Looks like they are getting ready to reveal the "reptile ruling class".
"The researchers didn't stop there, even suggesting that these cryptoterrestrials may take on different, non-human primate or even reptile forms."
Well we know where they aren't hiding.
Tucker Carlson in a recent interview confirmed this. He said THEY are already here. He talked about fallen angels, nephilim and the possibility of UFOS under water. Tuck said he’s spoken to enough “officials” to believe these theories 100%… no doubt.
Tuck doesn't know.
True, he even says as much.
Yep. All the satanic possessed beings at Ivy League schools.
Here’s a link to the full paper it’s only a dozen or so pages and much better than this crappy yahoo article
The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena
Actually, that’s the ruse to throw us off the scent! Boooowahhhhhhh!
Is that what they are hiding in Antarctica?
some say.
Which would explain why so many people go there who don't really have any reason to do so. Why they ran there immediately after Trump won 2016.
Also Trump requesting new state of the art ice breakers.
These days they would probably just set up a Zoom call instead of going there in person...
possibly, but there may be ..... things .... you have to .... do ..... that you just can't do over zoom. Ceremonial, procedural, etc.
Also with the surveillance state, FISAs, big tech, all that, a lot of things are purposely not put out over the internet.
For instance, the use of "Drafts" in gmail to communicate in order to never have sent comms over email.
Spaceport from what Ive read. There is definitely something going on there.
I would go there just to see it. It's a novel experience that not many get to see.
Maybe John Kerry can ask after his next meeting down there.
Nah, the Germans are already there
Probably something to that effect. Admiral bird knew. Forrestal was suicided for finding out.
I'm conflicted. This seems like it could be true, but OTOH, it's coming from Harvard and Yahoo, which normally means it's mostly bullshit.
its not really true. the asshole aliens trapped here are not as advanced or as numerous as theyd like to be.
the sasquatch almost fit this definition, but they aren't technologically advanced either.
the truth about ancient advanced civilizations is coming out, but most of the beings from those have died or left.
there are a few oddities staying here in secret, but most are visitors.
to me this story sounds like the cabal touting themselves as advanced.. which is hilariously ironic, because they always wanted to re-attain their former level of technology in order to leave or conquer or destroy this planet, and they never ever managed it.
countless of awesome civilizations out there, and we got stuck with these incompetent degenerates. God i can't wait to get new roommates.
What? There is an inter-galactic housing shortage, and aliens have to share planets like renters?
That's pretty depressing, if you think about it.
Nope. Some jerkwads took refuge here, so our planet was put under quarantine. The quarantine is lifted once the infestation has been dealt with.
usually when you find an infestation of any kind you get rid of it ASAP.
if what you are saying is true, why did anyone or anything wait so long to terminate 'them'?
there have certainly been attempts here and there. but humanity wasn't organized enough to make a cohesive effort. the enemy is a subversive nd relatively small group that has been able to go undetected and gain the upper hand in many ways. they have been prevented from accomplishing their primary objectives, which were either a) escape, b) domination, or c) destruction, in order of their preference.
the internet allowed humanity to organize enough to flip the balance in our favour, which is why we've seen them put so much effort into controlling the flow of information online. when it was clear that wasn't enough, they attempted covid lockdowns, which was a domination endgame card that they were forced to play too early, and it only served to solidify humanity's resolve and tip the balance even further in our favour. they will try it again, but at this point they would be just as happy to nuke the whole place... if they can't have it, nobody can. at least, that's their wishful thinking. but the plan is now in play, and all three of their main objectives are impossible. anything we see from them now are just death throes while the ending plays out, and humanity is made ready for the end of quarantine. hence the movie.
I think they’re talking about us.
Readying the normies for the big deception!
Deflection. They’ll say these ETs are benevolent and running our governments in secret for our own good.
What's to say the God we refer to is not another alien faction?
When all else fails, cue the aliens.
It's humans. Shitty ones that want it all for themselves. Remember ayn rands people flew somewhere nobody knew about.
