"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
Nice try, but as a generalization this is a fallacy. Truthfulness of a claim cannot logically be judged by how preposterous it sounds compared to accepted narratives. That would just give carte blanche to everything and anything pushed.
Substantial differences exist between
and Theories.
More folks need to learn the differences and think critically. Misinfo and Disinfo campaigns DEPEND on this not being the case.
there is a lot of truth in the new age movement but also a lot of lies and deception. Some of the lies and deception is to get you to believe the lies, but some of it is to make the truth sound crazy.
pleiadeans are real, but they are not our friends, they are liars working hand in hand with the cabal and government. They help the powers that be to manipulate people into a subservient slave state by exploiting religious programing & discredit truth movements.
Well said. people resist the truth because the fantasy that religions offer them that these weffers invented.... ..say the magic words.. and you get a good place in the heaven we told you about or ..the threat...go to a hell we also told you about and burn for ever even though you won't have a body to burn!!!
I'm worried the "new Q" is gonna say some crazy shit and half this forum is gonna lap it up. They STILL haven't done a delta or verified themselves, the 8kun salt was rotated so the tripcode is invalid, and Scavino did pretty solid comms that new Q is fake..........or this is a 2nd layer backchannel like R-Anon with plausible deniability for those who aren't prepared for a rabbit hole like that?
This should be the top comment. The Deep State sends a 'Q' post including the word Ascension and then a shooting happens at a hospital called Ascension? Seems to me that they are using a false flag to confirm the legitimacy of the new 'Q'. Then the hijacking of the Great Awakening will kick into high gear.
But part of me thinks Jim & Ron Watkins are solid patriots, otherwise Q wouldn't've trusted them as the front of 8kun. Q could easily have those posts removed/prevented if they wanted?
There's levels to this. I do remember a very short time ago I laughed at the idea of Bill G. being some cabalistic Mason but nowadays most people seem to be aware of it.
This is a fundamental approach we'll have to take when waking normies. I remember myself rejecting certain ideas like the influence of Satanism and ancient religions. My approach to Q was "I'm just here for the dirt on FISA abuse and Soros."
Then I saw the roadmap of Nur-Sultan with its Egyptian scarab and the Freemason compass.
Then all the Freemason symbols in DC and at the IRS headquarters.
Then the AJ video of Bohemian Grove from the 90's.
Then the statue of Horus on top of the Epstein temple.
So now I'm voraciously listening to 30 year old recordings of Bill Cooper and Alan Watt explaining the ancient religions.
Everyone will need to remember to educate the normies in phases.
Then the AJ video of Bohemian Grove from the 90's.
That was a coverup attempt as Bill Cooper already exposed what was really going on there.
Think Franklin Coverup,, pedo snuff films, all types of evil.
AJ made similar accusations as Cooper did (toned down a notch, of course), while ranting like a crazed lunatic. The footage itself looked like homo cosplay at best, and that led to a "debunk" by a Fed larping as a conspiracy realist.
Yes he was....he was an alcoholic...he sent his wife and child away and waited for them to kill him...he knew it was coming.... imitation of Christ? A story...story of another martyr...not the truth..a story....
horrible thing to be a martyr...fills others with guilt ..a negative emotion...like a mother being a martyr makes children lose respect as they understand the person does not respect themselves to be that way and sets a horrible future pattern for the children to copy .....
I remember a while ago laughing my head off at the thought of the world being run by pedophiles. The more we think about it, the more we understand why it had to be this way
There are patriots who are still asleep in their own ways. Conspiracy theories are only that, until they turn out to be truth. In between those two points, a chasm remains. The Cabal's great accomplishment is making people feel ridiculous for believing what is so cleverly mocked.
9/11 would probably be a big one. It would be very hard to try to red pill anyone that worked around the area in any capacity, probably especially city employees and security. There's a guy that sometimes fills in a post in my building that worked in the area on the day; he's pretty red-pilled, but he doesn't want anyone to talk about 9/11. Not sure if he still believes the narrative, or if he has PTSD from the day. But it would still be very hard to red pill people on it.
There are so many ways to look at it where the story fails; hell, it's not even that many years ago when the videos showed up where people caught the explosions in the second building without any planes. Prior to that, I had issues with how the planes collided to make a "Loony Toons" style cut out of the planes but felt the "no-planes" theories were a step too far or a theory to poison the well.
My initial response to the attacks was to spell out for a friend that it was either a legitimate attack in response to US-Middle East actions, OR if there was a suspect before the dust settled that would be a scapegoat because they did it to themselves to justify another war.
Remember when Q started sourcing David Icke. (X22? IncarnetedET?) Used to hate that guy, seemed like straight up controlled op.
Then Q sourced his site directly, go figure.
FOCUS and ASCENSION very well have double meanings, could be like the island and health thing like others have said, could be both, could be something totally different.
“The whole post was about election theft! Duh! We are rising above the theft he wants us to focus on the election only!”
They screamed from the top of their lungs, as others here pointed out “Kind of odd wording for him to throw out!”
But how do you get around
“What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
Maybe this whole
thing wasn’t referring to naps and bedtime now that I think about it….
Can music be healing? Clear your mind. Heal.
Best. Is. Yet. To. Come. You may THINK you’ve seen the SUN, yet have you really seen it SHINE?
Music can definitely heal. I've listened to some tunes and felt fantastic afterward.
And they weren't all classical, either--some were masterworks from video games.
I know some of you are rolling your eyes at that, but I'm serious. Koji Kondo, Nobuo Uematsu and David Wise deserve to be treated with similar renown to some of the greatest composers who've ever lived.
But they're all getting old. And wokesters are replacing them.
Churches used to be healing centres ...the massive organs every church had played out the healing frequencies....Gregorian changing was healing people particularly desf people....
The Rockefellers were instrumental in getting all music played at healing frequencies changed to bad frequencies were they remain...heavy metal..rock and roll etc bad too...
We need to campaign for the healing frequencies to be brought back...that on its own would do so much to heal the world.
Look up royal rife story online...he discovered how to cure cancers etc by discovering the frequency of the cancer and exploding it with another one.
We all have our own frequency...the earth has a frequency..the birds have a frequency etc.
Unfortunately the military know how to use frequencies to kill and injure people.
The biblical story of the walls of Jericho being brought down by frequencies ...the vibrations of the elohim tramp of the soldiers footstep going around the walls seven times..then the bugles going around the walls brought them down.
The Tibetans know how to levitate themselves and big rocks etc by frequencies too.
There are healing frequencies you can play online to heal yourself. You need good speakers and if they are binaural beats you need headphones
Could have swore it was icke, I could use another example though and my points still stand. I mentioned above I might have been mistaken and was seeing a lot of X22 or IncarnatedET posts and not liking them then Q posted their site.
I’m trying. I was seeing a LOT of David Icke and his site being posted and was literally thinking to my self “Why are so many people following this reptilian lizard guy….” And then my whole thought process changed because Q posted his site.
