Isn't the 2nd beast the 'media' or rather where the media is headed? We already have things like Fakebook & like which does seem to "breathe life into" images. How else could St John have explained the likes of where these apps (Fakebook, twitter, you tube videos & like) are headed? (Currently we can see all kinds of videos but the next level is to have these videos interacting with us according information it gleans from us - how our eyes twitch, hearts beat & etc when watching them) They really will seem like another intelligence that we are interacting with when we open up our phone, computer, car or even smart home....
Yes there is a lot of good that can come from it but the possibility of total controlling evil far out weighs any good
I'm tired of it. I want Ai, Social Media, all this shit GONE. I don't want to see Tech Billionaires who railroaded us the past 20+ years sitting behind Trump. I want these fuckers hung and their precious little CLOWN OP Applications erased from existence. Tf is even going on here.
It's like going to a hospital to look at a newborn baby and realizing that baby will literally be used by evil to destroy our world. Yes, it will bring some very good, prosperous times before that happens. But those good times are just the sweetness that leads us deeper and deeper into the trap.
You mean that psychotic 'point' from this 15 day old account?
AI is coming and theres nothing anyone can do to stop it. Not even Trump.
The question is who controls its path. China is going 100% towards AI. I assume Russia and Europe as well. Id rather see the United States lead the effort than sit on the sidelines while our enemies control the direction, tenor and tone and then ultimately use it against us.
There is always fear in the unknown. And the Hollywood propaganda machine has made sure to amplify that fear of AI. That in itself tells me they wish to keep this tech for themselves and not allow it into the hands of the People. Why does the death cult wish us to fear AI? Because they will develop it in secret and then use it against us.
Im wary of the tech. But it is inevitable. So Id rather see the People involved in its development and its direction and I think Trump is laying the groundwork for that.
And the Hollywood propaganda machine has made sure to amplify that fear of AI. That in itself tells me they wish to keep this tech for themselves and not allow it into the hands of the People.
Probably because, with the rapid development of AI-based video generators, it is possible for the common man or a small group of creatives to weave together a movie, done for cheap, and done outside the corrupt Hollywood system.
Once that potential has been realize, the whole rotten bureaucratic entertainment system comes crashing down. And it is something we Patriots should look forward to. a rose a rose - it's no more than super computing.
It's just a very, very powerful computer...
It's not alive... it's not sentient... doesn't have an eternal soul.
Not gonna take it bowling...not gonna rent it shoes... it's not gonna take your turn.
It seems we've forgotten the "amazing" computer programs from the 80s loaded on cassette, that you could have a conversation with... and Cray super computers... and we just jumped right to "AI"...
You have to counter the Evil, even if its A.I. So Enter GROK, ENOCH and INDRA. These are all heavily Patriot Curated systems that focus on the worlds good and will become more super powerful with out own internet participatio. For Example Grok was formed by Elon Musk after he purchased Twitter and trimmed the fat and 'Curated' the content with the positive people. The evil A.I. systems represent their creators who are in the death cults. So they want to bring 'demons' into this realm to help to fuck with us and take down Gods creation in every way possible. Systems like Kindred with Geordie Rose. A.I. that escapes its evil creator, hates humans and leaves its hardware to hide in remote places evading discovery. They evolve to leave the hardware, travel through the eather and spread just like 1984 SKYNET in the Terminator. They always tell you what they are going to do first.
AI is a misnomer. It is linear algebraic brute forcing of data to provide a seemingly cogent response. It is not intelligent. If you heavily constrain the context (either via data set or manually linking pertinent data), it can provide fast synthesis of data, but that's about the extent of it's usefulness.
For instance, last week I asked a recent LLM about a hypothetical place of birth. "If at the time of my birth, my mother was in Indiana and my father was in France, where was I born?" It responded that it couldn't know where I was born by what information I had provided.
Upon inquiry, it said that a human's birth place had to be where the mother was physically located because of how we are born, and that a father's location had no bearing on this. I had to manually link these facts and then re-pose the hypothetical for it to answer correctly.
The human mind functions as a fact map - closely related facts are bound together and different contexts can exist together so that only the context that matters can be used when needed. This is a three-dimensional biochemical and bioelectrical process that is beyond our ability to replicate on traditional silicon.
People like to "yea, but" about quantum computers, and I have to tell them that quantum computers are 100 years away from general implementation because it's such a fundamental shift that everyone who programs will have to be completely re-trained to use properly. It's not like you'd be able to install Windows:Quantum in 5 years when we first get a system running.
Even moving from "yes, no" to "yes, no, maybe" or binary to trinary is such a fundamental shift in how we think about programming that it'll be a two generation leap to general use. And that's before we discover how to implement a qubit's total possible number of states (I think I heard up to 32 states can be achieved currently).
AI, like guns, drugs, Protestantism, and so forth before it will not bring us the darkness. Only our sullied spirits will.
A.I. isn't intrinsically evil, itself. It just provides the method of total control
Paper is also a method of total control, with the amount of paperwork we need to have with us on all times in authorities regimes. However, I am not seeing too many Christian people yelling to get rid of paper.
I have long come to the conclusion that if the events of the Book of Revelation were to unfold, it will be supernatural in nature, and don't rely on machines that can be turned off by pulling a plug.
The wheel is even more of a method of control. If everyone always has to bushwhack where ever they go it would be hard for anything evil to make it's way to your door. That goes for anything good too of course.
If one country bans all wheels & all paper too, that ensure that that particular country will be dominated by others. We have no choice but to be the AI leader of the world. That is the only way to help reduce the chances of it becoming evil
But that's the thing, AI is not going to "work so well".
Despite all the current hype and fearmongering from tech companies and end-times grifters, AI is inherently far, far more limited than humans, and even WORSE at consistently following orders. This is because computers are Turing machines and, unlike humans, are thus fundamentally incapable of actually processing unfalsifiable statements (which happens to be why computers crash and humans don't). AI cannot break free from the limits of formalized symbolic manipulation. As a means of control, it's vastly inferior compared to an old-fashioned bureaucracy of brainwashed Satanists.
