About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
About a year ago, in March of 2020 I believe, Trump mentioned he wanted prayers because he was about to make the most difficult decision of his life.
Any spectulation of what that was?
Warp speed?
100% this. Sacrificing thousands of people and his own reputation for the good of the plan
Trump facilitated and pushed the warp speed program, and is ENCOURGING the vaccines as safe and effective. Now, if it was actually poisonous or toxic, or any of the objectives that the Deep State wanted - then President Trump risked more than his reputation.
He would rival the most prolific mass murderers of history. It is never a winning strategy in war to kill 150 million of your own citizens - essentially doing EXACTLY what Bill Gates dreams of doing.
The Vaccine Scare Narrative has replaced the virus scare. The Deep State / Cabal did it again - they projected their guilt onto their opponent - Trump - and more than a few have fallen for it. Their propaganda machine went into action, just like always, and we were willing suckers. (I was scared at first myself, not going to lie.) But then I realized that I either trust Trump or I don't. Well, I do - 117%.
It is mind boggling to me that here at GA.Win of all places, that I have to repeat this again, but here I go: Trump is not a Mass Murderer.
How many times did Q say that? The answer is 67 times.
If you don't believe Q, and you don't trust Trump to not be a mass murderer, then you might not be at the right website, or you definitely need to spend more time studying the Q drops.
Well the vax is killing people. That's undeniable.
I trust Trump and the plan but I also have a basic understanding of strategy and I understand that if Trump came out against the vax the DS would use that to crush him. We can go through Trumps old tweets and see he's clearly anti-vax. I don't think he suddenly changed his mind for these bio-weapons called vaccines.
It looks like they had the vaccines all along but weren't going release them until much later meaning there would still be worldwide lockdowns and the economy would have crashed opening the door for the central banks to come in with their great reset and centralized digital dollar which would be a totalitarian wet dream for subjugating and controlling people. Also allowing China to come in and "help" the US and use that as a doorway to occupation.
Trump forced their hands somehow and did what needed to be done which is have them release a vax that at this point couldn't be mandated, leaving the choice up to the people. He also mentioned other cures and treatments multiple times. Look who's lining up to get the vax... it's not Trump supporters. Now the people calling us nazis are going door to door to ask us if we've willingly joined their eugenics program.
Some of these people are so brainwashed that maybe finding out that big pharma was planning to sterilize, harm, and even kill them will be the thing to shatter their worldview and wake them up.
Think about it.... what was Trumps other option? How would the MSM have reacted? They'd have every Dr and scientist lined up around the block and use that as a club to beat him with all while blaming every death on him in a way much of the public would fall for. It would be political suicide. Damn tough decision either way. What do you do in that situation? Minimize harm as best you can.
I don't think the 1-2 vaccine doses, while still harmful, were the full plan of the cabal / DS though to kill off mass parts of the population. I think there would be boosters or some other chemical agent or engineered virus that activates the spike protein or an auto-immune response that would finish the job.
I don't think it'll get much further than what we are seeing right now. The vaccines gave the excuse to open up and now that everything is open in many states and people in liberal cities aren't seeing people dying off in mass, the fear spell cast by the MSM is wearing off. Without the fear they can't push the rest of their plan or even finish this initial vaccine portion.
This is a very real war but one that is in a large part fought in the minds of the population. An information war that was supposed to trick you into handing over all your freedoms for safety.
Also think being able to hold millions of counts of attempted murder over the head of anyone involved in this conspiracy. That's a powerful tool for the white-hats.
This information is HUGE. Needs to be shared far and wide - around the world.
He has to do it to keep Sleepy Joe from taking credit for its success.
I feel like Trump’s boasting about Warp Speed is a psy-op.
Is there ANYONE ELSE on Trump’s team who isn’t actively warning NOT to get the vax?
Trump is sticking out like a sore thumb by comparison to almost EVERYONE ELSE shouting loud from the rooftops not to get it.
This movement isn’t JUST about Trump.
I think he’s asking us to trust the plan and listen to more than just himself. Use critical thinking and gather evidence.
He did the same thing with Lin Wood (with whom he’s demonstrated a strong friendship), when he endorsed an obvious crook, Drew McKissick. Flynn plugged hard for Lin, Sidney Powell is obviously arm-in-arm with him...
Again, it’s like “one of these is not like the other” scenarios.
Think logically.
