One of the vital axioms of Q is future proves past. Time and again, we have seen the almost prophetic nature of Q manifest, as seemingly meaningless phrases ended up pointing to something imperative years later. I suspect it's just an incredible level of planning possibly complimented by extremely advanced AI, so powerful it's predictive abilities could be mistaken as supernatural or time lensing.
Whatever it is, there is no doubt Q has given us a road map that unlocks as the plan unfolds before us. Knowing this, every time a major event occurs, I immediately refer to Q and see if anything plugs in. With the advent of Russian intervention in Ukraine, and our awareness of deep state affiliation in Ukraine, I had a good feeling there would be related Q unlocks. Little did I realize it would lead to the most exciting research I've ever done and for the autist amongst us, potential keys to unlocking swaths of the map.
With the advance of Russia into Ukraine, I knew Putin was a person of interest so I got to digging. Noting the importance of wives, as potential handlers, I zeroed in on his spouse. Lyudmila Putina. Immediately piqued my interest to see they divorced in 2014. A very big year for Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine had their Maiden Revolution where the democratically elected President had been overthrown by globalist. After which, Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Some would also say the Trump era began in 2014, as well. A historic year, indeed.
So I dive further into the nature of their divorce and his ex-wife. The announcement of their divorce was very interesting to say the least. The two had not been seen together since the inauguration of his 3rd term in 2012. Fast forward more than a year, and the two attend a ballet at the Kremlin Palace. La Esmeralda. A ballet based on The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Immediately after the performance, they announce their intentions to divorce. Officially confirmed by the Kremlin in 2014. What's interesting here is the ballet they chose to make the announcement. La Esmeralda is about a girl named Esmeralda that among many things, marries a man out of convince purely to save his life. A marriage not of love but obligation.
I suspect this was a message to the deep state, and now us, that this marriage was arranged. That his wife was really his handler of 30+ years, and was no longer in control. Strings cut? I dig further on Lyudmila. Where's she from. Lyudmila was born in Kaliningrad. Home of the Russian Baltic Fleet. The Kaliningrad Oblast ( oblast are federal states of Russia) coat of arms immediately caught my eye. A white castle on a red shield ( Kaliningrad used to be called Konigsberg and was home to the Konigsberg castle. The castle on the coat of arms, I assume.
Well this castle just so happened to serve as residence for the Grandmasters of the Teutonic Order and their headquarters from 1466 to 1525. The Order had begun the castles construction in 1257, and had maintained a presence there for centuries. Denoting this city was of vital importance to an Order established in the holy lands, shortly after the first crusades. An order that held powerful sway over Europe for centuries and still exist today.
Symbolism abound? After 700 years, the castle was completely destroyed by the USSR under direct order from Leonid Brezhnev ( born in an area of Ukraine.) Directly beside the castle remnants, the USSR built an incredibly ugly building called the House of Soviets. Some kind of symbol to the world that the dark families had triumphed over an order I suspect they had been fighting for centuries?
Just speculating but I believe this alludes to aspects of the plan. It got me digging further into the coat of arms for more symbolism and came across dozens of red castles or castles on red fields. Each coat representing a region in Europe.
I also found several green castles but only a few.
This is all in reference to Qs post 2593, " Think Green/ Red Castle." I only found one coat of arms with a red and green castle on it but couldn't piece anything together in that region. It was peculiar because it also had a frog on it. A rare combination, indeed.
I also discovered that the Rothschilds, which translates to House at the Red Shield, also had a 'House at the Green Shield' as well, in Frankfurt. I did not find much on it thus far but it does state that Gutle, Mayer Rothschilds wife ( the guy that founded the family name,) remained at this house until her death. Follow the wives right? Red house/ Green house. Green/ Red Castle. Could be something here but I haven't pieced it together yet.
I apologize for the verbose nature of this post. Hopefully this can help us make more sense of the plan and the actors involved. It helped me put together some other, rather revealing info on the Revolutionary War, Washington's crossing of the Delaware, and the battle of Trenton. A post I'll work on next. Thank you for your patience and if you piece together anything, let me know.
