You know what's sad. They genuinely believe that money can be printed w/o any side effects. They literally think that printing another couple of trillion and handing it all has no impact on anything. I'm sure many of them are trained to believe that printing more money = expanding economy.
I really wish I were kidding. I couldn't believe what I was hearing a couple of times from these clueless, pampered degenerates.
Eventually, the necessities will become unaffordable to the average American family.
Bankruptcies, repossessions and foreclosures will be rampant, as variable rate loans begin to climb.
Even those with fixed rates will have a hard time making their payments, as their essentials take up more of their budget.
Depression starts, looting, rioting and murders begin to sky rocket as Americans fend for the necessities.
This continues on until the economy, quite violently, corrects itself - which can take a decade or more... Buckle up pedes, this could be a wild fuckin ride!
"M" stands for Military and Martial Law. You guys are really bad at this whole Q thing. You obviously have no understanding of the plan. Back to remedial Q post studies for all of you...
This is probably when they'll do the Great Reset and offer to wipe all debts, people can stay in their homes but they won't own it anymore. Universal Income to pay for the neccesities.
People will agree to it to avoid the alternative. Look how they willingly became guinea pigs for the vax.
Unless Trump/Q really does have a plan to thwart this, that is what is in store for the world.
Fuck all this guys. Expose these bastards and lets start living outside of their system. We cannot sit back and manifest their reality for them. WE will win.
BUY PHYSICAL SILVER NOW. For the price it's worth a shot regardless. I can't preach this enough frens. Check out reddit/WallStreetSilver. You can make a purchase at your local coin shop or check out SD Bullion online.
But what can you do with items of silver that are too large to use as trade currency? It may be worth a lot, but are people going to trade bars of silver for a pound of flour, or sugar?
Basically, there’s too much cash/fiat in the system. So in order to keep their balance sheets... balanced, they need collateral. There’s a lack of collateral, so they’re having to use the FED’s RRP, which essentially means they park their $$$ for treasury bonds overnight... every night.
Yet we are giving 30 million dollars in federal aid to a freaking musical, yes, a musical, Hamilton will receive the money as part of a covid arts rescue package or some such nonsense. I hate liberals.
No, this is much worse. In 08 they did one round of QE, no reverse repos, and it coincided with a housing bubble burst.
Right now at have
high inflation,
several trillions in QE,
trillions in reverse repos,
foreign pressure being put on the USD (thanks, China and US oil dependency),
A stagnant economy,
High unemployment,
A MASSIVELY inflated real estate bubble
The writing has been on the walls for a good 18 months, even before Rona. The USD is being destroyed.
What does that mean for us lay people? Buy physical copper, silver and gold. Start a greenhouse. Become as independent as possible. Buy guns to protect it all.
The vast majority of the wealthy elite are old af. When shit starts to really hit the fan, it'll be fast, and they won't care because they've already secured themselves for the rest of their lives.
Enjoy the show - when it happens (next two weeks I'd say) it means we are near the end of the Great Awakening, and the return of DJT to the Oval Office!
I am an educated man but I am lost in all of this. It is a lot to ask but if someone could do a quick rundown of what is happening what is expected to happen. People are saying buy metals this always made sense to me because I am all about diversity. If the dollar is done what will we use to barter with? It’s not like we are going back to pinching powdered metals.
If you guys are right there are a lot of people that are going to lose everything and not understand what happened.
In 29 people were jumping out of buildings. In 08 we fixed their fuckup and let the people responsible go right back to work screwing us again. Nothing is too big to fail.
Did the lockdown cause this? Could POTUS have stopped this?
Precious metals will be perfect to protect your wealth. Crypto is quickly becoming a new means to pay for goods and services, and has broken the illusion that we're required to pay for things with their fiat.
POTUS is giving us the power to choose how we want to do business.
I don't even like the plan if Q wins. How is forgiving all debt a good, just thing for society? Why should my choice to live responsibly in a modest home within my means fund anyone one else's frivolity? According to what you have said here, our choices are communism or communism, regardless of who wins.