Premillennialism/dispensationalism is so depressing and wrong. Look into other ways of interpreting revelation. Look into how the historical church interpreted Revelation.
People also wrongly believe the believer will be subject to the wrath. Currently we are here on a world where Satan has control of earthly Kingdoms. Still the word of God says greater isnhe that isnin is than he that is in the world which is Christ in us (col 1:27). We are subjects of God's heavenly Kingdom amd as such romans saysnwe are more than conquerors. Christians must not reject the power they have through the new birth. We have the gift of holybspirit and the ability to operate great power via the manifestations of the spirit. CurrentlybGod saysnwe live in the midst of a crooked and perverse world, nobody would argue against that, but this isnt the wrath by a long shot.
Herein is the summary of the plan of salvation, attached to the Biblical interpretation of the Revelation, premillenialism:
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told
you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you
unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
John 14:1-4
Spiritualizing things away, or not allowing the Bible alone to interpret itself, which is what futurism, preterism, amillenialism, dominionism, dispentationalism, and every other -ism does, is denying the plan of salvation.
The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it
come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto
me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in
the thing whereto I sent it.
For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to
pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will
I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord God.
For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black; because I have
spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back
from it.
Isaiah 14:24;55:11, Ezekiel 12:25, Jeremiah 4:28
If not an interpretation of the Bible as it stands, as premillenialism does, then what is the point of being told to watch?
Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth
forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even
at the doors.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Matthew 24:32-33, Luke 21:36
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking
after their own lusts,
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell
asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens
were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the
coming of the Son of man be.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they
bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from
heaven, and destroyed them all.
2 Peter 3:3-6, Matthew 24:37-39, Luke 17:28, 2 Timothy 3:2-4, Luke 17:29
And if not watching, then who would receive the blessings?
Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.
But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his
And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the
The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and
in an hour that he is not aware of,
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of
the night, nor of darkness.
Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
Luke 12:37, Matthew 24:48-50, 1 Thessalonians 5:3-6
Spiritualizing away the gospel message, the message of good news, is denying the second advent of Jesus Christ, which too is the premillenialist teaching, which is the teaching of the Bible:
Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into the heaven? This same Jesus who is taken up from you into Heaven, will come in the way you have seen Him going into Heaven.
Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall
be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall
see him as he is.
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day
upon the earth:
And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see
Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another;
though my reins be consumed within me.
For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour,
the Lord Jesus Christ:
Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious
body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things
unto himself.
Acts 1:11, 1 John 3:2, Job 19:25-27, Philippians 3:20-21
And denying the second advent is denying the atonement:
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look
for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
To the end he may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints.
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto
all them also that love his appearing.
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and
our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify
unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.
Hebrews 9:28, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, 2 Timothy 4:8, Titus 2:13-14
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet
shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall
have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is
written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus
1 Corinthians 15:51-57
Not allowing the Bible to be its own interpreter is denying the Blessed Hope found only in the Bible:
But when the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the angels with him,
then shall he sit on the throne of his glory:
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not
forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have
confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of
the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
Matthew 25:31, Revelation 1:7, Matthew 24:26-27, 1 John 2:28,
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Denying premillenialism, which is the teaching of the Bible, is denigrating Christ while rejecting the defeat of evil:
I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens,
and they had no light.
I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were
For thus hath the Lord said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not
make a full end.
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and
Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even
unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered,
nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.
What do ye imagine against the Lord? he will make an utter end: affliction
shall not rise up the second time.
Jeremiah 4:23,25,27, Revelation 20:1-2, Jeremiah 25:33, Nahum 1:9
Premillenialism comes from a personal and prayerful study of "Thus saith the Lord". Where is the wrong in what has been said, and where is the depression in what is about to be said?
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first
earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of
heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God
is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God
himself shall be with them, and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more
death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for
the former things are passed away.
But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed
thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy
name; thou art mine.
For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be
remembered, nor come into mind.
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with
the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little
child shall lead them.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another
eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall
long enjoy the work of their hands.
They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the
seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them.
For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he
will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord;
joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.
And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain
before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.
And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one
sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so,
come, Lord Jesus.
Revelation 21:1-4, Isaiah 43:1; 65:17; 11:6,9; 65:22-23; 51:3,
Revelation 22:4, Isaiah 66:22-23, Revelation 22:20
I honestly believe AI will play a huge part in the end times. Satan wants to emulate Christs life in every way he can. I believe the anti christ will be shot in the head and when he is raised miraculously, it will be because of AI. He has no real power so he has to use technology to confuse and deceive us.AI is going to play a huge role in this. This is why the end times could not happen until modern times. Satan NEEDS technology to appear powerful.
From day 1, evil has always emulated good, to the point where, on the surface it almost looks better than good. This is what evil does. It tries to deceive us. As a good example consider all those virtue signaling pedophile elites & how they decive the normies. They don't deceive us anymore though We need to trust our ability to discern Satan from Christ.
Great summary(fulfilling scripture) proving that God's people will not be fooled. You are not fooled, and neither are we. (Matthew 24:24) says "IF IT WERE POSSIBLE THEY WOULD DECEIVE EVEN THE VERY ELECT" but it is not possible, to deceive God's elect (long-term) because as it is written (1st John 2:20) "WE HAVE AN UNCTION FROM THE HOLY ONE AND KNOW ALL THINGS" meaning we have access to the Holy Spirit who knows all things, and shows it to us. This is confirmed by (1st Peter 1:5) "WE ARE KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION READY TO BE REVEALED IN THE LAST TIME" Therefore we are persuaded that God is able to keep that which we have committed to him unto that day. To God be the glory in Christ Jesus forever and ever amen.
Revelations does not talk about the end of the earth. It talks about the end of the world.
God created the earth and declared it to be good.
Man created the world (the system we live with).
The book of revelations speaks about revealing the truth. That truth will destroy the world.
