This is exactly the types of things people
said would happen a few years ago that were dismissed as far-fetched. You couldn't come up with a more ridiculous scenario depicting the gullibility of NPCs than this. It's like the gif of people running towards a giant sinkhole and jumping in.
Amazing. Even sheep and cattle would figure it out eventually.
People, however, will stand in line for the "depopulation shot" just to be popular on social media... or because their friends urged them to do it... or even for a free doughnut.
He was a Lamb, who came to be sacrificed so everyone's sins could be forgiven. When He comes again He will be a warrior leading the angels to battle against satan and his demons. Jesus will win.
A certain group of people in the first half of the last century got on trains because their government told them to, despite clear indications of malicious intent by their government, and the fact that no one else taken by trains prior had ever come back, or even written a letter back.
Imagine the depth of mesmerization one would have to be under to stay in a jab line after something like that. It's like they are under some kind of spell.
The ones who did this to us are the ones George Bush Senior said would be dragged through the streets if the people ever found out what they had done. Well, we're finding out, and recompense is on the way. I just hope the ones obediently getting jabbed will live to see it from their hospital beds.
Went to CVS to pick up diapers. Saw an ambulance in the back with medics inside tending to someone. Standing outside the backdoor stood a young woman wearing a CVS Pharmacy shirt crying while smoking a cigarette.
All I could think to myself was that she’s probably getting tired of being complicit in numerous murders.
It’s a very sad world we’re living in right now. Very sad.
If people want to protect dumb dumbs from harming themselves, that’s fine, but where our society has gone off the rails is the dysgenic practice of forcing smart people to subsidize the fornication of dumb people.
I don't even like seatbelt laws and helmet laws. Let people do what they want and let the chips fall where they may
I hold this libertarian mindset long as nobody injured by not wearing them needs any medical care at taxpayer expense. As soon as I'm required to pay for someone else's easily prevented, ego-driven foolhardiness, I object.
I think that there should be a certain S-M-A-L-L (small!) tax that everyone pays for MINIMAL, BASIC healthcare for extremely poor people.
Wishful thinking. It will NEVER stay "S-M-A-L-L" as long as government employees get to run it. NEVER.
Just 40 or 50 years ago, there were free clinics for poor people. Doctors and nurses gave a few hours per month to help out at the free clinic. As recently as the 1950's and 1960's, doctors made house calls.
The private sector can, does and DID provide health care to poor people. But once the government got control of it -- first via Medicare in 1965, and then through mandated HMO's in 1970 -- it was only a matter of time until the free clinics went away and a house call was a never-happens event.
Get the government OUT of health care, and the free market will solve the problems.
smears his germs all over everything he touches ... can end up getting your niece sick
Germ Theory is a crock of shit, with ZERO proof to back it up.
Today, government controls almost ALL "health care" (if you can even call it that these days) and "medical research" (if you can call propganda "research"). This is the ONLY reason that alternative ideas are not funded and debated in society.
When government takes over, it is no longer a free society.
And it hurts EVERYONE.
We are a social race of beings, and we have a degree of interconnectedness that you can't get away from.
True, but Germ Theory is STILL a crock of shit.
So for the sake of PUBLIC HYGIENE
Wrong, because Germ Theory is a crock of shit.
But I think that tax, and that level of health coverage, should be extremely minimal
You are dreaming, not being realistic. The income tax started out with a maximum rate of 6%. Within a few years, the top rate was 77%, and in less than 20 years, it was over 90%.
Government does NOT stay small.
That should be one of the BIG lessons of the past few years.
It's one of the only things I'm still somewhat socialist about
That's a problem that you should deal with.
Those types of ideas ... "we can just keep THIS little itty bit of socialism" ... is what is destroying America.
Socialism/communism is EVIL ... because it violates the basic principles of human rights, and destroys people's lives.
You can't be a little bit pregnant, and you can't have a little bit of socialism.
Yes…it always starts out with just 5% or whatever and then these incompetent or greedy fucks want more. Always. We have more homeless people with more free services than we had without free services. That should tell us something about human nature.
Somehow this got slid from seat belts and helmets to bums wiping their ass with their beard :p
I said I specifically resent paying for other people's ego-driven foolhardiness, not simply being broke or indigent and in need of healthcare. No one with a conscience and a moral compass thinks those people should just be cast adrift if they can't pay their own doctor bills FFS
Honestly, a lot of good people are being forced to though threat of being fired from their job, not being able to go out to restaurants/live life, etc. I had a vaccine mandate at my job and I held firm, but I can understand people that don't stand firm. People just want to put food on the table, and I don't wish harm on those people.
