It's now becoming widely known that those who got the jabs could be facing serious health issues or even sudden death.
A lot of people took the jab with the best of intentions, or were coerced into getting them for whatever reason.
If you are one of those people who think 'so what, serves them right' then that's an understandable reaction, but I want to ask you to think for a moment what it would be like to be in their shoes.
Imagine you are a care-worker, looking after the elderly, and you were forced to take the jab or you would be out of work. You have a small child and lots of bills to pay and no time to read the news or deep dive medical papers etc. and have no reason to mistrust the medical profession.
So you get the jab, and maybe you got some side effects, but because you have other health issues it's not immediately obvious it was down to the jab. Fast forward two years and you've had two miscarriages which the Dr's put down to your blood pressure issues (which you thought you had recovered from).
Then you start to hear wild stories about the jab causing injuries. You've never heard this before but now the people you meet on the school-run or at work are mentioning it. So far it's nothing but 'conspiracy theories' - you haven't got time for that sort of stuff, so you carry on about your life.
Now the information is starting to make it into the mainstream and people are getting worried, those that are brave enough to even mention it. You are frightened, you don't want to deal with it because you don't want it to be true.
Because if it were true then the implications are immense. You could die at any moment, leaving your child an orphan. Your loved ones could die at any moment, you have no idea. You don't have enough information to fully understand what's going on, and you're scared to look because you get anxiety attacks when you start to think of what might happen.
This is real fear. This person is not evil, nor are they someone who told others what to do, they simply wanted to get on with their lives and trusted people who everyone else also seemed to trust.
Spare a thought for what most people are going through right now as they start their journey of understanding and realization. It's going to be hell for them, and I think we are here to help them, point them in the right direction, because we were given something by God that allowed us to avoid this situation and be ready.
I'm not telling anyone what to do, but I feel it is the best path for all of us. After all, #wwg1wga
This sort of analysis has been creeping into my heart. I keep trying to remind myself that were it not for the Grace of God I would be one of them. There's no real explanation for why I'm awake other than God himself made me immune to the brainwashing. As much as we all have anger, I for 1, am trying very hard to let it go because I feel we are about to witness the greatest tragedy in human history. We need to try to be there for those that are survivor.
Anger is a necessary part of the grieving process, you have already made the necessary step in letting it go - the decision. The rest just takes time and your brain will let you know at what speed that has to happen for your own well-being.
Thanks for saying this.
I've been harboring a LOT of anger towards the normies' blindness lately. And anger is something I'm not really familiar or comfortable with. Struggling to move past it. Remembering the grief process helps tremendously.
God bless.
Nicely said.
I agree JohnathanE with your beautifully written post. My anger is directed to the DS and pharma who despise God, Justice & health.
I think this applies to a significant part of the sheep and it's very sad. We do still however have a probably even larger portion of sheep that just drove up to a CVS and stuck their arm out of their car window to let a masked employee making $10/hr vaccinate them so they could travel or go to a posh restaurant.
The sheep shouldn't be lumped into one big bucket but man is this group fucking frustrating. If we we're all awake the NWO wouldn't have the slightest chance but it seems so many just refuse to wake up no matter what.
I've still yet to be convinced that the majority of the sheep are even capable of waking up.
I have a feeling that once the narrative shifts and levers are pulled in the background that the brain-washed will end up on our side, but after being brainwashed into getting there - just like they were brainwashed into being tyrannical twats in the first place.
Time will tell.
Yes, this is my assessment as well. So many are just completely immersed in ‘belonging to the herd’ that they won’t really care what the narrative is, as long as they are shown it’s the viewpoint ‘of the majority’, they will go along to get along. Sure some will go easier than others, but most of this depends on the aggressiveness/finesse of the rollout of said narrative.
We MUST understand that this battle for the ‘minds of the middle’ will never stop. A very large swath of our population will always blindly follow what they perceive to be the mainstream. We can take over those mechanisms, and wake some people up to think critically for themselves, but most will ALWAYS be SHEEP. Just a question of who is playing the Shepherd.
