Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
Kenneth H. Riffle is or was a Democratic Member of the West Virginia State House of Delegates in the 30th District; Elected 1984. He was also involved in the oil and gas industry in the 80's.
Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
Kenneth H. Riffle is or was a Democratic Member of the West Virginia State House of Delegates in the 30th District; Elected 1984. He was also involved in the oil and gas industry in the 80's.
Are you sure the person exposed to the monkeys in Pennslyvania is the same person who died? The article in your first link says the lady is from Danville PA. Quite a ways away from the funeral home of the lady referenced in the second article.
I may just be face blind, but looking at their faces, I think it's possible that they could still be the same person with a different haircut; the nose, eyes, mouth and weight level in both photos are similar. If these are different people, any idea why the 4chan anon would want us to look into the WV woman? The twitter account of the one from PA is still tweeting as of this month: https://mobile.twitter.com/michelefallon7
/u/TrustTheTruth what do you think? Same person? Different person? Is she a crisis actor and this whole story is faked to drum up fear, including her death?
I looked them both up as well. The truck accident Michelle is from Danville, PA and is 45 years old, middle initial R. The obituary for Michelle Lee indicates she was 51 years old.
I agree there is a similarity in the facial features.
You jest, but in Comms "dogs" and "cats" are people owned and controlled (they have a leash).
A threat to the mules themselves to keep quiet? A threat to the documentary producer? A statement that all the mules have Flipped and testified? Does "Brownsville" itself have symbolic meaning? It is in Cameron (Camera On) county.
Treat every "offbeat" news article you come across with this level of scrutiny.
Camera-on county. Brownsville. If it's black hat, it sounds like a warning for any dogs or cats that may be thinking of flipping. If it's white hat, then it sounds like they've been neutralized and are giving testimony. I agree with the 2000 mules link. I kinda think white hat, because the board has already reported some arrests, and they must be ready to shit bricks.
Rana Laboratories, Inc. is located in Brownsville, TX, United States and is part of the Offices of Physicians Industry. Rana Laboratories, Inc. has 3 total employees across all of its locations and generates $261,032 in sales (USD
If it was fresh enough to eat then it's going in some Chinese food. The Chinese government pretty much financed all the China buffets in the nation. They even send over trafficked workers and hold their passports. I had a case in little town in Idaho when I was a cop of just that issue. It turned federal because of human trafficking
That explains why they all have the identical blah menus. I always wondered about that. I often joked, "it's like they come here and someone sets them up with the generic restaurant package."
There are a couple of exceptional Szechuan restaurants of which I'm a fan, though.
This. I went carnivore myself and feed my dogs mostly what I eat. I also find marked down meat about to expire and usually can get a manager to knock more off for buying it all up. Usually ground turkey, pork and beef. Chicken quarters make a lot of broth and meat. Just drain that fat, but still feed the skin for collagen. Beef heart is also cheap and amazing for them. Then I give them broth, eggs, sardines (water) and my steak scraps. Their poop is low residue, they eat less overall and they are healthy as hell. Their eyes, coats and nails are great. They never have discharges and crusties. Two pounds of animal protein a day is more than enough for a dog, can actually be cheaper when you minimize your waste and look at what it costs per pound for fillers and trash. Its really not much more than good canned food and probably cheaper than the best dry when you account for fillers. BJs has 88% lean for like $3/lb which sounds ridiculous but you’re likely paying more than that with dog food after accounting for all the non-food you’re buying. Dog foods are filled with literal trash that just goes through them and makes them sick.
I remember reading in The Franklin Cover-Up about cattle being bled dry (0 blood left) and the genitals harvested. All for Satanic rituals. I realized La Chipa Cabra was not some fake demon creature, but human demon creatures that worship Satan.
This is horrible and it’s not funny, or something to joke about we should be out raged and want to know why this happened! Others are right these people are sick.
I wonder if this is a ping back to that crashed truck/escaped monkeys/monkey bites woman's leg scenario Bill Gates was kicking around a few months ago.
They were probably planning to stage the animal corpses in a monkey pox photo shoot in some empty shelter cages to scare people and make them think that you can catch it from your pets.
Well I was think animal shelters. The pound, as they say..if that is even spelled right. I know they put down animals very often. My former neighbor works for one. He’s the pickup guy. They beg people online to come and adopt before...they put them down. I thought they used a oven, fire thing. But in all honesty, this is probably where they go. Landfill.