I don’t come here to laugh but... I love y’all. And the poster of this fine dig, it’s just absolutely beautiful. Thank You.
Thank you. The gif is on point. 100% me with my friends and family the past few days.
Thank you for spelling piqued correctly instead of peaked.
I remember spitting this stuff about the roths to my dad years ago. Later down the road he was like man you were right.
Bahaha! Yes! 😂
I think you are pretty spot on with the Teutonic Order being a force of good. One of the members was of the House of Wettin, who supported and funded Martin Luther when he was translating the Bible into German.
Emperor Charles V is interesting also. It seems he made the decision to split up the Habsburg dynasty with two competing branches ruling Spain and one ruling Austro-Hungary, in order to placate the Catholic Church. The lutheran supporting branch being given reign over Austrian lands. Guess what his motto was? Plus-ultra...
Edit: I believe the entire 20th century geopolitical landscape was caused by Catholic Church funded communist groups seeking to overthrow all the remaining monarchies. I believe those wrongfully ousted monarchies are currently making their rightful return.
Very interesting... That motto strikes a chord, indeed. You may be correct. Putin made sure to put a picture up of the Romanov family on the Kremlin and was asked about it in a 2000 interview. He said they were watching over Moscow...
The blowback against those institutions who committed and supported such an evil act of murdering the Romanovs will be biblical. They may have had their fun for the past 100 years, but it seems to be game over for them.
Pain coming.
If you start with the cankles and move up you can see WHY so many people think that handler is a dude. They're always quite massive.
updoot for cankles :D
Now that is dasting.
I read an article some years ago, it was about the killing of the Romanov Family....
It seems there was in fact 1 Survivor, and possibly 2.....
The one I read about was a Female, and she was in a constant fight to get her Family Wealth returned to her, but the POS Rothschilds[Red Shields], refused to give it up, and were being charged with Theft, legal or otherwise.....
What if she actually got her Familys Money returned???
I read a book last year on the last two weeks of the Romanovs lives. The two that you are thinking of are Maria and Anastasia. Nicholas and his wife were killed instantly. The others were not so fortunate. The family had sewn a lot of jewels into their clothing, so much that they basically acted as a kind of chain mail. So they didn't die right away and things got very messy. Bayonets, beating- very brutal. After it was over, apparently, when they were taking out the bodies, one of the girls sat up on the stretcher and started screaming. I have to wonder if this is where that story came from...
YES that's the one.....
But not like it was written.....
The one I read was AFTER getting tossed into a pit or something....
But there are a few differing stories....
And then got rescued by the workers filling the Grave with Shovels, and hidden away and survived.....
Family Records were also kept from destruction, by guess who, the PEASANTS the Bolsh assigned to do the dirty work......
The killing of the Romanovs may come full circle when the Queen of England dies. Charles is the Mountbatten-Windsor king that Rasputin supposedly warned the world about over a century ago. Years ago, I read a book about the Grand Duchess Anastasia surviving the assassination. It contained the following legend:
King George initially wished to allow the Russian Royals to live safely in England after the Tsar abdicated. He changed his mind, partly in fear of backlash from his own war-weary subjects. But also, according to the tale, due to pressure from Lord Mountbatten, a German prince (aka Battenberg) turned British aristo, who wanted to see a descendant of his inherit the British throne. The fallen Tsar had four lovely daughters, and Mountbatten feared the Prince of Wales or any other future king would marry one of these.
As it happened, the Mountbattens succeeded in their plan later on when the heir turned out to be Princess Elizabeth, and they had a marriageable match in the form of Prince Philip. But at the time, it was essential for the Mountbattens to keep the marriage game free from Russian rivals. Thusly were the Romanovs abandoned to their fate by the British king.
Rasputin allegedly pronounced a curse on the Mountbattens, proclaiming that when one of them did become king, he would lose his crown and England would have no more kings after him. Rasputin was said to have predicted both his own death and the deaths of the Romanovs. Of course so many of the stories told about Rasputin are pure invention.
Incidentally, it was Prince Philip whose DNA "officially" disproved the claim of Anna Andersen to be the lost Anastasia. If she were legit, she would have been the sole heir to a vast fortune the murdered Tsar was said to have left in the Bank of England.
