Regardless of whether this happens or not, winter storms happen, tornadoes happen, earthquakes happen, flooding happens. There are tons of reasons to keep excess supplies at the house other than some political happenings.
Been stocking up for while even though my husband thinks I'm crazy. Canned goods, dry goods and water. Probably grab a few more things in the next week. I only buy what I know we'd eat in any event, and it gives me peace of mind if nothing else.
Glad to see your husband thinks you are crazy too. Every time I bring home another case of water for him to put in the outside fridge, he just makes fun of me.
It's pretty amazing how much food you can buy, when it's canned, for $200! One thing I need to get is regular stuff like toothpaste, moutwash, floss, soap, etc. I think people tend to concentrate on food when it comes to survival supplies, but you really need a lot of other stuff too (especially toilet paper :) )
My husband likes to mention it to his friends and even some of our neighbors how we have food and other supplies stocked up. I told him later not to do that anymore. You never know what people might do when desperate.
Exactly! And you also have to face the possibility they will show up at your door, a week or two into an event that would require such supplies, and act all pitiful and play on your guilt to share, and then, what do you do? Although I haven't told anyone we are stocked up, I'm thinking of putting a sign on our door, if it comes to it, with a note that has something like, "We are not answering the door for anyone. We wish you the best in dealing with our current situation. If you need water, you can take some from the pool" (and maybe I'll put a bucket next to the pool :) )
I’m gonna help and assist all neighbors or anyone that comes to my door. It’s the Christian thing to do. If we ever had a chance at rebuilding a world where peace reigns, how can we start off with selfishness?
Someone mentioned Noah in this thread. Remember how he practically begged to warn others and help people? Never turned anyone away. He believed what God had told him, and feared God’s wrath. And fought till the worlds end/beginning to help others. God closed the doors to the ark. So unless your homes door cannot be opened, I would advise to help others. As long as you can.
That could be the tough decision to make; enough food for a few people to live, or enough food for more people to live for a shorter amount of time. If the amount of time that would be required to survive was known, it would make things a little easier :) I'm thinking that enough for a month is reasonable, because if things haven't "normalized" in a month, then it won't likely happen any time soon, so unless you have years worth of food, you would be in the same boat as the people who didn't prepare at all (except they got hungry sooner).
everyone needs to keep at least a years worth of food on hand, also be mindful to the fact that there might be family and friends that need help. how much help you can give in an emergency will depend on how much supplies that you have that surpasses the 1 year supply of food. also best to keep any prep plans to yourself otherwise in a real disaster you might become a target.
If you’re broke and need SOMETHING buy a 10 pound bag of rice, 10 pound bag of pinto beans, chicken broth cubes, and whatever preference of canned goods. You can easily put this in the back of your pantry for 2 years without touching any of it and your total price will be around $20
This is for desperate measures only and not preferred stocking up. Water will be your number one concern. At least 1 gallon per person per day. Prepare water for 2 weeks. Propane is also essential. 2 bottles of small propane for 4-8 dollars to cook/heat. Well worth buying and storing.
Those are nice! I’m well prepared and live out in the boonies with overbearing family members that keep buying me propane bottles for some reason lol. I’ve also seen some that are “smokeless and odorless” grills but they’re pretty high value 300-500.
By week 3 or 4 when people are desperate for food and they smell you cooking outside, they will show up for it.
Don't cook smelly food. Also, don't cook when the wind is blowing. If you must cook something that smells, cook it around 3AM when no one else is awake. Then you can just warm it up the next day and eat. A sun oven is a free way to cook a lot of things. I wouldn't use a grill at all, at least for a long time and things get more settled after a collapse.
Instead of the broth cubes, you can get large bags of the same stuff in loose powder form in the Mexican section of the grocery store. I have stored some. It is good for flavoring any kind of noodles. It's similar to the powder in ramen noodles.
Buy a gas stove to replace your electric one and have a large propane tank installed. The ovens won't work without electricity in the new gas stoves, but you can use the burners by holding a lit match to one and turning on the gas. I've had to do that in the past.
Luckily, I live in eastern NC, where you can't go a mile without crossing a river, creek, or swamp. There's also plenty of rain that I can catch and store.
I've never noticed different kinds. I thought all of it came from China. That's why I have stocked up on American made noodles and powdered chicken bouillon.
You mean ramen noodles with just the flavor packet? That's the way I've always eaten them. I have seen some recipes on YouTube, but never bothered.