I could be wrong, there are many examples which would further my same argument though. I’m pissed now can’t find anything either. Maybe I was thinking X22 or that like incarnated et poster instead..
That would fucking suck. Suffer through all this and then glimmer of hope, only the glimmer is actually blinding as the sun expands rapidly towards us, though I assume with no investigation on the subject that a nova of any kind would be essentially instant for us due to the proximity
According to channels I've been watching we have a few days notice the sun turns red and then black and then pops.
This has been a black pill for me but at the same time it puts things in perspective, our priorities in my opinion should be personal evolution.
It doesn't mean the Sun disappears it just pops every 12,000 years or so in a micronova it's like a huge electrical discharge. It could possibly trigger the magnetic pole shift which would be the real problem. We can survive the Sun Nova thing, what freaks me out is when the ocean starts sloshing around, supposedly the last time the Poles shifted the crust of the earth moved like 90° and the Pacific Ocean sloshed over the Rockies.
Whatever ideology survives this cataclysm will determine who rules the world for the next 12,000 year cycle, this is why the elites have bunkers everywhere.
The DNA thing is a deep rabbit hole. There is stuff going on. But this would detract from getting justice done for crimes well documented in previous posts here. Our country has been infiltrated and is being gutted by those traitors and sell outs who are harming the children of their own species. This is where I would focus for now.
they aren't harming the children of their own species, though. Many at the top are literally not human and would scoff at the idea of being one. Others we see in the public eye are literally soul-less organic portals and its unclear what level of feeling or sentiment they can have towards anything.
But honestly…who compiled the books of the Bible? Is it possible they left things out intentionally for our ignorance? Evil has had it’s tentacles all over anything of God since the beginning of time.
God inspired the authors to write their portions of the Bible. The Bible ultimately forms a cohesive narrative from start to finish, despite the authors existing throughout different time periods and nations.
It is a divinely-inspired text...You don't think God is wrong do you?
Also keep in mind that the Bible has been edited many times by different powers that be. They could have easily removed parts of the new age movement from the pages ages ago to hide that information from the masses. The elites use this hidden information to help them control the world and hide it from those they want to control. Who ever controls your thoughts controls you. New age movement is mostly about controlling your thoughts and focusing within.
How edited? Are we talking typos and phrasing? Or are we talking changing the absolute and complete meaning of the books, or even just they key parts of the books?
Kings and churches have changed the Bible many times, its well known. There is a reason there are different names of Bibles. And yes they change words and meanings and take away whole books from the original Bible. China's CCP wants to make its own Bible this was in the news a short time ago.
You cannot add to or remove from the Bible without suffering God's wrath
The overall meaning of the Bible has not changed with each new edition. The new editions were developed to make the Bible more readable and to capture the divine inspiration that's always there
If you took the King James Version and the New American Standard Bible and read the same passage, you would find that they are essentially the same in every way, but you would likely have an easier time understand the New American Standard Bible
The King James Version modified the Geneva Bible(which the US was using) because the Geneva Bible included study notes that promoted freedom...it's less that he edited the Bible directly and more that he removed the study notes which promote freedom
All of this said, ultimately in the end we all have to develop our personal relationship with God, and he gives us the ability to discern the truth. All one has to do to understand that what I'm saying is true is spend some time reading the Bible
Why is there a King James version if the 1st English Bible was made by King Henry VIII? How do you know these Kings and churches didn't change the original pages to suit their own needs for governance .
And New Age Movement doesnt delete the Bible or the teaching of Christ at all, it embraces them fully along with all other religons and is just additive material that focus on higher consciousness, mindfulness, and knowing more of the cosmic universe and origins we live in more.
Do you feel doing Yoga or meditation is anti Christian?
WWII history: Hitler wanted to take over the world, so he invaded the surrounding countries and exterminated as many Jews as he could because reasons.
What you're not told: Hitler kicked out the Rothschild central bank, and the German economy soared upwards. Also the bolsheviks/communists/khazars were destroying Germany from within, promoting all types of debauchery.
Because there is no "new age" religion. New age is just the category that people put everything they dont want to understand in. There was a time when believing the sun was the center of our solar system was blasphemy, and there will come a time when we realize what we thought was "spiritual" is just another tangible force.
Our behaviour patterns are controlled through things like the bible....
Don't forget..freemasons know the truth..they know religions are just control mechanisms....they laugh at us for the mumbo jumbo people can fall for....
I can understand why the truth had to be secret when like the popes were in full power killing millions in inquisitions...it wasn't safe to speak of the truth and perhaps this is how the symbology to identify each other without words began...
our behavior patterns are controlled through things like the bible.
Ive come to realize over the years that when you dont believe there is a God watching and judging your actions then you become your own god. You are no longer bound by morals and as a result things are corrupted.
they know religions are just control mechanisms.
Well i dont think thats the case in a malevolent way, atleast not entirely. They have been hijacked to some degree by satans minions
Ive come to realize over the years that when you dont believe there is a God watching and judging your actions then you become your own god. You are no longer bound by morals and as a result things are corrupted.
That's not necessarily true at all. I don't identify as a Christian, but that doesn't mean I don't have a good moral compass.
BS!! Your morals are decided by your Self. You have a pineal gland..acts as your conscience ..psychopaths have detached frontal lobes ..that's science...
When you repeat brainwashing mumbo jumbo about Satan's minions I know you are not listening to your conscience
Your morals are decided by your Self. You have a pineal gland..acts as your conscience
Literally speaking, yes you're right, in the end we are the ones who control our actions. But our minds are not devoid of influences. Believing you will be judged for evil deeds even when no other humans saw what you did Has a massive impact on what we choose to do.
When you repeat brainwashing mumbo jumbo about Satan's minions I know you are not listening to your conscience
Call him what you want but there is a malevolent entity ruling over earth and influencing powerful humans.
I have faith that anons by and large understand that
Prior to Q, without Comms Awareness, we were vulnerable to Clown PsyOps. Understand how much legwork is necessary to distill Truth. An example below:
"This is a good place to begin with dissecting symbolism because, why Lizard People? Sure it’s as insane a concept as someone could imagine and as such works for the purposes of maligning any it is thrown at like being spit on, but who came up with the idea of Lizard People and why?
This is where we get into symbolism because when you know the real story it untangles everything and lets you see the real world.
The origin of the “Lizard People” story is from the LOS ANGELES TIMES (not a tabloid) January 29th of 1934. If you read that piece you will notice the story is much less about Lizard people than it is about HOARDED GOLD. Specifically “Lizard People” are hiding gold that the writer has located via radio X-rays.
Why did someone make a story about Lizard people with massive underground pockets of gold? What else happened that week?
Storage of massive amount of GOLD confiscated from the american people! With that context it goes from an insane lunatic spouting nonsense to someone giving condemnation of the direction Government was taking.
