Our tractor supply store has not carried it for over a month, they are going after the horsepaste now,soon you wait and see you will need a prescription and proof of mister ed ownership.
First I ordered 6mg pills and 12mg pills, so I can get the dosage really close to the 0.2mg per 1kg of body weight (about 1mg per 11lbs). I was breaking 6mg pills in half to get 3mg, so I could do 3mg, 6mg, 9mg (3+6), 12mg, 15mg, etc.
However, after reading that people are prescribed up to 0.4mg/kg, and studies showed no side effects from 10x the recommended amount, I did not bother getting super exact. My last two orders were 12mg pills only, and I round up to 24mg for my weight 175lbs.
2x 12mg pills are much cheaper than buying 4x 6mg pills.
[About us]
"The majority of the medications found on safegenericpharmacy requires a prescription from a licensed physician, and a copy must be faxed or scanned into our company in order for us to process your order on prescription drug orders placed."
Order it soon because it will take a while. I was supposed to have mine in 10 days, that was on the 8th and it's still with Indiapost. Apparently their flight operations are delayed per the Apple Pharm rep.
I just heard that the Postal Service and another agency here in the U.S. is stopping or trying to stop IM coming in from outside our country. I'll look to see if I can find the information.
I wouldn't be surprised. I admit I'm a bit worried about customs. But it's not like I ordered narcotics or some controlled substance. I just don't want to be at the mercy of this criminal medical system. Any info is appreciated, thank you!
All of the tractor supplies around the largest city in my state all aren't carrying it as well. I went an hour outside of the city to a small town tractor supply and they've got loads of it so I stocked up on it. Seems like they've got to keep the city echo chambers in shackles.
Also had trouble finding Quercetin around here as well as it's being bought up faster than they can stock it apparently. Some people are starting to catch on...
It's interesting that what kills these is another drug I learned about from this site which is Fenbendazole or Panacur, which is a...drumroll please...dewormer! I remember reading about a person who cured their cancer with Fenben. The whole world just needs a good deworming!!
I just looked for that guy's name and it's Joe Tippens and his story is on www.mycancerstoryrocks.com.
Is the world about to learn that the majority of our tumors or cancers are mostly derived from various parasites??
I’ve now taken over 70 doses fenbendazole as a post-cancer maintenance program. No side effects, no interactions. (And I probably got the cleanest digestive tract around).
It is not that cancer may be parasitic, it is how the de-wormers work. They bind with certain proteins that block a parasite's ability to digest food or a cancer cells ability to "eat" as well and both starve.
Ive had it 3x. I was slow in the ivermectin the first time and it was certainly the roughest go. I've taken the paste at the positive test both other times and one time only symptoms were metallic aftertaste for a week or so, this time it is only loss of smell.
I have a friend who worked through his first week and then was hit hard during the second.
Nobody can predict your future nor make your choices....but I can tell you what my experience was, and you can look at those of others and decide.
The good news is you'll have a fantastic immunity to it now.
I thought so.....but here I am unable to smell again and beating the contact tracers away because I popped hot on the test.
I believe you can be infected multiple times, but every time you gain immunity. You may contact a mutated version which may have mikd success in hooking some cells, but not enough to cause serious sickness.
But I am not a dr... just a successful hollow cough survivor.
I believe i had covid symptoms and i tested negative.
Makes me think what i heard of PCR tests giving false negs and pos.
I think this is the second time i have had it, im treating it with ivermectin and praise god have not missed work. Worst times for me is at night trying to get rest, seems every thing settles in. And i swear this bug has many avenues to screw us up. sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, tight chest, this flu is like a box of chocolates, I am having a hard time getting over this wuhan virus.
anti seafood is a bullshit myth that still won't go away. fukushima, mercury, parasites, GMOs, all the evils out to get you lurking in the shrimp and tuna!
the reality is nothing on earth beats the brain specific nutrient density of seafood, not even the best magical grass fed beef.
the seafood actually has the antidotes to the concerns people have about eating from the sea. Without seafood and specifically shellfish, humans wouldn't have the brains we have.
yeah the reason has to do with the histamine mutation in Hebraic DNA
complaining about your perceptions of shellfish is just ignorance. Learn a little about what the DHA and iodine packages in seafood.. specifically shellfish,can do for YOU as a human. You want to invest in brain health? You want to start building hormones correctly? Try swapping out the Chick-Fil-A for oysters. I'm having some later today.