If the SHTF, I will only use noodles to fill my stomach along with other more nutritious food. Besides canning and the freezer, I am now dehydrating. I got an Excalibur, the Cadillac of dehydrators. It works well.
The things you don’t even think about b/c they’re just “there” and taken for granted. Storing that info away in the “things to know during the apocalypse” file. 😉
Get tinned fish too. Full of good things. For water, buy bottles, but also prepare to catch run off and buy/make a water purifier. There's plenty of vids that show how to do that, and how to make a simple wood burning stove.
Lentils are better than pintos. Pintos have tons of lectins in them which are stressful on the kidneys. Lentils have very little. If you soak them in water with baking soda it pulls most them out. This works for all beans
Size doesn't matter, only the level of tyranny. If you're a mom-and-pop store that requires or even recommends masks, I'm boycotting you too. Get those signs off the windows.
That sucks but in their defense, it’s probably less of the shop owners preferences themselves and more that they could get their licenses / businesses shut down by local government for not complying with masks. I heard that all throughout the shutdown, we frequented a brewery where the owner was a patriot but if he didn’t require masks the health dept would shut them down. So messed up we have let these advisory boards and unelected officials dictate over every aspect of our lives. That needs to end like yesterday.
Maybe in your area but not in liberal blue cities where virtue signaling, vaccine chatter and "we all hate Trump" syndrome is a common sickness along with BLM signs in small storefronts along with "hate has no place here" signs which I find ironic as hell.
I was literally refused service at a local owned liquor store here for refusing to wear a mask during the last hysteria. I now shop at a nicer store 2 miles further where not only do employees not wear masks but the LEOs who are there on weekend evenings typically don't wear either.
Funny enough, I used to order cases of my preferred whiskey because nobody around here carries it and I got a 10% discount for the full case. The manager/owner called a couple months ago to ask if I was going to come pick up a case since I haven't been there for 9 or 10 months. I outright told him we don't shop there anymore since his staff wouldn't sell to us. Anyway, I got my whiskey again and a 10% discount even though its a few bucks more, at least I am not supporting fascists.
X22 has been pumping extreme hopium for years now. Absolutely fucking ridiculous in my opinion. Maybe he addresses it? I'm just giving my opinion not saying he's a bad guy or shill
True to a point, he consistently reshapes a narrative based on events with a twist of hopium. I don't take what he says to heart, but I like listening to him and the way he interprets events and ties them into things. Plus, I've heard things, news things, on there I wasn't aware of, so that's a plus as well.
It's a dynamic game atm of whether retail is going to starve you, DS is going to starve retail via logistical sabotage or we're going to starve retail. He doesn't need to be specific for you to understand that food is the first thing you use to coerce people.
If you have an infant in the house and run out of powder [inb4 breastfeed] then you're very likely going to fold in order to - you know, feed your baby. So have a years supply of baby food and sell/loan/give away 3 months worth to someone worthy in need.
OR WHATEVER YMMV think for yourself. They can turn off your water, electricity, gas, they can disrupt fuel supplies to petrol stations or whatever you fat fucks call them over the pond, they can interfere with police despatch times and LE availability. It MAY get like South Africa 5 years ago for a few months. Engage your brain and do what you feel you should. Blankets, chocolate, tinned fruit and veg, candles, solar charger for phones, 1000G of water, 100G of fuel, wood to burn etc etc etc etc etc.
Yep! If the fucking bs toilet paper sandal was a sign of what's to come than trust me we need to prepare. The outright panic in my cities was just pathetic.
It's very calorie dense and so, portable. It can be stored long term without refrigeration and depending on quality, has more than minimal nutritional value over simple carbs. 5KG of chocolate, clean water and a tub of multi-vitamins will get you pretty far.
Plain Hershey bars will keep for many years, as long as they are kept cool. If they get warm, the outside will turn white, but that's just the fat separating. They are still good to eat. I just finished my Y2K stash of chocolate a few years ago.
"Kek" originated as a variation of "lel", itself a variation of "lol" that was programmed into the video game World of Warcraft (2004) or alternatively a Korean onomatopoeia for laughter written as "kekeke". The phrase then became associated with the Egyptian deity of the same name.
I like how it's also similar to the beginning of a stifled laugh; for emphasis I sometimes use "kekekek" like heheheh
September 11th is when certain people do certain things because the number 10 is God's number and committing atrocities on 9-11 gets you a free pass because it's not 9-10-11, it's 9-skip-11. So God isn't watching. Yes I'm serious. This is how retarded it all is.
