Not always a popular opinion, but I actually want another full term of Joe and the world needs to continue to spiral down even more than it has been. We are nowhere near the precipice, but I’d love to be wrong. Perhaps it is where I am right now, all I see are brainless, mindless drones who are nothing but far too comfortable where they are. Even the people who are supposedly on our side, are behaving like NPC sound bites.
I want to be wrong. I hope I am wrong. Time will tell.
It doesn’t mean all is lost, and I’m far from dooming. I nearly lost everything fighting the front lines against the tyranny. Things I’ve done 1984 style that I cannot expand on. I’ve died without dying and I’m a completely different person now, as if I’m living my life for the first time. Despite a monster growing within me day by day as I witness the societal rot that is ever more surfacing, I have accelerated my continuous improvement physically and mentally. Whatever opportunities come for us when we truly hit the precipice, I want to be 400% functional and useful particularly for capturing these tyrants and criminals pretending to be “leaders”.
Watching yet another election be stolen right under out noses after 2018 and 2020 were both stolen doesn't mean we have some lack of faith or belief, anon.
Not true at all. One can remain optimistic, hopeful, while still being very unsure about the outcome. I am all these things.
I voted in my red, Middle America state this morning. The machine said my ballot was successfully counted. I have some small area of doubt about that. Probably it was but maybe the machine is hooked to the net. Who can be 100% sure?
Over the next few days we'll find out a lot about what's going to happen to
America in the next couple of years. I hope the election will be counted and conservatives will take both the House and the Senate.
If that does not happen I hope there is not a civil war. It's an outside possibility.
I also hope all the seditious and treasonous cheaters get cought and put in front of military tribunals. Treason deserves death and sedition deserves prison.
I have really deep doubts that anywhere near all the cheaters who are caught will be punished. Ten percent? Possibly - but I doubt that too.
Will there be a red wave when all the "counting" is done with? In my early opinion, without having seen any results yet, I think we get the House and the Senate but that some close races. particularly state races get cheated and stay cheated. I hope Kari Lake wins her very important race.
If she is cheated out of a big victory that could be the trigger for national trouble. Obviously that is what the globalists are going for and they are going hard at it with huge resources.
Several states—INCLUDING KEY SWING STATES!—may not be called on election night. This is normal.
No, this is fucking NOT normal, asswipes. Why the fuck do you think people don't know that who've been watching elections get decided on election night their entire lives??
Lie No. 2
We may not know the winners of the elections for a few days. That's how this is supposed to work.
No, it the fuck ISN'T how it's supposed to work, you fuzzy little gremlin. It's supposed to work the same way it's ALWAYS worked: votes are tallied and winners are announced on election night.
Lie No. 3
A "red mirage", or an artificial GOP vote lead, will likely reoccur [sic] Tuesday.
No, shit-for-brains. Calling it mirage and artificial means you will cheat and eliminate this very real GOP vote lead by adding fake and illegal ballots until you've "won".
The anti-gentiles. I think that is some good rhetoric that I saw on Twitter.
They are perpetrating acts of anti-gentilism. If they have their bank accounts frozen and contracts nullified for their dangerous anti-gentilism, then they have already established that is acceptable.
Most of our lives didn't have millions of absentee ballots in States like Arizona. I believe this lack of large numbers of absentee ballots made it harder for them to steal.
How this should really work is all absentee ballots should be received the day before election and a physical count of the total received is available at the start of normal polling. That way by the time the cheaters know how many votes they need on polling day it's too late for them to make more absentee ballots appear to get those votes.
If we don't know how many absentee ballots were received they can continue to make them appear, up to the number they mailed out, anytime they need to find more votes to win which gives a reason to slow counting.
Exactly! If it really was normal, you wouldn’t have to write an article telling everyone it’s normal and ok. 🙄🤦🏼♀️ I can’t even with these clowns and the people that believe them!
I believe in God too, but I'd prefer the tribulation hold off until I'm dead. I hope our victory here doesn't come at the cost of everyone we're trying to preserve.
Yes already the cheat and steal reports and posts are flooding in on GWP, Breitbart, Truth, and video on Rumble. Election chaos is what the Cabal wants, to make the cheat easier… they think. US Space Force though has this. Our Guardians.
I always say that you have to see the chuck hole in front of you and know its diameter and depth so you can safely move around it. We have to notice the threats before we can take action to avoid them....or better, yet...fix them. But, we have to notice how vast the problem before we go obtain the dirt to fill the hole.
If you don't, then it means you believe the elections systems in the states have all been overhauled, revamped and fully secured. Who could believe that?