If it's from the sea, it's not for me. Amazing how the same comment elicits the same responses online as in IRL. I get this line of questioning quarterly from someone....
You can actually see this parasite flinching in a hiding type maneuver as if it knows it’s being watched under a microscope ..it’s beyond freaky to observe it !
It’s a winged parasitic creature flittering around ..I’ve seen it ...it’s no wonder that a parasite dewormer is saving people ..this parasite is killing people ..injected right into our fellow Americans ....how r u friend ? see you I a couple weeks ;)
Doing well, thanks! We're on the Least Coast 'til Friday. Will share when we see ya.
I've seen several other microscopic images from a Japanese investigation, but was unable to find a link in a search today. Will try again when I get back.
Statistically improbable that 2 brothers both go "trans" late in life like that. Better chance of being hit by a meteor.
They were forced to go trans by the cabal as punishment. It was that, or their "suicide by red scarf" and we can see what they chose...
If a parasite is to blame for the jab causing infertility (since this parasite feeds on eggs), I'm convinced that Ivermectin will stop or even prevent those effects if it is given immediately after the parasite is injected.
The reason why the shelf life of the vaccines is so short is because the parasites need to be in a dormant stage of their life cycle to reduce the likelihood that they provoke an immune response when they're injected. As long as Ivermectin is consumed before the parasites are "activated" within the bloodstream, Ivermectin should reverse any parasite-related ill effects of the jab. Something to keep in mind as our lawmakers continue to tread the frail boundary between coerced and forced injections... That said, I'm sure that there are toxic and dangerous substances in those vials other than parasites.
Hard to say - I've heard of this drug doing incredible things for very sick people. For one thing, it can totally reverse the effects of "COVID", much of which is likely vaxx-induced illness. But I'd err on the side of caution and assume that you're right.
As an unvaccinated woman who is of childbearing age with female cousins and friends who have taken the vaccine - this subject matter is important to me even if it proves to be false. The reality of its truth would be so devastating, so maniacal and so detrimental I appreciate the 1 hour sticky just to get the thinking caps and internet researchers involved. So, I humbly thank you. I also wish to point out that some of us have stopped caring what other people think - I see no harm in looking for truth through outrageous claims that seemingly have some evidence for backing the claim. Again, the benefit outweighs the detriment 100 fold if this is true. It wasn’t too long ago the internet researchers had little circumstantial proof to support PizzaGate which sounded incredibly ludicrous but here we are.
I think the salt is supposed to kill parasites. Soy sauce, spicy wasabi, and pickled ginger serve the same function when eating raw fish (sushi). It's interesting observing how foods high in parasites have traditional anti parasitic sides. Almost like not serving them together had a lower rate of passing along to the next generation.
The vaccines (all of them) must contain some parasite/s.....
Otherwise ivermectin wouldn’t work as a solution to those vaccinated or partially vaccinated.....
But if the Novel Corona virus is not parasitic..... and the disease it creates (“COVID 19” or as Sars CoV 2) is also non parasitic..... then ivermectin should not work....
I know some senior virologists have suggested that what we are dealing with is bacterial organisms rather than a virus.... would that suggest that the success of ivermectin is because what we see being called Covid was never a virus in the first place....!
Ivermectin is an antiviral as well. It binds with the spike protein and blocks the virus from entering the cell wall. Similar way it kills parasites, it binds with a protein they use to cloak themselves from our immune system. By blocking that protein, our white blood cells can find the parasites and kill them.
there are similar images throughout the 1997 Survival Guide to the Future edition of George Magazine. talks about medical technology being put in our veins...
