Holy shit I did not know this, but Tulsi is a high ranking officer in US MIL Intelligence, Psychological Operations Command. - Clandestine
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

The WEF can be infiltrated, just like any other organization.
How much further would our movement be if our side figured out it can use some of our enemy's tactics against them?
Our side was late to the infiltration game.
Nonetheless, I believe there are patriots who are undercover.
Play along in their game. Hide yourself well, don't get suckered into doing things that could be used to blackmail you. Rise through the ranks in the corporate world or other fields. Then when the moment comes, lead the MAGA movement, OR (more gloriously) intentionally lead a woke movement to the ground. The best way to thwart a movement is to lead it.
Our side? Our side is comprised of ex-Clowns who have risked not only their lives, but the lives of their children for generations to come.
You don't get the greenlight to rise past a certain point without having puppetmaster strings pulling you up.
EDIT: Which is why this stage of the game is taking so long. String cutting for Clowns wanting to Flip. There is a reason why the film "Suicide Squad" keeps getting remade.
Very good point.
Who was it that said the best opposition is the one we control? ;)
So can Trump’s cabinet. By ol # 1 in class, clown, M Pompeo.
Mike P. says one thing and THE WORLD IS ENDING. Patience. You are not in the movie...you are in the audience. Look how many people lost their minds because Kash said Clinton and Comey will walk. Chicken Little Syndrome is best avoided.
Yes. Good advice. Thanks.
They're still walking.
Funny how the shills show up all at once, to trash certain Trump allies at certain times.
wait what?? I thought Pompeo was on Q team, hence we were all studying his twitter last year for the RED confirmations etc?
ok. to me that seems like he's playing a role. Like Trump endorsing Dr Oz. Part of a larger game or double agent-y kind of thing.
And the fucking pineapple comms
I kind of bet GEOTUS knew he was an assclown. I bet GEOTUS laughed as Pompeo played the patriot. I bet GEOTUS smiled as he told Pompeo everything he wanted Deep State to believe was true.
And then there is this...
Oooohhh, that's so brilliant!
il Donaldo Trumpo’s take on Tulsi's latest move:
"Good for Tulsi leaving the corrupt democratic party. Wish her the besto! WEF will try to run her as an "independent" in 2024. Trying to catch those moderate left votes from turning red. Joe Rogan inviting her and proposing it in 3... 2... 1..."
And THAT may well be how "they" attempt to dilute MAGA - run as independents to capture disillusioned Dems and terminally TDS-afflicted Republicans.
Trust no one on face value or even on shallow "digging" as EVERYTHING seems to be an "op".
That's old hat
Won't work anymore
Hopefully not, but that may not stop them from trying.
They will try and they will fail.
We see it all now
Actions over words. Always. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, but until she does something one way or the other, we simply do not know.
Splitting the left only helps the right.
Russell Brand did a show a few weeks ago about Democrats funding Republican campaigns.
I figured they are Democrats funding Democrats who are running under cover.
Yes, and she did go on Rogan last night dropping red pills about the military industrial complex.
Damn, look at that...Trump -- er, I mean -- il Donaldo Trumpo called it!
I don't think she will run as an independent. She'll be a VP for DeSantis or something as they will likely "Bernie" President Trump in the primaries.
She'll be used to attract moderates on both sides and it will be sold as better than Trump. Plus you have influencers like Rogan singing her praises.
The original "bernie" is when they did it to Ron Paul
DeSantis is likely going to be Trump's VP. And who DeSantis picks for 28 is up in the air, but if he's smart, he'll try to pick Lake.
But Ronnie boy needs to take advantage of the "nothing office" to learn all he needs to from Donnie Man.
Completely agree!
il Donald knows the score.
Reserve judgement. Tulsi, phyop? And that folks is the kind of war we are in. Players and sides have yet to be revealed. We have been playing their (NWO) game. All their phyop weapons being turned against them. Patriot Act may turn out to be an actual "Patriot Act." Continuity in Government (Devolution) no longer for them, but for us. Nobody on either side of the "Greatest World War" know the combatants for good v. evil, except for the main targets, and we are using their subterfuge tactics to beat a path to their door.
She may be a whitehat agent. And she appears to be positioning as a 2024 candidate to run as Independent to thwart the suspected >2 Presidential candidate electoral vote split play run in 1924 and 1824 to let the globalist candidate win.
Globalist successfully pulled it off in 1824 with 4 candidates, but appear to have failed in 1924 with 3 candidates. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1824_United_States_presidential_election
I don't like her well modulated speaking voice. It sounds like an actor (from movie) attempting to hypnotize someone.
Sign of an agent, imo. All good actors.
Recall that she came out of nowhere to run for Dem nomination in 2020. I think she is being pushed as an HRC or Michelle Obama neutralizer by someone.
