I know a lot of "religious" people who are the most hypocritical P.O.S. I ever met. God no where in their lives except when they go to church - I think religions have been corrupted too. God is in everything around us - just gotta look.
The Catholic "church" IS corrupt as Hell. Most of the mainline denominational churches have been attacked and corrupted by the Devil as well. But there ARE Spirit-filled and Spirit led churches. It may take some effort to find one, but it'll be worth it!!
My new church is the one where they had the police move in and shut it down in Ky. So they had service in the parking lot, still had a standoff with the coppers. Based as can be.
We are digital soldiers, the 'net our battlefield... and knowing someday soon we'll return from this war to Gods green earth makes it worth the loss of time spent on this damn tablet tryna wake others up. I take this chosen shit seriously, knowing our time nears and we'll have one helluva party afterward together- certified GAW members only. Can't wait to meet y'all !!
I like the idea, but [they] would like us to be in one place. Let's wait until this weird war is over. I will bring my trailer smoker as a donation to the party.
The Internet is an especially egregious example of this. I remember being younger and being able to use Google or Ask to find a virtually bottomless well of information about whatever I wanted to learn about
The infinite library that was the Internet is long gone now. Instead we're given "relevant" results, as defined by the powers that be.
We have not yet experienced the nightmare that this will eventually cause. Specifically with younger generations who've been pressured by society to have a smart phone in their hands from the age of ten.
The amount of damage you can do when you can get messages directly into the minds of children is immense
See I disagree with this sentiment completely. This level of control has been around since the beginning of time. The internet was their BIGGEST mistake. It allowed information to bypass their channels of information, and for movements like this to occur. Without the internet, Trump could NEVER have won 2016, and we'd be nowhere near this close to finally eradicating this world of the true parasite.
The internet can be a wicked place. If you take one small sliver of the pie (Reddit) and analyze it thoroughly, you can get an idea of just how wicked.
and pray that he continues to "brush off" the freaking evil music industry. i truly wish this young man the best and pray for his strength to continue on with his music as it is and stay away from the pedo's and hollyweird.
Which is why they're not going after him so hard. He's been made an effigy of of what they see as MAGA and they will try and burn him to the ground. I pray he can resist the attacks like our favourite President Donnie T!
"The style of music that we never should have got away from in the first place." Bingo. Nothing manufactured. Just pure emotion and honesty. That's art.
I think I like what he wrote here even more than his song. What he wrote here made me tear up. God bless this guy.. He will inspire many to be better, try harder, and to reach out to their frens who can't help themselves.
We listen to "oldies" a lot when we take a road trip. It's amazing how 40-50 years ago there were so many "one hit wonders" and so few manufactured mega stars. Song after song. Sure, there were the Beatles and The Who and Three Dog Night. But there were many "singles" out there from bands or individuals that just wrote a good song or two that got played and took off. Dancing in the Moonlight was King Harvest's only hit song, for example. Looking Glass's "Brandy" was their only really big hit. Gilbert O Sullivan had "Alone Again" and "Clair" and "Get Down" but that was pretty much it. ("You're a Bad Dog Baby" LOL) So many artists that were just artists. There really is no such thing anymore that I can think of.
Reading this, I realized that he is among my people. Also born and raised in Appalachia among working people, served in the USMC, have had my ups and downs, by no means perfect. But when I go to a gun show or such events, I recognize that I am among my people... my tribe. How odd that a simple song, done on a shoestring budget, has electrified a nation.
In the American Revolution, a simple book "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine had a similar effect on Patriots all over the colonies. Apparently the time was right for another dose brutal honestly and a wake-up call.
"How odd that a simple song, done on a shoestring budget, has electrified a nation." We are ready, and more people shift to our side everyday. This is how it really starts.
This guy keeps stumbling into a better and better situation. First a great song that is relatable, and now an endearing story of how life has gotten hard and his struggle to gain control. I foresee a great turn of events in his future and he'll get a new roof for his camper. Certainly he is not a one-hit-wonder who fades away. I think he is the simple man most real Americans can relate to. Give him strength to keep going forward and help others who are in the same situation. We need millions of Oliver Anthony's so our great country can begin healing from the evil of the NWO. His strength will seep into the MAGA movement and strengthen it like nothing else can. Oliver should become a member of Congress, but he will not want the hastles that come with that kind of position. God, watch over Oliver and keep giving him wonderful thoughts that he can form into songs.
