Why is this stickied? Because, damned right, this is relevant. I support Trump and all, but, let's not lose sight of the fact that there's a 1:1 replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar-A-Lago, either.
GAW runs on objectivity. If you think you see something that runs counter-narrative to our pro-Trump narrative,POST THE FUCK OUT OF IT.
So, does having a life sized replica of the Ark mean he's a Zionist? As far as I recall, believing in God, believing in the living Word of God as represented in The Bible, and believing Israel has a right to exist as much as any other country DOES NOT mean you are a Zionist. And even if you are a Zionist, is that necessarily a bad thing? If Revelations is correct, at some point, everyone on the planet will be a "Zionist."
It's not Zionism that's the problem, but the same group of Luciferians at the top of every societal group that's the problem.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Rev 3:9
43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
48 The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?
You're treating this line like Jesus is saying all Jews and anything of old Israeli culture is automatically evil and satanic.
The part of the bible he quoted says which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie seems to imply that only those who lie are evil. How did you come to the conclusion that u/LBTrumplican2 is treating (or interpreting) this as all jews, as you claim?
Discernment is key to understanding.
Why does Jesus use this phrase to refer to those who are opposing the mission of the kingdom of God? The name “Satan” means Accuser. And a synagogue was a gathering place. If you put them together, then it is a gathering place of the accuser.
The bible gives more clues as to the identity in Revelations 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
The same language is used in Revelations 2:9 for those who are “slandering” and again “say that they are Jews and are not.”
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
It's somewhat similar to Paul’s language in Romans 2:28-29
28For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Because they are not part of the mission of God, they are no longer to be considered the people of God. You cannot be in direct opposition to Jesus Christ, who is the true Israel, and consider yourself as still being a Jew. You are, as Paul said, only one outwardly.
Anyone involved in slander, lying, accusations or dehumanizing is aligning with Satan's work. While this passage primarily addresses Christian persecution, it extends to all who actively oppose the Kingdom of God and persecute believers, identifying them as part of Satan's work. This would make them a member of the synagogue of Satan.
Matthew 7:15-20
15“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
16You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
17Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
19Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
9“I know your tribulation and poverty, but you are rich. I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews and are not, but rather are members of the assembly of Satan. Rev 2:9
In (John 14:6 ESV) He said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (christian) on another occasion Jesus said, “Unless you believe that I Am who I claim to be, you will die in your sins,”
We were just having this conversation yesterday in our Womens Bible Study. Yes even Jews have to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord Savior or they go to hell.
I thought the definition is believing Jewish people have a right to self-determine in their own state, which I believe to be true personally because I'm Jewish. I'm also critical of the Israeli government with their covid response like the rest of us, and I'm suspicious on their role in Oct 7 having been there many times and witnessing the security state that it is.
That said, the Abraham accords sets a positive vision of prosperity in the middle east and where Israel isn't reliant on US involvement for helping police the middle east.
if Abraham and Sara would have just listened to the Lord when He said THEY would have a child, and they, mostly Sara, did not jump start it, we wouldn't have Arabs.
i'm not saying there are no Arabs, i'm saying IF Abraham and Sara would have just waited on the Lord, we wouldn't be in this mess with arabs vs jews and all this Allahu Akbar terrorist shit.
I know. I'm just being facetious. You are totally right about Abraham and Sara. They didn't follow God and were impatient. Regardless though, the animosity started with Mohammad. Christ said "the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy" and I think he was foreshadowing the Antichrist to come in the form of Mohammad.
I mean, look. The Queen Sheba came to visit King Solomon. Arabia had a queen. Mohammad's wife was a business owner who employed men, and SHE is the one who proposed marriage to HIM. That much we know of his first wife, and that alone says so much about Arabian culture BEFORE the scourge of Islam infested Arabia. I have a friend in KSA who said that after Trump first visited his country and King Salman named his son Mohammad as the new king, with all the social reforms like allowing women to drive and attend soccer games and such, there has been a renaissance in pre-Islamic archaeology. So much history and knowledge in the Arabic world had been destroyed due to Islam. I think that's probably how ancient Egyptian became an unknown until the Rosetta Stone was discovered.
That is probably true as conversion is allowed. There have been many diasporas while maintaining their cultural identity - my background is Iraqi Jewish which goes back to Nebechudnezzar. When Cyrus of Persia conquered Bablyon, he gave the choice for Jews to go back and some stayed.
I’ve heard claims that a lot of the reason we went over there was secretly to get rid of the remaining Iraqi Jews, and that we did do a lot of that - not directly, but via “hey guys, the terrists are over there, go blow up that building”.
I don't think that's true since there are literally only like a handful of Jews left in iraq. All of them pretty much left by the early 1950s. There was a pogrom against Jews called the Farhud that started in 41. This also stemmed from Nazi influence within the country.
Thanks! Unlike Afghanistan, where there were some clear war objectives, I’ve had trouble figuring out what our interests in Iraq were…. back to the drawing board.
Yes he was. If his lineage in Matthew isn’t be believed he descended from David, who descended from Judah. Regardless, the people referred to as Jews in the New Testament were all those of the house of Israel.
Zionist is not referring to what you speak of. Its improperly supplied but put deepstate ashkanazi in its place and it's more accurate. To me it's implying trump is deep state.
I did that but I was banned. Only place I have ever been banned for posting anything on the internet in almost 30 years of being online is GAW. Wouldn’t mind but I was only sharing alternate views or asking questions pertaining to the endless free passes we give Trump, specifically on jabs. For me it’s now clear: GAW is an anti-free speech trap. A narrative herding operartion and doxxing beartrap. My guess is Mossad but likely any globohomo outfit paying for data.
Wtf you think trump is all powerful. When covid hit he was surrounded by people ready to kill him. What i dont give a pass to are people who during that time stupidly couldn't think for themselves and get past their fears sontjey caved in like cowards are mindless drones and got jabbed. Lucky for them the first round was likely harmless thanks trump.
Because we should be able to say what we want to say. If you stick around long enough and you’re not bullied out of here, topics like this come up and I just…
I can’t even get the correct Emoji to display. For some reason, it changes it when I press save. So that leads me to believe there’s some type of programming going on behind the scenes.
We should have free and fair conversation about all topics not just what is allowed.
If your post title question turns out to be true, then we're screwed in the worst possible way imaginable. The war would be utterly lost likely forever.
