-billionaires'
Catherine Clifford | @CatClifford
End quote.
Allow us to translate:
Illuminati bloodline families are no conspiracy.
Nothing but conspiracy surrounds the activities of these families.
Money talks, especially when its debt backed fiat currency based money that actively enslaves most people.
Q: Is Pres Trump working to dissolve the FED?
A: The FED is in the cross hairs.
Godfather III.
Q: Is corona virus going to bankrupt the world?
A: [FED] in progress.
Federal Reserve is a fiat currency that is in the process of collapsing under its own weight.
Federal Judge Opines That 16th Ammendment (forming the IRS) Was Never Properly Ratified
Ready to Get Depressed… How Many Different Taxes Do I Pay? (97)
I have seen some stuff around about gold being revalued in “the books”. I remember reading something about the gold reserves value per oz was officially contracted at somewhere around $50 an oz. Like in the banking laws with the FED/World Banks.
If their banking empire was collapsed then the U.S. wouldn’t owe them debt. Nor would any other country that is tied into the world banks, including you. Top that with the actual value of gold coming out and no longer being suppressed by the people running this 🤡 🌎 so they can accumulate it the U.S. would become a very rich nation. If it does have the gold it’s supposed to have. Q says we have the gold so maybe we do. Honestly my instincts say they have much more than we know and just may accumulate the Rothschilds gold as well.
This is how you won’t owe anything. Debt just evaporates and your stacking makes you rich.
I also believe that if there were a situation where if the dollar just collapsed and there were a “not enough dollars in the world could buy an oz of silver” situation, then allot of debt could be bought of for Pennie’s on the dollar. If your debt has a fixed interest rate and your contract says you owe $10,000 then you owe $10,000 dollars. We could quickly see a situation where that debt is payed off with a few silver eagles or an oz of gold. They may even be able to buy you a few houses. Who knows.
Sorry just rambling, I will stop now.
Maybe my logic is too simplistic but, if a criminal syndicate lent you money (printed out of thin air) and the criminal syndicate was busted, put out of business and thrown in jail would you still owe the debt?
It would have* to be a 1:1 relationship. The new USD would need to be "pegged" to the current USD. Positive and negative. Debt included. To whom? Whoever you owe it to.
Can it be absolved or restructured? (Unjust taxes, predatory lending, etc) That would be nice.
Should the financial war criminals who created an endless blackhole of debt be absolved? Absolutely fucking not.
Derivatives, naked shorts, synthetics, ETF/$hitCoin collateral, PFOF, toxic "assets sold but not yet purchased"... etc, it goes on forever. For those engaged in the financial crime that caused all of this?
Fuck no. No deals. Close all of their positions. Let the chips fall where they may.
Lenders used inflated rates to steal from the borrowers and it is that act that will null and void the loans. Like a loan shark with inflated rates. It is illegal and will be washed aside.
And the folks who paid their bills and have no debt aside from a mortgage? There are no rewards for an honest broker even in a corrupt system?
The debt is based on the dollar…your debt is not absolved, you just pay it off with a devalued dollar. It’s the same as paying off your loan over an inflationary period, only accelerated. The interest rate that banks charge on your debt includes a risk factor which is why you see interest rates rapidly increasing.
Yes but you need:
The value of the old currency will be compared to the value of the new currency and a currency exchange will then be established. You owe what you owe but it could be dependent on who sets the new currency up. Example ratio could be 1:1 or 100:1. Take a look at what happened to paper currency in Venezuela between 2009-2019 as compared to US currency.
There will be no over night new currency.
It’ll be a slow steady roll out on a competing currency.
At first it’ll be 1-10 ratio, then over time it’ll go 1-20.. then 1-50 then 1-100 etc. eventually the new currency will massively put weigh out old shit.
It’s got to be a slow systemic collapse.
It’s got to be done in a way in which it creates the least havoc and continues normalcy.
That’s my leading theory anyway.
Jpowell talked about competing currencies with the dollar all last year
Option A, covered by whom? As in, the new US Gov't would essentially pay off all outstanding debts or you're saying we'd still be endentured to the legit creditors until the debt is paid off?
