This! ^ Right Here. Don't give them a choice, they might get it wrong. We already use DST a majority of the year, and a majority of folks hate how soon it gets dark in the winter months. Switch to DST one last time. And then leave us alone!
Noooo. Permanent standard time is far better. I hate daylight at 10 pm in summer. In winter it wouldn't get light here until almost 9 am. And would be dark by 5:30. If we did DST year round.
I’m in San Diego ! It’s never light after 8 pm ! I actually like longer daylight . My brother is in South Dakota it’s stays lighter there too but not that long I don’t believe . Thank you for letting me know 930/10 is a bit long to have daylight
Yes summer months . I would love it to stay light till 9 pm / 10 pm may be a little much . But I’d rather it be light till 10 pm then get dark at 430/5 this is a nightmare .
The argument is that kids going to school in complete darkness is dangerously stupid. Obviously there’s arguments for both sides. It’s been proven that there are more accidents in the morning before the sun rises. I don’t have a dog in the fight, it’s going to be interesting to watch though.
100%. i'm always fighting to stay awake at 7:00 pm because it's so dark out that my inner clock keeps saying it's bed time. i'm like ugh!
but i looked into a little bit and they said it's safer for the kids going to school in the mornings to have the extra light in the a.m. what do ya do?
Please do! Just put it in one place and leave it alone. We didn't have this crap when I was a kid and it didn't cause any problems. My daughter lives in AZ and they don't use it there.
Yes. Those are already the "standard time" hours. Daylight savings time as a concept was conceptually designed to apply to summer right up into the average harvest period.
Benjamin Franklin hated the idea. He was right. Again.
I too want more light in the evening. Having more daylight in my personal/family life, after work/school, is always more preferred for many of us. This is definitely one of those situations that will have many on both sides of the argument.
LOL, here in California we voted it out a few years ago but we still have to wait for Congress to “approve” it for some stupid fucking reason. Reduce the size, how about ABOLISH IT COMPLETELY!
We're being replaced by great unwashed hordes invading our land from the south and middle east. We're supposed to reproduce with gusto. But "Don't have kids" if you have a good job at a company that expects you to show up for work at, say, 8:00 or 8:30 AM? Or don't get a job if you have kids? Or just GET BY on one income like it's 1966, so the wife can stay home?
"Sorry chief, I know we have the big merger planned to take our company to the next level, and I was supposed to give my final presentation to the board today to close the deal...but little Karen has to go to school! So obviously, I won't be there. School bus, schmool bus! You guys just handle it. My little girl comes first...What's that? I'm fired?? Rats! NOW how am I supposed to take care of my family?!?"
You should count the cost of having a family. When a couple have children, it is best for the children for them to be raised by their Mother and not by a day care center. Schools can change their times for kids to go to school. I am sure if they did most couples working would make arrangements. SOrry the world doesn't revolve around just you Chief!
A person supporting a family by diligently working at a job or career that requires regular daily attendance during normal business hours is not behaving as though "the world revolves around" him or her.
In fact, it's the person who expects it will be OK that they can't make it to work at 8 AM because they think they have to act as the school bus driver for their child—that is the person behaving as though the world revolves around him or her.
Critical thinking isn't for everyone. See you in a new thread ;p
Just learned (read in a book) it messes with our circadian rhythm. They have been trying to end this for years... Just make it happen. Don't need commitees and meetings just do it. Haha.
Yes, animals know we should stick to our Circadian Rhythms and so do our bodies...awake with the light and rest in darkness. I look forward to the time staying the same...much healthier on our bodies!
Is there a research list of the pluses & negatives? I read it saves energy costs. That seems like a strong positive. Younger people will lose that extra hour of partying on a Saturday night. It does add some flair to the dull routine IMHO.
Citing a study published in OpenHeart, a press release issued by the American Heart Association stated there was an approximately 24% increase in heart attacks on the Monday immediately following daylight saving time. Researchers in Finland also reported an increased rate of ischemic stroke during the first 2 days after daylight saving time, according to a study published in Neurology.
I want to stay in British Summer Time, hate how early it goes dark at this time of year due to the October Clock going backwards to Greenwich Mean Time.
They only did it because people spend more money during the lighter time of year. People are more likely to go shopping after work rather than home. It's always about some conniving scheme.
