"The Balfour Declaration was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lionel Walter, 2nd Lord Rothschild, in his capacity as unofficial leader of the British Jewish community. The letter concerned the favourability by the Government of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. The Balfour agreement became the diplomatic foundation stone of the state of Israel."
Wait what? So was it just like he got into this position with the sole mission of making it look like somehow the UK government was on board with supporting the creation of Israel, essentially tricking them into supporting it via pork spending etc, or he was acting on behalf of a general UK government agreement that Israel project should indeed be supported? Also I’m not so sure a homeland for your race/religion is such a horrible idea. It would actually be nice if whites identified more with their European heritage and if these European countries had better restrictions on immigration to keep them as ancestral homelands respecting the local cultures and traditions. Just a thought. Maybe we start calling ourselves European-Americans
I’m not so sure a homeland for your race/religion is such a horrible idea.
Well, in this case there was the whole problem with all the people who lived there.
At the time Israel was promised to the Zionists, the Ottomans still called it "home." Thus the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, so the Zionists could get their "promised land." That and the League of Nations were, I think, the primary goals of WWI.
I'm pretty sure they aren't completely not the same people either. There is the theory that the Judeans, long after the diaspora, were infiltrated by the Khazarians. My research suggests the Khazarians are nothing more than the Scythians (I'm about 99.999% sure of that). The problem people have putting this together, is that the Scythians were largely wiped out of history. People today (where by "people" I mean those who research the past, not everyone else who are completely clueless about all of this) mislabel the Scythians as the Tartarians, and there is all sorts of disinformation surrounding the Tartarians which keeps people from understanding the connection to the Scythians. See Sir Walter Raleigh, 1560, p 247 e.g. where he clearly states that the Tartarians are the Scythians. There are many other sources (all prior to the 20th century) that name the Tartarians clearly as the Scythians (see Petes, 1722, p 15 e.g.).
The Tartarians are the Scythians. The Khazarians are the Scythians. But the Khazarians aren't necessarily the Tartarians. The Scythian Empire, according to my research, controlled about 25% of the world, for between 3000-8000 years, finally dying completely in the early 20th Century (although not really, because the USSR was sorta a continuation of it). I can substantially support 3000 years, but there is up to 8000 years of a continuity of culture and language in the archeological evidence. The reason the Scythians are so easy to hide, is because they were a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religion Empire. Everything that says "Khanate" on any old map is just a principality of the Empire of Scythia.
The Tartarians, were, I think, what we today call the Mongolians. A subgroup of the Scythian Empire. The Empire of Scythia was a "You Keep What You Kill" type of government. In other words, the strongest clan ruled. During the time of the "Mongolian" (Tartarian) invasion, they first consolidated rule in greater Scythia, and then invaded the rest of the Eurasian continent. But consolidating rule in greater Scythia was pretty much the same thing as saying "Election Year." It happened all the time. Everyone was always paying tribute to someone. Old works talk about various Khan's bragging about how many principalities were paying them tribute. It was just how their culture worked. They intermixxed all the time as well, keeping a continuity of culture across a huge area, just like how we do it today in the United States. Many subcultures, but one overarching culture because of a single government and open borders.
The Mongolian invasion was not the first time the Scythian's all banded together and took over all of Eurasia. Another simple example is Attila the Hun. There were many others. They seemed to have some version of it about once every couple hundred years or so. Some more successful than others.
The region we now call Israel was taken as a Scythian tributary (principality) numerous times in history. But the Scythians also lost it as a principality many times, just like they lost Iraq (Assyria, etc.) as a tributary many times, and retook it many times.
The evidence suggests every single one of those regions began as a Scythian outpost. The Scythians themselves were the progenitors of the Judeans and the Assyrians/Babylonians/Sumerians, etc.. For reference, the Bible calls the Scythians the Magogians (Gog and Magog).
There are many works that suggest that Judaism is originally the worshiping of Moloch/Ba'al, etc., prior to encountering Zoroastrianism, at which time they melded their pantheon into YHWH.
The Khazarians' influx into the larger Judean community was quite a while (2000ish years) after the change of "Judaism" to monotheism. After the original Israeli diaspora (not the Judean diaspora a couple hundred years later) I think some of those who followed the previous religion we think of as Babylonian went into the area now called Khazakstan and became the Khazarians. They did so because flowing freely between Scythian states was totally a thing. I think the Khazarians melded into the present day Judeans because of their shared ancestry and similarity of the origin of the religion.
I found it free and watched it. The show was 44 minutes of hyperinflation, slavery to sin, every fetish for almost free... There are a lot of similarities between what happened there and here.