Is Q plan to hurl the country into chaos
Q plan is to save the country and world from cabal-created chaos
Thinking Q is about hurling the country into chaos is a bit like observing that firemen are always around whenever there's a fire, and assuming firemen must therefore be the ones starting the fires.
red october movie - at the end they could only drive INTO the nuke to stop it rather than run away etc. The collapse/chaos was always gonna happen but by driving into it Trump sped up the plan before they were ready so the damager will be less severe. Sometimes you have no good options but have to take the path of least casulaties.
That's why people are still butthurt over Trump endorsing vaccines, but it has to be this way.
Always the "why" persuasion term that leads dull-witted readers to think right past the sale.
Lemme read "Why that's OK" -- I guess since everyone's accepting it's OK, then I do too (that was the sale); now I'm only reading about WHY, to substantiate this belief that I have no business adopting.
They say "this is normal" for it to take days or weeks to count ballots. They are full of shit! It didn't until 2020 with all the "must have mail in ballots because of covid" bs.
And gee...whaddya know, it's the exact same states as in 2020! I am in PA and pretty much figured they would try to pull some stunt to get Shapiro. He was neck deep in fraud in 2020 and will try it again in 2024. Whereas if Mastriano gets in and he starts investigating....well, you can guess how that's going to play out.
I just voted and remain hopeful Mastriano gets in. My concern is even if they can stop the cheat this time, he ran a grass roots campaign and at a glance he looks to right wing nutter for the moderates and scared them. I think he was misrepresented on the "at a glance " but unfortunately that's what can drive elections. I wish he ran a more temperate campaign and then clean up once in. Still praying God moves his will and there's a miracle. It's a dem cesspool here!
They successfully stole the big one in 2020, what's to stop them from doing it again? The left already knows that the majority of the right won't do shit and they put on the J6 show to discourage anything from happening after their steal in 2022.
We were indoctrinated to think that there is always a good and a bad. The Lone Ranger with his white hat settleing the score with the bad guys and their black hats. But whats not to say that there could be two evils fighting each other, just one evil not as bad as the other?
I want to know what the NG is actually doing. They are obviously cheating already and nothing is being done about it. They have already flat out said it will take time for them to manufacture and change our votes so they can get the results they want. So what's the NG doing? Watching? Protecting them? Standing around with their collective thumbs up their asses? Because they aren't doing shit to stop the steal, from where I'm sitting.
I've been watching elections with my dad since I was a teenager. I voted for the first time in 2012. We always knew who won before the end of the night or at least early morning the next day. Never heard of this "we won't know the true results for a few days" bullshit only started in 2020.
What I have noticed is all the election "problems/issues" seem to be happening in the states where the races are close. This HAS to be planned for the steal.
They say we are too stupid to vote for the right leaders of America so they have to help us for our own good and Americas good. They have been helping us pick good leaders since the very first machine was used. They got comfortable and trump happened, but they adjusted fast enough for Trumps midterms in 2018 and helped themselves back in control (house and senate). They helped us pick our leaders again in 2020 and again today 2022. Thanks fellas! The only way they can not help us pick our leaders is if we turn off the machines and go back to paper. Then it's just us idiots picking our idiot leaders. Yeah, we'd get what we deserve, but it would be honest!
Fuck them....let 'em steal it....and steal it big. Our movement is a leap of faith and I am 100% all in. IMO the bigger and more obvious the steal, the better. In my mind, that ensures SH(ing)TF happens and probably sooner rather than later. Call me crazy but I think any other outcome is actually 'less' of a good deal for us....
Not trying to be a downer - but here goes - the said Rockefeller plan is to unite the World (+ or - 5 to 6%) - if they cheat this election, it will unite more people to the side of God. In 2024, they allow real elections. KEY: In "Letter from John" in the Bible - the entire world stops the killing of babies at some point. This would be the event that triggers the Satanists to go scorched Earth and start Revelation. In my opinion. So, at some point, the Good side wins out and stops abortion and all of the bullshit is revealed, and thus, it triggers the Apocalypse. IMO.
I believe this is part of the plan. Dem cheating must succeed to reach precipice. If GOP wins nothing will change and everyone goes back to business as usual
I think we are seeing how they plan to steal it in real time. They have shut down the tabulators in key areas and are having people put their ballots in a box to be "counted" later. No doubt these ballots will be adjudicated and marked Dem. They have probably anticipated their algorithms being shut down by WHs so must steal it in other ways.