Dark afternoons are more dangerous in traffic than dark mornings because people are less tired and more alert in the morning. DST has more daylight during waking hours so permanent DST all the way.
I'm in Northern Europe, we get about 6 hours now and 18.5 in the summer, and I'd still prefer year-round DST. We tried permanent standard time for a few years and everyone complained about early summer sunsets so it was changed back to switching back and forth.
While winters are dark either way, DST would allow us to experience the full extent of precious twilight and daylight while awake and evenings after the workday would be lighter. Daylight before and during work hours is wasted anyway.
As someone with small kids, please for the love of God stop with daylight savings time. We are always just finally getting into a good sleep schedule and then BAM, daylight savings fucks it all up. And then by the time we finally start getting back into a routine from the last time change, it’s time to change again and start it all over again. Also I hate that I get off work at 5 and it’s dark by 5:30. Leaves us no time to play outside or enjoy any of my outdoor hobbies. I truly believe it’s a big factor in many people’s seasonal depression.
No one ever "SAVES" anything! What a giant sham scam!! If you don't like the time in relation to something, CHANGE THE TIME OF THE EVENT. Change the freaking school time or work hours time or whatever it is. Don't make everyone go through stupid hoops!!!
I have seen research about an increase in traffic-accidents on the cusp of changing the clocks. i.e. people are drowsy because they suddenly have to get up 'earlier'.
Dark this time or light that time. Just numbers on a clock. As the Native American saying (supposedly) goes: You can't cut the top off of a blanket and sew it to the bottom and get a longer blanket" The sun doesn't give a shit how we measure it. It will be light for the same amount of time either way.
This is a common sense solution to permanently abolishing the damn clock fiddling every six months. Love this...I think the DOGE folks have some sort of website set up already where they're soliciting tips and suggestions, and you should submit this!
Why is "Daylight Savings time" in the summer when there's more light?? Why don't we "save" light in the winter when there's less of it?!
Put the clocks on summertime and leave them alone!
I have heard that more accidents occur during the stupid time change than at any other time of year. Cows don't know the time when they need milking, and children will either go to or come home from school in the dark. It is all about controlling you. End this farce.
I want permanent daylight savings, not permanent standard time. I hate it getting dark at 4:30 during winter.
This! ^ Right Here. Don't give them a choice, they might get it wrong. We already use DST a majority of the year, and a majority of folks hate how soon it gets dark in the winter months. Switch to DST one last time. And then leave us alone!
Totally agree!
Yes please
Noooo. Permanent standard time is far better. I hate daylight at 10 pm in summer. In winter it wouldn't get light here until almost 9 am. And would be dark by 5:30. If we did DST year round.
Ugh, I’m torn I guess but I love it being light until 9-10 pm. The winters for me are more depressing because it gets dark at 4:30
I don't mind 9 pm so much but my guys (hubby and sons)work early and go to bed early so it's hard in summer when it doesn't get dark until almost 10.
Yeah I totally understand, I lived in Alaska for a while and the summers were crazy, it never really got dark 😂
Where do u live thst it stays light till 9 or 10pm ?
This is the northern states like North Dakota and Minnesota etc. 9-10pm sunset on summer hours and dark by 4:30pm on winter hours.
I’m in San Diego ! It’s never light after 8 pm ! I actually like longer daylight . My brother is in South Dakota it’s stays lighter there too but not that long I don’t believe . Thank you for letting me know 930/10 is a bit long to have daylight
Wyoming now, and I meant during the summer months. It doesn’t get dark here until well after 9pm and I love it.
Yes summer months . I would love it to stay light till 9 pm / 10 pm may be a little much . But I’d rather it be light till 10 pm then get dark at 430/5 this is a nightmare .
Staying light out until 8pm wouldn’t be bad. I just hate the dark at 4:30 nonsense 😩
Me too I hate that they do this and it’s so stupid ! They claim they want to save energy , they would save so much not having to turn lights on at 430
The argument is that kids going to school in complete darkness is dangerously stupid. Obviously there’s arguments for both sides. It’s been proven that there are more accidents in the morning before the sun rises. I don’t have a dog in the fight, it’s going to be interesting to watch though.
me too, spring forward and leave it.