Meanwhile... yes. Trump was anti-vax before this. And yes. If he hadn’t facilitated Warp Speed, then the Deep State would have succeeded (because they got momentum via psy-op and then leverage with their Great Reset).
And as of yet, they can’t mandate it. If/when they try to enforce a mandate, there’s civil war, too... with China hot on those heals.
Meanwhile... it is interesting that the Left is now trying to say conservatives were trying to defund the police— I wonder if that’s one of the reasons why Trump is being so dangerously obnoxious with plugging Warp Speed.
Ps., I really hope there are treatments in the works for all of the idiots who got the jab.
I’d be cynical and say, “they get what they deserve,” except that I love a lot of these people. These are our deluded countrymen. It’s been a massively confusing few DECADES, and people haven’t been thinking clearly.
High energy post !
“Trump forced their hands somehow”
He did that when he “won” the 2016 election. This put the DS plans on the fast track (warp speed).
I say “won” because the dems knew they had it in the bag for Hillary via dominion. Trump either broke their algorithm or the white hats helped (maybe both). Either way, 2016 was the turning point.
Well, isn't that a very left-style sentence? "Do not question the official numbers. Do not question the scientific-government sources, even though they just lied to us over the deaths from the vaccine."
What you are saying right here is that Trump made the "tough decision" to kill tens of thousands of non-combatant civilian Americans, and poison or chemically castrate untold numbers of others. This would make him guilty of crimes against humanity, and deserving of a firing squad.
No, he did not do that. Trump and the Patriots have done every single thing in this war LEGALLY. (It is why it is taking so long) From the E.O.'s, to the court systems, EVERYTHING was legal. Is this a war? OF COURSE, but it is an unconventional war. A war of the mind, a cyber war, an information war, a financial war, a legal war, and then finally, a special operations component.
To go and commit genocide - because let's not mince words, that is what you are saying - that Trump is guilty of willful genocide of a civilian population, is classic projection from the left.
THEY want the genocide, they had plans for genocide, we heard Gates in that TED-talk video say it. "If we do a really good job with vaccines, etc... we can reduce the world population by..."
I repeat: Trump is, and has, done everything legally. Under NO law, (US., DoD, or International) is it legal to injection 150 million civilians with poison "for the greater good". The means do not justify the ends.
The virus scare has been replaced by the vaccine scare. This is part of OUR awakening - that we are still getting played by their lies - their propaganda machine has us thinking OUR OWN LEADER is killing us. It is time to admit that we got played, yet again. Don't get the shot if you don't want - I am not getting it either - but DO realize that the vaccine-death hoax is the same as the virus-death hoax was.
Or, keep believing that Trump is guilty of crimes against humanity. Time will bear out which position is correct.
Please read the first paragraph of this:
So you'd be okay with getting the vaccine and not worry about anything? What of all the adverse reactions?
I have said I am not getting the shot, and my wife is not getting the shot. We would rather use therapeutics if we got Covid. (We also don't get the flu shot, normally.)
"What of all the adverse reactions?" You mean the stories you've seen distributed to you from the media and big tech? Or from anonymous people you've never met in person, and they all seemingly share the same or similar story?
I would say we are looking at a professional propaganda campaign: It is a combination of truth, lies, and well-intentioned misperception.
This is what makes this lie so good - our community has a natural fear of vaccines (for good reason, at times), and it is exploited. Now, anytime in the patriot family someone dies or is diagnosed with something, it reinforces this false narrative. We don't stop to consider that people do still get ill, and get cancer, and have heart attacks, and die - but now we have a new evil to blame. FIrst it was the virus, now it is the vaccine.
Bottom line: Trump would be truly guilty of genocide if this vaccine was poison. It is NOT the way to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
I know several people directly who were unwell for several days. Thankfully no deaths, but I firmly believe this isn't just saline being pumped.
In my personal experience these aren't stories for me but these are real happenings for people I know who were perfectly healthy, got the double jabs, and are now having unexplained health issues a few weeks/months afterwards. I've noticed this primarily amongst some of my co-workers and one family friend.
Can I prove that their jabs are linked to their health conditions? No. Should I believe the 'science' that claims these jabs are safe when we know there are better alternative treatments available? No. One of the main challenges right now is the science can't be trusted, things are happening too fast, any contrary opinions to the mainstream medical opinions are being censored and shut down on main stream and social media platforms. Just this alone should raise many red flags since we should be allowed to discuss differing opinions. This is clearly not the case and I do agree that this works against us in some ways and helps reinforce the narrative that the conspiracy theorists are crazy loons who should be censored and their opinions disregarded.
