I agree, but my question is why did General Mike Flynn call Jones just a few days ago to warn him about his safety & all that. Was it a White hat op? Interesting now when all this is coming out a few days later...
I stopped listening to him directly after the Big Bilderberg thing was done, IF Memory serves, it took like three years, where he claimed to have ""Someone on the Inside""....
An he did get SOME goo info, mainly Names of Attendees, but not really much more than that, which I took to mean that HE was the reason for Beefed Up Security, which makes whoever went there to ""Protest"", was in one of Two Categories....
Cat 1, being Actual Protestors, being people who ha a real problem with the Bilderberg Clown Circus, and probably 10% of everyone there,,,,
Cat 2, being Actual Paid Security ala mode of ""Controlled Opposition"", meaning Paid Security posing as Protestors, and very likely some 90% of Attendees of the Protests....
Then I found out he had a Nose for a Wife, totally admitted it on his own show....
At that point, I stopped actively listening to his show, an will only listen to little snippets that someone might point out of having any relevance to something of any import....
I believe that most people on here who follow Q know that AJ is a bad actor, because of the Q posts. There are also influencers on this site as well, sometimes I wonder about certain Pepe avatars that seem to slide post
I remember there were a few Q posts that suggested Q was Catholic. Not that it matters. Any Catholic who's awake is fully aware their church has been infiltrated by Satanists.
They did know it was coming, Looking Glass told them. It also told them the awakening couldn't be stopped but of course they plotted to stop it... but they can't.
Jones was sued over the "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" video (and lost in court to the tune of $1.5B) JUST TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM WATCHING THE VIDEO SHOWING MUCH OF THE TOWN WAS IN ON A CRISIS ACTOR EVENT.
This video was the white pill I needed, for sure. My early awakening days (nearly 20 years ago now, which is crazy) were definitely manipulated in this way, and it was AJ and Icke running the scene back then for the most part. Doomers to the core, both of them, and I remember the depression I felt by following their work, and how it made me disengage during the Obama years, and how I felt hopeless during the 2016 campaign because I was so sure the witch was going to win. But then…
Yeah I never like Alex Jones I had not even heard of the other guy, the only one who's videos I watched more than once were Charlie Freak's videos he got banned from youtube for them a long time ago but Bonfire guy did a good job of adding sauce to them. Otherwise I watch Salty Cracker regularly, and float between a few youtubers just talking about what's happening in the news. None of them are Q related outside of Charlie's videos.
Here if you haven't watched it already. Charlie's original videos were a lot longer and went into a lot of detail about shipping containers, the Yangt Zhe river and things ilke how China raised the levels of it so ships could go through China to the ocean for things like human trafficking. His videos where where I learned about Maxwell and that she's a submarine pilot and all the underwater access i the carribean Islands. I'm not so concerned about the flightlogs I want to know who went with her in those submarines. Charlie also goes into detail about Kazhakstan and how if the Hillary had taken over, if the NWO had taken place then it would have been the new capital.
I know Biden being President sucked it was hard for me too, but the only thing he really truly destroyed was the Democratic party. in the 2016 election God laid a GIGANTIC burden on me to pray that Trump won. I can't explain it but I went into intense spiritual warfare for a time. I didn't get that with Biden at all.
Hillary would have destroyed the nation, Biden just destroyed the Democrats and now we're seeing an exposure of the Rhinos, look at how Anons have uncovered the connections of that corrupt liberal judge and I wonder what dirt there is on Roberts. We are going through many stages at once seeing the fafo stage and the dark to light stage the rats are being exposed for what they are.
I just skimmed through the video as we’ve all heard these arguments plenty of times. I did catch the part where this guy says he’s an artist and can tell you with 500% certainty the guy who we see now is not the same AJ from just a year or so ago. While I can see the difference, I think it’s mostly because he’s now shaved his head and lost a little weight.
I don’t think many people could match the AJ character consistently.
This isn’t to say he isn’t an infiltrator, I’ve been on the fence about that one for a while. One thing I can agree with on this video is, I have noticed topics on Infowars that I feel like should get way more attention than they do, and that had come off very suspicious to me.
The only retort I'll give is Alex Jones is a doorway to the great wakening. But you've got to get past him. He brings a lot of people in, but then they have to get red pilled enough to realize that he's, you know, a poison pill. And you got to be able to get past him.
