Yes, and additionally I would add the national parks are a hot spot for archaeological sites covered up, particularly the grand canyon. Why do you think there's so many stories of cities of gold in the Americas.... It was an abundant resource. We can't find those cities anymore because they were dismantled and carted away then buried the rest, history covered up along the way to make it seem like entire civilizations died 100% due to sickness.....
shady dealing with reservations. we're close to some west of the Mississippi. I like to read about their history. lots of broken treaties! one of their interpreters...🤔
New Dept. of Interior head will likely allow oil, gas, water, precious metals, mineral, etc. development on Indian Reservations. If not pilfered, Native Americans will be the wealthiest, healthiest, and longest-living Americans in about 20 years.
Remember, the land belongs to them; It is their sovereign land, they can develop it as they wish and do not ask for permission. Dept. of Interior "goodies" have been used to force them to sign away their natural rights and replace them with a "privilege". Native Americans will be taking their sovereignty back. It will be delicious irony when the American gov't has to buy the gold they hid under the reservations from the Native Americans. No better "reparations", imo.
The National Park system is one of the greatest ideas to come out of the United States, and has become a model for conservation in other countries around the world. Should we really set up mines etc in these areas? What is the value of kids and grown ups alike being inspired by the magnificent splendor of God’s creation in national parks?
...and surrounding area. Large gold deposits are likely "hidden" and inaccessible UNDERNEATH all of the reservoirs created along the Colorado River as well as in the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon being made a National Park was likely a double-play compromise to 1. Prevent development, but also 2. Prevent complete flooding to submerge all the gold.
i would add '3. cover up true history in Americas'. My theory, this was the land of Ophir where King Solomon got the gold for the first temple in Jerusalem. Theres more being hidden than the abundant natural resources right under our feet fren....
I'm really happy with Agnico Eagle as an investment - it's one hell of a mining company. Other mining companies like Barrick are still reeling for converting their unmined reserves for paper. Otherwise, Canada itself though has a total reserve of 0 because the government is incredibly retarded.
Gold, Oil, Uranium and more untouched forest than you can possibly imagine.
Canada is infact far larger than the US the maps you see arn't scaled properly. Driving 5 hours here to visit a friends house is 'meh' for you its the distance across state
Going down the rail in Canada. The largest moose I ever saw just walks in front of us. Didn't give a crap. That is an animal that is apex, tho not a predator.
Always thought it was interesting that the ratio between a 1oz gold US coin is $50 face value and a 1oz silver coin is $1, giving a 50:1 ratio.
Compare that to current spot ($2917.00 : $32.54) for a 90:1 ratio and it's clear there's some manipulation going on...
Thankfully I've been steadily stacking for over 10 years...Sittin pretty right now, but a big boost like mentioned would be EPIC!!!
I've only got enough BTC as pocket change...just like my other currencies like GPB, EUR and CAN. Never made sense to put money into something I couldn't hold in my hand that's literally backed by nothing.
Last time bimetallic standard was in place we weren't using nearly 80% of the yearly mined silver for industrial purposes. 1:1 ratio of gold:silver is likely with the price well over $10,000 per ounce for both.
Supply of both can be boosted by pulling molecules of precious metals out of sea water and then reassembly into bars. China is rumored to be doing this and may be the source for the Saudi method being used to extract Lithium and Rare Earths from oil well waste water in a similar way.
Exactly. I have my silver and gold drop shipped so i can hold it. I know its mine when i hold it. Btw we buy it at cost instead of regular price from if you dont have a source
Its mined around 8 to 12 oz silver to one oz gold. Same amount of energy to mine. If gold hit six thousand conservatively silver could be worth almost 600 an ounce. If the traditional 40 to one ratio applied 1200 an ounce for silver theoretically would be wereit sits. I've built a healthy stack of both since 2010. Got most of it at what is now considered dirt cheap.
Yeah I hit my target number a while ago...then proceeded to double it. Speaking of doubling... I had to double up on shelves because they were bending... AND I'm wearing steel toes now because 100oz ones WILL land you in the hospital if you drop one on your foot. 1st world problems... yanno
I seriously think there are secrets about this, so big we have not yet been told. I think the USA has a massive amount of wealth, but they have been "pretending" we are in debt - in order to continue to suck the money out of us every year.
Trump has talked like this, too. Interesting. I have heard rumblings about the FED having many trillions for years.
I'm not sure how that helps us, but, I think the FED is nearly ready to exist only in the history books, to the benefit of humanity.
Stack silver now, it is still a decent price. Aprox $32.50 / ounce.
Big banks manipulate silver price to make the Federal Reserves fiat currency look like a better investment to foreign investors.