Here's a rudimentary rough draft of a list I'm putting together. I plan to purchase and store most items on here, feel free to suggest changes or additions:
•The Holy Bible. Read it! Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
•Firearm and ammunition. Mace, bearspray, or other nonlethal defense is also suggested
•Water, stored supplies, and water-purification materials. Filters and bleach
•Wheat and other grains, flours, and beans
•Grain grinder. Buy a quality grinder for grinding grains into flour. You should have a hand-cranked or combination hand-and-power unit
•Cooking catalysts and seasonings. Includes oils, shortenings, salt, leavenings, herbs, and spices
•Powdered milk, dairy products, and eggs
•Sprouting seeds and supplies. With a couple of jars, some nylon stockings, and a variety of seeds, you can eat garden-fresh live foods for pennies a day. I suggest alfalfa seeds, any whole grains, mung beans, soybeans, lentils, and cabbage, radish, and broccoli seeds
•Sweeteners. Honey, sugar, and maple syrup are not essential, but may help sweeten an otherwise bitter experience
•Canned and dried fruits, vegetables, and soups
•Canning supplies
•Canned, dried, or frozen meats and fish
•Dietary supplements
•Medicines and first-aid kits.
•Lights. Flashlight and lantern. Batteries too. Matches, candles
•Solid black gorilla Duct tape (a lot)
•Sleeping bag and blankets
•A cooler
•OTC Meds and Antibiotics. Antiseptics, bandages, pain relief
•personal items. Don’t forget the things in life that help you stay happy and centered. A couple of decks of cards and a copy of Hoyle’s book of card games can break the tension and generate a lot of laughs when times are tough
•Open-pollinated seeds for gardening. I recommend that you store a variety of seeds for gardening. Use open-pollinated seeds, not hybrids, so you can save seeds from your garden for future needs, if necessary
•Pleasure foods, including snacks, treats, sweets, and beverages. These may not have much nutritive value, but they are great for lifting morale or giving yourself a little reward.
•Hygiene Products. Paper towels, toilet paper, soap, cleaning supplies,
•Rain gear and warm clothing
•Books: Physical paper books. Living Off Grid, Homesteading, Gardening, Survival, etc
•Basic sewing supplies
•Fishing Rod/reel/line/hooks
•common repair parts for supplies (extra tube for bike tire, etc)
I bought The Hebrew Bible and The Secret Teachings of All Ages to have a hardcopy, no battery needed entertainment and educational material in case shit goes down.
Only thing I'm short on right now is .50 BMG ammo (unfortunately I lack the kind of piece that fires it, so I didn't get any), and good fiction books to pass the time. Can someone suggest me a couple good doorstoppers or collections worth getting ?
William R. Forstchen's three part series of "One Second After," "One Year After" and "The Final Day" is a gripping look at rebuilding civilization after a very effective EMP attack. The problems only begin when the power goes permanently off.
A fantastic series. One Second After did much to complete my wake-up 9 years ago. Recommended reading for everybody along with Glenn Becks Agenda 21 series.
Project Gutenberg has thousands of books for free download in your favorite formats. has millions of items. There are also a number of Usenet newsgroups that have books you can download, although the main poster was arrested a few years ago. That guy was uploading hundreds of books every single day, 365 days a year, for a good number of years. Being an aspie, I had to download all of them, regardless of subject.
I prefer paper books, and I have a huge library. But I can't afford to buy all the ones I want. So I download all I can.
A cheap 7" Fire tablet, 128GB microSD cards, and a small solar setup eliminates the power worries. I bought my tablet on a Thanksgiving sale for $29.99. Amazing price for what you get.
Seems like we get a Lin Wood tweet about stocking up every month only nothing happens and then, the warning goes to the next month. Is this from a legit Lin Woods' account? Kind of makes him look ridiculous to have the same warning month after month.
I have a theory. In reality they could outlast half the population that might do this, and do it at various levels of preparedness. In other words, some could go a week, some a month, some a year based on stockpiles. Also, gotta, for the most part, use and enrich the tyrants to stock up and prepare, which defeat the purpose in my opinion. BUT, what if this preparedness talk has less to do with us striking, and more to do with the military striking. Perhaps Lynn has been asked to get the word out to prepare because the time is upon us when shit will happen. That's all i can conclude from this post because on its face, this post about a strike will accomplish nothing.
You are "striking" against their requirement to be vaccinated to buy water from them, food from them, petrol from them, animal feed, baby milk, household cleaning agents, nappies, dog food, medical supplies.
