Ok now that is a deep rabbit hole there! TY for the link.
TLDR: Everything is because of parasitic infection. MK Ultra: Parasites. AIDS? Parasites. Figuratively everything from enhanced promiscuity to debilitating disease to crazy behavior is caused by engineered parasitism.
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-9034-3_36 All the species of trypanosoma are given different names based on the host they are found in. But every species is cross contagious with every other host. IE, if you take the chicken version and put it in a human, it will follow the same life cycle as if it came from a shellfish or cow. The indestructible eggs (oocysts) are identical in every species, along with larval form., epimastigotes. The adult form changes slightly depending on the host, like the alien face hugger changing slightly depending on its host. They call the disease Nagana in cows, Dourine in horses. In reality it's all the same species, structurally, and morphologically identical. It's a multi-trillion dollar cover-up that allows Big Agriculture to breed "resistant" cattle that won't die to their infection instead of doing constant & expensive deworming treatments - THEY KNOW!
30-60% of wild deer, 40% of wild pigs, 44% of Italian bats, 80% of chickens. It's the #1 case of heart failure! NIH-deleted article, need to use wayback machine to locate... ( I didn't need to use the wayback machine? Comment is confusing)
Mosquitoes, triatome beetles, ticks, fleas, biting flies, are all vectors, but my estimation account for less 10% of the spread. Most outbreaks are linked to contaminated food.
It must be important because most of the links said error 404. So, I could not access them . Thank you. I could tell you put alot of time in your comments
I do antiviral drug discovery for a living, on HIV among others
And the posted claim is bullshit.
HIV has been isolated. Our partner lab has imaged them with electron microscopy. Our lab produces a non infectious version in cell culture which I have used in the past to characterize assays used to advance drug development, candidates of which have been used in animal trials - If HIV wasn't a thing, then control groups wouldn't develop AIDS when the virus is introduced to them. Labs aren't conspiring to introduce chagas for control groups while claiming they are introducing virus.
Just because there are other pathologies that leads the same phenotypic presentation - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome - does not mean that is evidence that other pathologies don't exist. What a profoundly simple logical fallacy. That's like saying knives don't kill people because you have irrefutable proof that gunshot wounds do - yeah, well, maybe both do dumbass.
Please remember that a degree does not make you immune to making absurd mistakes and spouting absolute nonsense. Shit people, you should all be very aware of that by now. Use your goddamn brains, don't turn them off the moment you hear something that sounds pleasing to your ear. If you aren't thinking critically when you hear something you like, you're not thinking critically when it matters
I do antiviral drug discovery for a living, on HIV among others
And the posted claim is bullshit.
HIV has been isolated. Our partner lab has imaged them with electron microscopy. Our lab produces a non infectious version in cell culture which I have used in the past to characterize assays used to advance drug development, candidates of which have been used in animal trials - If HIV wasn't a thing, then control groups wouldn't develop AIDS when the virus is introduced to them. Labs aren't conspiring to introduce chagas for control groups while claiming they are introducing virus.
Just because there are other pathologies that leads the same phenotypic presentation - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome - does not mean that is evidence that other pathologies don't exist. What a profoundly simple logical fallacy. That's like saying knives don't kill people because you have irrefutable proof that gunshot wounds do - yeah, well, maybe both do dumbass.
Please remember that a degree does not make you immune to making absurd mistakes and spouting absolute nonsense. Shit people, you should all be very aware of that by now. Use your goddamn brains, don't turn them off the moment you hear something that sounds pleasing to your ear. If you aren't thinking critically when you hear something you like, you're not thinking critically when it matters
Some good insight here. I can see why you get up & down votes for it with the concerns many have that the Official Naratives consistently are based on half truths. It seems many of the comms I am learning about also consist of half truths/mostly true statements that are also able to to be spun for communications to the cabal.
I figure it is worth looking at all possibilities & then making a decision based on all the data we can gather.
I consistently end up finding there are so many variables that I am jot aware of with some complex issues that I simply learn that I don't know enough to know it all.
I appreciate the links that I wasn't able to get to go through in the PDF. Some of the claims just don't ring true at all, though they do give some good open ended questions for digging & figuring out a deeper understanding of various ideas. The links simply provide good source material.
One of the greatest things about this forum is that it tends to find the holes in the armor/ideas that are floated & the best usually are what we end up seeing.
It's not TL...save it and read through it. You won't be able to put it down and will learn TONS. One of the better health related documents compiled regarding stuff the medical industry has kept hidden from us ALL. 👍🏼
Yeah, I am sure there is a reason we are told to de worm our pets and live stock every year but, never a mention of de worming yourself.. EVER, unless you have a tapeworm emergency or something that is totally obviously, a parasite...
The story of AIDS began in the 1970's. Back then, the free love movement, hippy movement, anti-Vietnam movement, women's liberation movement was all going on. It was a cultural revoluation.
At this time, there was also a "coming out" movement by gay people. Gay men were setting up bath houses for gay sex and having it randomly wherever and whenever. Barack Obama is rumored to have participated in this, as well.
Suddenly, gay men started getting very sick with strange illnesses never before seen. They were dying. It was unknown what was going on, so people freaked out.
Into the 1980's, the government was "trying to solve the problem," so they came up with the idea of a Gay Immune Disease (I forget the original name, but it was something like that). The idea was to raise money to "fight it." But they found they couldn't raise money for a gay-only illness, so they looked for reasons to claim it was both sexes.
In the USA and western Europe, it was only gay men. Women were not affected. But then, they started to include Africa, and they claimed that both men and women were getting sick. This was what was needed to scare the public into thinking that anybody could get sick.
They renamed it "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" (AIDS), and from there they could raise billions of dollars to "fight it."
Robert Gallo came along and said he found the cause of AIDS. He said it was HIV that caused AIDS. Only one problem: He never had any evidince that this was actually true.
Dr. Peter Duesberg began to speak out that they were wrong about this "HIV/AIDS Hypothesis." Duesberg was the world's leading expert virologist on HIV, as it turned out. He said that HIV is a retrovirus, and all retrovirues are NOT HARMFUL TO HUMANS. They are usually passed from mother to child during childbirth, and they pose no harm at all. That's why he was certain that HIV could not be the cause of a serious illness.
Dr. Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR) started asking questions of the leading experts on AIDS, and he discovered that NONE of them could show ANY research that was ever done that showed that HIV caused AIDS.
So, what is AIDS, and how can we explain that only gay men in the West would "get it" while both sexes would in Africa?
Actually, it is a very simple explanation.
The first thing to wrap your head around is: AIDS does not actually exist. It is not an illness at all. It is not even a medical condition. It is simply a definition in terms.
Did you see how they recently tried to change the definition of "vaccine?" Have you seen how they constantly change the definition of "fully vaccinated?" They played this same con game with AIDS.
The CDC has an official list of 30+ illnesses that they claim are linked to AIDS. If a person has one of these illnesses (such as tuberculosis), AND they are also HIV+, then they are "diagnosed" with AIDS. If they have the exact same illness, and they are HIV-, then they are not diagnosed with AIDS, but only with the illness.
What test determines if the person is HIV positive or negative? If you have watched the Covid scam, you already know the answer. It is the PCR "test."
Mullis died just before the Covid scam started (August 2019). He spoke out about how Fauci and others were MISUSING the PCR method he invented. Obviously, he wasn't talking about PCR use for Covid. He was talking primarily about the misuse of PCR for HIV.
So, someone has one of these 30+ illnesses, and they are given a bogus PCR test. If it comes back "positive," they are deemed to have AIDS.
THAT is what they are calling AIDS.
So, if AIDS is a made up fantasy, if it does not really exist at all, then why then did these people actually die -- only gay men in the West and both sexes in Africa? Well, this is why they wanted to silence Duesberg, because he gave us the answer.
In the 1970's gay men were starting to use drugs to relax the muscles during gay sex. These were called nitrate poppers. They are extremely toxic. In addition, they would have parties and stay awake for days at a time. They would mix cocaine and other drugs in order to do this. These drug cocktails drastically supress the immune system.
All it takes then, is to get one of these illnesses from either someone else or from simply a sick body due to a weak immune system. And they would get sick and die. It was the drugs killing the immune system that made them sick.
In Africa, it was poor people who were getting diseases of poverty. Diarrhea can kill if you don't have good sanitation. This is one of the 30+ illnesses on the CDC list. People in Africa were dying of illnesses they had always died of, but they were now calling it "AIDS." This is the excact same scam they are using today, where people are dying of flu but they are calling it "Covid."
Now, it is entirely possible that there are also parasites that are harming people and killing them. But that does not "cause AIDS." Nothing "causes AIDS" because AIDS does not exist. It is a definition: (a) CDC-listed illness, with (b) PCR+ fake test.
If people do die of parasites, that begs the question: Why are THOSE people getting parasties and dying, but other people exposed to the SAME parasites are not? Many people eat shit food, but not many people "get AIDS."
We should expect that someone who has gone to a STEM school curriculum in the past 20 years or so would be mis-trained into a way of thinking that is not correct. The anon might think he is correct, but he did not explain why one group of people got sick and died while another group exposed to the same food did not.
Toxic drug use, poor sanitation, or just poor health habbits leads to a weak immune system, and that is what leads to sickness and death. Parasites are a problem, but our immune system generally handles them. If we have a weak immune system due to lifestyle issues, then that is when the parasites can take over. This explains why some people can be healty and others will die, even though exposed to the same conditions in the environment.
Parasites love poop. Anal sex is poop to poop transmission for parasites.
Can't see why they can't both be dying of a parasite and also given a faulty pcr test to determine the "cause". Actually that makes the most sense because the cabal wants to cover up parasite deaths.
True, most parasites will move through the body and pooped out then, be picked up by other animals or bugs and transferred to a new host through, being digested or injected, rinse and repeat and spread. Aka, wash them hands and dont eat poop. Oo. Grew up with horses, it was kinda common to hear of kids getting pinworms w/horses because, they were inhaling the eggs that were scraped off the animals during worm season. "horse flies".