However, I think it is all out war and taking out the Zionists is the most delicate, most complicated strategic part of the plan by far. Not only is "Military the only way", but "we're saving Isreal for last" is the only way too.
This video posted by Truthseeker4953 has to be true if we are going to win. I very solidly think it is:
Edit: When I say, "taking out the Zionists" I mean that exclusively as "The Synagogue of Satan". We can discuss / debate who and which groups do or do not fall into that category. I have faith that the best military intelligence group ever gathered on earth with a plan that has been in place for over 60 years knows exactly who they are. Especially since they have asked us to pray so many times as a central tenant of the plan.
I'm waiting to see what Trump and his cabinet do. Israel is not to be taken lightly. You have to appear as their friend until all their US based assets are taken out. Then you can strike. The best part is, if we have the goods on Israel, we may not even need to strike. They will just destroy themselves like they are doing now.
Take this with a massive mountain of salt, but I suspect it may be officially revealed that Israel had a big part to play in 9/11. If you want to get revenge on Israel you reveal that and the American public will never again trust Israel. The whole world will not trust Israel again. Especially after what the world has witnessed in Gaza. That is a truly defeated enemy.
But that's my hope anyways. I've been wrong many times.
Exactly this. They have infiltrated, corrupted and subverted every western government and institution.
A big lunch pin is making us sick and therefore distracted. Appointing JFK Jr quelled a lot of doubts I had in the last few days. When big pharma and their corrupt cronies are defanged, the corruption and criminality made public, I believe the pace will accelerate.
The appointment of Geatz in no way can be Zionist, he and his father were targeted by a failed mossad honey trap / bribery operation.
People conflate all jews to be zionist. Zionist are the deep state ashkanazis who are also the money masters and not all identify as jews. You have catholics, Chinese atheist, Russian orthodox, British episcopilians etc and so on whonare all part of the askanizi network. Zionist are just another subgroup with in that. Even I have middle eastern Semitic genetics but I'm a Christian and totally maga amd anti one world as they come. Deepstate has a thousand faces. They become what ever you want to get the job done.
I feel this parallels his first term when he made “bad” appointments to positions. I’ve heard so much here about how people hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes as last time with his picks. If we all here are in agreement that patriots are in control then what makes you think any of it was a mistake? I believe he made these “bad” picks to expose the embedded bad actors for all of us to see. Why would a normie just take Trumps word for it? They have to be shown. Thus I feel in this final term he’s going to expose the Zionist loyalists, hence “saving Israel for last”. I’m a smooth brain so who knows just my take.
That’s what I believe, they all kept digging their own graves, and when they saw what they got away with during the first term, the corruption went off the charts during Biden.
Indeed the thought had occurred: Saving Israel for last, meaning we are saving Israel last, as in rescuing Israel, allowing it to defeat it's irritant enemies, the Palestinians, the Iranians, the Syrians, hey why not throw in, what do they call us? Amolek - Europe and by extension the entire Western Christian world.
Trouble is, with this interpretation, "these people are stupid" means us, we have been tricked. The entire operation, Q, was a false flag, just another Mossad special.
Has to remain a potential, but obviously not something anyone wants to entertain (me included). But it fits also, because there has never been a single negative mention of Israel (not mentioned a single time, because we are running this show!)
They didn't need to go to such lengths to employ DJT to run a FF operation, why should they? All they had to do was let Hilary win in 2016 and they had won it all.
Irritant enemies are likely the parasites within their own nation. They're no different than us in that way. The Palestinians a re convenient to throw people off their trail.
How many of you here are old enough to remember the saying "Only Nixon could have gone to China"
I'm not sure what saving Israel for last really means, but I do know that when the time comes to expose the Satanists masquerading as Jews, only someone who is viewed as having an unblemished record for support for Israel will have the clout to tell people what is really going on.
So I ignore all the nonsense about Trump being a Zionist. I don't even know if it is wrong to be a Zionist. I DO know it is wrong to be part of the globalist cabal that is manipulating the Israeli government. The same way it is wrong to be a globalist manipulating the US government. But I don't know what percentage of the Israeli population has really sold their soul to Satan. Until I have more information about what is really going on, I will wait and see how things develop.
With God even not having a trump can't steal the liberty we have in Christ Jesus as members of God's royal family in the Kingdom of God. Thats the believers reality v
Trump is pro Israel, he is not pro DS which rules almost every western government on the planet. Trump's agenda is to take down the DS in all governments and I suspect the Mossad/CIA are the heart of the DS.
I think Israel is the heart of the DS. 99% of the citizens of Israel have no idea about the people behind the curtain running things. Just like the USA and most other western nations!
I for one am not about "Wiping Israel and the Jews" off the face of the planet, never have been, never will be. They are not a monolith same for every other Country. Sometimes, I believe that the ones that keep pressing this issue have their own agendas and do want to eradicate all "Jewish people". Do I trust blindly? Nope, but I am not going to sit here screaming every person or group of them who are Jewish is out to take control and murder me.
I don't think that describes the majority of people who talk about "the Zionists". Some like to focus on the technical difference between "Jews" and "real Hebrew descendants" etc. I understand where they're coming from, but I think it's more effective to emphasize Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 - "The Synagogue of Satan".
Jesus reserved his harshest condemnation by far for the "Jewish Leaders" by calling them a den of vipers. We are literally talking about Satan worshippers who cloak themselves as "Jews". What better way for Satan to attack the One True God by a fake hijacking of the lineage that brought salvation to the world?
When I first encountered anti-Zionism a few years ago I was absolutely appalled. However, the more I looked into it the more I realized I didn't understand that it was a spiritual war against the accuser of the brethren, the dragon himself.
The video series "The Fall of the Cabal - the Sequel" (specifically parts 1 through 4 of the sequel) is a good resource on this topic IMO.
From your second article "khazarians then and now" this bit is misleading:
"Thus it is fair to claim that the Israelis are not only NOT Semites at all, but are the biggest anti-Semites in the whole world for their massive land theft of Palestinian land and genocide against Palestinians. And despite this stark reality, top Khazarians immediately accuse anyone that criticizes them or Israel of being anti-Semites – an obvious fallacy."
