To quote another Patriot on this board with good sound advice - hat tip @Blacksmith21:
Keeping everything local is what is working now - school, city, county boards of supervisors et al. Small to mid-size towns. Good luck making an impression upon big city administrations. But smaller admins, well, they are local and live near these folks. They run into them in the schools, gyms, grocery stores, etc. All politics are local.
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.
I agree 100 percent with Cats. For example, the Oregon Coast is one of my favorite regions. For natural splendor, Oregon is hard to beat. The people in urban areas are generally insufferable.
And unfortunately the people in these cities ruin the state for the rest… the entire west coast.
Portland… been there a few times, horrendous city, graffiti everywhere, homeless, the level of sjw is beyond the charts. But then again I stay away from cities.
Glowie - A group infiltrator or agent provocateur.
Their behaviour sticks out as odd. They can't pretend to be genuine members of a group they are infiltrating because they don't really believe the issue or understand the motivation of others in the group.
Their behaviour is so noticeable, it "glows".
It's a very dishonourable thing to do in my opinion, like being a traitor.
Also, "America First." Yeah right, this guy only thinks of America First because he himself is still living in America, it's only about saving his own hide, he could care less how many people get sent to the Covid Gulags.
He only said it because if he doesn't put America first then he'll be living in an immigrant run country, and he knows it. He's doing it only so that HE can live in luxury, he cares nothing for others.
Back in middle school science, I learned that when you looked at the ingredient list of any product, the ingredients are listed in order of the most content, meaning an expensive face cream which lists water as the first ingredient mainly consists of water & you're wasting your money. So using that logic, this BDW dude is almost entirely a CIA clown.
People DO NOT show up to any 9/11 events in DC! I know that seems common sense but there are excited noobs new to the cause that may need to be reminded. [They] are just trying to manufacture another "insurrection".
Do not go. DS planning another FF per Code Monkey. Go local. Find your own tribute. Fill your windows with flags, line your driveway with flags, hang red, white and blue lights. Have car, boat and truck parades, block parties. Do some work around the houses of shut creative.
To quote another Patriot on this board with good sound advice - hat tip @Blacksmith21:
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.
Yes small, brief protests in our towns and counties is the key.
Fool me once, shame on... shame on me. Fool me twice we won't get fooled again.
There is a saying in Texas... or at least I think it’s from Texas... Fool me once shame on you... fool me?.... can’t get fooled again.
Ahhh, I see what you did there. Cheeky bastard 😆😆
You rang?
Pete? Pete Townsend? Is that you?
"Fool me three times? Ohmygosh, like, stop it already!"
"There's just no time to die..." (Billie Eilish, prolly...)
Looks like a false flag in the making…we all know there will be a big one coming before too long
Plus, Codemonkey posted that the 9/11 DC march was a trap, not to go.
Yeah, this one was too easy.
Anyone who likes Oregon is a obvious Commie. 😁
Then I'm a Communist? Oregon is gorgeous, the people in Portland, however, are demonic idiots
I kid! I kid!
(sort of)
#MakePatrioticOregonIdaho #MPOI
I agree 100 percent with Cats. For example, the Oregon Coast is one of my favorite regions. For natural splendor, Oregon is hard to beat. The people in urban areas are generally insufferable.
Days Gone is a beautiful game from a team of developers who love their region (Bend).
I can appreciate Oregon's natural splendor thanks to that game pointing me towards it.
Plus they grow some of the world's best cannabis in Oregon.
And unfortunately the people in these cities ruin the state for the rest… the entire west coast.
Portland… been there a few times, horrendous city, graffiti everywhere, homeless, the level of sjw is beyond the charts. But then again I stay away from cities.
Portland is down river from the Hanford Nuclear Waste disposal area. There are no coincidences!
Upvoted for your username. Fuck King Inslee.
Love Oregon. Hate the libtards Soni stay away.
Fucking Glowfaggots
why are they called glowies out of interest?
Glowie - A group infiltrator or agent provocateur.
Their behaviour sticks out as odd. They can't pretend to be genuine members of a group they are infiltrating because they don't really believe the issue or understand the motivation of others in the group.
Their behaviour is so noticeable, it "glows".
It's a very dishonourable thing to do in my opinion, like being a traitor.
Thank you Fren! I had always wondered, myself.
This is completely and utterly wrong. The "glowing" meme comes from this Terry A. Davis video. Warning: Extreme language.
Thanks! I'm sorry if i got it wrong!
You are not wrong. The phenomenon in your explanation is what Terry A. Davis was referring to.
Thank you, I'm glad I'm not misleading people!
Excellent thank you!
I thought it referenced the glow in the dark meth heads Alex Jones talks about lol
This schizo man Terry Davis said it first and it caught on
You may want to see if you have had any physical mutations after this post.
Allergic to DC egos and "misses Oregon"
Nope, I can see that glow with my eyes closed. Hell, I can see it standing out on the surface.of the sun.
Also, "America First." Yeah right, this guy only thinks of America First because he himself is still living in America, it's only about saving his own hide, he could care less how many people get sent to the Covid Gulags.
Well... That's a bit weak.
I care about America first because I live in America. If I were Japanese, I'd say Japan first. Russian, Russia first.
Patriotism to your country is one of the most natural behaviors, because you live there you want it to be the best.
He only said it because if he doesn't put America first then he'll be living in an immigrant run country, and he knows it. He's doing it only so that HE can live in luxury, he cares nothing for others.
Glowing from Uranus at this point...
I'm goin to work! I like my job dammit.
I really do lol.
I so want to up vote but it’s on 17.
Safe to upvote now.
But that means someone else upvoted. We have a traitor in our ranks!
The site really should just cap upvotes at 17.
See? They’re everywhere 👀
Who was it that said: Once C_A, always C_A?
That stuck out to me as well, there's no such thing as "Former CIA". Fucking commie scum bags.
Title made me KEK...that is all
His name sounds like Ryan Dark White, eh?
Wow. Member when we used to think it was cool to be in the CIA or FBI?
Why would anyone protest in Chinese territory. Doesn't even make sense.
That dudes hair has graphite tips!
Goofy faggot.
dun dun dun
dun dun dun
dun dun dun
dun dun dun
glow so hard mfr's gonna blind me
followin' marching orders blindly
glow so hard can't evade detection
fomenting another 1-6 insurrection
You could roast marsh mellows from that glow.
I’d trust the local corner meth head than a CIA agent.
Was wondering same. ☝🏼
No, I don't think so. This smells, nay it reeks of dung!
Who else remembers the media planting the seed with the 911 predicted terrorist thing
This former spook is also a Democrat. He has stated it when he was on TV before. I don't trust him what so ever!
"Totally not a trap guys." -Trust me bro
They’re not even trying
Back in middle school science, I learned that when you looked at the ingredient list of any product, the ingredients are listed in order of the most content, meaning an expensive face cream which lists water as the first ingredient mainly consists of water & you're wasting your money. So using that logic, this BDW dude is almost entirely a CIA clown. People DO NOT show up to any 9/11 events in DC! I know that seems common sense but there are excited noobs new to the cause that may need to be reminded. [They] are just trying to manufacture another "insurrection".
Do not go. DS planning another FF per Code Monkey. Go local. Find your own tribute. Fill your windows with flags, line your driveway with flags, hang red, white and blue lights. Have car, boat and truck parades, block parties. Do some work around the houses of shut creative.
We’re gonna need a sticky for the week leading up to the event, just to make sure no one is dumb enough to attend.
Stay the fuck away from that cesspool. This has got to be some kind of stupid trap.