The only kids I have seen on THIER news that, they said died.. were overweight teenagers(but, they say are totally healthy people. . . ). Again, can't even trust that, those people were even real considering how much totally fake reports come out.
I think you’re trying to do the right thing here, but look at where you’re at.
I empathize with wanting to make a difference. But carpet bombing the same message over and over again will only expedite your one way journey to Bansville.
So at the beginning of this whole shit show when the videos of Mullis came out I started digging into the aids/hiv world. My biggest take away was that fauci "wanted a cure" for decades but the ultimate solution was vaccines will never be the full solution it is better to learn how to treat diseases so they aren't death sentences.
I got to the "intentionally vague" definition of aids and it's all encompassing nature and started getting curious about the t cells and how fauci couldn't answer why the cells up and kill themselves until doctors decades later figure it out.
Ultimately I just don't really know anymore, there's to many ideas, are all viruses actually just parasites or are we dealing with an altered virus from a Chinese lab. Is it "just the flu" with added societal pressure on symptoms? Our side has been to okay in my mind with these conflicting points. If you bring up one to an outsider they will think you are bat shit.
At the bloodbank I worked at, we used something called NAT testing, it was a specific lavender tube, NAT stood for nucleic acid testing, I was just a phlebotomist, so I'm not sure about that side of things, but I was told this was a more advanced type of HIV/AIDS testing. I wonder how it's different from the PCR test? I do remember that we hardly had any HIV positive results in the 15 years I worked there, because lab and phlebots would talk, and the tech that had drawn the sample would usually find out. I could probably count the positive for HIV on one hand, but the hepatitis results were a dime a dozen.
We discussed,this on QRv. My reeeeeeeserch ended with the Gospel of Q on parasites how the for most expert is Dr klinghardt but there’s no family history on him except a Mathias KLINGHARDT who just so happened to write a paper on the CONFIRMATION OF THE GOSPEL OF Q. COMON PEOPLE GET UP to speed. Three years ago.
Right? I saw this a couple of weeks ago here. I about dirtied my britches, I couldn't believe all along HIV is a parasite, what the literal hell. I'd never heard that one before and they way he presented it like it was common knowledge, wow.😲
Done. Wasn't worried about cancer before, even though both mom and dad had surgery for it. Now, totally not worried. Cheers ;)
Wouldn't mind some tips as to what type or brand to buy, how to dose it, etc. I saw the single dose up to 2000mg, and 500mg for 10 days suggested on the SERP when you google the drug. But I'm not sure if you would take both the large single dose AND the 10 days or not; or what form to purchase it in, or what brand. Plus fuck google, quite obviously. :)
Yes dosage is indeed a question. The human equivalent of fendbendazole is menbendazole. Anti parasite dosage for that one is 2x100mg per day for 3 days. Still looking into it but I think I would not go over 500 mg/day during a short period of time - I would not consider a single large dose, there is an effect I don't remember the name of but basically if too many parasites die off in a very short timespan it can temporarily poison your body and can require hospital treatment. I am considering pill form with a 500mg dose, brand is irrelevant, what I am doing in these cases is I look at the list of excipients and check them individually to discard suspicious things.
There have been discussions ongoing that it seems to be at least partially attributable to homosexuality as well.. parents posting how their gay son took ivermectin for covid, crapped out a horrible mess of worms, and now is no longer interested in men.
Given that parasites exist that can modify psychologies, like the catpoop Toxoplasmosis, like the cordyceps fungus that makes insects it grows on climb to the highest elevation they can by blinding their eyes.. then the notion that parasites exist which can promote their own replication by inducing ass-related activity among adults and particularly among gay men.. well thats plausible based on the other mind-altering bugs out there.
When has any other medicine been subject to so much panic for the 'crime' of being effective either before or since? Maybe the good old horse paste is just what society needs, and leftisms and all its self-degradation and psychopathies will fade away.
Edit - noticed this topic is covered in another post here! Very good timing.
India and Japan are having massive successes with ivermectin right now in combatting the china virus.
Watch and see if there are stories about the closure of all their gay clubs and homo student politics groups due to lack of interest. I bet it wont take long for signs to emerge.
I would have watched Uttar Pradesh ( the state that used Ivermectin most effectively and has 0 covid right now) for gay stats, but as far as I know, they never had much gays. Personally I believe they are based, even though historically we have always been made to believe that they are backward, uneducated bunch of villagers.
Yep, thats why so many based people are the "uneducated" ones. Its also why so many successful business people keep telling people to drop out of school.
My take is, that you dont pour billions in funding to a bioweapon lab with nothing to show for it. Something came from that wuhan lab, what with all the body bags stacking up there and caught by imaging satellites way before any disclosure of a 'new' disease on the loose in the press.
Is it the same thing thats now being called delta all over the world? Doubtful, since delta seems to be entirely correlated with vaccine sickness and rates of 'vaccination'. And still nobody has said what is a delta test, how it differs from regular covid, what the programs were and who the researchers that can justify claims of higher virulence etc which were made immediately before any such data could have been collected... So many lies around all of this.
Ding ding ding.. all the panic and haste to ban an anti-parasitic drug is a tell of something. We dont know what yet.. but thats a solid indicator that parasite related activity is coming down the pipeline.
I think the wuhan lab exists insofar as covid is related just a psyop to make peopel believe there actually was a bio weapon released so people are distracted with the idea there is actually a pandemic so that they inject themselves. You dont need killer viruses which are too risky when you can just get willing slaves to inject themselves plus you get deniability. As it is now whatever happens to wuhan or china doesnt even matter the damage has been done in terms of advancing depopulation overall
I know what a control group is retard. When you are testing drug efficacy you have to compare a group that is exposed to the virus and receives the drug, to a group that is only exposed to the virus - the only variable can be the drug.
Please, explain to me what a control group is. I fucking dare you. In my experience, no one who posts laughing emojis can boast a triple digit IQ so I'd love to hear how you try. Do it coward. Do it for all to see.
Okay, so now that I have managed to rile you up, here is the ONLY question I care about - which is infact the ONLY way you can make the point you were trying to make in such a retarded way.
Show me clinical trials where the control group is injected only placebo and the experimental group is injected just the pure HIV virus that you claim your partners were able to isolate (and no other additive), and then the effects are studied.
If indeed you are who you are, and you are performing any experiments related to any virus without first going through this stage, then you are a criminal who enables other criminals to oppress humanity.
It's sorta like when Fry eats the old egg salad sandwich and the worms are helping his body.... Except in this case, the worms influence the host's behavior in order to procreate/thrive.
I've heard reports that a lot of gay men were molested when they were young. If true, then perhaps this is one way parasites are passed to an individual.
So - I am going to actually share some personal shit here as this Post %100 overlaps with my Journey over the past 5 years & God is telling me I need to do so.
In October 2018 We sorted out my middle daughter was autistic. Was like a bomb went off and she went from joy to hurting herself - eyes rolling back in her head and never sleeping ( no bullshit she slept like 5 hours every 4 days ). Now mind you she's not our only kid so this ramrodded our family intensely.
Long and short of it - it became abundantly clear that NO MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL had any sort of fucking clue what to do. So - Mom & Dad went into Autist mode ourselves looking for answers. Anything to help this little beautiful girl live her best life.
To make a long story short - My daughter has gone from self harming behavior ( chewing the insides of her cheeks out, hitting herself, bashing her head into the floor ) & having zero speech with zero eye contact to smiling, playing, talking more and more, toileting, singing, dancing, JOY. She tells me she loves me. She kisses me. You wanna see a Dad cry? Watch him when some of the first words his little girl ever says are "I love you, Daddy." after this goes down.
Now - what did we do? We told the doctors to go fuck themselves. They wanted to sedate her, confine her, etc
What we did was simple:
She started a Ketogenic Diet. We all did. If you need a machine to make it - we dont eat it. We source our food, cook our food, we eat clean & drink very clean water with the right kind of pH / Minerals.
We started Passive Chelation Therapy. COSEVA TRS. This is the relation to this post as with this treatment we literally saw parasites leave our systems. Worms of all colors.
Now as part of my KETOGENICS I obtained a blood checker - sort of like diabetics use except mine checks ketones.
When I personally passed the Parasites the first time my ketosis went up by a factor of 2.5. What I mean was I could eat ~20g of sugar a day and stay in ketosis - to suddenly I could eat ~45g of sugar and stay in the same level of ketosis. My body more than doubled up.
Guys use simple logic. If they want to fucking kill us - what would be the most abundant things out there? Probably shit that kills us.
Can you go 5 fucking feet in a store without seeing some sugary bullshit treat?
Look - "Modern Agriculture" was unveiled in a "Green Revolution" that was supposed to fead the worlds poor. Is that what we got? This was all supposed to be some United Nations "heal everyone" promise and it's never happened. Instead they did an about-face and push "Uhhhh did we say heal everyone? Well what we meant was there are just too many fucking people. Sooooo lets work on that."
The World Health Organization pushed the Food Pyramid itself which is basically fucking complete bullshit . Literally take that, turn it upside down - and it's accurate. THINK MIRROR.
I just wanted to share all of this because it's never made sense how this COVID shit spread. What I did observe was that it was moving through hospitals around here like a Bacterial Infection - NOT A VIRUS. Parasites would make that all make complete sense.
I feel this ANON is spot on. Thank you @OP For sharing this.
Chelation therapy is a medical procedure that involves the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body.
Essentially it was created in WW1 when people had shrapnel in their bodies that could not be removed and started poisoning the blood / tissue. Chelation Therapy is removing heavy metals from the body itself.
Essentially a Zeolite has the ability to traverse cell membranes, within the body, without causing cellular disruption - then body to heavy metals, render them less active, and through that bonding find pathways out of the anatomic system itself.
Roughly you spray some liquid in your mouth and it helps remove heavy metals from your body.
I've listened to like hundreds interviews with medical doctors and it looks like most of our diseases are caused by radiation, parasites and food/water/air poisoning. Oh and you can't just "catch a virus", it's environmental and the whole "germ theory" is just a theory, it's a lie. I trust them because they have nothing to gain and I know for a fact that everything the MSM tells us is a lie.