You can't siege them out of that position financially if the would-be siege crew have nothing to eat.
We need water, as most people buy their water from the big businesses that we are supposed to boycott. Lin Wood specifically said to quit shopping at Walmart and posting on Twitter.
BTW, buying anything physical now is better than putting money in the bank, because of inflation, which is expected to accelerate soon. That's the reason I give clerks when they notice me buying a dozen canned hams. They can understand inflation and how little interest the banks pay on savings.
What are some of these brainwashed people going to do, if we actually destroy Walmart? They won't have anywhere to go to show off those "fashions" or to buy their Chinese plastic crap. They might starve, if we aren't good enough to help them.
Man I hate to be the cog in this particular wheel, but... are we suggesting here that if we self-shutdown our economy then we will bring the Deep State down?
Isn't crashing the economy what these Globalist fucks want?
I've been prepping for years. I actually can't make myself stop. It's like God put this compulsion into my head and I can't turn it off. I still think I don't have enough. It's maddening.
This doesn't mean buy a whole bunch of shit from Walmart all at once that you would have otherwise bought over 12 weeks. Unless your grand plan is to give big corp accountants a few sleepless nights, shop and prepare locally.
The economy is already crippled. Im bout to lay 10 men off. All veterans because the precipice is here. President Trump, we reaching critical mass out here.
Never a bad idea to be prepared. Worst case Ontario nothing happens and you eat your supplies
Better to have and not need than need and not have.
Like raincoats and condoms...!
I just thought of that awesome moment when Obozo couldn’t get through the gate with the damn umbrella....classic for sure.
I missed that, is there a video somewhere? Of course I can’t find anything on YouTube except marines holding umbrellas for him.
I wish that was just a joke but...
Exactly. The neighbors all laugh, but you lose nothing by having some stuff stored away which you can use if nothing happens.
Regardless of whether this happens or not, winter storms happen, tornadoes happen, earthquakes happen, flooding happens. There are tons of reasons to keep excess supplies at the house other than some political happenings.
Been stocking up for while even though my husband thinks I'm crazy. Canned goods, dry goods and water. Probably grab a few more things in the next week. I only buy what I know we'd eat in any event, and it gives me peace of mind if nothing else.
Glad to see your husband thinks you are crazy too. Every time I bring home another case of water for him to put in the outside fridge, he just makes fun of me.
Right? I'm surprised my husband finds me amusing since he's very red pilled in general. Oh well, I just say nothing and shove it into the pantry.
my wife thinks i buy too much. she thinks you should only get one extra of something.
It's pretty amazing how much food you can buy, when it's canned, for $200! One thing I need to get is regular stuff like toothpaste, moutwash, floss, soap, etc. I think people tend to concentrate on food when it comes to survival supplies, but you really need a lot of other stuff too (especially toilet paper :) )
You don't want your neighbors to know you are stocked up! (you really don't want anyone to know you are stocked up)
My husband likes to mention it to his friends and even some of our neighbors how we have food and other supplies stocked up. I told him later not to do that anymore. You never know what people might do when desperate.
Exactly! And you also have to face the possibility they will show up at your door, a week or two into an event that would require such supplies, and act all pitiful and play on your guilt to share, and then, what do you do? Although I haven't told anyone we are stocked up, I'm thinking of putting a sign on our door, if it comes to it, with a note that has something like, "We are not answering the door for anyone. We wish you the best in dealing with our current situation. If you need water, you can take some from the pool" (and maybe I'll put a bucket next to the pool :) )
I’m gonna help and assist all neighbors or anyone that comes to my door. It’s the Christian thing to do. If we ever had a chance at rebuilding a world where peace reigns, how can we start off with selfishness?
Someone mentioned Noah in this thread. Remember how he practically begged to warn others and help people? Never turned anyone away. He believed what God had told him, and feared God’s wrath. And fought till the worlds end/beginning to help others. God closed the doors to the ark. So unless your homes door cannot be opened, I would advise to help others. As long as you can.
That could be the tough decision to make; enough food for a few people to live, or enough food for more people to live for a shorter amount of time. If the amount of time that would be required to survive was known, it would make things a little easier :) I'm thinking that enough for a month is reasonable, because if things haven't "normalized" in a month, then it won't likely happen any time soon, so unless you have years worth of food, you would be in the same boat as the people who didn't prepare at all (except they got hungry sooner).
The neighbors laughed at Noah, too, but that didn't age well, either.
