Check out these top comments over on r/politics! The article title is — "Joe Biden's economy is, honestly, pretty amazing: how come he doesn't get credit?" — Well, they are certainly starting to give him credit over on Reddit! BAD CREDIT! The awakening is accelerating at WARP SPEED!

"I'm a Democrat. I will vote for Joe Biden, but..."
Can you imagine being this stupid? I can't.
And he wasn't the only one still brainwashed. The 4-6% is on full display!
I mean theyre stupid but not that stupid. they know they need that qualifier because the Troon Mods will ban them. They themselves have called for others banned in the past for merely stating the obvious.
Yeah, at least some of them will be secret Trump voters. They can virtue signal all they want, but when given the opportunity to vote for 4 more years of the current vs a return to 4 years ago, they aren't voting Biden lol
Unfortunately, Biden and Co. have done so much damage to the country, and the debt is now so huge, that I don't see how the country can return to what it was four years ago, but perhaps the certain destruction guaranteed if the country continues with Democrat can be averted.
I was thinking the same , these people aren’t waking up , they’re a bunch of braindead retards , seriously !
I had a moment’s sympathy in the same way I wince when meeting an elderly person clearly in the early stages of dementia. They know not what they think.
Direct link for those brave enough to venture into that wretched hive of scum and villainy!
just thinking about going back in there gives me a mini-depression. God bless the people that have the mental strength to go on these still.
These bitter clingers to Biden on reddit are either shills or bot
I just replied and told them what they all know but won't admit. We'll see how long it lasts.
That doesn’t sound like awakening to me it sounds like them saying the economy sucks but they will still vote for Biden. Anyway
Baby steps!
One more crack in the wall they've constructed to keep out the truth, and their entire world view will shatter like glass!
The drip will become a flood, and wash away all lies!
The cognitive dissonance over there is too massive. Redditors are definitely amongst the 4-6 percent or whatever number it actually is which are lost forever.
Literal cognitive dissonance in action. We have a case-study example in a screenshot, thanks to u/Qanut.
The mental gymnastics they had to do to coping this hard...it almost hurts to watch...almost..
Haha never thought of the TS logo like that that's great
That’s what I said ,, they are not awake and it fact they are doubling down , total retards !
They should be thankful that they are fully vaxed or it would be much worse.
.... because muh, Democrat. This reasoning is why our country and world are in shambles. People believe in the illusion of political parties and have let political affinity become a part of their identity - kind of like joining a sorority or frat. Sounds great in theory, but then you realize that most everyone involved is a shallow, self-serving ahole. People need to learn to vote with logic, not their ideology.
Their whole reasoning is "because it's not Trump". They could literally have Joe Biden show up and burn their house literally to the ground and they'd be out crying in the street "AT LEAST IT'S NOT TRUMP".
Ha! So true!
I'm a toddler. I will leave my hand on the stove top. But...
It was way better under Trump, but I won't take anyone seriously who says that because I'm a democrat.
OMG I know, RIGHT?? That one really galled me...the utter retardation of that comment is on par with the amount of cognitive dissonance they're attempting to sweep under the rug...UGH.
I couldn’t believe it either .. Total retard ! It litterally is beyond my understanding, they’re just retarded goofs !
The death of the dollar is the main event, and it has to happen under Biden.
These commenters are totally willing to re-weave the rope used to hang them with comments like, I'll vote for Biden again, but the economy sucks kind of statements.
I wonder how many are staying things like that just so they don't lose friends.
Deeper in the comments and most of them end up blaming Trump anyway, “Yeah the economy is bad but it would have been so much worse with Trump!”
That being said, I think I may have swung an indie (left leaning) voter toward Trump recently when he was bemoaning the economy and mentioned tax cuts and how all the democrats just want to raise his taxes, and I said “Sounds like you should just vote Trump “, expecting him to get angry I was prepared to play it off as kind of a joke but he agreed and said his only concern was how to hide his vote from his wife.
Voting strategy huh!
Sounds like a bad wife.
I mean God damn redditors are fucking stupid
My ability to pay for the necessities of life is the economy.
Clown News and The Fact Checkers will bend over backward to defend the Biden economy.
That would be a terrible band name.
You caught that too. 🤦
The pessimist in me only sees this as a poor attempt at making the ousting of Biden as the party candidate seem more grassroots.
These people are still foolish Keynesians/Modern Econ theorists at heart.