Parasites and pollution of the body. In particular, solvents in the body cause parasite proliferation. Ivermectin is just one thing that helps. Others are green black walnut hull tincture, cloves, and wormwood taken together. It’s an extensive topic. Check out the book, “The Cure for All Diseases”, by Dr. Hulda Clark on how toxins and parasites go hand in hand to cause almost every sickness, including the common cold, flu, AIDS, and Cancers.
I searched online for a nontoxic pest killer, since it’s boxelder season and we have literally millions on near our house and chicken coop. I have a dog outside and a son always playing out there so I was hoping for something that wasn’t by the deep state that would give us some rare cancer. I found Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade on Amazon and read the reviews. Aside from sprinkling it everywhere there’s pests, People take it internally and also give to their pets for parasites and worms. Anyone heard of this? I ordered some because it’s multipurpose.
Buy the Harris brand. The original...read up on Harris history it's fascinating. Harris rid Wash DC (WH FIRST) of an intense cockroach and silverfish infestation using Diatomaceous Earth. It's the first product that got either EPA or FDA approval after his cleansing of all DC buildings. I got a 4 lb bag for about $14 and comes with application bellows to apply it. Gets rid of bedbugs & all critters. One teaspoon in a glass of water a day and after 4-5 days you will feel wonderful 👍🏼
I did order Harris brand, food grade. Does it have a strong taste? I was drinking ACV in my water but couldn’t handle the flavor, now I take it in supplement form.
No flavor really detectable, but that’s me...only one example. It’s basically plankton fossils, not much to it. A lot of people mix it into a smoothie?
AWESOME! I've posted here before, but I'm a cancer survivor and have taken dozens of doses of fenbendazole as a "post-treatment maintenance program". No side effects, no interactions. 👍🏼
The chans have been going crazy over the wormpill recently; a lot of people are talking about it. The OP Pasta didn't mention it, but parasites also change behavior. This is really worth looking into.
Man do you children even read the Q post.? Post 144 conspiracy st = conspiracy Star Trek which is all about alien parasites. He warned us early on. Then we have this gem (also a Qpost)where XIDEN WAS ON the intell committee for mK u,tra where thy say Pathogens [were] are used to mind control people!!! https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf and you fucking welcome. Kek
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-9034-3_36 All the species of trypanosoma are given different names based on the host they are found in. But every species is cross contagious with every other host. IE, if you take the chicken version and put it in a human, it will follow the same life cycle as if it came from a shellfish or cow. The indestructible eggs (oocysts) are identical in every species, along with larval form., epimastigotes. The adult form changes slightly depending on the host, like the alien face hugger changing slightly depending on its host. They call the disease Nagana in cows, Dourine in horses. In reality it's all the same species, structurally, and morphologically identical. It's a multi-trillion dollar cover-up that allows Big Agriculture to breed "resistant" cattle that won't die to their infection instead of doing constant & expensive deworming treatments - THEY KNOW!
30-60% of wild deer, 40% of wild pigs, 44% of Italian bats, 80% of chickens. It's the #1 case of heart failure! NIH-deleted article, need to use wayback machine to locate... ( I didn't need to use the wayback machine? Comment is confusing)
Mosquitoes, triatome beetles, ticks, fleas, biting flies, are all vectors, but my estimation account for less 10% of the spread. Most outbreaks are linked to contaminated food.
Not at work, don't have access to any those papers, and they are all going to be behind paywalls so can't do shit from where I am. If you think I can go off on a rant about virology, don't get me started about the fraudster practice of 'jouranls' and 'publishing'.
I am considering making somwthing, idk, a yt video or something, detailing virology and why it's real. I've seen way too make 'germ theory is bullshit' posts when it is so empirically easy to demonstrate.
But I'd want to do it so definitively that it's like being bludgeoned with a hammer. Walk you through an experiment, the controls, set it up, and then guide you through the results it produces and how the only explanation is germ throry - particle transmission and infectivity principle. But that's work. Screaming and shaking my fists is easier.
The thread is 12 hours old if 200+ comments. I sacrificed common courtesy to those new to the thread in order to ensure I reached everyone who already posted and would themselves never return to read it.
I know it's a ton of work but it is extremely important for the public to understand this! If you could jam pack the information in under 10 minutes and include sources on isolating HIV (or Covid if that's a thing) in your video description that would be even better!
Give people the light of the logical pathway, this is of the highest importance! I'm really interested in what you have to say @ObjectiveReality
Covid I'm skeptical about. My lab requested inactivated covid for me to validate my assay on and we ate silence from them. We never had trouble getting innactivated Rabies particles from them for another thing we were working on.
Not saying it isn't real, but I can't back that claim the way I can with other viruses or viruses in general. It may just be they are complicit in not wanting a treatment (if they did, HCQ would have been front and center from the beginning).
I'll think about it. It really hurts to see mindless bias masquearding as critical thought here. People are supposed to be here because they are BETTER than the left, not just the same retards but with a different dogma they blindly follow.
Covid I'm skeptical about. My lab requested inactivated covid for me to validate my assay on and we ate silence from them. We never had trouble getting innactivated Rabies particles from them for another thing we were working on.
That's good to know. Might I ask if you know what machines do you use for validating the assay and what corporation are they from? I have a strong suspicion against Illumina though I don't have much to go off on.
I'll think about it. It really hurts to see mindless bias masquearding as critical thought here. People are supposed to be here because they are BETTER than the left, not just the same retards but with a different dogma they blindly follow.
I agree, I do not like the mystical conspiracies you'll sometimes see here either.
I may be wrong on some things and I want to know them so I can learn and progress towards truth.
I am hesitant to detail the assay I would be using the particles as validation for as it would likely be enough to out me and my lab and living where I live has instilled in me an odd mix of caution for precisely when and where and how I stick my neck out.
In general terms, drug discovery requires a degree of throughput that can't be accomplished by doing things the 'best' way. One can't for example, infect tens of thousands of monkeys with SIV to test individual drugs against - ethically you've gone from a grey area to something utterly reprehensible. Doing so would also take a gargantuan amount of time and cost astronomical amounts.
It's better to do things in cell culture. Better throughput, even though as a collection of cells rather than a living breathing immune system or integrated organs it might not be quite as representative. Do the results in cell culture transfer to animal? Often not.
But even cell culture is low throughput, so in reality the only way to have a shot is to design assays which approximate the functions of relevance in the cells that are representative of the larger organism to test agaisnt the mechanism of action you're trying to develop against - for example, merely replicating the receptor binding that is prelude to entry, or the binding regions of a capsif they rely on for assembly.
But how do you know your assay which so removed from the integrated whole is actually representative? Well, you validate it. And for many such examples, trialing against actual legitimate viral particles is enough. If the virion binds the same as your stand in, and shows similar reactivity to some of your early drug candidates, you can have enough confidence (never needs to be 100%) that's it's then worth the time to roll the dice running that assy hundreds of times on tens of thousands of unique compounds to find one or two worth doing more intensie looks on...
...In cell culture. And if that works, in Animal trials. So as you could imagine, I am happy to receive other irradiation particles from the CDC, and a little perterbed when I don't know if my generic SARS1 coronavirus assay is sufficiently representative to SARS2 to be worth the time.
I'm very wary when analogies that have nothing to do with the topic (knives), are used to try and make a point. I see it used often to convince people of ideas that have no value and no real substance. Real examples and facts are unobtainable, so the analogies come out.
It doesn't rely on an analogy. The analogy is there for idiots that can't follow along otherwise. Can you follow along without the analogy? Because it's all there without it.
Long term HCQ user here(6+ years). The only side effect that I know of is rare, and that's retinal detachment. My doctor has only seen it happen twice in 25 years.
I wonder if this coincides with the shift in my belief system which occurred in 2015.
As someone immunocompromised, I wonder if HCQ is what enabled me to 'wake up' because it enabled me to 'see.'
My son inlaw was diagnosed with leukemia today trying to inform my daughter about
FENBENDAZOLE dog dewormer,IVERMECTIN,HCQ anyone have any other suggestions. They are devastated Prayer up please 3 year old and 8 month old. Love you all!!
Well this is why you do you own research. God gave you a brain for a reason. I have read now over 25 peer reviews and papers about Exosome.
SARS-CoV-2 has never been purified/isolated neither has HIV, What has happen though is academic fraud where you take Vera cells/kidney cells mix it with DNA and RNA then create a fraudulent 3d genome sequence on a computer and then call it a virus. Been very lucrative for big pharma for ages.
Now man made engineered bio weapon and parasites do exist however and this is the main threat we are facing today.
See my life is literally engineered by God Ill take my brain and my knowledge vs the entire fraudulent academic "scientific" communist community in universities all over the world.
We'e not talking about covid. My lab requested inactivated covid from the CDC and ate silence. But viruses exist, HIV exists. "Exosomes" exist, but they are NOT a source of infectivity, nor is that infectivity endogenously created - the genetic code, which itself codes for the virus (or your 'exosomes'), is NOT present in your genome. It's source is EXTERNAL, -I've- programmed de novo material with exclusive viral genome and created viral particles.
The source is the genomic material. That material is NOT part of you. That genomic material creates viral particles. Those three points are all it takes and it does not require a leap of faith to believe me or the host of literature on the subject.
Send me your best peer reviewed papers you think argues what you think it does. I think you profoundly misunderstand the role of these cell lines. (I hate vero cells, but I'll fucking defend them in this context). I can't believe how awake you all are to how bullshit 'peer reviewed' papers are when it comes to nonsense surrounding covid, but then you'll turn around and turn off your brain because you found a peer revied paper that said something you liked.
Well define virus, If a Virus is a parasite then yes virus exist,
If a virus is based on germ theory then a virus dont exist. Louis Pasteur created Germ theory made it up. He was a free mason.
You do got one point we all got our own bias. But in my personal research and when I started to first figure out how the so called scientific community claimed SARS-CoV-2 to be a new virus I was quite shocked. Every paper that claimed they had isolated SARS-CoV-2 had not really isolated/purified anything. I suggest you look at the team behind Virus Mania they did incredible work.