Maybe it was Prince Philip who was not legit and that's why the DNA didn't match.
Or the sample he provided was not his - his exalted status rendering him unimpeachable.
Yes, I've read something like that also.....
But, still, What IF some Cousin or such to the Romanovs survived??
Wouldn't that too be considered and Heir???
I read somewhere that a possible descendent of the Romanov survivors could be our First Lady Melania Trump.
Oh, and how cool would that be???
You know, I was wondering about that.....
But I'm not gonna dig into her family tree, just for that, especially if it turns out to be good or worse, turns out wrong....
I would definitely believe that given how she carries herself, style, etc.
There was a book written by a US journalist called "the file on the tsar" that goes over every single detail they could get their hands on and concludes that the entire story of the murder can't possibly be true and the scene had to have been staged. This theory is also supported by a Russian historian who claims Alexei Romanov became Alexei Kosygin, a premier of the Soviet union. This theory could definitely hold water when you look at their faces, especially focus on the ears, it has to be the same person. They have the same first and middle name and birthday is less than 2 months apart. Stalin was very close with Kosygin and by several first hand accounts jokingly referred to him as "tsarevich", or little tsar. This also makes sense when you realize that Stalin and Alexei Romanov would have been cousins. Furthermore, Kosygin was in charge of liberating Leningrad in WWII and was succeful because he was aware of many hidden aspects of the city, one that someone who perhaps lived there as a child and a future tsar at that, would have been made aware of.
Because they were all canonized as saints by the Russian Orthodox Church. They were martyrs.
Starting from 1800s well into WW2, the whole focus of the Cabal has been to eliminate monarchies. I believe they wanted to establish America as a democracy because democracies are notoriously easy to corrupt and take control of. Somehow in the fight between various founding fathers, they managed to create a Republic that has forever been a thorn in their side.
Oh of course it is, the British Royals along with others wrote many papers on the Res Publica.....
They cried about how it would attract ALL of the Worlds Greatest Minds, and how it would also attract all of the Gold and Silver to our shores.....
Secret Treaty of Verona[link in a post below], was their agreement to set upon us like vultures and to destroy us from any quarter, and to use an means possible....
They knew then, what we should instinctively know now.....
Republics destroy Monarchs and their Power.....
That is our Greatest Power, and I see it as a blessing, IF we can return to that level of greatness....
The original US and organic Constitution for the United States is of a Republic. The 14th Amendment created a government(democracy) for Washington DC. Different country, different government.
Republics make the citizens sovereigns. In Monarchies only the king or queen are the sovereign. So naturally they hate it because what would be a bunch of peasants are now equal to them.
I am not a constitutional scholar, but my contention is that the shadow powers did not want this. They wanted a democracy thats easier to control, or a centralised power structure that makes it easy to control all the levels of the government.
Exactly, and that is what they got with the 14th Amendment. Then they tricked the citizenry into admitting they are a citizen of the USofA. The corporate US of A that is the Democracy that is the government in Washington DC.
There was no federal citizenship in the republic. Only state citizenship. So as soon as you check the box "US Citizen" on a tax form, a drivers license form, any form really, you admit to being a citizen of that Democracy and all their crazy rules apply to you.
If you are a state national or a citizen of your state then you cannot be a US citizen and the original US republic rules apply to you.
Are you a 14th Amendment citizen, or a Preamble people?
I'm fairly sure that the Entire World is DONE with Monarchs and such shit...
I believe it comes from all the mistreatment by those Monarchs, along with their Narcissistic Pact made in Verona, which is the exact reason for the Monroe Doctrine....
It's an Interesting read.....
Rightful is a matter of perspective.
There is a book called: The right to rule. it lays out the reasons within international law why certain claims to rule cannot be honored.
It doe snot preclude a claimant to seek the re-establishment of his rule.
But in terms of rightful ..... that is a matter of opposing opinion. Do I agree with their rule? My answer is no. Because I am only interested in my rule by the Grace of God. (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness)
Listen -- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Well you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!
Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!