Ok so you're saying that because the system has always been crooked I should have (perhaps like you?) taken on more risk and debt than I could ever hope to repay with my own labor trusting that a future bailout from Trump or some other superhero would eventually come to save the day? This is wrong thinking. I don't like the idea of having outside forces "leveling the playing field" by essentially watering down whatever wealth or savings I have acquired through personal sacrifice and hard work whether it is done by actions from the Fed Reserve or whether it is done in the name of some other grand reset plan. If they want to seize assets, for example, from people who are lawfully tried and found to be traitors of the country and redistribute that wealth to every American citizen that is one thing. People with debt could pay their debts. People who have already paid their debts could enjoy having extra $$$ for other enjoyable things they opted to forego until now.
Eliminating the debts of some while others sacrificed to pay their own way is un-American and wrong.
I don't support any plan, candidate or "purported patriot" that endorses this idea. Forgiveness of debt that only benefits some members of the population is nothing more than another form of wealth redistribution and social injustice.
"Yeah, it sucks but...." Wrong. Sound money is sound money and the rules of sound money will persist regardless of any reset. It is disordered thinking (and pathetic and frankly unattractive) to see people who have not managed their finances embrace ideas like this with the mindset that it's all good for you because you have personal debt you don't want to repay and because you feel entitled to own things you didn't work for. This thinking is disordered. It's demoralizing when even people who claim they are on the right and who should celebrate principles of sound money are instead embracing communism because of a perceived personal benefit. I have a feeling that just like all the other benchmarks haven't quite gone as expected, this one will let you down too. "You will own nothing and you will be happy." Never forget that that's the plan. They've told you. Don't be so sure that this Nesara/Gesara agenda isn't part of that.
Hey asshole, we have been off the gold standard & runaway debt to the tune of $29Tril / $140 Tril in unfunded liabilities.
If you get wiped out in the oncoming reset, you got no one to blame but yourself. I’ve pulled myself out of the system & im sitting on kilos of gold & silver.Information, like opportunity has also been laid out at your feet. I feel more pity for a person in the 3rd world than I do for unprepared Americans.
Again, You got no one else to blame but yourself if you get wiped out.
IF there was a just way to reset (IMO) & migrate to some crypto.
All secured debt is forgiven. The largest secured debt would be the basis for the new savings amount for those who were debt free from their own frugal lifestyle & those who have nothing saved up, at least they have physical possessions they can sell to get their lives up and running again without any debt to repay.
Any saving would convert to the new system (would need to look at the math & data to even begin an educated guess).
All unsecured debt being forgiven would also be added into the initial accounts of those more frugal.
This basic premise allows for those who were frugal, meek & humble to become the most wealthy. Those who lived lavishly do not need to be worried about monthly payments, but they will need to sell lots of "stuff" or find other ways of providing value to take care of themselves.
No. We’re saying take it all on right now! Anyone that will lend you anything right now.....? Party like it’s 1999! Go get a new car/truck with 0 down, if you can find a new vehicle. Love that new 2021
Suburban leather smell just grabbed me one.
Next, cash out refi your house at 2.6 and then dump 401k’s and IRA’s but don’t volunteer to withhold the penalties upfront. Empty bank accounts 9k/day and then buy gold/silver with most of it - save some to make your mortgage payments with useless fiat so they don’t take your house.
Lastly, even if your friends think you are nuts at this point, get some long term food/water preps, guns/ammo, gardening/seeds supplies and a Bible if you don’t already have one. Best of luck to you friend!
Some of what you suggest is sensible and the rest is downright dishonest. I'm good on the "free car" in anticipation of not having to pay for it. I have the exact cars I want and I already paid for them. People who couldn't manage money or their lives before a reset are not suddenly going to gain competence or self control or a mindset of frugality just because a reset happens. Not sure where this disordered thinking and celebration of dishonesty and thievery is coming from but people who are planning on this outcome and taking your advice of running up a bunch of debt without the means to pay it and with the belief it will be forgiven are not likely to enjoy a happy ending. The best way for them to own everything and make you a more dependent slave is to entice you into debts that you can never repay.