Satan is real.
People have given their souls to him in exchange for power or whatever else.
Those people are "running" the country.
God is real too, and we all know how the story will end.
Repent of your sins, be freed from the bonds of Satan by the power of Christ, and live nobly.
THERE it is.
The "grand unifying threat" that will be used to cancel the election?
Possibly, but I think it's unlikely. More likely there a few FFs "linked" to either "domestic" (FIB) terror cells or foreign cells that will be used to lock us down, especially since [they] now know scamdenics won't be effective this time.
Like Ronald Reagan warned about.
King Charles enters...
King Charles slithers in...
They are demons.
Yep. Nothing new under the sun!
There's a reason they look "reptilian." Serpents and all that.
My God is bigger than their old "technology".
No. The devil spirits control them though. Seed of the serpent maybe.
Look here, not over there.
Ah yes, the Ole Kansas city shuffle!
So when did people start believing stuff coming out of Harvard!
That has to be the demon infestation on the planet! Keke
That's a genetic logical fallacy.
Address the claim, not the origin.
The character of the origin definitely matters and must be accounted for.
Harvard is a location, not a person. Your point stands to an individual scientist that comes to these conclusions, but not the institution from which multiple scientists and researchers work from.
Yup, it does look like it.
Spoopy Sources: Yahoo and Harvard.
Yahoo is there outlet to the normies! Keke
They're on to us greatawakening.win
I'll just leave this here....
The BEAST: Battle Engagement Area Simulator and Tracker circa 1991
"Invisible" military UFO
Don't be fooled...
Are they readying Bluebeam?
That would be my guess!
The reptilians were told they could remain if they were underground or in the oceans. As a race on Earth for eons they were given those options.they also have to adjust some behaviors in regards to humans. This is the part that is inadequate. However, there are actual cycles of events in the universe that have happened cyclicly before and are again at this time that are measurably raising the dimension/frequency of Earth ( Energy bombardments and a band that moves through every 26k years) in other words we are rising up out of 3rd dimensionality. The reptilians are a 3rd dimension being that is not physically comfortable in higher dimensions hence they are voluntarily leaving Earth. Nit en masse but as they feel to do. The ones exhibiting the worst behaviors have been forcefully removed by our special military. Earth wil become more and more intolerable for them including their high eschelon. The talk of Ascension and of a Great Awakening mean physical, spiritual and intellectual. Our own rising in awareness and vibration. The human comingling and allegiance with the the reptilians is the Cabal, The Vatican, Big Pharma, our government and every controlling and manipulative factor affecting our lives which literally enslave us through fear and finance. You may have seen on media the occasional quite obvious oddity of some people who are cloaked reptilians appearing human and their mechanisms are failing due to the shift occurring on Earth. They will not be able to continue. Many "people" will step down and leave the public view. Celebrate that our beautiful planet is for human beings. It is our home. It's vibration, is it's consciousness. From the 20 years or so from 2012 is humanity's rising into the Golden Age. Visualize that outcome, while we endure the difficult discosures of what has been done on Earth to exploit and harm humanity. Dreadful horrors for the purpose of feeding the reptilians and Cabal Satanism death cult. It must be brought into the light and thereby destroyed so than we and our planet are free. The percentage of enlightened people approaches half of us and is progressing geometrically.
The persons from which I compile this information are remote viewers, contactees, and people privvy to the truth who impart infirmation to empower. Enough time passing will see all this revealed. So I don't mind my relaying of these details bringing me scoffing and ridicule. It has also been pointed out that there are benevolent beings among the reptilians. No thank you. No trust possible. But they have free will. Free will is a high essential component of universal laws. As for whether the ET living within Antarctica are reptilians, those ET who have been there for eons seem benevolent but won't allow encroachment. They have been described differently in appearance. On another note tall Nordic type visitors are being encountered interceding for the safety of persons and are described as being angellically beautiful in appearance. Among us in clothing allowing blending in wth people. This is of particularly interest to me because very recently this occurred in my home town and the protection of the persons involved is documented. Love you all, frens. I am thoroughly tired of fear. I buried my dog yesterday. I am a crushed. But I believe the Light of God will have the victory for us. I am faithful through and through. Going to take time away. God bless.