You have 80 dogs / cats that need to go and to have someone state-side you have to pay someone a premium to do it. It’s not a job people want. “Ya I exterminate pets en masse.”
Animals picked up one by one and sent to Mexico to get the axe.
Loaded back on truck to come back
Vet gets proof of kill and reimbursed by grants etc
Yes because I know that there’s a place in Phoenix that incinerates animals that have been put down. Used to be right next to Joe Arpio’s tent city, so you could smell it.
According to the story, correct me if I’m wrong, the dogs were coming from Mexico to America. That just makes no sense. Why would they not just incinerate them down there.
I mean Hells bells, I don’t know about regulations down there, but you they could just throw them in piles and light them on fire.
Hauling that many animals in tubs like that to me has nefarious written all over it. But that’s just my thought on it.
It is most likely that the labs bought the carcasses to use for study or to sell to veterinary schools. Sadly, it's a big business. Shelters often sell the dead animals to science. No-kill shelters don't make for big business, whereas killing millions of animals a year is quite lucrative.
To push plague narrative, monkey pox is up next. Drop these animals in streets in neighborhoods. Mockingbird = “what is killing these family pets. CDC issues warning. Monkey Pox”.
WHO gets to exercise it’s new found global dominion. “New normal”, Midterms suffer by implementing Mail in voting again.
I remember reading somewhere that some dog / cat food use mystery meat (such as roadkill, other deceased dogs and cats?) in their food. Super gross, but not surprising if it can save companies a buck! My dog would never touch most commercial dog foods, so I had to buy him organic/ natural dog food. He was super smart, and super picky, and I wondered if he knew what was really in it.
Animal testing labs with lots of animals on site (at least the one(s) I know of have their own incinerators on site to cremate the animals - they don't ship them around.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the truck full of monkeys that crashed back in january and killed someone who was exposed to them
https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/378397521 https://archive.ph/jKLBE
Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
In PA where the driver said he was hauling cats, but turned out to be test monkeys
Yep...4 tons of diseased dead dogs and cats inbound to stir up the pot some more. Probably from a lab
Was truck refrigerated?
Feeding illegal immigrants infected animal carcasses?
Hmm.. I thought to put in our human food.🤮
I honestly think this might be it.
They talk about how we dont have enough meat to feed everyone in america, so what are they putting out to replace it?
Brownsville is at the very edge of the Southern Texas Coastal Border... Key question: which was was the truck traveling?
Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
/u/throwawayforyou u/PatriotSkorzeny u/LetsG0Brandon
Looks like the truck got lit up by Mexican Army.. threat averted
They could be killing the Dog narrative for the liver disease and now moving back to monkeypox narrative.
I didn't know they said she died from it.😲 Last thing I heard was the initial story.
Are you sure the person exposed to the monkeys in Pennslyvania is the same person who died? The article in your first link says the lady is from Danville PA. Quite a ways away from the funeral home of the lady referenced in the second article.
cremated body = evidence destroyed
But cremated body can also be disease containment.
This was a different Michelle Fallon who died.
Maybe it is a different woman? I started looking into this from the info i got from this 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/378397521 https://archive.ph/jKLBE
I'm somewhat confused now... Here are pictures of both of them:
Michelle Fallon
Michelle Lee Fallon Riffle
I may just be face blind, but looking at their faces, I think it's possible that they could still be the same person with a different haircut; the nose, eyes, mouth and weight level in both photos are similar. If these are different people, any idea why the 4chan anon would want us to look into the WV woman? The twitter account of the one from PA is still tweeting as of this month: https://mobile.twitter.com/michelefallon7
/u/TrustTheTruth what do you think? Same person? Different person? Is she a crisis actor and this whole story is faked to drum up fear, including her death?
/u/BoatingAccident u/ThetruthSpreadsinNY
I looked them both up as well. The truck accident Michelle is from Danville, PA and is 45 years old, middle initial R. The obituary for Michelle Lee indicates she was 51 years old.
I agree there is a similarity in the facial features.
They are not the same person.
ya would be nice huh
My guess is for fertilizer.
Right. My first thought was to incubate a bioweapon.
But then, why dogs and cats?
Because it is nothing special to find a dead dog and cat here and there in every city.