So you may ask. Why Lizard People? Well note the date of 1933, know who was critical that year and related to FDR strongly? A man named Szilard = Lizard + S. A man I’ve gone into in a few posts primarily when discussing nuclear comms."
we each need to personally sort out a list of things we think fall on one side or the other of "things we should spend our time thinking about" and "things the feds want to waste our time with"
birds are fake, the earth is flat, ect... ect... you think it's an accident that places like this get spammed with ridiculous bullshit like that?
i'd list more but the glowies and their unwilling participants would attack.
> we each need to personally sort out a list of things we think fall on one side or the other of "things we should spend our time thinking about" and "things the feds want to waste our time with"
all anyone needs to do is look into what COINTELPRO was designed to do, then apply that everything you see...
they flat out admit to intentionally poising the well with nonsense to distract the public from the real things going on and to discredit anyone who questions the official narrative.
they coined the term "conspiracy theorist" as a weapon to use against people who expose their actions.
there is a reason NOBODY talks about the 4th plane, and thats because the government never wants anyone to think about how we shot it down because it was headed back to the white house.
the 180th ANR wing out of swanton ohio picked that plane up after it circled out over lake erie, they thought it was going to hit davis bessie nuclear plant, they followed it all the way back to the middle of nowhere PA near a bunch of closed down ski resorts before "LETS ROLL" supposedly happened.
the debris field is far to big to be an impact, it was a mid air breakup
yet zero people talk about it... why is that?
perhaps it's because everyone is so busy talking about thermite missiles and george bushes cousin being a security guard.
this conversation started because i said to look into COINTELPRO and individuals need to decide for themselves what is real and what is a psyop designed to make us look like retards and waste our time on fake dogshit.
your response was to attack me and sow discord.
people can make their own judgements on who's motives are questionable.
as soon as you can explain to me where all four of the planes went, how plane debris was found at all 4 locations, or how a missile has wings wide enough to knock down all those street lights on the road outside of the pentagon... i'll entertain this ridiculous bullshit theory of yours.
till then how about you look at the evidence and make logical rational decisions about what theories are worth your time and which aren't.
...about which theories are intentionally designed to make you look like a ridiculous nutcase with zero credibility.
and thats not me saying that about you, thats COINTELPRO filling your head with shit that makes you look that way when you post it online.
the degenerates on reddit make fun of every single "conspiracy theory" they can, they deem anything that makes them feel bad "a conspiracy theory" and attack you for it...
but i think the classic "go-to's" are a good indicator because they've worn out their usefulness.
i used FE and "all birds are fake" as examples because IMO they are the most agreed upon fake theories out there. i think there are a ton more but nobody is going to hear me if i start tossing in my personal picks about more debatable subjects as to what is and what isn't bullshit and buttfuckery.
i think some shady shit went down on 9/11, i however don't deepthroat every single theory in the mix because i believe within that event there are mcguffins designed to confuse everyone, cause infighting, and discredit the ones discussing anything important on the subject.
i'll never say nothing shady happened on 9/11, i'll also never say it's possible that thermite tipped missiles disguised as planes were used.
we have to have the mental fortitude to and discernment to filter out the hot wet shit and drill down on the gold.
This is funny. It reminds me how normies see us when we mention Q. Same story, deeper level. It will be a shock to most here when they realise the true potential of the human kind. Granted, this is not that kind of place to discuss such things and it is safer to call everything "new age". If anyone here ever wondered how NPCs see us when vax/covid and Q is mentioned, here is your answer, this very meme. It will be a shock to most to realise that religion has been a weapon of mass control (no exception) and that if anyone read the true words of Jesus, will see he will sounds "new age" crap too. Top KEK for the meme. It gave me another perspective. Depending on the awakening level, some become NPCs. Funny how that works.
Yup. Same reflexive mocking as on the rest of reddit (though I didn't see TOO much of it, thankfully). Disappointing, but probably expected. Everyone is on their own journey.
People should read the gospel of Thomas and the gospel of Peter the apostle...gospel of Mary Magdalene ..all banned as they reveal the truth to peace ..or as the Sufis put it...to win the mental jihad..where the heart and the head are in agreement and there is no inner conflict.
There are eternal truths ....don't need religion to acknowledge eternal truths.
I don't believe the jesus fantasy of the satanic idea of someone dying to save you that was put in but many people lived a spiritual life and attained the peace and showed how they did it..like ...if thine i.be single thy body shall be full of light..
This refers to the third eye ..the pineal gland..it's on the popes staff and all over the Vatican and elsewhere...it's our conscience our connection to other realms etc that's why they put fluoride in everything they water etc because it puts a coating on the pineal gland. You can go online see pictures of autopsies ..it dulls the connection with the divine.....they know!! It causes Parkinson's etc but I think the films showing zombies are about the pineal gland calcification turning us into virtual zombies
I don’t know but there are clearly metaphysical themes constantly being referenced throughout the drops. The fact that all these multi-year delta confirmations exist is already mind blowing. “Future proves past” implies time travel or project looking glass type tech is involved. Repeatedly stating “It’s going to be biblical” (as if in a literal sense) and the like… it’s pretty wild. I’d be doing myself a disservice to completely write off the ‘woo’, so I’m just sitting back and watching the show. “All the world a stage.”
well said. I dont understand why people here get so worked up when we try to discuss time travel and similar concepts as it relates to Q. From my perspective, these are the most important and interesting issues relative to the subject.
It's easy to predict the future when you know the past.
The globalists do a pandemic every other year in tune with elections I think ...so it's easy to predict in two years time there will be another one.
Once you understand there is no such thing as a contagious virus ..germ theory was debunked even by Louis Pasteur himself who came up with the theory...then you know they arranged a virus to attack at a time of their choosing.
You should stop looking and start listening. I have been digging down rabbit holes since 9/11 and used to think I was awake. I used to be like you and I would tease all these "new-age" people and harass them as you do. Then I activated my DNA/Pineal gland and my whole world changed. You can laugh all you want but you are the one missing out. Enlightenment is legit. It is literally like the movie Limitless when the drugs kick in. I WAS BLIND BUT NOW I SEE https://youtu.be/W_maHQlv84U
You didn't activate your pineal gland...it is active perhaps even in the womb...you have to get rid of lots of conditioning and brainwashing and have experiences etc to really listen to it above the noise of ego etc
I love that half the things listed in the first panel are classic leftist talking points from the 2000s. I remember when bringing up banking bubbles, media monopolies, and the active surveillance of the entire American public got you called an anti-patriot communist who probably wants George W Bush's beautiful war to fail.
If we we're Biblical times, then that is going to include the rapture.
Those who've done their homework are familiar with Bill Wood and Dan Burisch talking about Project Looking Glass, specifically these two bits of info, and how it basically predicted a mass spiritual awakening and defeat of the elites, alongside the fact that all of this would begin around 2016-17.
However, this must tie into Revelations. So maybe we get raptured first, then Christ returns and the battle of Armageddon commences?