This article is saying that Israelis are not semites at all this is patently false if we look at the story of Esau and Jacob both are sons of Abraham both are Semitic tribes one is what turned out to be islamists Arabs and the other is what turned out to be Hebrews Jews. It is also fact that Hebrews did occupy the land and territory that is modern day Israel this is true. The article makes a huge leap between the Khazarianssarians who absorbs the identity of Jews and actual Jews. Remember "they call themselves shoes but are not Jews they are of the synagogue of Satan," that in and of itself means that there are real Jews and there are those that are pretending to be jews. That does not mean that Palestine Palestinians are now Jews. So this article, the second one, is misleading.
The ‘"Wiping Israel and the Jews" off the face of the planet’ people are middle eastern muslims.
There shouldn’t be any American taxpayer money given to Israel or any foreign country, nor American lives spent in their wars. If Americans want to donate their own money or devote their own lives to a cause like Israel voluntarily, they are free to do so. Adhering to the founding fathers’ vision of isolationism/ noninterventionism would preempt all this drama and would disincentivize AIPAC from buying US legislators.
People who have noticed bad jewish behavior are sometimes Zionists because they figure if the jews have Israel, they’ll leave non-jewish countries. I’m undecided because they’ve had Israel for 76 years and we still have an epidemic of dual citizens and of poorly behaving jews who have no intention of leaving non-jewish countries. I don’t have much of a problem with jews in America who behave themselves. I’m friends with some of them.
It would be hard to find a politician
that did not accept APAC funds. Even the ones who scream about Israel the loudest.
There are good and bad people representing every country. If everything Israel is bad, where does that leave the good people there? Those are the ones I want to believe we support. It is getting harder though!
Zi·on·ist a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
I do not think y'all realize what a Zionist is. I am 100% sure that the Israeli people have a right to the protection and development of their nation.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with the blanket of a zionist thrown over all the Jewish people. I believe the word should be we are against the Deep State Mossad. Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism and other Deep State Fuckery.
Precisely. What this forum says about Jews as a whole is the same rhetoric you hear about America and the West when they go on their "muh colonialism!!!!" rants.
I think the right wording should be used. I live in an area with a fairly large Jewish community, and I have worked for them before. They treated me better than anyone I ever worked for besides my self. I treated myself well all the way through retirement. The Jews are not the Boogie man, but Mossad is.
The support for Isreal is the only thing that made me worry when casting my vote. I do however believe that there are things that need to happen before the return of Christ so at this point I personally am just waiting. Ready to fight when needed but will never deny God is the father and Jesus is the son and savior.
Anyone ever heard of tactics?
Put yourself in Trump/Q's place: Your opponent, that which you intend to destroy completely (the only way to destroy it, as history shows, since it was mostly destroyed once, but came back with a vengeance), has effectively ruled the world for centuries. That opponent holds, or held, positions of power everywhere - not necessarily obvious positions. In the US, since before the Civil War, and permeated the entire govt in the 1930s, under FDR (globalist, progressive).
How do you make that opponent believe he's going to do the same as always once again?
Those who are doing the biblical thing need to understand that it is that same opponent who had control over what your bible says, and what books are included, and what books are not. Like it or not, it's fact, so get over it. BTW, Jesus wasn't sent to rule: He was sent to teach. Get over that, too.
Y'all should make mental note that of the Jewish population, according to several studies, Israeli studies included, 97% are genetically closer to Khazarians than Hebrew; the other 3% just happen to be Palestinians (do you wonder why Israel wants to be rid of Palestine? The one place with population more closely related to Hebrews? Get over that too.)
The trials and tribulations Hitler suffered in exporting the evil ones has not been lost on the Trump crew. The crew has made adjustments so it doesn't happen again. Of course, Adolf couldn't have done what is being done now, but he did complete his main task. NOT the holohoax, either. It was stopping Stalin.
I think this situation is a test of God. Those that refuse to look at the situation out of fear damn all the jews and those that take it to the extreme without nuance damn all the jews.
My guess from a non-dual perspective is this is one of the final tests and we must use our discernment to pass. We can't play with previous civilizations if we can't find God and come together. They may help with cultivating consciousness in this dimension until we grow up and mature. Some cycles make it and some don't. https://files.catbox.moe/9aby9p.png
Their symbol is the vortex up and down of the torus and the game is for our civilization to self-actualize and receive God's blessedness. On a micro scale this would be like an individual resolving their opposites by accepting the shadow(see Carl Jung).
You can't get the Light heroes without a Dark Dragon to go slay. The satanists provide resistance for us to grow, but now is the time we fight with/alongside God and end this game of suffering so we can start a new one in Freedom/w God, now that we're all leveled up with experience...
Old schooler here...I don't understand the hatred for the people of Israel here. Love or Hate the governments (both Israel and/or US), the people believe in God (mostly.
I've tried to find explanations online, but I find none. SOS
I don't either. Some are like 'they not rill jooz' they 'Khazarian mafia nazis'. But then they just still call them Jews. I call it Jew Derangement Syndrome or JDS. Satan also has this debilitating condition.
Well, right out the gate the piece on The Kennedy Beacon appears to have been taken down. This does not bode well for the rest of the video.
Do a Google search for “susie wiles the kennedy beacon” if you like to see what I mean. The top two search results leading to The Kennedy Beacon lead to “Page not found”.
Given that, I don’t see wasting my time any further.
I’ve been die hard since Q arrived, being in my early 30s I NEVER voted. As a child I loved Bush and wanted to see JUSTICE done to terrorists, glass them all.
THE ENDLESS WAR dragged on long into my adult years…. I don’t get it why are we still DYING in that wasteland?
Obama came along and for a brief glimmer I said maybe we DO need “Hope n Change” young and naive I soon learned no, it was much was.
This was the FINAL NAIL in all things, politics, race, religion. It was all the same, red vs blue. Sandy Hook atrocity was committed by OBUMMER as he wiped away tears of Dupers Delight….. Right in my back yard Shady Hook Alphabet Spook Town…. Mason Lounge behind school etc…. A bit further we come across Bushes club in the CIA 224 Skull n Bones.
TRUMP came along…. And I said this is hit, they are now making a total mockery of these elections, the guy from Apprentice!?! A total reality show I thought!
BOOM Vegas Massacre…. The most outright symbolic matrix of numbers, statues, pyramids, Egypt, sun worship, 32 guns, 33rd floor, Bill Gates ownership, Saudi Royalty….
How do you commit such blatant false flag atrocities of this symbolic and deadly caliber!?! NOTHING MADE SENSE…. This is it I thought, surely the Illuminati is now full blown mainstream and putting the FINAL capstone of their evil pyramid……
Then Q came along and changed everything. I am truly grateful to at least follow from the start with realtime understanding of the events tweets and posts….