Dudes, these things are super weird. They are the only intracellular cnidarian (jellyfish-like animal) parasite and have unusually high rates of mutation.
If this is true, these things were probably mutated in a lab to live inside human bodies. They live in freshwater and our bodies are mostly water and they live and travel within living cells.
Why can't we get more science people looking at this thing? We need second and triple opinions!
Maybe they are turning the jabbed into radio receivers. 5G transmissions being used to have who-knows-what effect on them - zombie nation? At this point, it's quite clear that almost anything is possible. The only thing that isn't is that God DOESN'T win!
If we're on G-d's team and this is a Chess game.... would you prefer G-d's victory to be a smashing one where he still has most of his pieces intact? Or one of those end game puzzles where it's the King and one rook and all the rest of the pieces are dead?
When I was a kid, the Chabad school I went to as a child gave me a couple stickers that I had on the door of my bedroom. They said: "We want moschiach now!"
Now I'm wondering if moschiach might actually come. And it makes me tremble more than hopeful.
No doubt it will be far more foreboding than many of us think. From what I've gathered, the rebuilding of the temple ( which I understand to be imminent, with all contents ready, just waiting on the red calendar who some say has been born) and the two witnesses. I could be wrong on the latter - that relates to ushering in of the Anti-Christ. However frightening, bear in mind that we were chosen for this time!
Interesting discussion here. I no more believe everything I see here than I did from 8chan. I do relish the insights from this diverse group. MSM has done a Terrible Disservice to America, and this is a Must Check spot for me.
I am not sure if it is a polypodium, although it could be. It is certainly a Medusazoa. Madej thinks it is a Hydra vulgaris, which correlates with the obsession with (Hail Hydra) because it has immortal cell-lines.
Also known as Hydra - studied for years for various reasons -- Has horrifying characteristics like being able to regrow limbs etc, uuuugghh real nightmare
Is this same "Polypodium Parasite" part of the live infection? Is that why Ivermectin works? And if so, does the "Polypodium Parasite" live on inside of those who did not take ivermectin, but have gotten well after having the COVID infection?
I read from an “expert” that stated they needed to be housed at a very high temp to eat the yolk of the egg and it’s not as bad as they’re implying. Anyone else hear something similar?
Hence why ivermectin is the cure for the coof and the jab…. Run out to your supply store that sells tractors and get yourself some horse paste
Our tractor supply store has not carried it for over a month, they are going after the horsepaste now,soon you wait and see you will need a prescription and proof of mister ed ownership.
Thinking about ordering a 3 year supply from India
Don’t think about it - do it
Link please?
Just type Ivermectin into the search bar. I have not done this, but others on this site have had good luck.
Takes around 3-4 weeks to receive your order. With the way the ports are now, I could see that extending.
I got my first order from Ram medical in a week.
(Canada or Russia?)
Not cheap but I paid with Bitcoin at the checkout :) Not received, yet, just been notified of dispatch (no documents requested or provided)
What site or sites would you recommend?
I have ordered 4 times now from safegenericpharmacy.com
What dosage did you buy?
First I ordered 6mg pills and 12mg pills, so I can get the dosage really close to the 0.2mg per 1kg of body weight (about 1mg per 11lbs). I was breaking 6mg pills in half to get 3mg, so I could do 3mg, 6mg, 9mg (3+6), 12mg, 15mg, etc.
However, after reading that people are prescribed up to 0.4mg/kg, and studies showed no side effects from 10x the recommended amount, I did not bother getting super exact. My last two orders were 12mg pills only, and I round up to 24mg for my weight 175lbs.
2x 12mg pills are much cheaper than buying 4x 6mg pills.
[About us] "The majority of the medications found on safegenericpharmacy
requires a prescription
from a licensed physician, and a copy must be faxed or scanned into our company in order for us to process your order on prescription drug orders placed."?