Like some said here, silver and gold are pulled out of the ground at a aprox 12:1 ratio, both are precious metals.
Gold sits at $2918 / ounce, that means silver value should be $243 / ounce.
The FEC should have been prosecuting the people shorting silver, unfortunately they were corrupt ang looking the other way.
With Trump's new admin, the possibility the Fed Reserve and fiat dollar is dead, the NEW FEC should protect and allow silver prices to rise where they should be.
If gold reaches $6000 an ounce, at a 12 to 1 ratio, silver could top out near $500. I have heard gold could go higher than $6000, possibly $10,000, you do the math. We are in the golden age afterall.
Hmm, the several thousand tons of gold coming from Europe to the vaults underneath New York? I think that’s just a drop in the bucket of what I’ve read has been brought back to the U.S. in gold in the past several years.
Wow…Trump must’ve listened to Dave on x22 last night and is now doing what Dave didn’t think he would do to get all hell to break lose. Dave was saying that he didn’t think Trump would ask the fed to lower the rate because they’ll use that to pin the fall on him. He also said that Trump is keeping quiet on gold because he probably didn’t want to fed to realize this is his plan and go crazy with false flags. Trump wants this shit to get crazy! He mustn’t give a shit about what they do anymore! Lol
The Pebble Mines in Alaska is our largest reserve.
It’s currently owned by Canadians at a company called Northern Dynasty. It was approved for permitting by the army corp but at the very last minute, they switched that person out and the new person denied the permits making it of little value. Donald Trump Jr. appeared to have his hand all over that one even speaking publicly about it citing he didn’t want it to open because he liked to fish as a child 100 miles away. That’s the story up to now.
What officials have said this? So many larpers......just as bad as mainstream media's constant use of "Inside sources say".....why this shit is on top is baffling.
I don't know how that will work. We owe a lot more money than we have gold. Maybe more than there even IS gold in the world. I don't pretend to understand all this but just that realization makes me doubt the wisdom of it.
The 51st state has some gold mines and I bet a lot of untapped gold.
I bet Greenland does too! Plus Rare Earth.
I think South Dakota does too^ there's a rusty metal sign when you enter the state,
about the Black Hills being the "American Alps" and they are the richest "100 square miles in the world"
of course the sign is very old...
and there's this;
South Dakota is the 17th largest state in the U.S. by area, covering approximately 77,116 square miles...
Likely untapped large gold deposits in the United State (in no particular order)
Alaska (in National Parks and Preserves blocked from development by Dept. of Interior)
UNDER all large reservoirs along the Colorado River
Grand Canyon
Yellowstone Nat'l Park caldera and UNDER nearly every other National Park in West
UNDER all Indian Reservations west of the Mississippi, but blocked by Dept. of Interior
Nevada, UNDER ALL Federal Lands
Yes, and additionally I would add the national parks are a hot spot for archaeological sites covered up, particularly the grand canyon. Why do you think there's so many stories of cities of gold in the Americas.... It was an abundant resource. We can't find those cities anymore because they were dismantled and carted away then buried the rest, history covered up along the way to make it seem like entire civilizations died 100% due to sickness.....
thanks for the list, and makes sense^
shady dealing with reservations. we're close to some west of the Mississippi. I like to read about their history. lots of broken treaties! one of their interpreters...🤔
IIRC, Q mentioned RedCloud, he's in this picture^
New Dept. of Interior head will likely allow oil, gas, water, precious metals, mineral, etc. development on Indian Reservations. If not pilfered, Native Americans will be the wealthiest, healthiest, and longest-living Americans in about 20 years.
Remember, the land belongs to them; It is their sovereign land, they can develop it as they wish and do not ask for permission. Dept. of Interior "goodies" have been used to force them to sign away their natural rights and replace them with a "privilege". Native Americans will be taking their sovereignty back. It will be delicious irony when the American gov't has to buy the gold they hid under the reservations from the Native Americans. No better "reparations", imo.
The National Park system is one of the greatest ideas to come out of the United States, and has become a model for conservation in other countries around the world. Should we really set up mines etc in these areas? What is the value of kids and grown ups alike being inspired by the magnificent splendor of God’s creation in national parks?
Stay calm, it's not mostly strip mining
You are going to be shocked what we find.
We have the largest reserve in the Grand Canyon.
Plus we have the Queen of England’s gold, the Vatican gold and a chunk of the Saudi gold.
