That's unfortunate, they obviously put a lot of time and effort into research and we're always active. Don't remember there being any unhinged posts or comments, but we have no idea what gets removed
So he was banned while arguing with a r/Qult_Headquarters mod. Thanks for letting us know this.
This is the "sidebar rules". Now keep an eye on "new posts" or even many of the "hot posts". How many of these break these rules? (some users here do it constantly, like 4-5 times a day even).
General Rules:
-Mods will issue NO warnings, followed by temporary bans and/or permanent >bans. DO NOT GRIEF THE MODS.
-Keep posts related to topics Q has raised or that are current.
-Keep post duplication (especially from other .WINs) to a minimum.
-HIGH EFFORT, HIGH-INFO posts only! Please respect other readers. Please use descriptive titles.
-No fame-fagging; no, "your" post did not get removed! Eyes on the prize, people!
-Memes allowed, but no low-quality, low-info posts.
-Keep it honest and accurate.
-Keep post titles informative. No clickbait. Supporters ONLY. (Sorry, the train had no brakes.)
-Handshake noobs will be scrutinized by their sincerity and relative respect.
EDIT: Happy to see that the "low quality" rules are actually being enforced now, since the QStrategy ban.
In my opinion, the mods should have just removed the more emotional replies he made in the thread, instead of banning one of our best and most active contributors.
He received 7-day ban for flagrant and unacceptable sidebar violations. He proceeded to delete his account after that, which is a sad development to us all. It's unfortunate.
We all know how important the sidebar is. The mod team has gone out of its way in the past six months to prevent drama and let our WIN just be itself. But there are lines.
This WIN is not more important than your mental health. Take care of yourselves, boys and girls.
What exactly did he do with the sidebar that got him banned?
I think answers to those two basic questions would help the community. For starters it will make sure that other people won't do the same thing and that will make your guys job easier. People also want to be sure that the Mods are all they're cracked up to be and still support free speech. People don't want this board to go the way of Reddit and /pol with lefty disinfo campaigns.
Given the context of being banned, this sounds like he suspected the board is substantially compromised.
QStrategy is one of my favorite posters on here, but I recall at least one member recently, who believed him to be a high effort longterm shill. I have seen a few posts of QStrategy and an old account that I suspect was also him, MAGACoin -- that fit the patterns tactics strategies of a very subtle and highly competent shill. There were a few odd but dismissable, inconsistencies. Maybe he felt like he was close to being discovered? Maybe he overplayed a tactic and broke character?
Nuking his post history like this would accomplish 2 things.
Removing history, to prevent analysis of posts.
Sow distrust and paranoia in community.
I could be entirely wrong on my perception of this. Like I said, one of my favorite posters. Vet your sources here. If a poster is one that posts excellent authoritative big brain content, be extra vigilant.
Leaving content up, especially good searchable information given in good faith and representing good research and research practices -- that will be missed.
It is what it is. This (GAW) is one little battlefield in the larger information war. Don't be naive to think we are beneath the DS' attention and efforts.
Also be aware that seizing moderation and control of a board is the highest prize for the glowies.
A post from 8kun dig on Ingersol Lockwood and MJ12. Both are LARPs. The thread also goes into detail on glowie DS strategies and tactics to disrupt online communities. VERY HIGH VALUE READ.
There was an interesting Qult HQ thread where they had figured out Qstrat's reddit acct and he was clearly playing both sides citing trolling as their motivation.
I'm not sure what to think of Qstrat to be honest. They are a "new" acct looking back to the voat days or heck, even back b4 the plebbit purge. Or at least, they didn't use the same username....
On the surface, Qstrat seemed like a new user to the research groups, that posted with obvious previous experience and they had a tendency to post both interesting (yet old) topics and link Qult/TMOR drama here near daily.
This looks highly suspicious to me. Either they were intentionally stirring up attacks or fodder for the cretins on reddit or it was inadvertent unwanted attention. Yet, seemingly they didn't trust the user either.... So Im not sure if at worst QStrat was a troll or shill building up to something for self gain or just liked pissing in those idiot's cereal and the repercussions be damned?