But still the question remains…. And that Question is NOT
who is better leader/Qualified… is it BUSH? CLINTON? OBAMA? BIDEN? Or TRUMP?
These are ALL two sides of the same blue and red coin…..
It’s whether or not Trump is TRULY against these aforementioned globalist families, and their shadow puppet masters, whom have knowingly and obviously sold out the USA in every imaginable aspect time after time.
There are times where it seems just too good to be true….
Black > White Dark > Light
Is this how they usher in ORDER from CHAOS? Through Q and disclosures and appearances of “utopian” advanced civilization cured of histories evil ailments? Well…. It certainly COULD be one way to do that!
Burn it down to build it back up? Like a Digital BitCoin Phoenix rising from the ashes? Aliens? Religion? Cures? Hidden power of Humanity?
I do recall an interesting thread on Voat QRV which had an archived website that was publish pre Q…. Essentially it was a Freemasonry type society’s page and it went into depth describing what Q is doing now, and was basically giving an operation named “Q” in the title a green light.
They've tried everything else to shake him loose from his base. This is just another controlled attack, and a lot of shills here are doing everything they can to assist.
I feel like I must say that I am deeply concerned with Israel infiltrating our government and think that the deep state of our USA and Israel gov are one and the same. This doesn't mean I hate jewish people - though the ones that follow the babylonian talmud I am sure hate me.
I watched this video. Money talks and bs walks. As a Christian, adopted and grafted to His and only. His remnant. Don't give a crap about this kazarian bs. They will be the reason that Israel is saved for last and when His remnant is threatened to be wiped out with them, that's when Christ returns to settle ALL this garbage. If you don't understand the REAL plan by now, your in for a rude awakening. Trump has his place in His plan. Deal with it and move on..
Q post 916 Save Israel for last
Biblical is 10 times in the Q posts.
Spiritual is 17 times in the Q posts
One thing to point out that is Biblical is Mathew 20:16 — So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.
Even those who deny God and Spiritual Wisdom can not change the fact Q is that.
Revelations 12:9 — And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Many miss this, Satan has angels.
Gog and Magog is what? Russia and China if I remember correctly.
So one could ask this question too.
What would it look like if Satan and his angels tried to usher in the end times?
Many Americans have this brainwashing disorder, not just the woke/the woke seem to accept this Spiritual battle going on better than a regular American. Don’t be mad at me. lol.
The phrase NCSWIC is by itself a prophecy, right?
I am weak and I can see this. Jesus would not panic. Nor should anyone that sees.
So psychological warfare? This is why for years now I am seeing this thing going either a manufactured manmade thing that is trying to make Christian’s panic, ie mrna and lockdowns….. or it truly is Satan trying to end humanity in the open.
Very interesting stuff. Baffling stuff and many of you here are a thousand times more intelligent then me and in every way more important and interesting. :) just stuff that one can either say I am a crazy person for seeing or maybe some will actually see this is all Bublical stuff going on. lol
I get it. The thing I see that many people that are not woke but also believe there is no God so to speak is… the people who put up what the “good guys” took down.. worship Satan or is satan. So by that, this is a Spiritual War and possibly a Holy War.
It is fascinating stuff going on. I am not freaking out by the way. It truly intrigues me my whole life. Like mass hysteria could also be mass possession. Zombies essentially.
I grew up Seventh-Day Adventist, and still adhere to the belief system and doctrines, but don't attend church. But I would never want an SDA dominated government ever!
The Supreme Court has 8 Catholics and Gorsuch might be also. I don't want Jews a minority controlling the government or the financial institutions either.
Why can't we have regular people running our government? Why can't we have Protestants, Orthodox, seculars, skeptics, or even, yes, a few Buddhists run things in this country for once.
Why is this stickied? Because, damned right, this is relevant. I support Trump and all, but, let's not lose sight of the fact that there's a 1:1 replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar-A-Lago, either.
GAW runs on objectivity. If you think you see something that runs counter-narrative to our pro-Trump narrative, POST THE FUCK OUT OF IT.
So, does having a life sized replica of the Ark mean he's a Zionist? As far as I recall, believing in God, believing in the living Word of God as represented in The Bible, and believing Israel has a right to exist as much as any other country DOES NOT mean you are a Zionist. And even if you are a Zionist, is that necessarily a bad thing? If Revelations is correct, at some point, everyone on the planet will be a "Zionist."
It's not Zionism that's the problem, but the same group of Luciferians at the top of every societal group that's the problem.
Don't miss the forest for the trees.
This is who we are fighting. Do not lose focus.
Let us not forget John 8:43-48
43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
48 The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?
Where does it say that in John 8:43-47?
Who say they are Jews but are not
You're treating this line like Jesus is saying all Jews and anything of old Israeli culture is automatically evil and satanic.
The part of the bible he quoted says which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie seems to imply that only those who lie are evil. How did you come to the conclusion that u/LBTrumplican2 is treating (or interpreting) this as all jews, as you claim?
Discernment is key to understanding.
Why does Jesus use this phrase to refer to those who are opposing the mission of the kingdom of God? The name “Satan” means Accuser. And a synagogue was a gathering place. If you put them together, then it is a gathering place of the accuser.
The bible gives more clues as to the identity in Revelations 3:9
The same language is used in Revelations 2:9 for those who are “slandering” and again “say that they are Jews and are not.”
It's somewhat similar to Paul’s language in Romans 2:28-29
Because they are not part of the mission of God, they are no longer to be considered the people of God. You cannot be in direct opposition to Jesus Christ, who is the true Israel, and consider yourself as still being a Jew. You are, as Paul said, only one outwardly.
Anyone involved in slander, lying, accusations or dehumanizing is aligning with Satan's work. While this passage primarily addresses Christian persecution, it extends to all who actively oppose the Kingdom of God and persecute believers, identifying them as part of Satan's work. This would make them a member of the synagogue of Satan.
9“I know your tribulation and poverty, but you are rich. I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews and are not, but rather are members of the assembly of Satan. Rev 2:9
In (John 14:6 ESV) He said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (christian) on another occasion Jesus said, “Unless you believe that I Am who I claim to be, you will die in your sins,”
We were just having this conversation yesterday in our Womens Bible Study. Yes even Jews have to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord Savior or they go to hell.