My Dad was born in Seattle but raised in the south because my Grandfather worked for Nasa as a Boeing contractor. I grew up on Southern Rock and country
Stay strong. We are in a spiritual battle, Satan wants to win control of all humans. God is using Donald Trump, be patient. It is all in God's timing. Those 'in office' now are bowing to the deep state/military industrial complex - we see and know what they are doing. We can only control what we can, meanwhile have faith.
Also- stop eating processed foods with high fructose corn syrup (messes with metabolism) and soy (it's recognized as the female hormone estrogen by the body- men and boys don't need that).
As I struggle in my life right now this hits home. My son tonight sits broken and in pain in a suicide prevention center. Maniputed by a girl who looks, dresses, and acts like a demon. I used to think he was protected by my ideals, values, and my strength. I checked and monitored all his devices, but they find a way. I was wrong, I have failed him by failing to protect him. The Internet and smart devices have enabled our children to be manipulated and destroyed. Please pray for my family.
Two of my three daughters have been corrupted by leftist education and media, and the third is mostly corrupted (but at least is still a Christian, the others have walked away from their faith of childhood). Don't be hard on yourself, because ultimately, they make their decisions. We can only keep praying for them.
Praying for both of your families frens! May God's perfect healing open hearts, minds & spirits to help your son and daughters find their true path to health! 🙏
This country was built from the ground up, not from the top down. His words say what many of us are thinking. It's not all about money because if there's love of God, of family, of friends you can be rich in ways the elite will never comprehend. Honest work for and honest day's pay was something we strived for. It was something we taught our kids because it's what our parents taught us. A handshake was as good as a hundred page contract. When a neighbor was in need you helped out. Trust, good will, honesty, good nature, a kind smile and hard work. I want those days back. I think all of us do.
I tried to share it on Fakebook so my unsaved normie family could see it and it was blocked because the "content is offensive" to some. What a sad world when the good things he said are offensive. When good is called evil and evil is called good are the times we are in. It IS a damned shame.
I would love to see and hear Oliver doing the national anthem at the superb owl..... his song resonates so much with most people because he's in pain and so is most of the country. his raw emotion with our anthem could rival that of Chris Stapleton and that's saying something... Chris's version was the best I've ever heard by a long shot. The anthem was sung from a platform of pain and that's why it hits home. regardless, I wish Oliver the best and hope to hear more pure music from him.
This is exactly what I’m referring to from another thread I’ve commented on. I talk to people like Oliver everyday in my line of work. People are tired. They are worn out. They are asking “what’s it gonna take?” They care in their hearts, but morale is very low. They don’t wanna talk about all of this anymore. They want some peace.
I saw some scripture today on my cousins grave, who passed from a job site fall. It was from Matthew. When Jesus said when your tired, come to me for some rest. I believe that’s what many are doing. They are looking for rest. I’m not gonna hurt them anymore with hopium talk. I’ve done enough. We can talk about God. About real good news that God has in store for us. Let’s talk about mowers or our dogs or anything. I feel their pain now. I’m sorry for making them feel worse when they were beatin down at the time. I didn’t know. I was always used to fighting. God has told me to stop fighting. It’s been loud and clear.
But I can still stay informed. I can be more patient. And learn to remain silent a bit and learn to listen. I feel for Oliver. And the millions more just like him.
If you do a search for Oliver Anthony Rich Men North of Richmond on youtube, the search suggestions give you North of Richmond or Rich Man North of Richmond only. The minute you finish typing men the search suggestions disappear. More youtube b.s. censorship.
I don't know personally, but I have seen and heard enough to believe that, "fame is a very powerful drug". I have immense respect for this guy who is choosing the course he is following, and particularly for not letting the evil phantom of fame offered by demonic music industry beguile him into be something other than what he is.
He's wrong about one thing, without the internet the great awakening would be fucked, it simply wouldn't be possible.....
It's the first and only time a complex societal social structure 'governed' by anarchy has been tried, and it worked on the first go. Without a means of disseminating information that was outside of their ability to absolutely control none of this would have been possible...
I believe God has something more in store for this man. Millions of folks felt his song and agreed with the message. Sometimes the opportunity to change History appears to be dumb- luck. If he’s called to lead, I hope he leads with his heart.
Now if he can turn that despair into hope and the hope into faith. That's what happens when you embrace the Great Awakening! Someone please give this guy the Good News!