In my mind there are some significant things going on that are contributing to side-effects, complications, and deaths for some people who get the jabs. One is there might be toxins, poisons, or chemicals in some (or all) of these jabs that cause people to react in ways that either make them sick, have no immediate short term impact, or kill them outright. If you don't believe my claims and if we can trust sources such as Open VAERS covid data (https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data) check for yourself. As of this posting there are slightly over 9k deaths just from the COVID jabs. It's generally understood among the community that these numbers are likely under reported and if we had 100% real transparent numbers and data, these figures might be much higher. Nonetheless, even with these numbers alone, under conventional vaccine development, these jabs are unfit for mass public consumption but were rushed out under emergency use authorization, aka warp speed. We think Trump did this to give us the choice/option to take or not take these shots and it couldn't be mandated on us with an FDA badge of approval as may have been the original plan. If this was the true motive for warp speed, it may have saved many more lives if Trump was between a rock and a hard place. But if this is true, it means the ending is inevitable and significant loss of life is coming no matter what choice was made in pushing that program out faster than it might have come out.
The bigger concern here in my opinion is if you listen to opinions of doctors who are calling out the main stream opinions then you will have heard these doctors claim that mass vaccination in the middle of a 'pandemic' is putting artificial pressures on the vaccine to mutate much faster then it normally would especially if the original jabs were built to protect against the original Wuhan spike protein which we know current strains of CVD19 floating around now have already mutated (i.e. delta variant and the other ones that will come). If the vaccines are accelerating the rate at which these variants may surface combined with a full fledged media propaganda machine that will never share this opinion then it's pretty obvious what is going to happen next over the next 1-2 years or sooner. If things play in this direction, both unjabbed + jabbed might drop off, but the unjabbed will be blamed as the source for causing the variant.
Even if I'm completely wrong, you have to consider the mainstream/accepted opinions against the fringe theories combined with your own personal experience and observations and form your own intelligent opinion of what to do. Mis/dis-information is being used to justify centralizing and controlling the internet and patriots (including myself) fall into this trap way too easily and it's not helping our cause.
Bottom line is if you can critically think, read, learn, and try to connect the dots and project possibilities based on what is happening now, the answer for you should be obvious for what to do, especially if you didn't get the jab and your are still alive and healthy right now.
If the shots work as claimed by CDC, and as documented in medical journals, they are definitely harmful and the reports in VAERS are more or less what would be expected (undercounted by at least 10x of course).
Aside from the immediate and long term side effects, it also seems likely they set the recipient up for greater vulnerability to serious illness from similar viruses (e.g. colds) as the antibody levels reduce over time. If that is true then once you get the initial shot, you have to keep getting boosters or you have massively increased risk from what would be insignificant viruses to a non-vaxxed person. And every booster is rolling the dice on short/long term side effects, and incrementally destroying your remaining immune system. People will grow to hate those boosters.
This hasn't been proven to be the case yet, but it's a distinct possibility.
So, IMO we have to live with the unfortunate fact that better than 50% of our population is kind of fucked, including nearly everyone I know and care about. It's going to be tough but if it ushers in a new era of awakening and roots out the corruption in the process, I think we'll bounce back in a generation or two. Those of us remaining will need to start making kids though.
Imagine what WWII was like in Germany.. or any number of other massive calamities throughout history. The losses are incalculable, but somehow those remaining still create the future.
Yes and not to mention..trump didn’t create the vaccine. He gave the vaccine companies the means to ultimately administer to the willing. It was the vaccine companies and the dems who rushed it to the market and now marketing and trying to enforce it on people. They didn’t have to roll it out but they pretty much backed themselves in a corner by constantly hounding Trump about it. If they knew it didn’t work or knew they were lacing it with shit..I’m pretty sure it’s malfeasance and absolutely crimes against humanity. He gave them the option to do the right thing. It definitely could be a lotttttt worse. I hope this shit takes down medical establishment, or at least expose the unnecessary treatments that hurt people.
So you're gonna start wit insults and a poorly researched one at that? Does any of what I said suggest I'm a lefty? No. Don't be an ass.