A very discreetly bioweapon!
Tijuana and lots of other places in mexico are filled with feral cats and dogs,
Dogs and cats are so commonly used in Comms, it makes me suspicious of the event actually taking place.
Or, in the case of Harambe, the event was made to happen in order to make news headlines, which itself will send the Comm.
There goes.my Genral Tso's order
How you think we keep price 20 dolluh?
No and then!
...never eatin at a fast food joint again
C'mon guys, this one is easy. Someone ordered a hit on 2000 mules, and the hitman was not a biologist.
You jest, but in Comms "dogs" and "cats" are people owned and controlled (they have a leash).
A threat to the mules themselves to keep quiet? A threat to the documentary producer? A statement that all the mules have Flipped and testified? Does "Brownsville" itself have symbolic meaning? It is in Cameron (Camera On) county.
Treat every "offbeat" news article you come across with this level of scrutiny.
lol great decode. Brownsville??? haha. shit comms for blabbing
Good point. Calling u/SemperSupra and u/Mr_A for this comms decode
Camera-on county. Brownsville. If it's black hat, it sounds like a warning for any dogs or cats that may be thinking of flipping. If it's white hat, then it sounds like they've been neutralized and are giving testimony. I agree with the 2000 mules link. I kinda think white hat, because the board has already reported some arrests, and they must be ready to shit bricks.
This is the kind of thinking that makes me happy to be here to get to see
890 days
December 12, 2019 - May 20, 2022 (official corona start date)
Take my updoot!
Beef is getting expensive
True. Those DOGS will get HOT in the Texas sun....
What, to obvious?
Check out gutter grease. Lifeblood of street food in PRoC.
Meat for the coming famine? Think I'll stick with chicken.
I will eat vegetarian and wild harvest food.
There is a Rana Labs LLC in DC as well.
Rana Laboratories, Inc. is located in Brownsville, TX, United States and is part of the Offices of Physicians Industry. Rana Laboratories, Inc. has 3 total employees across all of its locations and generates $261,032 in sales (USD
Many of the industry contacts I am seeing are in the medical industry.
Rana means frog in Spanish
Rana Labs is a Media Company…. https://www.ranalabs.com/
McDonalds uses people meat last I heard.
McSoylent Quarter Pounder and Turnip fries pleaze.
What the fuck?! 😨
What the actual fuck o0
Seriously, fucking what? Why??
What in the absolute fook?
Cut 'em open, I bet they're full of drugs
If it was fresh enough to eat then it's going in some Chinese food. The Chinese government pretty much financed all the China buffets in the nation. They even send over trafficked workers and hold their passports. I had a case in little town in Idaho when I was a cop of just that issue. It turned federal because of human trafficking
There’s only so many Chinese restaurants in little towns here, where was this though? I live here and have never EVER heard of that story.
That explains why they all have the identical blah menus. I always wondered about that. I often joked, "it's like they come here and someone sets them up with the generic restaurant package."
There are a couple of exceptional Szechuan restaurants of which I'm a fan, though.
They were being used by the labs?
City Wok?
Shitty Wok
Woof woof!! Meow meow?
Wok your dog?
Green New Deal Lab Meat not grown in a lab after all. Trade Secrets.
Probably heading to a Purina (I'm not joking) ,. The document s on where it's heading should be in the drivers door
On a serious note you should not be feeding your pets food from purina. Make it yourself, raw food or try small batch makers
Bill of lading
Agreed. My dog was fed Purina once at her doggy daycare and it made her terribly sick.
This. I went carnivore myself and feed my dogs mostly what I eat. I also find marked down meat about to expire and usually can get a manager to knock more off for buying it all up. Usually ground turkey, pork and beef. Chicken quarters make a lot of broth and meat. Just drain that fat, but still feed the skin for collagen. Beef heart is also cheap and amazing for them. Then I give them broth, eggs, sardines (water) and my steak scraps. Their poop is low residue, they eat less overall and they are healthy as hell. Their eyes, coats and nails are great. They never have discharges and crusties. Two pounds of animal protein a day is more than enough for a dog, can actually be cheaper when you minimize your waste and look at what it costs per pound for fillers and trash. Its really not much more than good canned food and probably cheaper than the best dry when you account for fillers. BJs has 88% lean for like $3/lb which sounds ridiculous but you’re likely paying more than that with dog food after accounting for all the non-food you’re buying. Dog foods are filled with literal trash that just goes through them and makes them sick.