Humans break out into 30-40-30, dissonants, with the winds, and bootlickers.
So a successfull awakening will not only move and mildly awaken the middle, but half of the bootlickers too or at least half will die. This leaves 85% awakening and will succeed.
I think it will be a mix of people switching to our side fast cause of anger, people killing themselves cause they can’t handle it and people just dropping out of society due to guilt, shame and embarrassment of their former selfs.
It isn't going to be pretty, that's for sure.
I agree, with a few exceptions: the "doctors" who pimped Remdesivir for $
the scum dancing nurses
the absolute societal bottom feeders in corporate America who extorted others. This group, in particular, I'll be naming and shaming when it's time. I may drag them into civil court and bankrupt them for breaking informed consent laws and practicing medicine without a license. If someone tries to kill you at work, you can sue them
The dancing nurses might not have been as scummy as first thought. They were under gag orders not to dispel the myth of overrun hospitals. Their dancing videos might’ve been their comms that the hospitals were mostly empty.
Most nurses are sheep.
Not all.
The "Dancing Nurses" were most likely hired propagandists. Nothing more, nothing less.
Maybe overly generous for many of them. The groups of nurses were probably a mixed bag: some who just wanted to make dance videos, and some who saw an opportunity to get comms out.
There may be more truth to this theory. I just read recently an analysis of TikTok meme trends, and how they and the like were designed to train young/malleable brains to adhere to mass behavior through means of uptick rewards systems. EG: "Dance like a fool just like everyone else, and see how many 'likes' you get!"
Someone always talks though. This isn't the media where they don't say anything, they're not under threat from people like the Clintons, where they'd watch their family get tortured. They knew the hospitals were empty, and were still playing up all the bullshit like they were the greatest people in the world and had earned it. I'm surprised they weren't given parades like what was given to our first generation of astronauts.
That thought crossed my mind. In fact, on one level, the dancing nurses motivated me to drive over to our local hospital & walk past the emergency waiting room at the height of the scamdemic. Guess what? It was empty except for 3 medical staff. Maybe my hospital is super efficient getting "patients" examined & assigned to a room but I doubt it. Also the parking lot in front of the emergency room was also empty - weird.
Nah, these are the true believers that bent the knee, assisted with the ventilators and Remdesivir, vaxxed and boosted themselves, and wear masks and demand others do so...despite the years of schooling they undertook that told them the purpose of masks. They're complicit in genocide and danced on Twitter. Fuck em
The particular person you describe is still a human being. We are who we are. Most people are not leaders, they are followers. You can’t harbor hate or animosity to someone for being who God made them to be. We need followers just like we need leaders. It is the jab shills who wanted us all dead who didn’t take it that are the problem. I will never forget what they did. Jab shills weren’t just government bureaucrats. Some were just deranged lunatics. Others were business owners accepting 30 pieces of silver to mandate it on their work force - personal gain for shilling.
Having said that, I do fault them for not having enough personal dignity such that they felt that taking some shit like this was a worthy trade for not being inconvenienced. It is precisely this attitude which is why we find ourselves on the brink. It would not matter if these shots turned out to be safe. It is outrageous that they coerced people under threat of losing their livelihoods for not taking it. It simply lacks justification. You don’t need to be a MENSA member or an anon to have some dignity and self respect. In a sane world, 90% of those people would have risen up collectively in outrage at medical coercion. Because they didn’t, hundreds of millions ended up injecting gene altering poison.
It goes even deeper than that.
It is the evil motherfuckers behind the entire scam who are the problem, and society needs to deal with them directly.
" You can’t harbor hate or animosity to someone for being who God made them to be." Agreed. I think we have to remember that not only is everyone on their own journey, and will wake up at their own pace, but that maybe these types of normie exist for a purpose. For example, maybe they exist to inspire us to fight harder, and show the world just how hard the brainwashing machine has been working, to show us the value of independent thought and spiritual integrity. Maybe they chose to be here at this time to serve as guardians of the threshold, a kind of self-sacrifice for mankind.