I personally know of 2 people that died shortly after getting vaxxed and another who had to be air rushed to the hospital withing 72 hours of his 2nd dose because his brain started bleeding. Totally normal right? I'm sure many others in here could share stories of persons they know that have died from the vax as well. If you think that vax deaths aren't real then you must not get out much or have many friends IRL. Even the VAERS data (which is underreported) shows we've had mor vax related deaths than the number of US soldiers that died in the middle east.
Are you seriously taking the position that the vax hasn't hurt or killed anyone? Since you are making an assertion contrary to what we have data for (and many of us know of people personally that have died or been harmed) you need to prove that assertion that goes against all data points.
Ah the classic straw man. Crutch of the dishonest and those with poor argumentation. No, that is not my position, so quit attacking it and quit misrepresenting me. It's dishonest.
You also failed to answer the question of what option did Trump have in that situation. This is a war. He is the commander in chief. Sacrifices have to be made sadly. People die in war. Sometimes there's no choice and there's no avoiding it. Claiming that making a tough call that involves some people dying (when he did his best to point people the other direction) is illegal. What law specifically did Trump break by releasing a vax Fauci and all the Drs / scientists said was safe? None. The blame will fall on them and they can be removed from the chessboard soon.
You are also making the assertion that Trump forcing the DS and big pharma to push out the vax that they already had ready (and claimed worked) would somehow be illegal and implicate Trump with murder. Neither is true. If he mandated it then we'd be having a different conversation but he didn't. If he didn't release the vax when he did then the next admin would have delayed it and lockdowns and then made the vax mandatory. That was the original plan. Trump disrupted that.
No one I know is afraid of the virus or the vaccine. We know they are both bullshit. One is the flu and the other is trash that we won't put in our bodies. No fear, only freedom.
Okay. Thank you for your thoughts.
So you're going to make (pretty wild) assertions and not prove or defend those positions? Do you really believe people aren't being harmed by the vax or have died from it? Do you live in a rural area or something and just not know alot of people that got the jab? Maybe get out in the field and ask some people if they've lost any friends of fam after getting vaxxed because you are very wrong.
You keep avoiding my question "what option did Trump have in that situation?" which appears to be a gaping hole in your argument and you should address it.
I don't need an answer. You do.
Despite those arguments, I dont need a drug that fucks with my genetic code to stop me from catching a virus that made me sleep a lot for a few days.
um, anybody know where I can get me some coronavirus? haven't slept well in a few weeks!
Melatonin is the best for sleep! Ironic considering our name that we would know how to get good sleep.
Very vivid dreams, too. Can be nightmarish depending 9n your psyche (me). Still worth it as I used to get sleep paralysis weekly at one point.
CBD does not work unless there is THC to help it bind.
Never got the wuflu but, as someone who was plagued with bad fevers, I imagine it doesn't help with sleeping at all but trying nothing but to sleep is the only resort.
Valarian root helps for sleep too. Tastes like shit but works and gives you weirdo dreams
Get some bat soup down you, I rEaD oN CnN
There’s idiots out there who had the virus yet still got vaccinated.
I know some of them.
It's a status symbol.
It's sad, but that's how strong fear porn and project mockingbird tactics are to those who don't use discernment.
Perhaps we're seeing Darwin's Survival of the Fittest in action.
I agree, I don't get flu shots either.
I used to, but now I'm not going to get flu shots anymore, after what we've learned here.
This is a war. In a war, there no easy decisions.
Sometimes you face two courses of action; one leads to thousands of deaths (possibly tens of thousands), the other leads to millions of deaths. In that situation, you take the course of action that leads to thousands of deaths, but that doesn't make it an easy decision.
What you are saying right here is that Trump made the "tough decision" to kill tens of thousands of non-combatant civilian Americans, and poison or chemically castrate untold numbers of others. This would make him guilty of crimes against humanity, and deserving of a firing squad.
No, he did not do that. Trump and the Patriots have done every single thing in this war LEGALLY. (It is why it is taking so long) From the E.O.'s, to the court systems, EVERYTHING was legal. Is this a war? OF COURSE, but it is an unconventional war. A war of the mind, a cyber war, an information war, a financial war, a legal war, and then finally, a special operations component.
To go and commit genocide - because let's not mince words, that is what you are saying - that Trump is guilty of willful genocide of a civilian population, is classic projection from the left.
THEY want the genocide, they had plans for genocide, we heard Gates in that TED-talk video say it. "If we do a really good job with vaccines, etc... we can reduce the world population by..."