100%. i'm always fighting to stay awake at 7:00 pm because it's so dark out that my inner clock keeps saying it's bed time. i'm like ugh!
but i looked into a little bit and they said it's safer for the kids going to school in the mornings to have the extra light in the a.m. what do ya do?
Put up lampposts. Hang tyrants from them. Win win.
I'm with you on that.
Please do! Just put it in one place and leave it alone. We didn't have this crap when I was a kid and it didn't cause any problems. My daughter lives in AZ and they don't use it there.
As long as it's the winter hours they're keeping.
Yes, you read me. The summer hours are the alteration. End that.
Yes. Those are already the "standard time" hours. Daylight savings time as a concept was conceptually designed to apply to summer right up into the average harvest period.
Benjamin Franklin hated the idea. He was right. Again.
In the South, DST causes more air conditioner energy to be used.
DOGE need to be working on something more useful.
Summer hours are better.
I too want more light in the evening. Having more daylight in my personal/family life, after work/school, is always more preferred for many of us. This is definitely one of those situations that will have many on both sides of the argument.
That's what Jimmy Carter thought.
No one liked kids in the dark waiting for the school bus.
States can already opt out of DST.
LOL, here in California we voted it out a few years ago but we still have to wait for Congress to “approve” it for some stupid fucking reason. Reduce the size, how about ABOLISH IT COMPLETELY!
OK ---- that part of the federal government you can remove. Let the states do what they want to.
I agree, though base it all on Arizona Time. MST needs to be Arizona time & then base the other time zones in the US off of that.
I’m convinced DST is just to keep us off-balance. END IT!
It’s 100% a mind-fuck on the population. Wouldn’t be surprised if somehow Fauci was behind this way back when.
School children will have to catch the bus in the dark! Here's a suggestion, CHANGE the time kids go to school!
Yes! Nobody seems to realize that if we want more light "at the end of the day," just start everything earlier!!
Some states you can’t win like in the northern ones but maybe there can be some sort of compromise or we just all get used to no dst
That makes it difficult for some working parents.
Parents have to go to work
Don't have kids if you can't make time for them and their safety. What a novel idea!
Bunch of silliness.
We're being replaced by great unwashed hordes invading our land from the south and middle east. We're supposed to reproduce with gusto. But "Don't have kids" if you have a good job at a company that expects you to show up for work at, say, 8:00 or 8:30 AM? Or don't get a job if you have kids? Or just GET BY on one income like it's 1966, so the wife can stay home?
"Sorry chief, I know we have the big merger planned to take our company to the next level, and I was supposed to give my final presentation to the board today to close the deal...but little Karen has to go to school! So obviously, I won't be there. School bus, schmool bus! You guys just handle it. My little girl comes first...What's that? I'm fired?? Rats! NOW how am I supposed to take care of my family?!?"
You should count the cost of having a family. When a couple have children, it is best for the children for them to be raised by their Mother and not by a day care center. Schools can change their times for kids to go to school. I am sure if they did most couples working would make arrangements. SOrry the world doesn't revolve around just you Chief!
A person supporting a family by diligently working at a job or career that requires regular daily attendance during normal business hours is not behaving as though "the world revolves around" him or her.
In fact, it's the person who expects it will be OK that they can't make it to work at 8 AM because they think they have to act as the school bus driver for their child—that is the person behaving as though the world revolves around him or her.
Critical thinking isn't for everyone. See you in a new thread ;p
When they do away with DST, let me know how that works out for you!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh DUH 1000%
They was only 4pm and dark outside already and my MIL was getting ready for bed at 5 pm :O
Exactly! Something I've been grumbling about for years here in Michigan.
DST is off now... That would be unchanged
Then put it ON and leave it. “Standard” time is less than 50% of year anyway
DST is the de facto standard
Put it on DST and leave it. I like having more daylight at the end of the day.
Or we could just start work and school one hour earlier!
No need for it. End it.
This would also be another step in Making America Healthy Again.
Just learned (read in a book) it messes with our circadian rhythm. They have been trying to end this for years... Just make it happen. Don't need commitees and meetings just do it. Haha.
People will lose the ability to change their clocks. Just saying.
...and falling asleep on the way to work.
And pets have no concept of springing forward and falling back.
Yes true my dog got in the habit of waking me up @6am now she's in my room @5am now.
True that! My three dog look at my and call BS.