Amen. Spot on
My wife, who shuns anything "political", and doesn't think too deeply about anything, said to me recently, "I'm glad we didn't get the vaccine." Even she is realizing it was a huge mistake. She didn't take it because I told her I didn't trust it. That was enough for her at the time.
Be thankful she places so much trust in you.
Wow. Sounds exactly like my wife. She cannot think too deeply about these subjects because it is too frightening. Same reason for the anti vax. I showed her the sources. She HAS started boycotting some of her favorite programs because the gay/tranny thing became a major feature. Grays Anatomy seems like it was written by Soros now.
My wife is the same. She used to get mad at me when I pointed out the obvious programming in her "programs". She would get mad when Id walk past and ask how can she watch this obvious bullshit. She loved her FBI shows.
She has slowly but surely come around to my side and points out the obvious before I can even say anything.
Recently saw some TV for the first time in awhile.
It has become absolutely disgusting.
Same with my husband. Lately, he's been thanking me daily. He was close to getting it. I remember he asked me, "if you HAD to choose one, which would you choose?" I replied, "NONE of them."
I'm amazed she listened to you. Mine went and got it anyway. I think most stories are like mine than yours in this area.
My wife got three plus flu and now she's booked in for the shingles jab. I can't believe she's still alive.
Please protect yourself from her shedding.
Wishing you the best.
There may come a time when being around her is no longer safe for your own health, and you'll need to make a very difficult decision.
Shit, that sucks.
I'm glad my wife already distrusted Dr's and listened to all the stuff I was digging up at the time.
I was tracking the outbreak well before it made mainstream news and already doing deep dives before the fear-porn kicked in, so I was well-armed from the outset thank God.
Sorry to hear that, Pede.
Hope she stays allright.
My marriage is identical. We are lucky. We have roles. I submit to her on rules around the house, eating, scheduling, etc... But I am boss for money and safety. She never fought me even though all her news comes from facebook newsfeeds.
If we had useful statistics probably 5% of the people who took the vax made 90% of the hateful comments toward vax skeptics. It seemed like more than 5% because of the army of bots pushing the narrative. Even if we adhere to the Pareto Principle 80% of hate came from 20% of the vaccinated population.
Either way, the vast majority of people who took the vaccine did without malice toward those of us who were skeptical. They were driven by the fear porn being distributed by our Governments. Or the threat of having their livelihoods taken away.
Just an opinion, but this is all much more complex than what anyone realizes. And, there is zero clarity because this is the type of topic that attracts paytriots who will shamelessly try to profit by pushing their own brand of fear porn.
Just a hunch, the Covid vaccines (not all) are impacting a small percentage of the population. The same small percentage who would have become seriously I’ll from Covid. But, that is only a hunch, tossed into a vast ocean of hunches from people presenting themselves as experts.
I'd say it's more than 5%. I had real life friends who said that the unjabbed should not be admitted to hospitals to leave room for the jabbed (during the plandemic), another that said if you don't get the jab you were uninformed and stupid, and another that boasted about how her teenagers would get the jab as SOON as it was available to them. I don't live among the libs, the majority of my friends are pure bloods. It seemed like everyone who was a jabbed up lib made a comment of some sort.
My personal experience is the opposite of yours. I know a lot of vaccinated people. Only one made a comment against people opposed to the vaccine. That person got their first booster, got very sick, and changed their tune.
An important thing to remember about the DS is they are a loud minority. They’re loud because it gives the necessary illusion they are a massive majority. Social media, the check mark celebrities, and bot accounts are force multipliers for the DS.
I don’t doubt you had some people in your sphere parroting DS talking points. That’s the point of generating these narratives. Still, across the entire population of the United States, I’m confident the strident pro-vaccine voices were a small minority.
It easy to live in our own little world. The world view through the lens of my sphere of influence is a bad view to assume the whole world to have. The OP has written much wisdom. We have to have grace upon grace. “Give us grace to bewail our senseless folly.” Something my church reads together every couple of sundays. It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment, to turn to anger and take it out on the people we do vehemently disagree with. We need to love them unconditionally like God loves us, forgive them, no matter their sins, like how God forgives us. God has forgiven us MUCH, while we have so much less to forgive each other for. Yet we like to hate each other, even I myself struggle with this. God help us all.