I thought the definition is believing Jewish people have a right to self-determine in their own state, which I believe to be true personally because I'm Jewish. I'm also critical of the Israeli government with their covid response like the rest of us, and I'm suspicious on their role in Oct 7 having been there many times and witnessing the security state that it is.
That said, the Abraham accords sets a positive vision of prosperity in the middle east and where Israel isn't reliant on US involvement for helping police the middle east.
Name checks out
if Abraham and Sara would have just listened to the Lord when He said THEY would have a child, and they, mostly Sara, did not jump start it, we wouldn't have Arabs.
LOL, Hagar was the Jill Biden of the times
But... my imaginary girlfriend is Arabic.
i'm not saying there are no Arabs, i'm saying IF Abraham and Sara would have just waited on the Lord, we wouldn't be in this mess with arabs vs jews and all this Allahu Akbar terrorist shit.
I know. I'm just being facetious. You are totally right about Abraham and Sara. They didn't follow God and were impatient. Regardless though, the animosity started with Mohammad. Christ said "the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy" and I think he was foreshadowing the Antichrist to come in the form of Mohammad.
I mean, look. The Queen Sheba came to visit King Solomon. Arabia had a queen. Mohammad's wife was a business owner who employed men, and SHE is the one who proposed marriage to HIM. That much we know of his first wife, and that alone says so much about Arabian culture BEFORE the scourge of Islam infested Arabia. I have a friend in KSA who said that after Trump first visited his country and King Salman named his son Mohammad as the new king, with all the social reforms like allowing women to drive and attend soccer games and such, there has been a renaissance in pre-Islamic archaeology. So much history and knowledge in the Arabic world had been destroyed due to Islam. I think that's probably how ancient Egyptian became an unknown until the Rosetta Stone was discovered.
The nation being called israel does not mean the people there are israelites biblically. Jesus himself wasn't the tribe of Judah.
That is probably true as conversion is allowed. There have been many diasporas while maintaining their cultural identity - my background is Iraqi Jewish which goes back to Nebechudnezzar. When Cyrus of Persia conquered Bablyon, he gave the choice for Jews to go back and some stayed.
I’ve heard claims that a lot of the reason we went over there was secretly to get rid of the remaining Iraqi Jews, and that we did do a lot of that - not directly, but via “hey guys, the terrists are over there, go blow up that building”.
Any idea if there’s any truth to them?
I don't think that's true since there are literally only like a handful of Jews left in iraq. All of them pretty much left by the early 1950s. There was a pogrom against Jews called the Farhud that started in 41. This also stemmed from Nazi influence within the country.
Thanks! Unlike Afghanistan, where there were some clear war objectives, I’ve had trouble figuring out what our interests in Iraq were…. back to the drawing board.
Yes he was. If his lineage in Matthew isn’t be believed he descended from David, who descended from Judah. Regardless, the people referred to as Jews in the New Testament were all those of the house of Israel.
Only after God has finished punishing them having scattered them away from their homeland. Their return will happen on God’s time, not by self help
For now they are not high on my list if SHTF
Zionist is not referring to what you speak of. Its improperly supplied but put deepstate ashkanazi in its place and it's more accurate. To me it's implying trump is deep state.
But.. What is the connection between the Khazarians and Ukraine? They seem to both be satanic objectives but what is the game?
Ukraine sits in the middle of what was once Khazaria which was much larger geographically.
Also, I don't mean to complain but...this is a loooong movie. I'm running out of popcorn.
Maybe it has something to do with saving Israel for last?
... for a reason not mentioned once...
Still stuck mulling that one over.
Yep. Makes you wonder doesn't it. I don't hate Israelis at all, but I sure hate their current government and believe it is a FAF state.
I did that but I was banned. Only place I have ever been banned for posting anything on the internet in almost 30 years of being online is GAW. Wouldn’t mind but I was only sharing alternate views or asking questions pertaining to the endless free passes we give Trump, specifically on jabs. For me it’s now clear: GAW is an anti-free speech trap. A narrative herding operartion and doxxing beartrap. My guess is Mossad but likely any globohomo outfit paying for data.
It was never a free speech site, the sidebar says it isn't, its a pro DJT anti DS site.
And what an oxymoron… Because Donald Trump just came out and told us that free speech is the bedrock of society. But not GAW 😂😂😂
👏👏👏 Scream it from the rooftops
Rip Rooftoptendie 🙌
Greetings _36-7.1
You seem to have a interesting take on current events and we would love to hear more of your ideas!
Please visit The Ministry of Information for a once in a lifetime, mind altering opportunity!
Wtf you think trump is all powerful. When covid hit he was surrounded by people ready to kill him. What i dont give a pass to are people who during that time stupidly couldn't think for themselves and get past their fears sontjey caved in like cowards are mindless drones and got jabbed. Lucky for them the first round was likely harmless thanks trump.
Why stay here then?
Because we should be able to say what we want to say. If you stick around long enough and you’re not bullied out of here, topics like this come up and I just…
I can’t even get the correct Emoji to display. For some reason, it changes it when I press save. So that leads me to believe there’s some type of programming going on behind the scenes.
We should have free and fair conversation about all topics not just what is allowed.
Its been proven beyond a doubt you can not say what you want here. Don't kid yourself.
I agree with you 100%. I am not kidding myself. Not at all. I just don’t dare speak up! They might as well just put a hand over your mouth 🤫
It is a Q research board.
So “Q” supports the censoring of speech? What an odd thing to say.
I think if its way off topic, but I don't really know as i haven't seen what has been censored so I could be wrong.
Oh so NOW we are allowed to speak our mind 🤷♀🤦♀
Kinda s scary ain't it. I feel ya brother.
This place will never support free speech. End Of…
I spend more time at PDW now, but that’s the point… To push longtime users away from this platform so the flow of information can be controlled.
yeah it's a terrific example of people who don't understand the plan. not sure if it's a perfect sticky or the ultimate irony here.
do you?
It a very myopic view of a very broad subject.
Is the voice one of those AI things? I couldn't get past that to listen to the whole thing
If your post title question turns out to be true, then we're screwed in the worst possible way imaginable. The war would be utterly lost likely forever.
However, I think it is all out war and taking out the Zionists is the most delicate, most complicated strategic part of the plan by far. Not only is "Military the only way", but "we're saving Isreal for last" is the only way too.