A transparent, what-you-see-is what-you-get down to earth guy. Flawed, but who isn't? We need more people like him, and more of his music.
Often God has made his biggest moves through flawed people.
Very true!
It's His only option. We are all flawed.
Naw, he could just do it himself but he wants to use us
Except One.
Hence often. Not always.
Kinda like Kim Clements said. "He won't be a religious man, but a man of God."
I know a lot of "religious" people who are the most hypocritical P.O.S. I ever met. God no where in their lives except when they go to church - I think religions have been corrupted too. God is in everything around us - just gotta look.
The Catholic "church" IS corrupt as Hell. Most of the mainline denominational churches have been attacked and corrupted by the Devil as well. But there ARE Spirit-filled and Spirit led churches. It may take some effort to find one, but it'll be worth it!!
Thank you
My new church is the one where they had the police move in and shut it down in Ky. So they had service in the parking lot, still had a standoff with the coppers. Based as can be.
Always have been, that's what Jesus meant when he said...
John 9:39 And Jesus said, “For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may be made blind.”
I've been playing his song hell on earth repeatedly today. Really really good. Gritty AF.
Ain’t gotta dollar is a great too
Now do Maui!
Take my money When you make music that touches my soul; I will in turn touch my wallet.
God willing; you and your family will be blessed beyond measure
Many compare him to Jason Aldean, I liken him more to John Prine. Most don’t know who John Prine is though.
Haven't listened to him in a long time but I agree.
I had tickets to see John Prine in Louisville Ky., then Anthony Fauci murdered him.
"The Internet is a parasite."
Shame what it has become.
Here's to The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA.
It clearly can also be used for good.
It is a tool. Like any tool, it can be used for good or evil.
We are digital soldiers, the 'net our battlefield... and knowing someday soon we'll return from this war to Gods green earth makes it worth the loss of time spent on this damn tablet tryna wake others up. I take this chosen shit seriously, knowing our time nears and we'll have one helluva party afterward together- certified GAW members only. Can't wait to meet y'all !!
I've always advocated for yearly meet up. Not sure what we'd call it. GAWcon?
I like the idea, but [they] would like us to be in one place. Let's wait until this weird war is over. I will bring my trailer smoker as a donation to the party.
I'm in Amber!
This is the story of all technology.
Made with the most amazing potential, then the avarice of the human heart uses it for evil
The Internet is an especially egregious example of this. I remember being younger and being able to use Google or Ask to find a virtually bottomless well of information about whatever I wanted to learn about
The infinite library that was the Internet is long gone now. Instead we're given "relevant" results, as defined by the powers that be.
We have not yet experienced the nightmare that this will eventually cause. Specifically with younger generations who've been pressured by society to have a smart phone in their hands from the age of ten.
The amount of damage you can do when you can get messages directly into the minds of children is immense
This is true.
But without social media. The Cabal would still control newspapers and TV media.
The internet is the key to setting us all free.
We just need to decentralize everything.
See I disagree with this sentiment completely. This level of control has been around since the beginning of time. The internet was their BIGGEST mistake. It allowed information to bypass their channels of information, and for movements like this to occur. Without the internet, Trump could NEVER have won 2016, and we'd be nowhere near this close to finally eradicating this world of the true parasite.
This is my take as well.
Huge boomerang.
The internet can be a wicked place. If you take one small sliver of the pie (Reddit) and analyze it thoroughly, you can get an idea of just how wicked.
Oh! Oh! Now he’s going to get another huge boost!
He’s just a guy, relatable, understandable, flawed. Just like each of us.
Lord, please protect this man and help him keep his focus.
and pray that he continues to "brush off" the freaking evil music industry. i truly wish this young man the best and pray for his strength to continue on with his music as it is and stay away from the pedo's and hollyweird.
amen to that brother
Bet he gets a real roof soon
Which is why they're not going after him so hard. He's been made an effigy of of what they see as MAGA and they will try and burn him to the ground. I pray he can resist the attacks like our favourite President Donnie T!
"The style of music that we never should have got away from in the first place." Bingo. Nothing manufactured. Just pure emotion and honesty. That's art.
I think I like what he wrote here even more than his song. What he wrote here made me tear up. God bless this guy.. He will inspire many to be better, try harder, and to reach out to their frens who can't help themselves.