I remember he did some "show me yours, show you mine" type threads that were suspect. "your awakening story" or "we got big brains, bragging thread". That's glowie playbook shit. Also I posted in a recent thread about Kari Lake and everyone sceptical of her was immediately met with organized obvious shill opposition, and in that thread he was uncharacteristically trivial and pro-Kari.
The Qult shit sounds like sowing chaos and force multiplying shills.
He also had a tendency to drop a long cookie cutter background story to troll for users to overshare back, but promptly disengages conversation afterwards.
Also possible a lot of his info is old and possibly gathered by a team, who gathered it from real anons, he just reposts it -- and for a successful smart guy he has a lot of time to be doing research and operating on multiple forums? That account could be a team. If I'm wrong, then he can take this part as a compliment.
Downdoots not from me. Thank you for clarifying that. Memory is not great.
Having a backstory mom to your cover is not at all impossible. I don't neccessarily trust anyone here but I don't need to. I need to be better individually at critical thinking and processing information, disinformation, and awareness of shill ops, and their functions and purposes. Because there is information in their designs regarding their priorities.
We all hsve to get better at this, because this is the reality of the world - online information will be a battlefield. For that reason, shills are either educational opportunities -- or even possibly not shills. It doesn't matter.
I personally found Qstrat to be extremely annoying with his constant "look what I found on reddit!" posts. I get it dude, dumb people exist, but I came here to get away from reddit, not to have to see their bullshit get dragged here too.
I've been keeping my eye on him as a shill. He posted some interesting "research" like telling us to look at twitter likes for codes and other blatantly frivolous things of this nature, it made me suspect him. I liked what he had to say often, but something like this happening doesn't surprise me.
I look for anyone who spends that much time here, has a "high paying" job in the technology industry, and uses their online influence to promote their favorite cryptocurrencies in a conflict against what Trump himself says regarding the matter.
His actions fit all three markers. He also had an passive-aggressive manner in which he contested whatever didn't fit with the world-view he promoted.
Now that the post history was not only rewritten, but deleted, none of what he said exists anymore. A tantrum over a 7 day ban - when most of the bans here are permanent - usually indicates "I've been made," - exfil.
You want to root out shills in the community, bash Crypto, bash GME, bash people encouraging "hold" investments. They reveal themselves when their profit vehicle is under attack and community supports it.
SirReginald was cool. In my head I just imagined he was like this 7 foot tall knight in full armor sitting a keyboard narrating outloud whatever he was typing in a brit accent. Zweihander leaning against the wall behind him. Don Quixote type character.
I think the shills attack the goofballs. Either that or he was just triggering the asshole side of the ass burger syndromes.
Either that or it’s a strategic tactic if a shill, either way we can get more Truth in front of them the better. Welcome new unknown username. It’s difficult to see if you speak like your old username after you deleted all your former content. Good thing God is on our side and knows the truth behind every u/name
There's drops around then referring to the GA subreddit, I think that's what this referring to, when it got shut down because Reddit was obviously Chinese-owned.
Are there any screenshots of this?
Looked through your comment history to find a thread but all I found was this thread but the link on it doesn't work anymore.
Has anyone heard from our kind Christian anon u/Slechta5614 who so diligently offers us a daily prayer? He has taken a day or two off in the past, but appears to be MIA at the moment.
Big sigh of relief, friend, that you’re okay. Stepping away from this board periodically is a must-do for one’s spirit. You’ve been missed and prayed for ... and will continue being prayed for. May God pour out His grace and blessings on you during difficult times. 🙏🏻✝️
Thanks fren. I'm trying to get back into things now. Next time I will remember to let someone know if I am stepping away so we can make sure prayer is still here. It all just kinda hit me at once and I needed to step away lol. God bless u for your kind words. Much love
I’m glad you got a little break. I’m nearing that point myself as this gets all-consuming at times (to the detriment of too many other things I need to get done). You do whatever you need to for yourself and your happiness.
