I am well aware, I go through two liters a weekend. We all have our demons, I'm well aware.
I get up every morning bright and early and face life head on, so I appreciate your concern, but we have bigger fish to fry. We can talk about the minutia later.
So Jesus turning water into wine was what then? Alcohol isn't the demon, the self contains the demons, the alcohol just encourages them to stretch their legs and run wild.
A pint isn't actually that much. I don't drink anymore but a pint would barely give me a buzz. Probably not the same for everyone but I always had a really high tolerance to alcohol.
The only two theories I've ever heard is that 1) "they" somehow go in through the eye to ... remove the soul? to do something, I'm just not sure what, which in turn causes the black eye. 2) get punched by other (satanists?) to show your allegiance.
I'm sure there's a 3) and 4) I've never heard about, maybe even a 5-10 lol. Who the hell knows.
Of course there are deals. You telling me if some baby-banging swamp monster is willing to cough up factual data that will put a hundred or a thousand more psychopathic child-torturers like him away, in exchange for some lighter sentence, that they won't consider it? Yeah right.
I'd venture to guess they think they're getting deals based on their demeanor, but I believe that once they've followed through on their end, the deal is then gifted cranially, twice, in the back.
As someone above said, the real biden may have been taken out, and this is a white hat actor, who will simply retire his mask and go back to his life...
Chicago is a dirty place to wash money, and Joe also knows he can count on Lightfoot and Pritzker to push forward The New World Order Agenda as de Blasio, Cuomo and Hochul are doing in New York.
Racine is where the real meetings that connects the global elite take place. Why does the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail lead to Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road in Racine? What does Wingspread look like from above?
CTCL of Chicago with help from Zuckerberg also played a signficant role in getting Joe into office using Racine as the model. They need to cover this up at all costs.
Yes indeed, they are at the heart of the squeeze, and connected with the largest fund in Chicago. 40% of the stock trades in the U.S.? Who are the other top names? Peng Zhao? Ben Bernanke? What was learned about Chinese investment manipulation? What is happening in China now? What is the story of Robinhood? What are the conflicts of interest? Accusations and allegations are running wild.
"Like I told Barack, if if I reach something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."
No one really believes he got the real thing, but it certainly could be a useful way to get rid of him and usher in the cackling 'Ho. I mean, the FDA pretty much put the Kibosh on their boosters anyway, and they're already looking into putting the vaccine in food, they're already working on alternative poisoning methods... Unfortunately.😑
Fuck. There’s a sci-fi series about a sterilizing vaccine given for a fake flu, and in the original show the vaccine is harmless, and there’s an amino acid in food that’s harmless. But if you combine them, it kills your reproductive cells.
Somewhere, an excellent Biden impersonator is peeling off a silicone mask and planning all sorts of things he will do with the windfall of Bitcoin he just received.
i seriously think carey could be acting as biden, at least part time, for several reasons:
he has played him brilliantly on SNL recently
he was awakened to vaccine harms years ago when he was with jenny McCarthy and you can't unsee these types of things...just as Deniro awakened to vax years ago (also a great actor! )
there's no evidence he's part of the satanic cabal except the notion that he must be because he put out all that hateful art against trump (don't forget he's a great actor)
the biden falling on the stairs up to AF1 or whatever plane biden was boarding is classic Carey pratfall comedy
he disappeared for a long stretch after the inaugeration or perhaps even slightly before
his tweet/s just before he disappeared were very strange in that it came across to me that he was leaving reality for a movie...it was a modified scene from his movie The Truman Show
To that end, do you think that the death of his girlfriend was intimidation from the DS and the angle that he had something to do with it was more a punishment than a legitimate fact?
i haven't gone down that rabbit hole but seems logical DS involved. and the cabal likely turned the screws on him with the fear of a wrongful death lawsuit they ginned up to make sure he doesn't have any wrong think. based on quick search now Carrey apparently had a trying time fighting wrongful death claim. maybe DS killed her to show who's in charge or maybe they forced him to be responsible for her demise as an anvil to hang over his head for life
It was more of a play on the idea that Jim Carey is the impersonator... bitcoin was just used as the example since it's easier to slide that type of payment under the radar
Nope. It doesn't appear that there was a needle in the syringe. When you pull a needle out of someone's arm, you pull it out straight so you don't bend the needle or hurt the person you're giving the shot to. The person who gave him the fake booster didn't even attempt to make it look like this.