I think the point is that they have been trying to divert eyes from Mossad Ops for decades and use people like Ben Shapiro and Alex Jones to tune a certain % of audainces away from information or link it to flat Earthers
People in PDW still love him. They are not awake Also, I like how he says Alex James. It’s so true and obvious. I’ve asked several platforms if anybody can give me a day by day showing of his weight loss and transformation. Nobody can tell me when it happened. Nobody can provide a date frame, or any viable information to prove that he’s that young and healthy looking when we all know that he was not. I’m sorry it’s not his supplements. They’re probably fake like he is. All this happened at the same time he went bankrupt supposedly - after that huge lawsuit.
I’m slowly watching his platform tank, because he lives off of rage, anger, and fear… Porn. That’s his entire platform. He needs to stoke up some more of these feelings, or his model is no longer going to make him money. Isn’t this interesting that all this happened right before the election, and now with all this winning, it’s a new Alex, and he needs a new show.
That’s hilarious. That’s exactly what they do. I believe it’s people that work for AJ, that troll that site. Anytime I insult AJ, and make fun of his platform not working anymore because there’s no more fear rage and misery to report on, they attack me. It’s like clockwork. 😂😂
I’m not sure if anybody remembers this, but the reason why people were going to January 6 was for the stop the steel rally. That was set up by Alex Jones and that Ali Alexander. He’s a snake as well. There was a scheduled event at the Capitol that day. That’s why I was going. Yes eventually, Trump said come it will be wild, but it was originally planned by Alex Jones.
It sure is fren. I just walked back inside. Been discussing this with a few neighbors.Everywhere I go the last few days I get stopped and asked about this. I'm sure lots of anons are going through the same.
I remember seeing . thanks for reminding.but wasn't that video before the new files were released? And if so.... being silent about Israel now.. what could that mean?
After the release of the files (same day though). My thoughts are that Alex MAY have been compromised at one time, mostly because of what Q implied. BUT the way the deep state went after him and tried to shut him down - putting him through the court gauntlet and forcing him to file for bankruptcy, is evidence that he broke free or at least attempted too.
"JFK files" are dated up to at least the 90s that I've seen. So your statement is completely false. Not that I gaf if AJ is mentioned or not, just pointing out how wrong you are as usual.
Do the files mention Jones? (I'm not false unless they do.) Since he was born 12 years after the event, I don't see how he could show up anywhere, no matter what date the files are. He is simply irrelevant.
I've noticed the last few times that I have seen AJ on here he looked like a different person! Love this! Do no follow man, use discernment
2 Timothy 4:3-4
For the time will come when they will not suffer wholesome doctrine: but having their ears itching, shall after their own lusts get them an heap of teachers,
And shall turn their ears from the truth, and shall be given unto fables.
Alex James vs. Alex Jones...easy confirmation, simply do a voice analysis of the before and after...physical attributes change with diet and workouts, but the voice doesn't...
Looks and sounds like the same AJ to me. But I think that whole swap theory is a red herring. He can still be the same AJ and also be a Mossad agent. It's not required to believe in a swap-out. Does that make sense? (And I'm not arguing that he is MOS, but just pointing out the logical fallacy).
How is CIA controlled by Mossad? This presenter makes a lot of important points. I just think one aspect needs to be stated differently. Israel has a lot of occult and other evil that needs cleaning up, so I follow Q with the Israel will be saved for last part of the operation.
Often left out of the JFK assassination picture is John McCloy. He was a chairman of Rockefeller dominated CFR, military High Commissioner over western Germany after Allies defeated Germany in WW 2. He had served under Skull & Bones Henry Stimson as Deputy Secretary of War. McCloy was also a member of the Anglophile Pilgrim Society as was Joseph Kennedy. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/John_J._McCloyMcCloy served on the Warren Commission with 33rd degree J. Edgar Hoover and Knights of Malta member Allen Dulles. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Warren_Commission
CIA was created 1947. Israel was created 1948. Mossad created in 1949. CIA controlled by Mossad, or by bloodline families via elite clubs membership?
Aug. 5, 1963 Deputy CIA director, Marshall Carter, was “acting Director” for a day. While serving as Director of the NSA, Carter testified to a House Appropriations Committee about the 1967 USS Liberty incident. He stated that "It couldn’t be anything else but deliberate. There’s just no way you could have a series of circumstances that would justify it being an accident." http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB54/st21.pdf
I would argue that bloodline families have in the past controlled both CIA and Mossad, and that certain directors have been part of the elite clubs whether they be CFR, Scottish Rite, Knights of Malta.