They specifically use the term "white hats", which sounds eerily familiar with the Q plan. Remember the Q drop about Looking Glass?
They said this in interviews around 2006-2007 I believe.
I don't agree with everything Wood said in later videos. But I wouldn't assume that the spiritual side of Q necessarily new age. I am not new-age at all but rather Christian and know that Jesus is lord and the son of God.
A lot of Q posts specifically reference Jesus and the Bible.
(Aside from a few which, meh).
The rapture didn't get into the Bible until 1835 by a William James derby..first as a footnote but when it was seen how popular the idea was and how the congregation grew and the money rolled in it was added in properly
75 books that didn't fit the agenda got removed ....especially books like the gospel of Peter st Thomas mand Mary Magdalene and books of Enoch etc. You can get them online and you will find out why they are suppressed
There's a book called Dispensationalism Before Darby which addresses this.
Specificallly, it notes how Paul's language to the early church indicates that they were looking for it. There are verses about us going up to meet him in the air, etc. So one of the main debates for people is whether it happens pre-trib, mid, or post as I'm sure you know.
I've heard counter-debates as well, so I guess we'll have to see.
This is how many angels can fit on a pinhead.. actually took up a lot of church thinking at one time would you believe?
It's a diversion.
The issue of it being aliens here calling themselves gods isn't up for grabs...they have been suppressing the evidence for years and as Q says ..our DNA has been messed with and it is ending.
Th churches are aware..the pope is aware the Jews and rabbis are aware...it's only the public who are in the dark and treated like mushrooms
The sumerian tablets were deciphered and translated over a hundred years ago with all its evidence..our metric system is on them even.
We know how many space ships they came with..we have descriptions how to build them ..they were built by NASA years ago from Ezekiel's detailed description..also in the Mahabharata
You are going to have to give up your belief that you are somehow privileged and special...that magic words can save you from a fortunately mythical hell.
Is it possible that there are some elements of truth behind some of the new agey stuff? What if there are bits of truth found in all walks of life, and part of “ascending” is to identify those bits, like all humanity needs to start pickin’ cherries from all over the place?
What if wisdoms and knowledge from all cultures, religions, and backgrounds could be compared to the bumpers on the bowling alley? They keep your ball going down the lane to the ultimate goal (being salvation through Christ).
Just something I speculate about often, and true story: I found God through a profound psychedelic experience, because they (mushrooms) helped me break down my layers of skepticism. Not that I would advocate their use, but I definitely believe that they have their place (and can also be misused), but why would God create them if they didn’t have purpose?
What if humanity is ascending and we have to embrace and acknowledge their bits of truth in order to show each individual the ultimate truth (by first establishing trust)?
Jesus showed us the way. Love, don’t judge, and speak truth. This is the only way.
The pineal gland? Vibration? What if the cabal knows certain things that they horde for themselves, and when we recognize them as being of God, we can take the next steps toward ascension?
….. and people still believe we evolved from apes or God just dropped us off and said don’t eat apples.
I give creator theory as much respect as both of those options. In fact, I think the theory of alien races starting life on earth explains a large portion of the Bible. Just me and my stupid opinion though. These three theories are not mutually exclusive. Comment your hatred below.
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."
Nice try, but as a generalization this is a fallacy. Truthfulness of a claim cannot logically be judged by how preposterous it sounds compared to accepted narratives. That would just give carte blanche to everything and anything pushed.
Substantial differences exist between Speculations Hypotheses and Theories.
More folks need to learn the differences and think critically. Misinfo and Disinfo campaigns DEPEND on this not being the case.
Thank you sir, you’re the voice of reason.
Hear, hear...
there is a lot of truth in the new age movement but also a lot of lies and deception. Some of the lies and deception is to get you to believe the lies, but some of it is to make the truth sound crazy.
pleiadeans are real, but they are not our friends, they are liars working hand in hand with the cabal and government. They help the powers that be to manipulate people into a subservient slave state by exploiting religious programing & discredit truth movements.
Been waiting to hear from you! Maybe us “new agers” aren’t so crazy after all. 😉
Sure,but using Ockham razor is good.
Definitely sounds like Ascension Health, as it suits to DNA and the rest.
Well said. people resist the truth because the fantasy that religions offer them that these weffers invented.... ..say the magic words.. and you get a good place in the heaven we told you about or ..the threat...go to a hell we also told you about and burn for ever even though you won't have a body to burn!!!
That is what the past weekend around here has felt like. I think the Ascension Island and Ascension Health theories had the most merit.
yeah wtf was that aSceDinG cOnsCiuOsnEss post that actually got stickied?
I'm worried the "new Q" is gonna say some crazy shit and half this forum is gonna lap it up. They STILL haven't done a delta or verified themselves, the 8kun salt was rotated so the tripcode is invalid, and Scavino did pretty solid comms that new Q is fake..........or this is a 2nd layer backchannel like R-Anon with plausible deniability for those who aren't prepared for a rabbit hole like that?
This should be the top comment. The Deep State sends a 'Q' post including the word Ascension and then a shooting happens at a hospital called Ascension? Seems to me that they are using a false flag to confirm the legitimacy of the new 'Q'. Then the hijacking of the Great Awakening will kick into high gear.
But part of me thinks Jim & Ron Watkins are solid patriots, otherwise Q wouldn't've trusted them as the front of 8kun. Q could easily have those posts removed/prevented if they wanted?
guess that if they could post as Q, they could also remove access from the boards to real Q
Trump retruthed a meme that had the wording "PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS".
It's either one of two things.
Either ...
I think every Trump tweet is well thought out and purposeful. Sure, a delta would be nice, but that meme was also a pretty good confirmation.
Thx didn't know about that meme, and 0 chance Trump does stuff by accident.
There's levels to this. I do remember a very short time ago I laughed at the idea of Bill G. being some cabalistic Mason but nowadays most people seem to be aware of it.
This is a fundamental approach we'll have to take when waking normies. I remember myself rejecting certain ideas like the influence of Satanism and ancient religions. My approach to Q was "I'm just here for the dirt on FISA abuse and Soros."
Then I saw the roadmap of Nur-Sultan with its Egyptian scarab and the Freemason compass.
Then all the Freemason symbols in DC and at the IRS headquarters.
Then the AJ video of Bohemian Grove from the 90's.
Then the statue of Horus on top of the Epstein temple.
So now I'm voraciously listening to 30 year old recordings of Bill Cooper and Alan Watt explaining the ancient religions.
Everyone will need to remember to educate the normies in phases.
That was a coverup attempt as Bill Cooper already exposed what was really going on there.
Think Franklin Coverup,, pedo snuff films, all types of evil.
AJ made similar accusations as Cooper did (toned down a notch, of course), while ranting like a crazed lunatic. The footage itself looked like homo cosplay at best, and that led to a "debunk" by a Fed larping as a conspiracy realist.