You have missed it friend. I’m not suggesting running up a bunch of debt that you will not pay back. Reread. I said pull cash reserves out and set some aside to make your payments but put the rest in hard assets like physical gold/silver. The cash will seem worthless when buying goods and services in an inflationary economy, but you will be making your payments back to the banks with nearly worthless fiat currency which is what you are borrowing. If the value of the dollar was about to explode and go up in value then you would not want to borrow from them. Is this that hard to understand? Consider borrowing a bunch of money right before an inflationary period ‘a bet’ or ‘an investment’ cause it’s about to payoff. Remember buy low and sell high lol!
tidbits here and there say that all INTEREST paid by you for many decades will be refunded to cards, mortgage, etc....supposedly they have found tons of gold and other cabal assets to make this happen..
I hope my lifetime of living responsible doesn't come back to haunt me.....I could have had huge boats instead of a tiny fishing boat, a mercedes rather than a camry....etc etc....
I am worried that the Deep State is colluding with Wallstreet, and that they will ultimately conspire to tank the fiat currency when GME moons so that apes who make it to the moon are holding useless paper like what happened in Weimar Germany prior to World War II. This would be the perfect excuse needed for the Central Banks and the Federal Reserve to introduce their new "safe" and "secure" digital currency. To get mass buy in and acceptance of this currency they will likely wipe away all debt in their currency reset.
hard to say friend, from what I've read we were destined for a crash GME or not. '08 should have been much worse but the inevitable was delayed and corrupt market practices continued making the situation we're in today far worse than back then. Nothing we can do really but see what happens. Feels like something big is just around the corner everyday what with this and the audits going on. This year feels like its crawling and going to fast at the same time lol
'08 wasn't even a "fix" that's what makes this so bad. The can was merely kicked down the road and the inevitable delayed for a few more years while the same corrupt players continued on with business as usual, doubling down even, making the situation even worse.
Hey, at $1 trillion that's $1.37 million in interest payments on reverse repo every day. Brother can you spare a million for a po' ol' bank down on its luck?
Banks and hedge fund borrowing big time overnight...hmmmm maybe they gotta cover losses on their naked shorts. Maybe meme stocks ready to fly. Dollar ready to die?
Perhaps they will pay off their shorts with all of the ‘IOU’ paper silver and gold certificates they sold..?
Rotflmao - I’m sorry, but for any dumb fucks out there that have silver and gold in their ‘imaginary’ retirement accounts and not in their safe, good luck getting those.
Can anyone recommend any reading materials to help me understand what this means, and anything along the lines of monetary policy for dummies...I know enough to know to have my money in hard assets (oil, metals, real estate), but don't know what reverse repo means. Thanks.
Been lurking for about a week and decided to create an account.
Came across this video when I was researching QFS. I am hoping this is a thing because some posts in this thread have me freaked out about my 401K. This vid helped with the anxiety.
Notice how not a SINGLE leftist publication, even the independent ones, even random antifa youtuber or instagram influencers ARE NOT POSTING THIS when it doesn't even go against their ideology. Just shows all of them are stupid brain dead sheep waiting to get slaughtered.
People also SEVERELY underestimate the value of food. When a chicken costs 200 bucks you'll wish you had some chickens. For the record I have ducks too lol
they're probably 50% organized so sometimes it's a 10 minute scrolling ordeal if I didn't keyword rename them, all dumped into a main folder and then sorted into sub folders by subject, 2020 election, 06JAN, covid, pepe, etc.
the main trick is to take two seconds and name every single file you download, at the time you d/l it, with keywords so you can find it later.
the one I posted had "elite duck alex jones," so I can just open the main folder and search from there, as it searches all sub folders too.
Your not crazy. We’ve hundreds of pounds of flour, sugar, salt, beans, rice and oodles of yeast, canning jars, vinegar, hydroponic nutrients, seeds etc etc. Now, if you don’t have a way to cook without electricity or recipe books on how to make breads, hand written formulas on paper for your hydroponics etc then you haven’t considered that the internet and your ovens may not be available...?. Going Dutch over a tripod here lol.
Except that the price is artificially inflated, due to market manipulation. Fractional reserve banking has found its way into crypto, by allowing redemption of fiat for digital coins.
Gold backed crypto is the answer; which is why the Central Banks will never accept it. We must destroy the FED after it has destroyed us and the Republic.