This video posted by Truthseeker4953 has to be true if we are going to win. I very solidly think it is:
Edit: When I say, "taking out the Zionists" I mean that exclusively as "The Synagogue of Satan". We can discuss / debate who and which groups do or do not fall into that category. I have faith that the best military intelligence group ever gathered on earth with a plan that has been in place for over 60 years knows exactly who they are. Especially since they have asked us to pray so many times as a central tenant of the plan.
This ^
I'm waiting to see what Trump and his cabinet do. Israel is not to be taken lightly. You have to appear as their friend until all their US based assets are taken out. Then you can strike. The best part is, if we have the goods on Israel, we may not even need to strike. They will just destroy themselves like they are doing now.
Take this with a massive mountain of salt, but I suspect it may be officially revealed that Israel had a big part to play in 9/11. If you want to get revenge on Israel you reveal that and the American public will never again trust Israel. The whole world will not trust Israel again. Especially after what the world has witnessed in Gaza. That is a truly defeated enemy.
But that's my hope anyways. I've been wrong many times.
Candace Owens posted a couple of interesting videos about Israel's involvement in 9/11:
This is the correct answer. Isrealis and Jews are not Zionists. They must be separated from the normies before they are conquered.
Exactly this. They have infiltrated, corrupted and subverted every western government and institution.
A big lunch pin is making us sick and therefore distracted. Appointing JFK Jr quelled a lot of doubts I had in the last few days. When big pharma and their corrupt cronies are defanged, the corruption and criminality made public, I believe the pace will accelerate.
The appointment of Geatz in no way can be Zionist, he and his father were targeted by a failed mossad honey trap / bribery operation.
If they've infiltrated everything else then rest assured they've INFILTRATED THE GAW. this place would be a cake walk for them.
People conflate all jews to be zionist. Zionist are the deep state ashkanazis who are also the money masters and not all identify as jews. You have catholics, Chinese atheist, Russian orthodox, British episcopilians etc and so on whonare all part of the askanizi network. Zionist are just another subgroup with in that. Even I have middle eastern Semitic genetics but I'm a Christian and totally maga amd anti one world as they come. Deepstate has a thousand faces. They become what ever you want to get the job done.
British Episcopalians don't exist. Those are Anglicans.
Thanks to a schism, we have our own looney brand - Episcopalians.
Sorry was just throwing out flavors.
Yeah, see what Candace Owens has to say about the Frankists.
What you are describing is Jesuits or those handled by them putting on different costumes and acting a part.
Jesuit are the Rimish subgroup. Add all the masonic stuff too.
These people, Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Greg Reese and others are forgetting one very important thing
One other thing:
I feel this parallels his first term when he made “bad” appointments to positions. I’ve heard so much here about how people hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes as last time with his picks. If we all here are in agreement that patriots are in control then what makes you think any of it was a mistake? I believe he made these “bad” picks to expose the embedded bad actors for all of us to see. Why would a normie just take Trumps word for it? They have to be shown. Thus I feel in this final term he’s going to expose the Zionist loyalists, hence “saving Israel for last”. I’m a smooth brain so who knows just my take.
We know patriots are in control. Trump won right? So there's a plan, laid out in the drops, and we are watching it play out
That’s what I believe, they all kept digging their own graves, and when they saw what they got away with during the first term, the corruption went off the charts during Biden.
Hence all the sealed indictments.
"Saving Israel for last"
People are assuming Israel is being referred to in a negative way.
Indeed the thought had occurred: Saving Israel for last, meaning we are saving Israel last, as in rescuing Israel, allowing it to defeat it's irritant enemies, the Palestinians, the Iranians, the Syrians, hey why not throw in, what do they call us? Amolek - Europe and by extension the entire Western Christian world.
Trouble is, with this interpretation, "these people are stupid" means us, we have been tricked. The entire operation, Q, was a false flag, just another Mossad special.
Has to remain a potential, but obviously not something anyone wants to entertain (me included). But it fits also, because there has never been a single negative mention of Israel (not mentioned a single time, because we are running this show!)
Surely not!
They didn't need to go to such lengths to employ DJT to run a FF operation, why should they? All they had to do was let Hilary win in 2016 and they had won it all.
Yes, worth remembering.
Irritant enemies are likely the parasites within their own nation. They're no different than us in that way. The Palestinians a re convenient to throw people off their trail.
Saving Israel last in a positive way would mean that the country is under siege from multiple direction and it needs to be saved.
But that isn't very likely as we have seen so far.
How many of you here are old enough to remember the saying "Only Nixon could have gone to China"
I'm not sure what saving Israel for last really means, but I do know that when the time comes to expose the Satanists masquerading as Jews, only someone who is viewed as having an unblemished record for support for Israel will have the clout to tell people what is really going on.
So I ignore all the nonsense about Trump being a Zionist. I don't even know if it is wrong to be a Zionist. I DO know it is wrong to be part of the globalist cabal that is manipulating the Israeli government. The same way it is wrong to be a globalist manipulating the US government. But I don't know what percentage of the Israeli population has really sold their soul to Satan. Until I have more information about what is really going on, I will wait and see how things develop.
Very well said.
I’ll stay in the Word and trust that God did not save DJT multiple times for him to turn around and destroy us.
With God even not having a trump can't steal the liberty we have in Christ Jesus as members of God's royal family in the Kingdom of God. Thats the believers reality v
Let's not forget, "Saving Israel for last" has more than one interpretation.
Trump is pro Israel, he is not pro DS which rules almost every western government on the planet. Trump's agenda is to take down the DS in all governments and I suspect the Mossad/CIA are the heart of the DS.
Even Israel has a DS which is why the DS run articles in the Haaretz disparaging the Israeli Supreme Court for standing in the way with their agenda.
I think Israel is the heart of the DS. 99% of the citizens of Israel have no idea about the people behind the curtain running things. Just like the USA and most other western nations!
I for one am not about "Wiping Israel and the Jews" off the face of the planet, never have been, never will be. They are not a monolith same for every other Country. Sometimes, I believe that the ones that keep pressing this issue have their own agendas and do want to eradicate all "Jewish people". Do I trust blindly? Nope, but I am not going to sit here screaming every person or group of them who are Jewish is out to take control and murder me.
I don't think that describes the majority of people who talk about "the Zionists". Some like to focus on the technical difference between "Jews" and "real Hebrew descendants" etc. I understand where they're coming from, but I think it's more effective to emphasize Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 - "The Synagogue of Satan".