I repeat: Trump is, and has, done everything legally. Under NO law, (US., DoD, or International) is it legal to injection 150 million civilians with poison "for the greater good". The means do not justify the ends.
The virus scare has been replaced by the vaccine scare.
Q also told us in post #749 that the end will not be for everyone. If Trump has to fall on his own sword in order to preserve the future of America, then so be it.
I fully trust Trump, and I fully trust Q.
I just don't want to take a drug (with known side-effects) if I don't need it. Especially if it's experimental.
Ask me again in 5 years, once the safety trials are completed. Granted, it'll probably still be "No" because I don't need a shot that doesn't prevent the disease.
Ask me again when I'm 70+, and the flu is a serious killer for my age ... I may consider it. But in roughly 30 years, I think we'll know a whole ton more about this shot than we do now.
But your points are well taken, and I'm glad I read your post.
Everyone knows when Trump said the vaccine was legit or whatever, there was a lot of wink wink nod nod, don't fucking do it actually guys, type of thing.
Thank you. My wife and I have no intention of getting it either. Just not necessary.
People have pointed out multiple times - lock down for years, while a "vaccine" takes years to be developed, more and more businesses go under, more people lose their jobs, more people get on the government dole, vaccines maybe possibly become mandatory for all - God fucking knows how many would have died in 5 years under almost total tyranny, especially if the 'vaccine" would have been "finished."
Or Operation Warp Speed, where many people are essentially sacrificed, so as many people as possible can see what the big pharma corps are all about - poisoning and killing as many people as possible, all while immune to lawsuits for any physical harm or death, and making billions because the government purchased all their death serum.
It was the less bad of two horrific options.
No, it was a bill passed in 1986 - https://www.congress.gov/bill/99th-congress/house-bill/5546
What you are saying right here is that Trump made the "tough decision" to kill tens of thousands of non-combatant civilian Americans, and poison or chemically castrate untold numbers of others. This would make him guilty of crimes against humanity, and deserving of a firing squad.
No, he did not do that. Trump and the Patriots have done every single thing in this war LEGALLY. (It is why it is taking so long) From the E.O.'s, to the court systems, EVERYTHING was legal. Is this a war? OF COURSE, but it is an unconventional war. A war of the mind, a cyber war, an information war, a financial war, a legal war, and then finally, a special operations component.
To go and commit genocide - because let's not mince words, that is what you are saying - that Trump is guilty of willful genocide of a civilian population, is classic projection from the left.
THEY want the genocide, they had plans for genocide, we heard Gates in that TED-talk video say it. "If we do a really good job with vaccines, etc... we can reduce the world population by..."
I repeat: Trump is, and has, done everything legally. Under NO law, (US., DoD, or International) is it legal to injection 150 million civilians with poison "for the greater good". The means do not justify the ends.
The virus scare has been replaced by the vaccine scare.
What would the alternative have been? Multiple years-long lockdowns? Mandatory vaccines or else you can't participate in the marketplace? No home, no job?
You are free to think what you want, that is A-OK by me. If that is the conclusion you came to, good for you. I mean that.
As for me, I am very confident Trump did not aid, abet, allow, or promote 150 million civilians to be poisoned. The outcome and economic devastation of that would be as bad or worse to your alternatives.
He won't answer that question lol
What if covid became part of the plan? They may not have predicted it in 2017, but 2019 they may have started to hear the deep underground rumblings of the plan. And if they approached trump and told him he has to allow it in order to fully expose the parasite nest, he may have been absolutely crushed.
King David himself, after commiting a grave sin against God, was given 3 choices for punishment, with the king's decision to choose one:
Famine for 3 years, being hunted by enemies for 3 months, or the Sword of the Lord against Israel. King David chose the Sword. And many believed that was the best choice, as he could appeal to the mercy of God at least.
It's never easy being king, even when appointed by God, and anointed for a specific purpose in history. Perhaps it's even harder with that burden.
God didn't want Kings. The Israelites wanted to have a king so God gave them Saul. Then he gave the people the warning. Youbwznt z king, ok, here is your king. He will take the best of your harvest, the best of your sons Nd the best of your daughters. Utah we don't need a king anymore. Im Sovereign according to the Supreme Court 1999.
they tried to force Jesus to be their king, he got far away from them. People still want a king...King Trump, you know why, because they're lazy and refuse to be responsible. So when things are not going just like the whiners think it should the become demanding pains in the ass. imo
This is a great point about the options left to King David.
