We are a celeb-obsessed society. Great Awakening will be ushered in via celebrities. Some Comm theories suggest that will involve recently dead celebs coming back to life. The words coming out of their mouth will be treated as gospel.
I just think it's odd that they'd continue using something that Trump created when they don't have to. I suppose really doesn't have to be more specific, but also wouldn't be surprised if they put out a similar EO that does specifically call out "right wing extremists."
Logical answer… Trump has them trapped with PEADs.
What if a PEAD states the FJB admin. must do certain things (keep 13848 renewal, in this case) as long as the Covid emergency is in affect? They aren’t going to end the Covid emergency because EUA is the loophole allowing the jabs to be given. End the declared emergency and jabs have to end.
“The President wrote a very generous letter,” Biden told reporters. “Because it was private, I will not talk about it until I talk to him, but it was generous.”
Generous would be: do exactly as I say, when I say exactly, and you will be the pretend President for a couple years instead of baking in the Cuban sun for 1 hour per day until the huge beautiful ga!lows is completed.
Read Dereck Johnson at https://thedocuments.info/
Executive Order 13848 is the MOST Monumental and Historical in the World. The major keys in this order once again, Trump issued a National Emergency in the first paragraph. This order was signed in 2018, but the dates addressed inside did not apply until starting Nov. 3, 2020, with dates 120 days after that date with other stipulations and orders that led into 2021. How did they know to write an order in 2018, knowing to make the dates effective AFTER January 6, 2021?
This Executive Order was set to EXPIRE in September 2021. On September 7th, 10 days before our Constitution's Birthday, September 17th. "Biden" signed a ONE YEAR EXTENSION to the 13848 in which Trump declared the National Emergency, Maritime Law, but also, outlines Election Fraud and the Committee behind the reporting of audits and intelligence.
Executive Order 13848 signed in 2018 by Pres DJT https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/09/14/2018-20203/imposing-certain-sa nctions-in-the-event-of-foreign-interference-in-a-united-states-election
Executive Order 13848 Extension: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/07/notice-on-the -continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-foreign-interference-in-or-under mining-public-confidence-in-united-states-elections/ Shortly after “Biden” extended President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 on September 9, 2021, which has 4 crucial Laws and Orders inside it which will cancel “Biden”... Also in November, Actor Biden mentioned on National TV and News, "I'm not your President, Donald Trump is."
Sept. 7, 2022
“Biden” extends Executive Order 13848… Sept. 7, before it’s deadline.
That means the National Emergency is not being addressed... again.
Let’s watch the Optics unfold. 😎☠️🇺🇸
Here’s how the Military is in control and President Trump is still in charge according to LAWS and ORDERS:
First thing you need to know is President Trump's monumental Executive Order 13848 signed in 2018. Inside that Order 4 events were outlined:
Declared a National Emergency. By Federal Law, National Emergencies must be addressed by that Congress. It was not addressed. Covid-19 was not mentioned until February 4, 2020, at the State of the Union Address, FIRST by President Trump, so, how did he know to issue a National Emergency in September 2018 to activate on November 3, 2020?
Declared Maritime Law. He specifically put the date of November 3, 2020, as the activation date of Maritime Law on September 12, 2018. If there's no such thing as Voter Fraud, which first became a topic in the 'news' in December 2020, then how did President Trump know to put the specific date of November 3, 2020, inside the September 2018 Executive Order? #MilitaryIntel Do you wonder why there's shortages everywhere? Maritime Law equals the law of the Water. Maritime Law is why no foreign goods will enter the United States as specified in the 13848 Order, hence why the ships are guarded at the port cities and crates have not been delivered to warehouses.
Executive Orders = Automatic Law.
3 and 4. The Election Fraud Committee and Secretary of State. President Trump specifically put the dates of activation in which they would report. 45 days after November 3, 2020, which was January 2, 2021, and 45 days after that... which is March 3, 2021.
President Trump and FEMA declared two more National Emergencies in 2020 that also were also never addressed by that Congress.
Which is why on November 3, 2020, President Trump issued a Presidential Emergency, known as a PEAD, a Presidential Emergency Active Document. The only people who can know what's in that Document are the President and Military Generals. However, based on the Law and Order from 2017 up to that date along with Military Regulations, Optics, Symbolism, and Visual Operations... A Veteran or person like myself can tell you what's in that Document based on those up to that day.