This doesn’t mean you give an inch of your beliefs away, nor does it mean you lose you vigor and passion for the truth. The change we each need is how we interact with those who chose ignorance on many of these topics. Lead them into questioning the “experts” themselves. If you try to become their new expert, you’ll lose that battle. It should not be any one person’s job to be someone’s flow of correct and accurate information. This is why I hate influencers, daily wire, etc. They want to be the new arbiters of truth. I reject that ideology. God is the arbiter of Truth. Anyone who wants to take his place in my heart will never win.
That's VERY important. My (now awake) wife used to complain (still does occasionally) that I seem to have time to keep up on all this "stuff" but when she comes across new material /expert contradictions herself, she makes connections that I didn't yet realize.
The normies HAVE to make the time to learn and deprogram themselves. We can't be the sole source. A gentle nudge in the right direction every so often is best.
This seems to be working with one of my vaxxed friends also, but it's REALLY slow.
Give me raw data or fuck right off, is that what you are saying? ;)
You guys might have different observations because you operated differently. For example, if someone doesn’t reveal his vaxx status or attitude, others might assume he’s pro-vaxx and they’ll let loose with their hate of the cleanbloods. On the other hand, if someone is known to be cleanblood, maybe some of the pro-vaxx sheep, being the cowards that they are, avoid confrontation and try to act nice.
Agree with you both. The distress non vaxxed experienced as a result of the propaganda, animosity and aggression spewed by media, 'leaders' and celebrities 24/7 as we were ostracized and vilified will now be felt by vaxxed folks as they worry about their health. It's sad and our govt was most to blame. No deals, no forgiveness to those that were in control.
I heard plenty of people make threats towards the unvaxxed, and a good friend made a serious indirect threat.
I suspect the numbers are far greater than you think. The herd mentality was strong with the vax.
Also, there are a lot of people having issues. It was a very rare event to hear the medical emergency response team called over the company intercom 3-10 years ago, but for the last 6 months or so, we hear 1 or more a week.
It's probably more accurate to say that many people are having vax related issues that aren't getting reported, or that people aren't talking about. It's the frog in boiling water situation, issues creep up over time, and the people dealing with them aren't seeing the change as it happens.
Well I can promise you those 95% didn't say a thing in defense, but just snickered in agreement. They are just as bad imo... they need to suffer so they can teach the lesson to the future generations...
I agree with that hunch.
It seems obvious to me that the evil bastards who pushed this would have used it as an experiment, to see which batches did what sort of harm, and how that verified or did not verify their so-called "gain of function" research.
Fortunately, I think the vast majority who got the mystery drug injected into them will ultimately not be harmed much -- due to this round.
But the goal was to make it a normal, routine thing, so that the next rounds could do more and more damage, and likely to specific groups or individuals.
The key to tyranny is protection, so far the police and military have protected the narrative. That will change quickly. I was talking to a sergeant on our local police force a couple of weeks ago and he was saying how he and many others regretted getting the jab.
There's that part in Atlas Shrugged where a woman forces her kid to give away his candy to another kid in the street (instead of her giving money or buying another one) while giving him a guilt trip and a random dude just slaps her, and no one does a thing. I have a feeling we are just about there.
Oh shit, how much of that is in that book? I've never read it, that's based as fuck.
Well, it's like the original anti-commie based chadette, so it's got ALL the Based. Ayn Rand had a really wise way of observing large sociopolitical movement and how regulation is used by the corrupt, the takers versus the makers, etc. But, you do have to read/skip through some really corny romance scenes, kek.
Rand was waaaaay ahead of her time, but that is partly because she personally witnessed the attempted overthrow of Russia by the commies in 1905, as a little girl. She KNEW, first hand, what tyrants are like.
Yep, and was ignored by the majority of Americans, just like the refugees from Cuba, Venezuela, etc.
