I think Q stated this as a Future proves past. A bird sings during the Arab Spring in my opinion. Gadafi was singing in the Arab Spring and HRC killed him and anyone he was singing to. Think Benghazi. Saudi Arabia was where the first arrests were made.
A lot of us on /pol/ laughed at this and mostly ignored these posts, I hate to say. Little did any of us know this was military intelligence. 4chan is a perfect way of communicating in secret with numerous methods of recovering the information if it were deleted, with not only a time stamp, but also a unique trip code ID that cannot be replicated even by the board's own owner. It's NOT perfect, in fact it's far from perfect and it's entirely possible to break trip codes, but it's like a crude blockchain, we have numerous copies of all of the messages posted on /pol/ that can be cross referenced in the future to find any tampering.
MJ12 on Telegram claims to be undergoing the next operation (separate from but complimentary to Q). Not favorable towards BTC interestingly, for the long haul. Claims once Satoshi identity is revealed, BTC will drop to 0.
I laughed at it. That first post was so over the top. I thought they didn’t know how to write a good conspiracy story. It had no build up. It wasn’t until the amazing tweet thing happened. No way does someone ask Q+ to tweet the word amazing and Trump does it five minutes later without some coordination.
I'm ethnically Korean but as Patriotic American as they come. Race has zero to do with being a patriot or loving this nation and what it stands for. In fact majority of ANTIFA scum and loony lefties that hate this country tend to be middle class suburban whites.
Yes, but Hillary's team seems to have had a clue a day or two before the election when they canceled the fireworks display they had planned for Election Day. That would have been long enough to knock out a concession speech.
At the time I knew nothing of Q, but I recall reading pieces post election about 'how did this happen '. Remember how she did not bother to campaign around the Great Lakes? Her soy boy campaign manager in Brooklyn had his data and felt it wasn't necessary but Bill was telling her "you need to go up there and campaign'. One guy told a story about a fight over the phone he witnessed Bill having with her about this issue. If I recall correctly, they were walking along the Riverwalk in Little Rock and he was so pissed afterwards he threw the phone into the river. Same guy said the night of the election that when the Panhandle returns started coming in, Bill told him to not bother coming to NYC - they had lost.
I wonder how involved Bill was with all of this. Oh, he is involved, but his political instincts were always sharper. Was he kept out of the loop on certain things though? I always got the feeling that she was jealous of his natural talent.
Bill must have been deliberately kept out of the loop. Slick Willy was ALWAYS sharper, oozed charisma, and like you said, had far better political instincts.
chicagotrauma, It needs to be considered as well that Miami-Dade is not as socialist as some would like to paint it as being. Many of the people in that county are immigrants from Cuba or other socialist/statist countries, and they know where that road goes. They've been there! So they deserve quite a bit of credit, as well.
Thank you…I live in the Panhandle! We still had issues with local government, but so many ignore it. I don’t understand south Florida way of thinking! Hopefully, DeSantis can bring everyone around!
And where was that undisclosed location? Are the rumors true that John Kerry went to Antarctica following the election? Was Kerry one of the seven? Who were the other 6? And if the rumors are true, why Antarctica?
One day soon I hope we learn the truth. All of the truth. We must have total transparency if we are to right this ship. Nothing can be held back. Deciding that even the most heinous, egregious transgressions can not be brought to the Peoples attention would make white hats as bad as the black in many ways.
To make informed decisions the People MUST KNOW ALL. No secrets.
Here’s a link I had posted on conspiracies about inner earth… when you said Antarctica it brought this to mind… 42mins long though- but definitely worth it ✌?
https://youtu.be/LPU-ioDCEbgenter text
That new King Kong movie softly disclosed this theory in their movie. They're hiding the exit to our realm there keeping us here on limited resources enslaved by government and endless wars.
Tx fren...intense video. Don’t forget the story of the C-130 crew told to NOT fly over the Pole in Antarctica when rescuing those injured scientists? But they did anyway leaking the Pole opening info. Same crew saw “shiny discs” in area.