Then I started to take a look at HIV same thing. HIV has never been isolated/purified and it dont cause aids (No paper exist that proves this). There is only one conclusion virus dont exist or the term virus has been misrepresented and is in fact nothing more then a public relation word hiding the health problems we are facing and it seems to be parasitic infestation. And then everything make sense and the Exosome theory is right.
Well define your 'parasite'. If it hijacks cells to produce infectious prgramming that is released from the cell to be absorbed and spread into other cells call it anything you like - exosome or virus, that's what we call a virus.
My point is that you can have two causes for the same disease. Just because uv radiation causes cancer doesn't mean chical exposure can't also produce the exact same disease (for example. AIDS is not different. HIV exists, whether a parasitic pathology likewise leads to AIDS does not disprove the existance of HIV.
And that HIV is a real thing has nothing to do with the absolutle bullshitting and lies around covid. I'd much prefer shitting on the fraud surrounding covid than have to push defend germ theory. That they have fabricated aspects ofclaims in whole or part surrounding covid, is not evidence that viruses in general are made up.
HIV has been isolated.
HIV attacks immune cells which completely explains the test results characterizing the reduced immune capacities of those with AIDS. The virus has been cultured, replicated, reproduced from sequenced genomic material, and every part of it's lifecycle from it's selective targetting, entry, incoporation, trascription, translation, assembly, budding and release, have all be characterized in great detail repeatedly across the globe. I don't know who is telling you all otherwise, or why in the hell you all believe it.
If you don't believe me, come by my hometown sometime. It's only a misdemeaner for me to inject you with HIV without your knowing or consent.... I mean, I won't actually do that, but it's important hought experiment for you. How confident are you really that the virus I work on is all make believe?
I'm not some handshake. I've been her since 2016. My post history on reddit was as prolific as mine here. I'm not some weirdo trying to mislead you. And I'm not just asleep at the wheel npc with a participation trophy degree who believes whatever the 'experts' have programmed me to regurgitate. I'm a critical thinker, and the results of the experiments I've done personally are entirely incompatible with what is being proposed as alternative.
I see this and the parasite pill and I want to believe, but the whole thing seems hypermaterialistic and incompatible with Christianity. Blaming many bits of evil on infection rather than the fall of man and the ensuing spiritual issues. Help, anyone?
Bible tells of demons in pigs being cast out as they ran into the water and died. Apparently pigs with parasites can be driven to suicide by freshwater to facilitate it's reproductive cycle.
I don't see spirituality and "medical materialism" as being mutually exclusive, if you see someone clinically depressed for a materially medical reason, not an ambiguous in-between case, then you can also usually say they aren't "high spirits" or whatever you'd prefer to use here, "spiritual people" don't struggle to get out of bed and dressed.
I also struggle with the science / spiritual part of existence. I think the further science gets the more about God/creation we are able to understand.
Moses and Jesus both did 40 day fasts. I did some research on it and there is a doctor that takes patients and does a monitored 40 day fast with them. Distilled water only. Part of the miracle that happens according to the doctor is when you stop eating and your body goes into autophagy, you start purging out unneeded or unhealthy tissue. Another big one is, bad bacteria and parasites in your body no longer have a fresh food supply to feed off of, so they die and you burn them up / expel them out. Now adays with the crap food we are given it seems we are constantly dosed with non healthy food full of non healthy parasites. GMO's are more resistant to these fungi and bacteria, which doesnt mean they go away, it means we get more of them in our food.
Dr. Alan Goldhamer--
I did the 40 day fast last year on my own. Was an interesting time. I don't have any medical problems that needed fixing, but I wanted to try. He claims to cure cancer etc.
I wonder if the Rx for Chagas would work on "COVID"
Benznidazole is an antiparasitic medication used in the treatment of Chagas disease. While it is highly effective in early disease this decreases in those who have long-term infection. It is the first-line treatment given its moderate side effects compared to nifurtimox.
This is misinformation OP. The vast majority of deaths attributed to "AIDS" was due to the AZT poison that was administered (long known to kill patients in earlier cancer research) not unlike remdesevir right now. The deaths prior to AZT were far fewer where the patients that succumbed to disease were virtually all users of "poppers" (Amyl nitrates) and a whole host of recreational drugs (meth, coke, heroin, crack, etc.) --- self-poisoned. And no "HIV virus" has ever been found, isolated, purified or characterized. It's an identical charade to today in every way.
Would lend further credence to hypothesis that HIV is indeed another CDC/NIH designer pathogen. HIV opens the door for the parasites to ravage your body using the same S-1 spike protein. Interdasting coinidink.
Let out a little whinny, both my wife and I did, as I opened the package. Ha ha it was funny
Love THIS line on the box: Not for use in horses intended for human consumption.
I'm like first of all, why the fuck would that be on there? What English-speaking country is so barbaric they're still processing horses for human food?? Yeccchhh. That, plus come on, this Rx is safe for humans, yet they act like a trace amount in cooked meat would kill us. Weird.
"This anon totes has a micro bio degree" - brought to you by the same guy that spends 95% of his time harping on "the jews". Interestingly enough 90% of his responders that came with support are also no name users who only ever show up to..well you guessed it offer Adolf some updoots.
Your input would hold more weight if you refuted the presented data with other data. Instead, you chose the ad hominem route. That makes it impossible to take your opinion or comment seriously.
Wasn't this discussed right when Covid came out? I remember it being censored on 4pol pretty heavily.
Hijacking top comment to paste the link to the pdf at the end
Ok now that is a deep rabbit hole there! TY for the link.
TLDR: Everything is because of parasitic infection. MK Ultra: Parasites. AIDS? Parasites. Figuratively everything from enhanced promiscuity to debilitating disease to crazy behavior is caused by engineered parasitism.
Well, its the other way around, really. (((They))) promote things that make you more susceptible to parasites. Probably because they are parasites.
"they want you dead" is not a joke.
Nop it has not.
HIV has never been isolated/purified. Never ever find me one peer review who done it.
Btw you cant
I just mentioned vril as an interesting theory related to parasites, I never claimed HIV doesn't exist, fren.
Shit, in the early days of Corona people were even bringing up reports that found similar genetic sequences to those found in HIV.
LIST OF LINKS PROVIDED (Will update later for download links to paywall papers):
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/9464791/ Chagas causes microphage derangement
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/21734249/ T. Cruzi causes autoimmune disease that causes heart disease
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/21734249/ Chagas and auto-immunity
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/22951533/ Chagas causes auto-immunity in chickens
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/16323421/ Chagas causes immune dysfunction by mimicking other toxins/pathogens
https://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5823355/ All parasites are STDs
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/29211102/ Sexual transmission of Chagas is an ordinary event
https://www.longdom.org/open-access/trypanosoma-cruzi-and-domestic-animals-2327-5073-1000e142.pdf 100 million people are exposed yearly in Latin America, alone, making it the MOST prevalent STD in the world.
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-9034-3_36 All the species of trypanosoma are given different names based on the host they are found in. But every species is cross contagious with every other host. IE, if you take the chicken version and put it in a human, it will follow the same life cycle as if it came from a shellfish or cow. The indestructible eggs (oocysts) are identical in every species, along with larval form., epimastigotes. The adult form changes slightly depending on the host, like the alien face hugger changing slightly depending on its host. They call the disease Nagana in cows, Dourine in horses. In reality it's all the same species, structurally, and morphologically identical. It's a multi-trillion dollar cover-up that allows Big Agriculture to breed "resistant" cattle that won't die to their infection instead of doing constant & expensive deworming treatments - THEY KNOW!
T. Cruzi is EVERYWHERE, in all mammals, birds, & shellfish, found in 80% of randomly tested guinea pigs https://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4657135/
80% raccoons, 77% of Argentina goats https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/22951533/
30-60% of wild deer, 40% of wild pigs, 44% of Italian bats, 80% of chickens. It's the #1 case of heart failure! NIH-deleted article, need to use wayback machine to locate... ( I didn't need to use the wayback machine? Comment is confusing)
Mosquitoes, triatome beetles, ticks, fleas, biting flies, are all vectors, but my estimation account for less 10% of the spread. Most outbreaks are linked to contaminated food.
& contaminated beverages
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/32781335/ & then sexual transmission is right up there.
The Parasite Pill
It must be important because most of the links said error 404. So, I could not access them . Thank you. I could tell you put alot of time in your comments
use another search engine.
Thank you
They may be archived, I've not had a chance to check yet.
This is a recent development. Many of these NCBI studies were accessible when I typed everything in and are still loaded up on my computer.
I do antiviral drug discovery for a living, on HIV among others
And the posted claim is bullshit.
HIV has been isolated. Our partner lab has imaged them with electron microscopy. Our lab produces a non infectious version in cell culture which I have used in the past to characterize assays used to advance drug development, candidates of which have been used in animal trials - If HIV wasn't a thing, then control groups wouldn't develop AIDS when the virus is introduced to them. Labs aren't conspiring to introduce chagas for control groups while claiming they are introducing virus.
Just because there are other pathologies that leads the same phenotypic presentation - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome - does not mean that is evidence that other pathologies don't exist. What a profoundly simple logical fallacy. That's like saying knives don't kill people because you have irrefutable proof that gunshot wounds do - yeah, well, maybe both do dumbass.
Please remember that a degree does not make you immune to making absurd mistakes and spouting absolute nonsense. Shit people, you should all be very aware of that by now. Use your goddamn brains, don't turn them off the moment you hear something that sounds pleasing to your ear. If you aren't thinking critically when you hear something you like, you're not thinking critically when it matters
I cannon thank you enough! I have been looking for these links
I do antiviral drug discovery for a living, on HIV among others
And the posted claim is bullshit.
HIV has been isolated. Our partner lab has imaged them with electron microscopy. Our lab produces a non infectious version in cell culture which I have used in the past to characterize assays used to advance drug development, candidates of which have been used in animal trials - If HIV wasn't a thing, then control groups wouldn't develop AIDS when the virus is introduced to them. Labs aren't conspiring to introduce chagas for control groups while claiming they are introducing virus.