Makes you wonder at what’s coming next for the USA after the “American Weimar” is eliminated, we officially MAGA, and exactly just how ahem “aesthetically patriotic” our country might become.
The ideological pendulum always swings back proportionally. As this nation has moved further left and does its best interpretation of Weimar Germany, I fear that when the pendulum swings back, as it seems to be doing now, that its swing takes us into Nazi Germany territories.
We must guard against that. I want to be a Nation that protects all mens individual rights, weak or strong, moderately left or right. We must rule from the center and not let our baser instincts rule the day.
Tyranny and genocide from the right is just as abhorrent as from the left and at the top of the ideological circle they are indistinguishable.
Yes it's important NOT to repeat the mistakes of the past. We can't become the next nazi germany. By far most jewish people are completely innocent and have no ill will against us. There does seem to be a pattern of certain rich influential jews in high places pulling some strings though. And there are plenty of elite non-jews standing right there with them. In the end we have an elite problem.
However, if jews don't want to be criticized as a group, I would suggest to them to stop criticizing whites as a group, and stop trying to encourage the world to hate whites. It's insanity, a massive case of racism that no one wants to admit to and it's being allowed because for some reason, jews as a group seem to get a special pass that no other group gets. They can criticize and demonize anyone, but if you point out even one FACT they don't like, all hell is released upon you. Something about that smells fishy.
So you really want to “eliminate” all of us even though you know it’s a small corrupt satanic group at the top?
I’ve supported Trump and MAGA from the beginning along with many other Jews and were told the whole time “they’re nazis they’re nazis!” knowing it’s BS because the leftist media is corrupt as fuck.
Now we get this thread very visible with highly upvoted and extreme rhetotric that reads like a leftist wrote it themselves and masturbated toobin style while typing it up on the computer.
I get people are waking up to the realities around them but solely focusing on one aspect of it and not the others and going full “elimination mode” seems fishy as fuck and it’s obvious what’s going on.
I wonder how many articles and hit piece segments showing these comments will be written today to sway the normies.
So you really want to “eliminate” all of us even though you know it’s a small corrupt satanic group at the top?
Anyone who makes that suggestion should be shut down in a heartbeat. I can't think of anything more evil than wanting to genocide and entire culture because of the acts of a few extremists or evil elites. There does appear to be a pattern of jewish elites that I've never noticed before and that is alarming, but I would never assume every jewish man woman and child were evil. That's just insanity. I wish some of them would stop pushing that idea about whites though.
That’s putting words in my mouth and I’ve NEVER implied such a thing, so let’s get that straight. My oldest and closest friend is a religious Jew, and I’ve known and befriended Jews growing up, I was merely recognizing and pointing out the striking historic parallels we’re seeing today, and curious as to what might and not come next. Matter of fact, I never mentioned a word about the Jews in my original post. So take it easy.
Shaun King is the self-loathing "white man" (probably identifies as something else with white skin) that claims to be black - he's nicknamed Talcum X. You're thinking of Rachel Dolezol.
I came to the same conclusion a few years back. I started looking harder at things that I would normally dismiss out of hand. Still don't have much certainly, but definitely open to new facts.
It almost always seems what I thought was right is wrong. Many times that is the start for me- did I believe this to be true prior to 2019 ( my big awakening- everything before and after has been gradual steps of awakening).
I know quite a few jews in real life, and they're actually pretty quiet about the fact. If you ask, they'll tell you truthfully. Otherwise they just busy themselves with their project, whatever it is, it's always something they're working on.
I hereby declare that we should unironically refer to ourselves as European-Americans - everybody else gets to church up their nationality and we get left with the dirty tshirt of labels the Whites or ‘yts’ as the racist leftists say. Well no more - Time to be proud of our heritage or we stand to lose it - not just here but in our European homelands as well. So European-American it is from now on. We are upgrading the label to something worthy of distinction. Say it proud.
KALERGI PLAN: Genocide of the Whites, Jews will be ultimate rulers.
The Kalergi Plan is a genocide project which was created and worked out by the politician and mestizo Mr. Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi (16 November 1894 – 27 July 1972) who was an Austrian-Japanese politician, philosopher and Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. together with his Free Mason colleagues. They were the predecessors of the European Union which has got the aim to destroy Europe and to exterminate the white race.
At the same time multi cultural culture and massive immigration of Negroes, Asian people, mestizo people, Latin “American” people, natives from “America” and Muslims should be fostered with the aim to mix all the races creating and breeding in this way a passive mestizo race – this was the special expectation – which should be tamed, which should be calculable and manipulable, which should be of a minor character and with minor intelligence.