It’s a strange, dystopian time we live in now where anonymity, while necessary for safety, leaves us unable to check on each other’s well-being. But we’ll just go to “the big guy” (a fond reference to our beloved Lord) and ask Him to watch over each other.
Just know that you are loved, respected and appreciated for all you’ve contributed by many kind souls here though we may never meet on this earth. God bless you.
Yes I started to get consumed with this place and the discord server I run. Should have taken small breaks thru out but instead I just kept going and got burnt out. But a couple days away can work wonders.
Yes isnt it Amazing that we can just talk to the big man and ask him to watch over eachother. This place is truly a giant family. I feel God here daily.
Thanks for your kind loving words. Means alot to hear. Much love God bless
So, I was wondering about QStrat myself, thinking what happened to that frog... I did some internet magic using that magnifying glass, and I fell over onto this thread.
I was reading all the posts about the saga... but then u/Qasar posted asking about your whereabouts, and I thought to myself "Yes, what happened to this Anon?"
I saw your reply, and it's excellent to see you around. Looking forward to your Daily Prayer Threads, I may not post on those much but I do read them .. much appreciated fren.
Go into the “Win / GreatAwakening +” screen, scroll down to the bottom where there’s a choice for Content Policy. I believe that’s what you’re looking for.
He’s posting/commenting all the time (just checked), several today. Here’s the latest post he commented in. Scroll down to his comment and click on his username for his history.
Hmmm always constant new posts ehh, this place has been infiltrated a long time ago, well around the late Nov early Dec 2020. I used to use it a lot, then one day I couldn't log in and when requesting a reset it never came, so finally had to make a fresh account.
Have seen a lot of QStrategy post, usually high quality.
I get its an unpaid job. I understand it's gotta suck playing janitor but then when you watch certain users literally call people fucking faggots left and right and in general shit up the board with their obnoxious preteen behavior it kind of makes you question exactly what or where the line is. It's frustrating. Especially when an overwhelming amount of users are all pointing regularly to the same shit bags.
It's not all on the mods though. It's half on us. Deport people. Block people. Down vote shit content. Don't feed the trolls. Simply deport. The mods can't catch what their not directly told about. That's the part we as users can do and maybe that's a good start. There's a handful of mods to 1000s of users. Use the deport because I assure you the shills are coordinating and doing exactly that. Usually when called out on their bullshit.
I was wondering what happens to him. I always enjoyed seeing his posts.
I’ve been banned 2-3 times without clear instruction why. One reason was “douche!” Or something along those lines.
Was thinking .win sites were for free speech. Apparently this has been infiltrated with commies. Unfortunate.
At least flag the person or notify before the ban so they can have a warning shot. I’d rather read his posts then see the same Bible verse meme or gun meme that is from fuckbook
Honestly this is why I migrated here from TD around election time, and especially afterward. I was curious about Q, and actually have a group of friends who were/are researching Q stuff. The attitude on TD became so negative (I get how the election went).... but still. It’s been so much more positive over here and honestly i feel like understanding Q and the GA in general has opened my eyes to even more and put Trump and his presidency into perspective. And the people on here reflect a lot of how it was in TD’s early days, immediately post-Reddit. I still hop over to TD, there’s still great content, but I like the vibe here more for now.
Repulsive response but that’s your right of “free speech”. I’ve been on .win sites for awhile but different accounts due to shill bans.
Disappointing to see some people lurk and shill for days with no clap back but the moment a dedicated poster like qstrategy does something ambiguous they get banned. It’s not my place to dictate how things get handled from the mods but things seem a little unfair at times.
I’m all for the deeper Q post understandings and connections but the ideals of “say what we want you to say or you get banned” is a very leftist Reddit ideology. Why have up and down votes if there’s also things people can’t say. Makes zero sense.
I was banned early on because a mod didn't know what a DUMB was and thought i was name calling to some shit LOL luckily another mod explained it was a Deep Underground Military Base and my banned was lifted.