Yes he was....he was an alcoholic...he sent his wife and child away and waited for them to kill him...he knew it was coming.... imitation of Christ? A story...story of another martyr...not the truth..a story....
horrible thing to be a martyr...fills others with guilt ..a negative emotion...like a mother being a martyr makes children lose respect as they understand the person does not respect themselves to be that way and sets a horrible future pattern for the children to copy .....
Yeah, I'm reading and listening now to "Mystery Babylon Series".
Check out "The Cult Of Baal" chart.
You should think so, if Bohemian Grove was such a bad place, why would they have allowed AJ to leave alive?
I remember a while ago laughing my head off at the thought of the world being run by pedophiles. The more we think about it, the more we understand why it had to be this way
I still laugh at the world being run by pedophiles... otherwise I would cry.
This is why 4chan is so big, they laugh at the atrocities of the world, because to do otherwise would be to collapse in despair.
There are patriots who are still asleep in their own ways. Conspiracy theories are only that, until they turn out to be truth. In between those two points, a chasm remains. The Cabal's great accomplishment is making people feel ridiculous for believing what is so cleverly mocked.
There are many who are only red-pilled on some issues, where discussion of them is a turn off because it's "too much".
I mean, there was a point where 'pizzagate' was an impossible notion, yet, every so often now the "Eptsein Client List" hits the trending page.
9/11 would probably be a big one. It would be very hard to try to red pill anyone that worked around the area in any capacity, probably especially city employees and security. There's a guy that sometimes fills in a post in my building that worked in the area on the day; he's pretty red-pilled, but he doesn't want anyone to talk about 9/11. Not sure if he still believes the narrative, or if he has PTSD from the day. But it would still be very hard to red pill people on it.
I've seen that even around here.
There are so many ways to look at it where the story fails; hell, it's not even that many years ago when the videos showed up where people caught the explosions in the second building without any planes. Prior to that, I had issues with how the planes collided to make a "Loony Toons" style cut out of the planes but felt the "no-planes" theories were a step too far or a theory to poison the well.
My initial response to the attacks was to spell out for a friend that it was either a legitimate attack in response to US-Middle East actions, OR if there was a suspect before the dust settled that would be a scapegoat because they did it to themselves to justify another war.
Remember when Q started sourcing David Icke. (X22? IncarnetedET?) Used to hate that guy, seemed like straight up controlled op.
Then Q sourced his site directly, go figure.
FOCUS and ASCENSION very well have double meanings, could be like the island and health thing like others have said, could be both, could be something totally different.
“The whole post was about election theft! Duh! We are rising above the theft he wants us to focus on the election only!”
They screamed from the top of their lungs, as others here pointed out “Kind of odd wording for him to throw out!”
But how do you get around
“What is coded in your DNA? Who put it there? Why? Mankind is repressed. We will be repressed no more. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is power. How do you protect your DNA? There is a war for your DNA. Protect your DNA. Ascension.”
Maybe this whole
thing wasn’t referring to naps and bedtime now that I think about it….
Can music be healing? Clear your mind. Heal.
Best. Is. Yet. To. Come. You may THINK you’ve seen the SUN, yet have you really seen it SHINE?
Deep Dark World is Being Exposed.
Music can definitely heal. I've listened to some tunes and felt fantastic afterward.
And they weren't all classical, either--some were masterworks from video games.
I know some of you are rolling your eyes at that, but I'm serious. Koji Kondo, Nobuo Uematsu and David Wise deserve to be treated with similar renown to some of the greatest composers who've ever lived.
But they're all getting old. And wokesters are replacing them.
For sure.
Who could forget when Q suggested music could be LITERALY healing and to “clear our minds.”
Remember when Clear Your Mind. Heal. Q spelt out HCQ
and linked to a healing frequency music video which used the same logo as the HCQ suppliers!
The Catholic church banned Gregorian chanting...
Churches used to be healing centres ...the massive organs every church had played out the healing frequencies....Gregorian changing was healing people particularly desf people....
The Rockefellers were instrumental in getting all music played at healing frequencies changed to bad frequencies were they remain...heavy metal..rock and roll etc bad too...
We need to campaign for the healing frequencies to be brought back...that on its own would do so much to heal the world.
Look up royal rife story online...he discovered how to cure cancers etc by discovering the frequency of the cancer and exploding it with another one.
We all have our own frequency...the earth has a frequency..the birds have a frequency etc.
Unfortunately the military know how to use frequencies to kill and injure people.
The biblical story of the walls of Jericho being brought down by frequencies ...the vibrations of the elohim tramp of the soldiers footstep going around the walls seven times..then the bugles going around the walls brought them down.
The Tibetans know how to levitate themselves and big rocks etc by frequencies too.
There are healing frequencies you can play online to heal yourself. You need good speakers and if they are binaural beats you need headphones
Why the hell would the Catholic church ban Gregorian chanting? Also I'll never stop listening to heavy metal.
Figure it out and listen to what you like..perhaps it dulls your senses..heavy metal I mean
One of the aforementioned healing songs was called Metal Squad. So no.
Gregorian chant called metal squad?
I don't think so
Heavy metal music I can't even listen to..it is horrible
Don't assume.
I looked and couldn't find the drops relating to David Icke, could you provide a little bit more info so I can dig on it? Thank you.
I cant recall them either.
Didn't happen.
Could have swore it was icke, I could use another example though and my points still stand. I mentioned above I might have been mistaken and was seeing a lot of X22 or IncarnatedET posts and not liking them then Q posted their site.
I’m trying. I was seeing a LOT of David Icke and his site being posted and was literally thinking to my self “Why are so many people following this reptilian lizard guy….” And then my whole thought process changed because Q posted his site.
I could be wrong, there are many examples which would further my same argument though. I’m pissed now can’t find anything either. Maybe I was thinking X22 or that like incarnated et poster instead..
Go to YouTube type in David icke .he also has his own website
I won't stop listening to heavy metal.
Is Q talking about the sun doing a micro-nova event? That would be biblical but it would also wipe us all the hell out.
That would fucking suck. Suffer through all this and then glimmer of hope, only the glimmer is actually blinding as the sun expands rapidly towards us, though I assume with no investigation on the subject that a nova of any kind would be essentially instant for us due to the proximity
According to channels I've been watching we have a few days notice the sun turns red and then black and then pops. This has been a black pill for me but at the same time it puts things in perspective, our priorities in my opinion should be personal evolution.
That part of ops comment is his own words not a Q quote
Technically that part of my comment is part of
“Best is Yet To Come”
Probably the second most well known line in the song aside from “best is yet to come.” potent stuff.
No sun will last a very long time yet
It doesn't mean the Sun disappears it just pops every 12,000 years or so in a micronova it's like a huge electrical discharge. It could possibly trigger the magnetic pole shift which would be the real problem. We can survive the Sun Nova thing, what freaks me out is when the ocean starts sloshing around, supposedly the last time the Poles shifted the crust of the earth moved like 90° and the Pacific Ocean sloshed over the Rockies.