I was surprised to learn this on YouTube shorts after watching some random financial posters. It definitely makes sense tho if cash is depreciating yearly through inflation. You're better off investing it in something that at least appreciates in value at a similar or better rate.
Remove cash reserves from banks as you will not be able to get it out later. Even if 90% are unemployed you will still be expected to make your payments. The best part, you will be paying them back with worthless fiat as inflation skyrockets. Convert some cash reserves to silver so when it’s 10k/oz you can pay off your home with a pocket full of coins you bought $1000 in today’s USD.
Banks buy overnight short-term t-bills from the the Fed, at .01% interest to get cash off their balance sheets.
Allegedly, the Fed is charging them .02% interest for cash holdings. Why wouldn't the Fed just charge .01% interest for holding cash, or, start charging .02% interest for reverse overnight repos instead?
Makes perfect sense as it is then, right?
Which means, as things are right now all is well in this inverted realm of deception.
But how?! Was it Covid? The Russians? January 6th? Not enough ice cream? Surely there's a reasonable explanation?
Def because of white supremacy
Nah it’s the nonvaxxed. They are the ones. They crashed it.
So get in the cattle car bigots! /s
I’m white and non-vaxxed, I guess I’m fault X 2= ME? Sorry I’m new to this “new math”. I’m better at “new speak”.
and straight may as well Epstein ourselves now
How dare you assume XIR’s gender you bigot
^^ He's admitted to it GET HIM!
GME, silver, gold, pennies? ?
Pokémon cards
Cabbage patch kids
Old nickels.
good ol' din'do
its actually dindu nuffin
You're not wrong, everyone is the Federal Reserve is a white supremacist
:::rubs hands intently:::
(((white supremacist)))
muH wHitEsUprEmaCy derp. I hate the left
Libs: omg it's not that hard ppl!!! print more money!!!
You know what's sad. They genuinely believe that money can be printed w/o any side effects. They literally think that printing another couple of trillion and handing it all has no impact on anything. I'm sure many of them are trained to believe that printing more money = expanding economy.
I really wish I were kidding. I couldn't believe what I was hearing a couple of times from these clueless, pampered degenerates.
printing money sounds industrious
conjuring fiat sounds suspicious
There is a reasonable explanation.
And stop calling me Shirley.
top kek right here!
I picked the wrong time to stop snorting cocaine
$GME ftw
At first, things start to get more expensive.
Eventually, the necessities will become unaffordable to the average American family.
Bankruptcies, repossessions and foreclosures will be rampant, as variable rate loans begin to climb.
Even those with fixed rates will have a hard time making their payments, as their essentials take up more of their budget.
Depression starts, looting, rioting and murders begin to sky rocket as Americans fend for the necessities.
This continues on until the economy, quite violently, corrects itself - which can take a decade or more... Buckle up pedes, this could be a wild fuckin ride!
Precipice here we come.
Yes, and what comes after the precipice?
I'll give you a hint: it starts with the letter "M"...
Why you make this joke but homie no explain-a?!
The next Trump rally song.
SHIT !!! now i have that song stuck in my head!!! is there a vaccine for that??
"M" stands for Military and Martial Law. You guys are really bad at this whole Q thing. You obviously have no understanding of the plan. Back to remedial Q post studies for all of you...
This is probably when they'll do the Great Reset and offer to wipe all debts, people can stay in their homes but they won't own it anymore. Universal Income to pay for the neccesities.
People will agree to it to avoid the alternative. Look how they willingly became guinea pigs for the vax.
Unless Trump/Q really does have a plan to thwart this, that is what is in store for the world.
Fuck all this guys. Expose these bastards and lets start living outside of their system. We cannot sit back and manifest their reality for them. WE will win.
I’d rather live in an Adobe hut and eat potato’s my whole life than kiss the ring.
On top of this, most Americans (who use banks) won't have access to their own money. There will be "unexplained" deaths due to the Vax, too.
Be in the country, and stay away from cities.
I envy you. I can fish all day and maybe catch one or two, and all my beer disappears.
I've been buying/hording the everyday stuff I need food and supplies.
It's a better investment than the bank or market.
And gme and silver.
You and me; separated at birth?
Maybe so,you live in oklahoma?
Tx but only 4 miles from the Red River and OK country.
Then u will own nothing and will be happy..