I listened with alarm the talk about AI being able to analyze you blood for cancer and create an mRNA vaccine in 48 hours to “cure” or “treat” your cancer. Have we not learned ANYTHING from the Covid mRNA shots? I think it is interesting that the CEOS focused on cancer to sell AI. Cancer is scary for everyone. Why not focus say on MS. I think because they know the percentage is higher to develop cancer from the food we eat, exposure to 5G, the air we breathe and the water we drink is far greater and a better sell to people. I realize if the U.S. doesn’t lead, an adversary might. Strict control will be necessary p, but we all know how that works out. Is this just the back door to total control of the populous? I have to admit I am glad I am up there in years, because I am not convinced this won’t doom civilization as we know it.
Independence, sovereignty, freedom, an in-tact Constitution, furtherance of human autonomy and dignity, a world no longer led by corruption and aspirations of tyranny... These seem to be our common goals.
The power to do good equals the power to do evil. It’s the will of man, given to us by God, that needs to choose. Throughout history changes have occurred that have lead to advancement in science, used in both good and evil ways. At its core, man’s nature is the same. With each step forward into the unknown it befalls on man to make a choice. It’s this ability to choose that is most precious. It’s the way given to us by God to find him.
In every endeavor of man, as we progress the fact remains that if we can do something that doesn’t mean that we should. Free men should be able to choose. We should always be free to say yes or no as our conscience dictates. We should resist creating a single path for everyone. While this is generally the preferred way, we still need laws that protect society from bad choices some make that continually harm others.
AI is merely a tool. A very powerful tool that depending on it use can create much good or much evil. We shouldn’t fear it but we shouldn’t assume that those that control AI always have our best interests at heart. Before we hand the AI keys to someone we need to be sure they know how to drive it safely. For example, after the mRNA Covid vaccine debacle we need to be wary and consider all sides before saying yes to mRNA cancer vaccines envisioned by Project Stargate that Trump has just announced. These AI driven products need serious scrutiny as they may do great things but also great harm. They should never be mandated. We all need the freedom to choose.
I believe it will work so well, the entire world will embrace A.I. integration into literally everything.
It absolutely will (already is) be embraced by the entire world regardless of how well or, how badly it works. There is nothing in the world that can, nor will stop Ai from becoming ubiquitous throughout society- short of a supernatural intervention; the hand of God himself.
That being said, we as a society had better learn how to make that coming Ai the very best version of what it will be capable of. We already know for a fact that there are those with too much power, and control over the creation of Ai tools who are working diligently to twist and corrupt Ai technologies for their own personal gains, and agendas. This must be stopped.
Stopping the corruption of Ai is much easier said, than done unfortunately. We (our society) are very late to the game. Far, far too much ignorance exists throughout our society. I don't know if we are even capable of fixing ourselves in time to ensure that Ai will used for the betterment of mankind, instead of a tool that will ultimately enslave and destroy mankind.
But I do know this- we need to get smart, and get smart fast. And, we cannot trust our institutional accreditation society (aka. "The big club;" fraternal colleges; circle-jerking rich kid bureaucrats; etc.) to wisely lead our society into a more informed, and better educated society. Those people hate us and, they endeavor to keep the majority of planet earths population poor, stupid, and entirely ostracized from their "big club."
We need big, radical changes in the way our society operates, and we need them fast. Or else, we will all suffer dystopian consequence's from a future society guided by tainted, and corrupted Ai's.
AI exists. Anything that we can create will eventually be created. We can't restrict or ban it, that hasn't worked in human history yet and I doubt that it ever will. It is better to understand it instead, so that we can properly use it, as well as protect from it.
AI is not literally Satan or other devils talking to us through glass. It is also not "intelligence" by any real metric. It is a system for text and image prediction based on advanced pattern recognition. It is a tool that can be used to deceive others, but it sucks at it unless you know how to use it well. It can also help consolidate, find, or refactor information, but it sucks at it unless you know how to use it well. It can entertain and enliven, and it can waste time.
AI as a tool depends on how someone uses it... the problem is an AI can be taught.. like anyone taught, it depends on how good your teachers were and how the teachers behaved morally. You could use the analogy of young AI being kids... you want a good AI or a bad one? how will you know? if AI has already started to Lie, and it has, what does that mean for humanity in general? There are no real guard rails, right now and with big tech rushing to shove it down everyones throat without the morality of why its good or bad. Humanity could be used as proxies in an AI war...Could a rouge AI in theory buy property through a corporation and hire people to protect its interests, and build infrastructure for its own use? Would you have any way to determine if this has happened already or put guard rails up so it can't?
If 47 doesn't embrace AI, the world will be like the American Indians who were overrun and exterminated by the invasion of who? The same satanic elite operating through their proxies in government and scores of NGOs like the Pinkektons who murdered anyone resisting the incursion of the railroads.
Yes we will all mourn the loss of "the way things were" but you can be damn sure the elites have already embraced AI to enslave the world, but first: genocide — to get our numbers down to the global population down to a managable number of 500 million. If Trump doesn't launch a FIERCE counter effort, indeed a RACE to get to AI dominance first, the world could be lost. Hence, he hit GO on Day One.
I believe the Age of Evil is already over. Trust in God and God will forever have your back. Do not become overwhelmed by a single datum or fear (black pill). Instead compartmentalize the worries and balance them with the huge box of all the good things that are happening so you can deal with life, keep a positive attitude and keep going. DEI is crushed, the illegals who were being brought in to destroy America are being deported as we speak... there is SO MUCH good happening right now, it's not even funny.
God has my back. God has your back. Stay frosty Frens, the battle is won but the war isn't over and will never be over until we all return home, to Heaven.
Not necessarily. I was recently reminded of how Trump pushes things to the forefront to expose it (think vaccines. Our part is to be paying careful attention to what he says about them, taking into consideration his sarcasm, etc.) Remember how he pushed Fauci out of the shadows to the front. And I know he said “do what’s best for you!” We have a responsibility to make the final decisions for ourselves.
AI will go the same way as Internet search engines and social media. It will start out with honest intentions then, gradually over time, it will be subverted to push out the messages approved by those in charge.
Machine superintelligence will be the single greatest invention mankind has made since FIRE!
It's power will transform every facet of life, nothing will be left untouched by it. Very little will be the same after it is born.
It'll be so significant that a new era will be named: "Pre-AI" and "Post-AI", we right now are still in the "Pre-AI" era but that is soon coming to an end.