I don't know man, no matter what, the police "follow orders." I'm not talking about when police kill people, either. Remember this? -
This damn vax will mean the end to many, many bloodlines.
"Royalty" cared about bloodlines. The bastards that used to rule the world cared about bloodlines.
WWG1WGADOA (Dead or Alive)
This bullshit tore apart many families. You can't see your grandchildren if you don't get the clot shot, can't see your parents if you don't get the clot shot, no holidays if you don't get the clot shot, etc.
That really is sad.
Adam's sin was eating a poison "because you hearkened unto your wife."
We can't let these women make these kinds of decisions anymore. It's a sin against God. They aren't suited for leadership; they're too easily manipulated through fear and social influence.
Sounds like it’s the family that’s the retarded ones. Where are the husbands to speak up??
Like I said elsewhere in this thread, MOST nurses are sheep.
Well written - we need to concentrate our wrath on the scumbags who perpetrated this scam and the ones who tried to shame others into taking these injections, not the people you describe here.
Totally agree. The people pushing the jab who weren't even medically trained are high on my list - the 'influencers', along with the censors of course - that was all deliberate.
Before the c-19 jab, who would have thought everyone and their dog would start promoting experimental medical treatments without a license?
I understand and agree with your analysis, but i think we are leaving a key peice out. They found themselves in their bad place because they didnt pay the price. Its always hard, but we need people to realize that the cost of freedom is their eternal vigilance against all usurpations.
If the awakening doesnt pound this into their heads, they will again wearily trust everyone who selles what sounds right, and we'll be back here inside a generation.
Unfortunately (speaking from a lot of experience) you don't really get to learn your lessons unless you survive and come out of the crisis at the other end with an attitude that permits you to admit you made mistakes and can therefore learn from them.
They have a long way to go before they get to that point. It's crisis management first.
Right, which means we let them keep on going throigh hell.
If there's one thing in this life I have learned and learned hard, is that you don't get in the way of someone else's Karma.
If you do, you take on some of that debt yourself, and the first person still has to pay their own.
I have learned to only help people who genuinely need it, and are humble enough to ask for it. Unless and until that happens, trying to help someone is worse than futile, it's dangerous.
This is a most interesting concept. I will ruminate on it.
If you're interested in discussing it in more detail, PM me.
I recently met someone who works at helping the homeless.
After trying to help ALL the homeless, he finally realized that he should focus his efforts ONLY on those who actually want to be helped.
Same concept.
But that does not mean we can't tell the others that they are fuck ups, hopefully to get them to wake up.
Fair point
And this is why I think it is important to piss them off, from time to time.
MAKE them confront that FACT that they were wrong, whether they will openly admit it or not.
In a way, that's a compassionate act too.
That's why it must take so long, or so "The Plan" seems to be.
If Trump came in with guns blazing in 2017, things would have been much different.
How exactly is hard to say, but definitely different.
Wow! Thank you! I’ve been feeling this in my spirit for awhile but couldn’t grasp the words to convey it. Exactly this. Exactly.
Me too. This is good stuff. TOTALLY feel it in my gut.
So, if a person asks you for help in becoming a better person, what would you try to teach them?
If people have wronged others, then they have a debt to pay, but God is the collector, not me.
As far as I'm concerned, if someone can admit they were wrong and genuinely want to turn their life around then they deserve my compassion and help, otherwise we're just another group-think collective.
I'm no do-gooder (at least not any more) - so perhaps you might have missed other nuances to my post. I don't know if you did or didn't, but I would much rather teach the world how to love by example - and that doesn't mean being a doormat for tyrants or bullies.
Step 1 of turning your life around is to realize the world and ALL of its institutions are your enemy.
There is no other way.
Love God.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no easy way to teach this. There is no peace for the wicked who can't do this.
As long as they leave so much as a toe in the world, we are enemies. Not because I hate them, but because they hate me.
I think a lot of people are pointing out that this is a fairly rare occurrence.
What to do if they won't?
I'm not sure there is anything we can do for people that don't.