Yeah, he's claiming it's the CIA only. But from the video you posted, he said Jones was silent on JFK. Or maybe I misunderstood. I like the guy you posted btw. I just posted one of his videos yesterday.
he's silent on the everything Israeli part on the JFK files. I think that was the point he was making.edit- saw your post yesterday. tried to give it 1000 bumps but was only able to give 1
Real Anons knew this a long time ago! Using logic; he has to be controlled opposition! Thousands who spoke the truth, wanted to reveal the truth, were assassinated! Just like during Covid, Mennonites who got in a car accident and died, were deemed as Covid deaths! This confirmed that many were in on the deception! Who controls the narrative can make demons look like saints to the indoctrinated! They will believe anything they see on TV!
I listen all the time, when he turns into a mossad shill, I will let you know. Perhaps this discussion was missed with Joe Rogan and Ian Carrol, the deep dive :
Regardless of AJ's true affiliations, he has been instrumental in getting people at least curious about what is going on in the world around us and pointing out useful threads to pull. How many started their awakening journey after watching Loose Change long before Q came into the picture?
Personally, I go back and forth on the AJ motivations. I think if he ultimately works as some group's intelligence ops, he's considered a loose cannon and his handlers buy Pepto Bismol by the case and mix it with gin and colloidal silver.
And, then there's that little gem about Elon stepping into to the middle of the asset sale for his Sandy Hook lawsuit. Not sure what Elon actually did there besides exposing the deep state's biased shenanigans but Alex is still on the air today. Obviously, AJ still has some sort of role to play in this movie.
Its a murky world out there, folks. I think its important that we all keep our wits about us and keep situational awareness regardless of which bandwagon we opt to take a ride in.
What would the JFK files have anything to do with Alex Jones? Why is Alex Jones on Bannon weekly? Is Bannon also an Israeli agent? Misinformation is necessary. AJ has been pushing against the globalists/Soros agenda since I found him in 2011, and probably before. Think. Stop reacting.
Q suggested AJ was a shill:
Yes, this has been known for some time, it is hardly ground breaking information.
I posted this some time back about how "Alex Jones is a honeypot plant and does nothing for the movement".
Still a lot of AJ supporters in these forums.
I wonder if this makes Tucker compromised too. He been making it seem like AJ is on the team
Same with Bannon, who has often referred to AJ as “The Great Alex Jones,” at least a few years back.
I agree, but my question is why did General Mike Flynn call Jones just a few days ago to warn him about his safety & all that. Was it a White hat op? Interesting now when all this is coming out a few days later...
His strings were cut by the White Hats recently, and he has a relevant role to play in the greater scheme of the Great Awakening
could be & that would explain why he is all of a sudden now not safe
I honestly think he looks different too. He may have just lost weight but he looks different to me.
The CIA is a puppet dancing on the strings of the MOSSAD.
CIA is a Mossad sock.
I always knew Fat Man was a PSYOP.
I stopped listening to him directly after the Big Bilderberg thing was done, IF Memory serves, it took like three years, where he claimed to have ""Someone on the Inside""....
An he did get SOME goo info, mainly Names of Attendees, but not really much more than that, which I took to mean that HE was the reason for Beefed Up Security, which makes whoever went there to ""Protest"", was in one of Two Categories....
Cat 1, being Actual Protestors, being people who ha a real problem with the Bilderberg Clown Circus, and probably 10% of everyone there,,,,
Cat 2, being Actual Paid Security ala mode of ""Controlled Opposition"", meaning Paid Security posing as Protestors, and very likely some 90% of Attendees of the Protests....
Then I found out he had a Nose for a Wife, totally admitted it on his own show....
At that point, I stopped actively listening to his show, an will only listen to little snippets that someone might point out of having any relevance to something of any import....
Brennan, being muslim, how did he fit into that?
People on this site seem to really like AJ. Glad to see someone post this. AJ is Mossad and a POS.
I believe that most people on here who follow Q know that AJ is a bad actor, because of the Q posts. There are also influencers on this site as well, sometimes I wonder about certain Pepe avatars that seem to slide post
AJ exposed the catholic church as the largest human trafficking organization, seems like the catholics are mad at AJ for exposing them.
No clue about that, got sauce?