A Classic! and a not only highly recommended but actually mandatory to watch on the road to becoming an enlightened being.
This also goes for Life of Bryan. ...and no, I am not going to discuss the scene with Pontius Pilate ... only thinking of it makes my typing bcome er r atic fo r lauh gter
Incontintentious Buttocks?!?!?!?
Pthwow him to the fwor! Stwike him Centurion! Oh, and Thwow him to the floor?
Your last statement "Wrongfully ousted monarchies".
I don't know... but that statement reminds me of something I read that mentioned Melania is very very important.
Sticky request heard and approved. Nice dig. 😎
Tips tinfoil fedora
Yes excellent dig. Was 2014 timeframe and his divorce from her also about the same time that Putin withdrew from the WEF and parted ways with Claus Schwab.?
I doubt that AI would give compliments. I suspect that you mean "complemented" (enhanced).
I speak German and, for the record, the word "rothschild" means "red shield". It contains no hint or reference to "house".
Other than that, well done and thank you for sharing. We need more researchers like you!
Q is not AI.
Q said exactly how they are able to predict the future. "Control". They control events. When Q posted that no-name would be "in the news" and he was declared dead exactly one month later to the exact minute, it wasn't because AI predicted that no-name was about to die.
It was because he was executed for treason, Q controlled the exact time no-name was executed, and Q controlled the specific time of death announced to newspapers.
The problem with the "Q is AI" argument are many.
I understand the OP said "complimented by", not that "Q is AI". But because this topic surfaces occasionally with people insisting that Q is AI, I wanted to make these points.
Q is AI is silly and AI being able to predict events also sounds silly.
However, it's quite possible that Q team has access to an AI that helps with the game theory of this 5D chess. Being able to predict moves and countermoves and provide best move at each point.
Seeing all the events playing out in the world stage, especially since last year, I am quite sure that an AI or a Quantum Computer or some advanced computing power has been gaming this 5D chess game.
Edit: I saw your last sentence after posting this :)
I agree with you this does look like this, maybe even a tech out of this realm or planet or ...
I have understood from the Q drops, esp related to Snowden, that Q has access to the NSA database and is how they keep tabs on the bad guys. Perhaps they also use that data to feed to their AI/QC
The Q team seems to be not only highly patriotic American idealists and exceptionalists (in the most positive sense), but also highly advanced computer uber-nerds par excellence who would be able to USE artificial intelligence as part of their military intel operations
Consider that Q might be both, alive and AI... by existing off planet. Read the Wingmakers: Dr. Neruda Interview #5. Explains where (and what) the inflection point is for the human race. Indeed, a point at which we will decide if we will remain as biological entities or "transhuman" constructs.
Something keeps resonating through my brain about the AI discussion. Q says it will be biblical. Dumb thought, but what if the AI, isn't a computer? Not a man made object at all? What if it is truly a Supreme being? Jesus. Who else would know all things before they happen, and predict timing to the minute? That would be biblical!
AI does not forgive, which is why AI is dehumanizing and inherently evil when applied to humans.
Yes, please do.
Interesting delve into this subject. Hope someone can chime in and add to your research. Thanks for taking the time to do this legwork. Hope something comes out of it.
What a great post!
“I apologize for the verbose nature of this post”
Never apologize for being autastic! Mind blown! I’ve been on vacation for a week. Forgot and now reminded of how much I missed intelligent challenges. Nice dig fren!
Tips tinfoil fedora
Just for fun
Fedora vs. Trilby
Great combo of autistic and fantastic!!
Me too! Kek
Fascinating, I was wondering about the castle clue in the Q post.
TL:DR A cabal of mostly German Jews aka Ashkenazi are in a secret group trying to destroy the world. They did it in Russia in 1917. The Bolsheviks were literally demons. Check out old footage from the Soviet era. Lenin, Stalin, and the whole inner circle look like mongoloids and demonic. Most of them slept with teen girls. They enjoyed mass ritualistic murder.
