Emerald shares multiple examples of machines being unusable this morning. As if the clerks haven't had MONTHS to test them and have to provide certifications that they work prior to the election.
There is already a winner of the lottery. It is Hunter Biden. The reason for the delay in announcing is because Hunter and the "Big Guy" are still negotiating a percentage for the "Big Guy"; 10% or 25%
No - the lottery delay was because Pennsylvania couldn't finish processing their tickets. Seems the same people that run the elections run the lottery.
Same in Texas here. But that's only been since 2020. They give you the paper when you check-in, and then you take it to the booth, vote on the machine, then feed your paper in and your votes are printed. Look over the printout and then go feed it into the main machine and hope you haven't fed it to a shredder.
It actually isn't bad. Once you choose your votes and print you take that card to a machine and slide it in. Before you do you can see who the machine says you voted for on the card, before the scan machine changes them to blue candidates.
Yeah, it's pretty laid back at my precinct too. We don't have actual "booths" there's maybe 2 tables set up with cardboard partitions on the tabletop for about 3-4 people, but the rest of the round tables are open with maybe 6+ chairs around them where people just sit and do their ballots without any privacy, then go put ballots in the machines.
Lol. Are you in the south end, middle or north end? I'm in the southern part, and you are right about Birmingham & Montgomery areas. May I ask if you voted on the amendments? I was wondering about number 6, do they plan on adding a ad valorem tax onto our property to use instead of loans to pay for construction projects? Or are these property taxes already being taken out of our properties that they will use for projects? I swear some of the wording they use is confusing.
“Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, each municipality authorized under Amendment No. 8 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing Section 216.01 of the Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, to levy and collect the ad valorem tax pursuant to Amendment No. 8 for the purpose of paying bonds and the interest thereon, and may also levy and collect such ad valorem tax and utilize such funds for capital improvements on a pay-as-you-go basis at a rate not exceeding the rate then lawfully permitted for the municipality to directly pay the costs of public capital improvements, as well as to pay the principal and interest on bonds, warrants, or other securities issued to finance or refinance the costs of the improvements; and the ratify, validate, and confirm the levy and collection of such tax levied and collected for any of these purposes prior to the ratification of this amendment. (Proposed by Act 2021-327)”
In all honesty, I didnt vote on this because I didn't understand the issue, nor their explanation.
Its also the first time I heard of it, and I really try to stay abreast. So, since I never heard of it til today, at the booth, I considered it a bombardment, which I don't do, so I backed away.
Voted no on all of them. Replace the constitution with “the same but better”? Nope. New taxes for tl;dr? Nope. Give government control of private property (private sewer or some such)? nope. Delay stays of executions until victims families can be notified? Nope, grant the stay first, then notify.
I agree. I was having this convo with my lady yesterday, starting out talking about OpenSource, how it is the key to everything. Not just software, but everything in life. Ultimately we decided that what we were truly talking about, was ubiquitous transparency.
Same here in Assachusetts but they never give a receipt for the voting choices. The machines have totally got to go and the voting places need to be much smaller with a host of people observing.
no machines have been properly certified since 2017 apparently.
not that some BS certification means anything anyway - they were designed from the ground up to be used to change votes and be hackable from every possible angle.
its just crazy to believe this isnt completely intentional. I bet Tim Pool will somehow normalize this shit and continue to gaslight us for the next 2 years...
They always play these games because they know the majority of turnout on Election Day is conservatives. That's also why they like having the election on a workday. The prime hours will be from 5 pm to 8pm when people get off work.
That's when these malfunctions will really reach their peak.
Yes. They have to test them prior to the election and submit the certifications that they work to the SOS. This should NEVER be an issue and definitely not this widespread.
You know what is weird is I woke up a little while ago. Made myself coffee to sit down and read my morning GAW and saw this. I remember a dream where I was in Vegas for some reason. They had turned off the electricity to the slot machines. People were trying to pull the old fashioned arms, but they would not work. 🤔
Thought I read on the forum here somewhere that we should bring our own Blue pens, so the machines can’t add anything with a black mark to mess with our votes.
Bingo. Timing of Elon takeover of Twatter is VERY telling that the election would be allowed to be stolen so people can spread the evidence of cheating on Twatter and thus, wake up the rest of the sheep. Then we go into precipice mode.
This plan makes no sense. To the sheep, that well was poisoned as of a week ago or whatever. This is the folly of wanting a military intervention before national redpill swallowing, crystalized in miniature.
Yeah, it's amazing to watch, I remember asking on thedonald before the 2020 election what folks would do when they stole it from Trump, and it was like unanimous that it basically meant war. Yet here we are 2 years later and there is all this red wave talk and get out the vote talk....
I'm convinced beyond a doubt all this shit is just mind control bullshit from the government to pacify good patriots who would otherwise act and to also keep tabs on us.