Jesus reserved his harshest condemnation by far for the "Jewish Leaders" by calling them a den of vipers. We are literally talking about Satan worshippers who cloak themselves as "Jews". What better way for Satan to attack the One True God by a fake hijacking of the lineage that brought salvation to the world?
When I first encountered anti-Zionism a few years ago I was absolutely appalled. However, the more I looked into it the more I realized I didn't understand that it was a spiritual war against the accuser of the brethren, the dragon himself.
The video series "The Fall of the Cabal - the Sequel" (specifically parts 1 through 4 of the sequel) is a good resource on this topic IMO.
I think these are a couple of good resources too:
I really don't like the phrase antisemitism; I think anti-Satanism is much more accurate.
God offers salvation to ALL of us - "to the Jew first and also to the Greek".
Edit: Adding a video called "The Mystery of Israel" by David Jsorensen of StopWorldControl.com. It is very good IMO:
From your second article "khazarians then and now" this bit is misleading:
"Thus it is fair to claim that the Israelis are not only NOT Semites at all, but are the biggest anti-Semites in the whole world for their massive land theft of Palestinian land and genocide against Palestinians. And despite this stark reality, top Khazarians immediately accuse anyone that criticizes them or Israel of being anti-Semites – an obvious fallacy."
This article is saying that Israelis are not semites at all this is patently false if we look at the story of Esau and Jacob both are sons of Abraham both are Semitic tribes one is what turned out to be islamists Arabs and the other is what turned out to be Hebrews Jews. It is also fact that Hebrews did occupy the land and territory that is modern day Israel this is true. The article makes a huge leap between the Khazarianssarians who absorbs the identity of Jews and actual Jews. Remember "they call themselves shoes but are not Jews they are of the synagogue of Satan," that in and of itself means that there are real Jews and there are those that are pretending to be jews. That does not mean that Palestine Palestinians are now Jews. So this article, the second one, is misleading.
I think you make some good points. The most important thing is "those who call themselves Jews".
Have you seen this video by David Jsorensen? This is one of the better descriptions I've found:
Whoa. I had totally forgotten about that series (The Fall of thee Cabal). Thank you for the memory jog
The ‘"Wiping Israel and the Jews" off the face of the planet’ people are middle eastern muslims.
There shouldn’t be any American taxpayer money given to Israel or any foreign country, nor American lives spent in their wars. If Americans want to donate their own money or devote their own lives to a cause like Israel voluntarily, they are free to do so. Adhering to the founding fathers’ vision of isolationism/ noninterventionism would preempt all this drama and would disincentivize AIPAC from buying US legislators.
People who have noticed bad jewish behavior are sometimes Zionists because they figure if the jews have Israel, they’ll leave non-jewish countries. I’m undecided because they’ve had Israel for 76 years and we still have an epidemic of dual citizens and of poorly behaving jews who have no intention of leaving non-jewish countries. I don’t have much of a problem with jews in America who behave themselves. I’m friends with some of them.
It would be hard to find a politician that did not accept APAC funds. Even the ones who scream about Israel the loudest.
There are good and bad people representing every country. If everything Israel is bad, where does that leave the good people there? Those are the ones I want to believe we support. It is getting harder though!
It's not like APAC didn't throw money at Biden and Harris either.
Exactly this
Matt Gaetz hasn't taken their money.
My bad AIPAC
Zi·on·ist a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. I do not think y'all realize what a Zionist is. I am 100% sure that the Israeli people have a right to the protection and development of their nation. I'm afraid I have to disagree with the blanket of a zionist thrown over all the Jewish people. I believe the word should be we are against the Deep State Mossad. Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism and other Deep State Fuckery.
Precisely. What this forum says about Jews as a whole is the same rhetoric you hear about America and the West when they go on their "muh colonialism!!!!" rants.
I think the right wording should be used. I live in an area with a fairly large Jewish community, and I have worked for them before. They treated me better than anyone I ever worked for besides my self. I treated myself well all the way through retirement. The Jews are not the Boogie man, but Mossad is.
The support for Isreal is the only thing that made me worry when casting my vote. I do however believe that there are things that need to happen before the return of Christ so at this point I personally am just waiting. Ready to fight when needed but will never deny God is the father and Jesus is the son and savior.
Anyone ever heard of tactics? Put yourself in Trump/Q's place: Your opponent, that which you intend to destroy completely (the only way to destroy it, as history shows, since it was mostly destroyed once, but came back with a vengeance), has effectively ruled the world for centuries. That opponent holds, or held, positions of power everywhere - not necessarily obvious positions. In the US, since before the Civil War, and permeated the entire govt in the 1930s, under FDR (globalist, progressive).
How do you make that opponent believe he's going to do the same as always once again?
Those who are doing the biblical thing need to understand that it is that same opponent who had control over what your bible says, and what books are included, and what books are not. Like it or not, it's fact, so get over it. BTW, Jesus wasn't sent to rule: He was sent to teach. Get over that, too.
Y'all should make mental note that of the Jewish population, according to several studies, Israeli studies included, 97% are genetically closer to Khazarians than Hebrew; the other 3% just happen to be Palestinians (do you wonder why Israel wants to be rid of Palestine? The one place with population more closely related to Hebrews? Get over that too.)
The trials and tribulations Hitler suffered in exporting the evil ones has not been lost on the Trump crew. The crew has made adjustments so it doesn't happen again. Of course, Adolf couldn't have done what is being done now, but he did complete his main task. NOT the holohoax, either. It was stopping Stalin.
I think this situation is a test of God. Those that refuse to look at the situation out of fear damn all the jews and those that take it to the extreme without nuance damn all the jews.
My guess from a non-dual perspective is this is one of the final tests and we must use our discernment to pass. We can't play with previous civilizations if we can't find God and come together. They may help with cultivating consciousness in this dimension until we grow up and mature. Some cycles make it and some don't. https://files.catbox.moe/9aby9p.png
Their symbol is the vortex up and down of the torus and the game is for our civilization to self-actualize and receive God's blessedness. On a micro scale this would be like an individual resolving their opposites by accepting the shadow(see Carl Jung).
You can't get the Light heroes without a Dark Dragon to go slay. The satanists provide resistance for us to grow, but now is the time we fight with/alongside God and end this game of suffering so we can start a new one in Freedom/w God, now that we're all leveled up with experience...
I’m busy today, but I’m going to come back here because this is going to be lit 🔥
The funny thing is we were just discussing this at Bible Study today … rrreeeeeeeeeee
wasn't this also nick fuentes angle?