Just because there are other pathologies that leads the same phenotypic presentation - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome - does not mean that is evidence that other pathologies don't exist. What a profoundly simple logical fallacy. That's like saying knives don't kill people because you have irrefutable proof that gunshot wounds do - yeah, well, maybe both do dumbass.
Please remember that a degree does not make you immune to making absurd mistakes and spouting absolute nonsense. Shit people, you should all be very aware of that by now. Use your goddamn brains, don't turn them off the moment you hear something that sounds pleasing to your ear. If you aren't thinking critically when you hear something you like, you're not thinking critically when it matters
Some good insight here. I can see why you get up & down votes for it with the concerns many have that the Official Naratives consistently are based on half truths. It seems many of the comms I am learning about also consist of half truths/mostly true statements that are also able to to be spun for communications to the cabal.
I figure it is worth looking at all possibilities & then making a decision based on all the data we can gather.
I consistently end up finding there are so many variables that I am jot aware of with some complex issues that I simply learn that I don't know enough to know it all.
I appreciate the links that I wasn't able to get to go through in the PDF. Some of the claims just don't ring true at all, though they do give some good open ended questions for digging & figuring out a deeper understanding of various ideas. The links simply provide good source material.
One of the greatest things about this forum is that it tends to find the holes in the armor/ideas that are floated & the best usually are what we end up seeing.
On the nose, pun intended
It's not TL...save it and read through it. You won't be able to put it down and will learn TONS. One of the better health related documents compiled regarding stuff the medical industry has kept hidden from us ALL. 👍🏼
Yeah, I am sure there is a reason we are told to de worm our pets and live stock every year but, never a mention of de worming yourself.. EVER, unless you have a tapeworm emergency or something that is totally obviously, a parasite...
Seems this poses a problem for the freewill perspective of humanity.
Yeah: specifically the CIA, the other govt officials, and the fucking medical doctors involved in the torture experiments.
Hacking your hack --
I have a different understanding of AIDS.
The story of AIDS began in the 1970's. Back then, the free love movement, hippy movement, anti-Vietnam movement, women's liberation movement was all going on. It was a cultural revoluation.
At this time, there was also a "coming out" movement by gay people. Gay men were setting up bath houses for gay sex and having it randomly wherever and whenever. Barack Obama is rumored to have participated in this, as well.
Suddenly, gay men started getting very sick with strange illnesses never before seen. They were dying. It was unknown what was going on, so people freaked out.
Into the 1980's, the government was "trying to solve the problem," so they came up with the idea of a Gay Immune Disease (I forget the original name, but it was something like that). The idea was to raise money to "fight it." But they found they couldn't raise money for a gay-only illness, so they looked for reasons to claim it was both sexes.
In the USA and western Europe, it was only gay men. Women were not affected. But then, they started to include Africa, and they claimed that both men and women were getting sick. This was what was needed to scare the public into thinking that anybody could get sick.
They renamed it "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome" (AIDS), and from there they could raise billions of dollars to "fight it."
Robert Gallo came along and said he found the cause of AIDS. He said it was HIV that caused AIDS. Only one problem: He never had any evidince that this was actually true.
Dr. Peter Duesberg began to speak out that they were wrong about this "HIV/AIDS Hypothesis." Duesberg was the world's leading expert virologist on HIV, as it turned out. He said that HIV is a retrovirus, and all retrovirues are NOT HARMFUL TO HUMANS. They are usually passed from mother to child during childbirth, and they pose no harm at all. That's why he was certain that HIV could not be the cause of a serious illness.
Dr. Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR) started asking questions of the leading experts on AIDS, and he discovered that NONE of them could show ANY research that was ever done that showed that HIV caused AIDS.
So, what is AIDS, and how can we explain that only gay men in the West would "get it" while both sexes would in Africa?
Actually, it is a very simple explanation.
The first thing to wrap your head around is: AIDS does not actually exist. It is not an illness at all. It is not even a medical condition. It is simply a definition in terms.
Did you see how they recently tried to change the definition of "vaccine?" Have you seen how they constantly change the definition of "fully vaccinated?" They played this same con game with AIDS.
The CDC has an official list of 30+ illnesses that they claim are linked to AIDS. If a person has one of these illnesses (such as tuberculosis), AND they are also HIV+, then they are "diagnosed" with AIDS. If they have the exact same illness, and they are HIV-, then they are not diagnosed with AIDS, but only with the illness.
What test determines if the person is HIV positive or negative? If you have watched the Covid scam, you already know the answer. It is the PCR "test."
Mullis died just before the Covid scam started (August 2019). He spoke out about how Fauci and others were MISUSING the PCR method he invented. Obviously, he wasn't talking about PCR use for Covid. He was talking primarily about the misuse of PCR for HIV.
So, someone has one of these 30+ illnesses, and they are given a bogus PCR test. If it comes back "positive," they are deemed to have AIDS.
THAT is what they are calling AIDS.
So, if AIDS is a made up fantasy, if it does not really exist at all, then why then did these people actually die -- only gay men in the West and both sexes in Africa? Well, this is why they wanted to silence Duesberg, because he gave us the answer.
In the 1970's gay men were starting to use drugs to relax the muscles during gay sex. These were called nitrate poppers. They are extremely toxic. In addition, they would have parties and stay awake for days at a time. They would mix cocaine and other drugs in order to do this. These drug cocktails drastically supress the immune system.
All it takes then, is to get one of these illnesses from either someone else or from simply a sick body due to a weak immune system. And they would get sick and die. It was the drugs killing the immune system that made them sick.
In Africa, it was poor people who were getting diseases of poverty. Diarrhea can kill if you don't have good sanitation. This is one of the 30+ illnesses on the CDC list. People in Africa were dying of illnesses they had always died of, but they were now calling it "AIDS." This is the excact same scam they are using today, where people are dying of flu but they are calling it "Covid."
Now, it is entirely possible that there are also parasites that are harming people and killing them. But that does not "cause AIDS." Nothing "causes AIDS" because AIDS does not exist. It is a definition: (a) CDC-listed illness, with (b) PCR+ fake test.
If people do die of parasites, that begs the question: Why are THOSE people getting parasties and dying, but other people exposed to the SAME parasites are not? Many people eat shit food, but not many people "get AIDS."
We should expect that someone who has gone to a STEM school curriculum in the past 20 years or so would be mis-trained into a way of thinking that is not correct. The anon might think he is correct, but he did not explain why one group of people got sick and died while another group exposed to the same food did not.
Toxic drug use, poor sanitation, or just poor health habbits leads to a weak immune system, and that is what leads to sickness and death. Parasites are a problem, but our immune system generally handles them. If we have a weak immune system due to lifestyle issues, then that is when the parasites can take over. This explains why some people can be healty and others will die, even though exposed to the same conditions in the environment.
Parasites love poop. Anal sex is poop to poop transmission for parasites.
Can't see why they can't both be dying of a parasite and also given a faulty pcr test to determine the "cause". Actually that makes the most sense because the cabal wants to cover up parasite deaths.
True, most parasites will move through the body and pooped out then, be picked up by other animals or bugs and transferred to a new host through, being digested or injected, rinse and repeat and spread. Aka, wash them hands and dont eat poop. Oo. Grew up with horses, it was kinda common to hear of kids getting pinworms w/horses because, they were inhaling the eggs that were scraped off the animals during worm season. "horse flies".
But the kids didn't die from it, right?
Strong immune system is key.
The only kids I have seen on THIER news that, they said died.. were overweight teenagers(but, they say are totally healthy people. . . ). Again, can't even trust that, those people were even real considering how much totally fake reports come out.
I meant the kids with pinworms.
Now do dirty needles.
I think you’re trying to do the right thing here, but look at where you’re at.
I empathize with wanting to make a difference. But carpet bombing the same message over and over again will only expedite your one way journey to Bansville.
So at the beginning of this whole shit show when the videos of Mullis came out I started digging into the aids/hiv world. My biggest take away was that fauci "wanted a cure" for decades but the ultimate solution was vaccines will never be the full solution it is better to learn how to treat diseases so they aren't death sentences.
I got to the "intentionally vague" definition of aids and it's all encompassing nature and started getting curious about the t cells and how fauci couldn't answer why the cells up and kill themselves until doctors decades later figure it out.
Ultimately I just don't really know anymore, there's to many ideas, are all viruses actually just parasites or are we dealing with an altered virus from a Chinese lab. Is it "just the flu" with added societal pressure on symptoms? Our side has been to okay in my mind with these conflicting points. If you bring up one to an outsider they will think you are bat shit.
At the bloodbank I worked at, we used something called NAT testing, it was a specific lavender tube, NAT stood for nucleic acid testing, I was just a phlebotomist, so I'm not sure about that side of things, but I was told this was a more advanced type of HIV/AIDS testing. I wonder how it's different from the PCR test? I do remember that we hardly had any HIV positive results in the 15 years I worked there, because lab and phlebots would talk, and the tech that had drawn the sample would usually find out. I could probably count the positive for HIV on one hand, but the hepatitis results were a dime a dozen.
Holy moly. That's pretty wild to think about
Yeah just finished the whole pdf, that was a wild ride which leads me to wonder how the queen actually controls the slaves.
We discussed,this on QRv. My reeeeeeeserch ended with the Gospel of Q on parasites how the for most expert is Dr klinghardt but there’s no family history on him except a Mathias KLINGHARDT who just so happened to write a paper on the CONFIRMATION OF THE GOSPEL OF Q. COMON PEOPLE GET UP to speed. Three years ago.
Amazing find!!!!
Figure 13 - it's right there.
Cute. So toxic protein spikes AND the parasite that actually causes the disease known as COVID.
Right? I saw this a couple of weeks ago here. I about dirtied my britches, I couldn't believe all along HIV is a parasite, what the literal hell. I'd never heard that one before and they way he presented it like it was common knowledge, wow.😲
No wonder Ivermectin works
Oh, I also keep hearing that cancer is caused by parasites as well
Sooooo, ivermectin for cancer too. Got it!
Straight from the horse's mouth, frens.