Here’s how 👇
President Trump signed the National Quantum Act on December 21, 2018. Then signed Executive Order 13885 (14 pages) called the National Quantum Initiative on August 30, 2019, which is displayed in the ‘About Section’ on the Government site Quantum.gov launched in September 2021.
17 of the 21 agencies of the National Quantum Initiative are Military Related Organizations.
Executive Order 13885: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/09/05/2019-19367/ establishing-the-national-quantum[1]initiative-advisory-committee
National Quantum Act: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/6227/
Military Agencies on Quantum dot GOV: https://www.quantum.gov/about/#AGENCIES
The "mainstream media" started calling Veterans and people like me "conspiracy theorists" and QAnoners… and our posts come from the “Q”... I guess so... an active Government site with a "Q" in it 😆
President Trump ended the Air Force military space program and established the Independent Space Force in December 2019.
DUE to the above and ALL Law and Order from January 20, 2017, the activation of those 4 bullets in Executive Order 13848 with the key bullet: Maritime Law, on November 3, 2020, and the PEAD signed that day...
NO President was legally confirmed on January 6th, 2021, and did not have to be, because of the unaddressed National Emergencies from 2018 and 2020, Presidential Enhancement Act of 2019/2020, the Presidential Emergency Active Document, the invoking of the Insurrection Act of 1807 which are all 47 U.S. Code 606 titled War Powers of the President.
On Election Day, November 3, 2020, 4-Star General Nakasone tweeted: "as tens of millions of people head to the polls, @US_CyberCom and @NSAgov teams around the world are fully engaged, working hard with our partners to defend our elections. We took what we learned from 2018, and brought it to an entirely new level for #elections2020."
US_CyberCom = United States Cyber Command NSA = National Security Agency "Took" = past tense for that present day. "Around the world" = Why do we need teams around the world for the Election in the U.S.?
Who was the President in 2018?
When was the independent Space Force established?
When was the Quantum Information System established?
Remember "Russia Collusion" which was all a lie and scam?
Remember the fake Russian Dossier? What did we learn from 2018?
All of these brilliant Orders and Laws were written before Covid-19, before November 3, 2020 (Election Day), and before January 6, 2021, etc. Imagine that.
Now re-read the 4 Star Generals tweet again and the Optics... let it sink in.
When Dereck said this:
"Maritime Law equals the law of the Water. Maritime Law is why no foreign goods will enter the United States as specified in the 13848 Order, hence why the ships are guarded at the port cities and crates have not been delivered to warehouses."
Plenty of goods come into the country, plenty of ships full of goods, including goods imported well well after Nov 3 2020, so this is a bit of a daft statement.
If this is all true and there is an embargo of foreign goods then it certainly isn't ALL foreign goods.
That phrase “national emergency” is what makes the impossible, possible. It’s the key to everything. In times of national emergency, the constitution becomes irrelevant. The military can do just about anything at that point, legally.
What this is saying is that we are still in a national emergency related to election interference, because it happened. Biden cannot stop it, because he can’t. Because the normal chain of command and power structure is not what it used to be.
We have become immune to the gravity of the words national emergency. This is real. It’s been extended now twice. Legally, if the military chooses, they can do anything to save the republic. This is settled law.
It had to be this way. Because they had to trigger the executive orders to legally allow the military to be unleashed. They had to catch the election interference, and the 3 branches of government had to do nothing about it. Which happened.
Shits going down that we cannot see. Or this national emergency would have been cancelled immediately by the deep state.
As soon as the constitution is suspended, tax payments should be suspended.
Same thing with the thing about the constitution not being in force anywhere within 50 miles of a border. If the constitution isnt valid within 50 miles of a border, then the government has no authority to operate within 50 miles of border.
They dont get to pick and choose when the constitution is in effect, because the moment the constitution isnt in effect, is the moment they have forfeited their authority
My thought is the "undermining public confidence" part. They can claim Russia is the one who caused the "election was stolen" talk and are undermining public confidence. More gaslighting, I suppose
Wait, so Biden has been continuing this since "taking" office, but just now am wondering is this just a continuation of Bush's declaration of a national emergency after 9/11?