The united states coorporation goes bankrupt. The USA republic creates a new currency based on gold.
what do we do?....
In layman's terms, banks have to give back the fed money because they have too much, in an emergency to delay the inevitable rampant inflation.
So, should we do a bank run?
Buy Gold, silver, and crypto
Also ammo, water, and canned goods. Fill your house full of stuff you use every day and hope it lasts through the coming crisis.
Swimming pools could be a great source of water, and food (if properly stocked :) ), if it gets that bad.
BUY PHYSICAL SILVER NOW. For the price it's worth a shot regardless. I can't preach this enough frens. Check out reddit/WallStreetSilver. You can make a purchase at your local coin shop or check out SD Bullion online.
Already started, but afraid not soon enough.
Some of your silver had begun yellowing. Have you checked it's expiry date?
But what can you do with items of silver that are too large to use as trade currency? It may be worth a lot, but are people going to trade bars of silver for a pound of flour, or sugar?
Is selling it back easy?
you forgot $GME
This is wrong. It’s actually MMFs (Money market funds) asking for collateral from the FED in exchange for $$.
There’s too much liquidity, not enough collateral.
Can you break that down for us crayon eating apes?
Basically, there’s too much cash/fiat in the system. So in order to keep their balance sheets... balanced, they need collateral. There’s a lack of collateral, so they’re having to use the FED’s RRP, which essentially means they park their $$$ for treasury bonds overnight... every night.
Yet we are giving 30 million dollars in federal aid to a freaking musical, yes, a musical, Hamilton will receive the money as part of a covid arts rescue package or some such nonsense. I hate liberals.
do tell more!
disgusting...trafficking through art also.
Tom Hanks where are you!?
I'm a complete financial smoothbrain. Is this anything like '29 or '08 in the way it's happening ?
No, this is much worse. In 08 they did one round of QE, no reverse repos, and it coincided with a housing bubble burst.
Right now at have
high inflation,
several trillions in QE,
trillions in reverse repos,
foreign pressure being put on the USD (thanks, China and US oil dependency),
A stagnant economy,
High unemployment,
A MASSIVELY inflated real estate bubble
The writing has been on the walls for a good 18 months, even before Rona. The USD is being destroyed.
What does that mean for us lay people? Buy physical copper, silver and gold. Start a greenhouse. Become as independent as possible. Buy guns to protect it all.
The vast majority of the wealthy elite are old af. When shit starts to really hit the fan, it'll be fast, and they won't care because they've already secured themselves for the rest of their lives.
So if land is overvalued, do not buy land except maybe for the sake of strategy and natural resources of value to a homesteader?
Enjoy the show - when it happens (next two weeks I'd say) it means we are near the end of the Great Awakening, and the return of DJT to the Oval Office!
It already is worthless
I know what you’re saying but the dollar pays for everything I buy so it’s not worthless.
Becoming* worthless
Sound money. Gold will end the fed.
I am an educated man but I am lost in all of this. It is a lot to ask but if someone could do a quick rundown of what is happening what is expected to happen. People are saying buy metals this always made sense to me because I am all about diversity. If the dollar is done what will we use to barter with? It’s not like we are going back to pinching powdered metals.
If you guys are right there are a lot of people that are going to lose everything and not understand what happened.
In 29 people were jumping out of buildings. In 08 we fixed their fuckup and let the people responsible go right back to work screwing us again. Nothing is too big to fail.
Did the lockdown cause this? Could POTUS have stopped this?
Precious metals will be perfect to protect your wealth. Crypto is quickly becoming a new means to pay for goods and services, and has broken the illusion that we're required to pay for things with their fiat. POTUS is giving us the power to choose how we want to do business.
We are in a controlled demolition of the current US financial system.
Speculation here is that deep state wins, all debts will be forgiven but you don’t own it when you die the gov does.
Q wins, all debts will be forgiven and we transition to a world crypto backed by physical precious metals.
I don't even like the plan if Q wins. How is forgiving all debt a good, just thing for society? Why should my choice to live responsibly in a modest home within my means fund anyone one else's frivolity? According to what you have said here, our choices are communism or communism, regardless of who wins.
Cause the entire system in the first place was based on debt usury slavery.