Covered by the government at pennies on the dollar. The banks would take it or leave it. Basically this is all GESARA / NESARA.
Can you explain GESARA / NESARA like I'm 5?
Could be fantasy land, may not be though.
I first heard about GESARA/NESARA in the early 2000s.
I heard about it via cautionary tales, like "So and so thought NESARA was going to happen and stopped paying their bills/mortgages. Now they're even more broke than before."
At the time, I thought those stories were far-fetched, but now I'm not so sure.
Same. The thing is with the old guard finally dying out, this thing may finally get passed.
How about a picture? It is much easier than I can explain it lol.
its one of those "crazy conspiracy theories", and heres the thing...
whenever you mention GESARA / NESARA
people lose their minds!
peoples over-reaction to the subject ought to tell you something...
I would think only if the banks/companies you have loans with went belly-up and became insolvent only then would you have no one to pay back? But I just can’t visualize it - as I’m sure larger companies would eat up all the small ones & while you might get a break on payments for awhile you’ll eventually get notified of your new debt holder & payment amounts
I would imagine the debt wont get washed away. You still repay it. But you would be using the new backed by ptecious metals currency not fiat. That $400,00 debt you owe somebody would turn into $100,000 based on the new exchange rate for example.
I dont know at all but have thought about this topic in the past and this makes the most sense to me.
One reason that I held Trump in low esteem (before Q revealed that this all by design) was that he has a history of bankrupting companies. I did not realize that he was going up against organized crime and only saw how he was getting rich by gaming the system.
In retrospect, who could be more perfect to oversee the bankruptcy of this evil corporation?
The value of the currencies would not matter, but it would be important to address the purchasing power to make sure it is equitable for exchanging old for new. Debt is still debt, and should be paid.
The US Dollar is not going to go defunct. The Federal Reserve Note pretending to be a dollar may, however. I imagine they have it figured out and will let us know the details when the time comes. In the meantime, pray about how to handle what funds /FRNs you do have now.
I don’t think banks as we know them are going to continue to exist. They are corporate owned part of the globalist system. I hope and think all existing debt may be null and void when the system is switched. I think the new banking system will consist of small community banks like a few that have existed since the 1800’s.
Personally I am the type of person who does not like to be boxed in. I like freedom of manoeuvre and options. This situation is unique and difficult to predict what the outcome will be. So what leaves me with the largest range of strategic options given I don’t know what will happen? Precious metals under my control. Having been debt free my whole life I have recently built up around $50k in debt buying even more because 1) maybe it will be wiped out 2) if it is not wiped out, the precious metals I am buying will in all probably be revalued relative to the money I borrowed and debt can be cleared for a fraction of what I borrowed. 3) if I am wrong and the debt is relatively the same burden, I still can clear the debt since I just converted what I borrowed into a different form of money and what I borrowed is just a small component of my stack anyway. So, it’s a small gamble but I figure the risks are outweighed by the potential benefits and my strategic options are maximized.
It also lets me get back at the banks for the swindle they are engaged in with the precious metals price manipulation.
Debt jubilee.
Don't confuse secured debt with unsecured.
A secured loan, such as a car loan, is backed by physical property. If you don't satisfy the debt equivalent in the new currency, the owner of the car can still come and repossess it.
Unsecured debt is simply forgiven, wiped away, canceled. (This is Biblical and supposed to occur every 7 years [release] or 50 years [jubilee].)
E.g.: “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release of debts. And this is the form of the release: Every creditor who has lent anything to his neighbor shall release it; he shall not require it of his neighbor or his brother, because it is called the LORD's release." Deuteronomy 15
The entity that loaned the unsecured money knew IN ADVANCE they were taking a calculated risk and could lose some or all of their capital. It's called RISK. There is no capitalism without risk. It's that simple. They risk money in order to make more than they lose. Sometimes a LOT more. Very often, lenders win at this debt game...sometimes they don't. Oh well. Then "Neither a borrower nor a lender be," and you'll break even for life.