Governing in this way should be possible to be executed by a Jewish elite aristocracy forever. This means, the minor spirit should make it impossible for the new mestizos to organize rebellions and they should not at all become aware that they would be dominated. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=93851
“Klaus Schwab wrote a book describing his plans to kill billions of humans starting with the whites and Europeans.” https://truth11.com/2021/06/24/klaus-schwab-wrote-a-book-describing-his-plans-to-kill-billions-of-humans-starting-with-the-whites/
This explains:
Mass immigration
Promotion of racism against Whites
Discrimination against Whites
Preferential treatment of Blacks and Hispanics
Government subsidies
Lighter punishment for crimes
MANY advertisements of biracial couples
Over-representation of blacks in commercials, film, music, American culture
Reparations to people who have never been slaves, by people who have never owned slaves
Most news reports will never name the race of the perpetrator if they're Black
If you look at the CDC, you will see most of the people hurt/killed by the jab were white. They have the science to adapt the injection to target one race more than another. They test what happens to certain ethnicites. I'm glad I never did the blood genealogy test. But whenever you have a blood draw, they could put some aside for that.
The two races that were not targeted were blacks from a certain area of Africa and Ashkenazi Jews.
I did do blood genealogy, years back when it was new, for heath reasons. That's the first time I ever saw the term ashkenazi jew. And I have no idea what that is.
The term Ashkenazi refers to individuals descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland in the west of Germany. Many Ashkenazi Jews (AJ) migrated to other parts of Europe, with the majority migrating eastward.
There are studies that claim they have the highest average IQ among minorities.
When it is to their advantage, they pretend to be white, speak in the name of being white, and commit acts of fraud and slander in the name of being white. It's common knowledge amongst themselves they don't consider themselves as being white, but genetically different and superior. But, how dare you for recognizing and discussing it.
One of their favorites is spraying a swastika near a synagogue or hotspot racial neighborhood. Distracts from anything else in the news and ramps up the white guilt factor in normies
From the bottom of my heart I am genuinely glad you guys are waking up to this ((problem)). I use to be called names for talking about this years ago and now you guys are starting to come around. You guys are doing a fantastic job.
We've come a very long ways. And the propaganda was very thick. It's truly astounding it's beginning to break. Who knew Kanye would be the one to do it. What amazing history to behold.
Jews are at the root of all major and as a result, minor corruption on the planet. Everywhere.
Every single country, every single major company, every single military, every single government, bank, institutions you name it. It's them.
The amount of times I've jumped into a rabbit hole and within minutes there is a Jew at the top of the food chain or at the forefront would be counted as 100%
Freemasonry, the Bavarian Illuminati, Council of Foreign Relations, ALL the banks in England with that old time money, the Li Family of China which controls the CCP, The crypto Jew Saud family of Saudi Arabia and on and on.
lmao dude, I get you have a dog in this fight but I'm just calling the world the way it is. I don't see why that bothers you. It's been made public at this point and you're still crying and resorting to pretending I am a nazi.
Nazis hate everyone. I don't hate anyone. I call it the way I see it.
Gas canisters? lmao that gas bullshit has been debunked by people who are in jail in Germany right for for calling it bullshit. Just like the number 6 million which was debunked over and over again.
I'm not a regular goy, bitch boy.
I'm not gonna shy away from calling it what it is cause you and your so called patriot gf are offended. Beat it, kid.
But who taught the white liberal to hate their whiteness? Who wrote the books? Who spoke at the colleges? It's fucking alarming when you see it all laid out in front of you.
I don't hate Jews but there definitely seems to be a club in that race that's holding a brick over our heads. I saw a couple clips of Jews dancing in Chicago in 1933 that then rolled out a moloch statue and did a mock sacrifice. I can post those in a separate thread when I jump on computer later. I just randomly caught it on Twitter and the guy who posted it had 0 views 0 likes lol. I was kinda shocked though. But it's starting to seem like to me these people are just biblical moloch worshippers
I have compilations of this stuff, so yes it's real.
Whenever the want to make white people look bad, they'll suddenly be white. When they have some sort of agenda to destroy whites, they'll be white. To give an example of that, they'll say something like "As a white person, I'm disappointed whites aren't doing more for BLM."
They only time they're Jews is when they need a shield and need to play the victim card to get out of criticism.
I've read that a ton went to Europe. This might be true.
I think the control aspect is a big part too. White people have traditionally been rulers, also the ones who helped form this beautiful country.
I can't fucking believe what I'm seeing. This is outright racism against white people (I'm not white). White people are being patient right now, but they will keep poking the bear. The tipping point should be what they should be scared of...
Is it because of what happened in Germany? Is it because of Jesus, as europeans have been mainly christian for a very very long time?