Definitely something to ponder in light of options left to Trump.
Because the alternative was millions of deaths.
2 Billion people.. will die of vaccines in the next 3 years 🙁
I agree, good call.
He did say he wanted people in the world to stop kiIIing themselves.
I don't at ALL think this is it. I think the decision was whether to just go for the huge fiery messy arrest scenario run by the military.... Risking civil war.... Or allowing this to play out with Biden appearing to win, audits, courts, State govts, disclosure and exposure at more of a drip drip drip pace... In other words, trusting he could get back IN once he deliberately got OUT. Allowing the system, such as it is, a chance to work.
Very true, but there was the question of: do you actually leave and finish this from what looks like the outside? Allowing Biden/Harris/DS any bit of authority at ALL leads to chaos and death. Do you commence the restoration of the Republic WHILE the corporation appears to still be in operation, and WHILE the corporation continues wreaking havoc on the whole world? Or do you wipe the Cabal in one day and just hope there is less chaos in the streets from millions of brainwashed liberals?
I received footage from South Africa about an hour ago. Johannesburg and a couple of other cities. There is what amounts to a zombie army marching across the land destroying, looting, and burning everything in their path. The police are overwhelmed. Citizens are having to fight this war. It's a mess. That could have been here, especially considering the border being reopened, Newsom possibly arming criminals ($1BN missing funds, rooms full of ammo that have vanished...) and prisons emptied out? What is happening in South Africa is no doubt what THEY hoped would happen here.
Yeah, I did like that part about dealing swiftly with uprising. We all know there are people armed and ready to go with one...always wondered though: how many? Including CCP assets? MKs? Super soldiers with no will of their own? Antifa/BLM/idiot liberals?
I'm actually torn on one related issue: seems to me it might be a nice time to REcommence those nice rallies with American flags in places like Huntington Beach and Beverly Hills, CA. Just happy rallies. But then I wonder: is that just an invitation to false flag us?
I still feel like the scenario where you catch your kid smoking, so you force him to smoke the whole pack and puke. That way he never touch cigarettes again and has an aversion to them.
How else to purge the colleges/academia? wait for it, it's going to get much worse ... until most people stop sending their kids. Hell, I'd send my kids to a really high quality vocational school or apprenticeship, if they want.
Too bad the Cabal got rid of ITTTech ...
My fear is that we are rapidly approaching that tipping point under the Biden admin. At what point do we come to before there is no return?
I certainly would have cheered, though I comprehend the reasons it did not go that way
That’s where my mind went
Don’t think it’s not the agenda. Please don’t fool yourself. I didn’t really believe it myself until I kept seeing it from multiple sources and people about the UN and Agenda 2030. It’s on their website, they don’t even try to hide this sick stuff. Also the Georgia Guidestones, etc. these elites finance both sides of wars...disgusting.
Yup. They're still pressing onward with their (accelerated) nefarious plans.
Apparently, they believe they still have a chance of success. Or, they'd rather go down in flames in service to their evil objectives/master(s), killing and maiming as many as possible on the way, than admit defeat at the hands of the goyim/deplorables/cattle.
Found it I think https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-one-of-the-most-difficult-decisions-ive-ever-made-was-to-close-up-the-country
That sounds like a joke. He didn't close shit. Every fucking port, and airport in the country should have been locked down, and China quarantined. That's how I would have done it. And it would have easily been one of the easiest decisions of my life.
why the virus is weak, we shouldn't have shut down shit.
I know. But I am eager to find any excuse to quarantine China, and disrupt the globalist elite transportation infrastructure, and the products they ship that rely on ports and airports. Hell, I say we shut it all down every time someone in China even sneezes more than 3 times in a row. Can't be too safe anymore.
Gotcha, I can get onboard with that.
Am I the only one here that's not convinced of this? I, for one, believe that covid was an engineered bioweapon. Why would China release a bioweapon that has a 0.02% mortality rate? I believe it's a long term weapon. That's what gets me in this whole thing. I don't want the jab, I don't want the china weapon. Leave me out of the entire thing. I don't know the long-term effects of ANY of it.
Partway there. The virus was the pretext. The vaccines are the weapons. Why should we think the right and left hands aren't coordinated? Just step back and look at the situation.