Worst case Ontario is a good band name
Lol Worst case Ontario
Was that a typo or intentional
Nice one, Ricky.
everyone needs to keep at least a years worth of food on hand, also be mindful to the fact that there might be family and friends that need help. how much help you can give in an emergency will depend on how much supplies that you have that surpasses the 1 year supply of food. also best to keep any prep plans to yourself otherwise in a real disaster you might become a target.
This, DO NOT TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU ARE STORING- it only takes 3 days without food to make people crazy.
not crazzy. they go into survival mode. start not being able to feed self and family and anything can be justified if it gets your kids fed.
I’ve watched to many apocalypse type tv shows. That’s the truth. Look how evil people are & they have anything they desire.
Target......or a bait pile lolololol
This was actually fun to read. 👊 🇺🇸
Raccoons amd squirrels have hit my stock, From sitting so long.
Metal garbage cans wrapped in chains and locked. That'll stop 'em.
Me too. I even go to our bug out most weekends and work on it. Learnt to live there and what's what.
If you’re broke and need SOMETHING buy a 10 pound bag of rice, 10 pound bag of pinto beans, chicken broth cubes, and whatever preference of canned goods. You can easily put this in the back of your pantry for 2 years without touching any of it and your total price will be around $20 This is for desperate measures only and not preferred stocking up. Water will be your number one concern. At least 1 gallon per person per day. Prepare water for 2 weeks. Propane is also essential. 2 bottles of small propane for 4-8 dollars to cook/heat. Well worth buying and storing.
I would recommend this for cooking using biofuel instead of propane. Most people can get virtually unlimited sticks around where they live…
Those are nice! I’m well prepared and live out in the boonies with overbearing family members that keep buying me propane bottles for some reason lol. I’ve also seen some that are “smokeless and odorless” grills but they’re pretty high value 300-500.
By week 3 or 4 when people are desperate for food and they smell you cooking outside, they will show up for it.
people can be useful
Don't cook smelly food. Also, don't cook when the wind is blowing. If you must cook something that smells, cook it around 3AM when no one else is awake. Then you can just warm it up the next day and eat. A sun oven is a free way to cook a lot of things. I wouldn't use a grill at all, at least for a long time and things get more settled after a collapse.
Yes, that was my worry too. More people showing up than you can feed.
I have a home made rocket stove for just in case. Daughter is a welder.
You can make hobo stoves from coffee cans.
Yes, but where do I get the coffee cans?
Instead of the broth cubes, you can get large bags of the same stuff in loose powder form in the Mexican section of the grocery store. I have stored some. It is good for flavoring any kind of noodles. It's similar to the powder in ramen noodles.
Buy a gas stove to replace your electric one and have a large propane tank installed. The ovens won't work without electricity in the new gas stoves, but you can use the burners by holding a lit match to one and turning on the gas. I've had to do that in the past.
Luckily, I live in eastern NC, where you can't go a mile without crossing a river, creek, or swamp. There's also plenty of rain that I can catch and store.
I've never noticed different kinds. I thought all of it came from China. That's why I have stocked up on American made noodles and powdered chicken bouillon.
You mean ramen noodles with just the flavor packet? That's the way I've always eaten them. I have seen some recipes on YouTube, but never bothered.
If the SHTF, I will only use noodles to fill my stomach along with other more nutritious food. Besides canning and the freezer, I am now dehydrating. I got an Excalibur, the Cadillac of dehydrators. It works well.
In dire situations, remember most homes have a 40 gallon hot water tank that can be drained at the bottom.
The things you don’t even think about b/c they’re just “there” and taken for granted. Storing that info away in the “things to know during the apocalypse” file. 😉
Get tinned fish too. Full of good things. For water, buy bottles, but also prepare to catch run off and buy/make a water purifier. There's plenty of vids that show how to do that, and how to make a simple wood burning stove.
Just a friendly reminder that those disposable plastic water bottles are not good long-term storage. Get some food-grade container like this:
Also keep a little bleach on-hand for disinfecting it.
Lentils are better than pintos. Pintos have tons of lectins in them which are stressful on the kidneys. Lentils have very little. If you soak them in water with baking soda it pulls most them out. This works for all beans
Well our local small businesses, independent pharmacies, etc. need our support.
Please let us not boycott our selves!
Size doesn't matter, only the level of tyranny. If you're a mom-and-pop store that requires or even recommends masks, I'm boycotting you too. Get those signs off the windows.
not that I have seen
Both of the local game shops in my city gave me more nazi crap over masks than the Targets and Krogers.