I think she is packing the wrong weapon to be a neutralizer to Big Mike.
Good points though, didn't mean to bogart your thunda.
Have you listened to Military Instructors??
The really good ones control their voices so that their communications are clear and so they don't sound like they're barking at people.....
Nah, Tulsi will have been revealed by then, and there will be plenty of ammo on either side to neutralize her.
She may be positioning as the Independent to neutralize other players as a backup to cover all bases. If enough MAGA or Trump endorsed win in 2022, it will become a moot point.
She will Give the real Democrats someone to back when they feel like their party was hijacked by perverts, sexual deviants, communists, racists, and satanists.
Someone did some phenomenal digging on her a few years ago on 8chan. I did save it all, just can't find it in the midst of all the other research notes I have. Back to the point, everything about her comes across as fabricated or done for appearance. From her schooling to military service, there is "just enough" of everything done goldilocks style aka "just right" to give her credibility and believability.....she completely reeks of someone being groomed for a specific position as Barry Sotero was. Whatever the case, klaxons and spidey sense goes off with her bigtime.
Yup, and kind of the same story line as coming from nowhere like Tulsi. After I saw that pic of her holding up the pyramid sign, it is a no go for me. There are no pics like that of Trump. No one eye pics. Nothing. Trump is clean.
This girl has a swirl of shit that stinks of Obama type of molding.
And both of them were based in Hawaii at one point as well.
Great observation. She smells like shit to me. And the model they used for Obama, smooth talker, good looking, clean... Same formula.
No thanks. I go for Kari Lake all day before this person who tried to take away 2A. That in itself is complete scar on her record. Can't do it. Won't participate in this media blitz to get her to be a frontrunning Republican.
Trump, DeSantis ( Who I'm still cautious about), Kari Lake... That's about it.
I know that people are upset with Clandestine from his draw-a-line-in-the-sand approach to support Tulsi with knowing of her recent connections and views. However. this still deservers digging from the anons to see if she has connections to White Hats.
"The same exact US MIL personnel we believe to be running the Q operation, Tulsi is part of it.
Notice how she’s the only one who spoke out on the existence of US Biolabs in Ukraine. Notice how she’s been administering red pills to centrists for years. Notice how she’s inflicting MASSIVE damage to the DNC before the midterms.
She’s 100% a White Hat, through and through."
I had a private conversation with my fellow mods this morning on this very topic. I wasn't going to post it, because its still not a fully developed and researched thought. But with your post, its too relevant not to:
I have a theory. Many will not like it. I'm not a fan. Nor would I say its likely, but I think its very possible. Assuming Trump returns in 2024 via a traditional election, Trump/Gabbard.
After you re-swallow that bit of vomit and stop reacting to your emotions, I think you'll see the chess pieces seem to be moving that way.
The other side of this same coin is, she intends to primary against Trump. But I think the DS is using DeSantis for that.
So what chess pieces? Gabbard is not currently in office. So why make a spectacle of leaving the DNC? Why take a torch to it on your way out? And she's not just any democrat, she was recently vice chair of the DNC. Why at this time? 2 years before the 2024 presidential election? These are not pawn moves. Especially that last one.
Is this an attempt to give sane democrats (I guess there are some) an excuse to MAGA? Part of Q's plan to destroy the DNC? ...or just a huge con in an attempt to stop Trump?
There is certainly a long con in play here. Question is, is it the democrats or MAGA that are the intended victims.
Maybe both because in a new world order/one world government, there wont be either party. Get the people as a collective to not trust EITHER of them and it makes it more easily to swallow that new party coming to "save" us, huh.
All we know about her is her past and nothing of her present. This looks like what it is, pointing out that the dem party of today is noting of what it was, and she wants nothing to do with it.
But there are no biolabs. There are no engineered viruses. That was a DS scam to get people to inject themselves with poison.
I’m still gonna wait on this.
Someone has been watching Infowars
Actually I stopped watching that back in 2010. Info was always great but I couldn’t handle Alex’s red face and all the shouting. Became clear to me that his purpose was to reveal true things and make them look ridiculous so people wouldn’t believe them. Actually so people would say what you just said.
I got the info here. Someone posted this lady and she’s great. https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/what-is-making-people-sick:b#b
I don't watch, but has Alex Jones been saying that there aren't any biolabs?
Not at all. Meaning he hasn't been saying there aren't. Matter of fact he emphasizes there are/were and many of them.
He is controlled opposition it would not surprise me
Just look at the doubt and division she's been able to cause among Republicans within a few days!! Pay attention people.
Kind of like Dr. Oz?
The way I see it, she hasn't said anything about running, yet. Currently she is dropping red pills for the Rogan and Tim Poo viewers which isn't a bad thing. Yes, people need to pay attention to her actions.