I watched a documentary about jews who believe jesus was their messiah. They said their families disowned them over it. They said growing up they were taught the bible was full of hate against the jews, blaming them killing jesus, and that christians believed all jews should be killed for it, and that that's why hitler did what he did. And that if ever another hitler rose to power, all chistians would follow him. They were told never to open a bible and read it. It was extremally taboo. But the internet came and allowed them to look inside for the first time, in private without being exposed, and that's when they learned that all this time, it was just lies about what was in the bible. They didn't even know that half the bible was their own Tanakh. And the other half was enough to convince them that jesus was in fact their messiah, that they rejected. They were willing to throw their lives away to accept jesus. Fascinating movie.
Jewish supremacy is the real threat. It's all projection. It's literally written into their sacred texts that everyone who isn't Jewish is below them and should be their slaves!
ISRAEL LAST. This topic is on Q. The rest of the joofagging BS (even if it's true) isn't. Keep the channels clear for this signal that's coming out. Thanks!
That cannot be proven. Palestine, and muslims jihadi are part of Israel too, not just mUh JoOs. The erroneous assumption that Q means to say "Jews for last" is simply wrong.
What do you think the media would have said if posts were "old Jews caused the ills of the world" or "research khazarian mafia." It always points back to the tiny hats in one way or another.
The noticing is fucking perfect… gets people questioning everything… once blacks and hispanics are fully on board that its the bad jews (not the good ones) that have been pitting blacks ,whites ,hispanics ,asians against each other… its lights out
Greetings fellow goyi- er I mean uh white people. Aren't we just so awful? We should really pay reparations to the whole world and open our borders. Oh and flagellate ourselves for our white privilege!
Adventures of the man who started paying attention. A bit too late as damage done decades ago. They got infinite money glitch when gold untethered and pretty much won at this point.
I am starting to believe there is more to this Jewish thing than I thought. Seems you can teach a. open minded frog new facts...
Ever look into the Balfour declaration?
Important to understand.
What? When? Who? Why?
Never heard of it. Can you sum it up?
"The Balfour Declaration was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Lionel Walter, 2nd Lord Rothschild, in his capacity as unofficial leader of the British Jewish community. The letter concerned the favourability by the Government of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. The Balfour agreement became the diplomatic foundation stone of the state of Israel."
Dig, dig, dig.
Wait what? So was it just like he got into this position with the sole mission of making it look like somehow the UK government was on board with supporting the creation of Israel, essentially tricking them into supporting it via pork spending etc, or he was acting on behalf of a general UK government agreement that Israel project should indeed be supported? Also I’m not so sure a homeland for your race/religion is such a horrible idea. It would actually be nice if whites identified more with their European heritage and if these European countries had better restrictions on immigration to keep them as ancestral homelands respecting the local cultures and traditions. Just a thought. Maybe we start calling ourselves European-Americans
Well, in this case there was the whole problem with all the people who lived there.
At the time Israel was promised to the Zionists, the Ottomans still called it "home." Thus the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, so the Zionists could get their "promised land." That and the League of Nations were, I think, the primary goals of WWI.
I'm pretty sure they aren't completely not the same people either. There is the theory that the Judeans, long after the diaspora, were infiltrated by the Khazarians. My research suggests the Khazarians are nothing more than the Scythians (I'm about 99.999% sure of that). The problem people have putting this together, is that the Scythians were largely wiped out of history. People today (where by "people" I mean those who research the past, not everyone else who are completely clueless about all of this) mislabel the Scythians as the Tartarians, and there is all sorts of disinformation surrounding the Tartarians which keeps people from understanding the connection to the Scythians. See Sir Walter Raleigh, 1560, p 247 e.g. where he clearly states that the Tartarians are the Scythians. There are many other sources (all prior to the 20th century) that name the Tartarians clearly as the Scythians (see Petes, 1722, p 15 e.g.).
The Tartarians are the Scythians. The Khazarians are the Scythians. But the Khazarians aren't necessarily the Tartarians. The Scythian Empire, according to my research, controlled about 25% of the world, for between 3000-8000 years, finally dying completely in the early 20th Century (although not really, because the USSR was sorta a continuation of it). I can substantially support 3000 years, but there is up to 8000 years of a continuity of culture and language in the archeological evidence. The reason the Scythians are so easy to hide, is because they were a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religion Empire. Everything that says "Khanate" on any old map is just a principality of the Empire of Scythia.