An article I read the other day mentioned we haven't been out of a state of emergency since Bush declared it after 9/11
With Vice President Dick Cheney and an alternate staff underground and President Bush aloft in Air Force 1 (AF1) we get a demonstration of what devolution under COG would look like. Shortly thereafter, President Bush issues Declaration 7463:
Proclamation 7463—Declaration of National Emergency by Reason of Certain Terrorist Attacks September 14, 2001 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation A national emergency exists by reason of the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States.
Great post by Richard Ryeson.
But perhaps the administration thinks it can use this EO to support the thinking on the left that Trump stole the election in 2016 with the Russians help. Perhaps the most simplest way of explaining. After all the administration going after Trump me thinks they are over confident.
I think on some of these E.O. the current Puppet , would have to declare that this PLANDEMIC, is over and remove the emergency? As the only other option to this NOT being part of the Movie?
So Biden can't just remove the EO and take the power back from the military? I'm guessing there has to be some type of agreement in place and since they don't recognize him as POTUS it won't happen? This is a clear exple of him not being in charge and someone in the background (aka the military) telling him what to do in terms of extending that EO?. No way he extends that all by himself.. the military backs trump, not him. Doesn't make any sense other than what's written by Richard below.. anybody have that bid where Biden says trump is pres?
This is the single biggest piece of evidence that exists to prove this administration is (at the very least) not what it seems.
What we need now is for peter doocy to ask sideshow bob about this on live national TV at the sally briefing. Instant exposure.
Sideshow Bob 🤣
I thought I was the only one that saw the resemblance..
MOCHA Sideshow Bob!!!
Exposure is going to happen via an Event with more eyes on it than a random Biden Q&A.
Funeral for the Queen isn't a bad start.
We are a celeb-obsessed society. Great Awakening will be ushered in via celebrities. Some Comm theories suggest that will involve recently dead celebs coming back to life. The words coming out of their mouth will be treated as gospel.
you do realize that the “threat” which will be invoked is maga republicans
Yeah, but I would think he'd write his own, more specific EO, rather than renew Trump's EO.
Hmm, why? The deep state loves broad laws that give them nonspecific power.
I just think it's odd that they'd continue using something that Trump created when they don't have to. I suppose really doesn't have to be more specific, but also wouldn't be surprised if they put out a similar EO that does specifically call out "right wing extremists."
He probably thinks he can use it against us
All they did was switch who they were going after to MAGA Trump supporters & kept the money flowing to it.
Why would the current bogus admin continue this when it would actually be a threat to all their players.
That is the $billion question my fren.
Logical answer… Trump has them trapped with PEADs.
What if a PEAD states the FJB admin. must do certain things (keep 13848 renewal, in this case) as long as the Covid emergency is in affect? They aren’t going to end the Covid emergency because EUA is the loophole allowing the jabs to be given. End the declared emergency and jabs have to end.
Yep, agreed!
Bingo --- why Trump is pushing the vax....
his hand is forced.. with all of the proof coming out or by other means..
“The President wrote a very generous letter,” Biden told reporters. “Because it was private, I will not talk about it until I talk to him, but it was generous.”
Generous would be: do exactly as I say, when I say exactly, and you will be the pretend President for a couple years instead of baking in the Cuban sun for 1 hour per day until the huge beautiful ga!lows is completed.
I wonder if "the !etter" is like the funeral packets?
Because Biden is either leveraged or outright flipped. He's part of the Boot Club, don't forget.
Read Dereck Johnson at https://thedocuments.info/ Executive Order 13848 is the MOST Monumental and Historical in the World. The major keys in this order once again, Trump issued a National Emergency in the first paragraph. This order was signed in 2018, but the dates addressed inside did not apply until starting Nov. 3, 2020, with dates 120 days after that date with other stipulations and orders that led into 2021. How did they know to write an order in 2018, knowing to make the dates effective AFTER January 6, 2021?
This Executive Order was set to EXPIRE in September 2021. On September 7th, 10 days before our Constitution's Birthday, September 17th. "Biden" signed a ONE YEAR EXTENSION to the 13848 in which Trump declared the National Emergency, Maritime Law, but also, outlines Election Fraud and the Committee behind the reporting of audits and intelligence.