Ok so you're saying that because the system has always been crooked I should have (perhaps like you?) taken on more risk and debt than I could ever hope to repay with my own labor trusting that a future bailout from Trump or some other superhero would eventually come to save the day? This is wrong thinking. I don't like the idea of having outside forces "leveling the playing field" by essentially watering down whatever wealth or savings I have acquired through personal sacrifice and hard work whether it is done by actions from the Fed Reserve or whether it is done in the name of some other grand reset plan. If they want to seize assets, for example, from people who are lawfully tried and found to be traitors of the country and redistribute that wealth to every American citizen that is one thing. People with debt could pay their debts. People who have already paid their debts could enjoy having extra $$$ for other enjoyable things they opted to forego until now.
Eliminating the debts of some while others sacrificed to pay their own way is un-American and wrong. I don't support any plan, candidate or "purported patriot" that endorses this idea. Forgiveness of debt that only benefits some members of the population is nothing more than another form of wealth redistribution and social injustice.
Yeah, it’s sucks but you played under a different set of rules. No one told you to pay off your debts.
I want to watch it burn and the $29tril debt I DIDNT ASK for to go away.
"Yeah, it sucks but...." Wrong. Sound money is sound money and the rules of sound money will persist regardless of any reset. It is disordered thinking (and pathetic and frankly unattractive) to see people who have not managed their finances embrace ideas like this with the mindset that it's all good for you because you have personal debt you don't want to repay and because you feel entitled to own things you didn't work for. This thinking is disordered. It's demoralizing when even people who claim they are on the right and who should celebrate principles of sound money are instead embracing communism because of a perceived personal benefit. I have a feeling that just like all the other benchmarks haven't quite gone as expected, this one will let you down too. "You will own nothing and you will be happy." Never forget that that's the plan. They've told you. Don't be so sure that this Nesara/Gesara agenda isn't part of that.
Hey asshole, we have been off the gold standard & runaway debt to the tune of $29Tril / $140 Tril in unfunded liabilities. If you get wiped out in the oncoming reset, you got no one to blame but yourself. I’ve pulled myself out of the system & im sitting on kilos of gold & silver.Information, like opportunity has also been laid out at your feet. I feel more pity for a person in the 3rd world than I do for unprepared Americans.
Again, You got no one else to blame but yourself if you get wiped out.
IF there was a just way to reset (IMO) & migrate to some crypto.
All secured debt is forgiven. The largest secured debt would be the basis for the new savings amount for those who were debt free from their own frugal lifestyle & those who have nothing saved up, at least they have physical possessions they can sell to get their lives up and running again without any debt to repay.
Any saving would convert to the new system (would need to look at the math & data to even begin an educated guess).
All unsecured debt being forgiven would also be added into the initial accounts of those more frugal.
This basic premise allows for those who were frugal, meek & humble to become the most wealthy. Those who lived lavishly do not need to be worried about monthly payments, but they will need to sell lots of "stuff" or find other ways of providing value to take care of themselves.
No. We’re saying take it all on right now! Anyone that will lend you anything right now.....? Party like it’s 1999! Go get a new car/truck with 0 down, if you can find a new vehicle. Love that new 2021 Suburban leather smell just grabbed me one.
Next, cash out refi your house at 2.6 and then dump 401k’s and IRA’s but don’t volunteer to withhold the penalties upfront. Empty bank accounts 9k/day and then buy gold/silver with most of it - save some to make your mortgage payments with useless fiat so they don’t take your house.
Lastly, even if your friends think you are nuts at this point, get some long term food/water preps, guns/ammo, gardening/seeds supplies and a Bible if you don’t already have one. Best of luck to you friend!
Some of what you suggest is sensible and the rest is downright dishonest. I'm good on the "free car" in anticipation of not having to pay for it. I have the exact cars I want and I already paid for them. People who couldn't manage money or their lives before a reset are not suddenly going to gain competence or self control or a mindset of frugality just because a reset happens. Not sure where this disordered thinking and celebration of dishonesty and thievery is coming from but people who are planning on this outcome and taking your advice of running up a bunch of debt without the means to pay it and with the belief it will be forgiven are not likely to enjoy a happy ending. The best way for them to own everything and make you a more dependent slave is to entice you into debts that you can never repay.