You know when Q first said they would release, 20% and keep hidden 80% the anons threw a fit and Q relented and said ok 40/60. At the time, I believed that Q was talking about all the things that had happened over decades, false flags, 9/11, wars, etc. Now I believe Q may have been talking just about the plan(40/60) that we are living through now. I keep thinking they aren't going to tell us how much of this movie we're watching is/was true and the specifics of how it played out. It is comforting in a way to think we will get all or most of what the cabal has done over at least decades since the federal reserve, maybe even before that. I hope it all comes out but I'll be ok if parts of the plan need to be kept hidden for certain reasons.
I think some of it you aren’t gonna wanna know? What if McDonalds has been supplied with human ground meat from some underground facilities where they kidnap and then process. And the joke amongst elites is that the sheeple are all cannibals. Like, would you want to know that or just have the white hats shut em down so they must go back to cow...? Frazzledrip..:? You wanna release those videos and if they are real into the public conscience...? Some of the nastiest shit I don’t wanna know. Corruption and who planned what and carried out what I’m all for though.
How could we punish McDonalds if they did that and we didnt know? Official retribution is well and good but the People can punish through the power of purchasing decisions too.
And if their crimes remain hidden how could the People be expected to remain vigilant?
No more secrets "for our own good". Thats what got us into this mess.
That Huff article is about the never trumpers before election.
The mtg after election was Soros, pelosi, OBama? Et al… just my recall hearing about some secret meeting … sorry no links to provide.
No concession speech, because she was drunk and cussing out anything that moved. There was no way she could have done that speech like it was supposed to be done.
I think that it has double meaning- you cannot be conscious of that type of evil and let it continue unchecked without becoming part of the evil yourself. You also cannot let it go on and not damage (sear) your conscience.
My take is being that Trump has the light of God in him, and as a True Christian he HAD to lead The Plan(?). “Good concious”...following Christ-like qualities.
As a Bible college attending, missions field going, church involved, bible reading christian, I genuinely don't think Trump was the epitome of a typical Christian, and I'm not even sure he was "saved" prior to presidency. But I think, much like King Cyrus, God used these men to enact his will, and eventually the men realized who God truly is. I do believe Trump believes in God whole heartfelt now. During his Presidency, I would not be surprised if Trump was spoken to by God directly, or in a dream. This is too important a mission, too great a trial, and too great a foe... It's biblical in it's epicness.
Beautiful Comment fren ? Agreed. You do Missionary work? I’m reborn only a couple years, and saved from cancer in a big part by Christ. Still seeking my “mission” as it were, but have been helping everyone “in need” since my rebirth. My old self was a different person entirely...
Maybe that's what OP meant by read EVERY word. This one is out of place.
Unless we are to believe that Q has a low grade reading level, this is a marker of some sort. On the other hand there are no [markers] in this post at all. Puzzling.
Trump is endangering his closest family, about 10 strong, so why would he run if he couldn't protect them?
Because the military are protecting him and them 100%.
Which is why what we're seeing is a show, even China reluctantly onboard. Covid is a show. Without them, the deep state can't get weeded out from all around the world.
I was considering this last night: why isn't China greatly affected by the Cabal? Cabal aren't communists, they are a multi-generational evil that has no political loyalty, only pagan religious traditions and a need to hold power and money.
So if China isn't part of the cabal, then they are being used by the cabal to undermine America, weaken the strongest of nations, and once that's done they themselves become a target.
It think Xi knows this, and that's why he is fighting for power so hard, even if it means arresting/suociding 40+ Chinese billionaires in the past few years. And it's probably why Putin is basically a hermit over in Russia: all the top leaders have to know about the cabal.
Lol, I know of only two people on here who have the flag. Pukiss and myself. Purkiss is just an avid poster. As for why we are here, well because WWG1WGA! If America falls, freedom around the world falls. The Great Awakening is worldwide, fren. Unfortunately the DS Cabal have controlled SA since before I was born, possibly since the assassination of Hendrik Verwoerd, and openly since 2008.