The Gulag Archipelago is a good read to delve in to how a 12 year old girl picked up a grain that fell off a truck and got 3 years in a labor camp for theft of state property. Tons of children in cages, pedophile Jews, and native Faith pagans. Churchill said "God is on our side." And Stalin replied "The devil is on my side." Churchill also said he'd fight with Satan if it meant destroying Hitler. Stalin was not joking. He was a pagan. His mother said she wished he would've been a priest and hoped he had nothing to do with the death of the Tsars.
10 million died during the 1917-1922 civil war. 26 million Soviets died during WW2. Plus 5-6 million in the 1930s during Holodomor. And millions more in camps.
So Stalin had a not one step back policy that meant you'd be shot if you retreated. He conscripted every male 16-50 and forced them to fight during WW2. Because a bunch of soldiers were deserting. Remnants of the white movement were friendlier with hitler because hitler's regime treated the church better than Lenin or Stalin. Hitler allies in south America also helped Russian Orthodox Christains. Hitler was primarily killing Bolshevik revolutionaries, who primarily were Jewish. Some of the Nazis were satanic and occultist as well. Like the Black Sun Society.
Russia is genuinely trying to warn Americans that if this shit doesn't stop, they will be 1917 Russia. And by shit I mean genital mutilation of children, funding Nazis, kidnapping Russian nationals and selling them as sex slaves, bombing civilians, using uranium weapons illegally, and funding genocidal terrorist maniacs.
Luckily, most Americans disagree with those things even if they don't understand they're real and widespread problems.
Sexual immorality is God's #1 thing. See Sodom, Gomorrah, and Gilead. America is exporting this everywhere. The second biggest thing is infanticide. If people don't start repenting and at least trying to change, things will end poorly.
42 million+ Russians died between 1917 and 1946 for two pagan authororian leaders. If Americans think COVID is bad, imagine losing that many people in less than 30 years?
The pagan retards in power in DC don't care. But I don't think people can ignore what's to come. I think there's a vaxxie die off coming. They're going to get depopulation. Just not the way they thought lol.
Yup, there is going to be a huge Die Off of The Vaxxxed....
But we tried, and tried, and tried, to warn them, and they called us Racists, among the nicer things they said.....
Yes, we will be loosing about 100 Million people in about 10 Years, starting with the date of the very first Vaxxine given....
So we have now, gotten past the first year, and like 1 or 2 Months, and already the numbers of 18-40 Tear olds dying is already alarming.....
There are also DR.s reporting people who all of a sudden have AIDS, full blown AIDS, and NO POSSIBLE CURES, just yet.......
Chlorine dioxide reportedly kills cancer and all viruses and bacteria, is ridiculously cheap, and is without side effects when taken internally in low concentrations
So, naturally, the news media and Big Pharma have mounted a scary disinfo campaign to terrorize people and steer them back into the average FIVE (5) prescriptions they want every single adult to be on.
[THEY] have been withholding this from the world for decades in order to sell us pharmaceuticals.
The Universal Antidote Documentary:
Note, final hour is all testimonials of people cured of various diseases
The only thing I'm sort of satisfied about, with this mess we are in, is that the Truth about Medications will finally be brought out, and the actual CURES will be exposed along with all the Lies and NOT Cures.....
idk if well ever see a rapid die off. this was designed to go to slow so people wouldn't notice.
Jumping from the Average of 2.7 Million People yearly up to about 11 Million People Yearly is a big Jump.....
And that is what is estimated to happen....
Always wondered where BP petroleum got the green shield emblem from….. or is that drawing a long bow ?
Wonderful dig! Bravo.
Ok so this is slightly off on a tangent but Victor Hugo, author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame was almost certainly a high up member of the occult elite and sprinkled knowledge of the past civilization technology within his books. But the most interesting this was that Victor rebelled against his 'vow of silence' and became somewhat of a black sheep among his occult friends because of how outspoken he was about the "degradations and mutilations":
From one of Victor Hugo's essays:
"men of the art", eh. He makes very clear that is mostly men, and not time, that has mutilated these structures.
haha he is absolutely savage. So while Hugo seems unwilling to describe exactly what the old world looked like, he seems willing to share is complete disgust and anger at what resulted. also note that Hugo's reference to "greek, roman, and barbaric work of professors" is a direct reference to the renaissance.