That sucks but in their defense, it’s probably less of the shop owners preferences themselves and more that they could get their licenses / businesses shut down by local government for not complying with masks. I heard that all throughout the shutdown, we frequented a brewery where the owner was a patriot but if he didn’t require masks the health dept would shut them down. So messed up we have let these advisory boards and unelected officials dictate over every aspect of our lives. That needs to end like yesterday.
No chains. Mom and Pops only that are patriots.
I don't know any that aren't. Like family farms, pretty much the definition OF.
Maybe in your area but not in liberal blue cities where virtue signaling, vaccine chatter and "we all hate Trump" syndrome is a common sickness along with BLM signs in small storefronts along with "hate has no place here" signs which I find ironic as hell.
OH MY I thought they were supposed to be socialists! How dare they operate a business! /s
"If you like sucking dick, we want your money!"
Just seems weird to me.
I was literally refused service at a local owned liquor store here for refusing to wear a mask during the last hysteria. I now shop at a nicer store 2 miles further where not only do employees not wear masks but the LEOs who are there on weekend evenings typically don't wear either.
Funny enough, I used to order cases of my preferred whiskey because nobody around here carries it and I got a 10% discount for the full case. The manager/owner called a couple months ago to ask if I was going to come pick up a case since I haven't been there for 9 or 10 months. I outright told him we don't shop there anymore since his staff wouldn't sell to us. Anyway, I got my whiskey again and a 10% discount even though its a few bucks more, at least I am not supporting fascists.
Glad you found another place to shop.
Go woke, go broke. Good on ya pede!
X22 has mentioned this a couple times...
Not the site specifically, but that September is national preparedness month
X22 has been pumping extreme hopium for years now. Absolutely fucking ridiculous in my opinion. Maybe he addresses it? I'm just giving my opinion not saying he's a bad guy or shill
True to a point, he consistently reshapes a narrative based on events with a twist of hopium. I don't take what he says to heart, but I like listening to him and the way he interprets events and ties them into things. Plus, I've heard things, news things, on there I wasn't aware of, so that's a plus as well.
I'm on board. Have been. Spread the word.
He's been wrong too many times in the past when he tried his hand at prophecy.
Regardless, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan should normal life be interrupted.
What's the strike? He never described what we're supposed to do, or who the tyrants are that we're boycotting after sept 11.
EDIT: LOL @ smallbrains who felt the need to downvote this
He gave examples of what will be spelled out in more detail. Dont buy from wal mart and dont go on Twitter
Already don't do either of those things. What next?
It's a dynamic game atm of whether retail is going to starve you, DS is going to starve retail via logistical sabotage or we're going to starve retail. He doesn't need to be specific for you to understand that food is the first thing you use to coerce people.
If you have an infant in the house and run out of powder [inb4 breastfeed] then you're very likely going to fold in order to - you know, feed your baby. So have a years supply of baby food and sell/loan/give away 3 months worth to someone worthy in need.
OR WHATEVER YMMV think for yourself. They can turn off your water, electricity, gas, they can disrupt fuel supplies to petrol stations or whatever you fat fucks call them over the pond, they can interfere with police despatch times and LE availability. It MAY get like South Africa 5 years ago for a few months. Engage your brain and do what you feel you should. Blankets, chocolate, tinned fruit and veg, candles, solar charger for phones, 1000G of water, 100G of fuel, wood to burn etc etc etc etc etc.
Yep! If the fucking bs toilet paper sandal was a sign of what's to come than trust me we need to prepare. The outright panic in my cities was just pathetic.
I like the fact you have chocolate right up there as #2
It's very calorie dense and so, portable. It can be stored long term without refrigeration and depending on quality, has more than minimal nutritional value over simple carbs. 5KG of chocolate, clean water and a tub of multi-vitamins will get you pretty far.
I'm thinking I should get some weight gainer. if they steal all my food they probably won't steal that. 😅
Awesome! And tasty. :).
Srsly, thanks for that info.
Plain Hershey bars will keep for many years, as long as they are kept cool. If they get warm, the outside will turn white, but that's just the fat separating. They are still good to eat. I just finished my Y2K stash of chocolate a few years ago.
I asked the same question. Not sure why the down votes. Obviously, "the strike" isn't yet common knowledge...
So LOL is fine but not kek...OK
Everyone has their own rules I guess
I googled "origin of kek" for you and got this:
"Kek" originated as a variation of "lel", itself a variation of "lol" that was programmed into the video game World of Warcraft (2004) or alternatively a Korean onomatopoeia for laughter written as "kekeke". The phrase then became associated with the Egyptian deity of the same name.