Whenever they want to try and deceive people of how things used to be and how they are now they always put "that's normal" or "and that's okay". If it was you wouldn't have to say that. I know they know what they are doing when saying that but damn is it annoying to see how easily the general public sees that and says "oh that is normal and okay, its been like that before im sure". I just needed to rant a bit, and I know you on here know that those statements are not true, it isn't normal and it isn't okay, I just pray God put a layer of protection over this nation as it is gonna be a bumpy ride. Thank you for reading my rant by the way, hold strong WWG1WGA.
We either believe Patriots are in control and NCSWIC… or we don’t.
I’m not going to remain super optimistic about white hats if the steal happens again. Even good guys can lose.
Goona have to agree with you there fren. It’ll be hard to remain optimistic
Exactly why have you been here so long?
To build up some credibility before he began shilling.
I think things are going to turn out ok. And it’s looking to me like the midterm is going great.
I believe Q is successful, you believe Q failed. Why you here?
I don't believe Q failed. I made a joke. The joke was funny and does not reflect reality... Hence why it's a joke.
Not always a popular opinion, but I actually want another full term of Joe and the world needs to continue to spiral down even more than it has been. We are nowhere near the precipice, but I’d love to be wrong. Perhaps it is where I am right now, all I see are brainless, mindless drones who are nothing but far too comfortable where they are. Even the people who are supposedly on our side, are behaving like NPC sound bites.
I want to be wrong. I hope I am wrong. Time will tell.
I grudgingly agree with you after reading your argument.
It doesn’t mean all is lost, and I’m far from dooming. I nearly lost everything fighting the front lines against the tyranny. Things I’ve done 1984 style that I cannot expand on. I’ve died without dying and I’m a completely different person now, as if I’m living my life for the first time. Despite a monster growing within me day by day as I witness the societal rot that is ever more surfacing, I have accelerated my continuous improvement physically and mentally. Whatever opportunities come for us when we truly hit the precipice, I want to be 400% functional and useful particularly for capturing these tyrants and criminals pretending to be “leaders”.
Well done, for all the trials you've had and how you came through them.
Trials are given us that we should question our lives enough to learn our true nature.
Our true nature is of God. It is not different from God, not subservient to God but of God.
See yourself as you are.
If I were in charge I would have to do this.
All the Ukraine support means people are still asleep.
The good guys have to lose at some point. Which is why the Lord himself has to one day come down and intervene.
Nothing can stop what is coming regardless of the outcome.
Watching yet another election be stolen right under out noses after 2018 and 2020 were both stolen doesn't mean we have some lack of faith or belief, anon.
I feel the same. If the steal happens again with crickets, our republic is gone. They have already set this up to last for days....
Not true at all. One can remain optimistic, hopeful, while still being very unsure about the outcome. I am all these things.
I voted in my red, Middle America state this morning. The machine said my ballot was successfully counted. I have some small area of doubt about that. Probably it was but maybe the machine is hooked to the net. Who can be 100% sure?
Over the next few days we'll find out a lot about what's going to happen to America in the next couple of years. I hope the election will be counted and conservatives will take both the House and the Senate.
If that does not happen I hope there is not a civil war. It's an outside possibility.
I also hope all the seditious and treasonous cheaters get cought and put in front of military tribunals. Treason deserves death and sedition deserves prison.
I have really deep doubts that anywhere near all the cheaters who are caught will be punished. Ten percent? Possibly - but I doubt that too.
Will there be a red wave when all the "counting" is done with? In my early opinion, without having seen any results yet, I think we get the House and the Senate but that some close races. particularly state races get cheated and stay cheated. I hope Kari Lake wins her very important race.
If she is cheated out of a big victory that could be the trigger for national trouble. Obviously that is what the globalists are going for and they are going hard at it with huge resources.
Ok, time to take a look at early results.
Lie No. 1
No, this is fucking NOT normal, asswipes. Why the fuck do you think people don't know that who've been watching elections get decided on election night their entire lives??
Lie No. 2
No, it the fuck ISN'T how it's supposed to work, you fuzzy little gremlin. It's supposed to work the same way it's ALWAYS worked: votes are tallied and winners are announced on election night.
Lie No. 3
No, shit-for-brains. Calling it mirage and artificial means you will cheat and eliminate this very real GOP vote lead by adding fake and illegal ballots until you've "won".
Agreed 100%.
You are absolutely correct. The sub humans Kanye warned us about is preparing for it again. They’re good at it. This needs to stop.
The anti-gentiles. I think that is some good rhetoric that I saw on Twitter.
They are perpetrating acts of anti-gentilism. If they have their bank accounts frozen and contracts nullified for their dangerous anti-gentilism, then they have already established that is acceptable.