Whatever ideology survives this cataclysm will determine who rules the world for the next 12,000 year cycle, this is why the elites have bunkers everywhere.
The DNA thing is a deep rabbit hole. There is stuff going on. But this would detract from getting justice done for crimes well documented in previous posts here. Our country has been infiltrated and is being gutted by those traitors and sell outs who are harming the children of their own species. This is where I would focus for now.
I agree as Q says this topic will unite humanity.
We saw the trafficking aspect, now we are being prepped for the “satanic ritual” human sacrifice side. Crazy Times!
Yet here we have Q dedicating an entire post to DNA. WHY?
they aren't harming the children of their own species, though. Many at the top are literally not human and would scoff at the idea of being one. Others we see in the public eye are literally soul-less organic portals and its unclear what level of feeling or sentiment they can have towards anything.
They don't regard them as their own species...the aliens mated with humans...they say their DNA is alien DNA
Lol. NGL this Starseed likes this meme.
I'm glad you like it.
P.S. - Ty, mods, my first stickied meme!
They really won't...
There's a reason Q references the Bible, not new age
But honestly…who compiled the books of the Bible? Is it possible they left things out intentionally for our ignorance? Evil has had it’s tentacles all over anything of God since the beginning of time.
God inspired the authors to write their portions of the Bible. The Bible ultimately forms a cohesive narrative from start to finish, despite the authors existing throughout different time periods and nations.
It is a divinely-inspired text...You don't think God is wrong do you?
Also keep in mind that the Bible has been edited many times by different powers that be. They could have easily removed parts of the new age movement from the pages ages ago to hide that information from the masses. The elites use this hidden information to help them control the world and hide it from those they want to control. Who ever controls your thoughts controls you. New age movement is mostly about controlling your thoughts and focusing within.
How edited? Are we talking typos and phrasing? Or are we talking changing the absolute and complete meaning of the books, or even just they key parts of the books?
Kings and churches have changed the Bible many times, its well known. There is a reason there are different names of Bibles. And yes they change words and meanings and take away whole books from the original Bible. China's CCP wants to make its own Bible this was in the news a short time ago.
You cannot add to or remove from the Bible without suffering God's wrath
The overall meaning of the Bible has not changed with each new edition. The new editions were developed to make the Bible more readable and to capture the divine inspiration that's always there
If you took the King James Version and the New American Standard Bible and read the same passage, you would find that they are essentially the same in every way, but you would likely have an easier time understand the New American Standard Bible
The King James Version modified the Geneva Bible(which the US was using) because the Geneva Bible included study notes that promoted freedom...it's less that he edited the Bible directly and more that he removed the study notes which promote freedom
All of this said, ultimately in the end we all have to develop our personal relationship with God, and he gives us the ability to discern the truth. All one has to do to understand that what I'm saying is true is spend some time reading the Bible
Ever heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Why is there a King James version if the 1st English Bible was made by King Henry VIII? How do you know these Kings and churches didn't change the original pages to suit their own needs for governance .
The Chinese Gov just this year stated its releasing a China Bible which changes the story: https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/cwn/2022/february/china-rsquo-s-communist-government-is-reportedly-rewriting-the-bible-and-calling-jesus-a-lsquo-sinner-rsquo-but-that-rsquo-s-not-all-hellip
And New Age Movement doesnt delete the Bible or the teaching of Christ at all, it embraces them fully along with all other religons and is just additive material that focus on higher consciousness, mindfulness, and knowing more of the cosmic universe and origins we live in more.
Do you feel doing Yoga or meditation is anti Christian?
WWII history: Hitler wanted to take over the world, so he invaded the surrounding countries and exterminated as many Jews as he could because reasons.
What you're not told: Hitler kicked out the Rothschild central bank, and the German economy soared upwards. Also the bolsheviks/communists/khazars were destroying Germany from within, promoting all types of debauchery.
That's an absolute change.
Because there is no "new age" religion. New age is just the category that people put everything they dont want to understand in. There was a time when believing the sun was the center of our solar system was blasphemy, and there will come a time when we realize what we thought was "spiritual" is just another tangible force.
Our behaviour patterns are controlled through things like the bible....
Don't forget..freemasons know the truth..they know religions are just control mechanisms....they laugh at us for the mumbo jumbo people can fall for....
I can understand why the truth had to be secret when like the popes were in full power killing millions in inquisitions...it wasn't safe to speak of the truth and perhaps this is how the symbology to identify each other without words began...
It seems the top layer got corrupted...
I am only speculating here
Youre exactly right.
Ive come to realize over the years that when you dont believe there is a God watching and judging your actions then you become your own god. You are no longer bound by morals and as a result things are corrupted.
Well i dont think thats the case in a malevolent way, atleast not entirely. They have been hijacked to some degree by satans minions
That's not necessarily true at all. I don't identify as a Christian, but that doesn't mean I don't have a good moral compass.
BS!! Your morals are decided by your Self. You have a pineal gland..acts as your conscience ..psychopaths have detached frontal lobes ..that's science...
When you repeat brainwashing mumbo jumbo about Satan's minions I know you are not listening to your conscience
Literally speaking, yes you're right, in the end we are the ones who control our actions. But our minds are not devoid of influences. Believing you will be judged for evil deeds even when no other humans saw what you did Has a massive impact on what we choose to do.
Call him what you want but there is a malevolent entity ruling over earth and influencing powerful humans.
Sheep and goats
I am not sure exactly what you mean ... but this is an underrated comment 😅
This starseed thinks the meme is doing the thing its making fun of. Im not a fan.
Disappointed by this meme. I have faith that this community is capable of more nuance than what this meme represents.
Reality is far stranger than we're led to believe and I have faith that anons by and large understand that.
Prior to Q, without Comms Awareness, we were vulnerable to Clown PsyOps. Understand how much legwork is necessary to distill Truth. An example below:
"This is a good place to begin with dissecting symbolism because, why Lizard People? Sure it’s as insane a concept as someone could imagine and as such works for the purposes of maligning any it is thrown at like being spit on, but who came up with the idea of Lizard People and why?
This is where we get into symbolism because when you know the real story it untangles everything and lets you see the real world.
The origin of the “Lizard People” story is from the LOS ANGELES TIMES (not a tabloid) January 29th of 1934. If you read that piece you will notice the story is much less about Lizard people than it is about HOARDED GOLD. Specifically “Lizard People” are hiding gold that the writer has located via radio X-rays.
Why did someone make a story about Lizard people with massive underground pockets of gold? What else happened that week?
Storage of massive amount of GOLD confiscated from the american people! With that context it goes from an insane lunatic spouting nonsense to someone giving condemnation of the direction Government was taking.
So you may ask. Why Lizard People? Well note the date of 1933, know who was critical that year and related to FDR strongly? A man named Szilard = Lizard + S. A man I’ve gone into in a few posts primarily when discussing nuclear comms."