(((Big hugs))) I am so sorry for the loss of your fur baby. That is hard.
Sorry to hear about your dog. Our dog is family to us and I don't want to even think of the day we lose her.
Do you have any links or anything l can read more about what you telling us? It's a very interesting topic to me and I'd like to read more.
I need some of what these people smokin! Keke
Wakanda and sheeeeeeit
Lizzid peeple!!
Always easy to spot the Why Files folks.....
Was it the Hecklefish plushie that gave me away? lol
I have one too, Yahtzee!
Notice how they’re trying to normalize and humanize ‘UFO’ and ‘extraterrestrial’ to ‘UAP’ and ‘cryptoterrestrial’ to make “them” seem more of this world, and not so foreign. They’re also taking the fundamental theory on ET’s - multidimensional beings, possibly fallen demons, of a reptilian 3D nature who reside in hollow earth, the dark side of the moon, and among us shapeshifting as elites. The question is, why are government reps and Harvard professors now espousing these claims? These have long been the tropes of whistleblowers. Granted, there are plenty of videos online of newscasters and elites doing weird snake-like movements with their eyes, like they’re hitting a glitch in their attempt to look normal.
Right there with there BalsacEyes! Keke
I think this article was plagiarized from the 1950's comic book "Goober & The Space People."
Heard that rumor over 40 years ago. Seems to resurface vey 10 years… No proof one way or another. When one takes me on a tour, I’ll worry about it then.
I ain't going on no trip with THEM! Keke
Probably every king and queen in history!
Harvard, send someone like David Hogg to Antarctica to look for them. Tell him it's very hot and he should bring warm weather clothing.
i would have got put in time out if i posted this
Article words…”speculates” “theory” “hypothesis “. Harvard “research” standards have lowered once again.
Probably closer to the truth than anything else coming out of Hoovard!
David Icke was right the whole time...
It’s just another IQ test as covid and vaxx were.
They’re testing if people are brainwashed enough to get distracted by this topic.
*in earth
Calling this shadowy group "scientists" and "researchers" does not automatically make them immune from being full of shit.
I want to see the evidence. Otherwise, it's all just speculation being dressed up as some startling new discovery.
Oh come now, tell us how you really feel! Keke
Sure, maybe. It's unlikely but you can't rule it out completely, I guess.
Here' s the waybackmachine to protect your data. https://web.archive.org/web/20240611162723/https://www.yahoo.com/news/web/20240611162723/https://www.yahoo.com/news/harvard-scientists-may-unknown-technologically-150917239.html
The paper in question: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tim-Lomas/publication/381041896_The_cryptoterrestrial_hypothesis_A_case_for_scientific_openness_to_a_concealed_earthly_explanation_for_Unidentified_Anomalous_Phenomena/links/665e2620479366623a3dbaeb/The-cryptoterrestrial-hypothesis-A-case-for-scientific-openness-to-a-concealed-earthly-explanation-for-Unidentified-Anomalous-Phenomena.pdf
The real conclusion is that the paper argues that there are too many anomalies to be discounted and in terms of open mindedness, certain hypotheses should be taken into account and not dismissed.
Good. It is an interesting read and a remarkable step into making the discussing about this subject more open.
These are those beyond the ice walls. Humans who took the advanced tech that weve been denied and likely those who have been ruling us like cattle from their protected positions. We think we know what our world looks like. Programming is deeeeeep.
Is that how they will replace Xiden?
Who is John Galt?
So MIB movies wasn’t far off.
“Everyone on that screen is an alien.”
Guess we’ll be taking to Idikiukup and Bob soon.
Yep, and frogs with wings may not bump their asses when hopping.