I know Walgreen's made a mistake with the 4 year old girl who was supposed to be getting a flu shot. They will pay for that one. Gotta a little too overzealous trying to rack up some jab numbers.
A SAM flight just landed at Pittsburgh Int. Airport about Half hour ago. I was outside at the fire pit and 2 fighters flew over and so I checked ADS-B Exchange and SAM 164 flight was going in to PItt at that time. The SAM flight left from Andrews. The fighters never showed on the radar app.
I can’t find it on 4plebs at the moment, but the morning of the booster shot there was a thread that said something along the lines of “Biden dies today, screencap this” with the booster announcement as the image.
It only had 10 replies that didn’t break any rules, but it was pruned really quickly.
Its a convenient way to get rid of him, while destroying the vaccine narrative. Only problem is that the cackling hyena is next in line, followed by the mafia crypt keeper. Can't just get rid of Biden. Need to show that they were all fraudulently elected
I doubt Biden would take the actual vaccine. His vaccine mandate does not apply to his Administration and the Congress, just like they are exempt from Obamacare (they get a more expensive, better plan at our tax dollar). They aren't taking the vaccine. They know it's poison. The shot on camera is just for show and to push propaganda on the normies.
Nah, the black eyed Biden is an actor in a rubber mask.
I believe Lin Wood said the real one was taken out last year.
Yes, but for the sake of the movie! 🎥🍿🐸🍾🥂
Lmao I love alcoholic pepe. On a pint of the stronger spirits myself <3
Spirits are liquors. You drank a pint of liquor? You might have a problem
I am well aware, I go through two liters a weekend. We all have our demons, I'm well aware.
I get up every morning bright and early and face life head on, so I appreciate your concern, but we have bigger fish to fry. We can talk about the minutia later.
That’s a remarkable amount of booze to consume in a single weekend
Lame-fact (as opposite to fun-fact): Alcohol is the demons.
It can be, but there are many more than just that.
So Jesus turning water into wine was what then? Alcohol isn't the demon, the self contains the demons, the alcohol just encourages them to stretch their legs and run wild.
Of hard liquor? That's like an entire bottle on Saturday and another one on Sunday?
Putting Jim Morrison to shame over here :p
Yes, vodka since it's low calorie relatively speaking
The Liquor is calling the shots now.
A pint isn't actually that much. I don't drink anymore but a pint would barely give me a buzz. Probably not the same for everyone but I always had a really high tolerance to alcohol.
My grandfather drank a fifth a day until his liver gave up and killed him.
Actor Arthur Roberts.
Lord if it isn't right in our face. The first recommended video?
The Truman Show
Got the sniff right here:
"they are saying".... "they"
We shall see soo enough, I suppose. :)
I told my husband he was an actor in a mask. I’ve watched to much TV & seen those mask. For years General Hospital used mask in their story lines.
Someone please remind me what the black eye means. I know it was important but nothing else.
The only two theories I've ever heard is that 1) "they" somehow go in through the eye to ... remove the soul? to do something, I'm just not sure what, which in turn causes the black eye. 2) get punched by other (satanists?) to show your allegiance.
I'm sure there's a 3) and 4) I've never heard about, maybe even a 5-10 lol. Who the hell knows.
Inject the a-chroma maybe?
Nobody seems to know for sure, but all of the elites have seen with a black eye
Then this will wrap everything up neatly. *Biden officially dead, the actors fade into the shrubs.
No deals... that you'll know of.
No name got a deal
Of course there are deals. You telling me if some baby-banging swamp monster is willing to cough up factual data that will put a hundred or a thousand more psychopathic child-torturers like him away, in exchange for some lighter sentence, that they won't consider it? Yeah right.
I'd venture to guess they think they're getting deals based on their demeanor, but I believe that once they've followed through on their end, the deal is then gifted cranially, twice, in the back.