God sows his seeds of heart and soul across the land. The land itself is not yet fertile, but one day the rains will come, and you will be the glory.
My brother.
I have an internal dialogue going almost around the clock trying to make myself the "better" person.
Part of it is a disconnect because it's hard for me to believe the horrific side effects without direct experience, so maybe it's the easy route to say "fuck them".
The other part of it is that special place in my heart for those that screamed at me for not wearing the mask or getting the vax, forced me like an animal to sit outside because I'm not vaxxed, forced me to miss some of my children's events, my children being banned from some of those events because they are also unvaxxed... Kids couldn't go to college without getting the vax so both dropped out.... The list of injustice is long.
So now these same people are afraid they fucked up? Good
And they're afraid they're going to die? I am sorry and I won't celebrate that.
This is a good, balanced take. o7
I'm not the type to go quietly into the night either. If I go down, it will be swinging.
Jesus wasn't a pacifist, but he was compassionate and strong. He was The Teacher, and still is.
Allow a communist to be installed in government, and this is what happens.
THIS is what we have all been trained for. WE get the enormity of the consequences for those that did not question anything and the fear that they will have when they GET IT. I believe we will be their comforters and educators over the coming years.
My husband didn’t take it after he saw an hour long video of Dr Peter McCullough speaking out against it that I shared with him. He listened to the whole video.
My hubby doesn’t follow Q but knows I do. He can’t stand it when I listen to some of my fav Q peep videos. But he is beginning to see the globalists and will call them out
Recently he shared a link from the MIT professor who is speaking out against the COVID jabs on our local Next Door Neighborhood in a controversial group made up of mostly liberals in our neighborhood. He also shared stats from the CDC about how 6 out of 10 jabbed people are dying from COVID. Needless to say he is waking them up about how bad the jabs are. And these people hadnt been aware of ANYTHING negative about them. So a few of them are now questioning it.
Doing God's work, thanks to you both!
Wait, the CDC put out stats saying 6 out of 10 poisoned people are dying from a "dis-ease" that has a 99% survival rate if you're under 65?
Just the next round of propaganda: "The Cover-Up."
I've heard good things about grounding, so that might tie in with what you are describing.
Ten minutes walking on grass or stone etc will release all the toxic build up from all electronic equipment into the ground. Swimming in a lake same..
They'll need to take the detox protocol first to clean the shit out of their bodies. Then they can begin the spiritual healing.
It's absolutely heart-breaking. As are the smug 'told you so' comments that usually follow.
Had lunch with some friends, they are vaxed and I noticed changes in them.... laughing too hard at stupid stuff, louder than normal voices, and pissed off at really stupid stuff.... it's the overwhelming stress , lots & lots of stress.
And while covid and the vax used to always come up, even in just small comments.... none, nothing not a whisper of any health issues nada.
My observations as well.
Excellent post OP. This encapsulates what many are beginning to think. I have a lot of jabbed friends and none of them to a fault, with the exception of one, want to discuss the topic. The one that does have vax regret, only got to this point because he lost half a leg due to clots. When he was going through this issue, I pointed out that the clotting problems were likely caused by the vax. He researched, realized I was right, and now he is very angry about the issue.
My mother just underwent a major clotectomy and took two stents in her leg due to clotting issues. She is a worshiper of Fauci and wouldn't even see us or her grandkids because we arne't vaxxed. Yet they would go on an all vaxxed cruise, still wear their masks, and got COVID anyhow. As she was recovering, she had a conversation with my cousin, a doctor, which in an email, she said was "eye-opening", yet wouldn't tell me the nature of the conversation and has had no contact with me since.
Point being, we are just getting to the point where the vaxxed are starting to contemplate what they did to themselves. When the public awareness becomes mainstream - and we are getting close - there will be a public outrage unlike we have ever seen.
Yes, there are self righteous bullies who joined a mob, but I think there are more people like this. This is a well written reminder that good people can be deceived or are paddling so hard just to stay afloat, they see nothing but the water around them.