Are you suggesting Q is Catholic? I’m confused. W was pretty clear about AJ: https://www.qanon.pub/?#2089
Otherwise, you sound like a Mossad sympathizer.
I remember there were a few Q posts that suggested Q was Catholic. Not that it matters. Any Catholic who's awake is fully aware their church has been infiltrated by Satanists.
Hard to say. Could be. Q quotes the Bible but it’s unclear on anything specific like that.
Well, Catholics rarely read the Bible, so maybe the Q Team is Protestant.
We will know when the credits roll
They did know it was coming, Looking Glass told them. It also told them the awakening couldn't be stopped but of course they plotted to stop it... but they can't.
I heard the testimony of a woman who claimed to have been a part of PLG as a child, she said they could never see past the year 2020.
Thought it was 2012, but yeah.
Jessie Czebotar testifiedj it was 2024. As a child, she was on a Project Looking Glass team with Elon and another child.
Jones was sued over the "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" video (and lost in court to the tune of $1.5B) JUST TO KEEP PEOPLE FROM WATCHING THE VIDEO SHOWING MUCH OF THE TOWN WAS IN ON A CRISIS ACTOR EVENT.
Exactly. That even was so fake and gay. Almost all the exposure vids were scrubbed from YT back in 2018/19 :/
I've been saying AJ is Mossad for a long time. I am on break at work just watched first minute will catch it after work worth hearing this.
This video was the white pill I needed, for sure. My early awakening days (nearly 20 years ago now, which is crazy) were definitely manipulated in this way, and it was AJ and Icke running the scene back then for the most part. Doomers to the core, both of them, and I remember the depression I felt by following their work, and how it made me disengage during the Obama years, and how I felt hopeless during the 2016 campaign because I was so sure the witch was going to win. But then…
Yeah I never like Alex Jones I had not even heard of the other guy, the only one who's videos I watched more than once were Charlie Freak's videos he got banned from youtube for them a long time ago but Bonfire guy did a good job of adding sauce to them. Otherwise I watch Salty Cracker regularly, and float between a few youtubers just talking about what's happening in the news. None of them are Q related outside of Charlie's videos.
Here if you haven't watched it already. Charlie's original videos were a lot longer and went into a lot of detail about shipping containers, the Yangt Zhe river and things ilke how China raised the levels of it so ships could go through China to the ocean for things like human trafficking. His videos where where I learned about Maxwell and that she's a submarine pilot and all the underwater access i the carribean Islands. I'm not so concerned about the flightlogs I want to know who went with her in those submarines. Charlie also goes into detail about Kazhakstan and how if the Hillary had taken over, if the NWO had taken place then it would have been the new capital.
I know Biden being President sucked it was hard for me too, but the only thing he really truly destroyed was the Democratic party. in the 2016 election God laid a GIGANTIC burden on me to pray that Trump won. I can't explain it but I went into intense spiritual warfare for a time. I didn't get that with Biden at all. Hillary would have destroyed the nation, Biden just destroyed the Democrats and now we're seeing an exposure of the Rhinos, look at how Anons have uncovered the connections of that corrupt liberal judge and I wonder what dirt there is on Roberts. We are going through many stages at once seeing the fafo stage and the dark to light stage the rats are being exposed for what they are.
I'm glad the video helped. Hopefully the bonfire guy lightens your day a little too. https://rumble.com/v4dgeti-game-over-the-level-playing-field.html
Here's another one. https://rumble.com/v4dgeti-game-over-the-level-playing-field.html
He mentions Q at the 6:58 mark. Also gives very convincing evidence that Alex Jones has been replaced.
Edit: He also does a great job exposing the black pillers. This is a great video and a timely, encouraging spirit lifter. Needs to be stickied!
I've thought the same since he returned after having lost the lawsuit re: Sandy Hook.
I just skimmed through the video as we’ve all heard these arguments plenty of times. I did catch the part where this guy says he’s an artist and can tell you with 500% certainty the guy who we see now is not the same AJ from just a year or so ago. While I can see the difference, I think it’s mostly because he’s now shaved his head and lost a little weight.
I don’t think many people could match the AJ character consistently.
This isn’t to say he isn’t an infiltrator, I’ve been on the fence about that one for a while. One thing I can agree with on this video is, I have noticed topics on Infowars that I feel like should get way more attention than they do, and that had come off very suspicious to me.
The only retort I'll give is Alex Jones is a doorway to the great wakening. But you've got to get past him. He brings a lot of people in, but then they have to get red pilled enough to realize that he's, you know, a poison pill. And you got to be able to get past him.