Look up fenbendazole
Done. Wasn't worried about cancer before, even though both mom and dad had surgery for it. Now, totally not worried. Cheers ;)
Wouldn't mind some tips as to what type or brand to buy, how to dose it, etc. I saw the single dose up to 2000mg, and 500mg for 10 days suggested on the SERP when you google the drug. But I'm not sure if you would take both the large single dose AND the 10 days or not; or what form to purchase it in, or what brand. Plus fuck google, quite obviously. :)
Yes dosage is indeed a question. The human equivalent of fendbendazole is menbendazole. Anti parasite dosage for that one is 2x100mg per day for 3 days. Still looking into it but I think I would not go over 500 mg/day during a short period of time - I would not consider a single large dose, there is an effect I don't remember the name of but basically if too many parasites die off in a very short timespan it can temporarily poison your body and can require hospital treatment. I am considering pill form with a 500mg dose, brand is irrelevant, what I am doing in these cases is I look at the list of excipients and check them individually to discard suspicious things.
Cancer too
Why is everyone always talking about Pfizer while Moderna lurks in the background?
Pfizer is deeper in bed with the FDA. Moderna and J&J are more riding their coattails.
If you're going to shoot, aim for the king and don't miss.
Always take out the biggest bully, then the rest will flee.
There have been discussions ongoing that it seems to be at least partially attributable to homosexuality as well.. parents posting how their gay son took ivermectin for covid, crapped out a horrible mess of worms, and now is no longer interested in men.
Given that parasites exist that can modify psychologies, like the catpoop Toxoplasmosis, like the cordyceps fungus that makes insects it grows on climb to the highest elevation they can by blinding their eyes.. then the notion that parasites exist which can promote their own replication by inducing ass-related activity among adults and particularly among gay men.. well thats plausible based on the other mind-altering bugs out there.
When has any other medicine been subject to so much panic for the 'crime' of being effective either before or since? Maybe the good old horse paste is just what society needs, and leftisms and all its self-degradation and psychopathies will fade away.
Edit - noticed this topic is covered in another post here! Very good timing.
Makes sense, because parasites can create enzymes that affect the brain function - perhaps leading to homosexuality.
Imagine, when all this is done and everyone is asked to take ivermectin - both for Covid and for vaccines, and suddenly there is no LGBT left lol
India and Japan are having massive successes with ivermectin right now in combatting the china virus.
Watch and see if there are stories about the closure of all their gay clubs and homo student politics groups due to lack of interest. I bet it wont take long for signs to emerge.
I would have watched Uttar Pradesh ( the state that used Ivermectin most effectively and has 0 covid right now) for gay stats, but as far as I know, they never had much gays. Personally I believe they are based, even though historically we have always been made to believe that they are backward, uneducated bunch of villagers.
Can't they be both?
Uneducated also means not indoctrinated into globohomo, cuts both ways.
Yep, thats why so many based people are the "uneducated" ones. Its also why so many successful business people keep telling people to drop out of school.
theres no such thing as a china virus here did the research for you... fuckign level up man ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odj1IwJA8Cs
My take is, that you dont pour billions in funding to a bioweapon lab with nothing to show for it. Something came from that wuhan lab, what with all the body bags stacking up there and caught by imaging satellites way before any disclosure of a 'new' disease on the loose in the press.
Is it the same thing thats now being called delta all over the world? Doubtful, since delta seems to be entirely correlated with vaccine sickness and rates of 'vaccination'. And still nobody has said what is a delta test, how it differs from regular covid, what the programs were and who the researchers that can justify claims of higher virulence etc which were made immediately before any such data could have been collected... So many lies around all of this.
Of course.
What if their REAL bioweapon wasn't a virus, but a parasite?
Ding ding ding.. all the panic and haste to ban an anti-parasitic drug is a tell of something. We dont know what yet.. but thats a solid indicator that parasite related activity is coming down the pipeline.
I think the wuhan lab exists insofar as covid is related just a psyop to make peopel believe there actually was a bio weapon released so people are distracted with the idea there is actually a pandemic so that they inject themselves. You dont need killer viruses which are too risky when you can just get willing slaves to inject themselves plus you get deniability. As it is now whatever happens to wuhan or china doesnt even matter the damage has been done in terms of advancing depopulation overall
This is a serious matter. I genuinely think what you're saying is exactly correct. No more parasites = no more trannies and gays.
But trannies especially are created mostly by peer pressure, especially last couple years. I really feel so bad for them.
Peer pressure from people who are infected.
Haha, you almost had me going pretending to be someone actually doing these experiments. But thanks for showing us that we are over the target.
Next time you try to be very knowledgable about scientific stuff, you might want to learn what "control group" actually means 😂 😂 😂 😂
I know what a control group is retard. When you are testing drug efficacy you have to compare a group that is exposed to the virus and receives the drug, to a group that is only exposed to the virus - the only variable can be the drug.
Please, explain to me what a control group is. I fucking dare you. In my experience, no one who posts laughing emojis can boast a triple digit IQ so I'd love to hear how you try. Do it coward. Do it for all to see.
Glad I am able to trigger you so much.
Being profoundly retarded is not something you should be proud of
Okay, so now that I have managed to rile you up, here is the ONLY question I care about - which is infact the ONLY way you can make the point you were trying to make in such a retarded way.
Show me clinical trials where the control group is injected only placebo and the experimental group is injected just the pure HIV virus that you claim your partners were able to isolate (and no other additive), and then the effects are studied.
If indeed you are who you are, and you are performing any experiments related to any virus without first going through this stage, then you are a criminal who enables other criminals to oppress humanity.
It's sorta like when Fry eats the old egg salad sandwich and the worms are helping his body.... Except in this case, the worms influence the host's behavior in order to procreate/thrive.
I took my first dose of Ivermectin in paste form 4 notches which is around 16mg of IVM
I've heard reports that a lot of gay men were molested when they were young. If true, then perhaps this is one way parasites are passed to an individual.
::picks up eyeballs off floor, reinserts into skull::
So - I am going to actually share some personal shit here as this Post %100 overlaps with my Journey over the past 5 years & God is telling me I need to do so.
In October 2018 We sorted out my middle daughter was autistic. Was like a bomb went off and she went from joy to hurting herself - eyes rolling back in her head and never sleeping ( no bullshit she slept like 5 hours every 4 days ). Now mind you she's not our only kid so this ramrodded our family intensely.
Long and short of it - it became abundantly clear that NO MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL had any sort of fucking clue what to do. So - Mom & Dad went into Autist mode ourselves looking for answers. Anything to help this little beautiful girl live her best life.
To make a long story short - My daughter has gone from self harming behavior ( chewing the insides of her cheeks out, hitting herself, bashing her head into the floor ) & having zero speech with zero eye contact to smiling, playing, talking more and more, toileting, singing, dancing, JOY. She tells me she loves me. She kisses me. You wanna see a Dad cry? Watch him when some of the first words his little girl ever says are "I love you, Daddy." after this goes down.
Now - what did we do? We told the doctors to go fuck themselves. They wanted to sedate her, confine her, etc
What we did was simple:
Now as part of my KETOGENICS I obtained a blood checker - sort of like diabetics use except mine checks ketones.
When I personally passed the Parasites the first time my ketosis went up by a factor of 2.5. What I mean was I could eat ~20g of sugar a day and stay in ketosis - to suddenly I could eat ~45g of sugar and stay in the same level of ketosis. My body more than doubled up.
Guys use simple logic. If they want to fucking kill us - what would be the most abundant things out there? Probably shit that kills us.
Can you go 5 fucking feet in a store without seeing some sugary bullshit treat?
Look - "Modern Agriculture" was unveiled in a "Green Revolution" that was supposed to fead the worlds poor. Is that what we got? This was all supposed to be some United Nations "heal everyone" promise and it's never happened. Instead they did an about-face and push "Uhhhh did we say heal everyone? Well what we meant was there are just too many fucking people. Sooooo lets work on that."
The World Health Organization pushed the Food Pyramid itself which is basically fucking complete bullshit . Literally take that, turn it upside down - and it's accurate. THINK MIRROR.
I just wanted to share all of this because it's never made sense how this COVID shit spread. What I did observe was that it was moving through hospitals around here like a Bacterial Infection - NOT A VIRUS. Parasites would make that all make complete sense.
I feel this ANON is spot on. Thank you @OP For sharing this.
EDIT: by request https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=clinoptilolite find a plethora of studies on the subject.
What's Passive Chelation Therapy. COSEVA TRS. ?
Essentially it was created in WW1 when people had shrapnel in their bodies that could not be removed and started poisoning the blood / tissue. Chelation Therapy is removing heavy metals from the body itself.
COSEVA TRS is a product, among many, that uses an approach of Nano-Zeolites. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6277462/
Essentially a Zeolite has the ability to traverse cell membranes, within the body, without causing cellular disruption - then body to heavy metals, render them less active, and through that bonding find pathways out of the anatomic system itself.
Roughly you spray some liquid in your mouth and it helps remove heavy metals from your body.
Thanks for entertaining me. Im very interested in this and is something im going to look into now and most likely do!
Any time. I was skeptical about the Chelation.
It changed my eye color and more. Really quite amazing.
Much like Ivermectin / HCQ the medical field shits all over it, too. Not just “eh not real” but “that stuff will kill you and explode your head”
They lie out their asses about it so - all the more reason to see
oh damn it changed eye color? thats kinda freaky rofl
Yep. My eyes were dark brown. Now green hazel. Wife and Kids have ad their eye colors brighten up considerably as well.
Rx or over the counter?
That's a beautiful story. I'm so glad you advocated for your child.
Me too! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!
Any good sources you can recommend to look into this? I don't trust search engines.
As far as Zeolites you can see 300+ studies that has used them for quite some time in PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=clinoptilolite
It's not new - just shunned by Rockefeller Medicine as it truly works.
I literally posted what I personally did and how it has benefited me.
If you wanna call that bullshit cheers.
I've listened to like hundreds interviews with medical doctors and it looks like most of our diseases are caused by radiation, parasites and food/water/air poisoning. Oh and you can't just "catch a virus", it's environmental and the whole "germ theory" is just a theory, it's a lie. I trust them because they have nothing to gain and I know for a fact that everything the MSM tells us is a lie.