I like how it's also similar to the beginning of a stifled laugh; for emphasis I sometimes use "kekekek" like heheheh
September 11th is when certain people do certain things because the number 10 is God's number and committing atrocities on 9-11 gets you a free pass because it's not 9-10-11, it's 9-skip-11. So God isn't watching. Yes I'm serious. This is how retarded it all is.
Sept 11th is when somebody did something!
I thought 7 was gods number or something…
Patriots Day is in April.
9/11 is Patriot Day without the “s”.
It’s a silly name being singular I agree. I think they named it as not to confuse it with April 15 Patriots Day…
This goes without saying. Always be prepared. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Here's a rudimentary rough draft of a list I'm putting together. I plan to purchase and store most items on here, feel free to suggest changes or additions:
•The Holy Bible. Read it! Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
•Firearm and ammunition. Mace, bearspray, or other nonlethal defense is also suggested
•Water, stored supplies, and water-purification materials. Filters and bleach
•Wheat and other grains, flours, and beans
•Grain grinder. Buy a quality grinder for grinding grains into flour. You should have a hand-cranked or combination hand-and-power unit
•Cooking catalysts and seasonings. Includes oils, shortenings, salt, leavenings, herbs, and spices
•Powdered milk, dairy products, and eggs
•Sprouting seeds and supplies. With a couple of jars, some nylon stockings, and a variety of seeds, you can eat garden-fresh live foods for pennies a day. I suggest alfalfa seeds, any whole grains, mung beans, soybeans, lentils, and cabbage, radish, and broccoli seeds
•Sweeteners. Honey, sugar, and maple syrup are not essential, but may help sweeten an otherwise bitter experience
•Canned and dried fruits, vegetables, and soups
•Canning supplies
•Canned, dried, or frozen meats and fish
•Dietary supplements
•Medicines and first-aid kits.
•Lights. Flashlight and lantern. Batteries too. Matches, candles
•Solid black gorilla Duct tape (a lot)
•Sleeping bag and blankets
•A cooler
•OTC Meds and Antibiotics. Antiseptics, bandages, pain relief
•personal items. Don’t forget the things in life that help you stay happy and centered. A couple of decks of cards and a copy of Hoyle’s book of card games can break the tension and generate a lot of laughs when times are tough
•Open-pollinated seeds for gardening. I recommend that you store a variety of seeds for gardening. Use open-pollinated seeds, not hybrids, so you can save seeds from your garden for future needs, if necessary
•Pleasure foods, including snacks, treats, sweets, and beverages. These may not have much nutritive value, but they are great for lifting morale or giving yourself a little reward.
•Hygiene Products. Paper towels, toilet paper, soap, cleaning supplies,
•Rain gear and warm clothing
•Books: Physical paper books. Living Off Grid, Homesteading, Gardening, Survival, etc
•Basic sewing supplies
•Fishing Rod/reel/line/hooks
•common repair parts for supplies (extra tube for bike tire, etc)
Good list!
Don’t forget a cordless hole puncher and freedom seeds
Thanks haha I omitted that originally because I’m already set but I should add it for other Pedes
Pet food. Livestock needs.
I would like to add to this list: Books. Physical, paper books.
Thank you, I've added those items to the list. When I'm done with the list and I've cleaned it up, I'll post it
I bought The Hebrew Bible and The Secret Teachings of All Ages to have a hardcopy, no battery needed entertainment and educational material in case shit goes down.
Aww WTF? If this datefagging bs continues into September/October......fuck.
You thought it would actually stop at any point? Don't worry, we'll be getting a whole other year more of it in 2022.
Only thing I'm short on right now is .50 BMG ammo (unfortunately I lack the kind of piece that fires it, so I didn't get any), and good fiction books to pass the time. Can someone suggest me a couple good doorstoppers or collections worth getting ?
William R. Forstchen's three part series of "One Second After," "One Year After" and "The Final Day" is a gripping look at rebuilding civilization after a very effective EMP attack. The problems only begin when the power goes permanently off.
A fantastic series. One Second After did much to complete my wake-up 9 years ago. Recommended reading for everybody along with Glenn Becks Agenda 21 series.
C'mon, man, I said fiction. We might be on the cusp of experiencing this for real. Thanks for the tip, though.
Isaac Asimov Foundation series. Tangentially related to what's going on today as well.