The Tartarians, were, I think, what we today call the Mongolians. A subgroup of the Scythian Empire. The Empire of Scythia was a "You Keep What You Kill" type of government. In other words, the strongest clan ruled. During the time of the "Mongolian" (Tartarian) invasion, they first consolidated rule in greater Scythia, and then invaded the rest of the Eurasian continent. But consolidating rule in greater Scythia was pretty much the same thing as saying "Election Year." It happened all the time. Everyone was always paying tribute to someone. Old works talk about various Khan's bragging about how many principalities were paying them tribute. It was just how their culture worked. They intermixxed all the time as well, keeping a continuity of culture across a huge area, just like how we do it today in the United States. Many subcultures, but one overarching culture because of a single government and open borders.
The Mongolian invasion was not the first time the Scythian's all banded together and took over all of Eurasia. Another simple example is Attila the Hun. There were many others. They seemed to have some version of it about once every couple hundred years or so. Some more successful than others.
The region we now call Israel was taken as a Scythian tributary (principality) numerous times in history. But the Scythians also lost it as a principality many times, just like they lost Iraq (Assyria, etc.) as a tributary many times, and retook it many times.
The evidence suggests every single one of those regions began as a Scythian outpost. The Scythians themselves were the progenitors of the Judeans and the Assyrians/Babylonians/Sumerians, etc.. For reference, the Bible calls the Scythians the Magogians (Gog and Magog).
There are many works that suggest that Judaism is originally the worshiping of Moloch/Ba'al, etc., prior to encountering Zoroastrianism, at which time they melded their pantheon into YHWH.
The Khazarians' influx into the larger Judean community was quite a while (2000ish years) after the change of "Judaism" to monotheism. After the original Israeli diaspora (not the Judean diaspora a couple hundred years later) I think some of those who followed the previous religion we think of as Babylonian went into the area now called Khazakstan and became the Khazarians. They did so because flowing freely between Scythian states was totally a thing. I think the Khazarians melded into the present day Judeans because of their shared ancestry and similarity of the origin of the religion.
White is a label given to us by Juice.
Let's not forget the Celts.
We were British colonies.
People came primarily from England, Scotland, Ireland.
Although a lot of Celts also have Norse (Germanic) ancestry mixed in.
Ahh .. thank you. I did not know that!
Glad you're waking up
It seems to take a rabbit hole, dedicated research, then realizing I simply shed myself of more brainwashing.
You should watch the film “berlin before fascism” it really changed my opinion on what may be happening
I found it free and watched it. The show was 44 minutes of hyperinflation, slavery to sin, every fetish for almost free... There are a lot of similarities between what happened there and here.
Makes you wonder at what’s coming next for the USA after the “American Weimar” is eliminated, we officially MAGA, and exactly just how ahem “aesthetically patriotic” our country might become.
The ideological pendulum always swings back proportionally. As this nation has moved further left and does its best interpretation of Weimar Germany, I fear that when the pendulum swings back, as it seems to be doing now, that its swing takes us into Nazi Germany territories.
We must guard against that. I want to be a Nation that protects all mens individual rights, weak or strong, moderately left or right. We must rule from the center and not let our baser instincts rule the day.
Tyranny and genocide from the right is just as abhorrent as from the left and at the top of the ideological circle they are indistinguishable.
Yes it's important NOT to repeat the mistakes of the past. We can't become the next nazi germany. By far most jewish people are completely innocent and have no ill will against us. There does seem to be a pattern of certain rich influential jews in high places pulling some strings though. And there are plenty of elite non-jews standing right there with them. In the end we have an elite problem.
However, if jews don't want to be criticized as a group, I would suggest to them to stop criticizing whites as a group, and stop trying to encourage the world to hate whites. It's insanity, a massive case of racism that no one wants to admit to and it's being allowed because for some reason, jews as a group seem to get a special pass that no other group gets. They can criticize and demonize anyone, but if you point out even one FACT they don't like, all hell is released upon you. Something about that smells fishy.
So you really want to “eliminate” all of us even though you know it’s a small corrupt satanic group at the top?
I’ve supported Trump and MAGA from the beginning along with many other Jews and were told the whole time “they’re nazis they’re nazis!” knowing it’s BS because the leftist media is corrupt as fuck.
Now we get this thread very visible with highly upvoted and extreme rhetotric that reads like a leftist wrote it themselves and masturbated toobin style while typing it up on the computer.
I get people are waking up to the realities around them but solely focusing on one aspect of it and not the others and going full “elimination mode” seems fishy as fuck and it’s obvious what’s going on.
I wonder how many articles and hit piece segments showing these comments will be written today to sway the normies.
Yes, the "all Jews are bad" comments and threads on this site are either put out by leftists trying to make this site look bad, or just stupid people.
Anyone who makes that suggestion should be shut down in a heartbeat. I can't think of anything more evil than wanting to genocide and entire culture because of the acts of a few extremists or evil elites. There does appear to be a pattern of jewish elites that I've never noticed before and that is alarming, but I would never assume every jewish man woman and child were evil. That's just insanity. I wish some of them would stop pushing that idea about whites though.