If the germ theory of disease were true, there would be nobody alive to discuss it.
Germs are literally everywhere, yet billions of us populate the round rock.
Weakened immune systems create an atmosphere favorable for disease processes.
Do you have any interviews that you could recommend? This is interesting as hell
Viruses are NOT something you can catch, Dr Thomas Cowan
I would not be surprised
I like the way you think.
It came from contaminated polio vaccine in the Belgian Congo.
That actually was maybe the last good article RS published?
Yeah the monkey-fucking explanation for AIDS made about as much sense as the bat-soup explanation for COVID.
Poor furry little animals, always getting blamed for sick human beings' deviant schemes.
upvoted even though slightly misused (it means the sharp contrast of light and dark tones on a figure, as often seen in Renaissance paintings :)
Yes found the parasite pdf via Ingersoll lockwood links about 1 month ago. read it and many things made sense! Thanks for this.
I tend to agree with you reference IL - however it did lead me to this parasite pdf.
Parasites and pollution of the body. In particular, solvents in the body cause parasite proliferation. Ivermectin is just one thing that helps. Others are green black walnut hull tincture, cloves, and wormwood taken together. It’s an extensive topic. Check out the book, “The Cure for All Diseases”, by Dr. Hulda Clark on how toxins and parasites go hand in hand to cause almost every sickness, including the common cold, flu, AIDS, and Cancers.
I searched online for a nontoxic pest killer, since it’s boxelder season and we have literally millions on near our house and chicken coop. I have a dog outside and a son always playing out there so I was hoping for something that wasn’t by the deep state that would give us some rare cancer. I found Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade on Amazon and read the reviews. Aside from sprinkling it everywhere there’s pests, People take it internally and also give to their pets for parasites and worms. Anyone heard of this? I ordered some because it’s multipurpose.
I take it. Make sure it’s food grade. Try not to inhale any dust.
Non-food grade dust can kill you.
Who tf asked you? What does this have to do with anything?
Buy the Harris brand. The original...read up on Harris history it's fascinating. Harris rid Wash DC (WH FIRST) of an intense cockroach and silverfish infestation using Diatomaceous Earth. It's the first product that got either EPA or FDA approval after his cleansing of all DC buildings. I got a 4 lb bag for about $14 and comes with application bellows to apply it. Gets rid of bedbugs & all critters. One teaspoon in a glass of water a day and after 4-5 days you will feel wonderful 👍🏼
I did order Harris brand, food grade. Does it have a strong taste? I was drinking ACV in my water but couldn’t handle the flavor, now I take it in supplement form.
No flavor really detectable, but that’s me...only one example. It’s basically plankton fossils, not much to it. A lot of people mix it into a smoothie?
I’m reading Bragg brand ACV has the most acetic acid? I still drink the liquid...
Hulda Clark is the original parasite pill and legit. Everyone should should be cleansing themselves of parasites just as often as they do their pets!
Holy Crap
Trypanosoma cruzi: Effects of social stress in Calomys callosus a natural reservoir of infection
AWESOME! I've posted here before, but I'm a cancer survivor and have taken dozens of doses of fenbendazole as a "post-treatment maintenance program". No side effects, no interactions. 👍🏼
Look into oil pulling I just use corn oil works for my gums
Based and Wormpilled.
The chans have been going crazy over the wormpill recently; a lot of people are talking about it. The OP Pasta didn't mention it, but parasites also change behavior. This is really worth looking into.
Man do you children even read the Q post.? Post 144 conspiracy st = conspiracy Star Trek which is all about alien parasites. He warned us early on. Then we have this gem (also a Qpost)where XIDEN WAS ON the intell committee for mK u,tra where thy say Pathogens [were] are used to mind control people!!! https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf and you fucking welcome. Kek
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/9464791/ Chagas causes microphage derangement
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/21734249/ T. Cruzi causes autoimmune disease that causes heart disease
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/21734249/ Chagas and auto-immunity
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/22951533/ Chagas causes auto-immunity in chickens
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/16323421/ Chagas causes immune dysfunction by mimicking other toxins/pathogens
https://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5823355/ All parasites are STDs
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/29211102/ Sexual transmission of Chagas is an ordinary event
https://www.longdom.org/open-access/trypanosoma-cruzi-and-domestic-animals-2327-5073-1000e142.pdf 100 million people are exposed yearly in Latin America, alone, making it the MOST prevalent STD in the world.
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-9034-3_36 All the species of trypanosoma are given different names based on the host they are found in. But every species is cross contagious with every other host. IE, if you take the chicken version and put it in a human, it will follow the same life cycle as if it came from a shellfish or cow. The indestructible eggs (oocysts) are identical in every species, along with larval form., epimastigotes. The adult form changes slightly depending on the host, like the alien face hugger changing slightly depending on its host. They call the disease Nagana in cows, Dourine in horses. In reality it's all the same species, structurally, and morphologically identical. It's a multi-trillion dollar cover-up that allows Big Agriculture to breed "resistant" cattle that won't die to their infection instead of doing constant & expensive deworming treatments - THEY KNOW!
T. Cruzi is EVERYWHERE, in all mammals, birds, & shellfish, found in 80% of randomly tested guinea pigs https://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4657135/
80% raccoons, 77% of Argentina goats https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/22951533/
30-60% of wild deer, 40% of wild pigs, 44% of Italian bats, 80% of chickens. It's the #1 case of heart failure! NIH-deleted article, need to use wayback machine to locate... ( I didn't need to use the wayback machine? Comment is confusing)
Mosquitoes, triatome beetles, ticks, fleas, biting flies, are all vectors, but my estimation account for less 10% of the spread. Most outbreaks are linked to contaminated food.
& contaminated beverages
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/32781335/ & then sexual transmission is right up there.
The Parasite Pill
I appreciate your input, I always like to hear the counter side with the person making claims.
Can you provide some sources of papers where they isolated the HIV so that everyone here can be more knowledgeable?
Not at work, don't have access to any those papers, and they are all going to be behind paywalls so can't do shit from where I am. If you think I can go off on a rant about virology, don't get me started about the fraudster practice of 'jouranls' and 'publishing'.
I am considering making somwthing, idk, a yt video or something, detailing virology and why it's real. I've seen way too make 'germ theory is bullshit' posts when it is so empirically easy to demonstrate.
But I'd want to do it so definitively that it's like being bludgeoned with a hammer. Walk you through an experiment, the controls, set it up, and then guide you through the results it produces and how the only explanation is germ throry - particle transmission and infectivity principle. But that's work. Screaming and shaking my fists is easier.
Why are you spamming the thread. Jeezus we can scroll you dont need to copy pasta the same shit 20 times in a thread.
Because they are being a shill faggot
The thread is 12 hours old if 200+ comments. I sacrificed common courtesy to those new to the thread in order to ensure I reached everyone who already posted and would themselves never return to read it.
To you, I am sorry
Please do this!
I know it's a ton of work but it is extremely important for the public to understand this! If you could jam pack the information in under 10 minutes and include sources on isolating HIV (or Covid if that's a thing) in your video description that would be even better!
Give people the light of the logical pathway, this is of the highest importance! I'm really interested in what you have to say @ObjectiveReality
Covid I'm skeptical about. My lab requested inactivated covid for me to validate my assay on and we ate silence from them. We never had trouble getting innactivated Rabies particles from them for another thing we were working on.
Not saying it isn't real, but I can't back that claim the way I can with other viruses or viruses in general. It may just be they are complicit in not wanting a treatment (if they did, HCQ would have been front and center from the beginning).
I'll think about it. It really hurts to see mindless bias masquearding as critical thought here. People are supposed to be here because they are BETTER than the left, not just the same retards but with a different dogma they blindly follow.
That's good to know. Might I ask if you know what machines do you use for validating the assay and what corporation are they from? I have a strong suspicion against Illumina though I don't have much to go off on.
I agree, I do not like the mystical conspiracies you'll sometimes see here either.
I may be wrong on some things and I want to know them so I can learn and progress towards truth.
I am hesitant to detail the assay I would be using the particles as validation for as it would likely be enough to out me and my lab and living where I live has instilled in me an odd mix of caution for precisely when and where and how I stick my neck out.
In general terms, drug discovery requires a degree of throughput that can't be accomplished by doing things the 'best' way. One can't for example, infect tens of thousands of monkeys with SIV to test individual drugs against - ethically you've gone from a grey area to something utterly reprehensible. Doing so would also take a gargantuan amount of time and cost astronomical amounts.
It's better to do things in cell culture. Better throughput, even though as a collection of cells rather than a living breathing immune system or integrated organs it might not be quite as representative. Do the results in cell culture transfer to animal? Often not.
But even cell culture is low throughput, so in reality the only way to have a shot is to design assays which approximate the functions of relevance in the cells that are representative of the larger organism to test agaisnt the mechanism of action you're trying to develop against - for example, merely replicating the receptor binding that is prelude to entry, or the binding regions of a capsif they rely on for assembly.
But how do you know your assay which so removed from the integrated whole is actually representative? Well, you validate it. And for many such examples, trialing against actual legitimate viral particles is enough. If the virion binds the same as your stand in, and shows similar reactivity to some of your early drug candidates, you can have enough confidence (never needs to be 100%) that's it's then worth the time to roll the dice running that assy hundreds of times on tens of thousands of unique compounds to find one or two worth doing more intensie looks on...
...In cell culture. And if that works, in Animal trials. So as you could imagine, I am happy to receive other irradiation particles from the CDC, and a little perterbed when I don't know if my generic SARS1 coronavirus assay is sufficiently representative to SARS2 to be worth the time.
I swear that wasn't supposed to be that long.
I'm reading the PDF and... "sounds about right" to me.
Makes sense how most gays were the victims of molestation, since that's how it spreads.
I'm very wary when analogies that have nothing to do with the topic (knives), are used to try and make a point. I see it used often to convince people of ideas that have no value and no real substance. Real examples and facts are unobtainable, so the analogies come out.