Yes, animals know we should stick to our Circadian Rhythms and so do our bodies...awake with the light and rest in darkness. I look forward to the time staying the same...much healthier on our bodies!
Is there a research list of the pluses & negatives? I read it saves energy costs. That seems like a strong positive. Younger people will lose that extra hour of partying on a Saturday night. It does add some flair to the dull routine IMHO.,immediately%20following%20daylight%20saving%20time.
Another convenient cover story for the "Safe and Effective!"
They just keep coming up with novel ways to kill us, don't they?
Name checks out…
I have clocks smarter than me, they change the time for me!
Or have their curtains fade.
As I'm sure my fellow Alaskans would agree, please DO IT!! I never have understood why we would need to "save daylight" in Alaska.
I want to stay in British Summer Time, hate how early it goes dark at this time of year due to the October Clock going backwards to Greenwich Mean Time.
About fucking time
Do it! Let's gooo!
They only did it because people spend more money during the lighter time of year. People are more likely to go shopping after work rather than home. It's always about some conniving scheme.
Why can't we have permanent daylight savings time? Seriously, I hate the idea of a 4 pm sunset.
Dark afternoons are more dangerous in traffic than dark mornings because people are less tired and more alert in the morning. DST has more daylight during waking hours so permanent DST all the way.
I'm in Northern Europe, we get about 6 hours now and 18.5 in the summer, and I'd still prefer year-round DST. We tried permanent standard time for a few years and everyone complained about early summer sunsets so it was changed back to switching back and forth.
While winters are dark either way, DST would allow us to experience the full extent of precious twilight and daylight while awake and evenings after the workday would be lighter. Daylight before and during work hours is wasted anyway.
I actually don’t mind the time changes because I live in the far western part of the eastern time zone. I understand why people hate it though.
As someone with small kids, please for the love of God stop with daylight savings time. We are always just finally getting into a good sleep schedule and then BAM, daylight savings fucks it all up. And then by the time we finally start getting back into a routine from the last time change, it’s time to change again and start it all over again. Also I hate that I get off work at 5 and it’s dark by 5:30. Leaves us no time to play outside or enjoy any of my outdoor hobbies. I truly believe it’s a big factor in many people’s seasonal depression.
Bad move. I like having daylight until 9 in the summer, and then shifting back for daylight in the morning
Set the time and leave it alone. All it does is screw up your mind, twice a year.
& confuses everyone's pets!
No one ever "SAVES" anything! What a giant sham scam!! If you don't like the time in relation to something, CHANGE THE TIME OF THE EVENT. Change the freaking school time or work hours time or whatever it is. Don't make everyone go through stupid hoops!!!
Yes please! Is it 5pm or midnight?
I hate daylight savings BS.
It was invented to give us more darkness and depress us.
DST has more daylight during waking hours so you have it exactly wrong.
Let every citizen identify the time zone of their choice (kek)
Whichever time zone they identify with🐸
"Piss off your boss with this one weird trick!"
Let them embrace their own "time truth." LOLOLOL.
So, we'd stay at Standard Time then? I'm OK with that.
Please do we hate it!
I have seen research about an increase in traffic-accidents on the cusp of changing the clocks. i.e. people are drowsy because they suddenly have to get up 'earlier'.
Dark this time or light that time. Just numbers on a clock. As the Native American saying (supposedly) goes: You can't cut the top off of a blanket and sew it to the bottom and get a longer blanket" The sun doesn't give a shit how we measure it. It will be light for the same amount of time either way.
Please do this, im so sick of this time shift. Yes it's winter yes it's dark out. It's ok summer will come back.
Maybe set clocks 1/2 hr for DST one lat time Summer would be 5a to 8 p, and Winter would be 8a to 5p. It's a decent compromise.
This is a common sense solution to permanently abolishing the damn clock fiddling every six months. Love this...I think the DOGE folks have some sort of website set up already where they're soliciting tips and suggestions, and you should submit this!
Why is "Daylight Savings time" in the summer when there's more light?? Why don't we "save" light in the winter when there's less of it?! Put the clocks on summertime and leave them alone!
I have heard that more accidents occur during the stupid time change than at any other time of year. Cows don't know the time when they need milking, and children will either go to or come home from school in the dark. It is all about controlling you. End this farce.
yes, please
Please do, and take us out of the darkness that falls at 4:30!!!