This had my eyes tripping out at first. I feel ascended now.
ass ended ?
Now my butts cracked...
Is buttcheeks one word or should we spread them apart?
I dont know... Hemroids suck.
we each need to personally sort out a list of things we think fall on one side or the other of "things we should spend our time thinking about" and "things the feds want to waste our time with"
birds are fake, the earth is flat, ect... ect... you think it's an accident that places like this get spammed with ridiculous bullshit like that?
i'd list more but the glowies and their unwilling participants would attack.
think logically, think rationally.
> we each need to personally sort out a list of things we think fall on one side or the other of "things we should spend our time thinking about" and "things the feds want to waste our time with"
To me this seems like the definition of FOCUS.
all anyone needs to do is look into what COINTELPRO was designed to do, then apply that everything you see...
they flat out admit to intentionally poising the well with nonsense to distract the public from the real things going on and to discredit anyone who questions the official narrative.
they coined the term "conspiracy theorist" as a weapon to use against people who expose their actions.
there is a reason NOBODY talks about the 4th plane, and thats because the government never wants anyone to think about how we shot it down because it was headed back to the white house.
the 180th ANR wing out of swanton ohio picked that plane up after it circled out over lake erie, they thought it was going to hit davis bessie nuclear plant, they followed it all the way back to the middle of nowhere PA near a bunch of closed down ski resorts before "LETS ROLL" supposedly happened.
the debris field is far to big to be an impact, it was a mid air breakup
yet zero people talk about it... why is that?
perhaps it's because everyone is so busy talking about thermite missiles and george bushes cousin being a security guard.
Or perhaps the government made up the 4th plane in an attempt to stop people from talking about Bush's cousin...
See the logical fallacy there? How do YOU know which is the real conspiracy vs the fake one? Charlie Ward? Kek...
180th followed the 4th plane from toledo ohio to shanksville, it was headed back to washington... the towers and the pentagon had already been hit...
do you honestly think they let that plane fly back into a populated area? headed right back twords DC?
...or are you just doing exactly what i said someone would do the second i mentioned it.
we see you.
And this is more important than Bush's brother running security on two buildings that were demo'd from the ground up because?
Are you not following the logic?
People are calling each other feds because they arent researching the 'conspiracies' THEY want researched and throwing out cointel pro as the reason.
That's a perfext example of cointelpro. LOL, you guys are using a cointelpro tactics to shut down other research by claiming they are cointelpro...
Thats like people screaming "Ban all forms of intolerance!" Or "death to all extremists!"
this conversation started because i said to look into COINTELPRO and individuals need to decide for themselves what is real and what is a psyop designed to make us look like retards and waste our time on fake dogshit.
your response was to attack me and sow discord.
people can make their own judgements on who's motives are questionable.
No. My point was to point out your hypocrisy and failure to understand you were doing the exact same thing as the cointel pro feds.
Your dismissal if other peoples beliefs and research was the statement sowing discord. I was pointing it out.
You still think there were planes?
as soon as you can explain to me where all four of the planes went, how plane debris was found at all 4 locations, or how a missile has wings wide enough to knock down all those street lights on the road outside of the pentagon... i'll entertain this ridiculous bullshit theory of yours.
till then how about you look at the evidence and make logical rational decisions about what theories are worth your time and which aren't.
...about which theories are intentionally designed to make you look like a ridiculous nutcase with zero credibility.
and thats not me saying that about you, thats COINTELPRO filling your head with shit that makes you look that way when you post it online.
do better.
i'm not reading your bible.
Okay 🤷♂️
the degenerates on reddit make fun of every single "conspiracy theory" they can, they deem anything that makes them feel bad "a conspiracy theory" and attack you for it...
but i think the classic "go-to's" are a good indicator because they've worn out their usefulness.
i used FE and "all birds are fake" as examples because IMO they are the most agreed upon fake theories out there. i think there are a ton more but nobody is going to hear me if i start tossing in my personal picks about more debatable subjects as to what is and what isn't bullshit and buttfuckery.
i think some shady shit went down on 9/11, i however don't deepthroat every single theory in the mix because i believe within that event there are mcguffins designed to confuse everyone, cause infighting, and discredit the ones discussing anything important on the subject.
i'll never say nothing shady happened on 9/11, i'll also never say it's possible that thermite tipped missiles disguised as planes were used.
we have to have the mental fortitude to and discernment to filter out the hot wet shit and drill down on the gold.
...also fuck reddit
Thats exactly what a fed would say.
"Think this! Its whats logical. It's what we think you should focus on! Ignore anything that questions what we think is true!"
...exactly as predicted
Not the point of the post they made. But re: thinking logically, we only win by thinking logically.
When it comes to discernment, logical thinking is critical
Hmmm... so what is logical and the truth we should be researching and what are the cointelpro made up conspiracies?
This is funny. It reminds me how normies see us when we mention Q. Same story, deeper level. It will be a shock to most here when they realise the true potential of the human kind. Granted, this is not that kind of place to discuss such things and it is safer to call everything "new age". If anyone here ever wondered how NPCs see us when vax/covid and Q is mentioned, here is your answer, this very meme. It will be a shock to most to realise that religion has been a weapon of mass control (no exception) and that if anyone read the true words of Jesus, will see he will sounds "new age" crap too. Top KEK for the meme. It gave me another perspective. Depending on the awakening level, some become NPCs. Funny how that works.
Yup. Same reflexive mocking as on the rest of reddit (though I didn't see TOO much of it, thankfully). Disappointing, but probably expected. Everyone is on their own journey.
People should read the gospel of Thomas and the gospel of Peter the apostle...gospel of Mary Magdalene ..all banned as they reveal the truth to peace ..or as the Sufis put it...to win the mental jihad..where the heart and the head are in agreement and there is no inner conflict.
There are eternal truths ....don't need religion to acknowledge eternal truths.
I don't believe the jesus fantasy of the satanic idea of someone dying to save you that was put in but many people lived a spiritual life and attained the peace and showed how they did it..like ...if thine i.be single thy body shall be full of light.. This refers to the third eye ..the pineal gland..it's on the popes staff and all over the Vatican and elsewhere...it's our conscience our connection to other realms etc that's why they put fluoride in everything they water etc because it puts a coating on the pineal gland. You can go online see pictures of autopsies ..it dulls the connection with the divine.....they know!! It causes Parkinson's etc but I think the films showing zombies are about the pineal gland calcification turning us into virtual zombies
Talk about gaslighting.
Many anons believe in a lot of that stuff and making fun of certain things like this further divides the community.
OP should know this by now... Unless that's the point is to gaslight and ridicule like a fuckin 🤡?
It's been like this here every day since Election Day. Very disappointing.
I guess. There has certainly been a shift.
There's a certain Zen Irony to the fact that most of us who believe, or are open to, the points "mocked" in this meme find it amusing nonetheless...