That whole thing was an attempted SA coup happening right here. The fuel tanks next to the private jet hangars at mccarren had two ‘’bullet “ impacts. There were char marks on the paint around the entry point. The mandalay bay is a straight Line of site from where his jet was and the tanks. They are also 750 yards. Only a high caliber, incendiary round shot by an expert could make that shot. Unknown what damage they did to the aircraft, if any, but the evidence is overtly obvious it was not the “shooter” they pinned it in.
There is flight recorded data that shows a helicopter hovering over the area in the middle of the “shooting” changed its squawk signal to a fuking twin engine plane. You can also clearly see the helos hovering overhead with no running lights, except for the OBVIOUS muzzle flashes from the side.
HELL YES!!!! I spent Weeks and weeks researching this. Some of the eye witness testimony was so insane it was hard to push openly ... LIKE ... the ER doc that said some of the “shooting” victims would show up to the hospital, get wheeled into a room, get up off the gurney ... AND WALK OUT THE BACK DOOR.
This Q post about motives for becoming president bare a striking resemblance to the reasoning people have for Bill Gates being such a good man.
If you paraphrase and summarize it as : "why would one of the richest men in America want the title of 'The Most Powerful Man on Earth'?" It doesn't have the same impact.
I vaguely remember reading this post. Around this time I wasn't even a total DJT supporter. I had voted for him, but this was before I realized how glad I was for doing so.
This post gives me goosebumps in a good way at first, then the chills towards the end.
I almost want to send this to a conservative friend that thinks this whole movement is kinda larpy.
I find it very interesting that Hollywood was singing like bird hence Tom Hanks on SNL, so many like David Spade, Ellen. They were all trying to warn each other, speaking in code.
A lot of us here I’m sure have archived their tweets and or screenshot messages on Instagram/Twitter and other social media sites! This is so huge all of it!
2017-2019: “I hope q isn’t real. I don’t want to believe child sacrifices are happening and Trump is a that huge of a deal. It does seem weird that everything is coming after him though, I thought i was as simple of having an outside to fix the economy and a bit better polices than regular politician”
2020: “oh, this was their final plan (great reset). PLEASE SAVE US TRUMP”
2021: “Trump seemingly flamed out, yet everything feels so weird. Why aren’t the bad guys celebrating? It’s weird how even Fox called Biden for Arizona. Wait, that did wake up the boomer conservatives to realize something odd is happening. And there is an audit in the same place. Who said it wont be for everyone? Who said “you are watching a movie”?”
Only two options; q or biggest controlled opposition. Everyone is currently in two categories; NPC or HOPING q is real. I feel we will look back after and realize exactly how everything makes sense. “You must show them”
"Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?"
This has to be John of God who was arrested for creating breeding centers... Assuming that means the production of babies was shut off. Oprah was a big proponent of John of God, Oprah's off shoot of Dr. Phil sent kids of to "Turn around Ranch", Oprah is great friends of Obama, and Weinstein. The Money has to point to Oprah...
AlWaleed Bin Talal was the other major player arrested. One of HRC's biggest donors, and iirc, the man who payed for Barry to go to Harvard. Also owner of the top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Vegas, where the 10/3/2017 shooter(s) was perched.
Also NPCs: describe Trump with literally every negative adjective at once without any regard for contradiction of self awareness that Trump was famous before he ran and maybe they were brainwashed to hate a man so much.
I personally think ACTUALLY saving the world would give a narcissist more of a purpose than pretending to.
Where's all the "thin blue line" supporters? Huh? Where you all at?
Not only have the police bent the knee to BLM and turned their back on the rest of us, THEY TURN A BLIND EYE TO CHILD RAPE.
I've experienced this first hand in my own community when I reported sexual molestation between an older child and a younger child. I was told to keep my mouth closed by a police offer "or else you could be sued". You bet I told the other neighbors anyway because there were other young children around who need to be protected.