I’ve increasingly noticed that there are certain Q-related subjects or thoughts that are not even allowed to be mentioned on this board. It is closely monitored and censored through shadow bans, etc. Do not think free speech rules here. Only certain narratives on different subjects are permitted.
Remember that right now, everyone wants a piece of your mind. Use discernment and critical thinking.
Creating posts on key issues, nobody else would create a duplicate post of the same issue, then deleting account and all those posts with it, is a hell of an op to run -_-
That's unfortunate, they obviously put a lot of time and effort into research and we're always active. Don't remember there being any unhinged posts or comments, but we have no idea what gets removed
Pretty sure I was in the thread that got him banned.
He was in an argument with that reddit mod from r/Qult, and got a little frustrated with the reddit mod’s bullshit.
Didn’t seem like he deserved a ban, though...
Here’s the thread:
So he was banned while arguing with a r/Qult_Headquarters mod. Thanks for letting us know this.
This is the "sidebar rules". Now keep an eye on "new posts" or even many of the "hot posts". How many of these break these rules? (some users here do it constantly, like 4-5 times a day even).
EDIT: Happy to see that the "low quality" rules are actually being enforced now, since the QStrategy ban.
In my opinion, the mods should have just removed the more emotional replies he made in the thread, instead of banning one of our best and most active contributors.
He received 7-day ban for flagrant and unacceptable sidebar violations. He proceeded to delete his account after that, which is a sad development to us all. It's unfortunate.
We all know how important the sidebar is. The mod team has gone out of its way in the past six months to prevent drama and let our WIN just be itself. But there are lines.
This WIN is not more important than your mental health. Take care of yourselves, boys and girls.
Yeah. I agree. I would like to know;
I think answers to those two basic questions would help the community. For starters it will make sure that other people won't do the same thing and that will make your guys job easier. People also want to be sure that the Mods are all they're cracked up to be and still support free speech. People don't want this board to go the way of Reddit and /pol with lefty disinfo campaigns.
We need answers to these questions.
What were the violations? Can't be overstated how important it is this site isn't compromised
Thank you for the transparency mods!
I don't even know who it is.
With a script, he edited every comment he ever made to:
After that, he deleted everything.
Given the context of being banned, this sounds like he suspected the board is substantially compromised.
QStrategy is one of my favorite posters on here, but I recall at least one member recently, who believed him to be a high effort longterm shill. I have seen a few posts of QStrategy and an old account that I suspect was also him, MAGACoin -- that fit the patterns tactics strategies of a very subtle and highly competent shill. There were a few odd but dismissable, inconsistencies. Maybe he felt like he was close to being discovered? Maybe he overplayed a tactic and broke character?
Nuking his post history like this would accomplish 2 things.
Removing history, to prevent analysis of posts.
Sow distrust and paranoia in community.
I could be entirely wrong on my perception of this. Like I said, one of my favorite posters. Vet your sources here. If a poster is one that posts excellent authoritative big brain content, be extra vigilant.
Leaving content up, especially good searchable information given in good faith and representing good research and research practices -- that will be missed.
It is what it is. This (GAW) is one little battlefield in the larger information war. Don't be naive to think we are beneath the DS' attention and efforts.
Also be aware that seizing moderation and control of a board is the highest prize for the glowies.
Like I said, it is what it is. Be vigilant.
A post from 8kun dig on Ingersol Lockwood and MJ12. Both are LARPs. The thread also goes into detail on glowie DS strategies and tactics to disrupt online communities. VERY HIGH VALUE READ.
Could be for completely opposite reasoning also.
There was an interesting Qult HQ thread where they had figured out Qstrat's reddit acct and he was clearly playing both sides citing trolling as their motivation.
I'm not sure what to think of Qstrat to be honest. They are a "new" acct looking back to the voat days or heck, even back b4 the plebbit purge. Or at least, they didn't use the same username....