The unremitting hype of the coof was the medium of abject fear along with the trickle down tyranny that transformed the Land of the Free into the land of submission. There will be simple minded folks that will wear masks for the next 2-3 years until the vax that they took, finally kills em...
Think about it....this push to take a vaccine is unprecedented. Never has the Gov ever pushed a drug/injection to the point they are doing this one. That right there is a "tell" because this just isn't normal.
I remember in the 50s the polio vaccines were given to school kids in the form of a sugar cube. There was a bit of panic about but none of the tyrannies we have seen in the last year.
LOL I remember being about 7 or 8 years old back in the last 50's. My mom took all 6 of us down to a large building that was once a church to get the polio shot. We got in a line and when it was our turn at the front of the line, we got a shot in the arm. To this day, every time I pass that place, I refer to it as "the shot house". LOL
The most dangerous words you will ever hear: "Hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
How could he, facing peach mints and liberals screeching about xenophobia? Guy had his plate full, and possibly with more that we don't know of.
That tells me that God surely has a hand in all this right now.
Yea close the world over the fly.... they were trying to fuck him and no matter his moves they would of found a way..... if anything is true about 4d chess it’s how he handles the plandemic.... though I’m still confused on the vaccine stance
he released a guide to what essential business are, which can not and must not be shut down, and then in that list was included basically everything besides liquor stores strip clubs etc.
This is why during the plandemic I was installing stuff in new condos that had stripper poles in the living room.
That is why you are Not POTUS. And never will be. Your Ant Farm should sue for new owner/operator.
My "ant farm" would block all foreign travel at the first hint of any potential plagues coming from foreign countries, and not be forced to endure the bullshit caused by it. And I wouldn't have some bitch-ass judge ignore the order and allow plague victims into the country, which is what happened, and why we are now 1.5 years into this bullshit "plague" scenario.
The country needed a decisive decision to block foreign travel in December of 2019. It didn't happen. This (CCP plague virus fiasco) is the result of kissing ass to international (globalist) corporate interests over the safety of the American people, and the well being of domestic business.
We need to learn from this lesson, and be prepared to take a different course of action in the future.
Show me a politician who has the balls to implement that policy, and they will earn my vote.
It was at the time when he had to decide whether to allow the shutdowns or not. I remember when it happened, but we didn't know if he was really talking about something else or not. Yes it was in March right before they cancelled schools, etc.
My thought is, the vaccine isn't because of the virus. The virus is because of the vaccine.
The whole plan was to bring out the mass vaccine. That was what they needed. I think Trump knew that anyone who listened to what he had to say, knew that the vaccine was not the only option. Thats why he said to not let the virus control your life.
Call The Ball Q drop 4360 Insurrection Act of 1807.
[Determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to the growing unrest]
Call the ball.
Q https://qposts.online/?q=4360&s=postnum
Shutting down the country. He knew they would keep it locked down.
4-6% lost forever
Sadly this may not mean from brainwashing techniques as I originally presumed.
can you reference me to this post again? edit: found. #529
It could be the decision to appear to withdraw from the presidency, despite winning by a clear landslide, and patiently wait for the plan to develop.
He had a choice. Either allow the "pandemic" to go on for 5 years knowing he would be cheated out of office in November. At which time the death vax would be created and pushed anyway after a 5 year locked down. Or....escalate the death vax and eliminate 4 of the lock down years and keep the current timeline on track. Keeping the timeline intact MUST be done for victory to be achieved. Sounds like the most difficult decision of his life to me.
The decision to let the fraud steal the election so as to expose it.
I’m thinking this myself.
Letting the black hats do what they wanted knowing innocents would get killed, e.g the elderly in the nursing homes.
The vaccine. Warp speed... and then having to constantly plug it.
consider tinis... https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/vacnwo/
"Trump was their worst nightmare. A massive stick in their wheels." "When they unleashed the pandemic, their plan was to impose vaccine mandates on all of humanity. This was key to their agenda of turning the earth into one huge prison state. If life is only possible with a vaccine passport, you are a slave of those who mandate all future vaccines, and there’s no way out. You can only move around, if you take the next vaccine, and the next, and the next, and so on."
"He started promoting cures and therapeutics for COVID-19.
By doing this, he effectively removed every legal base for vaccine mandates in America. Because a vaccine can only be mandated if there is no cure. That’s why every single cure for covid has been suppressed by the globalists. That’s also why many medical doctors who successfully treat covid patients, have been censored. They desperately need to hide the cures for covid, because they must succeed in mandating the vaccines, both now and forevermore."