At the time XRP was 0.20 cents. So divide $170,000 by 0.20 is 850,000 XRP.
So after the Ripple vs. The SEC lawsuit and Swift decides it wants to switch to Ripple and they peg the price of gold and XRP goes to $500 Trump will make $425,000,000.
I’m not saying Trump is a bad guy for this. He’ll probably save the economy and you can buy XRP too and get rich. He basically hinted with the 170,000 XRP number.
3.5 years ago...
And more has happened in those 3.5 years than the 35 years prior.
When does a bird sing?
"Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?"
Rose Kennedy
Also at sunrise...which follows the dark.
Your username is giving me the creeps.
The idiom, sing like a canary. I just hope that even if these POS (pieces of shit) rat out one another, there crimes also get expose to the public.
Dont canarys just die?
In the coal mine days. I believe you are correct.
Yes, or they can simply pass out from the lack of proper air to breath.
dont they sing as a warning, and then, if not removed, they die when overcome by the gas
No, they die if there is bad air.
Birds sing in cages.
I bow to your knowledge of birds, its not my forte as you can tell ??
I was asking as well. I have always assumed they die but it makes sense they would chirp a bit first...
I have had to cede to r/yudsfpbc comment above, seems they know more than me. Sorry if it was misinformation. I should have looked this up first. Good article though explaining. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/story-real-canary-coal-mine-180961570/
Used up until 1986... The last of them was retired in 1999.
I think Q stated this as a Future proves past. A bird sings during the Arab Spring in my opinion. Gadafi was singing in the Arab Spring and HRC killed him and anyone he was singing to. Think Benghazi. Saudi Arabia was where the first arrests were made.
And they can use torture in SA.
A bird sings in the morning
Dark to light...
I thought this initially. Also thought spring and when arrested. Maybe it’s somehow all of them.
A lot of us on /pol/ laughed at this and mostly ignored these posts, I hate to say. Little did any of us know this was military intelligence. 4chan is a perfect way of communicating in secret with numerous methods of recovering the information if it were deleted, with not only a time stamp, but also a unique trip code ID that cannot be replicated even by the board's own owner. It's NOT perfect, in fact it's far from perfect and it's entirely possible to break trip codes, but it's like a crude blockchain, we have numerous copies of all of the messages posted on /pol/ that can be cross referenced in the future to find any tampering.
High iq. Makes one wonder who Satoshi might really be…
MJ12 on Telegram claims to be undergoing the next operation (separate from but complimentary to Q). Not favorable towards BTC interestingly, for the long haul. Claims once Satoshi identity is revealed, BTC will drop to 0.
I’m sorry for being uninformed but who is Satoshi?
I laughed at it. That first post was so over the top. I thought they didn’t know how to write a good conspiracy story. It had no build up. It wasn’t until the amazing tweet thing happened. No way does someone ask Q+ to tweet the word amazing and Trump does it five minutes later without some coordination.
Most disturbing aspect:
At what point do Patriots, and hard working men and woman, become the minority?
The fact is, with how many babies blacks and others are having, we’re already a minority.
Patriots come in all colors, even the occasional coastal white woman.
I'm ethnically Korean but as Patriotic American as they come. Race has zero to do with being a patriot or loving this nation and what it stands for. In fact majority of ANTIFA scum and loony lefties that hate this country tend to be middle class suburban whites.
Yes, but Hillary's team seems to have had a clue a day or two before the election when they canceled the fireworks display they had planned for Election Day. That would have been long enough to knock out a concession speech.
Broward county didn't have enough people to fake votes to overcome the panhandle. Thank god for Florida's panhandle
At the time I knew nothing of Q, but I recall reading pieces post election about 'how did this happen '. Remember how she did not bother to campaign around the Great Lakes? Her soy boy campaign manager in Brooklyn had his data and felt it wasn't necessary but Bill was telling her "you need to go up there and campaign'. One guy told a story about a fight over the phone he witnessed Bill having with her about this issue. If I recall correctly, they were walking along the Riverwalk in Little Rock and he was so pissed afterwards he threw the phone into the river. Same guy said the night of the election that when the Panhandle returns started coming in, Bill told him to not bother coming to NYC - they had lost.