On the surface, Qstrat seemed like a new user to the research groups, that posted with obvious previous experience and they had a tendency to post both interesting (yet old) topics and link Qult/TMOR drama here near daily.
This looks highly suspicious to me. Either they were intentionally stirring up attacks or fodder for the cretins on reddit or it was inadvertent unwanted attention. Yet, seemingly they didn't trust the user either.... So Im not sure if at worst QStrat was a troll or shill building up to something for self gain or just liked pissing in those idiot's cereal and the repercussions be damned?
I remember he did some "show me yours, show you mine" type threads that were suspect. "your awakening story" or "we got big brains, bragging thread". That's glowie playbook shit. Also I posted in a recent thread about Kari Lake and everyone sceptical of her was immediately met with organized obvious shill opposition, and in that thread he was uncharacteristically trivial and pro-Kari.
The Qult shit sounds like sowing chaos and force multiplying shills.
He also had a tendency to drop a long cookie cutter background story to troll for users to overshare back, but promptly disengages conversation afterwards.
Also possible a lot of his info is old and possibly gathered by a team, who gathered it from real anons, he just reposts it -- and for a successful smart guy he has a lot of time to be doing research and operating on multiple forums? That account could be a team. If I'm wrong, then he can take this part as a compliment.
Downdoots not from me. Thank you for clarifying that. Memory is not great.
Having a backstory mom to your cover is not at all impossible. I don't neccessarily trust anyone here but I don't need to. I need to be better individually at critical thinking and processing information, disinformation, and awareness of shill ops, and their functions and purposes. Because there is information in their designs regarding their priorities.
We all hsve to get better at this, because this is the reality of the world - online information will be a battlefield. For that reason, shills are either educational opportunities -- or even possibly not shills. It doesn't matter.
Agreed with this. Enough time in the trenches and you've seen enough fuckery to recognize it as the content and users change over time.
Herding shills is fun. Some are even trainable to help the cause. Updoot for you.
I personally found Qstrat to be extremely annoying with his constant "look what I found on reddit!" posts. I get it dude, dumb people exist, but I came here to get away from reddit, not to have to see their bullshit get dragged here too.
I've been keeping my eye on him as a shill. He posted some interesting "research" like telling us to look at twitter likes for codes and other blatantly frivolous things of this nature, it made me suspect him. I liked what he had to say often, but something like this happening doesn't surprise me.
I look for anyone who spends that much time here, has a "high paying" job in the technology industry, and uses their online influence to promote their favorite cryptocurrencies in a conflict against what Trump himself says regarding the matter.
His actions fit all three markers. He also had an passive-aggressive manner in which he contested whatever didn't fit with the world-view he promoted.
Now that the post history was not only rewritten, but deleted, none of what he said exists anymore. A tantrum over a 7 day ban - when most of the bans here are permanent - usually indicates "I've been made," - exfil.
You want to root out shills in the community, bash Crypto, bash GME, bash people encouraging "hold" investments. They reveal themselves when their profit vehicle is under attack and community supports it.
Your account is 4 days old, and you are already an expert. Sure glowie.
And you think GME is a profit vehicle for shills?
Fucking are clueless.
More like a profit vehicle for Blackrock employees.
Still holding, like a good ape?
A yahoo finance MSM link is your counter? LOL seriously?
Ok 4 day old handshake glowie.
MagaCoin was the primary reason I took a bit of a break from posting on this site. He was such an asshole.
SirReginald was cool. In my head I just imagined he was like this 7 foot tall knight in full armor sitting a keyboard narrating outloud whatever he was typing in a brit accent. Zweihander leaning against the wall behind him. Don Quixote type character.
I think the shills attack the goofballs. Either that or he was just triggering the asshole side of the ass burger syndromes.