We listen to "oldies" a lot when we take a road trip. It's amazing how 40-50 years ago there were so many "one hit wonders" and so few manufactured mega stars. Song after song. Sure, there were the Beatles and The Who and Three Dog Night. But there were many "singles" out there from bands or individuals that just wrote a good song or two that got played and took off. Dancing in the Moonlight was King Harvest's only hit song, for example. Looking Glass's "Brandy" was their only really big hit. Gilbert O Sullivan had "Alone Again" and "Clair" and "Get Down" but that was pretty much it. ("You're a Bad Dog Baby" LOL) So many artists that were just artists. There really is no such thing anymore that I can think of.
Genuine. Warms my heart to see he is resisting the machine. Fame and fortune is hard to resist.
I did email him a personal story. No idea if he ever saw it, given his crazy sudden popularity.
Send him a note and let him know you are out there. He provided this email in one of his videos: oliveranthonymusic at gmail dot com.
Reading this, I realized that he is among my people. Also born and raised in Appalachia among working people, served in the USMC, have had my ups and downs, by no means perfect. But when I go to a gun show or such events, I recognize that I am among my people... my tribe. How odd that a simple song, done on a shoestring budget, has electrified a nation.
In the American Revolution, a simple book "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine had a similar effect on Patriots all over the colonies. Apparently the time was right for another dose brutal honestly and a wake-up call.
"How odd that a simple song, done on a shoestring budget, has electrified a nation." We are ready, and more people shift to our side everyday. This is how it really starts.
That's how grassroot revival is created !
This guy keeps stumbling into a better and better situation. First a great song that is relatable, and now an endearing story of how life has gotten hard and his struggle to gain control. I foresee a great turn of events in his future and he'll get a new roof for his camper. Certainly he is not a one-hit-wonder who fades away. I think he is the simple man most real Americans can relate to. Give him strength to keep going forward and help others who are in the same situation. We need millions of Oliver Anthony's so our great country can begin healing from the evil of the NWO. His strength will seep into the MAGA movement and strengthen it like nothing else can. Oliver should become a member of Congress, but he will not want the hastles that come with that kind of position. God, watch over Oliver and keep giving him wonderful thoughts that he can form into songs.
Simple Man, the song I requested for my mother-son dance at his wedding.
Since I was a teen rocking to Skynyrd when I look into the mirror simple man is what I wish to see.
Holds lighter up in the air.
That’s what my mom and I will be dancing too at my wedding in two weeks.
Congratulations and best wishes!
No way! That's incredible, you have great taste. Congrats.🥂
My Dad was born in Seattle but raised in the south because my Grandfather worked for Nasa as a Boeing contractor. I grew up on Southern Rock and country
Great Frens think alike! Congratulations!
My son's wedding is in 2 weeks also. Our dance will be Loves Me Like a Rock by Paul Simon. Best wishes to you and yours.
You have great taste ma'am!
Stay strong. We are in a spiritual battle, Satan wants to win control of all humans. God is using Donald Trump, be patient. It is all in God's timing. Those 'in office' now are bowing to the deep state/military industrial complex - we see and know what they are doing. We can only control what we can, meanwhile have faith. Also- stop eating processed foods with high fructose corn syrup (messes with metabolism) and soy (it's recognized as the female hormone estrogen by the body- men and boys don't need that).
As I struggle in my life right now this hits home. My son tonight sits broken and in pain in a suicide prevention center. Maniputed by a girl who looks, dresses, and acts like a demon. I used to think he was protected by my ideals, values, and my strength. I checked and monitored all his devices, but they find a way. I was wrong, I have failed him by failing to protect him. The Internet and smart devices have enabled our children to be manipulated and destroyed. Please pray for my family.
Two of my three daughters have been corrupted by leftist education and media, and the third is mostly corrupted (but at least is still a Christian, the others have walked away from their faith of childhood). Don't be hard on yourself, because ultimately, they make their decisions. We can only keep praying for them.
Praying for both of your families frens! May God's perfect healing open hearts, minds & spirits to help your son and daughters find their true path to health! 🙏
You can't teach your children what you don't know.
Dealing with demon succubi just isn't something most people had to learn in the past.
If you have any information you can direct me to. I would appreciate it.
