Pretty much ever story has to be looked at as being fake. Sometimes these stories are TOO perfect with the TOO perfect words lol
Well..... the amount of spelling errors here and people using the wrong words really bugs me about this place. We're the smart ones that have it all figured out (or hey at least we're trying) so we should present ourselves a little better.
Boarder is a common one. Some typos, in my case, are because I type on my phone. The lack of physical buttons makes me hit keys that don't belong as I don't take my time with every comment.
Linguist here - Never forget that grammar & spelling come second - the former exists to describe the language & make it into easy rules for learning & comparison to other languages. Spelling is pretty much only consensual and changes every couple of decades. So don't get hung up on either, you sound insufferable when you criticize others on the basis of grammar and spelling, especially on a social media post. As long as you understand what's being communicated, the speaker did his job. A living language is always changing and usually takes the easiest road (which includes spelling homophones the same way! Bless. :)
Don’t forget some of the bots are still learning to fit in. Plenty of lazy people on phone keyboards too, but don’t forget our bot friends just blossoming in this world.
I would TOTALLY encourage this guy to "be more assertive and fearless" the next time faced with this type of situation. Getting a beatdown is exactly what this "dude" needs. As the saying goes: "Fuck around and find out".
If you did, you'd simply wear your own, remain calm, and mind your own business. If they block viruses, they block them. In both directions!
Your belief in a fairy story about one-way viruses that are altitude dependent (they can TELL whether you're standing, or sitting at a dinner table) and can measure distances is immaterial. You don't believe masks work. So why should anybody wear one?
They claim the masks work in the other direction - to protext others and not the person wearing it. But he clearly doesnt believe they work in that direction either. If he believed they worked he also wouldnt have sat down next to someone not wearing one.
OMG. This is exactly the way I would have probably handled this.......except that I am a female. LOL. I am laughing trying to even picture my husband writing this.
Complainer should have exited the bus as soon as possible. You cannot make another individual wear a mask, and with the risk of the virus about, this is no time to take any chances! Exit the bus and stay home, stay safe.
According to cyberdictionary:
STH means "Something." STH is a contraction of the word "something." It is used for brevity in informal writing or texts.
Who knew, never in my life ever saw it before. Really gay.
If the bus was full, where were the other sheep?? They like to intimidate purebloods with superior numbers. Like the bullies they are. But that seems to be waning? I think it's good sign, myself. And, polite and respectful didn't last long, did it?? Cudos to the fellow for standing his ground.
If you can forget for a moment the utter pointlessness of the story, I think there is a moral here.
Obviously, it should have been titled "liberal encounters patriot on bus." I think the moral lies in the construction of the story rather than the story line. I noticed the liberal was typical until he began to talk with the patriot. At the end the liberal essentially asks whether or not he should be more like the patriot by adopting the patriot's 'sth' in his own sentence. The moral of the story would be that patriots are making a difference with every encounter.
We make a difference by just being there...
LOL these fucking ridiculous people that demand the world bend to their fragile fucking feelings. Hey bitch! You're the scared one of an over 99.9% survival rate, you fucking wear your face diaper so that big bad 99.9% virus doesn't make you tired and cough for a few days. Scary!!!
Oh my! Honesty, I know people who could ask the exact same kind of questions. They think, as children do, that they can get whatever they want by saying « please ».
sth? did I miss something where that makes sense?
Definitely reads like it was typed up by an English as a second language.
Probably all made up to generate controversy, which in turns generates dialogue. This keeps people interested as long as possible.
TLDR: the internet is fake.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Pretty much ever story has to be looked at as being fake. Sometimes these stories are TOO perfect with the TOO perfect words lol
I think it stands for “something”.
Typical liberal, types up a paragraph can’t be bothered to spell a single word completely
I spit my coffee out because of how true this is! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I thought it was "shut the hell" and missing the "up". Wow, that is derp.
Hahaha. - I mean - LOL - I mean - KEK!
Hahaha - love it!
Well..... the amount of spelling errors here and people using the wrong words really bugs me about this place. We're the smart ones that have it all figured out (or hey at least we're trying) so we should present ourselves a little better.
Boarder is a common one. Some typos, in my case, are because I type on my phone. The lack of physical buttons makes me hit keys that don't belong as I don't take my time with every comment.
Linguist here - Never forget that grammar & spelling come second - the former exists to describe the language & make it into easy rules for learning & comparison to other languages. Spelling is pretty much only consensual and changes every couple of decades. So don't get hung up on either, you sound insufferable when you criticize others on the basis of grammar and spelling, especially on a social media post. As long as you understand what's being communicated, the speaker did his job. A living language is always changing and usually takes the easiest road (which includes spelling homophones the same way! Bless. :)
Homo phones? Oh like all those people that buy iPhones just because it's trendy and has a little apple on the back?
Sure, yours is funnier, let's go with that ;)
Don’t forget some of the bots are still learning to fit in. Plenty of lazy people on phone keyboards too, but don’t forget our bot friends just blossoming in this world.
I read it as the guy having a lisp
If you find out what that means please let me know.
Only a sth deals in absolutes.