? Ivermectin is single dose!
I just don't upload anything and they ship anyway.
Order it soon because it will take a while. I was supposed to have mine in 10 days, that was on the 8th and it's still with Indiapost. Apparently their flight operations are delayed per the Apple Pharm rep.
I just heard that the Postal Service and another agency here in the U.S. is stopping or trying to stop IM coming in from outside our country. I'll look to see if I can find the information.
I ordered from Alldaychemist.com on September 28 and got mine yesterday.
Was price high from them?
100 12mg tablets for $186, which included shipping. I didn't really care, I just wanted them on hand.
I wouldn't be surprised. I admit I'm a bit worried about customs. But it's not like I ordered narcotics or some controlled substance. I just don't want to be at the mercy of this criminal medical system. Any info is appreciated, thank you!
Get antibiotics also. If shit hits the fan it’s better to have them if needed.
All of the tractor supplies around the largest city in my state all aren't carrying it as well. I went an hour outside of the city to a small town tractor supply and they've got loads of it so I stocked up on it. Seems like they've got to keep the city echo chambers in shackles.
Also had trouble finding Quercetin around here as well as it's being bought up faster than they can stock it apparently. Some people are starting to catch on...
Try iherb.com for quercetin, that's where I got mine.
It's interesting that what kills these is another drug I learned about from this site which is Fenbendazole or Panacur, which is a...drumroll please...dewormer! I remember reading about a person who cured their cancer with Fenben. The whole world just needs a good deworming!!
I just looked for that guy's name and it's Joe Tippens and his story is on www.mycancerstoryrocks.com.
Is the world about to learn that the majority of our tumors or cancers are mostly derived from various parasites??
I’ve now taken over 70 doses fenbendazole as a post-cancer maintenance program. No side effects, no interactions. (And I probably got the cleanest digestive tract around).
And I've read research that viruses are the cause of some cancers.
Yep. I found out about Fenbendazole from this site too. Link to a short history and ways to get it below. Second link is the story.
all cancer
It makes sense to me.
It is not that cancer may be parasitic, it is how the de-wormers work. They bind with certain proteins that block a parasite's ability to digest food or a cancer cells ability to "eat" as well and both starve.
I have covid right now, day 8 and feeling ok, no smell or taste... should I take the ivermectin? I have some. Do I need it?
Ive had it 3x. I was slow in the ivermectin the first time and it was certainly the roughest go. I've taken the paste at the positive test both other times and one time only symptoms were metallic aftertaste for a week or so, this time it is only loss of smell.
I have a friend who worked through his first week and then was hit hard during the second.
Nobody can predict your future nor make your choices....but I can tell you what my experience was, and you can look at those of others and decide.
The good news is you'll have a fantastic immunity to it now.
Isn't it true that you can only have a virus once?
I thought so.....but here I am unable to smell again and beating the contact tracers away because I popped hot on the test.
I believe you can be infected multiple times, but every time you gain immunity. You may contact a mutated version which may have mikd success in hooking some cells, but not enough to cause serious sickness.
But I am not a dr... just a successful hollow cough survivor.
I believe i had covid symptoms and i tested negative. Makes me think what i heard of PCR tests giving false negs and pos. I think this is the second time i have had it, im treating it with ivermectin and praise god have not missed work. Worst times for me is at night trying to get rest, seems every thing settles in. And i swear this bug has many avenues to screw us up. sore throat, stuffy nose, headache, tight chest, this flu is like a box of chocolates, I am having a hard time getting over this wuhan virus.
I always was repulsed by the concept of caviar. Good to know.
never liked that shit either...lol
ANything seafood repulses me. Add yet another reason to the list to avoid it.
I'll have an order of bacon wrapped french fries, please... skip the sea bugs and fish...
Sea bugs in bacon nomnomnom.
Bacon wrapped in bacon...mmmmmmm
With a side of bacon.
Mmm...needs a side of ranch.