For the folks that haven’t heard his song, “Rich Men North of Richmond”: https://youtu.be/sqSA-SY5Hro
This country was built from the ground up, not from the top down. His words say what many of us are thinking. It's not all about money because if there's love of God, of family, of friends you can be rich in ways the elite will never comprehend. Honest work for and honest day's pay was something we strived for. It was something we taught our kids because it's what our parents taught us. A handshake was as good as a hundred page contract. When a neighbor was in need you helped out. Trust, good will, honesty, good nature, a kind smile and hard work. I want those days back. I think all of us do.
🔥🔥 thanks. Awesome words! Yes yes yes . Heres to hoping he could post here on GAW😎
I've noticed that even now, people don't shake hands much anymore since we were attacked by covid. Handshake agreements are becoming rarer.
I tried to share it on Fakebook so my unsaved normie family could see it and it was blocked because the "content is offensive" to some. What a sad world when the good things he said are offensive. When good is called evil and evil is called good are the times we are in. It IS a damned shame.
Backwoods Michigan too.
Just saying it now. Chris/Oliver has to play his song at Trump's celebration after he wins for a third time.
We'll go ahead and let you organize that one, bud.
I would love to see and hear Oliver doing the national anthem at the superb owl..... his song resonates so much with most people because he's in pain and so is most of the country. his raw emotion with our anthem could rival that of Chris Stapleton and that's saying something... Chris's version was the best I've ever heard by a long shot. The anthem was sung from a platform of pain and that's why it hits home. regardless, I wish Oliver the best and hope to hear more pure music from him.
Why in the name of God Almighty does anyone give their time, attention, and money to that globohomo circus called sportball?
his name is Christopher
He said either were ok.
Powerful. Saving and sending along. Thanks for the post fren.
I wish EVERYBODY would see this.
This is exactly what I’m referring to from another thread I’ve commented on. I talk to people like Oliver everyday in my line of work. People are tired. They are worn out. They are asking “what’s it gonna take?” They care in their hearts, but morale is very low. They don’t wanna talk about all of this anymore. They want some peace.
I saw some scripture today on my cousins grave, who passed from a job site fall. It was from Matthew. When Jesus said when your tired, come to me for some rest. I believe that’s what many are doing. They are looking for rest. I’m not gonna hurt them anymore with hopium talk. I’ve done enough. We can talk about God. About real good news that God has in store for us. Let’s talk about mowers or our dogs or anything. I feel their pain now. I’m sorry for making them feel worse when they were beatin down at the time. I didn’t know. I was always used to fighting. God has told me to stop fighting. It’s been loud and clear.
But I can still stay informed. I can be more patient. And learn to remain silent a bit and learn to listen. I feel for Oliver. And the millions more just like him.
If you do a search for Oliver Anthony Rich Men North of Richmond on youtube, the search suggestions give you North of Richmond or Rich Man North of Richmond only. The minute you finish typing men the search suggestions disappear. More youtube b.s. censorship.
So heartfelt and powerful! Thanks 👑Sir catsfive!
I pray for him to conquer his depression and addiction!
SO proud of him turning down all of the trappings of "success" that were offered to him.
I believe this sentiment fits most of the people worldwide. Good people, not perfect, simply wanting to make a decent living for their loved ones.
May God bless us all! 🙏
Good man 🙏
The Woodie Guthrie of our time??
Probably closer to the Leadbelly of it.
What a nice chap.
I don't know personally, but I have seen and heard enough to believe that, "fame is a very powerful drug". I have immense respect for this guy who is choosing the course he is following, and particularly for not letting the evil phantom of fame offered by demonic music industry beguile him into be something other than what he is.
"Hours wasted, goals forgotten, loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted by technology..."
He's wrong about one thing, without the internet the great awakening would be fucked, it simply wouldn't be possible.....
It's the first and only time a complex societal social structure 'governed' by anarchy has been tried, and it worked on the first go. Without a means of disseminating information that was outside of their ability to absolutely control none of this would have been possible...
I believe God has something more in store for this man. Millions of folks felt his song and agreed with the message. Sometimes the opportunity to change History appears to be dumb- luck. If he’s called to lead, I hope he leads with his heart.
Now if he can turn that despair into hope and the hope into faith. That's what happens when you embrace the Great Awakening! Someone please give this guy the Good News!
Not a sellout
A simple man with a big message.
A damn shame indeed. However, it appears the man was made for such a time as this.
“People in the music industry…..blank stares”. He’s been visited by demons because of his words. God bless him.