As for the people that openly advocate for the discrimination of others and are openly encouraging destroying unvaccinated lives, fuck them. I have no remorse when they have side effects and they are getting what they deserve.
It's The Time Machine (1960) all over again. Post Apocalyptic times created a passive and ignorant human race called Eloi being raised for food by the monstrous underground-dwelling creatures called Morlocks. The Eloi are given free food and have no tasks or work to do. The sit around and eat the food given to them and each night when the siren tone is heard, dutifully line up and enter the caverns to be served up for the monster's dinner.
It’s not like they were just waiting in to see a doctor. They were all waiting in line just to bc get the shot. The people behind them should be like “uh no thanks”. I mean what did they think made the poor bastard fall to the ground? Muh…must be smth they ate that morning 🙈
At this point the WHO could put out a presser that the only way to stop your grandma from dying of covid X is to shove giant dill pickles up your asshole and a large portion of our society would clean out sams and costco of the largest buckets of pickles they can find.
Found this while looking for a different clip of similar nature. I was looking for the one where someone supposedly died at the clotshot clinic and they were being carried out in front of people in a queue to get the death jab, looking at the supposedly corpse and they are still standing in line!
If that doesn't wake the mass up, I don't know what will!
There was an experiment where they gave a group of people a list of items and told them to rank them in the order they would be helpful if they were dropped into the wild and needed them.
One guy seemed to know what he was talking about, but they dismissed all his suggestions. It turned out that he was right. They then played the video of the whole thing which was a bit embarrassing.
Wow, there is no upper limit. Wow!! Can people really be so divorced from their own self preservation????????????????????????????????????????? Yes!!!!!
There have been several videos I've seen clips of from last year where there is a big room of people sitting in rows of folding chairs who are waiting their turn to get the shots. And then out of the blue one person who has just gotten theirs suddenly faints or falls over and starts seizing. Nurses rush over and attempt to assist the collapsed person.
Everyone in the room stays in their seat and watches. No one leaves. No one stands up and speaks out. No one questions what is happening. Insane!
Some say some people don't have a spirit or higher consciousness, they're simply a function of biological urges and social pressures. After Covid, I can believe that.
If this is true, I just want to say--Who would want to miss their turn in line to get the jab--it was probably a long line and most of us know how difficult it is to leave and then come back--the line is usually a lot longer!
Too bad they didn't see the reason they shouldn't have been standing there in the first place.
This is exactly the types of things people said would happen a few years ago that were dismissed as far-fetched. You couldn't come up with a more ridiculous scenario depicting the gullibility of NPCs than this. It's like the gif of people running towards a giant sinkhole and jumping in.
And they do it to fucking virtue signal.
what the heck is a NPC
A soul-less meatbag disconnected from God
Not to put too fine a point on it!
Great description.
The best definition I have seen so far.
The ones that keep repeating the same lines they’ve been programmed to say
This is an NPC. She does a really good job at the portrayal.
a true NPC would ask if he's vaccinated, and if he suports Ukraine.Then they would go to a gipsy jazz concert.
I love that channel!
a philosophical Zombie.
Sheep/zombies/normies etc.
Weirdly, this is exactly where my mind went too.
Amazing. Even sheep and cattle would figure it out eventually.
People, however, will stand in line for the "depopulation shot" just to be popular on social media... or because their friends urged them to do it... or even for a free doughnut.
Jesus was a rebel, according to the establishment of the time. If it was good enough for him, it's good enough for me.
Jesus was a biker and he had an electric guitar, the Romans couldn't stand so much coolness
It wasn't the Romans who condemned Jesus to death.
bikers are whiny tryhards with obnoxious bikes
Jesus would drive a C4 Corvette. Not too old, not too new.
a Ford Escort
Rebellion is sin. Jesus was not a rebel.
There's nothing sinful about rebelling against corrupt leaders.
How do you think America started?
He was a Lamb, who came to be sacrificed so everyone's sins could be forgiven. When He comes again He will be a warrior leading the angels to battle against satan and his demons. Jesus will win.
yes absolutely precisely. But who would be the Antichrist ? the state?