I wonder how involved Bill was with all of this. Oh, he is involved, but his political instincts were always sharper. Was he kept out of the loop on certain things though? I always got the feeling that she was jealous of his natural talent.
Bill must have been deliberately kept out of the loop. Slick Willy was ALWAYS sharper, oozed charisma, and like you said, had far better political instincts.
chicagotrauma, It needs to be considered as well that Miami-Dade is not as socialist as some would like to paint it as being. Many of the people in that county are immigrants from Cuba or other socialist/statist countries, and they know where that road goes. They've been there! So they deserve quite a bit of credit, as well.
Thank you…I live in the Panhandle! We still had issues with local government, but so many ignore it. I don’t understand south Florida way of thinking! Hopefully, DeSantis can bring everyone around!
This part always piqued my interest. She knew at that time she was going to lose. How?
Or is it related to the point directly above it? Was she one of the seven people who travelled to an undisclosed location hours after the election.
And where was that undisclosed location? Are the rumors true that John Kerry went to Antarctica following the election? Was Kerry one of the seven? Who were the other 6? And if the rumors are true, why Antarctica?
One day soon I hope we learn the truth. All of the truth. We must have total transparency if we are to right this ship. Nothing can be held back. Deciding that even the most heinous, egregious transgressions can not be brought to the Peoples attention would make white hats as bad as the black in many ways.
To make informed decisions the People MUST KNOW ALL. No secrets.
Here’s a link I had posted on conspiracies about inner earth… when you said Antarctica it brought this to mind… 42mins long though- but definitely worth it ✌? https://youtu.be/LPU-ioDCEbgenter text
You have anymore Antarctica links? Its an interest of mine.
Not really but I remember this - he had just met with the Roman pope & then went to Antarctica with a heavy military escort… rumors at the time were he had the arc of the covenant!(https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/02/18/for-russias-church-leader-a-trip-to-antarctica-is-not-just-a-photo-op/)
no shit eh. thanks for the link my dude.
That new King Kong movie softly disclosed this theory in their movie. They're hiding the exit to our realm there keeping us here on limited resources enslaved by government and endless wars.
Tx fren...intense video. Don’t forget the story of the C-130 crew told to NOT fly over the Pole in Antarctica when rescuing those injured scientists? But they did anyway leaking the Pole opening info. Same crew saw “shiny discs” in area.
Interesting indeed.
It's Hell, that's why the satanists flock there
It's Hell, that's what they don't want us to know exists because that would prove Heaven exists.
You know when Q first said they would release, 20% and keep hidden 80% the anons threw a fit and Q relented and said ok 40/60. At the time, I believed that Q was talking about all the things that had happened over decades, false flags, 9/11, wars, etc. Now I believe Q may have been talking just about the plan(40/60) that we are living through now. I keep thinking they aren't going to tell us how much of this movie we're watching is/was true and the specifics of how it played out. It is comforting in a way to think we will get all or most of what the cabal has done over at least decades since the federal reserve, maybe even before that. I hope it all comes out but I'll be ok if parts of the plan need to be kept hidden for certain reasons.
Hopefully with the % of truths we are given we can probably figure out the rest.
I think some of it you aren’t gonna wanna know? What if McDonalds has been supplied with human ground meat from some underground facilities where they kidnap and then process. And the joke amongst elites is that the sheeple are all cannibals. Like, would you want to know that or just have the white hats shut em down so they must go back to cow...? Frazzledrip..:? You wanna release those videos and if they are real into the public conscience...? Some of the nastiest shit I don’t wanna know. Corruption and who planned what and carried out what I’m all for though.
How could we punish McDonalds if they did that and we didnt know? Official retribution is well and good but the People can punish through the power of purchasing decisions too.
And if their crimes remain hidden how could the People be expected to remain vigilant?