Very well illustrated. Most of us have been brainwashed at least part of our lives. We can only be thankful if we were fortunate enough to see and understand the evil that was being done and then be able to find the strength to resist the overwhelming pressures put upon us all. My situation felt difficult enough, but I have thought of many different situations people could have been in that would have been way more difficult than what I faced. We must show compassion. It is the right and human thing to do.
Knowing how the deep state works, did the deep state not have a backup plan for those of us that refuse the vax? Eugenicists such as Bill Gates always have a back up plan. Remains to be seen, I guess. I'll just stick to God, family, and country here in the "flyover" zone.
They were going to put us in camps. They even had them built already. I expect we would have died there and the story would be that we died of covid because we weren't vaxxed. Supports the narrative.
In the UK they murdered old people in homes with midazolam just to support the narrative. And that's on top of the remdesivir and vents.
Yes, they would have killed us.
And the "good" doctors and "good" nurses, who had oh-so virtuous of intentions ... would have been the ones who made the kill.
I believe this still may be the plan in the U.S. They are just doing it incrementally in a fashion that we can not observe it. At least not the common man.
Well said and thank you for putting it in such an empathetic light. I have an older niece and nephew who believed what was told to them and took the shot to “protect” my sister, plus my niece was pressured at work and is the stable wage earner. My sister had hip surgery prior to Christmas and they gave her blood. I warned her about the blood. She was unvaccinated, but who knows now what fate might befall her with possible tainted blood. The family is still oblivious even though I tried to warn them. It is like all these people sacrificed themselves to keep their jobs, not realizing it was no guarantee they wouldn’t be laid off or the businesses wouldn’t close and then where would they be but sick or dead, no insurance.
Great post, well worth the sticky.
It was stickied? Damn, I missed that :)
Ain't it exciting to get a sticky?
I was surprised is all, when you respond to comments from your inbox the title of the post isn't shown in bold like it is when you view it in 'hot' :)
We have been given the gift of discernment. Why some of us have been chosen to truly SEE while others of us have not is beyond my reckoning. It is a blessing, but it carries great responsibility as well.
We are tasked with helping others to see when they previously did not. In the midst of their gradual realization as to what has been done to them and what they willingly (if unknowingly) did to themselves & their loved ones, they may act out. They may not welcome or acknowledge what we are doing on their behalf.
It will be messy.
However, we must use compassion whenever possible. That's a big ask, I know. But we were given the gift of discernment for a reason. Our strength, integrity, values, and light are greatly needed right now!
I was just permanently suspended from Twitter after talking about biolabs in the Ukraine.
From Q drop 4509:
It will 100% be messy and the deep state won't make it easy for us. Keep fighting, fren.
Looks like Elon has more house cleaning to do. Gotta get the dirt cleaned out.
Fuck them.
These are the same people that would see us (who rejected the propaganda) destroyed, enslaved, locked out of society, etc.--just because we didn't want an experimental bioweapon injected into our bodies.
Even if I were to take seriously the claim that "it was only 5% of jab takers (minus all of the bots) who actively wished death and destruction on the unvaxxed", then the other 95% are just as complicit. Either they never spoke up in defense of the unvaxxed, or they secretly agreed with the 5%.
I don't know about you guys, but I will NOT break bread with those who seek my destruction. EVER. Truth be told: while I'm not a violent person (at least not without just cause & valid provocation), I will not actively go after them. However, if I saw one of them on fire, I would not so much as piss on them to save their life--and if I am in the right mood, I may even dance on their grave(s).
If we truly are in a war, as our "superiors" are always claiming, then it is the epitome of foolishness to break bread with the enemy.
Did you deliberately misread my post?
Not the people I'm talking about, at all.
Let me clarify what I said.
I will NOT break bread with those who either:
A) seek my destruction
B ) those who silently approve of those seeking my destruction
C) those who don't speak up for me against those who seek my destruction.
So many of these people that you claim did not have time to study the information we studied, did seem to have time to watch all kinds of Netflix and Paramount and whatever else Hulu blah blah blah.
Your little stories heartwarming, but I feel far from the truth.
I hope these people recover, and I don't hate them, but they do deserve a little grief.