That’s putting words in my mouth and I’ve NEVER implied such a thing, so let’s get that straight. My oldest and closest friend is a religious Jew, and I’ve known and befriended Jews growing up, I was merely recognizing and pointing out the striking historic parallels we’re seeing today, and curious as to what might and not come next. Matter of fact, I never mentioned a word about the Jews in my original post. So take it easy.
If "white privilege" were a thing, why'd pocahontus (warren) identify as indian?
Wouldn't that also apply to mixed folks? Kind of the likes of bubba smollette etc.. who go all in on their victimhood.
good points!
Talcum X
Snow J. Simpson
Is that the title of that woman who pretended to be black a few years ago? Rachel someone, I think.
Shaun King is the self-loathing "white man" (probably identifies as something else with white skin) that claims to be black - he's nicknamed Talcum X. You're thinking of Rachel Dolezol.
There's white privilege but there's also free money to be a minority. One is a hindrance to woke the other is a benefit
I came to the same conclusion a few years back. I started looking harder at things that I would normally dismiss out of hand. Still don't have much certainly, but definitely open to new facts.
It almost always seems what I thought was right is wrong. Many times that is the start for me- did I believe this to be true prior to 2019 ( my big awakening- everything before and after has been gradual steps of awakening).
“Hello, fellow white people”
I as a white man typically address my people in just this way. It's very natural and not suspicious at all.
I prefer "what's up, my cracker?"
"Sup, fellow saltines?"
Not at all an imposter, pretending to be jewish 🙄
I know quite a few jews in real life, and they're actually pretty quiet about the fact. If you ask, they'll tell you truthfully. Otherwise they just busy themselves with their project, whatever it is, it's always something they're working on.
haha jews working. good one.
I hereby declare that we should unironically refer to ourselves as European-Americans - everybody else gets to church up their nationality and we get left with the dirty tshirt of labels the Whites or ‘yts’ as the racist leftists say. Well no more - Time to be proud of our heritage or we stand to lose it - not just here but in our European homelands as well. So European-American it is from now on. We are upgrading the label to something worthy of distinction. Say it proud.
How about everyone drop the hyphens and just be AMERICANS?
KALERGI PLAN: Genocide of the Whites, Jews will be ultimate rulers.
The Kalergi Plan is a genocide project which was created and worked out by the politician and mestizo Mr. Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi (16 November 1894 – 27 July 1972) who was an Austrian-Japanese politician, philosopher and Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. together with his Free Mason colleagues. They were the predecessors of the European Union which has got the aim to destroy Europe and to exterminate the white race. At the same time multi cultural culture and massive immigration of Negroes, Asian people, mestizo people, Latin “American” people, natives from “America” and Muslims should be fostered with the aim to mix all the races creating and breeding in this way a passive mestizo race – this was the special expectation – which should be tamed, which should be calculable and manipulable, which should be of a minor character and with minor intelligence. Governing in this way should be possible to be executed by a Jewish elite aristocracy forever. This means, the minor spirit should make it impossible for the new mestizos to organize rebellions and they should not at all become aware that they would be dominated. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=93851 “Klaus Schwab wrote a book describing his plans to kill billions of humans starting with the whites and Europeans.” https://truth11.com/2021/06/24/klaus-schwab-wrote-a-book-describing-his-plans-to-kill-billions-of-humans-starting-with-the-whites/
This explains:
Would explain why death jab was only pushed in white countries
If you look at the CDC, you will see most of the people hurt/killed by the jab were white. They have the science to adapt the injection to target one race more than another. They test what happens to certain ethnicites. I'm glad I never did the blood genealogy test. But whenever you have a blood draw, they could put some aside for that.
The two races that were not targeted were blacks from a certain area of Africa and Ashkenazi Jews.
I did do blood genealogy, years back when it was new, for heath reasons. That's the first time I ever saw the term ashkenazi jew. And I have no idea what that is.
The term Ashkenazi refers to individuals descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland in the west of Germany. Many Ashkenazi Jews (AJ) migrated to other parts of Europe, with the majority migrating eastward.
There are studies that claim they have the highest average IQ among minorities.
Check a search engine for more info. Use YANDEX
Interesting. It goes too far back then on my family tree for me to know where it's coming from, but showed up in my dna.
The death jab was pushed in all countries. I am from “other” country that is non-white. I’m pretty sure depopulation does not discriminate.