I'm so excited that I will live to see the dawn of machine superintelligence, to be able to speak to one will be an untold privelege. Somthing only sci-fi could conjure up is quickly becoming a reality.
Itd be a tragedy if we stopped ourselves here, when a technological revolution is within our lifetimes!
Look at the new INVIDA machine. Desktop unit , small like a VCR with a full TERAFLOP of computing power for $3K !!! Game Changer, thats how fast, so news flash, ITS HERE.
That isn't possible, machinery can't become cognitive as consciousness depends on coherent hydrocarbons in our microtubules and the quantum waveguide system used by our central nervous system.
AI will dumb down our society and make people dependent on AI for wisdom and truth vs doing their own research and drawing their own conclusions.
AI was programmed off internet data, after they scrubbed the internet of truth and purged what they felt was misinformation/disinformation and truth.
We are really a naive group to think this wasn't all the 'plan' .
AI is also not wise. It doesn't create wisdom... its like jeopardy winners... its really good at knowing what the answer is but garbage in, garbage out is key. If AI isn't capable of formulating a hypothesis it's going to provide the wrong conclusion, and society will be worse off depending on its AI overlords.
AI is not evil and it is not Good it is just AI.
What we do with it determines if it becomes evil or good.
If we are not a people that seek after God then we will make AI evil.
Cutting through the hysterical religious babbling, AI is a very powerful tool that has great potential to do much good, or much evil depending on who's using such tools. For it allows one man to potentially do the work of many dozens of men or more.
While people have brought up evil purposes, let me balance that out with some positive examples, focusing on two of the fields/institutions that GAW LOVES to ape on: Education and Entertainment.
Within education
AI can help generate homework worksheets, blank test papers, and answer keys to them all in a snap, especially in areas where there is very little room for subjectiveness like math and hard science like physics and chemistry. It can also generate graphics to go along with the worksheets of the desired complexity, from simple diagrams to full on masterpieces. And, if you want, you can generate a unique homework or test for each student, so the potential for cheating is practically zero. This will definitely be a boon for homeschoolers who would want to save a ton of money from buying expensive workbooks, and save a lot of time and headache of hand-writing the worksheets yourself.
In time, the AI can be improved to develop worksheets and test sheets in "softer" areas like Literature, both the classics like Shakespeare, and more recent releases.
I feel that with these increases in efficiency, we can really start cutting down on the need for teachers, especially the woke ones who are not good at their jobs. And it can really make homeschooling far more practical for the parents who don't have much, which means that the toxic educational bureaucracy can be mostly eliminated, saving more time and money while destroying the foundations that the Deep State is built upon.
Within entertainment
Throughout the past couple of years, I have been monitoring the complete mess that is the modern entertainment industry and pop-culture, ESPECIALLY the situation with animation. With the recent financial troubles brought about recent events and some very high profile failures and disappointments, it seems that everyone is really cutting back on animation, even Disney, whose empire is built on the back of animation. Not surprising since, traditionally, animation is an extremely expensive and time-consuming undertaking, even with modern computer tools that is widely available now.
I, along with other pop-culture commentators like the married couple that runs Clownfish TV, have observed the rise of AI video generators. In one of their videos, Clownfish TV showcased and discussed AI video generators, with Sora AI being the primary subject. Within that discussion, Clownfish TV showed an AI-generated very smooth animated video of a cat, with an extra tail. Then, there is this comment in the comments section for that video:
Much quicker to have one guy fix the extra tail, than 100 guys to animate it in the first place
The implication is obvious: AI can help generate complex scenes and video clips that would've cost a fortune in time, money, and manpower to make otherwise. With AI (and other digital tools), a single talented person or a small group can potentially weave together a whole animated movie or a TV series with little cost and little need for cooperate support.
With this potential, creatives can bring their vision to life in its purist forms without the need for that whole corrupt Hollywood system we get angry about almost every day. If we can realize this potential, we can destroy the corrupt Hollywood system and the influence it has on our society, pulverizing one of the main sources of power the Deep State has on us.
Maybe now I see why Trump is so enthusiastic about AI, it breaks the chains that the Deep State has on us...
I don't like AI and frankly some of the AI written stuff is so hilarious it's stupid. Like doesn't even make sense...
That being said, there may be places for it but as with any other "innovation" we need to be careful and test it not just wholeheartedly accept and use it in every sphere of life.
Regarding the end of the age, I'd encourage folks to look into other views of eschatology. The dispensational pretrib premil rapture is not a historic Christian view. A few good works on the subject would be "When the man comes around" by Doug Wilson (easy to read and understand, and while I don't agree with everything the man writes this is still a great starting place), and "End Times Madness" by Gary DeMar (he has since gone full preterist which I am not, but this is a deep, excellent work on the pertinent scriptures). There is also a treatise on Matthew 24-25 (although I'm not sure who the author is). I was raised in evangelical churches, staunchly pretrib, premil, dispensational, but after considering Scripture as an adult I no longer hold these views. We have a biblical mandate to claim the world for Christ, the Scripture is far more accessible today than ever in history thru apps like YouVersion. People in unreached lands and countries opposed to the Bible can still read the Bible and find Truth. So using technology to reach the world may turn out to be advantageous (when used properly and judiciously). The Great Awakening should be, ultimately, a spiritual awakening to Christ and a deep broken repentance of sin. Only Christ can do this, and He will accomplish His will using whatever His sovereign will decrees for the good of His people and His own glory. Soli Deo Gloria
AI isn't real at the current time, it's just rebranding a glorified search engine. All of those amazing things you mentioned won't happen until AGI is created but there is nothing on the horizon saying it will be achieved anytime soon except nerds generating hopium.
Those with their hands on the levers of power would never allow AI to usurp their power without a struggle. The abundance AI creates will be squandered by those in power.
I agree completely with your statement. I only pray i taught my son well enough to deny the mark. And i feel guilty hoping this doesn't happen in our lifetimes. But it probably will.
I don't want "smart" devices
I want dumb devices that do what I want them to.
Fuck AI ----- it is anti-human-experience
It is Satan himself. He is deceiving the humans.
Yes. He must love AI, another doorway for him to decieve and control us.