Nah, melted butter.
anti seafood is a bullshit myth that still won't go away. fukushima, mercury, parasites, GMOs, all the evils out to get you lurking in the shrimp and tuna!
the reality is nothing on earth beats the brain specific nutrient density of seafood, not even the best magical grass fed beef.
the seafood actually has the antidotes to the concerns people have about eating from the sea. Without seafood and specifically shellfish, humans wouldn't have the brains we have.
Also why the average Coonass can eat trash and never get sick.
Those folks have the gully of a goat all trained up.
I eat some seafood, but lets be real - ocean life is horrifying
I tend to agree. I used to love it until I realized it was all just oversized water insects.
Crabs are just giant sea spiders as far as I am concerned. Shrimp are just cockroaches.
I mean, they taste good. But a mental block has been installed that makes me pass 9 out of 10 times.
Maybe there's a reason shellfish aren't kosher.
yeah the reason has to do with the histamine mutation in Hebraic DNA
complaining about your perceptions of shellfish is just ignorance. Learn a little about what the DHA and iodine packages in seafood.. specifically shellfish,can do for YOU as a human. You want to invest in brain health? You want to start building hormones correctly? Try swapping out the Chick-Fil-A for oysters. I'm having some later today.
Yes, exactly so. Jewish dietary law forbids shellfish. Wonder why?
Because the Bible (Old testament) said so.
Crabs are more like sea scorpions
How, lol. They look more like ticks.
Yeah honestly idk how I got to that conclusion. Maybe the claws? But that’s about it. I retract my comparison 😂
I figured lobster was the sea scorpions. Just on looks alone.
the ocean is like the afganistan of aquatic life
Octopus has 9 brains. I personally believe they came to earth from another world.
Me too. They're aliens. Way too intelligent.
This is why I invested in SHMP NaturalShrimp ,can’t wait to have fresh shrimp at local stores, still alive!
Nope. From FL. Live in VA about to move south very soon. I've tried and tried, but all seafood takes funky to me.
gator is delicious though
Gator ain't seafood and I do like me some ground gator tail simmered in spicy oil.
I second this, gator is awesome!
I always figured people who insist it's delicious are just lying & fake lol. None of it is actually delicious
Boiled crawfish- nomnom 😍😍😍😍
Love crab and lobster. Shrimp too.
As a PNW native I am triggered lol. One of the only redeeming qualities of the Seattle area is the seafood.
I love to go out clamming.
Enjoy the Fukushima flavoring ; )
If it's from the sea, it's not for me. Amazing how the same comment elicits the same responses online as in IRL. I get this line of questioning quarterly from someone....
What did he ask? He seems to have deleted it.
You can actually see this parasite flinching in a hiding type maneuver as if it knows it’s being watched under a microscope ..it’s beyond freaky to observe it !
Just hijacking this comment to say, search for "Polypodium Parasite" when looking for it. If you search just Polypodium you get some other match.
Yeah some fern kept showing up
I read it as fren and got really confused for a moment
Haha that's what I got too. Killer ferns on the loose would be scary.
No kidding - freaky! None for me, thanks . . .
It’s a winged parasitic creature flittering around ..I’ve seen it ...it’s no wonder that a parasite dewormer is saving people ..this parasite is killing people ..injected right into our fellow Americans ....how r u friend ? see you I a couple weeks ;)
Doing well, thanks! We're on the Least Coast 'til Friday. Will share when we see ya.
I've seen several other microscopic images from a Japanese investigation, but was unable to find a link in a search today. Will try again when I get back.
Reminds the scene in the in (Wachowski Sisters💛) Matrix 1, where they have to pull the thing out in the car that the agents inserted earlier.
AGENTS iholding Neo (Tom) down while making his mouth shut so He can’t communicate and inserting this parasite is clear SYMBOLISM
Which is why the 4th movie will probably tank, go woke go broke!
The fourth movie is being made to reclaim the term “red pill”
Never thought of that, probably not far from the truth lol.