Here is the study showing Ashkenazi Jews are the least susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 binding. From study:
The Bolshevik revolution was a jewish revolution. This new Bolshvik 2.0 is no different
When it is to their advantage, they pretend to be white, speak in the name of being white, and commit acts of fraud and slander in the name of being white. It's common knowledge amongst themselves they don't consider themselves as being white, but genetically different and superior. But, how dare you for recognizing and discussing it.
One of their favorites is spraying a swastika near a synagogue or hotspot racial neighborhood. Distracts from anything else in the news and ramps up the white guilt factor in normies
This site feels more and more like good old voat.
Voat refugees are more than welcome here and I'm glad you bought the JQ
Yeah but it took long enough lol
I think I would have liked that site.
People are recognizing the tares among the wheat. Harvest time is near.
We need more like Kanye to break away and expose the subhumans.
because the Samson option.
The plane the plane?
From the bottom of my heart I am genuinely glad you guys are waking up to this ((problem)). I use to be called names for talking about this years ago and now you guys are starting to come around. You guys are doing a fantastic job.
We've come a very long ways. And the propaganda was very thick. It's truly astounding it's beginning to break. Who knew Kanye would be the one to do it. What amazing history to behold.
"Always has been"
They’re always atheist Jews too. Which means they believe their blood is special nothing more. They are white (Jewish) supremacists
Glad they are being exposed.
Jews are at the root of all major and as a result, minor corruption on the planet. Everywhere.
Every single country, every single major company, every single military, every single government, bank, institutions you name it. It's them.
The amount of times I've jumped into a rabbit hole and within minutes there is a Jew at the top of the food chain or at the forefront would be counted as 100%
Freemasonry, the Bavarian Illuminati, Council of Foreign Relations, ALL the banks in England with that old time money, the Li Family of China which controls the CCP, The crypto Jew Saud family of Saudi Arabia and on and on.
You have a secret room in your house filled with Wuffen SS memorabilia don't you?
Your favourite item is a Gas canister. You are a meme and a very pedestrian one at that. (not really all that bright in the scheme of things)
lmao dude, I get you have a dog in this fight but I'm just calling the world the way it is. I don't see why that bothers you. It's been made public at this point and you're still crying and resorting to pretending I am a nazi.
Nazis hate everyone. I don't hate anyone. I call it the way I see it.
Gas canisters? lmao that gas bullshit has been debunked by people who are in jail in Germany right for for calling it bullshit. Just like the number 6 million which was debunked over and over again.
I'm not a regular goy, bitch boy.
I'm not gonna shy away from calling it what it is cause you and your so called patriot gf are offended. Beat it, kid.
"Gas canisters? lmao that gas bullshit has been debunked by people who are in jail in Germany right for for calling it bullshit."
I am sorry, I should have been more specific. I was not referring to the holocaust, you just reminded me of someone.
lmao classic tactics. You get called out so you're all pissy about it and begin to run your mouth. It's okay, bro.
Ye is setting you straight fortunately. I can see through the goy lens now
"Goy lens" - "Bagel shop Jews" - "not a goy bitch"
You would fit right in at consumeproduct.win
Your feelings hurt? Trump says way worse than that publicly. You gonna go on twitter and complain about him to, snowflake?
Awwweeeee. Pucker up, little guy.
Kanye really did a number on you didn't he?
"You gonna go on twitter and complain about him (too), snowflake?"
I fixed it for you.
Newport Rhode Island. Atlantic slave trade. Give that a whirl.
Yes, it's real. But Jews aren't the only ones teaching white people to hate themselves. Liberal whites are the very best at hating their whiteness.
But who taught the white liberal to hate their whiteness? Who wrote the books? Who spoke at the colleges? It's fucking alarming when you see it all laid out in front of you.
Fock man. This is hard hitting.
#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder there's no need to argue that point any longer.
Who taught the liberal whites?
The cultural Marxists. The Bolsheviks. We know them.
They are like Essau, they despise their birthright.
Hint, some jews are caucasian,, some are proselytes and can look like anyone.
And let's get this fact correct: Ashkenazi jews, synagogue of Satan, Talmud following satanist.
Can you explain what Ashkenazi jews are? Why is nazi in their name?
Why are they named after Ashkenaz from Japeth and not Shem?
I don't hate Jews but there definitely seems to be a club in that race that's holding a brick over our heads. I saw a couple clips of Jews dancing in Chicago in 1933 that then rolled out a moloch statue and did a mock sacrifice. I can post those in a separate thread when I jump on computer later. I just randomly caught it on Twitter and the guy who posted it had 0 views 0 likes lol. I was kinda shocked though. But it's starting to seem like to me these people are just biblical moloch worshippers
I saw that, absolutely couldn't believe my eyes. Really makes me wonder about a few things, that's for sure.
I have compilations of this stuff, so yes it's real.