Actions speak louder than words. Once a snake always a snake until proven otherwise.
So first - I don't trust her. Now that that's out of the way...
I've seen a lot of people talking about her votes. I want to point out that if she is being used as part of the plan in some way, her votes don't matter. They look bad for our side, and perhaps that is part of the plan for her. Unless her vote was the 1 vote that swung a bad bill to the Dims her votes meant nothing. They provided her a cover for being a Dim and on their side 100%. Orgs like the clowns build up covers over the years in much the same way.
Those votes would provide her with a great cover that could be used, along with her MI/PSYOP background for important stuff in the plan and the Dims would never know what hit them. Most importantly - the bad votes didn't do anything.
That said - I am watching her actions closely. She could be on either side, and we won't know until something happens. Normally I would write her off as one of the "bad guys" but the MI/PSYSOP stuff is a variable I can't ignore.
I just posted some research I did on Tulsi Gabbard at:
It is excellent. Everyone go look.
As a retiree, from the Army, the thing that speaks most to me is her awards.
She has none. She's been in since 03'. That's almost retirement time @ 20 years coming up.
Officers give themselves awards, they give each other awards, they give their dog awards. Anyone but the soldier.
I could tell some stories about awards and officers.
She is not liked in the military, that's my take away. Either because she's a shitbag, or because she's honest (or both). You decide.
Very interesting point.
Only recently prompted to Lt. Colonel. Interesting move from state national guard to army reserve, and the move to PSYOPs. She does have a handful of awards or recognitions, 2 of which literally due to her simply being a woman... whoppie, congrats.
I should better familiarize myself, but it seems pretty rare to have an active politician also be active in the military...
Any speculation regarding Tulsi should only be for entertainment purposes. Some of y'all forget this is a movie.
Can we not prop her up as a candidate, not because of past WEF associations that may or may not be influencing her, or because she is or isn't involved in psyOps, but because she's a democrat with socialist goals?
Anons, I would strongly recommend you examine the role of military civil affairs both at home and abroad. Equally important is to understand how reserves can be employed and get into places a normal active duty soldier cannot. Think title 10 and title 32.
I think it would be wise to with hold judgement for now and take a trust but verify approach. Last thing I will say is she is one of the three best informed members of congress on military matters and has exhibited some maturity when it comes to those policy items. Either side she falls on makes her incredibly dangerous.
Another one?
Not sure if you follow him on TS, but he sure is ruffling a lot of feathers in the past few weeks. Not sure what to make of all of it just yet.
His sudden fame is overwhelming his common sense.
As far as I'm concerned this is strike two for Clandestine. First was attacking other established accounts last week. For such a time as this........... they plant players.
Strike 3 will be learning that he copied his famous "debunking of the Biolabs" from somebody else.
Here is the TS lovers quarrel:
ArchiveAnon on TS called out Cladestine stating that he got the Biolabs info from AA's chat.
"This post was made to my old chat at 3:05 AM on February 24.
After getting this idea from a member of my chat, I brought it to the attention of the WTM chat and Awakened Outlaw quickly made an overlay which he posted to the WTM timeline at 3:34 AM.
That is where Clandestine got it from.
No, he very much did not make any connection between Ukrainian biolabs and Russian Airstrikes, he lifted that from someone in my chat who I believe got a hat tip on WTM at the time."
Clandestine responded with:
@ArchiveAnon accusing me of copying a meme at 3:05, but I wrote the thread at 2:14.
You wanna explain that math to me 😂
Also, I LITERALLY ADDRESS that I was “seeing speculation that could include US installed biolabs” and that’s why I started digging.
You are making an argument against me that I never claimed.
I took online whispers, found real world sauce via the US embassy confirming they have a biolab program in Ukraine, then tracked the reported air strikes…
Nice try
Agreed. Should have learned to shut his mouth and moved on instead of trying to protect his reputation.
He seems like a narcissistic asshole.
I really don't think you can equate reserves to the full time military. Just the sheer amount of time spent training and on the job are vastly different. Someone with actual mil experience should weigh in on this one...
I have been in all three branches of the Army; active, guard, and reserves. It really all depends as a person could be in the guard and/or reserve while also fulfilling their exact same MOS as an active guard or tech employee* (I have done so in the state of Hawaii before). Tusli's MIL background, and depending on her specific AoE, her being in the reserves doesnt mean much alone as she could be doing far more training in other areas than those who are active Army and may have not deployed in 3-6yrs time, never being reassigned to another duty station. She was Guard for 17yrs, then switched to a CA reserve unit.