They are still brothers. No matter how much of their bodies they have surgically removed, nothing changes that
Well that's perfectly normal.
Statistically improbable that 2 brothers both go "trans" late in life like that. Better chance of being hit by a meteor. They were forced to go trans by the cabal as punishment. It was that, or their "suicide by red scarf" and we can see what they chose...
That is so twisted.
Imagine making a movie to awaken people and having your gender removed as punishment.
Deal with the devil perhaps
Those are dudes
They see what they want to see. They hear what they want to hear.
Explains the big push against Ivermectin
Does ivermectin kill this?
If a parasite is to blame for the jab causing infertility (since this parasite feeds on eggs), I'm convinced that Ivermectin will stop or even prevent those effects if it is given immediately after the parasite is injected.
The reason why the shelf life of the vaccines is so short is because the parasites need to be in a dormant stage of their life cycle to reduce the likelihood that they provoke an immune response when they're injected. As long as Ivermectin is consumed before the parasites are "activated" within the bloodstream, Ivermectin should reverse any parasite-related ill effects of the jab. Something to keep in mind as our lawmakers continue to tread the frail boundary between coerced and forced injections... That said, I'm sure that there are toxic and dangerous substances in those vials other than parasites.
True, but they have metallic shit as well in there, the biolife is only one facet of the mrna injections. Cant de-nanotech yourself with ivm...
Graphene Oxide
That's one of many metallic substances found in the vaxx, but not the only one
Agree 100%! The last sentence of my comment touches upon that.
Hard to say - I've heard of this drug doing incredible things for very sick people. For one thing, it can totally reverse the effects of "COVID", much of which is likely vaxx-induced illness. But I'd err on the side of caution and assume that you're right.
If it’s in caviar, I guess vodka does.
Ivermectin is an anti parasitic drug. It kills parasites. AKA a horse dewormer. Bonus: “worms” are parasites.
Hope this is true, and we could reverse some of the damage caused so far.
Yes it could be worse than a natural parasite.
At least these things can be dealt with fairly easily.
I would guess yes which is why they are so dead against it
As an unvaccinated woman who is of childbearing age with female cousins and friends who have taken the vaccine - this subject matter is important to me even if it proves to be false. The reality of its truth would be so devastating, so maniacal and so detrimental I appreciate the 1 hour sticky just to get the thinking caps and internet researchers involved. So, I humbly thank you. I also wish to point out that some of us have stopped caring what other people think - I see no harm in looking for truth through outrageous claims that seemingly have some evidence for backing the claim. Again, the benefit outweighs the detriment 100 fold if this is true. It wasn’t too long ago the internet researchers had little circumstantial proof to support PizzaGate which sounded incredibly ludicrous but here we are.
u/basedinfact is likely correct about this being garbage, though I get why it was stickied.
Mods is there a bullshit or debunked flair you can add when stickying a topic that is an example of larp and fud?
Side note. The word “stickied” is annoying af to post using an ipad
Well crap, how many of those things have I eaten?🤔
I told you caviar is nasty 😂
I think the salt is supposed to kill parasites. Soy sauce, spicy wasabi, and pickled ginger serve the same function when eating raw fish (sushi). It's interesting observing how foods high in parasites have traditional anti parasitic sides. Almost like not serving them together had a lower rate of passing along to the next generation.
That's like some guy that told me he eats raw meat on here the other day to get more zinc. That's just asking for parasites.
The vaccines (all of them) must contain some parasite/s.....
Otherwise ivermectin wouldn’t work as a solution to those vaccinated or partially vaccinated.....
But if the Novel Corona virus is not parasitic..... and the disease it creates (“COVID 19” or as Sars CoV 2) is also non parasitic..... then ivermectin should not work....
I know some senior virologists have suggested that what we are dealing with is bacterial organisms rather than a virus.... would that suggest that the success of ivermectin is because what we see being called Covid was never a virus in the first place....!
Isn't Ivermectin also a antiviral as well? I know Quercetin is. Which would explain why it works also with Covid.