Something, something, cosmic amusement. 😉
U.S. Air Force Facility on Ascension Island - https://www.travel-tour-guide.com/ascension_island/01_georgetown.htm
Try this drop on for size. https://qalerts.app/?n=1143
Hehe I remember this, what’s the implication?
I don’t know but there are clearly metaphysical themes constantly being referenced throughout the drops. The fact that all these multi-year delta confirmations exist is already mind blowing. “Future proves past” implies time travel or project looking glass type tech is involved. Repeatedly stating “It’s going to be biblical” (as if in a literal sense) and the like… it’s pretty wild. I’d be doing myself a disservice to completely write off the ‘woo’, so I’m just sitting back and watching the show. “All the world a stage.”
Whaaa!? You mean Q is using religious and metaphysical themes as apart of his… er what was it called… oh yeah…
Hehe as a great Anon once said
“Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.”
well said. I dont understand why people here get so worked up when we try to discuss time travel and similar concepts as it relates to Q. From my perspective, these are the most important and interesting issues relative to the subject.
It's easy to predict the future when you know the past.
The globalists do a pandemic every other year in tune with elections I think ...so it's easy to predict in two years time there will be another one.
Once you understand there is no such thing as a contagious virus ..germ theory was debunked even by Louis Pasteur himself who came up with the theory...then you know they arranged a virus to attack at a time of their choosing.
Rinse and repeat.
Looking at you u/10lbsBass
You should stop looking and start listening. I have been digging down rabbit holes since 9/11 and used to think I was awake. I used to be like you and I would tease all these "new-age" people and harass them as you do. Then I activated my DNA/Pineal gland and my whole world changed. You can laugh all you want but you are the one missing out. Enlightenment is legit. It is literally like the movie Limitless when the drugs kick in. I WAS BLIND BUT NOW I SEE https://youtu.be/W_maHQlv84U
Keep digging. You will figure it out too.
You didn't activate your pineal gland...it is active perhaps even in the womb...you have to get rid of lots of conditioning and brainwashing and have experiences etc to really listen to it above the noise of ego etc
Just because the CIA infiltrated the New Age movement doesn't mean that its all garbage. Just that they are very scared of the truth getting out
Yep 👆🏻
I hate that this is a fucking gif I thought I was losing my fucking mind holy shit
I love that half the things listed in the first panel are classic leftist talking points from the 2000s. I remember when bringing up banking bubbles, media monopolies, and the active surveillance of the entire American public got you called an anti-patriot communist who probably wants George W Bush's beautiful war to fail.
Wish I can upvote you a zillion times 👍😁
Consciousness grows when the Soul is Ready 💕
This is so accurate! Muh flat earthhhhh
If we we're Biblical times, then that is going to include the rapture.
Those who've done their homework are familiar with Bill Wood and Dan Burisch talking about Project Looking Glass, specifically these two bits of info, and how it basically predicted a mass spiritual awakening and defeat of the elites, alongside the fact that all of this would begin around 2016-17.
However, this must tie into Revelations. So maybe we get raptured first, then Christ returns and the battle of Armageddon commences?
They specifically use the term "white hats", which sounds eerily familiar with the Q plan. Remember the Q drop about Looking Glass?
They said this in interviews around 2006-2007 I believe.
I don't agree with everything Wood said in later videos. But I wouldn't assume that the spiritual side of Q necessarily new age. I am not new-age at all but rather Christian and know that Jesus is lord and the son of God.
A lot of Q posts specifically reference Jesus and the Bible. (Aside from a few which, meh).
Remember, Jesus Christ is lord!
The rapture didn't get into the Bible until 1835 by a William James derby..first as a footnote but when it was seen how popular the idea was and how the congregation grew and the money rolled in it was added in properly
75 books that didn't fit the agenda got removed ....especially books like the gospel of Peter st Thomas mand Mary Magdalene and books of Enoch etc. You can get them online and you will find out why they are suppressed
Well, there's a debate on this.
There's a book called Dispensationalism Before Darby which addresses this. Specificallly, it notes how Paul's language to the early church indicates that they were looking for it. There are verses about us going up to meet him in the air, etc. So one of the main debates for people is whether it happens pre-trib, mid, or post as I'm sure you know.
I've heard counter-debates as well, so I guess we'll have to see.
This is how many angels can fit on a pinhead.. actually took up a lot of church thinking at one time would you believe?
It's a diversion.
The issue of it being aliens here calling themselves gods isn't up for grabs...they have been suppressing the evidence for years and as Q says ..our DNA has been messed with and it is ending.
Th churches are aware..the pope is aware the Jews and rabbis are aware...it's only the public who are in the dark and treated like mushrooms
The sumerian tablets were deciphered and translated over a hundred years ago with all its evidence..our metric system is on them even.
We know how many space ships they came with..we have descriptions how to build them ..they were built by NASA years ago from Ezekiel's detailed description..also in the Mahabharata
You are going to have to give up your belief that you are somehow privileged and special...that magic words can save you from a fortunately mythical hell.
Is it possible that there are some elements of truth behind some of the new agey stuff? What if there are bits of truth found in all walks of life, and part of “ascending” is to identify those bits, like all humanity needs to start pickin’ cherries from all over the place?
What if wisdoms and knowledge from all cultures, religions, and backgrounds could be compared to the bumpers on the bowling alley? They keep your ball going down the lane to the ultimate goal (being salvation through Christ).
Just something I speculate about often, and true story: I found God through a profound psychedelic experience, because they (mushrooms) helped me break down my layers of skepticism. Not that I would advocate their use, but I definitely believe that they have their place (and can also be misused), but why would God create them if they didn’t have purpose?
What if humanity is ascending and we have to embrace and acknowledge their bits of truth in order to show each individual the ultimate truth (by first establishing trust)?
Jesus showed us the way. Love, don’t judge, and speak truth. This is the only way.
The pineal gland? Vibration? What if the cabal knows certain things that they horde for themselves, and when we recognize them as being of God, we can take the next steps toward ascension?
I don't always listen to unverifiable interviews with Lemurian reptilian anthropologists. But when I do -- I don't talk about it.
So true, lol, and sad. I wondered if it meant the rapture myself right after he said they weren’t prophets. Then I thought I was an idiot. Lol.
No ..no rapture..false prophet called William James derby 1893
😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆
Levels man it’s all levels
"Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes."
The deep state is very spiritual, you think they are just play games? There is an opposite to their ways.
I'm always baffled when I see captives defend their bondage.
Ascension in two weeks, just do nothing and wait for it
….. and people still believe we evolved from apes or God just dropped us off and said don’t eat apples.
I give creator theory as much respect as both of those options. In fact, I think the theory of alien races starting life on earth explains a large portion of the Bible. Just me and my stupid opinion though. These three theories are not mutually exclusive. Comment your hatred below.
Totally agree watch Clif high...he covers the evidence...