Whenever the want to make white people look bad, they'll suddenly be white. When they have some sort of agenda to destroy whites, they'll be white. To give an example of that, they'll say something like "As a white person, I'm disappointed whites aren't doing more for BLM."
They only time they're Jews is when they need a shield and need to play the victim card to get out of criticism.
Why the whites? curious what their reasoning is. Hardest to control?
High enough IQ, mentally strong. Asian IQ is slightly higher but they're less resilient.
Asian females are some of the most pliable creatures around.
I wouldn't mind a cool Japanese girl.
I've read that a ton went to Europe. This might be true.
I think the control aspect is a big part too. White people have traditionally been rulers, also the ones who helped form this beautiful country.
I can't fucking believe what I'm seeing. This is outright racism against white people (I'm not white). White people are being patient right now, but they will keep poking the bear. The tipping point should be what they should be scared of...
Is it because of what happened in Germany? Is it because of Jesus, as europeans have been mainly christian for a very very long time?
I watched a documentary about jews who believe jesus was their messiah. They said their families disowned them over it. They said growing up they were taught the bible was full of hate against the jews, blaming them killing jesus, and that christians believed all jews should be killed for it, and that that's why hitler did what he did. And that if ever another hitler rose to power, all chistians would follow him. They were told never to open a bible and read it. It was extremally taboo. But the internet came and allowed them to look inside for the first time, in private without being exposed, and that's when they learned that all this time, it was just lies about what was in the bible. They didn't even know that half the bible was their own Tanakh. And the other half was enough to convince them that jesus was in fact their messiah, that they rejected. They were willing to throw their lives away to accept jesus. Fascinating movie.
Messianic Jews. God bless them....
Messianic Jews were the first converts to The Way (Later to be called Christianity).
Messianic Jews wrote the entire New Testament.
Messianic Jews were the ones who heeded Jesus warnings about the Temple Destruction in 70AD and fled to the mountains, never to return to Jerusalem.
Very cool people to talk to about Yeshua.
I'm guessing simply skin color.
It's true.
Jewish supremacy is the real threat. It's all projection. It's literally written into their sacred texts that everyone who isn't Jewish is below them and should be their slaves!
The goyim are learning.
He knows the nose.
I need to start looking at their doctrine.
Goyim, or animals.
Once the Noticing starts, it can't go back into the box.
Are Jews the ones who own the banks, legacy media, and big pharma?
What does history tell us about these kind? We’re they expelled repeatedly from humanity?
Over 100 countries can't be wrong.
People are noticing and pointing it out. This is gonna get glorious.
Please stop noticing.
DON'T FORGET! Jews invented monosodiumglutimate! /s
ISRAEL LAST. This topic is on Q. The rest of the joofagging BS (even if it's true) isn't. Keep the channels clear for this signal that's coming out. Thanks!
That shit is the worst
That cannot be proven. Palestine, and muslims jihadi are part of Israel too, not just mUh JoOs. The erroneous assumption that Q means to say "Jews for last" is simply wrong.
What do you think the media would have said if posts were "old Jews caused the ills of the world" or "research khazarian mafia." It always points back to the tiny hats in one way or another.
This narrative is staying at the top of the charts. They're keeping it alive...Are we at the last part of the first act? Saving Israel for last...
First part of the last act!
The noticing is fucking perfect… gets people questioning everything… once blacks and hispanics are fully on board that its the bad jews (not the good ones) that have been pitting blacks ,whites ,hispanics ,asians against each other… its lights out
Bad Jews and good Jews? That's like saying there are good muslims and bad muslims, or good cops and bad cops.
AJAB, kek.
Always has been.
Anything who thinks non whites, including jews, like whites needs to just vaxx themsevles.
Of course
Makes sense now the female celebrities with circumcised male foreskins on their faces
Anyone interested in this, just research foreskin fibroblasts..
Greetings fellow goyi- er I mean uh white people. Aren't we just so awful? We should really pay reparations to the whole world and open our borders. Oh and flagellate ourselves for our white privilege!
So, anybody using "My fellow white people" is basically literally that meme.
I've heard them say "my black brothers and sisters"
There's so many of these it's starting to smell like a bot campaign. But by who?
Adventures of the man who started paying attention. A bit too late as damage done decades ago. They got infinite money glitch when gold untethered and pretty much won at this point.
Decades? More like over 1000 years ago.
I'm personally going to spend a life time sticking their little shit bible called the Babylonian Talmud up their little fake ass..
And second of all they are not even Jewish they lied and stole that name and heritage also.
Matter in fact i predict within 17 years the fake Jews and their Babylonian Talmud will be nothing more then a blip in history in horror and shame.