My thoughts exactly! 😂
Best I can guess, it's a libtard made-up abbreviation for "something"...
These people are stupid!
"something" - "u dont like something(?)", "did i (do) something wrong"
Something dark side
this is the correct answer.
I would TOTALLY encourage this guy to "be more assertive and fearless" the next time faced with this type of situation. Getting a beatdown is exactly what this "dude" needs. As the saying goes: "Fuck around and find out".
― Hank Hill
It is the only way they will learn.
Even i recognize i need to be punched in the face multiple times every once in a while.
Its good for you.
The answer is you don't believe masks work.
If you did, you'd simply wear your own, remain calm, and mind your own business. If they block viruses, they block them. In both directions!
Your belief in a fairy story about one-way viruses that are altitude dependent (they can TELL whether you're standing, or sitting at a dinner table) and can measure distances is immaterial. You don't believe masks work. So why should anybody wear one?
Is that the answer you were looking for?
They generally believe it's more effective for a sick person to prevent spreading than it is for a healthy person to prevent getting infected.
So it's a way to pressure and impose onto others to bend to your will.
iF yOu CaReD aBoUt OtHeRs YoU wOuLd WeAr It!!!!1!
It's a Fairy tale.
Making up a story and repeating it a billion times doesn't make it true.
It says on the box, masks do not block viral transmission. Case closed.
They claim the masks work in the other direction - to protext others and not the person wearing it. But he clearly doesnt believe they work in that direction either. If he believed they worked he also wouldnt have sat down next to someone not wearing one.
The only thing this guy needs to make him assertive is to "be factually correct (right)."
If he were sure that his position was right then he would not have been such a pussy.
And learn correct speech
Omg - the answer is go have a soy latte and go hide behind the curtains!
This guy screams "low-T" issues.
This, 100%.
Yeah I usually don't believe most stories coming from reddit anyway.
Soy will do that.
OMG. This is exactly the way I would have probably handled this.......except that I am a female. LOL. I am laughing trying to even picture my husband writing this.
Complainer should have exited the bus as soon as possible. You cannot make another individual wear a mask, and with the risk of the virus about, this is no time to take any chances! Exit the bus and stay home, stay safe.
Until the driver kicks you out. That may depend on areas with mandates, as busses are usually public transport and governed by state agencies. 🤷♂️
Heart rate... checks apple watch OVER 9000!
He could choose to stand if he hated sitting next to the guy.
Similar to what I say when someone says they can't stand something. I tell them to just sit down. :)
Its fun watching beta males trying to confront a Chad.
Basically an ignorant coward calling itself out as an ignorant coward.
Sth…Star Wars?
According to cyberdictionary: STH means "Something." STH is a contraction of the word "something." It is used for brevity in informal writing or texts. Who knew, never in my life ever saw it before. Really gay.
So they werent talking to Mike Tyson. I get it now ty.
This word is normally used by a Chinese person.
Looks like he needs his ass kicked,but he was to afraid to ask for it.
I was told to put on a mask by a patron at Trader Joe's last week and kindly said "Fuck off fascist"
What could you have done differently? STFU.
If the bus was full, where were the other sheep?? They like to intimidate purebloods with superior numbers. Like the bullies they are. But that seems to be waning? I think it's good sign, myself. And, polite and respectful didn't last long, did it?? Cudos to the fellow for standing his ground.
The poster was at least wise enough to see that look and back away. Kind of like looking at a lion and you realize the cage door is open.
Can I have my 30 seconds back?
Nope! Gotcha
The mods are really special people.
That made me chuckle. I know, hardly sticky worthy on a serious forum, but everyone needs a laugh.
Prolix: unduly prolonged or drawn out : too long
Username non consistent.
If you can forget for a moment the utter pointlessness of the story, I think there is a moral here.
Obviously, it should have been titled "liberal encounters patriot on bus." I think the moral lies in the construction of the story rather than the story line. I noticed the liberal was typical until he began to talk with the patriot. At the end the liberal essentially asks whether or not he should be more like the patriot by adopting the patriot's 'sth' in his own sentence. The moral of the story would be that patriots are making a difference with every encounter.
We make a difference by just being there...
Sth = “shut the hell [up]”?
Urban Dictionary says it's "something"
we think it means 'something'.
Amateur. Two additional under the table boosters would have given her su[er powers.
Wtf is sth?
Urban Dictionary says it's "something"
Sum Ting Wong
Only a Chinese person use this sort of abbreviation
Its gotta be "something" only thing that makes sense. "You dont like sth(something) get off"
Can someone translate that into English?
Take one for the team!
I'm sure he has taken "one" from the whole team.
LOL these fucking ridiculous people that demand the world bend to their fragile fucking feelings. Hey bitch! You're the scared one of an over 99.9% survival rate, you fucking wear your face diaper so that big bad 99.9% virus doesn't make you tired and cough for a few days. Scary!!!
OP sounds like a beta faygget
Oh my! Honesty, I know people who could ask the exact same kind of questions. They think, as children do, that they can get whatever they want by saying « please ».
Sounds like a Chinese who wrote it.
too many "r"s