Feds feeding us feel good memes, while also telling us not to be glowies, accusing real patriot action of being feds, so we don't copy, banning doomers or any talk that might be counter to this.
That's what I used this morning, a Bic pen and a paper ballot. Machines are too expensive for my area. We just have one machine for scanning the completed ballots. The count was only in the 200s by about 9:30 AM.
WH spokeswoman has been prepping us for weeks, alluding that we wouldn't know the results for days, maybe weeks. It takes that long to cook the numbers.
20% of polling sites experiencing issues with tabulation. Technicians have been called in to fix the problems.
have three options if they're at a voting center experiencing tabulation machine problems
Voters have 3 options
Stay where you are and wait for the tabulator to come online
Leave the ballot in a locked box to be counted at the end of the day
"Spoil" their ballot and go to a different, working polling location instead.
TX - Houston
Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum states:
“We have some locations where the machines weren’t set up properly, and voters were having a few struggles,” he said. “So we’ve got technicians in the field to address those issues.”
PA - Luzerne County
Voters at some precincts indicate that voting machines are running out of paper, and election officials are scrambling to address the situation.
NJ - Mercer County
Voting machines are down on Election Day in Mercer County, “due to a printing and scanning issue with the ballots,” according to county officials. Mercer County residents can vote by completing their ballots and placing them at the top of the scanning machine in the slot where the emergency ballots are placed, Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami Covello said in a statement to NJ.com.
TN - Blount County
Voting machines at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Alcoa were reportedly down the morning of Election Day but have since been repaired, according to the Blount County Election Commission.
VA - Richmond
Several precincts in Richmond experienced jammed machines or technological glitches as voters lined up at the polls.
In Louisiana, GeauxVote, an election hotline app and portal, is "currently experiencing technical difficulties," tweeted Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin.
"The GeauxVote app, online portal, and Elections hotline are currently experiencing technical difficulties. If you have questions, please contact your parish registrar of voters or email elections@sos.la.gov."
Could this be just the thing needed for military or something to kick off? If people can't vote, I mean really? this is taking it to a completely different level, and that's saying something after the 2020 election.
Maybe its a good thing? The final straw? How can this be allowed to happen and business as usual, I just don't see it. If I see anything, something like this would open so many eyes, there's really nothing else but military stepping in?
Me too. I live 3 miles from my polling place. Took me 12 minutes from my desk to vote and back to my desk. We also had a cop watching outside.
My only issue is the actual polling place itself. I'm in a small town and the poll is at the masonic lodge. Figures. The area could not be more red though.
That is shady for the polling place, but glad things went smooth on your end. Im keeping this nation covered in prayer, pleading with God but may His will be done, not mine.
Once you lose possession of your ballot they can chose how it should be "counted" later. They will fix the glitch late at night once they know how many dem voters need to rise up from the nearby graveyard.
Emerald shares multiple examples of machines being unusable this morning. As if the clerks haven't had MONTHS to test them and have to provide certifications that they work prior to the election.
This is extremely significant and should be breaking news on every MSM network, right now!
There is already a winner of the lottery. It is Hunter Biden. The reason for the delay in announcing is because Hunter and the "Big Guy" are still negotiating a percentage for the "Big Guy"; 10% or 25%
Vlodomyr Zelensky disagrees. Claims he won fair and square, no sharing.
No - the lottery delay was because Pennsylvania couldn't finish processing their tickets. Seems the same people that run the elections run the lottery.
They may be negotiating dominion’s fee to be paid via lottery
It'll be some odd person that wins so it can capture the news.
MSM? They are part of the steal. Why would they report this?
Exactly. All eyes are on right now and this is exposing the media to the normies.
Well... I guess we'll have to use paper ballots.
In Alabama we use paper ballots but they still have to be put in a machine to count them.
Same for me in PA. At least there is a paper trail... that they can shred later...
Same in Texas here. But that's only been since 2020. They give you the paper when you check-in, and then you take it to the booth, vote on the machine, then feed your paper in and your votes are printed. Look over the printout and then go feed it into the main machine and hope you haven't fed it to a shredder.
That's very complicated. More chances to cheat.
It actually isn't bad. Once you choose your votes and print you take that card to a machine and slide it in. Before you do you can see who the machine says you voted for on the card, before the scan machine changes them to blue candidates.
Yes indeed. They even let me take a photo of my ballot and the screen after I insert it and it is logged.
Yeah, it's pretty laid back at my precinct too. We don't have actual "booths" there's maybe 2 tables set up with cardboard partitions on the tabletop for about 3-4 people, but the rest of the round tables are open with maybe 6+ chairs around them where people just sit and do their ballots without any privacy, then go put ballots in the machines.