You have missed it friend. I’m not suggesting running up a bunch of debt that you will not pay back. Reread. I said pull cash reserves out and set some aside to make your payments but put the rest in hard assets like physical gold/silver. The cash will seem worthless when buying goods and services in an inflationary economy, but you will be making your payments back to the banks with nearly worthless fiat currency which is what you are borrowing. If the value of the dollar was about to explode and go up in value then you would not want to borrow from them. Is this that hard to understand? Consider borrowing a bunch of money right before an inflationary period ‘a bet’ or ‘an investment’ cause it’s about to payoff. Remember buy low and sell high lol!
tidbits here and there say that all INTEREST paid by you for many decades will be refunded to cards, mortgage, etc....supposedly they have found tons of gold and other cabal assets to make this happen..
I hope my lifetime of living responsible doesn't come back to haunt me.....I could have had huge boats instead of a tiny fishing boat, a mercedes rather than a camry....etc etc....
Could President trump have stopped this or was it already past control?
No, he could not have. X22 explains it better than I could, but basically the central bank system was designed to crash like this from the beginning.
Like Obamacare?
We're going cashless, the question is who will be in charge of the new financial system.
I am worried that the Deep State is colluding with Wallstreet, and that they will ultimately conspire to tank the fiat currency when GME moons so that apes who make it to the moon are holding useless paper like what happened in Weimar Germany prior to World War II. This would be the perfect excuse needed for the Central Banks and the Federal Reserve to introduce their new "safe" and "secure" digital currency. To get mass buy in and acceptance of this currency they will likely wipe away all debt in their currency reset.
hard to say friend, from what I've read we were destined for a crash GME or not. '08 should have been much worse but the inevitable was delayed and corrupt market practices continued making the situation we're in today far worse than back then. Nothing we can do really but see what happens. Feels like something big is just around the corner everyday what with this and the audits going on. This year feels like its crawling and going to fast at the same time lol
Field? ?
'08 wasn't even a "fix" that's what makes this so bad. The can was merely kicked down the road and the inevitable delayed for a few more years while the same corrupt players continued on with business as usual, doubling down even, making the situation even worse.
It was a fix for the banksters, they made off with trillions.
It's total enslavement of the taxpayers.
There are a number of YouTube videos that you can whip through on double speed that might help. I don’t know what to make of it, yet.
Trump brow beating the Fed was always positive.
Hey, at $1 trillion that's $1.37 million in interest payments on reverse repo every day. Brother can you spare a million for a po' ol' bank down on its luck?
I hope and pray that Trump and the Q team have a plan to stop the hyperinflation.
I'm pretty sure hyperinflation is part of the plan...
I just hope people come together and support each other during another depression if it happens, it would be a tragedy if we were to lose more people.
It has to be. The dollar needs to be destroyed.
Wouldn't the globalist further keep enacting their plan, by paying off the people's loans but owning their property in return?
So does this mean short the banks?
So long Dollar!
b-but Jeff Bezos has more money than me and can wipe out all our debt!! TAX THE RICH!!!
What's reverse repo, exactly?
Banks and hedge fund borrowing big time overnight...hmmmm maybe they gotta cover losses on their naked shorts. Maybe meme stocks ready to fly. Dollar ready to die?
Perhaps they will pay off their shorts with all of the ‘IOU’ paper silver and gold certificates they sold..?
Rotflmao - I’m sorry, but for any dumb fucks out there that have silver and gold in their ‘imaginary’ retirement accounts and not in their safe, good luck getting those.
Good to know. We’re selling stock next week and will convert the $$$ to metals.
What is reverse repo?
Can anyone recommend any reading materials to help me understand what this means, and anything along the lines of monetary policy for dummies...I know enough to know to have my money in hard assets (oil, metals, real estate), but don't know what reverse repo means. Thanks.
Been lurking for about a week and decided to create an account.
Came across this video when I was researching QFS. I am hoping this is a thing because some posts in this thread have me freaked out about my 401K. This vid helped with the anxiety.
Comment lvl 100
Can't wait until the fed is eliminated.