No more secrets "for our own good". Thats what got us into this mess.
The Location was on the cost of Georgia I remember reading about it.
Here it is. Let’s look who attended.
Oh look Karl Rove and Dick Cheney.
That Huff article is about the never trumpers before election. The mtg after election was Soros, pelosi, OBama? Et al… just my recall hearing about some secret meeting … sorry no links to provide.
Yes the rumors are of a secret meeting and that John Kerry was in Antarctica immediately after the election. There is no sauce just rumors.
Tied to all the "whistleblowing" by SOF supposedly in some of these secret Antarctic meetings with aliens things get wierd.
Just skimmed that. Lot more than 7 listed. But I thought Tim Scott was an avid Trump supporter now?
I want to know this too.
DUMBS in Antarctica.
I think you're right. She wasn't even there
Could the drop be referencing the 2020 election? Who has more info on the meeting ?
Because they never thought she would lose!
No concession speech, because she was drunk and cussing out anything that moved. There was no way she could have done that speech like it was supposed to be done.
She probably went with her top level demonic cabal members to make sacrifices in the hope it would help her.
Not in good conscience is the phrase. What is this saying here? Spelling matters. There are no coincidences. What does this line mean?
OH SHIT ... never noticed that. Good eye
I think that it has double meaning- you cannot be conscious of that type of evil and let it continue unchecked without becoming part of the evil yourself. You also cannot let it go on and not damage (sear) your conscience.
My take is being that Trump has the light of God in him, and as a True Christian he HAD to lead The Plan(?). “Good concious”...following Christ-like qualities.
As a Bible college attending, missions field going, church involved, bible reading christian, I genuinely don't think Trump was the epitome of a typical Christian, and I'm not even sure he was "saved" prior to presidency. But I think, much like King Cyrus, God used these men to enact his will, and eventually the men realized who God truly is. I do believe Trump believes in God whole heartfelt now. During his Presidency, I would not be surprised if Trump was spoken to by God directly, or in a dream. This is too important a mission, too great a trial, and too great a foe... It's biblical in it's epicness.
Beautiful Comment fren ? Agreed. You do Missionary work? I’m reborn only a couple years, and saved from cancer in a big part by Christ. Still seeking my “mission” as it were, but have been helping everyone “in need” since my rebirth. My old self was a different person entirely...
Maybe that's what OP meant by read EVERY word. This one is out of place.
Unless we are to believe that Q has a low grade reading level, this is a marker of some sort. On the other hand there are no [markers] in this post at all. Puzzling.
I thought that specifically those kind of [markers] were to denote targets. This reeks of covfefe-level misdirection.
A deliberate typo? How often does that appear in drops? Maybe Q was drunk or didn't proofread.
Q: Grrr...fucking autocorrect!
Trump is endangering his closest family, about 10 strong, so why would he run if he couldn't protect them?
Because the military are protecting him and them 100%.
Which is why what we're seeing is a show, even China reluctantly onboard. Covid is a show. Without them, the deep state can't get weeded out from all around the world.
Xi is, China has its own deep state as much as any other country.
I was considering this last night: why isn't China greatly affected by the Cabal? Cabal aren't communists, they are a multi-generational evil that has no political loyalty, only pagan religious traditions and a need to hold power and money.
So if China isn't part of the cabal, then they are being used by the cabal to undermine America, weaken the strongest of nations, and once that's done they themselves become a target.
It think Xi knows this, and that's why he is fighting for power so hard, even if it means arresting/suociding 40+ Chinese billionaires in the past few years. And it's probably why Putin is basically a hermit over in Russia: all the top leaders have to know about the cabal.
What happened in South Africa during that time? That's SA right?
No...it's Saudi Arabia....
Good to know, thanks. If I may ask, why do many users here have the South Africa flag next to their name?