You just described my precinct. 😆 Alabama is pretty legit. We only really have Birmingham and Montgomery to worry about........
Good thing we're a broke state and can't afford the gimme-dats and the food pellets. Keeps the grift moving along........to Atlanta.
Lol. Are you in the south end, middle or north end? I'm in the southern part, and you are right about Birmingham & Montgomery areas. May I ask if you voted on the amendments? I was wondering about number 6, do they plan on adding a ad valorem tax onto our property to use instead of loans to pay for construction projects? Or are these property taxes already being taken out of our properties that they will use for projects? I swear some of the wording they use is confusing.
After further review, this is a bad idea. Basically using public funds illegally for what they were never meant to be collected for.
They used my property tax (just like this one, almost identical) in Cobb County, GA to fund their new stadium. Totally illegal. Never addressed.
Its just another tax, with the promise of mis-appropriated use.
In all honesty, I didnt vote on this because I didn't understand the issue, nor their explanation.
Its also the first time I heard of it, and I really try to stay abreast. So, since I never heard of it til today, at the booth, I considered it a bombardment, which I don't do, so I backed away.
Voted no on all of them. Replace the constitution with “the same but better”? Nope. New taxes for tl;dr? Nope. Give government control of private property (private sewer or some such)? nope. Delay stays of executions until victims families can be notified? Nope, grant the stay first, then notify.
You live in Missouri too?🤔😏😉
No, I'm in Alabama. 😊
Everything should be transparent
I agree. I was having this convo with my lady yesterday, starting out talking about OpenSource, how it is the key to everything. Not just software, but everything in life. Ultimately we decided that what we were truly talking about, was ubiquitous transparency.
Its the (Earthly) answer to all of our problems.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
I agree. Dark to light.
Penguin Power.
Same here in Assachusetts but they never give a receipt for the voting choices. The machines have totally got to go and the voting places need to be much smaller with a host of people observing.
I guess they don't know basic math. A product of our Public Ed system?
no machines have been properly certified since 2017 apparently.
not that some BS certification means anything anyway - they were designed from the ground up to be used to change votes and be hackable from every possible angle.
its just crazy to believe this isnt completely intentional. I bet Tim Pool will somehow normalize this shit and continue to gaslight us for the next 2 years...
Nothing can stop the RED TSUNAMI. Looks like Military Time.
They KNOW the voters are majority MAGA
If they're doing this shit in NY, then that means the democrats would be extinct right now without cheating.
That's why they cheat. And to cover up their crimes.
My guess, they suddenly lost that hot line Konnech-ion to China.
I bet you a million dollars the machines in Fulton County and Philadelphia are working perfectly.
And the smug look on that guy's face... grrrr
Are these all in states the NG cyber division is watching? They know they can’t cheat the electronic ballots, so they’re trying to force written ones
They had a whole 2 years to test new equipment! There is NO excuse for these malfunctions!!
They always play these games because they know the majority of turnout on Election Day is conservatives. That's also why they like having the election on a workday. The prime hours will be from 5 pm to 8pm when people get off work.
That's when these malfunctions will really reach their peak.
We need a national election day holiday
Yes. They have to test them prior to the election and submit the certifications that they work to the SOS. This should NEVER be an issue and definitely not this widespread.
You know what is weird is I woke up a little while ago. Made myself coffee to sit down and read my morning GAW and saw this. I remember a dream where I was in Vegas for some reason. They had turned off the electricity to the slot machines. People were trying to pull the old fashioned arms, but they would not work. 🤔
There know they can't use the machines to vote, I wonder of they are going to try another way huh.
Or blended into a fine puree.
Or swingin' from the gallows pole
After the public stoning
Or their head's rolling from the guillotine
They specifically mentioned it was "misreading them", so I think some watcher/election judge pointed it out and they took them offline.
Nope, just declare this election illegal an have a redo in a months with hand filled ballots, black pen (no sharpies), and hand count by the NG.
Thought I read on the forum here somewhere that we should bring our own Blue pens, so the machines can’t add anything with a black mark to mess with our votes.
Yes, blue ballpoint pen.
With overhead cameras watching the sorting tables streaming live to the web.
Clown show, quite the spectical :)
Dominion machine died suddenly will be trending soon
wakie wakie, normies.
Bingo. Timing of Elon takeover of Twatter is VERY telling that the election would be allowed to be stolen so people can spread the evidence of cheating on Twatter and thus, wake up the rest of the sheep. Then we go into precipice mode.
thank you, precipice mode is now my new favorite phrase.
This plan makes no sense. To the sheep, that well was poisoned as of a week ago or whatever. This is the folly of wanting a military intervention before national redpill swallowing, crystalized in miniature.
I would say I told you so, but that would be dooming. So just vote harder.
Literally using the enemy's machines and tools to try and produce honest results.