That was a great article. Put a lot of pieces together I had been unable to previously. I think this is the “Red October” type plan that’s been spoken of.
I’ve always had a great respect for my elders, especially within the family… that said, imagine my surprise when I heard my in laws, fairly intelligent people, actually got both doses of the toxic shots. I now find it extremely difficult to look them in the eye and remotely believe they are semi developed in their minds. I cannot grasp how two decent human beings would be so stupid, especially after the dire warnings I gave them backed with facts and receipts. I am stunned and depressed all at once. I don’t know what to do with them anymore. They are both Democrats but my father in law is quickly turning away from the Left. I continue to pump the truth… reality into every conversation, text message, and gathering. I don’t care if they call me crazy because I am 5150 lol so no harm there. I hope everyone else managed to keep their families safer than I did. That said, my closest family remains free of the sway of the Left and continues to thrive. A huge thank you to all of my frens here. You have been so helpful and real… it’s a blast of hopium knowing I can get intelligent, based facts and info from the amazing pedes at GA.win!
I completely sympathize with this as I've had similar experiences. Friends / family in my life who I thought were rational, intelligent, critical thinkers, easily caved under the social pressures of the media and those around them. It hurts and I only wish the best for them and hope they will be ok long term. Some are showing symptoms of problems already only weeks / months after getting double jabbed. All we can do is try to plant healthy seeds of truth / differing points of view. Not all seeds will sprout and grow but some will, and all we can do is keep spreading seeds of truth and encouraging people to critically think. What we are doing is working and is effective and you know this when World Economic Forum members at CyberPolygon are hinting at the need to censor the entire internet to prevent truth from spreading through the back channels.
Operation warp speed??
Trump pushed the powers that be to create a vaccine, he DID NOT “design” the sh1t tho. Blame lies with the DS for that. He knew they were evil, but I don’t believe he ever thought they’d use their eugenics recipes.
I think the vaccine was already made.
Shutting the country down
Allowing the COVID scam and Election Fraud to continue. Speeding up vaccine development to rip the bandaid off. Exposing this massive global fear campaign, suppression of speech, theft of an election, and the coordination of all parties involved.
He could have exposed them at any point in time prior to this; stopped one or many of the issues, and allowed the Deep State to continue on in the future. Possibly still losing the rigged election, or the rigging never occurred, eliminating the chance of secured elections. The vaccine would have been "approved" and made mandatory, and this whole thing stretches out for another 4 years before they force-"vaccinate" literally everyone.
I think he had to go with the former. Use their own plans to expedite the Great Awakening and wake people up, preventing a future of rigged elections, dismantling the Deep State, and avoid billions being literally forced to get the jab down the road.
Big Pharma got off lightly with the oxycodone/OxyContin addiction and deaths. Who got the money for the misdeeds-the government, not the victims or their families. Chances are the money is then funneled right back to big Pharma. Congress needs to reverse the law granting immunity re. vaccines to pharma. Laws need to be passed not mandating vaccines and not allowing Congress to accept campaign money from lobbyists in Pharma.
Agree to use the 2020 election as a sting operation.
Link it because June could of been insurrection Act due to the Minnesota riots, found a document that had insurrection Act briefing on it but don't want to jump too much to conclusions
Pretty sure he was referring to the decision to shut the country down or not.
Yes. This DailyMail website if full of shite articles, but the comments from readers are IMO a good litmus test of peoples' views as it has a western/global readership. Yeah, sure, the readership is what it is, yet it's to me valuable. Trump won't be blamed. People see the blame squarely upon the manufacturers at this point.
I post today's article from the DM to reference the reader comments, not the BS article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9784519/Moderna-launches-clinical-trial-testing-COVID-vaccine-safe-pregnant-women.html#comments
If it’s allowing the vaccines to be used intentionally knowing that they will kill people, will he then be part of the Nuremberg Trials 2.0?
Aren’t we still at the point where everyone has had a choice in getting the vaccine? Even if it meant losing your current job, as far as I know, no one has been required to get it.
Letting them steal the election / not stopping it because in the end, NCSWC
Speculation- I was thinking that he had to decide whether to call in The Storm or ride things out behind the scenes. I think he chose the slow road, to save the lives of hostages, underground captives for example, the ds was extorting with.
Trump is a war President, there will be casualties but the strategy will save many more.