Full disclosure, i haven't watched the video yet. That said.... JFK was killed in 1963 and Alex Jones was born in 1974.
I think the point is that they have been trying to divert eyes from Mossad Ops for decades and use people like Ben Shapiro and Alex Jones to tune a certain % of audainces away from information or link it to flat Earthers
kek. should watch before commenting
I’ve never listened to AJ. Always thought he was an oddball. If he’s exposed, so be it.
People in PDW still love him. They are not awake Also, I like how he says Alex James. It’s so true and obvious. I’ve asked several platforms if anybody can give me a day by day showing of his weight loss and transformation. Nobody can tell me when it happened. Nobody can provide a date frame, or any viable information to prove that he’s that young and healthy looking when we all know that he was not. I’m sorry it’s not his supplements. They’re probably fake like he is. All this happened at the same time he went bankrupt supposedly - after that huge lawsuit.
I’m slowly watching his platform tank, because he lives off of rage, anger, and fear… Porn. That’s his entire platform. He needs to stoke up some more of these feelings, or his model is no longer going to make him money. Isn’t this interesting that all this happened right before the election, and now with all this winning, it’s a new Alex, and he needs a new show.
Yes. I believe AJ is the official religion of that site. They act like girls with Beatlemania...
That’s hilarious. That’s exactly what they do. I believe it’s people that work for AJ, that troll that site. Anytime I insult AJ, and make fun of his platform not working anymore because there’s no more fear rage and misery to report on, they attack me. It’s like clockwork. 😂😂
Yeah they go bananas...
I mean they are pretty retarded so ... yanno
The main reason I frequent there is for free speech. Which we don’t have here. 🤪
It's always something with these people...innit?
I’m not sure if anybody remembers this, but the reason why people were going to January 6 was for the stop the steel rally. That was set up by Alex Jones and that Ali Alexander. He’s a snake as well. There was a scheduled event at the Capitol that day. That’s why I was going. Yes eventually, Trump said come it will be wild, but it was originally planned by Alex Jones.
Is Steve Bannon fooled by this guy? He has him on his show sometimes
Great post! Very important discussion right now.
It sure is fren. I just walked back inside. Been discussing this with a few neighbors.Everywhere I go the last few days I get stopped and asked about this. I'm sure lots of anons are going through the same.
Here's a video on Alex jones' X talking about Israel's involvement: https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1902128242363887849
I remember seeing . thanks for reminding.but wasn't that video before the new files were released? And if so.... being silent about Israel now.. what could that mean?
After the release of the files (same day though). My thoughts are that Alex MAY have been compromised at one time, mostly because of what Q implied. BUT the way the deep state went after him and tried to shut him down - putting him through the court gauntlet and forcing him to file for bankruptcy, is evidence that he broke free or at least attempted too.
I guess but as always lets keep our eyes and ears on everything/everyone
We already knew that, or I thought most here did.
This is so good.
He is right about the deep state knowing ahead of time what’s coming.
On te Bilderberg meeting they had a topic in their agenda called “Post-truth world”. They’ve been planning their moves long time ago.
This is interesting
Was Jones even alive when JFK was assassinated?
once again, you should watch before commenting
I don't tout the JFK files AT ALL. Does that make me a Mossad agent? You can't condemn someone over what they don't do.
Who watches the video before commenting anymore? (Obvious sarcasm)
Born in 1974. Not possible for the JFK files to even mention Alex Jones.
"JFK files" are dated up to at least the 90s that I've seen. So your statement is completely false. Not that I gaf if AJ is mentioned or not, just pointing out how wrong you are as usual.
Do the files mention Jones? (I'm not false unless they do.) Since he was born 12 years after the event, I don't see how he could show up anywhere, no matter what date the files are. He is simply irrelevant.
I've noticed the last few times that I have seen AJ on here he looked like a different person! Love this! Do no follow man, use discernment
2 Timothy 4:3-4
For the time will come when they will not suffer wholesome doctrine: but having their ears itching, shall after their own lusts get them an heap of teachers,
And shall turn their ears from the truth, and shall be given unto fables.
"The actor can improvise, but the plot was set long ago." (I believe the quote is from Mark Amaza)
And the next greatest "snake"? Jeffery Sachs.
Alex James vs. Alex Jones...easy confirmation, simply do a voice analysis of the before and after...physical attributes change with diet and workouts, but the voice doesn't...