Well fuck, farewell to one of the good ones
Hope you are right farva
Either that or it’s a strategic tactic if a shill, either way we can get more Truth in front of them the better. Welcome new unknown username. It’s difficult to see if you speak like your old username after you deleted all your former content. Good thing God is on our side and knows the truth behind every u/name
Did they ever say why they nuke accounts with high Karma?
what does high karma do? it seems meaningless to me as it doesnt seem to affect anytihng
Hypothetically, if one would want to increase this so called 'karma points'... is one able to gift them? Hypothetically...
In Minecraft, of course.. again I must reiterate, hypothetically.
It's a target for people to use as ad hominem.
That makes sense. Thanks for the insight.
why what does high karma do????
how do i even get one of those? do you have to have a certain karma score?
maybe it is a sign we are compromised lol
GA = this site? I know tuture proves past but.. what's CM?
CM=Code Monkey. GA was the greatawakening board of 8kun.
Code Monkey I believe
CM = CodeMonkey?
There's drops around then referring to the GA subreddit, I think that's what this referring to, when it got shut down because Reddit was obviously Chinese-owned.
Are there any screenshots of this? Looked through your comment history to find a thread but all I found was this thread but the link on it doesn't work anymore.
Unfortunately, I did not take any screenshots. The thread where we discovered this was deleted by the OP, thiccusdickus. You can ask him to verify.
I'd like to know what happened as well.
I heard from my aunt's niece's mother that his last post mentioned having evidence against Hillary... 😵
The Q Strategy got Arkancided?!?!
Has anyone heard from our kind Christian anon u/Slechta5614 who so diligently offers us a daily prayer? He has taken a day or two off in the past, but appears to be MIA at the moment.
I am ok now. Needed to step away for a couple days to re charge myself. I'm back though thanks for the kind words grief d much love God bless
God bless u and yours as well. Much love thanks for the kind words
Big sigh of relief, friend, that you’re okay. Stepping away from this board periodically is a must-do for one’s spirit. You’ve been missed and prayed for ... and will continue being prayed for. May God pour out His grace and blessings on you during difficult times. 🙏🏻✝️
Thanks fren. I'm trying to get back into things now. Next time I will remember to let someone know if I am stepping away so we can make sure prayer is still here. It all just kinda hit me at once and I needed to step away lol. God bless u for your kind words. Much love
I’m glad you got a little break. I’m nearing that point myself as this gets all-consuming at times (to the detriment of too many other things I need to get done). You do whatever you need to for yourself and your happiness.
It’s a strange, dystopian time we live in now where anonymity, while necessary for safety, leaves us unable to check on each other’s well-being. But we’ll just go to “the big guy” (a fond reference to our beloved Lord) and ask Him to watch over each other.
Just know that you are loved, respected and appreciated for all you’ve contributed by many kind souls here though we may never meet on this earth. God bless you.
Yes I started to get consumed with this place and the discord server I run. Should have taken small breaks thru out but instead I just kept going and got burnt out. But a couple days away can work wonders. Yes isnt it Amazing that we can just talk to the big man and ask him to watch over eachother. This place is truly a giant family. I feel God here daily. Thanks for your kind loving words. Means alot to hear. Much love God bless
Glad you're doing better, life happens!
So, I was wondering about QStrat myself, thinking what happened to that frog... I did some internet magic using that magnifying glass, and I fell over onto this thread.
I was reading all the posts about the saga... but then u/Qasar posted asking about your whereabouts, and I thought to myself "Yes, what happened to this Anon?"
I saw your reply, and it's excellent to see you around. Looking forward to your Daily Prayer Threads, I may not post on those much but I do read them .. much appreciated fren.
I thought he was the best poster. I am going to miss him and the info that he presented.
You ain't kidding, bro. All the respect in the world for bakers keeping it straight, esp. with that Babyfist / MJ12 drama going on.
Me too
He was the best Q-tard on here.
What exactly are these "sidebar violations" that were, well, violated?
You know what they were... so sick of this shit
Go into the “Win / GreatAwakening +” screen, scroll down to the bottom where there’s a choice for Content Policy. I believe that’s what you’re looking for.
TheQStrategy was an asset to our community.