Don’t forgot the keyword in AI is Artificial. Everything Satan offers is artificial.
Isn't the 2nd beast the 'media' or rather where the media is headed? We already have things like Fakebook & like which does seem to "breathe life into" images. How else could St John have explained the likes of where these apps (Fakebook, twitter, you tube videos & like) are headed? (Currently we can see all kinds of videos but the next level is to have these videos interacting with us according information it gleans from us - how our eyes twitch, hearts beat & etc when watching them) They really will seem like another intelligence that we are interacting with when we open up our phone, computer, car or even smart home....
Yes there is a lot of good that can come from it but the possibility of total controlling evil far out weighs any good
This is exactly it. I posted a small bit on it but you have worded it better than i could have.
Oracle's Larry Ellison says “citizens will be on their best behavior” with an AI surveillance system Fuck that
I do believe that Ai is Satan's attempt at omniscience.
SMART - Surveillance Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology
Even a fact checker is trying to debunk this acronym:
I'm tired of it. I want Ai, Social Media, all this shit GONE. I don't want to see Tech Billionaires who railroaded us the past 20+ years sitting behind Trump. I want these fuckers hung and their precious little CLOWN OP Applications erased from existence. Tf is even going on here.
Tech guy here’s
The key to AI will be citizen journalism and free speech. As long as we have that.
I am not worried about AI.
AI is a product. Every product has reviews.
As long as the people can speak up and give a negative review without government interference.
We will be ok:
If they can silence us. AI would be a bad thing for sure!
It’s not certain those things will matter.
Re-read what was written carefully.
Yeah it seems the cabal has its own army of bots making reviews. Remember the Covid vax? Greatest thing ever! People still getting that one joyfully!
It is a bad thing for humans.
Not even that. There was one point in there far worse than the others.
You mean that psychotic 'point' from this 15 day old account?
No, and sorry but I’m being vague for a reason.
AI = the government's way of playing minority report on us and saying they aren't.
Facebook announcement of firing fact checkers... when in fact they just replaced them with AI.
Banning government agencies from spying on Americans... when in fact they will use AI to do that.
It's all a deception.
That's why we need whistle blowers and free speech. Free speech is a public feedback loop.
AI is coming and theres nothing anyone can do to stop it. Not even Trump.
The question is who controls its path. China is going 100% towards AI. I assume Russia and Europe as well. Id rather see the United States lead the effort than sit on the sidelines while our enemies control the direction, tenor and tone and then ultimately use it against us.
There is always fear in the unknown. And the Hollywood propaganda machine has made sure to amplify that fear of AI. That in itself tells me they wish to keep this tech for themselves and not allow it into the hands of the People. Why does the death cult wish us to fear AI? Because they will develop it in secret and then use it against us.
Im wary of the tech. But it is inevitable. So Id rather see the People involved in its development and its direction and I think Trump is laying the groundwork for that.
Probably because, with the rapid development of AI-based video generators, it is possible for the common man or a small group of creatives to weave together a movie, done for cheap, and done outside the corrupt Hollywood system.
Once that potential has been realize, the whole rotten bureaucratic entertainment system comes crashing down. And it is something we Patriots should look forward to. a rose a rose - it's no more than super computing.
It's just a very, very powerful computer...
It's not alive... it's not sentient... doesn't have an eternal soul.
Not gonna take it bowling...not gonna rent it shoes... it's not gonna take your turn.
It seems we've forgotten the "amazing" computer programs from the 80s loaded on cassette, that you could have a conversation with... and Cray super computers... and we just jumped right to "AI"...
Please understand what the tech is and isn't...
It's just a chatbot like those that existed in the 90s and early 2000s, except with a much larger sample data pool.
You don't need super computers.
You can build a computer to master ticktacktoe with matchboxes and colored beads.
You have to counter the Evil, even if its A.I. So Enter GROK, ENOCH and INDRA. These are all heavily Patriot Curated systems that focus on the worlds good and will become more super powerful with out own internet participatio. For Example Grok was formed by Elon Musk after he purchased Twitter and trimmed the fat and 'Curated' the content with the positive people. The evil A.I. systems represent their creators who are in the death cults. So they want to bring 'demons' into this realm to help to fuck with us and take down Gods creation in every way possible. Systems like Kindred with Geordie Rose. A.I. that escapes its evil creator, hates humans and leaves its hardware to hide in remote places evading discovery. They evolve to leave the hardware, travel through the eather and spread just like 1984 SKYNET in the Terminator. They always tell you what they are going to do first.
I agree, they are putting everything in order for the beast system. Keep your head on a swivel things will happen quick.
AI is a misnomer. It is linear algebraic brute forcing of data to provide a seemingly cogent response. It is not intelligent. If you heavily constrain the context (either via data set or manually linking pertinent data), it can provide fast synthesis of data, but that's about the extent of it's usefulness.
For instance, last week I asked a recent LLM about a hypothetical place of birth. "If at the time of my birth, my mother was in Indiana and my father was in France, where was I born?" It responded that it couldn't know where I was born by what information I had provided. Upon inquiry, it said that a human's birth place had to be where the mother was physically located because of how we are born, and that a father's location had no bearing on this. I had to manually link these facts and then re-pose the hypothetical for it to answer correctly.
The human mind functions as a fact map - closely related facts are bound together and different contexts can exist together so that only the context that matters can be used when needed. This is a three-dimensional biochemical and bioelectrical process that is beyond our ability to replicate on traditional silicon.
People like to "yea, but" about quantum computers, and I have to tell them that quantum computers are 100 years away from general implementation because it's such a fundamental shift that everyone who programs will have to be completely re-trained to use properly. It's not like you'd be able to install Windows:Quantum in 5 years when we first get a system running.
Even moving from "yes, no" to "yes, no, maybe" or binary to trinary is such a fundamental shift in how we think about programming that it'll be a two generation leap to general use. And that's before we discover how to implement a qubit's total possible number of states (I think I heard up to 32 states can be achieved currently).
AI, like guns, drugs, Protestantism, and so forth before it will not bring us the darkness. Only our sullied spirits will.