Daftness is the true pandemic
Yeah, it's amazing to watch, I remember asking on thedonald before the 2020 election what folks would do when they stole it from Trump, and it was like unanimous that it basically meant war. Yet here we are 2 years later and there is all this red wave talk and get out the vote talk....
I'm convinced beyond a doubt all this shit is just mind control bullshit from the government to pacify good patriots who would otherwise act and to also keep tabs on us.
Feds feeding us feel good memes, while also telling us not to be glowies, accusing real patriot action of being feds, so we don't copy, banning doomers or any talk that might be counter to this.
Can a bad tree ever bear good fruit? No matter how hard you try to help it out?
Can using the enemy's machines, pens, paper, rules, etc. ever produce an honest result? No matter how hard you vote?
Get real. Cut that POS tree down!
Finally, some real shit on this board
What does everyone expect when the enemy controls the votes?
This is bullshit. Let me tell you something that will never break on election day. Pen and paper...
That's what I used this morning, a Bic pen and a paper ballot. Machines are too expensive for my area. We just have one machine for scanning the completed ballots. The count was only in the 200s by about 9:30 AM.
We need to get rid of these f’n machines.
Its impossible to secure them,
And impossible to insure they won’t stop working when its convenient
WH spokeswoman has been prepping us for weeks, alluding that we wouldn't know the results for days, maybe weeks. It takes that long to cook the numbers.
No problems in Eastern TN.
Is it because they can't get on the internet? Wouldn't that interrupt the primary method of corrupting the election?
I wonder if this relates to that German internet post from this morning.
I didn't see it
Voting machines should be outlawed, period.
The machine at my polling place was non-functional.
All part of the plan.
I have no hope or expectation of my vote being counted.
This is how they stop the election!
Let's see how it pans out.
PROBLEMS (reported, that is) as of 1:26 pm. EST
20% of polling sites experiencing issues with tabulation. Technicians have been called in to fix the problems. have three options if they're at a voting center experiencing tabulation machine problems Voters have 3 options
Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum states: “We have some locations where the machines weren’t set up properly, and voters were having a few struggles,” he said. “So we’ve got technicians in the field to address those issues.”
Voters at some precincts indicate that voting machines are running out of paper, and election officials are scrambling to address the situation.
Voting machines are down on Election Day in Mercer County, “due to a printing and scanning issue with the ballots,” according to county officials. Mercer County residents can vote by completing their ballots and placing them at the top of the scanning machine in the slot where the emergency ballots are placed, Mercer County Clerk Paula Sollami Covello said in a statement to NJ.com.
Voting machines at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Alcoa were reportedly down the morning of Election Day but have since been repaired, according to the Blount County Election Commission.
Several precincts in Richmond experienced jammed machines or technological glitches as voters lined up at the polls.
In Louisiana, GeauxVote, an election hotline app and portal, is "currently experiencing technical difficulties," tweeted Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin. "The GeauxVote app, online portal, and Elections hotline are currently experiencing technical difficulties. If you have questions, please contact your parish registrar of voters or email elections@sos.la.gov."
Tahnk you for the summary. Are the "technicians" employed by Dominion?🤷♀️
Could this be just the thing needed for military or something to kick off? If people can't vote, I mean really? this is taking it to a completely different level, and that's saying something after the 2020 election.
Maybe its a good thing? The final straw? How can this be allowed to happen and business as usual, I just don't see it. If I see anything, something like this would open so many eyes, there's really nothing else but military stepping in?
Spit balling thoughts.
I just voted in Texas. Everything seems so be working okay as of now. But keeping my eyes open.
Me too. I live 3 miles from my polling place. Took me 12 minutes from my desk to vote and back to my desk. We also had a cop watching outside.
My only issue is the actual polling place itself. I'm in a small town and the poll is at the masonic lodge. Figures. The area could not be more red though.
That is shady for the polling place, but glad things went smooth on your end. Im keeping this nation covered in prayer, pleading with God but may His will be done, not mine.
We need to post this SH*T on Twitter! I mean we should invade and bombard with tweets.
We don’t want the machines to work.
All the more reason that these things shouldn’t be going anywhere near a machine.
I am assuming that if the machine is down they use a paper ballot so isn't this a good thing? Harder to rig?
I marked a paper ballot with a pen. Then it gets SCANNED IN A MACHINE.
There goes my vote. The machine will do with it whatever it's been programmed to do.
You're very much correct.
Once you lose possession of your ballot they can chose how it should be "counted" later. They will fix the glitch late at night once they know how many dem voters need to rise up from the nearby graveyard.
This will NOT stand.
yeah, we'll see
Are we sure its not the whitehats that shut them down?
The thing about mail-in voting is that you don't have to interact with any machines beyond a car to drive you to the library.