Notice how not a SINGLE leftist publication, even the independent ones, even random antifa youtuber or instagram influencers ARE NOT POSTING THIS when it doesn't even go against their ideology. Just shows all of them are stupid brain dead sheep waiting to get slaughtered.
You ain’t by yourself fren
The "Same", is a big boat!
exactly what should one do if 401k is through a chase or like?
You should never put all your eggs in one basket. Real estate, gold, silver, cash, ammo, guns, tobacco, sugar, 401k, all of the above.
People also SEVERELY underestimate the value of food. When a chicken costs 200 bucks you'll wish you had some chickens. For the record I have ducks too lol
Finally, a chance to use this meme
How fucking organized are your memes to know you had that, and ve able to find it and post it? Show me your ways wizard.
they're probably 50% organized so sometimes it's a 10 minute scrolling ordeal if I didn't keyword rename them, all dumped into a main folder and then sorted into sub folders by subject, 2020 election, 06JAN, covid, pepe, etc.
the main trick is to take two seconds and name every single file you download, at the time you d/l it, with keywords so you can find it later.
the one I posted had "elite duck alex jones," so I can just open the main folder and search from there, as it searches all sub folders too.
Dude, what a great meme!
Nice. That's my wife right there.
Vodka, it can be used in a med emergency, as a deodorant and when the SHTF, tradable.
Everyone thinks I’m fucking crazy that I have 500lbs if sugar in my walk in pantry.
Your not crazy. We’ve hundreds of pounds of flour, sugar, salt, beans, rice and oodles of yeast, canning jars, vinegar, hydroponic nutrients, seeds etc etc. Now, if you don’t have a way to cook without electricity or recipe books on how to make breads, hand written formulas on paper for your hydroponics etc then you haven’t considered that the internet and your ovens may not be available...?. Going Dutch over a tripod here lol.
Google has provided your info to the appropriate Federal authorities so that your supplies can be fairly distributed when the time arises :)
I can’t wait.
sugar is poison
Not salt?
Retirement? In 2020's? Hahahahahaha. No, we work and we die and the elites keep everything(satire)but also true
Bitcoin cash is P2P electronic cash. Internet-money and the next mainly used global medium of exchange
Except that the price is artificially inflated, due to market manipulation. Fractional reserve banking has found its way into crypto, by allowing redemption of fiat for digital coins.
Crypto is about to crash. Hard.
Gold backed crypto is the answer; which is why the Central Banks will never accept it. We must destroy the FED after it has destroyed us and the Republic.
Crypto is trash. Gold, silver, GME, beans and bullets are the play here.
dont forget bandages and batteries....all the Bs
crypto is money laundering pump and dump
You don't need to be a financial expert to know saving fiat is absolutely stupid.
I was surprised to learn this on YouTube shorts after watching some random financial posters. It definitely makes sense tho if cash is depreciating yearly through inflation. You're better off investing it in something that at least appreciates in value at a similar or better rate.
Something physical would be my preference: bang sticks and ammo, food, water, emergency kits, gold, silver...but also, LAND
And weed
Remove cash reserves from banks as you will not be able to get it out later. Even if 90% are unemployed you will still be expected to make your payments. The best part, you will be paying them back with worthless fiat as inflation skyrockets. Convert some cash reserves to silver so when it’s 10k/oz you can pay off your home with a pocket full of coins you bought $1000 in today’s USD.
It's a controlled demolition.
Can you explain what a "reverse repo" is? Zerohedge can be very "inside baseball" with financial terminology.
Banks buy overnight short-term t-bills from the the Fed, at .01% interest to get cash off their balance sheets.
Allegedly, the Fed is charging them .02% interest for cash holdings. Why wouldn't the Fed just charge .01% interest for holding cash, or, start charging .02% interest for reverse overnight repos instead?
Makes perfect sense as it is then, right?
Which means, as things are right now all is well in this inverted realm of deception.
so somelikeithot.......I just retired last nov, at age 67.....what do I do with my 401K?...its 51% stocks/49% bonds....
Pay all the penalties and pull it out. Buy gold/silver, lead/brass, small houses to rent (real estate) and other tangibles. 0’s and 1’s going bye bye.
Give us some good financial advise as we are about to go over a water fall here.