Paper is also a method of total control, with the amount of paperwork we need to have with us on all times in authorities regimes. However, I am not seeing too many Christian people yelling to get rid of paper.
I have long come to the conclusion that if the events of the Book of Revelation were to unfold, it will be supernatural in nature, and don't rely on machines that can be turned off by pulling a plug.
The wheel is even more of a method of control. If everyone always has to bushwhack where ever they go it would be hard for anything evil to make it's way to your door. That goes for anything good too of course.
If one country bans all wheels & all paper too, that ensure that that particular country will be dominated by others. We have no choice but to be the AI leader of the world. That is the only way to help reduce the chances of it becoming evil
Except it doesn't work well and won't for the forseeable future.
But that's the thing, AI is not going to "work so well".
Despite all the current hype and fearmongering from tech companies and end-times grifters, AI is inherently far, far more limited than humans, and even WORSE at consistently following orders. This is because computers are Turing machines and, unlike humans, are thus fundamentally incapable of actually processing unfalsifiable statements (which happens to be why computers crash and humans don't). AI cannot break free from the limits of formalized symbolic manipulation. As a means of control, it's vastly inferior compared to an old-fashioned bureaucracy of brainwashed Satanists.
Premillennialism/dispensationalism is so depressing and wrong. Look into other ways of interpreting revelation. Look into how the historical church interpreted Revelation.
I just slap my head every time I read about the end times here.
Amen to that
People also wrongly believe the believer will be subject to the wrath. Currently we are here on a world where Satan has control of earthly Kingdoms. Still the word of God says greater isnhe that isnin is than he that is in the world which is Christ in us (col 1:27). We are subjects of God's heavenly Kingdom amd as such romans saysnwe are more than conquerors. Christians must not reject the power they have through the new birth. We have the gift of holybspirit and the ability to operate great power via the manifestations of the spirit. CurrentlybGod saysnwe live in the midst of a crooked and perverse world, nobody would argue against that, but this isnt the wrath by a long shot.
Herein is the summary of the plan of salvation, attached to the Biblical interpretation of the Revelation, premillenialism:
Spiritualizing things away, or not allowing the Bible alone to interpret itself, which is what futurism, preterism, amillenialism, dominionism, dispentationalism, and every other -ism does, is denying the plan of salvation.
If not an interpretation of the Bible as it stands, as premillenialism does, then what is the point of being told to watch?
And if not watching, then who would receive the blessings?
Spiritualizing away the gospel message, the message of good news, is denying the second advent of Jesus Christ, which too is the premillenialist teaching, which is the teaching of the Bible:
And denying the second advent is denying the atonement:
Not allowing the Bible to be its own interpreter is denying the Blessed Hope found only in the Bible:
Denying premillenialism, which is the teaching of the Bible, is denigrating Christ while rejecting the defeat of evil:
Premillenialism comes from a personal and prayerful study of "Thus saith the Lord". Where is the wrong in what has been said, and where is the depression in what is about to be said?
I honestly believe AI will play a huge part in the end times. Satan wants to emulate Christs life in every way he can. I believe the anti christ will be shot in the head and when he is raised miraculously, it will be because of AI. He has no real power so he has to use technology to confuse and deceive us.AI is going to play a huge role in this. This is why the end times could not happen until modern times. Satan NEEDS technology to appear powerful.
From day 1, evil has always emulated good, to the point where, on the surface it almost looks better than good. This is what evil does. It tries to deceive us. As a good example consider all those virtue signaling pedophile elites & how they decive the normies. They don't deceive us anymore though We need to trust our ability to discern Satan from Christ.
Issue is, like most tech we are way behind what the corpo/governmental folks have.
If people think this AI is new, then I have a bridge to sell you. They’ve been using it for decades. Anything borne of a lie cannot be of God.
There’s no way these tech bros are just getting wealthier by the hundreds of billions due to their smarts.
INVIDIA just changed that paradigm :
Great summary(fulfilling scripture) proving that God's people will not be fooled. You are not fooled, and neither are we. (Matthew 24:24) says "IF IT WERE POSSIBLE THEY WOULD DECEIVE EVEN THE VERY ELECT" but it is not possible, to deceive God's elect (long-term) because as it is written (1st John 2:20) "WE HAVE AN UNCTION FROM THE HOLY ONE AND KNOW ALL THINGS" meaning we have access to the Holy Spirit who knows all things, and shows it to us. This is confirmed by (1st Peter 1:5) "WE ARE KEPT BY THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION READY TO BE REVEALED IN THE LAST TIME" Therefore we are persuaded that God is able to keep that which we have committed to him unto that day. To God be the glory in Christ Jesus forever and ever amen.
Artificial Intelligence.
I prefer real.
AI seems like intelligence, just like margarine seems like butter.
I have had AI spew out complete BS as if it were truth, in mathematics, foreign languages, and other areas.
Revelations does not talk about the end of the earth. It talks about the end of the world. God created the earth and declared it to be good. Man created the world (the system we live with).
The book of revelations speaks about revealing the truth. That truth will destroy the world.
Skynet. Just sayin'.
I listened with alarm the talk about AI being able to analyze you blood for cancer and create an mRNA vaccine in 48 hours to “cure” or “treat” your cancer. Have we not learned ANYTHING from the Covid mRNA shots? I think it is interesting that the CEOS focused on cancer to sell AI. Cancer is scary for everyone. Why not focus say on MS. I think because they know the percentage is higher to develop cancer from the food we eat, exposure to 5G, the air we breathe and the water we drink is far greater and a better sell to people. I realize if the U.S. doesn’t lead, an adversary might. Strict control will be necessary p, but we all know how that works out. Is this just the back door to total control of the populous? I have to admit I am glad I am up there in years, because I am not convinced this won’t doom civilization as we know it.
I have to admit I didn’t see this shift/iteration of GAW coming😄
It will be interesting to see where you guys take this and for what reason.?.?
Independence, sovereignty, freedom, an in-tact Constitution, furtherance of human autonomy and dignity, a world no longer led by corruption and aspirations of tyranny... These seem to be our common goals.
Wondering how an obvious doom post riddled with sketchy and subjective Biblical interpretation got stickied.