Executive Order 13848 signed in 2018 by Pres DJT https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/09/14/2018-20203/imposing-certain-sa nctions-in-the-event-of-foreign-interference-in-a-united-states-election Executive Order 13848 Extension: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/07/notice-on-the -continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-foreign-interference-in-or-under mining-public-confidence-in-united-states-elections/ Shortly after “Biden” extended President Trump’s Executive Order 13848 on September 9, 2021, which has 4 crucial Laws and Orders inside it which will cancel “Biden”... Also in November, Actor Biden mentioned on National TV and News, "I'm not your President, Donald Trump is."
Sept. 7, 2022 “Biden” extends Executive Order 13848… Sept. 7, before it’s deadline. That means the National Emergency is not being addressed... again.
Let’s watch the Optics unfold. 😎☠️🇺🇸 Here’s how the Military is in control and President Trump is still in charge according to LAWS and ORDERS: First thing you need to know is President Trump's monumental Executive Order 13848 signed in 2018. Inside that Order 4 events were outlined:
National Emergencies defined:
https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title50/html/USCODE-2020-title50-chap34-subch apII-sec1622.htm
War and National Defense: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2020-title50/pdf/USCODE-2020-title50-chap34-subcha pII-sec1622.pdf Part One: Covert Operation by Derek Johnson (thedocuments.info)
All it takes is a little reading: Admiralty Maritime Law explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WYNukOeeDY Chapter 1, Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations; Dept of Homeland Security: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/33/2.32 Convention of the High Seas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_on_the_High_Seas National Ocean Service: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/lawofsea.html
President Trump and FEMA declared two more National Emergencies in 2020 that also were also never addressed by that Congress. Which is why on November 3, 2020, President Trump issued a Presidential Emergency, known as a PEAD, a Presidential Emergency Active Document. The only people who can know what's in that Document are the President and Military Generals. However, based on the Law and Order from 2017 up to that date along with Military Regulations, Optics, Symbolism, and Visual Operations... A Veteran or person like myself can tell you what's in that Document based on those up to that day. Here’s how 👇 President Trump signed the National Quantum Act on December 21, 2018. Then signed Executive Order 13885 (14 pages) called the National Quantum Initiative on August 30, 2019, which is displayed in the ‘About Section’ on the Government site Quantum.gov launched in September 2021. 17 of the 21 agencies of the National Quantum Initiative are Military Related Organizations. Executive Order 13885: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/09/05/2019-19367/ establishing-the-national-quantum[1]initiative-advisory-committee National Quantum Act: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/6227/ Military Agencies on Quantum dot GOV: https://www.quantum.gov/about/#AGENCIES
The "mainstream media" started calling Veterans and people like me "conspiracy theorists" and QAnoners… and our posts come from the “Q”... I guess so... an active Government site with a "Q" in it 😆 President Trump ended the Air Force military space program and established the Independent Space Force in December 2019. DUE to the above and ALL Law and Order from January 20, 2017, the activation of those 4 bullets in Executive Order 13848 with the key bullet: Maritime Law, on November 3, 2020, and the PEAD signed that day... NO President was legally confirmed on January 6th, 2021, and did not have to be, because of the unaddressed National Emergencies from 2018 and 2020, Presidential Enhancement Act of 2019/2020, the Presidential Emergency Active Document, the invoking of the Insurrection Act of 1807 which are all 47 U.S. Code 606 titled War Powers of the President.
On Election Day, November 3, 2020, 4-Star General Nakasone tweeted: "as tens of millions of people head to the polls, @US_CyberCom and @NSAgov teams around the world are fully engaged, working hard with our partners to defend our elections. We took what we learned from 2018, and brought it to an entirely new level for #elections2020."
US_CyberCom = United States Cyber Command NSA = National Security Agency "Took" = past tense for that present day. "Around the world" = Why do we need teams around the world for the Election in the U.S.? Who was the President in 2018? When was the independent Space Force established? When was the Quantum Information System established? Remember "Russia Collusion" which was all a lie and scam? Remember the fake Russian Dossier? What did we learn from 2018? All of these brilliant Orders and Laws were written before Covid-19, before November 3, 2020 (Election Day), and before January 6, 2021, etc. Imagine that. Now re-read the 4 Star Generals tweet again and the Optics... let it sink in.