If you believe the book of Revelation it's a human. I highly recommend everyone read Revelation.
Rebellion against evil is always righteous, thus stating "rebellion is a sin" is waaaay to exacting
We know a kid who said they offered them free fruit snacks. So, he did it. I'm assuming without parental permission. High school age.
Popular on social (bot) media. I hated botters when i was into mmos, but this shot is ridiculous. Misspelled pun acceptable.
She would have been SO MUCH WORSE if she hadn't gotten the jab, though...
yeah that was close
A certain group of people in the first half of the last century got on trains because their government told them to, despite clear indications of malicious intent by their government, and the fact that no one else taken by trains prior had ever come back, or even written a letter back.
underrated comment
The trains never happened. Keep on believing Jewish propaganda. Never. Fucking. Happened.
Everyone in line: "Why would Putin do this?"
Stupid is as stupid does. (sadly)
Imagine the depth of mesmerization one would have to be under to stay in a jab line after something like that. It's like they are under some kind of spell.
The ones who did this to us are the ones George Bush Senior said would be dragged through the streets if the people ever found out what they had done. Well, we're finding out, and recompense is on the way. I just hope the ones obediently getting jabbed will live to see it from their hospital beds.
It is a spell. . . . and once we figure out how the Deep State is doing it, they're done.
I'll bring the fork.
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell, 1984
Well, they didn't want to lose their place in line, duh!
Went to CVS to pick up diapers. Saw an ambulance in the back with medics inside tending to someone. Standing outside the backdoor stood a young woman wearing a CVS Pharmacy shirt crying while smoking a cigarette.
All I could think to myself was that she’s probably getting tired of being complicit in numerous murders.
It’s a very sad world we’re living in right now. Very sad.
If people want to protect dumb dumbs from harming themselves, that’s fine, but where our society has gone off the rails is the dysgenic practice of forcing smart people to subsidize the fornication of dumb people.
I hold this libertarian mindset long as nobody injured by not wearing them needs any medical care at taxpayer expense. As soon as I'm required to pay for someone else's easily prevented, ego-driven foolhardiness, I object.
Wishful thinking. It will NEVER stay "S-M-A-L-L" as long as government employees get to run it. NEVER.
Just 40 or 50 years ago, there were free clinics for poor people. Doctors and nurses gave a few hours per month to help out at the free clinic. As recently as the 1950's and 1960's, doctors made house calls.
The private sector can, does and DID provide health care to poor people. But once the government got control of it -- first via Medicare in 1965, and then through mandated HMO's in 1970 -- it was only a matter of time until the free clinics went away and a house call was a never-happens event.
Get the government OUT of health care, and the free market will solve the problems.
Germ Theory is a crock of shit, with ZERO proof to back it up.
Today, government controls almost ALL "health care" (if you can even call it that these days) and "medical research" (if you can call propganda "research"). This is the ONLY reason that alternative ideas are not funded and debated in society.
When government takes over, it is no longer a free society.
And it hurts EVERYONE.
True, but Germ Theory is STILL a crock of shit.
Wrong, because Germ Theory is a crock of shit.
You are dreaming, not being realistic. The income tax started out with a maximum rate of 6%. Within a few years, the top rate was 77%, and in less than 20 years, it was over 90%.
Government does NOT stay small.
That should be one of the BIG lessons of the past few years.
That's a problem that you should deal with.
Those types of ideas ... "we can just keep THIS little itty bit of socialism" ... is what is destroying America.
Socialism/communism is EVIL ... because it violates the basic principles of human rights, and destroys people's lives.
You can't be a little bit pregnant, and you can't have a little bit of socialism.
Yes…it always starts out with just 5% or whatever and then these incompetent or greedy fucks want more. Always. We have more homeless people with more free services than we had without free services. That should tell us something about human nature.
Somehow this got slid from seat belts and helmets to bums wiping their ass with their beard :p
I said I specifically resent paying for other people's ego-driven foolhardiness, not simply being broke or indigent and in need of healthcare. No one with a conscience and a moral compass thinks those people should just be cast adrift if they can't pay their own doctor bills FFS
Agreed. That’s quite libertarian of you
Honestly, a lot of good people are being forced to though threat of being fired from their job, not being able to go out to restaurants/live life, etc. I had a vaccine mandate at my job and I held firm, but I can understand people that don't stand firm. People just want to put food on the table, and I don't wish harm on those people.