Here is a great link,to my favorite precious metal guy.
whole thing could be a sigh-op to fool xenobaddies
Agree. I like the old Russian saying: "Trust but verify"
Bix enter the chat /s
...and surrounding area. Large gold deposits are likely "hidden" and inaccessible UNDERNEATH all of the reservoirs created along the Colorado River as well as in the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon being made a National Park was likely a double-play compromise to 1. Prevent development, but also 2. Prevent complete flooding to submerge all the gold.
i would add '3. cover up true history in Americas'. My theory, this was the land of Ophir where King Solomon got the gold for the first temple in Jerusalem. Theres more being hidden than the abundant natural resources right under our feet fren....
You are probably right. North America was not always EMPTY. Something happened in the recent past. People got exterminated.
So Bix says
I'm really happy with Agnico Eagle as an investment - it's one hell of a mining company. Other mining companies like Barrick are still reeling for converting their unmined reserves for paper. Otherwise, Canada itself though has a total reserve of 0 because the government is incredibly retarded.
Gold, Oil, Uranium and more untouched forest than you can possibly imagine.
Canada is infact far larger than the US the maps you see arn't scaled properly. Driving 5 hours here to visit a friends house is 'meh' for you its the distance across state
Going down the rail in Canada. The largest moose I ever saw just walks in front of us. Didn't give a crap. That is an animal that is apex, tho not a predator.
Oh, the trees were right next to the rail. No time to decide nothing.
a bull moose is very much a predator lol, even a bear will think twice on that one
The moose can win. But the bear won't be eaten.
I saw a bear kill a cow from hibernation. Slept on the carcass for days. My cheeseburger.
Are you referring to Greenland, Mexico or Canada after we invade and conquer them?
Some guy on Glenn Beck was saying gold could go to 6k a oz...
That would be AWESOME!!!
What about silver?
Always thought it was interesting that the ratio between a 1oz gold US coin is $50 face value and a 1oz silver coin is $1, giving a 50:1 ratio.
Compare that to current spot ($2917.00 : $32.54) for a 90:1 ratio and it's clear there's some manipulation going on...
Thankfully I've been steadily stacking for over 10 years...Sittin pretty right now, but a big boost like mentioned would be EPIC!!!
I've only got enough BTC as pocket change...just like my other currencies like GPB, EUR and CAN. Never made sense to put money into something I couldn't hold in my hand that's literally backed by nothing.
Silver would have to follow, it's so under priced. The manipulation has to stop..
Last time bimetallic standard was in place we weren't using nearly 80% of the yearly mined silver for industrial purposes. 1:1 ratio of gold:silver is likely with the price well over $10,000 per ounce for both.
Supply of both can be boosted by pulling molecules of precious metals out of sea water and then reassembly into bars. China is rumored to be doing this and may be the source for the Saudi method being used to extract Lithium and Rare Earths from oil well waste water in a similar way.
The big banks are involved with the manipulation of silver.
Exactly. I have my silver and gold drop shipped so i can hold it. I know its mine when i hold it. Btw we buy it at cost instead of regular price from if you dont have a source
Its mined around 8 to 12 oz silver to one oz gold. Same amount of energy to mine. If gold hit six thousand conservatively silver could be worth almost 600 an ounce. If the traditional 40 to one ratio applied 1200 an ounce for silver theoretically would be wereit sits. I've built a healthy stack of both since 2010. Got most of it at what is now considered dirt cheap.
Yeah I hit my target number a while ago...then proceeded to double it. Speaking of doubling... I had to double up on shelves because they were bending... AND I'm wearing steel toes now because 100oz ones WILL land you in the hospital if you drop one on your foot. 1st world problems... yanno
Current Spot:
You have seen the Silver to Dollar ratio on the right side of this ?
"That would be AWESOME!!!"
Says the guy that has already bought the gold. 😕
Like Walter said, "You don't just stop...
being Jewishbuying gold"Only $6K? If the FRN collapses, it’s gonna go wei mar higher than that.
Might want to see the right side of this:
I seriously think there are secrets about this, so big we have not yet been told. I think the USA has a massive amount of wealth, but they have been "pretending" we are in debt - in order to continue to suck the money out of us every year.
Trump has talked like this, too. Interesting. I have heard rumblings about the FED having many trillions for years. I'm not sure how that helps us, but, I think the FED is nearly ready to exist only in the history books, to the benefit of humanity.
My favorite EO. Bankrupt the evil cabal and enrich the common man.
Hmm wonder if a Sovereign Wealth Fund would be a good place to put this money?
I believe you are on target! 🎯
~ POTUS Trump
Sweet! My theory that “we have the gold” is that they have a bazillion tons.
That story about the Vatican returning the gold is looking more true every day.
The Japanese gold that they looted from all the countries they conquered. We took it and didnt give it back.
Talk is cheap. But an ounce of gold isn't. Make it so, number 1. En-gage
Tea, earl-gray... hot.