Lol, I know of only two people on here who have the flag. Pukiss and myself. Purkiss is just an avid poster. As for why we are here, well because WWG1WGA! If America falls, freedom around the world falls. The Great Awakening is worldwide, fren. Unfortunately the DS Cabal have controlled SA since before I was born, possibly since the assassination of Hendrik Verwoerd, and openly since 2008.
Yeah....I post so often people think it's a few of us...Sorry I can't help spreading the Truth....??
Don’t be sorry, we’re ALL part of The Plan. It’s truly global. ?
Lol me? Hahaha Purkiss I post once every few days, you post several times every day, lol!
I can only speak for myself...It was allocated to me by the Mods I think... Either because I'm from South Africa or Something I posted...??
Saudia arabia is my guess
YUP! Watch this, and shout it from top of mountain It’s amazing how many people still don’t know this stuff but it’s not covered in MSM, naturally.
That whole thing was an attempted SA coup happening right here. The fuel tanks next to the private jet hangars at mccarren had two ‘’bullet “ impacts. There were char marks on the paint around the entry point. The mandalay bay is a straight Line of site from where his jet was and the tanks. They are also 750 yards. Only a high caliber, incendiary round shot by an expert could make that shot. Unknown what damage they did to the aircraft, if any, but the evidence is overtly obvious it was not the “shooter” they pinned it in.
Ya this whole event needs another revisit IMO location of shooting, concert venue, the Trop, airport lower down on page the name “Harvest” festival and Q drops with Harvest
There is flight recorded data that shows a helicopter hovering over the area in the middle of the “shooting” changed its squawk signal to a fuking twin engine plane. You can also clearly see the helos hovering overhead with no running lights, except for the OBVIOUS muzzle flashes from the side.
HELL YES!!!! I spent Weeks and weeks researching this. Some of the eye witness testimony was so insane it was hard to push openly ... LIKE ... the ER doc that said some of the “shooting” victims would show up to the hospital, get wheeled into a room, get up off the gurney ... AND WALK OUT THE BACK DOOR.
The guy walking calmly behind them ... The SA Crown Prince
It could be either, but all evidence I've seen points to Saudi Arabia.
Might make an interesting dig though. ?
I am still wondering. Saudi Arabia? South Africa? South America? San Andreas?
I would likely go with Saudi but if that was the target why didn't Q use its full name Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KSA?
I do believe this is what Q is referencing https://duckduckgo.com/?q=saudi+arabia+crown+prince+arrests+hotel&t=brave&trmexp=a&ia=web
MBS being removed from Tropicana night of the Las Vegas Shooting Those (K)SA royals were held and tortured(hint, no laws against it there!) to bend the knee to TRUMP, give up fortunes, ONE MONTH after this? Ya no coincidences.
Couldn't leave the comment count at 66. That is all.
Actually, several people that were there did that very thing. They all died in freak accidents. 100% fact
A bird sings at daylight. Dark to light.
for any other old people that like bigger print Q Post 153
lol...I like it...
Take note of the number too.
153 is a significant mathematic number and represents the vesica pisces, aka the 'Jesus fish'.
It represents the overlapping of 2 ages, the woman's vagina giving birth to a new age.
Plenty of info out there to research.
This Q post about motives for becoming president bare a striking resemblance to the reasoning people have for Bill Gates being such a good man.
If you paraphrase and summarize it as : "why would one of the richest men in America want the title of 'The Most Powerful Man on Earth'?" It doesn't have the same impact.
I vaguely remember reading this post. Around this time I wasn't even a total DJT supporter. I had voted for him, but this was before I realized how glad I was for doing so.
This post gives me goosebumps in a good way at first, then the chills towards the end.
I almost want to send this to a conservative friend that thinks this whole movement is kinda larpy.
I wonder what DJT's reaction was to being red pilled. And how did he tell his family?
I think he was red pilled the day he was born....
Does the [[[THOUGHT]]] of MOLOCH EXIST?
Follow the [Y] Head and OWL
Whats interesting also is that now Trump hasn't given a concession speech either.
And he never will...LOL...
Yall my dewds. Ery one yall
Does anyone know what he means by "red line"?