I noticed Greekish (I think that's right) hasn't posted lately. He was pretty prolific.
He busted me on an errant pre-caffeine comment from this morning like two hours ago. He's here.
Nah, my grammar sucks regardless of whatever I put in my system.
Missing a radio frequency by an entire SI prefix is a whole nuther level of tardy.
He’s posting/commenting all the time (just checked), several today. Here’s the latest post he commented in. Scroll down to his comment and click on his username for his history.
Hmmm always constant new posts ehh, this place has been infiltrated a long time ago, well around the late Nov early Dec 2020. I used to use it a lot, then one day I couldn't log in and when requesting a reset it never came, so finally had to make a fresh account.
Have seen a lot of QStrategy post, usually high quality.
Interesting, when I click to upvote this post it downvotes it?
I get its an unpaid job. I understand it's gotta suck playing janitor but then when you watch certain users literally call people fucking faggots left and right and in general shit up the board with their obnoxious preteen behavior it kind of makes you question exactly what or where the line is. It's frustrating. Especially when an overwhelming amount of users are all pointing regularly to the same shit bags.
It's not all on the mods though. It's half on us. Deport people. Block people. Down vote shit content. Don't feed the trolls. Simply deport. The mods can't catch what their not directly told about. That's the part we as users can do and maybe that's a good start. There's a handful of mods to 1000s of users. Use the deport because I assure you the shills are coordinating and doing exactly that. Usually when called out on their bullshit.
I was wondering what happens to him. I always enjoyed seeing his posts. I’ve been banned 2-3 times without clear instruction why. One reason was “douche!” Or something along those lines.
Was thinking .win sites were for free speech. Apparently this has been infiltrated with commies. Unfortunate.
At least flag the person or notify before the ban so they can have a warning shot. I’d rather read his posts then see the same Bible verse meme or gun meme that is from fuckbook
Honestly this is why I migrated here from TD around election time, and especially afterward. I was curious about Q, and actually have a group of friends who were/are researching Q stuff. The attitude on TD became so negative (I get how the election went).... but still. It’s been so much more positive over here and honestly i feel like understanding Q and the GA in general has opened my eyes to even more and put Trump and his presidency into perspective. And the people on here reflect a lot of how it was in TD’s early days, immediately post-Reddit. I still hop over to TD, there’s still great content, but I like the vibe here more for now.
Well said!🐸👌❤
Repulsive response but that’s your right of “free speech”. I’ve been on .win sites for awhile but different accounts due to shill bans.
Disappointing to see some people lurk and shill for days with no clap back but the moment a dedicated poster like qstrategy does something ambiguous they get banned. It’s not my place to dictate how things get handled from the mods but things seem a little unfair at times.
I’m all for the deeper Q post understandings and connections but the ideals of “say what we want you to say or you get banned” is a very leftist Reddit ideology. Why have up and down votes if there’s also things people can’t say. Makes zero sense.
I was banned early on because a mod didn't know what a DUMB was and thought i was name calling to some shit LOL luckily another mod explained it was a Deep Underground Military Base and my banned was lifted.
I’ve increasingly noticed that there are certain Q-related subjects or thoughts that are not even allowed to be mentioned on this board. It is closely monitored and censored through shadow bans, etc. Do not think free speech rules here. Only certain narratives on different subjects are permitted.
Remember that right now, everyone wants a piece of your mind. Use discernment and critical thinking.
Careful to talk about free speech. You’ll be called a shill by mods.
like what? jfk jr?
Dang; I learned a bunch from him. 😞
I liked Qstrategy
I bet he will be back.
I reckon so too, he won't be able to resist it.
Dang, he's cool, hope he returns.
didnt notice. never really look at poster's names, just the content.
Nothing is safe, we must be wary always and trust in The Lord!
Creating posts on key issues, nobody else would create a duplicate post of the same issue, then deleting account and all those posts with it, is a hell of an op to run -_-
The Mods are pretty hardcore here
All for the better, given the subject matter
Not so sure about that