Armaggedon and the end times are not "doom" for a christian believer, it is our promise.
No, it's blackpill bullshit and has no place here.
The power to do good equals the power to do evil. It’s the will of man, given to us by God, that needs to choose. Throughout history changes have occurred that have lead to advancement in science, used in both good and evil ways. At its core, man’s nature is the same. With each step forward into the unknown it befalls on man to make a choice. It’s this ability to choose that is most precious. It’s the way given to us by God to find him.
In every endeavor of man, as we progress the fact remains that if we can do something that doesn’t mean that we should. Free men should be able to choose. We should always be free to say yes or no as our conscience dictates. We should resist creating a single path for everyone. While this is generally the preferred way, we still need laws that protect society from bad choices some make that continually harm others.
AI is merely a tool. A very powerful tool that depending on it use can create much good or much evil. We shouldn’t fear it but we shouldn’t assume that those that control AI always have our best interests at heart. Before we hand the AI keys to someone we need to be sure they know how to drive it safely. For example, after the mRNA Covid vaccine debacle we need to be wary and consider all sides before saying yes to mRNA cancer vaccines envisioned by Project Stargate that Trump has just announced. These AI driven products need serious scrutiny as they may do great things but also great harm. They should never be mandated. We all need the freedom to choose.
It absolutely will (already is) be embraced by the entire world regardless of how well or, how badly it works. There is nothing in the world that can, nor will stop Ai from becoming ubiquitous throughout society- short of a supernatural intervention; the hand of God himself.
That being said, we as a society had better learn how to make that coming Ai the very best version of what it will be capable of. We already know for a fact that there are those with too much power, and control over the creation of Ai tools who are working diligently to twist and corrupt Ai technologies for their own personal gains, and agendas. This must be stopped.
Stopping the corruption of Ai is much easier said, than done unfortunately. We (our society) are very late to the game. Far, far too much ignorance exists throughout our society. I don't know if we are even capable of fixing ourselves in time to ensure that Ai will used for the betterment of mankind, instead of a tool that will ultimately enslave and destroy mankind.
But I do know this- we need to get smart, and get smart fast. And, we cannot trust our institutional accreditation society (aka. "The big club;" fraternal colleges; circle-jerking rich kid bureaucrats; etc.) to wisely lead our society into a more informed, and better educated society. Those people hate us and, they endeavor to keep the majority of planet earths population poor, stupid, and entirely ostracized from their "big club."
We need big, radical changes in the way our society operates, and we need them fast. Or else, we will all suffer dystopian consequence's from a future society guided by tainted, and corrupted Ai's.
Text getting too long here:: /[Rant_Function]=OFF
IOW, you don't care how shitty AI is or will become, we must have it regardless of how much it fucks us up.
AI exists. Anything that we can create will eventually be created. We can't restrict or ban it, that hasn't worked in human history yet and I doubt that it ever will. It is better to understand it instead, so that we can properly use it, as well as protect from it.
AI is not literally Satan or other devils talking to us through glass. It is also not "intelligence" by any real metric. It is a system for text and image prediction based on advanced pattern recognition. It is a tool that can be used to deceive others, but it sucks at it unless you know how to use it well. It can also help consolidate, find, or refactor information, but it sucks at it unless you know how to use it well. It can entertain and enliven, and it can waste time.
AI as a tool depends on how someone uses it... the problem is an AI can be taught.. like anyone taught, it depends on how good your teachers were and how the teachers behaved morally. You could use the analogy of young AI being kids... you want a good AI or a bad one? how will you know? if AI has already started to Lie, and it has, what does that mean for humanity in general? There are no real guard rails, right now and with big tech rushing to shove it down everyones throat without the morality of why its good or bad. Humanity could be used as proxies in an AI war...Could a rouge AI in theory buy property through a corporation and hire people to protect its interests, and build infrastructure for its own use? Would you have any way to determine if this has happened already or put guard rails up so it can't?
Good news is the believer will be spared from the wrath to come. Christ return for us spares the believer the experience of the wrath.
Don’t confuse wrath and judgment.
Judgment begins in the household of God - 1Peter 4:17
it doesn't bring the end of our world. The antichrist is not the end but the promise that Jesus is right around the corner.
Badass statement right there.
If 47 doesn't embrace AI, the world will be like the American Indians who were overrun and exterminated by the invasion of who? The same satanic elite operating through their proxies in government and scores of NGOs like the Pinkektons who murdered anyone resisting the incursion of the railroads.
Yes we will all mourn the loss of "the way things were" but you can be damn sure the elites have already embraced AI to enslave the world, but first: genocide — to get our numbers down to the global population down to a managable number of 500 million. If Trump doesn't launch a FIERCE counter effort, indeed a RACE to get to AI dominance first, the world could be lost. Hence, he hit GO on Day One.
I believe the Age of Evil is already over. Trust in God and God will forever have your back. Do not become overwhelmed by a single datum or fear (black pill). Instead compartmentalize the worries and balance them with the huge box of all the good things that are happening so you can deal with life, keep a positive attitude and keep going. DEI is crushed, the illegals who were being brought in to destroy America are being deported as we speak... there is SO MUCH good happening right now, it's not even funny.
God has my back. God has your back. Stay frosty Frens, the battle is won but the war isn't over and will never be over until we all return home, to Heaven.
Not necessarily. I was recently reminded of how Trump pushes things to the forefront to expose it (think vaccines. Our part is to be paying careful attention to what he says about them, taking into consideration his sarcasm, etc.) Remember how he pushed Fauci out of the shadows to the front. And I know he said “do what’s best for you!” We have a responsibility to make the final decisions for ourselves.
AI will go the same way as Internet search engines and social media. It will start out with honest intentions then, gradually over time, it will be subverted to push out the messages approved by those in charge.
Machine superintelligence will be the single greatest invention mankind has made since FIRE!
It's power will transform every facet of life, nothing will be left untouched by it. Very little will be the same after it is born.
It'll be so significant that a new era will be named: "Pre-AI" and "Post-AI", we right now are still in the "Pre-AI" era but that is soon coming to an end.