Hugo was an activist attempting to stop the widespread and organized destruction of the old medieval world that continued to take place in the 19th century. He makes very clear that this is not arbitrary, random destruction and repurposement but calculated, planned and organized, factored into budgets of local and national authorities across France and by extension the whole of Europe.
but while he does not say directly how the old world looked or functioned, he does give quite a few indirect clues in his literature.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame has strange descriptions all throughout. But let you be the judge, here is page 399:
what the heck is he even writing about here? He uses very interesting figurative language throughout the book, especially related to water and flooding. The ile de la citie of paris is described as "like a great ship stuck in the mud" and as a crowd approaches the palais de justice, hugo describes them as a "flood of people"
Through the use of simile, people are compared with a flood of water and in doing so hugo transforms the streets and toads into flowing water systems. but... why did he describe people this way?
and here is yet another strange description while describing Esmeralda's imprisonment:
Isn't it strange? Hugo literally confirms what alt history people have said for years, that old style buildings do not simply end at the ground but go on much, much deeper. And not just a few meters or for a small basement, but the size of "another building" according to Hugo.
The novel also includes many occult references especially concerning the alchemist Frollo, the main antagonist who describes the sun as being made from the same source that produces gold.
Phoebus is the secondary antagonist of the novel, an arrogant womanizer that seduces Esmerelda. In greek mythology, Phoebus is the god of the SUN. He is stabbed by the alchemist Frollo but survives...
Esmerelda is described as a pagan romani (roman?) traveller witch - egyptian symbolic of pagan sun worship
Is Hugo trying to tell us that there was an attempt to destroy the sun in our lost ancient history? who knows...
Can a gatekeep of occult knowledge develop a conscious? Victor Hugo was punished, of course. In fact before his death most of his blood relatives died quickly one after another, his daughter confined to an insane asylum. And in classic occult elite fashion they mocked him at his funeral by hosting a big procession with gaudy decorations over his casket under a giant roman archgate, complete with the sun chariot statues on top, the same "baubles" that he claimed defiled the beautiful architecture of the inherited old world buildings.
They mocked him as they mock us today.
A few days before his death Hugo writes "TO LOVE IS TO ACT"
all of this topic and more is covered in this excellent video:
Very interesting, indeed. They're excavating the tunnels of Konigsberg castle now, I believe. Apparently, it's quit extensive. Several more rabbit holes to disappear down. Thank you, my good sir.
Those passages within The Hunchback of Notre Dame are very typical kinda metaphors and evocative imagery that is within novels of all types. Each of those aren't meant to describe anything except the scene it's describing. Open nearly any novel, especially things from time periods like Hugo or say HG Wells, some of that flowery descriptions are everywhere. I see nothing out of the ordinary. I have to question if you've ever read literature before, it's that typical.
and in Hugo's descriptions and protests against the building architecture changing is just that. Hugo was a huge fan of Gothic architecture, a style of cathedrals that was structurally very sound and was common for hundreds of years. Hugo thinks this is just peak architecture and design, and he greatly dislikes the changes to the buildings, especially the changes by his day's artists and people who claim they're making the building's better, when Hugo thinks they're already as great as they could be.
Also, I don't think anyone's ever tried to hide or claim otherwise that those sorts of Gothic cathedrals have catacombs and lots of space underneath the above ground floor. One of the main structures in Gothic cathedrals were the flying buttresses, which were a type of arch attached to the high walls. This arch then went down into the ground and would go straight down for quite a ways in order to offset the weight and structure needed to help hold up and balance those massive cathedral walls. When you consider the catacombs, storage rooms, lengths of the buttresses underground, it really would start to look like a root structure.
I can't really argue against the point that these passages may also be interpreted as flowery literature with no ulterior motives. Occam's razor and all that. Perhaps you are right.
I find it interesting to look at these passages within the greater context of his other works, essays, heavy occult influences, and the level of prestige/influence he had while alive, not to mention the circumstances of his death/family.
thank you for sharing, great research
Putin is Q! We REALLY ARE RUSSIAN BOTS!!! Beep Boop Beep!!!