So her service started in 2003 and continues. I don't know how long or often she was deployed, but since 2001 the mil has been deploying Guard and Reserves whenever they felt like it. It would not surprise me if she had several tours to the arena. It's not like it used to be when I was serving, where you could join the reserves and sort of hang out every once in a while and only maybe go somewhere for a week or two each year. They were leaned on a lot.
Also they get the same training, the same basic training, and whenever their reserve duty happens she (being MI) is probably deep in the shit.
BTW - she started in the Guard and moved to the Reserves in 2020. She actually was enlisted until she went to OCS. She worked with a medical group as enlisted, then was an MP when she became an officer. She didn't start the PSYOP stuff until she transferred to the Reserves. Officially anyway. Seems like a strange career move, but I've seen worse. I worked with computers and security but when I went Reserve they wanted me to load pallets for planes and make boxed lunches for the pilots. Nope - I left.
Why not...
Clandestine posted about Ukraine biolabs and was banned by Twitter as soon as the Deep State provided their newest 4AM talking points on which items to ban for misinformation. His reporting immediately prompted the Biden administration to pull documents about Ukraine from government websites, and these documents went all the way back to 2004.
Hard to imagine why that gave him instant street cred.
Edit - Doesn't mean it didn't go to his head, of course.
She will have to really prove herself before I will trust a WEF member. Same goes for Ivanka Trump. Now I will concede that some WEF members could be plants, but proceed with caution is my motto.
The enemy uses pysops as well silly
I still don't know about Tulsi, but I know that she's too attractive to be a democrat.
I've seen some pretty attractive Dims, but usually they have the crazy eyes as a warning.
During times of (digital) warfare, don’t forget about “friendly fire”!
Tulsi is also closely connected to a freak cult that was busted pushing drugs in Hawaii. Who feels better knowing that people like her are involved with military psychological warfare program's? Yeah, all warm and fuzzy feeling.
Let's hear some of her comments about the MK-Ultra program that her democrat party hero, Bill Clinton, was illegally running.
What a brilliant cover as a Democrat Congressional rep from Hawaii, who voted 2X to Impeach President Trump yet could be secretly part of Q team? And now she turns and leaves the Democrat party to likely join MAGA and likely become Trump's next VP?? What a great plot twist-Not!
Dude she’s practically a commie. Why tf is there all this love for this leftist hack on here? Are we really so easily duped?
I know right? It's infuriating to me. Here we are on a site dedicated to deep research and people on here are swayed by honeyed words but don't have 5 minutes to look up her Bills and sponsors?
For shame.
Tulsi is there to wake up the moderate left women. that is all
Tulsi was raised in Hawaii and there, just like the South of my youth, you were either a member of the democrat party or had no part in political life. Many of our most reliably conservative Republicans were once democrats. People can change, especially as you grow older. Lyndon Johnson was my change agent and possibly Joe Biden is Tulsi’s. Who really knows what is in another’s heart and mind.
Go read her bill sponsors, actions speak louder than words. Now come back here and tell me she is on our side...
It's sad to me that people can be fooled by words and a promoter just because we like what they are saying. Especially when we are supposed to all be deep researchers.
No clue on validity of this information. Just putting it out there for digestion and possibly further development.
Seems like whenever she says something that conservatives might agree with it starts the ‘white-hat’ chatter. I am doubtful.
That "guru" is pretty creepy. I watched that little video "Serve Me - Serve God". No, Chris, I honestly don't believe that to serve you is to serve God. If you were the spiritual teacher you believe yourself to be, the only words out of your face would be "Serve God".
This is a very good find!!!
I don't know how anyone can claim to know the motives of these people... Yeah, she is in the WEF but it doesn't mean they cannot be infiltrated and it certainly doesn't mean she is a good guy either. We don't know! But what I do know, her publicly switching sides and saying what she said in the process is not a help to the Deep State. She called out their shit all while switching to the Republican party.
I don't see how that's a play in their favor.
On July 4, 2021, Gabbard was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
Also she is in the Reserves as of 2020 - not the Guard.
Here’s an article confirming Tulsi’s move to the 351st Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) Unit, in June 2020.
She's LTC and she's MI...
You dont think an LTC in MI doesnt have any pull anywhere? Especially one who was a member or congress? Think broader....
I dont think being in the service is her goal considering she is hitting on 20yrs and is eyeing a more important political spot and has probably moved up a few rungs of the ladder for the team she is on.
I’ve been saying for some time, Tulsi Gabbard is a curiosity, and is unusual compared to her other WEF types, she has never quiet fit their usual mold as she’s gotten older. Plus that front-line military service adjust your insight in the importance of protecting America and the Constitution in the “long run”.
Exactly...people are 'judging' too quick at the moment...
now this is some tasty data
I'm pretty sure this is fake. Just like she is.
Yes, I've known that for some time. I like "some" of what she has to say, but the fact that she has supported the Dems like she has makes me cautious.