Ivermectin is an antiviral as well. It binds with the spike protein and blocks the virus from entering the cell wall. Similar way it kills parasites, it binds with a protein they use to cloak themselves from our immune system. By blocking that protein, our white blood cells can find the parasites and kill them.
there are similar images throughout the 1997 Survival Guide to the Future edition of George Magazine. talks about medical technology being put in our veins...
Dudes, these things are super weird. They are the only intracellular cnidarian (jellyfish-like animal) parasite and have unusually high rates of mutation.
If this is true, these things were probably mutated in a lab to live inside human bodies. They live in freshwater and our bodies are mostly water and they live and travel within living cells.
Why can't we get more science people looking at this thing? We need second and triple opinions!
I guess we know why they are attacking IVM ... don't want their parasites being killed off
Genocide and birth prevention. The DeepShit is an evil, psychotic and anti-humanitarian organization. Time to wipe them out across the board!
What about this organism? https://www.bitchute.com/video/PnGkiHqkID6Q/
Maybe they are turning the jabbed into radio receivers. 5G transmissions being used to have who-knows-what effect on them - zombie nation? At this point, it's quite clear that almost anything is possible. The only thing that isn't is that God DOESN'T win!
You made me listen to kernkraft 400s zombie nation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbcG2TI4GBk
Oh my goodness! It's the DNCCP 2024 campaign theme song!
No im pretty sure itd be this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlW7T0SUH0E
If we're on G-d's team and this is a Chess game.... would you prefer G-d's victory to be a smashing one where he still has most of his pieces intact? Or one of those end game puzzles where it's the King and one rook and all the rest of the pieces are dead?
Odd question. My preference doesn't matter in the least!
G-d wins, yes. I still kinda hope we're still alive to see the end. Unless it's too bleak.
I believe that our generation will see the Lord's Return.
When I was a kid, the Chabad school I went to as a child gave me a couple stickers that I had on the door of my bedroom. They said: "We want moschiach now!"
Now I'm wondering if moschiach might actually come. And it makes me tremble more than hopeful.
No doubt it will be far more foreboding than many of us think. From what I've gathered, the rebuilding of the temple ( which I understand to be imminent, with all contents ready, just waiting on the red calendar who some say has been born) and the two witnesses. I could be wrong on the latter - that relates to ushering in of the Anti-Christ. However frightening, bear in mind that we were chosen for this time!
Exactly. That is the question.
Not sure I believe that, lol.
is that why sturgeon can live to be 150 years old, adapted to deal with the freakish parasite?
Your best chance for ivermectin is in small feed supply stores.
Interesting discussion here. I no more believe everything I see here than I did from 8chan. I do relish the insights from this diverse group. MSM has done a Terrible Disservice to America, and this is a Must Check spot for me.
I love a good penisse post in the morning!
Here is some science sauce on the organism: Polypodium hydriforme
Want to know why they're vilifying ivermectin? Because it will completely destroy this parasite.
Dems should’ve used “free caviar stuff” to lure more people to get the jabz.
I am not sure if it is a polypodium, although it could be. It is certainly a Medusazoa. Madej thinks it is a Hydra vulgaris, which correlates with the obsession with (Hail Hydra) because it has immortal cell-lines.
Also known as Hydra - studied for years for various reasons -- Has horrifying characteristics like being able to regrow limbs etc, uuuugghh real nightmare
Is this same "Polypodium Parasite" part of the live infection? Is that why Ivermectin works? And if so, does the "Polypodium Parasite" live on inside of those who did not take ivermectin, but have gotten well after having the COVID infection?
What is the size of this organism such that it can fit through the end of a needle?
I read from an “expert” that stated they needed to be housed at a very high temp to eat the yolk of the egg and it’s not as bad as they’re implying. Anyone else hear something similar?
So what’s NOT in the vaccines?
Booze and pork, for religious reasons.
Given this tiny creature, I think most vegans will be really unhappy.🥳