A return to the gold standard means the globalists can not tax people to death with money printing and devalue people's purchasing power and savings.
This is GOOD news...
You never know …that might revalue pennies!
Who is this guy? Why would he have insider information.
Excellent question. That's what I want to know.
We have known for some time though that even if you fire every corrupt person in govt, it's pointless without a gold standard of some kind.
is there any source on this? i checked his tweet
I found this source that said the same thing prior to xrp patriot
"Considering" is the most non committal statement out there.
Stack silver now, it is still a decent price. Aprox $32.50 / ounce.
Big banks manipulate silver price to make the Federal Reserves fiat currency look like a better investment to foreign investors.
Like some said here, silver and gold are pulled out of the ground at a aprox 12:1 ratio, both are precious metals.
Gold sits at $2918 / ounce, that means silver value should be $243 / ounce.
The FEC should have been prosecuting the people shorting silver, unfortunately they were corrupt ang looking the other way.
With Trump's new admin, the possibility the Fed Reserve and fiat dollar is dead, the NEW FEC should protect and allow silver prices to rise where they should be.
If gold reaches $6000 an ounce, at a 12 to 1 ratio, silver could top out near $500. I have heard gold could go higher than $6000, possibly $10,000, you do the math. We are in the golden age afterall.
If we can get PamBo to go after these radical judges, we'll be unstoppable!
I have no doubt she will!
Nevada is going to go through a boom. In 2021, Nevada produced 4,502,365 troy ounces of gold, which was 74% of the US gold production.
And here I am thinking of moving out of here.
What would be new value of gold, 20k an ounce?
More like $80K ($79,188).
Simple math of M2/Gold in Fort Knox (speculation and assumptions based on published info, but better than just spitting in the wind)
Silver (at the historical silver/gold ratio of 15:1) = $5279
So if someone was stacking 100 oz Gold and 1000 (10x) Silver = $13,197,800
And hyper inflation could mean that would buy you a large pack of salted peanuts.
We just don't know enough.
According to the debt clock, the dollar to gold ratio is $8945 and silver $1155.
Hmm, the several thousand tons of gold coming from Europe to the vaults underneath New York? I think that’s just a drop in the bucket of what I’ve read has been brought back to the U.S. in gold in the past several years.
Wow…Trump must’ve listened to Dave on x22 last night and is now doing what Dave didn’t think he would do to get all hell to break lose. Dave was saying that he didn’t think Trump would ask the fed to lower the rate because they’ll use that to pin the fall on him. He also said that Trump is keeping quiet on gold because he probably didn’t want to fed to realize this is his plan and go crazy with false flags. Trump wants this shit to get crazy! He mustn’t give a shit about what they do anymore! Lol
You want bonafide money, this is the ONLY way.
That would mean the end of the Federal Reserve hopefully.
Not sure...
Reminder that from 1789 to 1913, we had ZERO INFLATION.
In fact, I think we had DEflation--I once saw a chart that showed the dollar had gained 0.3% value over that span.
Return to the gold standard, stop printing bills and coins until deflation catches up. Value restored.
The Pebble Mines in Alaska is our largest reserve. It’s currently owned by Canadians at a company called Northern Dynasty. It was approved for permitting by the army corp but at the very last minute, they switched that person out and the new person denied the permits making it of little value. Donald Trump Jr. appeared to have his hand all over that one even speaking publicly about it citing he didn’t want it to open because he liked to fish as a child 100 miles away. That’s the story up to now.
Interesting....🤔 Thanks Chill!
Is that why all the gold came back?
That might explain all the Gold being stockpiled in the US.
And the shortage in London..
He is begging them to come out of hiding and go after him in broad daylight now.
I can exchange my dollars for gold now. What difference does "directly" make? No one is making money on the deal?
No source cited, so this is not "Breaking" anything.
Having said that, I do believe it will happen. Eventually.
take anything you hear from an account shilling a shitcoin with a grain of salt
sure thing bud
What officials have said this? So many larpers......just as bad as mainstream media's constant use of "Inside sources say".....why this shit is on top is baffling.
This is a message I have been waiting for, it is great to hear. Now do away with the Federal Reserve.
I don't know how that will work. We owe a lot more money than we have gold. Maybe more than there even IS gold in the world. I don't pretend to understand all this but just that realization makes me doubt the wisdom of it.
Before this could possibly happen, there needs to be a massive crackdown on all the corruption, and confiscation of stolen funds.
The cabal shouldn't get to convert their trillions of ill-gotten dollars into gold.
I am gonna wanna hear this from someone with more credibility than "@matttttt187".