Old schooler here...I don't understand the hatred for the people of Israel here. Love or Hate the governments (both Israel and/or US), the people believe in God (mostly.
I've tried to find explanations online, but I find none. SOS
I don't either. Some are like 'they not rill jooz' they 'Khazarian mafia nazis'. But then they just still call them Jews. I call it Jew Derangement Syndrome or JDS. Satan also has this debilitating condition.
Well, right out the gate the piece on The Kennedy Beacon appears to have been taken down. This does not bode well for the rest of the video.
Do a Google search for “susie wiles the kennedy beacon” if you like to see what I mean. The top two search results leading to The Kennedy Beacon lead to “Page not found”.
Given that, I don’t see wasting my time any further.
Infowars MOSSAD agent calling out ZOG?
shiver me timbers
color me shocked!
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I’ve been die hard since Q arrived, being in my early 30s I NEVER voted. As a child I loved Bush and wanted to see JUSTICE done to terrorists, glass them all.
THE ENDLESS WAR dragged on long into my adult years…. I don’t get it why are we still DYING in that wasteland?
Obama came along and for a brief glimmer I said maybe we DO need “Hope n Change” young and naive I soon learned no, it was much was.
This was the FINAL NAIL in all things, politics, race, religion. It was all the same, red vs blue. Sandy Hook atrocity was committed by OBUMMER as he wiped away tears of Dupers Delight….. Right in my back yard Shady Hook Alphabet Spook Town…. Mason Lounge behind school etc…. A bit further we come across Bushes club in the CIA 224 Skull n Bones.
TRUMP came along…. And I said this is hit, they are now making a total mockery of these elections, the guy from Apprentice!?! A total reality show I thought!
BOOM Vegas Massacre…. The most outright symbolic matrix of numbers, statues, pyramids, Egypt, sun worship, 32 guns, 33rd floor, Bill Gates ownership, Saudi Royalty….
How do you commit such blatant false flag atrocities of this symbolic and deadly caliber!?! NOTHING MADE SENSE…. This is it I thought, surely the Illuminati is now full blown mainstream and putting the FINAL capstone of their evil pyramid……
Then Q came along and changed everything. I am truly grateful to at least follow from the start with realtime understanding of the events tweets and posts….
But still the question remains…. And that Question is NOT who is better leader/Qualified… is it BUSH? CLINTON? OBAMA? BIDEN? Or TRUMP?
These are ALL two sides of the same blue and red coin…..
It’s whether or not Trump is TRULY against these aforementioned globalist families, and their shadow puppet masters, whom have knowingly and obviously sold out the USA in every imaginable aspect time after time.
There are times where it seems just too good to be true….
Black > White Dark > Light
Is this how they usher in ORDER from CHAOS? Through Q and disclosures and appearances of “utopian” advanced civilization cured of histories evil ailments? Well…. It certainly COULD be one way to do that!
Burn it down to build it back up? Like a Digital BitCoin Phoenix rising from the ashes? Aliens? Religion? Cures? Hidden power of Humanity?
I do recall an interesting thread on Voat QRV which had an archived website that was publish pre Q…. Essentially it was a Freemasonry type society’s page and it went into depth describing what Q is doing now, and was basically giving an operation named “Q” in the title a green light.
This video is too chopped to take seriously.
They've tried everything else to shake him loose from his base. This is just another controlled attack, and a lot of shills here are doing everything they can to assist.
I feel like I must say that I am deeply concerned with Israel infiltrating our government and think that the deep state of our USA and Israel gov are one and the same. This doesn't mean I hate jewish people - though the ones that follow the babylonian talmud I am sure hate me.
The Consoomers are at it as usual.
wow not good
I watched this video. Money talks and bs walks. As a Christian, adopted and grafted to His and only. His remnant. Don't give a crap about this kazarian bs. They will be the reason that Israel is saved for last and when His remnant is threatened to be wiped out with them, that's when Christ returns to settle ALL this garbage. If you don't understand the REAL plan by now, your in for a rude awakening. Trump has his place in His plan. Deal with it and move on..
Q post 916 Save Israel for last Biblical is 10 times in the Q posts. Spiritual is 17 times in the Q posts
One thing to point out that is Biblical is Mathew 20:16 — So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.
Even those who deny God and Spiritual Wisdom can not change the fact Q is that.
Revelations 12:9 — And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Many miss this, Satan has angels.
Gog and Magog is what? Russia and China if I remember correctly.
So one could ask this question too.
What would it look like if Satan and his angels tried to usher in the end times?
Many Americans have this brainwashing disorder, not just the woke/the woke seem to accept this Spiritual battle going on better than a regular American. Don’t be mad at me. lol.
The phrase NCSWIC is by itself a prophecy, right?
I am weak and I can see this. Jesus would not panic. Nor should anyone that sees.
So psychological warfare? This is why for years now I am seeing this thing going either a manufactured manmade thing that is trying to make Christian’s panic, ie mrna and lockdowns….. or it truly is Satan trying to end humanity in the open.
Very interesting stuff. Baffling stuff and many of you here are a thousand times more intelligent then me and in every way more important and interesting. :) just stuff that one can either say I am a crazy person for seeing or maybe some will actually see this is all Bublical stuff going on. lol
I get it. The thing I see that many people that are not woke but also believe there is no God so to speak is… the people who put up what the “good guys” took down.. worship Satan or is satan. So by that, this is a Spiritual War and possibly a Holy War.
It is fascinating stuff going on. I am not freaking out by the way. It truly intrigues me my whole life. Like mass hysteria could also be mass possession. Zombies essentially.
IF Trump is for the Zionists and Q is a psyop, we are totally screwed in this life.
If Trump is a Zionist and Q is psyop, then what makes the Democrats and Deep State? Our savior?
My left hand opposes my right hand. Does that not mean I am not both their master?
So basically we are totally screwed in this life
Can someone find me that Rogan & Musk clip. It looks like a deep fake.
I grew up Seventh-Day Adventist, and still adhere to the belief system and doctrines, but don't attend church. But I would never want an SDA dominated government ever!
The Supreme Court has 8 Catholics and Gorsuch might be also. I don't want Jews a minority controlling the government or the financial institutions either.
Why can't we have regular people running our government? Why can't we have Protestants, Orthodox, seculars, skeptics, or even, yes, a few Buddhists run things in this country for once.