Syria? Use of chemical weapons. Remember Obama said it first and Trump mocked him for ignoring it.
No, I didn't know Obama said that. I really didn't start following politics, until the spring of 2020.
Was 45 one of the seven people?
I find it very interesting that Hollywood was singing like bird hence Tom Hanks on SNL, so many like David Spade, Ellen. They were all trying to warn each other, speaking in code. A lot of us here I’m sure have archived their tweets and or screenshot messages on Instagram/Twitter and other social media sites! This is so huge all of it!
A bird sings at dawn. In the morning. The beggining of a new day.
I’m hoping that we are not fighting a lost battle. Things got to start happening in the next 1-2 years right ? Time seems to be running out
Also forgive me for not knowing, but what arrests were made in connection to SA?
i miss Q
2017-2019: “I hope q isn’t real. I don’t want to believe child sacrifices are happening and Trump is a that huge of a deal. It does seem weird that everything is coming after him though, I thought i was as simple of having an outside to fix the economy and a bit better polices than regular politician”
2020: “oh, this was their final plan (great reset). PLEASE SAVE US TRUMP”
2021: “Trump seemingly flamed out, yet everything feels so weird. Why aren’t the bad guys celebrating? It’s weird how even Fox called Biden for Arizona. Wait, that did wake up the boomer conservatives to realize something odd is happening. And there is an audit in the same place. Who said it wont be for everyone? Who said “you are watching a movie”?”
Only two options; q or biggest controlled opposition. Everyone is currently in two categories; NPC or HOPING q is real. I feel we will look back after and realize exactly how everything makes sense. “You must show them”
I Get where you coming from...What comes to mind is...
Q-Post 4461
Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.
Seeing is Believing.
Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election.
"Why, again, were the arrests made in SA so very important?" This has to be John of God who was arrested for creating breeding centers... Assuming that means the production of babies was shut off. Oprah was a big proponent of John of God, Oprah's off shoot of Dr. Phil sent kids of to "Turn around Ranch", Oprah is great friends of Obama, and Weinstein. The Money has to point to Oprah...
AlWaleed Bin Talal was the other major player arrested. One of HRC's biggest donors, and iirc, the man who payed for Barry to go to Harvard. Also owner of the top floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Vegas, where the 10/3/2017 shooter(s) was perched.
NPCs: narcissism
Also NPCs: describe Trump with literally every negative adjective at once without any regard for contradiction of self awareness that Trump was famous before he ran and maybe they were brainwashed to hate a man so much.
I personally think ACTUALLY saving the world would give a narcissist more of a purpose than pretending to.
Just one little caveat:
Where's all the "thin blue line" supporters? Huh? Where you all at?
Not only have the police bent the knee to BLM and turned their back on the rest of us, THEY TURN A BLIND EYE TO CHILD RAPE.
I've experienced this first hand in my own community when I reported sexual molestation between an older child and a younger child. I was told to keep my mouth closed by a police offer "or else you could be sued". You bet I told the other neighbors anyway because there were other young children around who need to be protected.
"Hur dur support thin blue line"
Just noticed it says "good conscious" instead of "good conscience".
Trump gets something out of this. Ripple have Given $170,000 worth of XRP to Trump. $(17)0,000....
At the time XRP was 0.20 cents. So divide $170,000 by 0.20 is 850,000 XRP.
So after the Ripple vs. The SEC lawsuit and Swift decides it wants to switch to Ripple and they peg the price of gold and XRP goes to $500 Trump will make $425,000,000.
I’m not saying Trump is a bad guy for this. He’ll probably save the economy and you can buy XRP too and get rich. He basically hinted with the 170,000 XRP number.
How do you buy XRP, it isn’t allowing so due to some investigation.
Hmmm. Kraken and Binance won’t let you? I know Coinbase won’t. I’m able to buy it on coinsquare but they’re Canadian.
A good rule of thumb is to buy any of the cryptos on PAGE 17!!!!!! of this PDF.