Been doing that for years.
I remember reading in The Franklin Cover-Up about cattle being bled dry (0 blood left) and the genitals harvested. All for Satanic rituals. I realized La Chipa Cabra was not some fake demon creature, but human demon creatures that worship Satan.
This is horrible and it’s not funny, or something to joke about we should be out raged and want to know why this happened! Others are right these people are sick.
Joking is a coping mechanism and we all do it.
Doesn't mean the people joking don't want answers.
My thoughts also.
I wonder if this is a ping back to that crashed truck/escaped monkeys/monkey bites woman's leg scenario Bill Gates was kicking around a few months ago.
Zombieline pets gone bad 🤡
Food for people, food for animals, bioweapons, drugs... Seems like a lot of options.
They were probably planning to stage the animal corpses in a monkey pox photo shoot in some empty shelter cages to scare people and make them think that you can catch it from your pets.
Is blue shit commonly found on decaying stuff or is it something like This https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanotoxin
Those animals don't look they were disolved for owing the cartel money
Might have been poisoned with sodium nitrite. Ever see the blue feral pigs? Methoglobinemia will turn your insides to smurf
It looks like a barrel pressurized and went boom.
Well I was think animal shelters. The pound, as they say..if that is even spelled right. I know they put down animals very often. My former neighbor works for one. He’s the pickup guy. They beg people online to come and adopt before...they put them down. I thought they used a oven, fire thing. But in all honesty, this is probably where they go. Landfill.
From Mexico to the United States though. That makes no sense. Why would we take dead animals from Mexico. Please
Things change around the border.
Imagine your a shelter.
You have 80 dogs / cats that need to go and to have someone state-side you have to pay someone a premium to do it. It’s not a job people want. “Ya I exterminate pets en masse.”
Crazy thinking?
Yes because I know that there’s a place in Phoenix that incinerates animals that have been put down. Used to be right next to Joe Arpio’s tent city, so you could smell it.
According to the story, correct me if I’m wrong, the dogs were coming from Mexico to America. That just makes no sense. Why would they not just incinerate them down there.
I mean Hells bells, I don’t know about regulations down there, but you they could just throw them in piles and light them on fire.
Hauling that many animals in tubs like that to me has nefarious written all over it. But that’s just my thought on it.
The cost of the materials, labor and hauling over the border makes no sense.
Inclined to agree. It’s whacky no matter what w that many animals in barrels of all things. Why ship them in?
they were free ...
It is most likely that the labs bought the carcasses to use for study or to sell to veterinary schools. Sadly, it's a big business. Shelters often sell the dead animals to science. No-kill shelters don't make for big business, whereas killing millions of animals a year is quite lucrative.
Yep fuck them and the breeders
And I ain't buying the official story that they were going to universities for research. 4 tons is a lot of dead animals.
Not that it wouldn't be totally fucked up too.
The new Soylent Green. Wonder if some of that BBQ sausage in Brownsville might start having an odd taste.
To push plague narrative, monkey pox is up next. Drop these animals in streets in neighborhoods. Mockingbird = “what is killing these family pets. CDC issues warning. Monkey Pox”.
WHO gets to exercise it’s new found global dominion. “New normal”, Midterms suffer by implementing Mail in voting again.
Looks like it exploded not like it was in a crash
Going to a pet food factory, or what??
I remember reading somewhere that some dog / cat food use mystery meat (such as roadkill, other deceased dogs and cats?) in their food. Super gross, but not surprising if it can save companies a buck! My dog would never touch most commercial dog foods, so I had to buy him organic/ natural dog food. He was super smart, and super picky, and I wondered if he knew what was really in it.
Animals know if something makes them feel crappy.
My dogs won’t eat most foods.
Animal testing labs with lots of animals on site (at least the one(s) I know of have their own incinerators on site to cremate the animals - they don't ship them around.
Drug smugglers using odor to cover smell of cocaine.
Ewww gross
About Rana laboratories
Categorized under Medical Centers.
Our records show it was established in 2008 and incorporated in Texas.
Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 234263 and employs a staff of approximately 3.
Contact Map pin Rana Laboratories Inc 5225 Commercial Drive Brownsville, TX 78521