The economy may be doing good but I'm going broke. Screw the economy. I just want to be able to afford to eat and have a roof over my head.
Rather than mocking these redditors, take this as an opportunity to engage with them in this information war. If you have a Reddit account, engage people there. A good place to start is https://www.reddit.com/r/AskTrumpSupporters/. If you don't have a reddit account, make one using a dummy email account and engage people with facts. My account on reddit is https://www.reddit.com/user/TheWestDeclines
This is a level headed response, but I was banned from /r/politics on my accounts back when that one Islamist moderator was showing his bias.
As for making a new account, I don't really know that the 4-6% are worth that when they'll just ban me right after I engage them.
I could pretend to be one of them as I have before, but that feels like a waste of time.
It's pretty bad when they will acknowledge how bad Biden is but will still vote for him.
Rejoin and start redpilling politely here https://www.reddit.com/r/AskTrumpSupporters/.
No…. These people are still fukin retarded…”. Economy sux… blah blah…. Can’t afford food, but my skinny jeans fit better… tldr…. Broke AF, but still voting biden, oh and if you say economy better under trump, not taking you seriously…” Yes these people deserve the misery they voted for.
C'mon man, none of those redditors are in skinny jeans! We're not at the precipice until McDonalds costs $50 per Big Mac meal.
Let's see those dumbass LARPs spin this one over @ /r/QultHeadquarters
Here's something these waterheads didn't realize, that the economy is fake and ghey and is propped up. It's all fuckin fake
It's amazing to see how they try to justify supporting the lie that the economy is good while their own lives suffer as a result. I really don't think a very large percentage of people will ever wake up. They really are living the "being pissed on and calling it rain" adage
Part of being a leftist is to not have an understanding of basic economics and how policies can affect the economy. They know things are wrong, but their programming can't allow them to see how Trump's policies would make things better. Even after 4 years of things being better, followed by 3 years of shit, most will still find some way to not see it.
The MSM will be successful in keeping them programmed to not see it.
who from the biden admin posted that lol
The one comment bitching about the GOP but also mad about Biden and Dems, they are so close to realizing that there is a uniparty that doesn't give a damn about them.
Yes, one party
Those posting in there get it, it’s a PR stunt saying the economy is amazing…but as they’ve clearly stated, they will be voting for Biden. Some will never learn.
These are some STOOPID creatures
Yet they are still blaming Trump with lines like: That being said, anyone who claims our economy was more optimal under Trump isn't worth taking seriously!
And "im still behind biden 100%". Even though your finances are ruined? Please get all the boosters.
Even in that crazy echo chamber that article is getting destroyed. That's actually kind of impressive that you could write a headline that braindead.
I live in Florida and the only thing sustaining us through "economic activity" is the buying/selling of homes as there is still momentum despite a slow down in the housing market.
People are still spending money like mad but they are not doing so from a position of strength rather they are borrowing more and more money.
Which is fueling inflation even further. I suspect that rates will have to go up at some point because hyper inflation is around the corner.
For those of us that started preparing two years ago we are prepared though and we hope for the best as we navigate the upcoming 2024.
I've felt for quite a while that people are spending more now, out of fear that money will be worthless in the future, which results in an artificial appearance that "the economy isn't that bad", and as you say, ultimately results in even higher inflation.
Jerome Powell has said that inflation is partly psychological. The fear of losing out on today's pricing because of higher prices tomorrow or the destruction of the US dollar.
So because of that rates have to go up. People assume that rates will stay as they are now or maybe one hike and then done. But I think we might see a lot more rate hikes until Jerome Powell feels that people have a greater fear of higher interest rates than higher inflation.
We are getting there. Now we need to get them to understand the "why's"
This proves how fucking functionally retarded the left is! "Duhhh I can't feed or house my self barely, but I'm wif Joe!" Damn, these people all sound fully jabbed.
Their 'precipice'..............
They are openly admitting the economy is crap and still 100% for Biden and against Trump. There is no saving these people. Cut the crap. End the charade. If you have all the evidence then take them out. Put the evidence on full display. People are having their lives ruined every day to a point nothing will allow it to recover. With what just happened with recent voting and the 2020 / 2022 elections, no one is going to trust it on either side at this point. People are losing hope and asking why even bother anymore... Heard someone say it was a million times better under Obama, lets just go to that again. That is what people are thinking / saying. This "movie" has gone too far for some and there are REAL victims out there who will never be whole again.