Project Gutenberg has thousands of books for free download in your favorite formats. has millions of items. There are also a number of Usenet newsgroups that have books you can download, although the main poster was arrested a few years ago. That guy was uploading hundreds of books every single day, 365 days a year, for a good number of years. Being an aspie, I had to download all of them, regardless of subject.
I'm very interested. Though I'm more partial to the good ol' paper books. For the feel, and in case the power grid gets hit in my area.
I prefer paper books, and I have a huge library. But I can't afford to buy all the ones I want. So I download all I can.
A cheap 7" Fire tablet, 128GB microSD cards, and a small solar setup eliminates the power worries. I bought my tablet on a Thanksgiving sale for $29.99. Amazing price for what you get.
I thought August was THE month. But Lin is correct. Something big is coming, whatever date it is. As the Boy Scouts say: "Be prepared!"
I wouldn't be surprised if everything is shut down, making any kind of "strike" unnecessary.
Seems like we get a Lin Wood tweet about stocking up every month only nothing happens and then, the warning goes to the next month. Is this from a legit Lin Woods' account? Kind of makes him look ridiculous to have the same warning month after month.
Does anyone know what kind of strike he is calling for? Stop going to work? Stop paying your bills?
Read his other posts and I'm not so sure, though..
Most people nowadays buy their water at the store.
We are supposed to boycott all the big corporate businesses and social media starting on September 11 and continue until they are destroyed.
Lin is just telling you what you haven't thought of:
I have a theory. In reality they could outlast half the population that might do this, and do it at various levels of preparedness. In other words, some could go a week, some a month, some a year based on stockpiles. Also, gotta, for the most part, use and enrich the tyrants to stock up and prepare, which defeat the purpose in my opinion. BUT, what if this preparedness talk has less to do with us striking, and more to do with the military striking. Perhaps Lynn has been asked to get the word out to prepare because the time is upon us when shit will happen. That's all i can conclude from this post because on its face, this post about a strike will accomplish nothing.
You are "striking" against their requirement to be vaccinated to buy water from them, food from them, petrol from them, animal feed, baby milk, household cleaning agents, nappies, dog food, medical supplies.
You can't siege them out of that position financially if the would-be siege crew have nothing to eat.
Glad im not the only one taking his post to mean this.
We need water, as most people buy their water from the big businesses that we are supposed to boycott. Lin Wood specifically said to quit shopping at Walmart and posting on Twitter.
BTW, buying anything physical now is better than putting money in the bank, because of inflation, which is expected to accelerate soon. That's the reason I give clerks when they notice me buying a dozen canned hams. They can understand inflation and how little interest the banks pay on savings.
What are some of these brainwashed people going to do, if we actually destroy Walmart? They won't have anywhere to go to show off those "fashions" or to buy their Chinese plastic crap. They might starve, if we aren't good enough to help them.
Whats the sauce for this? I don't see anything on his telegram and even did a word search. :/
It's there. Posted 8/17/2021. Look again.
Melania last year had this notice in September as well. Maybe it was a year's notice to stock up.
Man I hate to be the cog in this particular wheel, but... are we suggesting here that if we self-shutdown our economy then we will bring the Deep State down?
Isn't crashing the economy what these Globalist fucks want?
Good plan.
Why would they announce a concrete day as to when all of their moves would take place?
Makes zero sense.
It is a start date for a continuing process. Everyone beginning the same day will make more impact.
9-11 has religious significance to those that matter.
Still makes zero sense to telegraph your moves unless your statement is a distraction.
Yea, it definitely feels like we are building up to something big. But has any Lin Wood predictions come to reality even once yet?
I've been prepping for years. I actually can't make myself stop. It's like God put this compulsion into my head and I can't turn it off. I still think I don't have enough. It's maddening.
I need to become a soccer player with all this goalpost moving.
Trump said to prepare in September three years ago. That part hasn't moved.
I've been prepared since 1999. And it's helped during financial and health problems.
Everyone needs to be more prepared. It's the sensible thing to do.
This doesn't mean buy a whole bunch of shit from Walmart all at once that you would have otherwise bought over 12 weeks. Unless your grand plan is to give big corp accountants a few sleepless nights, shop and prepare locally.
10 days. darkness.
10 days of dankness 😏
user name checks out
HAHAH! pedewithweed would say that.
Lin is just telling you what you haven't thought of:
The economy is already crippled. Im bout to lay 10 men off. All veterans because the precipice is here. President Trump, we reaching critical mass out here.
Finally someone I believe! I’ve been ready and every time I get a little more ready so bring it!