As for the people that openly advocate for the discrimination of others and are openly encouraging destroying unvaccinated lives, fuck them. I have no remorse when they have side effects and they are getting what they deserve.
Similar situations are on video. It's like the cows being led into the slaughterhouse.
For some reason this made me burst out the thought of idiots queued up to get the same poison that they JUST SAW KILL someone else.
The human species has had to cull itself repeatedly throughout its history to remain robust and strong. This is just one more time.
It's The Time Machine (1960) all over again. Post Apocalyptic times created a passive and ignorant human race called Eloi being raised for food by the monstrous underground-dwelling creatures called Morlocks. The Eloi are given free food and have no tasks or work to do. The sit around and eat the food given to them and each night when the siren tone is heard, dutifully line up and enter the caverns to be served up for the monster's dinner.
mixed feelings. I feel superior and sad at the same time.They are suspending their judgement for some reason. It's reversible, they could be saved !
Of course if someone had pointed a gun at them they woul have fled.
Somehow need to equate the vaxx needle and a gun. Injections are deeply engrained as healing things, gun deeply engrained as a killing thing.
Injections can kill, guns can stop violence. This is the point ppl don't get.
It’s not like they were just waiting in to see a doctor. They were all waiting in line just to bc get the shot. The people behind them should be like “uh no thanks”. I mean what did they think made the poor bastard fall to the ground? Muh…must be smth they ate that morning 🙈
At this point the WHO could put out a presser that the only way to stop your grandma from dying of covid X is to shove giant dill pickles up your asshole and a large portion of our society would clean out sams and costco of the largest buckets of pickles they can find.
within hours.
Not one single person in line put 2 and 2 together and concluded that the lady collapsed from the jab.
They all assumed the lady collapsed from a pre-existing medical condition. Yes seriously.
Yep they all are dumb and blind to realize what the risks are and it's extremely high!
Found this while looking for a different clip of similar nature. I was looking for the one where someone supposedly died at the clotshot clinic and they were being carried out in front of people in a queue to get the death jab, looking at the supposedly corpse and they are still standing in line!
If that doesn't wake the mass up, I don't know what will!
You can’t fix stupid
Well, one way to clean up the gene pool.
There was an experiment where they gave a group of people a list of items and told them to rank them in the order they would be helpful if they were dropped into the wild and needed them.
One guy seemed to know what he was talking about, but they dismissed all his suggestions. It turned out that he was right. They then played the video of the whole thing which was a bit embarrassing.
The real test is when the second person drops next to the first...
Wow, there is no upper limit. Wow!! Can people really be so divorced from their own self preservation????????????????????????????????????????? Yes!!!!!
The health authority is also saying she died of natural causes, totally not related to the shot.
"Damn. Sucks to be her. Canz I git mah jab? Werk says I mus hav it."
It's funny isn't it. It's not that long ago that they all scattered in panic at that DEMONRAT rally where someone pulled a false shooter threat.
I have to admit I feel the same way while waiting in line at the drive-up at Burger King. Just a longer term effect.
Groupthink is like trying to form a horse by committee and coming up with a camel.
It comes from "A Kamel-la is a whore-by-chlamydia." ___ Old wise Khazarian proverb.
Some diss information is necessary.
Almost 300K members in that group... I feel like its only been up for a few months.
Cute story. Any sauce to go with it?
There have been several videos I've seen clips of from last year where there is a big room of people sitting in rows of folding chairs who are waiting their turn to get the shots. And then out of the blue one person who has just gotten theirs suddenly faints or falls over and starts seizing. Nurses rush over and attempt to assist the collapsed person.
Everyone in the room stays in their seat and watches. No one leaves. No one stands up and speaks out. No one questions what is happening. Insane!
Some say some people don't have a spirit or higher consciousness, they're simply a function of biological urges and social pressures. After Covid, I can believe that.
We are terribly flawed creatures. Sometimes I wonder if we deserve to be saved.
If this is true, I just want to say--Who would want to miss their turn in line to get the jab--it was probably a long line and most of us know how difficult it is to leave and then come back--the line is usually a lot longer!
Too bad they didn't see the reason they shouldn't have been standing there in the first place.
Tom MacDonald - "Brainwashed"
Same as cattle going to the slaughterhouse. Moooo.
Sheep to the slaughter
zombies in line.