Looks and sounds like the same AJ to me. But I think that whole swap theory is a red herring. He can still be the same AJ and also be a Mossad agent. It's not required to believe in a swap-out. Does that make sense? (And I'm not arguing that he is MOS, but just pointing out the logical fallacy).
How is CIA controlled by Mossad? This presenter makes a lot of important points. I just think one aspect needs to be stated differently. Israel has a lot of occult and other evil that needs cleaning up, so I follow Q with the Israel will be saved for last part of the operation.
Often left out of the JFK assassination picture is John McCloy. He was a chairman of Rockefeller dominated CFR, military High Commissioner over western Germany after Allies defeated Germany in WW 2. He had served under Skull & Bones Henry Stimson as Deputy Secretary of War. McCloy was also a member of the Anglophile Pilgrim Society as was Joseph Kennedy. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/John_J._McCloy McCloy served on the Warren Commission with 33rd degree J. Edgar Hoover and Knights of Malta member Allen Dulles. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Warren_Commission
CIA was created 1947. Israel was created 1948. Mossad created in 1949. CIA controlled by Mossad, or by bloodline families via elite clubs membership?
Allen Dulles was 2nd director of OSS, and 1st director of the CIA. Also Knights of Malta member https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Allen_Dulles
McCone was briefly director of OSS after Dulles. McCone was 2nd director of the CIA. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Marshall_Carter
Aug. 5, 1963 Deputy CIA director, Marshall Carter, was “acting Director” for a day. While serving as Director of the NSA, Carter testified to a House Appropriations Committee about the 1967 USS Liberty incident. He stated that "It couldn’t be anything else but deliberate. There’s just no way you could have a series of circumstances that would justify it being an accident." http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB54/st21.pdf
I would argue that bloodline families have in the past controlled both CIA and Mossad, and that certain directors have been part of the elite clubs whether they be CFR, Scottish Rite, Knights of Malta.
Jones did put out some content on JFK.
But perhaps it's Jones 2.0?
i glanced through that and didnt see anything about the elephant in the room.
Yeah, he's claiming it's the CIA only. But from the video you posted, he said Jones was silent on JFK. Or maybe I misunderstood. I like the guy you posted btw. I just posted one of his videos yesterday.
he's silent on the everything Israeli part on the JFK files. I think that was the point he was making.edit- saw your post yesterday. tried to give it 1000 bumps but was only able to give 1
Moves and countermoves! Even this guy exposing the truth looks like Alex Jones!
This is Alex Jones, he will eat your a$$! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekNP_7UwlHc
Real Anons knew this a long time ago! Using logic; he has to be controlled opposition! Thousands who spoke the truth, wanted to reveal the truth, were assassinated! Just like during Covid, Mennonites who got in a car accident and died, were deemed as Covid deaths! This confirmed that many were in on the deception! Who controls the narrative can make demons look like saints to the indoctrinated! They will believe anything they see on TV!
I listen all the time, when he turns into a mossad shill, I will let you know. Perhaps this discussion was missed with Joe Rogan and Ian Carrol, the deep dive :
Regardless of AJ's true affiliations, he has been instrumental in getting people at least curious about what is going on in the world around us and pointing out useful threads to pull. How many started their awakening journey after watching Loose Change long before Q came into the picture?
Personally, I go back and forth on the AJ motivations. I think if he ultimately works as some group's intelligence ops, he's considered a loose cannon and his handlers buy Pepto Bismol by the case and mix it with gin and colloidal silver.
And, then there's that little gem about Elon stepping into to the middle of the asset sale for his Sandy Hook lawsuit. Not sure what Elon actually did there besides exposing the deep state's biased shenanigans but Alex is still on the air today. Obviously, AJ still has some sort of role to play in this movie.
Its a murky world out there, folks. I think its important that we all keep our wits about us and keep situational awareness regardless of which bandwagon we opt to take a ride in.
What would the JFK files have anything to do with Alex Jones? Why is Alex Jones on Bannon weekly? Is Bannon also an Israeli agent? Misinformation is necessary. AJ has been pushing against the globalists/Soros agenda since I found him in 2011, and probably before. Think. Stop reacting.
once again,and fk another again. kek. watch the video before making a comment
wAtChInG a ViDeO doesn't make it true. It makes no Sense. I'll comment when I want.
Alex played golf with Q.