Quality post. Thank you.
Wow - that took a lot to sink in, and maybe I still don’t quite follow it all, but that is an A1 post. Thank you.
When Dereck said this: "Maritime Law equals the law of the Water. Maritime Law is why no foreign goods will enter the United States as specified in the 13848 Order, hence why the ships are guarded at the port cities and crates have not been delivered to warehouses."
Plenty of goods come into the country, plenty of ships full of goods, including goods imported well well after Nov 3 2020, so this is a bit of a daft statement.
If this is all true and there is an embargo of foreign goods then it certainly isn't ALL foreign goods.
This is what I’m wondering too. The company I work at just had air freight pc power cables from China.
Great post. Maritime law. Watch the Water.
That phrase “national emergency” is what makes the impossible, possible. It’s the key to everything. In times of national emergency, the constitution becomes irrelevant. The military can do just about anything at that point, legally.
What this is saying is that we are still in a national emergency related to election interference, because it happened. Biden cannot stop it, because he can’t. Because the normal chain of command and power structure is not what it used to be.
We have become immune to the gravity of the words national emergency. This is real. It’s been extended now twice. Legally, if the military chooses, they can do anything to save the republic. This is settled law.
It had to be this way. Because they had to trigger the executive orders to legally allow the military to be unleashed. They had to catch the election interference, and the 3 branches of government had to do nothing about it. Which happened.
Shits going down that we cannot see. Or this national emergency would have been cancelled immediately by the deep state.
It's also a double edged sword - National Emergency would also give the DS unlimited power essentially, if they were really in charge, right?
The nature and origin of this EO which is granting the national emergency powers proves that this is not a situation which the DS are in control over.
As soon as the constitution is suspended, tax payments should be suspended.
Same thing with the thing about the constitution not being in force anywhere within 50 miles of a border. If the constitution isnt valid within 50 miles of a border, then the government has no authority to operate within 50 miles of border.
They dont get to pick and choose when the constitution is in effect, because the moment the constitution isnt in effect, is the moment they have forfeited their authority
Nice idea, thanks.
I agree...
Spot on Anon!
So this is more proof that Devolution is in play?
Patriots in control.
All of this has to be scripted. Why would Biden extend this when his neck is in the noose?
My thought is the "undermining public confidence" part. They can claim Russia is the one who caused the "election was stolen" talk and are undermining public confidence. More gaslighting, I suppose
Proper way to request a sticky:
Jon is going to love seeing this.
Boom shaka-lacka! :)
An enigma wrapped in a riddle surrounded by a puzzle!
Wait, so Biden has been continuing this since "taking" office, but just now am wondering is this just a continuation of Bush's declaration of a national emergency after 9/11?
An article I read the other day mentioned we haven't been out of a state of emergency since Bush declared it after 9/11
Quote from https://17sog.substack.com/p/planning-for-reconstitution
There are multiple national emergencies. That’s a great series btw
Great post by Richard Ryeson. But perhaps the administration thinks it can use this EO to support the thinking on the left that Trump stole the election in 2016 with the Russians help. Perhaps the most simplest way of explaining. After all the administration going after Trump me thinks they are over confident.
This is actually kinda nice for the elections coming up.
Curiouser and curiouser...
Fox guarding the henhouse just signed an order to kill all foxes. nothing makes any sense at all. As usual
I think on some of these E.O. the current Puppet , would have to declare that this PLANDEMIC, is over and remove the emergency? As the only other option to this NOT being part of the Movie?
So Biden can't just remove the EO and take the power back from the military? I'm guessing there has to be some type of agreement in place and since they don't recognize him as POTUS it won't happen? This is a clear exple of him not being in charge and someone in the background (aka the military) telling him what to do in terms of extending that EO?. No way he extends that all by himself.. the military backs trump, not him. Doesn't make any sense other than what's written by Richard below.. anybody have that bid where Biden says trump is pres?
We didn't have foreign interference in the 2020 election.
It was Domestic.
We saw data moving from domestic traitors to overseas servers. Traitors colluded with foreign actors
He likes the title of the EO. Nothing more.
They held his double scoop ice cream cone hostage until he signed to extend the EO.