As someone above said, the real biden may have been taken out, and this is a white hat actor, who will simply retire his mask and go back to his life...
There's no "may" about it. The real Biden vanished November 2017.
Interdasting scenario. Now on POTATUS watch.
Why would Pelosi and Kamala stand down? I'm sure they are lusting for the power.
Interesting that Stephen Miller retweeted it.
Yes. His retweet makes it very interesting indeed...
Wrong Stephen Miller..
When they say Chicago, they more likely mean he is going to meetings in Racine, Wisconsin where the global elite forge the Agenda.
Perhaps to meet with hedge funds connected to the CME
Chicago is a dirty place to wash money, and Joe also knows he can count on Lightfoot and Pritzker to push forward The New World Order Agenda as de Blasio, Cuomo and Hochul are doing in New York.
Racine is where the real meetings that connects the global elite take place. Why does the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail lead to Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road in Racine? What does Wingspread look like from above?
CTCL of Chicago with help from Zuckerberg also played a signficant role in getting Joe into office using Racine as the model. They need to cover this up at all costs.
Is it that one of the buildings there kind of look like a swastika from above? That’s what I’m seeing on maps
Yes, and it’s not only what is above, but what is also below.
Your help would effectively “double” the efforts to spread The Truth.
Please help shine the light on Racine.
Ken Griffin, Chicago CEO of Citadel Securities, embroiled in the Stock Squeeze.
Yes indeed, they are at the heart of the squeeze, and connected with the largest fund in Chicago. 40% of the stock trades in the U.S.? Who are the other top names? Peng Zhao? Ben Bernanke? What was learned about Chinese investment manipulation? What is happening in China now? What is the story of Robinhood? What are the conflicts of interest? Accusations and allegations are running wild.
This is not a Game.
Smells like dooming
You are not wrong. We will never forget.
Racine is the ravine that untangles it all.
"I'll catch some disease and they'll have to replace me."
I think he said I'll catch something and have to resign. Idk, SLEEPUS coulda said both
"Like I told Barack, if if I reach something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll I'll I'll I'll I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."
I think the potato stutters because Barry is stuttering into his earpiece
I cannot find this video for the life of me. Ill try again
Could Biden's Remark About Developing 'Some Disease' Point to a Harris Presidency? | 'WJ Live' Ep 33 live on Dec 4, 202
start 12.48- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc-5XeN60ms
No one really believes he got the real thing, but it certainly could be a useful way to get rid of him and usher in the cackling 'Ho. I mean, the FDA pretty much put the Kibosh on their boosters anyway, and they're already looking into putting the vaccine in food, they're already working on alternative poisoning methods... Unfortunately.😑
I heard lettuce and spinach from California. I threw away a head of lettuce I bought yesterday. Was grown in California and I live in Florida.
That’s it im going carnivore lol
You can’t just eat the “vaccine”, your stomach acid destroys all the mRNA or spike proteins.
Fuck it I'm going cannibal for the cabal.
Fuck. There’s a sci-fi series about a sterilizing vaccine given for a fake flu, and in the original show the vaccine is harmless, and there’s an amino acid in food that’s harmless. But if you combine them, it kills your reproductive cells.
Links to these claims? Thanks
Here's one , it isn't the one I was thinking of, but I couldn't remember where I saw the article, the one I saw was a US based scientist working on growing it in vegetables etc. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/covid-19-research-edible-vaccine-plants-tomato-lettuce-mucosal-immunity-1.5626484 I just typed scientists vaccines and vegetables in and got several hits though, I've seen several different articles in the past few days.
They pretty much damn the entire push for more vax when a high profile figure with easy access to high quality care dies from it.
He uses a stunt double anyway.
Somewhere, an excellent Biden impersonator is peeling off a silicone mask and planning all sorts of things he will do with the windfall of Bitcoin he just received.