Most of our lives didn't have millions of absentee ballots in States like Arizona. I believe this lack of large numbers of absentee ballots made it harder for them to steal.
How this should really work is all absentee ballots should be received the day before election and a physical count of the total received is available at the start of normal polling. That way by the time the cheaters know how many votes they need on polling day it's too late for them to make more absentee ballots appear to get those votes.
If we don't know how many absentee ballots were received they can continue to make them appear, up to the number they mailed out, anytime they need to find more votes to win which gives a reason to slow counting.
Exactly! If it really was normal, you wouldn’t have to write an article telling everyone it’s normal and ok. 🙄🤦🏼♀️ I can’t even with these clowns and the people that believe them!
*try to steal...
Indeed. :)
Have faith and believe. Today is our day. We will prevail. God is our driver.
I believe in God too, but I'd prefer the tribulation hold off until I'm dead. I hope our victory here doesn't come at the cost of everyone we're trying to preserve.
Well they've been successfully trying and stealing elections for decades, so...yeah
They had two years to fix these issues, the [attempt to] steal is obvious.
Always was.
Yes already the cheat and steal reports and posts are flooding in on GWP, Breitbart, Truth, and video on Rumble. Election chaos is what the Cabal wants, to make the cheat easier… they think. US Space Force though has this. Our Guardians.
And if needs be, us. Armed. Ready to die for what we believe. Tonight is THE red line. No more excuses.
Must I remind again how many times the Bible says "Do not fear"?
Instead, pray. Very Very VERY Much Better.
Just a historical note to acknowledge many thousands of people did pray very very VERY hard in 2018 and 2020, too.
And God is still working through all these circumstances.
But first... Be honest with yourself. If you wanna be afraid it's okay to be such to understand your situation and THEN choose to rise above it.
I always say that you have to see the chuck hole in front of you and know its diameter and depth so you can safely move around it. We have to notice the threats before we can take action to avoid them....or better, yet...fix them. But, we have to notice how vast the problem before we go obtain the dirt to fill the hole.
I can stay positive during that whole process.
Ok so we assume they are going to steal already? Dang. Is Q plan to hurl the country into chaos or what lol
Not chaos, precipice...
We must be precipiced. Precipiced hard.
This appears to be correct.
If you don't, then it means you believe the elections systems in the states have all been overhauled, revamped and fully secured. Who could believe that?
Q plan is to save the country and world from cabal-created chaos
Thinking Q is about hurling the country into chaos is a bit like observing that firemen are always around whenever there's a fire, and assuming firemen must therefore be the ones starting the fires.
red october movie - at the end they could only drive INTO the nuke to stop it rather than run away etc. The collapse/chaos was always gonna happen but by driving into it Trump sped up the plan before they were ready so the damager will be less severe. Sometimes you have no good options but have to take the path of least casulaties.
That's why people are still butthurt over Trump endorsing vaccines, but it has to be this way.
They have to tell us what they intend to do. It won't save them.
The new trend of declarative parenthetical headlines is annoying as fuck (and why that's NOT OK or normal.)
Always the "why" persuasion term that leads dull-witted readers to think right past the sale.
Lemme read "Why that's OK" -- I guess since everyone's accepting it's OK, then I do too (that was the sale); now I'm only reading about WHY, to substantiate this belief that I have no business adopting.
Precisely. I've been noticing this style of headline for a few years now.
"Something something is actually a good thing. Here's why."
"Something something has happened. Here's what you need to know."
"Something something that sounds really bad (and here's why that's a good thing)."
All part of the same hive mind
I hate any headline that starts with "No, ....."
Which usually leads into what you're talking about
I hate it
For some reason, I do not know why, but I am feeling optimistic. So I’m gonna go with that.
Waiting for a “Boom”
They say "this is normal" for it to take days or weeks to count ballots. They are full of shit! It didn't until 2020 with all the "must have mail in ballots because of covid" bs.
Normal my ass
"We many not know how much we need to cheat by until the votes are final, then we will need a few days to make sure we can voter fraud into a win"
And gee...whaddya know, it's the exact same states as in 2020! I am in PA and pretty much figured they would try to pull some stunt to get Shapiro. He was neck deep in fraud in 2020 and will try it again in 2024. Whereas if Mastriano gets in and he starts investigating....well, you can guess how that's going to play out.
I just voted and remain hopeful Mastriano gets in. My concern is even if they can stop the cheat this time, he ran a grass roots campaign and at a glance he looks to right wing nutter for the moderates and scared them. I think he was misrepresented on the "at a glance " but unfortunately that's what can drive elections. I wish he ran a more temperate campaign and then clean up once in. Still praying God moves his will and there's a miracle. It's a dem cesspool here!