Not sure why this was stickied... I appreciate that you put some time and effort into this post, but you didn't really come to any concrete conclusions. Just seems like some half-finished threads of thought that lead to nowhere in particular. You pretty much summed up the whole post at the end, when you said, "Could be something here but I haven't pieced it together yet."
Maybe you should try piecing it together next time before you post? I don't mean this an insult, but constructive criticism. Your post is pretty long and I was hoping for a more impressive punchline, given your title. I'd be frustrated if I bought a book that meandered along like this, and offered no real conclusions, just weird odds and ends with no really discernable connection.
Avila in the federal-State of Castillia, Spain.
North-west between Madrid and Salamanca. Many descendents in the new world ( south America.
Interestingly, this coat of arms was awarded in 2019. So, it is a place name. Interestingly, consider how many there are This is the one .... and it seems that it is a commune just recently established or recognized. Here you can request their story on their coat of arms.
2019? That's peculiar, indeed. I'm currently on street view looking for any clues. I emailed them. See if we get lucky. Thank you.
Highly interesting read with very intriguing possibilities/connections.
Thank you for taking the time!
P.S. it wasn't verbose. In fact i was mildly disappointed there wasnt more, haha!
lol thank you :)
Nice find
thank you
Excellent post! We need more digging.
When you mentioned "House of Wettin", it reminded me of the so called Wettin World Governing Council and the supposed head Lady Somerset Belenoff.
A couple of years ago this blew up on the chans (and elsewhere). There was (and still is) a website There is a related website supposedly run by Ms. Belenoff called that has all sorts of strange posts that are supposedly directives to council members. Last post was April 9, 2021.
When I searched Yandex for Somerset Belenoff, the first article is from none other than Mike Rothschild debunking the whole thing, so maybe it's worth taking another look. lol Probably still bullshit, but who knows what information is real and what isn't. Just looking for more pieces to the puzzle.
While searching the above, I came across another "old" item that was being discussed that may have more relevance now than in 2020. Remember Ukrainian Airlines flight 752 that was shot down by Iran. It apparently had 63 Canadians taking a late night flight from Tehran to Kiev. Knowing Canada's involvement with bio-weapons labs, Covid, the vaccines etc. This could probably use some more digging.
Yeah, those websites are BS and have already been debunked, and not by the fact checkers, but by anons.
That pic with Putin and the "wife"? Look at the bodies of each. Putin is dwarfed by that character and I'm not just talking about the height.
That is def a woman. Hips to shoulder ratio checks out.
I agree. She is freaking massive though.
Strong like bull
"fuck that bitch. This is Russia" - Putin probably
He’s a tough dog to keep on the porch lol
Very interesting. Just wanted to add that here in Russia I've met numerous people who suspect Putin may have been replaced at least once. Might be an interesting element to consider together with the leads you've gathered.
Great dig
H Ouse of Wettin working for good? Not from what is on the internet
Thanks for the great dig!
schild is SIGN
Go to German → English translation engine
Type in Schild
It comes back as "sign"
Now go to English → German
Type in shield
It comes back as "Schild"
Apparently Schild can mean sign and/or shield
Any actual Germanons :) who would care to chime in, please do
I've spoken German since I was 2 and spent years in Germany...contextually, it's SIGN. Don't assume Anon who bothers to correct you is wrong.
I didn't assume anything. I relayed that it apparently can mean two different words.
Don't assume that means I believe anyone who corrects me is wrong.
Excellent post! Fascinating! I’ve gotta dive into this one.
Interesting read .....
His daughters .....Masha/ Maria and Yekaterina/Katya:
Well .....what do you know. ..... Living in ' t Gooi. But look at the pic ..... Scratch the surface, and what do you meet up with ....
Dude pls connect Prussia to this dig!
There’s a video out there showing Putin locked in a cage in a courtroom. He was allegedly indicted and executed.
Look to Bush sr sr to understand the meaning of Qs castle posts. 1 word sums everything up AshkaNazi
Emphasis on the NAZI.....
This sounds like total BS. Much better to spend your time productively like working with local friends to make sure the midterms in your town are free and fair.