Bitcoin took a bit of a hit again :/ poor Jim Carey
yeh, but I think Jim is a patriot doing it for his country !
is that sarcasm or serious, if serious, what makes you think that?
i seriously think carey could be acting as biden, at least part time, for several reasons:
To that end, do you think that the death of his girlfriend was intimidation from the DS and the angle that he had something to do with it was more a punishment than a legitimate fact?
i haven't gone down that rabbit hole but seems logical DS involved. and the cabal likely turned the screws on him with the fear of a wrongful death lawsuit they ginned up to make sure he doesn't have any wrong think. based on quick search now Carrey apparently had a trying time fighting wrongful death claim. maybe DS killed her to show who's in charge or maybe they forced him to be responsible for her demise as an anvil to hang over his head for life
either way, I'd put my money on something shady
What's Jim Carrey got to do with bitcoin? Out of that loop
He said Biden impersonator and some farfetched theories were that Jim Carrey is the Biden impersonator.
It was more of a play on the idea that Jim Carey is the impersonator... bitcoin was just used as the example since it's easier to slide that type of payment under the radar
Lethal injection baby
Surely you mean a real shot at retirement, right?
Nope. It doesn't appear that there was a needle in the syringe. When you pull a needle out of someone's arm, you pull it out straight so you don't bend the needle or hurt the person you're giving the shot to. The person who gave him the fake booster didn't even attempt to make it look like this.
I thought it was more of a bang bang joke than a squirt squirt joke.
I'd say he's a joke either way, fren. ;-)
Fuck joe biden! 👏👏_👏👏👏
I watched the "injection" circus. He had his left arm AWAY FROM THE CAMERA!! YOU COULDN"T SEE S#IT!
But I won't be surprised if they reveal he's no longer available to be our Dear Leader.
Did he got a real one by mistake?
cackling ensues
I know Walgreen's made a mistake with the 4 year old girl who was supposed to be getting a flu shot. They will pay for that one. Gotta a little too overzealous trying to rack up some jab numbers.
A SAM flight just landed at Pittsburgh Int. Airport about Half hour ago. I was outside at the fire pit and 2 fighters flew over and so I checked ADS-B Exchange and SAM 164 flight was going in to PItt at that time. The SAM flight left from Andrews. The fighters never showed on the radar app.
Send this faggot pedo to hell fire.
I called this play yesterday...
I can’t find it on 4plebs at the moment, but the morning of the booster shot there was a thread that said something along the lines of “Biden dies today, screencap this” with the booster announcement as the image.
It only had 10 replies that didn’t break any rules, but it was pruned really quickly.
Likely nothing, but an odd coincidence.
Who cares? He's probably napping. Walking onto a stage and answering a couple questions is hard work.
Especially when you have to answer questions from 3 or 4 days ago. Come on, man!!
ohh I hope so. when i heard about the booster I thought about that Q line as well
What 😳
Prayers for the best possible outcome. His Will be done.
Juck Foe Bidan
General Flynn ¦ The “Shot” heard round the world! Bring this on pay per view…worth every penny. Come on main stream media!!! 🤔
That would be the greatest gift we've seen in decades . . . .
Have you seen this eerie prediction by Gerald Ford in 1989 about how a female president would come to power? Creepy. https://www.westernjournal.com/flashback-gerald-fords-eerie-prediction-soon-come-true-kamala-harris/
Go to 49 seconds in where the question is asked by a little girl.
That prediction is spot on and he's so sure of himself on how it will happen! Crazy!
I don't believe he got the booster shot. They gave him b12....
Pray You decide what for
If so, give it up to Flynn for the pun.
Doctors are performing emergency surgery to save pedophile joe’s last brain cell! Lol
Didn’t Trump look like he was in the White House when he asked for 21 days of prayer?
Its a convenient way to get rid of him, while destroying the vaccine narrative. Only problem is that the cackling hyena is next in line, followed by the mafia crypt keeper. Can't just get rid of Biden. Need to show that they were all fraudulently elected
That's the first thing I thought...
He didn’t really get the shot people!
I doubt Biden would take the actual vaccine. His vaccine mandate does not apply to his Administration and the Congress, just like they are exempt from Obamacare (they get a more expensive, better plan at our tax dollar). They aren't taking the vaccine. They know it's poison. The shot on camera is just for show and to push propaganda on the normies.