Yet dancing with the Stars can tally 150 million votes in a commercial break.
The World is Watching.
They successfully stole the big one in 2020, what's to stop them from doing it again? The left already knows that the majority of the right won't do shit and they put on the J6 show to discourage anything from happening after their steal in 2022.
We were indoctrinated to think that there is always a good and a bad. The Lone Ranger with his white hat settleing the score with the bad guys and their black hats. But whats not to say that there could be two evils fighting each other, just one evil not as bad as the other?
Well let's hope the patriots are in control. 23 states have ng, they're gonna go to jail real time this time. Maybe 3ven punishment
I want to know what the NG is actually doing. They are obviously cheating already and nothing is being done about it. They have already flat out said it will take time for them to manufacture and change our votes so they can get the results they want. So what's the NG doing? Watching? Protecting them? Standing around with their collective thumbs up their asses? Because they aren't doing shit to stop the steal, from where I'm sitting.
I've been watching elections with my dad since I was a teenager. I voted for the first time in 2012. We always knew who won before the end of the night or at least early morning the next day. Never heard of this "we won't know the true results for a few days" bullshit only started in 2020.
What I have noticed is all the election "problems/issues" seem to be happening in the states where the races are close. This HAS to be planned for the steal.
They say we are too stupid to vote for the right leaders of America so they have to help us for our own good and Americas good. They have been helping us pick good leaders since the very first machine was used. They got comfortable and trump happened, but they adjusted fast enough for Trumps midterms in 2018 and helped themselves back in control (house and senate). They helped us pick our leaders again in 2020 and again today 2022. Thanks fellas! The only way they can not help us pick our leaders is if we turn off the machines and go back to paper. Then it's just us idiots picking our idiot leaders. Yeah, we'd get what we deserve, but it would be honest!
Reject the blackpill!
mail in ballots needs to be illegal. it should not take days to count this.
PA by friday maybe why so long. Such an obvious fake election.
Fuck them....let 'em steal it....and steal it big. Our movement is a leap of faith and I am 100% all in. IMO the bigger and more obvious the steal, the better. In my mind, that ensures SH(ing)TF happens and probably sooner rather than later. Call me crazy but I think any other outcome is actually 'less' of a good deal for us....
lock and load
Not trying to be a downer - but here goes - the said Rockefeller plan is to unite the World (+ or - 5 to 6%) - if they cheat this election, it will unite more people to the side of God. In 2024, they allow real elections. KEY: In "Letter from John" in the Bible - the entire world stops the killing of babies at some point. This would be the event that triggers the Satanists to go scorched Earth and start Revelation. In my opinion. So, at some point, the Good side wins out and stops abortion and all of the bullshit is revealed, and thus, it triggers the Apocalypse. IMO.
THEY are NOT going to stop themselves, IF they Lose it is over for them, THEY will have to BE STOPPED!
I believe this is part of the plan. Dem cheating must succeed to reach precipice. If GOP wins nothing will change and everyone goes back to business as usual
I think we are seeing how they plan to steal it in real time. They have shut down the tabulators in key areas and are having people put their ballots in a box to be "counted" later. No doubt these ballots will be adjudicated and marked Dem. They have probably anticipated their algorithms being shut down by WHs so must steal it in other ways.
Guys…. This is not another 4 year election….
I’m seeing the dooming “election this election that!”
Regardless just picture this…. Q has it aaaaaaalll……
Imagine waking up a few weeks from now, all hope is lost,
Oh geee look how many “elected” officials can be shot on site for the crimes they have committed against humanity..
It ain’t over till the fat Q in the room sings.
Q told us, one thing will unite humanity, one thing will trigger mass pop awakening.
There’s the human trafficking side of Epstien island
Yet we forget about the black mail human ritual sacrifice side.
Why did Epstein island have that creepy temple?
One, no it is not normal. Never has been. Never will be.
Two, no. They aren't stealing anything. Ever again. Game over, derp state. No amnesty. No deals. Only the noose awaits traitors now.
Whenever they want to try and deceive people of how things used to be and how they are now they always put "that's normal" or "and that's okay". If it was you wouldn't have to say that. I know they know what they are doing when saying that but damn is it annoying to see how easily the general public sees that and says "oh that is normal and okay, its been like that before im sure". I just needed to rant a bit, and I know you on here know that those statements are not true, it isn't normal and it isn't okay, I just pray God put a layer of protection over this nation as it is gonna be a bumpy ride. Thank you for reading my rant by the way, hold strong WWG1WGA.