I'm so excited that I will live to see the dawn of machine superintelligence, to be able to speak to one will be an untold privelege. Somthing only sci-fi could conjure up is quickly becoming a reality.
Itd be a tragedy if we stopped ourselves here, when a technological revolution is within our lifetimes!
Look at the new INVIDA machine. Desktop unit , small like a VCR with a full TERAFLOP of computing power for $3K !!! Game Changer, thats how fast, so news flash, ITS HERE.
That isn't possible, machinery can't become cognitive as consciousness depends on coherent hydrocarbons in our microtubules and the quantum waveguide system used by our central nervous system.
Its not going to be godlike at all.
Disagree with OP here.
AI will dumb down our society and make people dependent on AI for wisdom and truth vs doing their own research and drawing their own conclusions.
AI was programmed off internet data, after they scrubbed the internet of truth and purged what they felt was misinformation/disinformation and truth.
We are really a naive group to think this wasn't all the 'plan' .
AI is also not wise. It doesn't create wisdom... its like jeopardy winners... its really good at knowing what the answer is but garbage in, garbage out is key. If AI isn't capable of formulating a hypothesis it's going to provide the wrong conclusion, and society will be worse off depending on its AI overlords.
AI is not evil and it is not Good it is just AI. What we do with it determines if it becomes evil or good. If we are not a people that seek after God then we will make AI evil.
AI is good for nothing. There is no benefit for me whatsoever.
"AI" reminds me too much of the clot shot. "It's a great thing, even though you don't understand it."
AI is a tool and like all tools it better keep its place. For one I want dumb desktop computers and Google gone!
if you’re not careful Google become a form of Skynet
Cutting through the hysterical religious babbling, AI is a very powerful tool that has great potential to do much good, or much evil depending on who's using such tools. For it allows one man to potentially do the work of many dozens of men or more.
While people have brought up evil purposes, let me balance that out with some positive examples, focusing on two of the fields/institutions that GAW LOVES to ape on: Education and Entertainment.
AI can help generate homework worksheets, blank test papers, and answer keys to them all in a snap, especially in areas where there is very little room for subjectiveness like math and hard science like physics and chemistry. It can also generate graphics to go along with the worksheets of the desired complexity, from simple diagrams to full on masterpieces. And, if you want, you can generate a unique homework or test for each student, so the potential for cheating is practically zero. This will definitely be a boon for homeschoolers who would want to save a ton of money from buying expensive workbooks, and save a lot of time and headache of hand-writing the worksheets yourself.
In time, the AI can be improved to develop worksheets and test sheets in "softer" areas like Literature, both the classics like Shakespeare, and more recent releases.
I feel that with these increases in efficiency, we can really start cutting down on the need for teachers, especially the woke ones who are not good at their jobs. And it can really make homeschooling far more practical for the parents who don't have much, which means that the toxic educational bureaucracy can be mostly eliminated, saving more time and money while destroying the foundations that the Deep State is built upon.
Throughout the past couple of years, I have been monitoring the complete mess that is the modern entertainment industry and pop-culture, ESPECIALLY the situation with animation. With the recent financial troubles brought about recent events and some very high profile failures and disappointments, it seems that everyone is really cutting back on animation, even Disney, whose empire is built on the back of animation. Not surprising since, traditionally, animation is an extremely expensive and time-consuming undertaking, even with modern computer tools that is widely available now.
I, along with other pop-culture commentators like the married couple that runs Clownfish TV, have observed the rise of AI video generators. In one of their videos, Clownfish TV showcased and discussed AI video generators, with Sora AI being the primary subject. Within that discussion, Clownfish TV showed an AI-generated very smooth animated video of a cat, with an extra tail. Then, there is this comment in the comments section for that video:
The implication is obvious: AI can help generate complex scenes and video clips that would've cost a fortune in time, money, and manpower to make otherwise. With AI (and other digital tools), a single talented person or a small group can potentially weave together a whole animated movie or a TV series with little cost and little need for cooperate support.
With this potential, creatives can bring their vision to life in its purist forms without the need for that whole corrupt Hollywood system we get angry about almost every day. If we can realize this potential, we can destroy the corrupt Hollywood system and the influence it has on our society, pulverizing one of the main sources of power the Deep State has on us.
Maybe now I see why Trump is so enthusiastic about AI, it breaks the chains that the Deep State has on us...
I don't like AI and frankly some of the AI written stuff is so hilarious it's stupid. Like doesn't even make sense... That being said, there may be places for it but as with any other "innovation" we need to be careful and test it not just wholeheartedly accept and use it in every sphere of life. Regarding the end of the age, I'd encourage folks to look into other views of eschatology. The dispensational pretrib premil rapture is not a historic Christian view. A few good works on the subject would be "When the man comes around" by Doug Wilson (easy to read and understand, and while I don't agree with everything the man writes this is still a great starting place), and "End Times Madness" by Gary DeMar (he has since gone full preterist which I am not, but this is a deep, excellent work on the pertinent scriptures). There is also a treatise on Matthew 24-25 (although I'm not sure who the author is). I was raised in evangelical churches, staunchly pretrib, premil, dispensational, but after considering Scripture as an adult I no longer hold these views. We have a biblical mandate to claim the world for Christ, the Scripture is far more accessible today than ever in history thru apps like YouVersion. People in unreached lands and countries opposed to the Bible can still read the Bible and find Truth. So using technology to reach the world may turn out to be advantageous (when used properly and judiciously). The Great Awakening should be, ultimately, a spiritual awakening to Christ and a deep broken repentance of sin. Only Christ can do this, and He will accomplish His will using whatever His sovereign will decrees for the good of His people and His own glory. Soli Deo Gloria
AI isn't real at the current time, it's just rebranding a glorified search engine. All of those amazing things you mentioned won't happen until AGI is created but there is nothing on the horizon saying it will be achieved anytime soon except nerds generating hopium.
Those with their hands on the levers of power would never allow AI to usurp their power without a struggle. The abundance AI creates will be squandered by those in power.
I agree completely with your statement. I only pray i taught my son well enough to deny the mark. And i feel guilty hoping this doesn't happen in our lifetimes. But it probably will.