The example I gave was of my great-niece, who works for a living, looks after a house and a small child, has recently learned to drive and is studying to increase her chances of promotion.
She is the best example of what I'm talking about that I could think of.
Q told us SCARE EVENT is necessary. Our "side" was the actual Pandemic. Their side is now entering SCARE EVENT on the jabs. And soon, we'll all be lumped together with fake WWIII's "EVENT".
No these people are not evil, but they made a choice, and they took the easy route while many of us didn't not.
They made their beds, regardless of intention.
If more people had stood up or at least questioned when things were going down, it might have stopped it from happening.
So no, no forgiveness. Too many were on their high morale horse, and ready to send you to the gulag.
I'm not sure why there are so many responses in this thread that mention forgiveness and those who are jabbed who tried to make our lives hell.
Perhaps I worded my post poorly, because what I thought I was saying was about showing compassion to those who took the jab, but who didn't try to make anyone else take one (i.e. under duress).
That's the thing.... they made the decision and now must live with the consequences of that decision. I don't care about their intentions, mindset at the time or economic situation. They made a choice. And it showed us who people really are as a result. I don't have much pity.... if people paid attention more and took more self responsibility instead of relying on being told what to do, their situation could be different.
Besides there seems to be more literature coming out now on how to reverse, minimize or otherwise deal with the aftermath of being injected.
Thank you for stating how so many of us feel. We have lost family and friends and are now in the process of losing others close to us. We love them all but can do nothing but pray.
If people banned together and walked out they couldn't function and would be called back. These people didn't care if I could get in a grocery store to eat. They wanted us locked up. They wanted us to be fired.
Sorry if I don't hold a lot of compassion for them.
When this first started I tried to inform everyone, including my immediate family of what was going on. I was told I didn’t know what I was talking about, I was crazy. Now after the fact, and several deaths later, heart attacks, strokes, all within the last two years, the same family members still do not believe when I try to explain to them why it happened to them. I do feel sorry for them, I pray for them, but there is not much more I can do. Some are my children, which is very sad.
I have a similar situation with my mother. She even rang my wife (whom she rarely talks to) to ask me to stop sending her stuff because it was frightening her. She also didn't want me going round one Christmas (even at a distance in the garden) because of her fear.
My mother took the jabs because she likes to travel a lot.
I'd like to be clear here, it's not people like my mother I am advocating for. She made her choices and I have to respect that. I can feel sad that she made that choice, but she made it clear it's none of my business.
I understand completely, it was the same with the people I mentioned. The only item I will mention is when these people get sick, they look for us to help them. Or when they shed and get other people sick like my family members did. It’s not that they refuse to listen which gets me kind of pissed off, it’s the aftermath of when they do get sick, or should pass away, its what is left behind, thats the issue I get pissed off at. If you turn your back your a bad person, when its family you are almost forced to help them. Like telling someone not to play Russian roulette, them playing and becoming paralyzed because they shoot themselves in the head. Or worse dying and leaving behind small kids, that become the responsibility of family members. That is what gets me pissed off. To me it’s selfish, just my opinion.
I don't think you're wrong, I've had similar thoughts.
We respect that they have a right to make a choice -- good, bad, or otherwise -- but we are under no moral obligation to respect the actual choice they make.
If we can say with certainty that it was a poor choice, we should not respect it.
It's not my job to tell other people they are wrong, they need to work that out for themselves.
Great post Pede
Thanks. It's a bit of a concern how many people have responded with the 'fuck 'em' response.
It's almost like some of them have deliberately mis-read who I am referring to, and then respond to what they have made up, not what I wrote. Makes me wonder.
People don't always think before they reply but it's definitely never boring here
ain't that the truth :)
The problem is that the doctors are still pushing them.
That is a problem.
And so is Pfizer and the gubmint dimwits.
Well, if that is the case I expect the "clotted" to become raging lunatics and destroy everyone and anything that facilitated the Covid Scam. Like the guilty may never walk or able to walk the streets again!
There will be blood, of that I have no doubt.