It doesn't rely on an analogy. The analogy is there for idiots that can't follow along otherwise. Can you follow along without the analogy? Because it's all there without it.
It's ok to say no
Enjoy telling your knife storyline. Maybe someone will be amused.
Long term HCQ user here(6+ years). The only side effect that I know of is rare, and that's retinal detachment. My doctor has only seen it happen twice in 25 years.
I wonder if this coincides with the shift in my belief system which occurred in 2015.
As someone immunocompromised, I wonder if HCQ is what enabled me to 'wake up' because it enabled me to 'see.'
My son inlaw was diagnosed with leukemia today trying to inform my daughter about FENBENDAZOLE dog dewormer,IVERMECTIN,HCQ anyone have any other suggestions. They are devastated Prayer up please 3 year old and 8 month old. Love you all!!
Yes, looks to be all true.
You bullshit. Virus dont exist.
Infectivity and transmissibility says otherwise.
People who are sick don't pass that along to others because they caught the other person's bad diet and unhealthy conditions.
Well this is why you do you own research. God gave you a brain for a reason. I have read now over 25 peer reviews and papers about Exosome.
SARS-CoV-2 has never been purified/isolated neither has HIV, What has happen though is academic fraud where you take Vera cells/kidney cells mix it with DNA and RNA then create a fraudulent 3d genome sequence on a computer and then call it a virus. Been very lucrative for big pharma for ages.
Now man made engineered bio weapon and parasites do exist however and this is the main threat we are facing today.
See my life is literally engineered by God Ill take my brain and my knowledge vs the entire fraudulent academic "scientific" communist community in universities all over the world.
We'e not talking about covid. My lab requested inactivated covid from the CDC and ate silence. But viruses exist, HIV exists. "Exosomes" exist, but they are NOT a source of infectivity, nor is that infectivity endogenously created - the genetic code, which itself codes for the virus (or your 'exosomes'), is NOT present in your genome. It's source is EXTERNAL, -I've- programmed de novo material with exclusive viral genome and created viral particles.
The source is the genomic material. That material is NOT part of you. That genomic material creates viral particles. Those three points are all it takes and it does not require a leap of faith to believe me or the host of literature on the subject.
Send me your best peer reviewed papers you think argues what you think it does. I think you profoundly misunderstand the role of these cell lines. (I hate vero cells, but I'll fucking defend them in this context). I can't believe how awake you all are to how bullshit 'peer reviewed' papers are when it comes to nonsense surrounding covid, but then you'll turn around and turn off your brain because you found a peer revied paper that said something you liked.
Well define virus, If a Virus is a parasite then yes virus exist,
If a virus is based on germ theory then a virus dont exist. Louis Pasteur created Germ theory made it up. He was a free mason.
You do got one point we all got our own bias. But in my personal research and when I started to first figure out how the so called scientific community claimed SARS-CoV-2 to be a new virus I was quite shocked. Every paper that claimed they had isolated SARS-CoV-2 had not really isolated/purified anything. I suggest you look at the team behind Virus Mania they did incredible work.
https://ourfreesociety.com/viruses/virus-mania-torsten-engelbrecht.pdf Dr. Samantha Bailey from New Zealand part of this group and done amazing work all of the plandemic.
Then I started to take a look at HIV same thing. HIV has never been isolated/purified and it dont cause aids (No paper exist that proves this). There is only one conclusion virus dont exist or the term virus has been misrepresented and is in fact nothing more then a public relation word hiding the health problems we are facing and it seems to be parasitic infestation. And then everything make sense and the Exosome theory is right.
Well define your 'parasite'. If it hijacks cells to produce infectious prgramming that is released from the cell to be absorbed and spread into other cells call it anything you like - exosome or virus, that's what we call a virus.
My point is that you can have two causes for the same disease. Just because uv radiation causes cancer doesn't mean chical exposure can't also produce the exact same disease (for example. AIDS is not different. HIV exists, whether a parasitic pathology likewise leads to AIDS does not disprove the existance of HIV.
And that HIV is a real thing has nothing to do with the absolutle bullshitting and lies around covid. I'd much prefer shitting on the fraud surrounding covid than have to push defend germ theory. That they have fabricated aspects ofclaims in whole or part surrounding covid, is not evidence that viruses in general are made up.
HIV has been isolated.
HIV attacks immune cells which completely explains the test results characterizing the reduced immune capacities of those with AIDS. The virus has been cultured, replicated, reproduced from sequenced genomic material, and every part of it's lifecycle from it's selective targetting, entry, incoporation, trascription, translation, assembly, budding and release, have all be characterized in great detail repeatedly across the globe. I don't know who is telling you all otherwise, or why in the hell you all believe it.
If you don't believe me, come by my hometown sometime. It's only a misdemeaner for me to inject you with HIV without your knowing or consent.... I mean, I won't actually do that, but it's important hought experiment for you. How confident are you really that the virus I work on is all make believe?
I'm not some handshake. I've been her since 2016. My post history on reddit was as prolific as mine here. I'm not some weirdo trying to mislead you. And I'm not just asleep at the wheel npc with a participation trophy degree who believes whatever the 'experts' have programmed me to regurgitate. I'm a critical thinker, and the results of the experiments I've done personally are entirely incompatible with what is being proposed as alternative.
I see this and the parasite pill and I want to believe, but the whole thing seems hypermaterialistic and incompatible with Christianity. Blaming many bits of evil on infection rather than the fall of man and the ensuing spiritual issues. Help, anyone?
Bible tells of demons in pigs being cast out as they ran into the water and died. Apparently pigs with parasites can be driven to suicide by freshwater to facilitate it's reproductive cycle.
I feel like that's actually an example of the incompatibility. Explaining a spiritual issue away with a medical explanation.
The way I see it, science and math are the tools (or medium, if you prefer an artist’s verbage) which God used to build the universe.
There is a scientific explanation for everything spiritual, but that does not detract from God’s grace in the slightest.
Spoken word and numbers are at the heart of creation by our Lord.
I don't see spirituality and "medical materialism" as being mutually exclusive, if you see someone clinically depressed for a materially medical reason, not an ambiguous in-between case, then you can also usually say they aren't "high spirits" or whatever you'd prefer to use here, "spiritual people" don't struggle to get out of bed and dressed.
Especially when people find out that Bible is actually true story, but not exactly the way they thought ...
I fail to see how materialism comes into the fray here.
Parasites biblically speaking are physical, spiritual, and logical.
That’s the 3 pillars to the living water.
If you think what you want - “I will” is the fav phrase of The Devil.
If you ignore health - your body will become compromised. Your body is your temple as it is where your soul resides in this ethereal plane.
If you take care of those without God? You will always fail. Always
I also struggle with the science / spiritual part of existence. I think the further science gets the more about God/creation we are able to understand.
Moses and Jesus both did 40 day fasts. I did some research on it and there is a doctor that takes patients and does a monitored 40 day fast with them. Distilled water only. Part of the miracle that happens according to the doctor is when you stop eating and your body goes into autophagy, you start purging out unneeded or unhealthy tissue. Another big one is, bad bacteria and parasites in your body no longer have a fresh food supply to feed off of, so they die and you burn them up / expel them out. Now adays with the crap food we are given it seems we are constantly dosed with non healthy food full of non healthy parasites. GMO's are more resistant to these fungi and bacteria, which doesnt mean they go away, it means we get more of them in our food.
Hi, Do you happen to have a name for this doctor? This sounds interesting.
Dr. Alan Goldhamer-- I did the 40 day fast last year on my own. Was an interesting time. I don't have any medical problems that needed fixing, but I wanted to try. He claims to cure cancer etc.
Thank you.
No it goes well with Christianity.
It just most of what we believe to be Christianity is a lie created by the Vatican for almost 2k years.
Q694 What If cures already exist?
I wonder if the Rx for Chagas would work on "COVID"
Benznidazole is an antiparasitic medication used in the treatment of Chagas disease. While it is highly effective in early disease this decreases in those who have long-term infection. It is the first-line treatment given its moderate side effects compared to nifurtimox.
This is misinformation OP. The vast majority of deaths attributed to "AIDS" was due to the AZT poison that was administered (long known to kill patients in earlier cancer research) not unlike remdesevir right now. The deaths prior to AZT were far fewer where the patients that succumbed to disease were virtually all users of "poppers" (Amyl nitrates) and a whole host of recreational drugs (meth, coke, heroin, crack, etc.) --- self-poisoned. And no "HIV virus" has ever been found, isolated, purified or characterized. It's an identical charade to today in every way.
Interesting. So it's possible taking ivermectin can turn you straight? 😃
Funny, I told my husband a few weeks ago that I was becoming convinced that parasites were the cause of nearly all major illnesses.
Would lend further credence to hypothesis that HIV is indeed another CDC/NIH designer pathogen. HIV opens the door for the parasites to ravage your body using the same S-1 spike protein. Interdasting coinidink.
Heyyyyyy Wilburrrrrr, take some of muh paste , and head right back to smackin that ass….
Exosome Theory video: https://files.catbox.moe/1muy25.mp4
lol aids is a blatant hoax time to grow a brain and stop being a big pharma shill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odj1IwJA8Cs
Got me my horsie paste yesterday!
Let out a little whinny, both my wife and I did, as I opened the package. Ha ha it was funny
Love THIS line on the box: Not for use in horses intended for human consumption.
I'm like first of all, why the fuck would that be on there? What English-speaking country is so barbaric they're still processing horses for human food?? Yeccchhh. That, plus come on, this Rx is safe for humans, yet they act like a trace amount in cooked meat would kill us. Weird.
Tiny type. Can't make it larger, either. Good bye!!
"This anon totes has a micro bio degree" - brought to you by the same guy that spends 95% of his time harping on "the jews". Interestingly enough 90% of his responders that came with support are also no name users who only ever show up to..well you guessed it offer Adolf some updoots.
Your shit is blatent and played out dude.
Wake up, goy
Dude...c'mon? (Not my downdoot).
Unless they're from Canada
Your input would hold more weight if you refuted the presented data with other data. Instead, you chose the ad hominem route. That makes it impossible to take your opinion or comment seriously.
That shit is played out dude.